
ahoneybunmhall119, KeithIMyers_ http://i.imgur.com/8ggfJyr.jpg04:21
ahoneybunoh yea jose too http://i.imgur.com/8ggfJyr.jpg04:21
joseoh, that is jam pack04:21
ahoneybunoh really>04:23
ahoneybunjust for GJ then?04:23
ahoneybunjose, do you know where the resources are for making Ubuntu style powerpoints?04:26
josenope, I make libreoffice impress presentations04:27
joseor Prezis04:27
josenah, I don't think there are resources. Just follow the design guidelines04:27
ahoneybunyea LibreOffice of course04:28
ahoneybunI want to use those cool dot designs in a presentation about ubuntu at a local computer event04:28
joseno idea04:28
ahoneybunI'm trying to copy it and make it in GIMP04:29
Nothing_MuchI think Prezi uses Flash player07:16
Nothing_MuchThat piece of garbage needs to die07:16

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