
Kilosmorning captine  ambo_  spinza  and other lurkers05:16
Kiloshi Tonberry_  05:58
Kiloshi gremble  08:07
Kilosdidnt even hear you sneak in08:07
Kiloshi SilverCode  08:24
SilverCodemorning Kilos08:28
gremblehey Kilos 08:44
Kilosstupid xperia forgot my password, and after much struggling to find where to set it again it now says certificate error, check date and time08:48
Kilosdate and time are correct08:48
* Kilos looks for a 4lb hammer08:49
Kiloshi Private_User  you logged in once only and cloaked so all good09:00
Kiloswhat did you do?09:00
Kilosohi as well09:00
grembleRemember when I mentioned SASL authentication Kilos? 09:01
grembleThat is what it is. You authenticate before you connect to the server09:01
grembleSo when you are logged on, you are already authenticated and cloaked09:01
Kilosis that something extra one must do gremble  ?09:02
grembleIt is an alternative form of authentication09:02
Kilosmine works so its not a prob here, maybe konversation sets it for me09:02
grembleLet me see if I can get a link for you09:02
grembleNo problem09:05
Private_Userhi Kilos, nice thanks so maybe it was the connectivity09:05
Kilosweird hey09:06
Kilosoh that09:17
Kilosive seen it before 09:17
Kilossjoe what a twit09:17
Kilosnever bothered to use it before09:18
grembleWith that you can log in even if somoene else is using your username09:19
grembleSo you can ghost them without having to use a password09:19
Kilosaha ty09:19
jrgnshello all10:43
jrgnsanyone up for some weird browsing debugging?10:43
Kiloshi jrgns  10:54
Kiloswhats happening10:55
jrgnstracepath also can't get past my router10:59
Kiloscan you ping google.com11:00
jrgnsyup. DNS works fine11:01
jrgnsping www.google.com11:01
jrgnsPING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.11:01
jrgns64 bytes from cache.google.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=58 time=11.1 ms11:01
Kiloswe need inetpro  11:01
Kiloswhat does your browser do or not do11:01
jrgnsBrowser can resolve the domain (DNS ok) and make a request it seems, and then get's stuck on "Waiting for www.google.com" until it fails with "The connection was reset"11:02
Kilosso the router is most likely blocking it?11:03
jrgnsI'mg going through the router settings now to see if it's maybe a firewall setting or something on there that's screwing things up, but those weren't changed for ages11:03
jrgnsand if the router is blocking it, why can curl requests go through?11:03
Kilosoh is it a worked before but now sick prob11:04
jrgnscurl -v www.google.com > test.html11:04
jrgnsConnected to www.google.com ( port 80 (#0)11:04
jrgns> GET / HTTP/1.111:04
jrgns> User-Agent: curl/7.35.011:04
jrgns> Host: www.google.com11:04
jrgns> Accept: */*11:04
jrgns> 11:04
jrgns< HTTP/1.1 302 Found11:04
jrgns{ [data not shown]11:04
jrgns100   261  100   261    0     0    567      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   56811:04
jrgns* Connection #0 to host www.google.com left intact11:04
jrgns(soz, can't slexy)11:05
jrgnsI can even follow the 302 and retrieve that11:05
Kilosrestart the router11:05
jrgnsand do https requests11:05
jrgnshave done so numerous times since this started :(11:05
Kiloseveryone is shopping atm looks like11:06
Kilosmy router has a place in settings where i see whats connected and then just click allow that connection11:07
Kilosmaybe storms messed something up there11:08
Kiloswhat router is it lets see what google says11:09
jrgnswireless G11:09
jrgnslooking for the exact specs11:09
Kilosyou here on irc using it atm?11:10
jrgnsbipac 5200g r411:10
jrgnsand I can update and upgrade using apt11:10
Kilosyou only got one browser?11:10
jrgnstried firefox and chromium11:11
jrgnsgoing to try lynx now :)11:11
jrgnsalso tried incognito on FF, as wel as a clean profile11:11
jrgnsthe more I think about it, though, the more I think it's the router. I tried connecting using the same laptop from another line, another router, and it worked fine11:14
jrgnsI'm going to reset the router, set it up again, and see what happens11:14
Kilosgood luck11:14
Kilosi park my billion off to one side and dont use it11:15
jrgnsany specific reason?11:15
jrgnswhat do you use?11:15
Kilosya it kept disconnection 3g when im not active11:15
Kilosi use 3g direct to pc 11:15
Kilosi have a 7300nx11:16
Kilosonly lug in when i want 2 pcs online at the same time11:16
Kiloswb jrgns  11:24
jrgnsdid a reset of the router. Still no happiness :(11:25
jrgnsI'm going to try another router, see if that solves the problem11:26
Kiloshi magespawn  11:29
magespawnhi Kilos11:29
magespawni see on g+ there is about 60 people invited to the meeting11:31
Kilos6 come11:31
magespawnthen we must get the invites up to 60011:33
Kilosya hahaha11:33
gremblenothing much happens though11:34
Kilosat the meets gremble  ?11:34
Kilosyeah there are long periods when nothing happens but to remain a loco we must have them11:35
magespawntrue, but i think it is difficult, people are so spread out, and always busy11:35
Kilosour prob is we are a few with no new blood with new ideas and energy to do things11:35
Kiloslike even our ubuntu hours have died11:36
Kilosand release parties etc11:36
Kilospeeps are just too busy making ends meet11:37
magespawnthose who famalies and jobs run out of time fast11:39
magespawnhave ^11:39
Kilosour meetings used to be alive when there was more time. peeps were always planning events and so on11:49
Kilosits up to us to try inject more life into everything11:49
Kilosthats why i got you invited here gremble  11:49
Kiloswhere is the guy that invited you? he has moved on now11:49
grembleHe just disconnected from here :P11:52
Kiloswell at least you stayed11:52
grembleHaha no, I mean he literaly just dc'd11:53
grembleit was kbmonkey11:53
Kilosoh ya i saw the11:53
Kilosi wonder how my monkey is doing11:53
Kilossoon ill rev him on his fone again11:54
Kilosstress gets him down i think11:54
Kiloswb kbmonkey  12:00
Kilosdont be afk all the time man12:00
Kiloskbmonkey  ping12:01
inetprogoeie middag13:09
inetprohmm... 13:11
* inetpro wonders what jrgns' problem is 13:12
gremblehe is also wondering I think13:41
Kiloshi inetpro  14:16
Kilosjurhave you fixed it14:16
Kilosjrgns  too14:16
Kilosi go fetch sheep14:17
jrgnsKilos: I'm still confirming, but it seems to be sorted now14:18
Kilosjrgns  wb14:40
Kilostell the story man14:40
jrgnsthanx. I'm back on the same router, same account... everything working fine. It might be telkom doing maintenance that somehow screwing things. But I have no idea exactly what the issue is14:40
Kilosoh my14:41
Kilosnow if someone else comes with the same prob i have nothing to tell them i forgot14:41
Kilosbut im glad its working lad. enjoy the net14:42
Kilosand dont forget our meeting here on tuesday night and 20.3014:43
jrgnshehe, i'll set an appointment14:43
Kilosat 20.3014:43
Kilosgremble  this one should be more interesting because the fly wants to use the stick on us14:44
Kiloswhat we need is a good flamewar, they seem to attract attention14:46
grembleWhat stick?15:00
Kilosone one those that hurts your butt15:00
Kilosi cant remember if he said stick or size 10 army boot15:01
Kilosbut it was a rear end pain maker15:01
grembleIf he wants to do things to your ass, keep us out of it :o15:02
Kilosone can see you younguns were never disciplined15:03
SquirmHey folks15:08
Kiloshi Squirm  15:08
grembleHey Squirm 15:12
Kilosi mean gremble  15:39
Kilosare you one of our members yet?15:42
Kilosoph i found where to see all members15:44
Kilosoh as well15:44
Kilosjoin join join man15:44
grembleI hang out here, but I don't think I'll join anything16:01
* Kilos cries16:01
Kilosdont think man just do16:02
Kilosthinking is bad for the head16:02
* Squirm looks around16:04
* Squirm sweats16:04
Squirmso hot16:04
Kilosvery hot here as well Squirm  16:05
SquirmMaaz: weather in Cape Town16:05
MaazSquirm: In Cape Town, South Africa at 6:00 PM SAST on January 24, 2015: 20°C; Humidity: 83%; Wind: WNW at 41 km/h; Conditions: Mostly Cloudy; Sunrise/set: 5:58 AM SAST/7:56 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 10:18 AM SAST/10:37 PM SAST16:05
SquirmMaaz: weather in Muizenberg16:05
MaazSquirm: City not found16:05
SquirmMaaz: weather in Southern Suburbs16:05
MaazSquirm: In Baton Rouge, Louisiana at 9:53 AM CST on January 24, 2015: 7°C; Humidity: 68%; Wind: West at 9 km/h; Conditions: Clear; Sunrise/set: 6:59 AM CST/5:33 PM CST; Moonrise/set: 9:50 AM CST/10:27 PM CST16:05
Kiloswb Private_User  16:06
Squirmbut feels so much hotter16:07
grembleIt is that humidity16:07
grembleGo take a dip in the sea16:07
Squirmsuperfly: up for a swim? :D16:08
grembleJust watch out for the sharks16:08
Kilosthat water can even cool a fridge down16:08
Kilosthe fly is afk16:08
KilosSquirm  have you been in that water yet?16:08
SquirmAnd it was nice16:08
Kilosits freezing16:08
Squirmvery nice16:09
Kilosi couldnt get in past my ankles 16:09
Squirmand nuvo isn't around16:10
SquirmHmm... Who else is up for the beach?16:11
Kilosplenty penguins16:11
grembleI'll go with you16:11
Kilosand whites16:11
grembleIf you fly me down16:11
Squirmgremble: where are you?"16:11
SquirmThat's not too far16:12
SquirmYou'll be down by the time I want a swim tomorrow16:12
Squirmand home in time for work on Monday16:12
Squirmnot too bad of a drive :P16:12
grembleIf I fly down now, I'm failry sure I can be there before it is very dark16:12
gremblefairly 16:13
grembleI drove to grahamstown with the bus. I don't think I will be driving anywhere that far, soon16:13
Kilosi once drove to gordons bay and stellenbosch for a footup trials national16:16
Kilostowing a trailer with 3 bikes on16:16
Kilosmany many hours16:16
magespawnhome time back later all16:37
Kiloshi nlsthzn  hows you and family?17:02
nlsthznhey uncle Kilos ... alive and kicking... night shift finished now so more human... will look into those testimonials a bit later (or tomorrow morning)17:03
Kilosgreat ty nlsthzn  17:05
Kiloswould be nice if they would make a membership available for all loco members regardless of contributions17:06
nlsthznthat would make it pointless17:07
Kilosevening superfly  looks like no luck yet17:40
Kiloswb bmg505  18:00
superflyHopefully it will be fixed18:08
superflySquirm: how's the wind? It came up a little while ago and helped cool things down, but now it's not blowing anymore18:21
Squirmsuperfly: It's sad18:42
SquirmIt was amazing, when it came. The mountain Tokai forest is on was completely covered in cloud18:43
SquirmThought it might actually rain18:43
SquirmBut no rain clouds, just the nice cool wind :/18:43
SquirmBut hey, my room is boiling hot, going to buy a fan tomorrow. But for now, I'm off to Claremont for the evening :) Just got out of a "cold" shower... Which wasn't too cold :/18:44
Squirmsuperfly: get everyone to the beach tomorrow, there's a pub there I know that sells cold beer ;)18:48
Squirmchat to you all tomorrow18:48
Kiloswb neelsie18:55
nlsthznthanks :)18:57
Kiloshi captine  19:07
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  19:14
superflyHi ThatGraemeGuy 19:17
ThatGraemeGuyhi fly19:17
inetprohi superfly19:27
inetprooh and hi Kilos, ThatGraemeGuy and everyone else :-)19:28
inetproMaaz: coffee on19:28
* Maaz puts the kettle on19:28
Kiloslol hi inetpro  19:28
KilosMaaz  coffee please19:28
MaazKilos: Righto19:28
inetprowhat's happening in ubuntu-za land?19:28
* inetpro noticed19:29
Kilosfly still got no power ans Squirm  gone jolling19:29
inetproand /me is tired again19:29
inetpromaybe even still19:30
Kilosits saterday man. what you been doing19:30
inetprochanged car battery today19:30
Kilosyou or battery centr19:30
inetprotook it to the battery centre, tested and found a dead cell19:30
Kilosthey arent cheap anymore either19:30
inetproR1500 to get a new one19:31
inetproyep, it hurts19:31
Kilosmany months od data19:31
Kilosyou clever okes must fing a way to make money online man19:31
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!19:32
inetproand this one lasted only like three years19:32
inetproMaaz: dankie baie19:32
MaazGeniet jou koppie boeretroos inetpro19:32
Kilosyip only original batteries last longer19:32
Kilosyou actually lucky to make 3 years19:33
KilosMaaz  thanks man19:33
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)19:33
inetprowell it was a Silver Calcium battery, should have got more out of it19:33
Kilosnormal batteries you are lucky if they make 1 1/2 years19:34
Kiloswe alsways said that they make them just to make the 1 year garauntee19:35
* inetpro read online that the mean time for Silver Calsium batteries should be more like 6 years19:35
superflyHi inetpro, still no adsl here19:35
Kilosmurphy visits you too19:35
superflyBusy making cheesecake 19:35
Kilosmail some superfly  19:35
inetproKilos: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_calcium_battery#Technological_information19:36
inetprobut I also see that it generally requires more charging voltage19:36
Kilosthey talk nonsense about alternators generating power19:37
inetpromy car's charging voltage seems to be only 14.00V19:37
Kilosi set my regs to charge 15v always to improve output power on 2 way radios19:37
Kiloscant you set the regulator on new cars?19:38
* inetpro has no idea where to set that19:39
Kilosso what do cars use now to charge in alternators werent good enough19:39
Kilosmost likely everything is in sealed units nowadays19:40
inetprome older car charges at 14.5V19:40
Kilostoday you need to make big bucks just to be able to pay others to fix everything19:41
inetproyep, no way I can even do that, so need to find very good reason to pay anything19:41
Kiloslook online for a workshop manual and see in there if one can charge higher19:42
Kilosbattery centre should have sorted it for you19:42
inetproheh, would be nice if I can find that19:43
inetproI want to go back to the guy and find out more19:43
Kilosgoogle is your friend19:43
inetproworkdhop manuals are hard to get man19:43
Kilosgoogle haynes workshop manual for "make and model"19:44
Kilosmaybe put free download in19:44
Kilosive seen some workshop manual you can read online19:47
Kilosgoogle how to increase charging rate on "make and model"19:47
Kilosbut remember on old type batteries ideal charging rate is 13.8v19:55
Kilosfor longer battery life19:55
Kilos14.5v seems good for them silver things19:56
superflytoo high, and you kill the battery, too low and the battery starts eating itself20:05
Kilosi used to use 15v for the extra power it gave 2 way radio, but batteries were quite cheap then20:06
Kilosnight all. sleepnight all. sleep tight20:54

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