
daftykinswhy don't you just VM it? i just installed it an hour ago.00:00
ElfBotI stuck it on my home server :) its pretty much same as 201200:00
daftykinsdalekusa: you're going to land yourself in bootloader troubles :)00:00
ElfBot(the server edition at least00:00
dalekusaI'll go the VM rout00:00
peroi keep getting booted my wifi every once in a while, sometimes almost immediately after logging on (Jan 23 18:59:18 tesla kernel: [ 9907.482550] wlan0: deauthenticated from 00:21:91:14:04:8f (Reason: 4)00:00
dalekusamy computer isn't that fast, though.00:01
daftykinshow bad are we talking?00:01
undecimpero, Have you rebooted your router?00:02
dalekusa2.5GHz dual-core 64-bit; 3GB of ram00:02
peroundecim, i thought i would first find out what 'reason 4' is00:02
perobut failed at googling it00:03
undecimpero, Let's reboot the router first, unless it would disrupt something00:03
daftykinsdalekusa: nothing wrong with that especially00:03
peroundecim,do you know what reason 4 is? ;)00:03
undecimpero, nope. I don't think it matters00:04
daftykinsyou can look up reason 4. likely it's a driver decision00:04
dalekusawhich is better, VirtualBox or VMWare00:04
perodaftykins, yea the drivers were updated last week i believe00:04
undecim"4 Disassociated due to inactivity"00:04
dgarstangEriC^^: :-O00:05
perojust did it again00:05
undecimpero, Have you rebooted your router? That's networking troubleshooting step #1 in my book00:05
dalekusadaftykins: which is better, VMWare or VirtualBox00:06
daftykinsfor you? virtualbox since it's free00:06
hdoh, guess must have another system board, as when setting the BIOS under Windows 8 feature by erasing UEFI list(or something) on a try to reinstall windows, but now the computer does not boot or anything. why is that a hard problem under Windows 8 feature at the bios?00:07
peroundecim, no - that's not easily accomplished00:07
peroand again00:07
dalekusashould I set it up as a Win8.1 machine?00:07
cyber023Could somebody help me set up my 3 screens on gtx77000:07
perosorry i missed everything after undecim's step #100:07
daftykinscyber023: why, what are you having trouble with?00:07
undecimpero, see if you can sustain a connection by constantly having network traffic. You could download an Ubuntu ISO via torrent and reduce the speed to 1kb/s, for example00:08
undecimpero, Also, it would be great to know what wifi card you have00:09
barbaraim trying to upgrade from quantal 12.10 to the latest version but im getting W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal-security/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]00:09
barbaraE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.00:09
barbaracan someone tell me how to update the repositories?00:09
cyber023Two of my screens connected with HDMI and DVI-D work fine good res but my third screen is stuk at a low res. Installed NVIDIA drivers and ARandR but when I and custom res it gives me a error00:09
dalekusadaftykins do I enable PAE?00:09
undecimcyber023, Can you be more precise on what "error" is?00:10
cyber023X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)00:10
cyber023  Major opcode of failed request:  140 (RANDR)00:10
cyber023  Minor opcode of failed request:  21 (RRSetCrtcConfig)00:10
cyber023  Value in failed request:  0x000:10
cyber023  Serial number of failed request:  5600:10
cyber023  Current serial number in output stream:  5600:10
barbaraim looking to update to 14.04 LTS from 12.10 LTS can someone tell me how to update the repositories00:10
barbaraerr from 12.10 LTS to 14.04 LTS sorry00:10
petari missed everything after undecim's step #100:10
daftykinsdalekusa: i'm not holding your hand this much :P chat in #vbox for more00:10
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undecimpetar, see if you can sustain a connection by constantly having network traffic. You could download an Ubuntu ISO via torrent and reduce the speed to 1kb/s, for example00:11
=== Guest49762 is now known as pero
hd14.10 Ubuntu Studio00:11
undecimpetar: reason 4 is "Disassociated due to inactivity"00:11
daftykinsbarbara: total waste of time, you'd have to go through 3 upgrades to be at 14.04. just backup and clean install, you'll still be young when you're done.00:11
undecim!paste |  cyber02300:11
ubottucyber023: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:11
barbaratoo late00:12
peroundecim, seems like a driver regression actually - ive found some old bugs now on launchpad00:12
cyber023sorry did not know that00:12
hdtoo late seem social charges at private level on a pirate world.00:13
daftykinscyber023: and where is that taken from?00:13
cyber023terminal after trying to run to xrandr --addmode command00:14
hdplanet Earth00:14
undecimcyber023, In the future, include the line with the command in the paste00:14
undecimcyber023, Can you paste output of "xrandr"00:14
daftykinshd: i'd appreciate you stopping the pointless wise cracks. either hang around with a support question, or take it elsewhere.00:14
cyber023undecim, there you go00:15
hdthe picture has many details00:15
daftykinshd: what is your support question? or are you a bot...00:16
undecimcyber023, What is the full --addmode command?00:16
Bashing-om!eol | barbara: As advised it is a long hard road, and lots of bandwidth but ->00:17
ubottubarbara: As advised it is a long hard road, and lots of bandwidth but ->: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:17
Bashing-ombarbara: :-) good luck .00:18
cyber023undecim, here00:18
cyber023 http://paste.ubuntu.com/9842316/00:18
undecimcyber023, Can you try the same method using a smaller resolution, like 800x600?00:19
undecimcyber023, And also, tell me how each of these displays connectors are configured. How many cards? Which display in which card?, etc00:20
daftykinsundecim: why don't you just ask for the /var/log/Xorg.0.log ;)00:20
undecimdaftykins, Because I'm too dumb to think of it00:20
daftykinssudo apt-get install pastebinit - pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:20
NightMonkeyHowdy. How can I install a package without the dialogs? In my case, Postfix?00:21
undecimcyber023, Yeah, just paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:21
cyber0231 card nvidia gtx770 1xhdmi (1920x1080) 1xdvi-d (1680x1050) 1x dvi-i -> vga (troubled monitor)00:21
NightMonkeyIs there a way to pre-fill the dialog questions?00:21
hdas a computer hardware, based for on a programming environment that to build the system in a knowledge level. how to fix BIOS that had being erased settings under Windows 8 Feature, that makes the computer not do anything anymore.00:22
daftykinshd: sounds like you're using a translator. what language do you speak?00:22
daftykinshd: Windows support is in ##windows00:22
cyber023http://paste.ubuntu.com/9842378/ log file00:22
DarkstarAlphai have a question about pxe booting ubuntu desktop from server 0800:23
daftykinsah-har a bad EDID00:23
daftykinsDarkstarAlpha: as in, Hyper-V?00:24
cyber023undecim, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9842378/ log file 1 card nvidia gtx770 1xhdmi (1920x1080) 1xdvi-d (1680x1050) 1x dvi-i -> vga (troubled monitor) forgot your name :)00:24
DarkstarAlphano i have everything setup in WDS and the client boots correctly says loading vesamenu.c....ok but then says booting kernel failed no such file or directory00:24
daftykins"WDS" in this context is...?00:25
hdvery well then.00:25
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DarkstarAlphawindows distribution services00:25
daftykinshmm doesn't really strike me as an ubuntu support query exactly00:26
daftykinshave you tried the mini.iso for netboot instead of desktop images?00:26
DarkstarAlphathe reason i think so is maybe my default file is wrong idk and no i didnt see that where do i get that iso00:26
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daftykinsfrom ubuntu.com00:28
undecimcyber023, So the low-res monitor is a VGA with a DVI > VGA adapter?00:30
cyber023undecim, yes that right00:31
DarkstarAlphai dont see it i only see the dekstop/server downloads00:31
daftykinsDarkstarAlpha: got it in 5 seconds flat - http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads00:32
daftykinsfrom the menu: Downloads -> alternative downloads00:32
daftykinscyber023 undecim broken EDID mess all over. you're gonna have to hardcode a xorg.conf with mode lines obtained from xrandr, then disable UseEdid in said xorg.conf too00:33
DarkstarAlphai saw that but i have been trying to use the live cd i am trying to not have to install it but run thin00:33
daftykinsjust try it for completeness00:34
daftykinsyou're unlikely to get anyone else who is using that method, so unless you can find some guides online...00:34
DarkstarAlphaalright thx for your help00:34
cyber023undecim, and how does one do this00:35
valkyr87EriC^^: ok so testdisk can only recover the swap partition after deep analysis... i give up :|00:36
cyber023daftykins, how do you do this00:36
daftykinscyber023: cyber023 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaResolutionXorgConf00:37
daftykinsoops double highlight00:37
NightMonkeyHow do I purge 'cached' answers to preconfigure dialogs?00:43
daftykinsmazak: ?00:48
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anonleafaudio problems on a x200t headphones working only alsa seems fine00:52
anonleafwhat do00:52
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jonathanweberI have a problem with the following bash command: primesieve 10e5 10e6 -p1 | grep -o "6" | wc -l00:58
jonathanweberprimesieve gives prime numbers in a specific range, in this case all 16-digit prime numbers. It returns each number in a new line. Now I want to count the amount of the digit "6" in each prime number and return this value instead. The problem is: wc doesn't know when grep is starting to search in the next line of output and is therefore counting all "6" in all prime numbers that are returned by the program. When00:58
jonathanweberthe range-scan is finished, wc gives the total number of "6" of all found prime numbers. Does anyone know a workaround for this? Can grep itself search in just one-line and give the number of "6" before proceding to the next line?00:58
undecimjonathanweber, You want a table of the number of 6's in the primes you're looking at?00:59
undecimjonathanweber, I think you should be using python or octave for this01:00
ph88why is the 2014 version of this package not available? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=haskell-platform01:00
jonathanweberyeah, exactly.01:00
jonathanweberLet's say primesieve gives01:00
jonathanweberI want to get01:00
undecimjonathanweber, Do you want to see primes without 6 in them?01:00
cyber023undecim fixed it needed to swap the vga for a dvi cable and everything worked out thanks01:01
jonathanwebernope, I want to find the prime with the highest amounts of 6 in them (and no, I have no contract with the devil ;-))01:01
Ben64jonathanweber: maybe you should ask in #bash ... not really on topic here01:02
undecimjonathanweber, You know any python?01:02
jonathanweberI could probably learn it in some days but I hoped there would be an easier solution01:02
undecimjonathanweber, You could probably learn it in a couple minutes01:03
daftykinsjonathanweber: perhaps #bash is more relevant to you in some way, as that does not constitute OS support.01:03
undecimjonathanweber, And will make this (and any similar problems) a lot easier than bash01:03
jonathanweberallright, thanks - I just asked there! :-)01:04
undecimjonathanweber, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9842876/01:12
undecimjonathanweber, 666667 is the highest01:12
Wayward_OneHi, I keep getting this problem: any time I try to play a game or, more recently, just use a new irc client, after a few seconds the screen tiles up and my computer freezes. Is this known behaviour, and if so, what can I do to fix it?01:14
coraxhi guys .. Im using Ubuntu 14.04 ... and I cant seem to change the font size of the email I print out from Evolution ... n e one know a trick/solution ?01:14
jonathanweberWow, I guess you can call this a help :-D thanks!01:15
jonathanweberAnyway, this code was just an example, I want to find it out with 16-digit numbers (10^15 to 10^16) - I don't think python can easily do this?01:15
undecimjonathanweber, I'm currently doing 10e10 and using ~7G RAM to do it01:16
undecimjonathanweber, It's still running, and probably will be for a while01:17
undecimjonathanweber, problem is that there are about 2.4e14 primes in that range....01:19
undecim(in your 16-digit range)01:20
undecimjonathanweber, Maybe ask #math01:20
hdUbuntu Studio is working very nicely.01:21
jonathanweberYeah, there is the problem; I allready tried to save them all in a file first - but before you get even close to finishing the text-file gets incredibly large... So I wanted to filter out all primes with less then 8 or so "6"01:22
undecimjonathanweber, You can make a python script to handle the filtering01:22
jonathanweberYeah for sure01:23
coraxif you choke a smerf, what color would he turn?01:23
parsniphmm, so i've managed to get vnc working. now how should i set up desktop choices?01:25
coraxif you ate pasta and antipasta, would you still be hungry?01:25
parsnipi think that would simply make you explode01:25
coraxIf a pig loses it's voice, is it disgruntled?01:26
hdhey, where is a link so i can see a page code from Ubuntu that would be important that i can have saved the link to understand the system structure?01:26
parsnipunless you can find your twin to eat the other half01:26
coraxhi guys .. Im using Ubuntu 14.04 ... and I cant seem to change the font size of the email I print out from Evolution ... n e one know a trick/solution ?01:27
daftykinscorax: pro tip, don't mess around with off topic comments or you'll get labelled a troll and probably shown the door01:28
parsniphmm, selected logout on vnc ubuntu. screen went black01:30
daftykinscorrect, VNC is on your session not host-wide01:30
parsniphow can i select other desktop environments on the vnc'd remote?01:31
daftykinsis this host a VPS? or on your home network?01:32
parsnipVPS? it is an EC2.01:32
daftykinsare you tunneling your VNC connection over SSH?01:32
undecimjonathanweber, Here's a simple "filter" script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9843086/01:32
undecimjonathanweber, You can change the "theFilter" function to suite your needs01:33
parsnipis it easier without the ssh? nothing sensitive is on remote.01:33
daftykinsparsnip: you might have some luck with changing lightdm's default session via /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf - dunno01:33
daftykinsparsnip: without SSH your password goes in plain text.01:33
parsnipwill check, thank you01:33
daftykinspossibly anyway, VNC is a bit 90s in my head.01:33
parsnipyeah, i'm not trying to do anything serious on it, i just want to look at some other DEs and WMs before picking the next. also, as an exercise.01:34
jonathanweberthank you undecim! Looks like python isn't that complicated, at least I understand the code :-D01:34
parsnipwonder if ssh slows down the reaction time. so slow01:34
daftykinsthat would've made so much more sense in a VM on your host, parsnip01:34
jonathanweberI see if I can put it all together!01:34
daftykinsyes it will, load due to encryption overhead01:34
undecimjonathanweber, You should be able to execute the script like a program if you have Python 3 installed01:35
parsnipcool, will probably play with non-ssh later01:35
daftykinsparsnip: and just genuinely not being suited to your current task whatsoever :P01:35
jonathanweberundecim: The guys in #bash helped me out with a bash command, but I will try it later when I parse the resulting file for the "highest-6" primes01:36
parsnipdaftykins: i have not had much luck with VMs so far01:36
daftykinsparsnip: how-so? what tech did you try?01:36
daftykinsplaying with Linux at home via VMs is a million times more sane than via a cloud instance over VNC :D01:36
parsnipi tried virtual box and vmware. for instance, window resizing, etc.01:36
parsnipparallelz seems nice, though i've only seen it preconfigured on some school computers. it was awesome.01:37
parsnipon Macs.01:37
parsnipwonder if it's nice on GNU/Linux too.01:38
daftykinsi think it's mac only01:38
parsnipi should get better with VMs at some point, but the remotes also serve as a weightless laptop to lug to work.01:38
daftykinsah no i was thinking of something else01:39
parsnipthough, i'm usually happy with just ssh, via putty, or RDP01:39
daftykinsRDP is Windows01:39
parsnipyeah, i meant, i have a paused remote windows for when i need it, via rdp01:39
compdocI always install xrdp on ubuntu01:39
parsnipi'm about to get rid of my annoying dual-boot, with paused remote windows as my new solution01:40
hdlooks like count is a python style of "lenght", made by "theFilter" where a typo seems to be a position, then by other command whatever not an empty value stdout perform the result.01:40
parsnipfor when i need a precisely formatted Word doc, etc.01:40
daftykinsyeah dualboot never works out, you only ever end up neglecting one OS01:41
parsnipi have (almost) all my data on a shared ntfs partition;fugly01:41
=== BlackVenom|Away is now known as BlackVenom
parsnipmapping priveleges on ntfs is /really/ annoying01:42
parsniplike messing around with executable python or so01:42
parsnipi will finally cut the cord01:43
imastupidguestCan somebody pls help? I'm trying to install zoops locally on my laptop and the only instructionals I can find are either for ubuntu 9.10 or centos 6. I don't know mysql commands and that centos one doesn't tell you some simple things I need to know. Like what to replace in01:43
imastupidguestGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON .* TO 'xoopsuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your-password' WITH GRANT OPTION;01:43
imastupidguestI know it sounds stupid but I don't know how to undo anything w/ mysql so if I issue a wrong command(s) I'll just dig myself a hole01:44
undecimimastupidguest, xoopsuser = username that zoops uses for MySQL, your-password = the password zoops uses for MySQL01:44
daftykinsimastupidguest: GRANT ALL ON db.* to 'usernameyoupick'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password goes here';01:44
daftykins(where db.* = databasename.*)01:45
daftykinsalso, localhost means that's only going to work if it's all running on the same host. can't be another host in the same network01:45
undecimimastupidguest, I have no idea what zoops is, but on PHP scripts like wordpress, there is a configuration file with those two options, or you create the config file yourself01:45
imastupidguestdaftykins: undecim: thx. Yeah, I just wanna try out xoops a bit but I don't like the bitnami stuff. That leaves me this, more manual installation01:46
daftykinsi have no idea what that is01:46
imastupidguestSo if it's ... IDENTIFIED BY 'your-password'  ... is that something I need to set up/config with mysql before I can issue the command I pasted? Do I give it my root password? err ... my gmail password?01:49
daftykinsthese *are* mySQL commands01:49
daftykinsyou're creating a username and password that can access the database01:49
daftykinsthen you'll configure this... zoops with those details so it can function01:50
imastupidguestdaftykins: oh, xoops if like drupal (same kind of program) bitnami makes premade "stacks" of software and installers, vms, etc01:50
imastupidguestxoops is one of many many bitnami offering01:50
imastupidguestdaftykins: I feel like such an idiot but I have to be clear - I can make up any password there that I like (it doesn't have to correspond to some existing password)? Bc this is the command that creates it for the first time, right?01:52
imastupidguestThis is so way out of my league (doing this)01:52
daftykinsjust try, if it's wrong - repeating the command with another password would replace it01:53
daftykinsbut i don't know the product 100%, so i can only comment from my parallel experience with setting up mysql databases for wordpress instances01:53
imastupidguestdaftykins: well it's a long, arduous install process. Moreso for me. I think I'd rather approach this with a clear understanding than take any guesses along the way01:54
daftykinsright so what you do is take notes, you asterisk stuff you weren't sure on, then you keep trying01:55
dacresniany nodejs users here on ubuntu?01:55
imastupidguestI don't have a context w/ which to understand these mysql commands is the thing. Whether something in a command should refer to somthing already existing (and if so, what?) or making a new one01:55
undecimimastupidguest, If there are VM instances available that are pre-configured, you could just try it in VirtualBox?01:55
dacresniis nodejs on ubuntu really broken?01:56
daftykinsimastupidguest: you're worrying too much. we already explained the variables01:56
imastupidguestSo what do you do when, 2 days later (bc you had to look up umpteen thousand questions), and the install doesn't work, it's broke, AND you have this big mysql (and probably apache2 and a couple other things) - mess you don't know how to clean up?01:57
imastupidguestI just asked if it was a new password being created or referring to some existing password is all01:57
imastupidguestnever got an answer (not to be rude - it's true)01:58
undecimimastupidguest, MySQL is a database server01:58
imastupidguestundecim: Wasted an hr on the vm already, not thx01:58
undecimimastupidguest, There are users just like on a wordpress server or ssh server01:59
daftykinsimastupidguest: well i taught myself web server management, so that didn't happen for me :)01:59
undecimimastupidguest, Your software needs access to the database server and therefore needs a username and password01:59
imastupidguestI'm not in this to learn system admin or any other long term learning objective. I just wanted to try out an application is all. I haate this part01:59
daftykinsimastupidguest: i did respond, my answer was "i don't know this product" so i couldn't comment on whether there's a default password the program would be expecting. likely there's just a config file somewhere you need to edit with the username+password you pick02:00
daftykinsperhaps this isn't for you, then?02:00
undecimimastupidguest, That MySQL creates or overwrites the username and password02:00
undecimThat MySQL command*02:00
undecimimastupidguest, Whether or not that username and password is already chosen depends on the software. Like I said before, there is probably a config file with the variables. You just have to make sure the config matches02:01
imastupidguestdaftykins: I'm sorry. I don't know how it normally works. I was hoping it would be descr. to me. So the password you create for mysql (the pasted command from above) is one part of a pair? That in any situation like this (a web app that uses mysql) there will be a corresponding password in the app itself?02:02
imastupidguesthow does it normally work?02:02
imastupidguestcause there really is no clear documentation for the install out there02:02
daftykinsa program that wants to use a database, must log into it using a username + password02:03
imastupidguestholy shit02:03
undecimWatch your fingers...02:03
daftykinse.g. you configure the webapp "wordpress" via a wp-config.php file it has, to login to your database with 4 configuration parameters02:04
daftykinshost, database name, username and password02:04
daftykinssame as you're doing for the one you're dealing with02:04
imastupidguestsome of this stuff just installs sudo apt-get install < whatever> and it's done. You don't have to deal w/ things like this. So it really isn't that obvious to someone who's never seen it (how things work when you involve apache, mysql, and some ... web app)02:04
imastupidguestI think I have some context enuf to hobble through02:05
imastupidguestI sure appreciate it02:05
daftykinsyeah, you couldn't package up something like this because packages have set places to install02:06
daftykinslets say i made a package that threw something into your apache documenroot, i might overwrite your own stuff02:06
daftykinsthen you'd not be very pleased :D02:06
Ben64when things are too easy, it promotes ignorance and then pages get hacked, email relays are created, other bad stuff02:06
imastupidguestThat's too bad. There's been a few web apps I wanted to mess with (and did a couple times). This installation is always tough for me for some reason though02:07
=== BlackVenom is now known as BlackVenom|Away
daftykinsit's tough at first sometimes, but it's easy afterwards02:07
daftykinsi can throw up a wordpress site in 5 mins now really02:08
daftykinsbut that's like, download zip... extract02:08
kobblerkibblerim using the live cd and trying to install the flash plugin but its saying there isnt a package called flashplayer-plugin in your current software sources yet it is listed in the software centre02:17
xangua!find flashplayer02:18
ubottuFile flashplayer found in mate-icon-theme-faenza, python-freevo02:18
xangua!find flashplugin02:19
ubottuFound: flashplugin-installer, flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound, pepperflashplugin-nonfree, flashplugin-downloader02:19
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash02:19
kobblerkibbleryea im doing what that site says trying to add it in the software centre but its saying i dont have it in my sources after i click more info on it02:20
NegativeFlarekobblerkibbler: I've learned to NOT use the Software Center, but that's just my opinion02:21
NegativeFlareI will always and forever use the terminal and synaptic02:21
hydrajumpi use the ubuntu live cd to create an image of /dev/sda using the "Disks" utility02:22
NegativeFlarehydrajump: are you asking or telling? o_O02:22
bob1923476when using pptp client I'm getting an error message:  LCP: timeout sending Config-requests connection terminated... any ideas?02:22
bob1923476i need command line for a php script02:22
hydrajumpnow I created a VM on another system booted from the live cd and did a restore of the .img to the virtual disk. I can see that the 3 partitions were created successfully on the virtual disk, but when i try to boot it it can't boot02:23
hydrajumpis this a result of doing a P2V?02:23
bob1923476i followed the guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient02:23
bob1923476its using the command 'pon myvpn' which calls from /etc/ppp/peers/myvpn02:23
daftykinshydrajump: wouldn't be surprised if the UUIDs changed.02:24
kobblerkibbleri cant even get chromium with pepperflash because all the instructions on the ubuntu wiki say to use the software centre for at least one step and it isnt working for me02:25
hydrajumpdaftykins: in gparted I see: /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda302:25
SchrodingersScat!info pepperflashplugin-nonfree | kobblerkibbler02:26
ubottukobblerkibbler: pepperflashplugin-nonfree (source: pepperflashplugin-nonfree): Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.7ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 10 kB, installed size 69 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)02:26
hydrajumpcan I somehow fix /dev/sda1 which is the boot partition without losing the data in /dev/sda2?02:26
daftykinshydrajump: first off, why on earth are you using this method? :P02:26
daftykinshydrajump: boot a live session, chroot and try an update-grub02:26
hydrajumpdaftykins: it's for testing purposes02:26
kobblerkibbleryes but to add multiverse the wiki says to do it through the software centre which isnt working for me ;/02:26
hydrajumpi'm booted from the live cd now02:26
hydrajumpso I want to chroot /dev/sda ?02:27
daftykinskobblerkibbler: system settings -> software and sources02:27
daftykinshydrajump: your install has 3 partitions, you have to mount them all underneath /mnt as proper02:27
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot02:27
daftykinsi have to go now, good hunting02:27
SchrodingersScatyou should probably make some backups btw, since you mentioned not wanting to lose /dev/sda202:29
bob1923476Anybody know about PPTP VPN connections?  Trying to find a way to connect from the command line but after setting everything up according to the official guide I run pon and it doesn't work.  Connections fails and it hangs up02:34
=== BlackVenom|Away is now known as BlackVenom
luka_Hello can someone maybe help me with my problem? http://askubuntu.com/questions/576775/lenovo-g500-on-ubuntu-battery-wont-charge-over-5902:39
daftykinsluka_: ah i saw you start this conversation the other day, but didn't see it put so clearly. you're going to need to go the Windows route i'm afraid, unless there is anything in your BIOS/EFI. (which i don't think there is)02:42
daftykinsyou have no other choice02:42
aeon-ltdluka_: yeah, i suppose if you had 2 hdds you could install windows on the other hdd, then you wouldn't have to do the grub stuff02:43
daftykinsor you could run the utility from Windows PE (a booted win7 or 8 installer) but you would need a zipped folder of the utility, installing won't run02:44
=== BlackVenom is now known as BlackVenom|Away
_X_C_V_B_I have compiz enabled on xfce402:45
_X_C_V_B_The desktop isn't working right02:46
daftykinsi didn't think they're designed to work together, so that doesn't come as much of a surprise :)02:46
_X_C_V_B_*desktop cube02:46
_X_C_V_B_The cube desktop isn't working right02:46
rtdosHow can I prevent certain users from hearing sound and other users from not hearing sound?02:47
_X_C_V_B_When I go to view the cube there's black02:47
_X_C_V_B_I can't see part of the cube02:47
_X_C_V_B_It isn't rendering correctly02:48
luka_Thank you aeon and dafty. :)02:48
daftykins_X_C_V_B_: graphics hardware + driver?02:49
_X_C_V_B_daftykins: I don't think it's drivers02:51
daftykinsmaybe not, but can we start at the basics?02:52
_X_C_V_B_daftykins: have you used the compiz cube02:52
daftykinsthat was all the rage back in about 2004 i think, sure02:53
SchrodingersScatit was cubes and wobbly windows as far as the eye could see02:53
daftykinssure was02:53
_X_C_V_B_I love wobbly windows02:53
daftykins_X_C_V_B_: so do you fancy sharing two pieces of information, or shall we all go idle? :)02:55
_X_C_V_B_When I view the cube I can sort of see it but there's something covering it up02:55
daftykinsa picture would be nice02:56
daftykinsbut if you're going to ignore my questions, i don't really see it being too effective trying to assist you?02:56
fry__Hey guys. I have two different graphics cards in my computer. How can I look up or see a list of the various hardware in my computer?02:57
daftykinsor just "lspci" for the graphics cards02:57
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fry__daftykins: can I install two different types/sizes of memory sticks with ubuntu?02:58
fry__daftykins: stupid question?02:59
daftykinsfry__: the OS doesn't care about the memory modules, the hardware does though.02:59
daftykinsCPU and motherboard compatibility is relevant, not OS02:59
DreskI'm having the strangest issue where, with a hardware identical setup, after moving from Mandriva 2011 to Ubuntu 14.10, my onboard mobo device is sporatically hanging, as reported by dmesg.  I have a pastebin here showing it failing twice : http://pastebin.com/9x8u50kD02:59
fry__One last thing, daftykins. Does ubuntu automatically utilize the additional graphics card? Or do I have to do something specific to make it use it?03:00
daftykinsdepends what you're dealing with here, what cards? PCI-Express? why use two?03:00
fry__daftykins: I'm trying to recycle. One is a geforce gtx 570, the other is a geforce 9600 gt03:01
fry__Don't want to just throw it away03:01
daftykinsfry__: so, purpose will be to drive more displays than the GTX 570 alone can?03:01
daftykinsor "just for fun" ?03:02
fry__the second answer.03:02
fry__I want to actually utilize though.03:02
daftykinsto do what?03:02
daftykinsif you're not driving a display you're not really doing anything03:02
fry__general processing that maybe 570 can't handle on its own03:02
fry__what do you mean by "driving a display"?03:02
daftykinsyou're being a bit vague03:02
daftykinsbeing connected to a monitor, of course03:03
fry__Well. I just thought that perhaps if I'm playing a game that uses a looot of resources for the graphics card. Maybe the second one can pick up some slack03:03
fry__So it's useless then03:03
daftykinssounds like you want to run SLI03:03
fry__What is SLI?03:04
daftykinsi don't think you can do it with cards that far apart, they'd need a cable connecting them internally too03:04
daftykinsnvidia's dual/multi graphics card tech03:04
daftykinsyou'd see a little connector on the top edge of the cards where a cable can be placed to allow the cards to communicate03:04
_X_C_V_B_daftykins: http://postimg.org/image/nvgjrq3d3/03:04
daftykinsfry__: e.g. http://www.nvidia.pl/docs/IO/41448/GeForce_8600_GT_SLI.jpg03:05
daftykinsfry__: but really a 9600 is too old and rubbish to be worth the effort03:05
daftykins_X_C_V_B_: looks like you need to increase your workspaces to 4, to make the cube03:05
_X_C_V_B_daftykins: I do have 403:06
billybadbumit works!03:06
daftykinsdoesn't really look like it there03:06
daftykins_X_C_V_B_: ah well i've no idea, you're trying to make xfce do something it's not meant to03:06
_X_C_V_B_If there's nothing in the workspace it doesn't come up03:07
sidharrell_the default user for apache in ubuntu is www-data, right? so that's what user apache should be running as when I hit phpmyadmin locally, rigtht?03:09
daftykinsyes, but the docroot as of 14.04 is owned by root03:10
_X_C_V_B_daftykins: I was messing with the settings and I got It working03:10
sidharrell_the files it has no problem with are owned by root-root 64403:13
sidharrell_the one it errors on is root:www-data 64003:13
sidharrell_so it's like the group that it's running as when it hits phpmyadmin is Not the www-data group03:14
Ben64sidharrell_: so make it 644?03:14
sidharrell_yeah, I suppose. I'm just trying to figure out why it's not working as-is.03:14
Ben64because you have root as the owner03:15
uber_hulkHi if i want to get a package that is higher from current stable verson03:15
uber_hulkHoe do i download and install it?03:15
uber_hulkUsing command line?03:15
Ben64uber_hulk: you don't03:15
uber_hulkBen64: yea but now everythinh is beoken03:16
Ben64uber_hulk: well what did you do03:16
uber_hulkMy xserver is broken03:16
sidharrell_uber_hulk, if you are lucky, someone has a ppa with the more recent version03:16
_X_C_V_B_in the compiz cube how do I zoom out03:16
uber_hulkI need to reinstall03:16
Ben64uber_hulk: well what did you do03:16
sidharrell_uber_hulk, x-swat or x-org-edgers03:16
Ben64sidharrell_: you probably shouldn't suggest specific PPAs without knowing the issue03:17
uber_hulkI tried to install awesome 3.5.5 which is unstabel according to ubjntu03:17
Ben64uber_hulk: and how did you try to do that03:17
uber_hulkAnd then i did it with deb package03:17
uber_hulkAnd kept breaking packages03:17
uber_hulkNow i broke the xserver :/03:17
Ben64uber_hulk: so uninstall the deb03:18
uber_hulkI need xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:1.11)03:18
Ben64uber_hulk: what version of ubuntu03:19
uber_hulkBen64: i don't think that would be easy one. What i want now is to go through xserver installation03:19
uber_hulkAnd then get my data and reinstall ubuntu03:19
uber_hulkBen64:  14.0403:19
Ben64uber_hulk: why bother with that then, just get your data off and reinstall03:19
uber_hulkBen64: no gui? It would be hard to see all the things if i want or not?03:20
Ben64you get a gui if you use the livecd03:21
daftykinssidharrell_: resolved your issue?03:22
uber_hulkBen64: hmm okay03:22
sidharrell_daftykins, no, I tried making it 644, and still getting the same error in the apache logs on every page load of phpmyadmin03:25
sidharrell_and I get this The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret).03:25
sidharrell_on the phpmyadmin page, which is weird, cause it's not giving me the error where it loads it from /var/lib/phpmyadmin03:26
daftykinssidharrell_: is it a folder for phpmyadmin or a single file with incorrect ownership / perms?03:26
Ranieri_Do you always need the -f option when extracting/creating tar files?03:26
daftykins-f = specify file name03:26
daftykins"man tar"03:26
Ranieri_daftykins: ?03:27
sidharrell_daftykins, it's giving me this error in the apache log "Failed to load /var/lib/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php Check group www-data has read access and open_basedir restrictions"03:27
sidharrell_which is coming from /etc/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php03:27
sidharrell_line 27, 2803:27
daftykinsRanieri_: yes, because -f is the switch to specify the archive name, as per the man page. run it for clarification03:28
Ben64sidharrell_: pastebin the output of this command... "ls -ld /etc /etc/phpmyadmin /etc/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php"03:28
sidharrell_it doesn't give the error on lines 36 and 41 where it checks those03:29
Ben64sidharrell_: why is everything owned by root03:30
sidharrell_cause they are /etc config files03:30
sidharrell_who else would own them?03:30
Ben64whoops, i meant /var /var/lib /var/lib/phpmyadmin /var/lib/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php03:31
Ben64well root shouldn't own that03:32
sidharrell_hey, default, out of the box config. blame the phpmyadmin packagers03:33
Ben64thats not how it comes03:33
sidharrell_I did the simplest, sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin03:33
sidharrell_on a basic desktop 14.04 install disk03:33
sidharrell_I try to kiss03:34
_X_C_V_B_in xfce4 is there a way to search menu items like in unity03:37
sidharrell_normally it wouldn't bother me, but I'm trying to monitor the tail of /var/log/apache2/error.log, and this phpmyadmin error is just clutter03:37
sidharrell_ohh, that worked03:40
sidharrell_sudo chmod 644 /var/lib/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php03:41
sidharrell_sudo chmod 644 /var/lib/phpmyadmin/blowfish_secret.inc.php03:41
SchrodingersScat_X_C_V_B_: in 14.10 that seems to be standard, what are you on?03:41
sidharrell_I still think the underlying issue is that it's not running phpmyadmin as www-data, but whatev. my logs are now quiet.03:42
SchrodingersScat_X_C_V_B_: hmm, that's confusing, I thought you were asking about xfce4...03:42
_X_C_V_B_SchrodingersScat: I installed xfce4 on  ubuntu03:42
SchrodingersScat_X_C_V_B_: ah, k, I'm in regular xubuntu, nvm.03:43
=== Agent_Isai is now known as IsaiFix
hdUbuntu Studio still nicely, not doing anything too.03:44
_X_C_V_B_SchrodingersScat: Is there a way I can search the menus03:44
SchrodingersScat_X_C_V_B_: mine had a search bar under the application menu, if that's not on yours then not sure how to add it, can check settings.03:45
hdso, how is that i can see the code of the os system as i using it?03:45
ynixI installed i3wm, but I decided I don't like it. I removed it, but now I can't boot back into unity :|03:46
ynixIt just keeps going back in to i3 (a broken looking version) as if I haven't uninstalled it completely03:46
aeon-ltdynix: log out change session?03:46
_X_C_V_B_SchrodingersScat: do you press alt03:46
ynixaeon-ltd: How do I log out?03:46
aeon-ltdhd: might wanna explain more on that03:46
aeon-ltdynix: never used i3 :)03:46
SchrodingersScat_X_C_V_B_: no, I have an xfce mousehead application thing in the top left corner of the panel.03:47
ynixaeon-ltd: How can I get the session login screen from the terminal in another shell?03:47
aeon-ltdynix: https://faq.i3wm.org/question/239/how-do-i-suspendlockscreen-and-logout/ according to this it's mod-shift-e03:47
aeon-ltdynix: so alt-shift-e by default i think03:48
ynixaeon-ltd: Yup, just figured that out, thanks03:48
_X_C_V_B_SchrodingersScat: right by the close and the minimize?03:48
ynixaeon-ltd: So what's the deal now with i3 still being there? I've removed everything to do with it. But it still appears there on my sessions list and works when I log in to it (though it's a bit broken looking).03:48
SchrodingersScat_X_C_V_B_: if you mean menus of the open applications, then no, afaik that doesn't exist.03:48
hdas the Open Source propaganda about, and as installing and using it. how is that the source code of everything not so available to be seem, like (right Click - Browse and watch Source Workflow )?03:50
aeon-ltdynix: no idea, but i think you're gonna have to find out what packages were installed when you got i3wm and uninstall/+purge them all03:50
goliathHow do I ssh via the internet? It work flawless on LAN but i  can't figure out how to do it via the web03:50
Ben64goliath: exact same way03:51
goliathBen64: Like: "ssh goliath@ExternalIP" ?03:51
Ben64goliath: sure03:51
ynixaeon-ltd: I figured it out, that did it, thanks.03:51
sidharrell_goliath, if you are coming into your lan over ssh from outside, you may need to set up port forwarding on your router to get it to work.03:52
goliathBen64: But... I don't need to chose wich machine I want to connect to?03:52
Ben64goliath: thats the ip...03:52
daftykinshd: yeah that translator isn't doing you any favours03:53
goliathBen64: External IP is the same for all the machines connected to my LAN...03:53
SchrodingersScatgoliath: if you're trying to reach your home network from outside, then you'll likely need to port forward on your router, which will take care of which machine it gets to on the inside03:53
goliathOh.. i get it03:53
sidharrell_in the router configuration you tell it "this high number port, send to this address on the lan"03:54
sidharrell_don't use 22 as ther external port. it doesn't make that much difference to a determined attacker, but there's no point in advertising to the world what you are doing.03:56
goliathsidharrell_: Port was already forwarded to 222203:56
sidharrell_goliath, you mean from the external 2222 to what ip/port on the lan? (don't have to post it, if you want to avoid condemnation from the literalnet)03:57
goliathsidharrell_: the IP of my machine is
goliathsidharrell_: Port 222 is forward to this machine on UDP/TCP03:58
hdjust like html, javascript object inspector at Ubuntu System?03:59
Ben64hd: nope03:59
sidharrell_goliath, when you ssh in from outside, you put that port 222 in the ssh command?04:00
Ranieri_My software update is messed up.04:00
sidharrell_what is it  ssh user@ip_address:port04:00
Ranieri_Someone tutorial me on everything to do with updating with repositories, such like that.04:01
=== Agent_Isai is now known as Isai
=== Isai is now known as Agent_Isai
Ben64Ranieri_: pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" also a description of whats wrong and what you did and what you attempted to accomplish would help04:02
goliathsidharrell_: Nothing happens...04:02
goliathIt's tryna connecting04:02
=== spooky_action is now known as ksolowoniuk
goliathsidharrell_: Wait a sec.. I'm trying something04:03
=== ksolowoniuk is now known as spooky_action
=== IKRAM_ is now known as IKRAM
Ranieri_Ben64: It's printing a lot of lines, Hit, Get, start most lines04:03
hdLiterature About::: Beyond the code it found machine code, it was an economy thought.04:03
Ranieri_I'm curious on how apt-get works exactly.04:04
sidharrell_goliath, are you at the computer on your network, or the one trying to get in?04:04
Bashing-omRanieri_: See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch02.en.html#_debian_package_management_prerequisites .04:05
spooky_actionI'm running into an issue trying to install ubuntu server 14.04 LTS, only a single drive is showing up in the installer. When I drop to the console and check dmesg both drives are detected there. I previously had NetBSD installed in a RAID1 setup on this system.04:05
sidharrell_Ranieri_, it looks at the sources list, downloads from them all lists of what packages are available04:05
Ranieri_Thanks Bashing-om04:06
Ranieri_sidharrell_: Yea, I understand that.04:06
=== zz_saschpe is now known as saschpe
goliathsidharrell_: I am on another machine on the network04:06
sidharrell_goliath, what are you using from outside to try to get in?04:06
sidharrell_like I have a couple servers out on the net I can ssh into, then turn around and try to ssh back in to my network on. goliath04:07
hdno problem.04:08
goliathsidharrell_: A computer04:09
hdUbuntu Studio 14.10 still nicely.04:10
spooky_userstill here, just switched clients04:11
hdjust installed Google Chrome with success from Download\open with Software Center.04:12
spooky_userany ideas why the drives show up in dmesg but not the installer?04:13
craigbass1976I'm using ssh -Y me@otherbox firefox to start up firefox using the profile from that computer.  I also want to fire up firefox using the profile on this computer, but when I start it up, I'm still using the otherbox's profile.  Is there a way to have both of them open on this one computer?04:15
hdthe experience was with Lubuntu and maybe Kubuntu for Chrominium, but Ubuntu Studio 14.10 installed Chome 40+04:16
hdin which internet quality by the know software are preserved.04:17
Ben64hd: do you have a support question? this channel isn't really for chatting04:17
hdi am providing support at the support channel, in which consists by User Experience.04:18
azjoHi, how do i force chromecast on google chrome to SEE my chromecast? my phones works with it but chrome on windows refuses to do anything04:21
spooky_userwould having the drives previously configured in RAID cause issues with the installer being able to detect them?04:21
ubonei put ubuntu 14-04 on a usb drive, now i need this drive for storage so i format it to fat32 with gparted but it is still bootable. how to remove the boot sector?04:23
Ranieri_I'm reading through the manuals... hardware devices are just files? Can someone explain how that works?04:25
Ranieri_And why?04:25
spooky_userubone, http://serverfault.com/questions/419511/remove-mbr-from-usb-flash-drive-using-windows04:25
Ben64Ranieri_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everything_is_a_file04:25
Ranieri_Thanks Ben64, great guide btw, thanks for sending04:26
Bashing-omspooky_user: Desk top install ? Then yes, the installer will not see raid's meta data .. IF a non raid install, then remove that meta data with the raid tool "sudo dmraid -E -r /dev/sda" // will have to get that tool from the repo .04:26
peroim troubleshooting some wireless issues and am about to update the firmware the my intel 7260 card in my laptop - however, dmesg reports a newer version than the one currently available from intel?04:27
spooky_userBashing-om, can I grab the dmraid tool during the install with apt-get?04:29
spooky_userit's actually the server install for 14.04 LTS04:30
derek_so what is this04:31
Bashing-omspooky_user: best remove the meta data from the liveDVD on all drives before trying to install .04:31
hdChat acknowledge about Support systems04:32
derek_im so confused04:32
ItzPacificaSorry... Failed at typing. Anyway, when,are they gonna release ubuntu touch??04:32
lotuspsychje!touch | ItzPacifica04:33
ubottuItzPacifica: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch04:33
Bashing-omderek_: This is the support channel for the ubuntu operating system .04:33
derek_oh ok cool04:33
derek_so kinda like a self help?04:33
hdperformed by the interpretations of human kind operations.04:34
daftykinswell no 'cause if you helped yourself you'd not need to be here (:04:34
daftykins!br | hd04:34
ubottuhd: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.04:34
parsnipquem nao sabe andar...04:35
Bashing-omderek_: More like coordinated fault isolation to restoration .04:35
derek_totally new to this system04:35
Bashing-om!manual | derek_04:36
ubottuderek_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:36
hdmore like internet focused, not heavily programming software.04:37
derek_still trying to get both my monitors working at the moment04:37
derek_not working though04:39
hdyeah, my other computer had being dead by bios. was making my computer games very fine.04:40
derek_i have everything connected right just not getting anything to the second screen04:40
uber_hulkI broke xserver04:41
uber_hulkIs there a way to get it back?04:41
spooky_userwhat did you do? uber_hulk04:41
uber_hulkI think i installed a lot of instabel versions from debian04:42
hdInternet Computer is an madness business for constant webpages updates and propaganda. heard about wine or so but....madness.04:42
uber_hulkAnd kept breaking it04:42
spooky_usersounds messy04:42
uber_hulkAlso now i can't go and pick each and every dependency one by one04:42
uber_hulkYes too messy04:42
uber_hulkDependency tree is broken04:42
bazhanguber_hulk, purge the ppa yet?04:43
uber_hulkbazhang: yeah that one i did04:43
uber_hulkBut after that i kept installing drom debian04:43
bazhanguber_hulk, and you mixed debian repos with that too?04:43
Ben64uber_hulk: but you were just going to reinstall? do that instead of trying to fix it04:43
Ranieri_Can you shutdown a remote system?04:44
uber_hulkI am not sure, i have the disk encrypted. Will have to do that again. I forgot how to do that all. I haven't used linux for long time now04:44
spooky_userRanieri_, yes04:45
bazhanguber_hulk, apt takes care of the dependencies, if you have debian repos and ppa's that sounds unresolvable04:45
spooky_userRanieri_, do you have ssh access to it?04:45
Ranieri_spooky_user: how?04:45
spooky_userany access?04:45
Ranieri_what does that mean04:45
uber_hulkbazhang: okay but if i had to install awesome wm 3.5+ how i would have done that04:45
spooky_userhow do you propose to shut it down?04:45
bazhang!find awesome04:46
ubottuFound: awesome, awesome-extra, fonts-font-awesome, ruby-awesome-nested-set04:46
Ranieri_spooky_user: I wanna shutdown your system, for example.04:46
spooky_usershutdown -h now04:46
bazhangsudo apt-get install awesome awesome-extra04:46
bazhang!info awesome04:47
ubottuawesome (source: awesome): highly configurable X window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.15-1ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 764 kB, installed size 2144 kB04:47
Ranieri_spooky_user: shutdown spooky_user -h now?04:47
spooky_userit worked!04:47
daftykinsgrow up, guys04:47
Ranieri_sorry was just trying to be funny by acting stupid04:48
spooky_userRanieri_, I really don't know what you're asking.04:48
bazhanguber_hulk, install v 3.4.15 from repos04:48
Ranieri_spooky_user: just playing around04:48
uber_hulkbazhang: but that is unstablr04:48
bazhanguber_hulk, no it's not04:48
uber_hulkbazhang:  can you please try installing it if works for you?04:49
hdseems like piracy had being updated by production, focus then by others to play. a behave system?04:49
uber_hulkbazhang: 3.5.504:49
bazhanguber_hulk, the unstable part is from all the debain/ppa you added04:49
bazhanghd please stay on topic, this is ubuntu support04:50
Ranieri_Okay, legit question: My laptop has no CD-drive, but it's running an older version of Ubuntu, I wanna upgrade it to the newest version. How would I do that?04:50
uber_hulkbazhang: so if you just install awesome it would install 3.4.11 by default04:50
bazhang .1504:50
daftykinsRanieri_: which is it on now?04:51
bazhangwhat version Ranieri_04:51
uber_hulkbazhang: yeah and i wanted 3.5.5 :(04:51
daftykins"cat /etc/issue" or "lsb_release -d"04:51
Ranieri_Not sure.04:51
bazhanguber_hulk, why do you need that very newest unstable version04:51
daftykinsRanieri_: run one of the above two to find out.04:52
bunburyevening all04:52
Ranieri_Sounds good04:52
uber_hulkbazhang: because i have my configs ser for that :(04:52
Ranieri_Just booting it up daftykins04:52
bunburydoes anyone know of a guide to get consolas fonts installed on ubuntu 14.0404:52
bazhanguber_hulk, well at this point of adding debian repos/ppa, you should backup and reinstall and stay inside the repos. lesson learned and then config again. otherwise you are just asking for more problems, and soon04:53
uber_hulkHmm okay04:54
bazhanguber_hulk, you could do all of that within the next hour or so04:54
Ranieri_daftykins: Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS04:55
Ranieri_daftykins: then the newline character, and \l... dunno what \l is04:55
peroim troubleshooting some wireless issues and am about to update the firmware the my intel 7260 card in my laptop - however, dmesg reports a newer version than the one currently available from intel. how is this possible?04:56
bazhangRanieri_, is this desktop or server04:56
daftykinsRanieri_: waste of time, just backup and clean install. that's way too old, also if that's desktop, it's EOL - if it's server, it's EOL at the end of April04:56
bazhangRanieri_, time to upgrade as that is eol04:56
bazhang!eolupgrades | Ranieri_04:56
ubottuRanieri_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:56
Ranieri_This HDD was from my grade 7 laptop04:57
Ranieri_How would I clean install, flash the OS onto a flash drive then boot from it?04:57
daftykinstransfer, there is no flashing of data with flash drives :P04:57
bazhangtoo much flash04:57
Ranieri_Yea, how would I go about doing that04:57
daftykinsif you want you could download 14.04.1 onto that 10.04 there and use it to write the image onto a flash drive.04:57
Ranieri_^ yea that's perfect.04:58
daftykinsdownload a 14.04.1 ISO then pop the flash drive in and come back when it's ready04:58
Ranieri_sounds good04:58
daftykinsif there's any data you need, now would be the time to backup04:58
Ranieri_How do I format the USB drive?04:58
bazhangthe installer will do that04:58
daftykinsyou won't need to04:58
Ranieri_Aww, no fun.04:58
bazhanggparted then if you wish04:59
daftykinswhat's fun about formatting a drive 0o04:59
Ranieri_daftykins: FUN FUN FUN FUN04:59
Ranieri_Formatting a drive is atleast equal to having sex on the pleasure scale.05:00
hdfun by reinstall the system, i more like to have a trash_compactor desktop folder at the Microsoft Windows production for easy delete.05:01
daftykinsRanieri_: inappropriate and childish.05:01
Ranieri_daftykins, yup that pretty much sums up me05:02
bazhanghd and Ranieri_ take that elsewhere please05:04
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hdtrash_compactor besides recycle bin, is a folder for downloads, random text files, temporary to use by slice image profiles, rar files to open, and workflow like that.05:05
Jack-zhangHello everybody. I use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, I can get ipv6 address but I can not connect to network. I found that my computer get too much ip address. how can I set my system to use ppp0 address as default?05:19
lotuspsychje!ppp | Jack-zhang05:20
ubottuJack-zhang: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up05:20
uber_hulkCan i backup my firefox backup etc?05:21
uber_hulkI have xserver not working05:21
daftykinscopy your ~/05:22
Jack-zhangwhat is !ppp mean?05:23
uber_hulkOkay thanks05:23
cmdswitchJack-zhang: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point-to-Point_Protocol05:25
uber_hulkI have my ubuntu encrypted05:27
uber_hulkWith encryptfs05:27
uber_hulkCan i use live usb to access that drive?05:27
apb_I have a .rar file I'd like to unrar...  ubuntu 14.04 ... any recommendations?05:28
daftykinsapb_: yeah install... unrar.05:29
cmdswitchapb_ sudo apt-get install unrar; unrar x filename.rar05:29
apb_can't seem to find it05:29
daftykinssudo apt-get update && sudo apt-cache search unrar05:29
daftykins!info unrar trusty05:30
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:5.0.10-1 (trusty), package size 133 kB, installed size 298 kB05:30
daftykinsyou need the multiverse repo enabled05:30
uber_hulk10:57 AM <uber_hulk> Can i use live usb to access that drive?05:30
apb_ok, thank you05:30
cmdswitchuber_hulk: http://www.howtogeek.com/116297/how-to-recover-an-encrypted-home-directory-on-ubuntu/05:32
uber_hulk Thanks cmdswitch05:45
CharlesICanyone using virtualbox?05:45
uber_hulkcmdswitch: can you also give me link to which method i should use to encrypt the disk while reinstalling05:45
bobIs there a guide on how to flash ubuntu phone on Amazon Fire phone/05:45
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uber_hulkAlso brtfs is now stable?05:45
cmdswitchuber_hulk: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ubuntu+encrypt+during+installation05:46
uber_hulkOho and what about brtfs?05:47
uber_hulkOr i may loose data in that?05:47
cmdswitchuber_hulk: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=brtfs+lose+data05:48
cmdswitchbasically duck it or google it05:48
uber_hulkSorry i am on phone now05:48
uber_hulkMy system crashed no gui05:48
cmdswitchlynx it then05:48
uber_hulkOk should see what linx is05:49
daftykinsi don't think btrfs is a wise choice for you05:49
uber_hulkI see05:49
electricprismis anyone here using ubuntu on their phone already?05:56
nomicu thought u were in bash?05:56
daftykinselectricprism: #ubuntu-touch is the channel for that, very inactive though. it's off topic here.05:58
peroim troubleshooting some wireless issues and am about to update the firmware for the intel 7260 card in my laptop - however, dmesg reports a newer version than the one currently available from intel. how is this possible?06:05
cmdswitchpero: try http://askubuntu.com/questions/331667/no-wireless-for-intel-corporation-7260-version-63 ?06:07
perocmdshftn, my wireless works, just not very well - i believe this is a regression in last week's patch.06:08
peroi was about to attempt disabling N as suggested by http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=29898506:08
perobut thought i'd look into updating the firmware06:08
cmdswitchpero: sorry I don't deal with bleeding edge :(06:08
perois 14.04 bleeding edge?06:08
cmdswitchpero: the wireless driver you want06:09
cmdswitchpero: not the os06:09
perodmesg lists version as but intel has
Ben64where in dmesg does it say that06:09
pero[    2.747915] iwlwifi 0000:01:00.0: loaded firmware version op_mode iwlmvm06:10
cmdswitchpero: http://askubuntu.com/questions/498567/intel-ac-7620-no-internet-still-connected-to-network ?06:12
cmdswitchtry adding that to modprobe.d06:12
cmdswitchsee if that makes a difference06:13
perocmdshftn, yea thats the same solution06:13
peroi was just curious about the firmware06:13
daftykinscmdswitch: this query seems a bit more detailed than just your quick google searches provide :P06:13
peroi use wicd instead of network manager so it actually does say disconnected06:13
cmdswitchdaftykins: I know :), I'm trying to get him to google it on his own :P06:13
daftykinsby handing answers?06:14
daftykinsthat's not a very good method06:14
peronetworkmanager does background scans every 2 minutes which completely lag my csgo06:14
peroare you guys talking about me?06:14
perocause no one is actually answering my question06:14
perowow the passive-aggressive is real06:15
peroi already had that solution as i stated before he did his googling06:15
perosome reading might help06:15
daftykinsthat's actually my point if you look closer06:15
daftykinsi was saying you didn't need those links06:15
daftykinsplease don't get like that in a volunteer channel, none of us owe you anything06:16
cmdswitchand my point is, I'm not going to try to find fixes to tweak your wireless card to get better performance06:16
perowell i did reread but am not getting that message from what you wrote06:16
perocmdshftn, i never asked you to fix my wireless card06:16
Ben64cmdswitch: if you don't want to help, don't respond?06:16
* cmdswitch shuts up06:17
peroi just asked why ubuntu has newer firmware than intel06:17
peroor if im misunderstanding the version numbers somehow06:17
cmdswitchfor history: http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/iwlwifi/linux-firmware.git/commit/ && http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/iwlwifi/linux-firmware.git/commit/?id=571ad1ab9f6c85ba859387166f528a70ee1aa15106:23
perocmdshftn, thanks but that's over my head heh06:24
daftykinsuse tab to complete nicknames, that one isn't even close06:25
peroim using tab - im just missing06:26
peroo well06:27
atal421quick question, i installed xubuntu on an old crappy 700m years ago. i want to donate my machine now but would like to wipe it clean first. how do i do this? haven't touched the machine in such a long time but whenever i try to do anything booting into the bios won't let me reset, and grub doesn't seem to offer a way to reformat either06:30
daftykinsGRUB's a bootloader, not a system wipe tool06:33
daftykinsatal421: what is a "700m" ?06:33
atal421daftykins: but it has access to the commandline. but yeah, i heary ou06:33
atal421Dell, cringe06:33
atal421all i want to do is either remove all traces of my name atal-inspiron-700m, i want atal gone06:34
atal421or just wipe it06:34
atal421i don't care about it06:34
daftykinsi would personally boot a live session, dd zero the hard disk, then clean install06:35
atal421daftykins: even if this thing boots bios first?06:36
daftykinsi don't really understand what you mean there06:36
daftykinsyou mean every power on it enters the BIOS setup rather than proceeding to boot from primary disk?06:37
atal421daftykins: no, you're right, it hits the dell boot system first (forgive my lack of terminology) where i can hit F10 or whatever to get into the bios, i can then wait a second and then hit shift to boot into grub, and then it boots like normal. if i recall the bios says USB -> optical drive -> hdd... but yes, it boots into xubuntu06:39
daftykinsok that's just the logo POST screen (power on self test)06:39
daftykinsin that case *all* computers boot their BIOS/EFI first, since that's how they function ;)06:40
daftykinsF12 is typically the one-time boot menu key on Dells, pop in a flash drive with xubuntu 14.04.1 on or a DVD, then boot from that to wipe it.06:40
daftykinslin: hi. got a support question?06:40
atal421daftykins: ha06:40
atal421daftykins: okay, i like where you're going06:41
atal421so here's my question06:41
atal421i already created a bootable img on a usb06:41
atal421no go06:41
Ben64yeah, basically you overwrite the entire drive with zeros and nobody can ever get the data off of it06:41
atal421it just black screens06:41
atal421so when i create a flash drive that's bootable, which file system am i creating it for?06:42
daftykinsatal421: can this system boot from USB flash drive? what's the system you're typing from now?06:42
atal421FAT32 or the not windows option?06:42
atal421i'm on a mac right now06:42
daftykinsah. no idea on best methods of making a flash drive bootable from a mac06:42
cfhowlettatal421, .img is for booting macs, not dell06:42
daftykinsbut you'd just download a .ISO06:42
daftykinsxubuntu and ubuntu come in ISOs06:43
atal421daftykins: not for a mac, for Dell that's now running xubuntu06:43
daftykinsatal421: well you can download it on the Dell if you like :)06:43
daftykinsthen you can pop the flash drive in06:43
atal421i DL'ed the iso and then followed a tutorial on how to make it bootable for windows (making it on a mac)06:43
daftykinsand we can give you a command to write the ISO to the flash drive to make it bootable06:43
atal421daftykins: that's sweet06:44
atal421is there a tutorial you can point me to?06:44
atal421i just want to wipe it, donate it, and move on06:44
daftykinswe can do it step by step06:44
daftykinsstep 1 is downloading, wherebaouts in the world are you? (for me to pick a faster mirror)06:44
daftykins*whereabouts too06:44
daftykinsany idea on the processor and RAM in the Dell?06:45
daftykinsthis is for deciding between 32-bit and 64-bit xubuntu06:45
Ben64wait if its just to wipe it, why ubuntu at all? can use anything06:45
daftykinsBen64: clean install after06:46
Ben64atal421: do you need to install ubuntu after?06:46
daftykinsi imagine atal421 wants to donate it in a working state06:46
atal421Ben64: i'm installing ubuntu now apprently06:46
* Ben64 backs out of the room, very confused06:47
atal421let me see, where's that info in here06:47
daftykinsyou could enter the BIOS with F2 or F10 to read the RAM and CPU off06:47
daftykinsor if it's booted... "free -m" or "cat /proc/cpuinfo"06:47
atal421daftykins: i did, it's fine i think06:47
atal421let's say 512mb ram06:48
atal42164gb hd06:48
atal4211.8 processor06:48
atal421wow, old stuff06:48
daftykinswowzer, bit of a relic06:48
atal421xubuntu is blazing fast on this though :)06:48
daftykins32-bit it is06:48
atal421i'm on my mac now06:49
atal421which links is it on the download page?06:49
atal421top or bottom06:49
atal421both are for 32bit06:49
atal421seem identical06:49
daftykinson xubuntu.org i clicked 'download now' bottom left06:49
daftykinsthen i picked United States06:50
daftykinsthen right at the bottom the 916MB file of -i386.iso06:50
atal421in this page the 916 is that top, but yeah, i just figured that out too :)06:51
atal421oh man, old machine06:51
atal421gonna go brush teeth or something :-/06:52
daftykinsi'm almost unsure it'll even boot from USB06:52
atal421daftykins: agreed06:52
atal421so what should i do?06:52
atal421i just want to remove all personal info from it06:52
daftykinswell it's worth a go06:52
daftykinsunless you have some blank DVDs06:52
atal421time == $$$06:53
atal421i could be doing better things, like programming :-)06:53
atal42142min, i can't watch this06:53
atal421daftykins: are you on here much?06:54
daftykinsfar too much06:54
daftykinsbut there are many others too, so there's no need to consider just me06:54
daftykinsplenty of friendly volunteers06:54
atal421ha, indeed06:54
atal421jsut hope others are as open06:54
atal421i've come into a few rooms, man, i just got trashed06:55
atal421very rude06:55
atal421in any case06:55
atal421you're great, thaks for the help06:55
daftykinsnp :) you can do a bit of prep on the flash drive now if you like06:56
atal421i'll pop back in when this DL finishes06:56
atal421what do you mean?06:56
atal421btw, i already have the image DLed on this mac06:56
atal421did that earlier06:56
atal421created a bootable USB for win3206:56
atal421it failed to boot06:56
atal421jsut set there with a blinking white cursor06:56
daftykinsif you ran "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then with the flash drive plugged in, run "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" that'll give me the info i need to make up the command to put the ISO on the drive06:57
daftykinsah, well you could've also SCP'd the file from your mac to the Dell i suppose, over the network06:57
sidharrellwow, just had apache crash on me: "[mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1353] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down"06:57
atal421daftykins: indeed06:57
atal421it's alright, DLing now, i'll give this a go tomorrow06:58
atal421thanks for the help06:58
daftykinsnp o/06:58
explodingmango1noob here, is running "rmmod rt2800usb" supposed to immediately crash my machine or is something fishy here?07:17
explodingmango1("modprobe -r rt2800usb" does the same. Both are run as root.)07:17
NikolaiToryzinUnloading kernel modules on a running system isn't normal07:17
NikolaiToryzinSo crashing is to be expected if it was being used at all07:18
jamesdNikolaiToryzin: the theory is that its supposed to work but, its probably not tested all that often by meer users.07:19
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explodingmango1jamesd: sounds about right. The instructions I'm following (to replace mac80211 module with a patched version) says to unload stuff, didn't know if there was some specific problem on my machine :/07:20
explodingmango1if you have any advice, say it quick cause I'm gonna crash my machine again, uh I mean I'm gonna try something else07:21
explodingmango1none? okay yolo07:22
daftykinsyep you only linux once07:25
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jamesdExtraCarpety: install your modules where they need to go, and reboot and pray it works right... i haven't had to do moduload/modload on linux in more that a decade.07:32
jamesd^^^ explodingmango107:33
Gregor3000i am still having sound issues. i ran into a Sabayaon wiki explaining how to lock the sound card to be default one. i thenwent to check what my alsa configuraiton is and simialr, btu i found no such file in ubuntu. the problem i have is that for some reason sometimes it doens' tinf d the sound chip or doesn't load the correct modules. osmetimes i can sovle this by reloading the modules. other times i can solve it by swithing to different07:36
Gregor3000output (e.g. from analog into digital), but too often i need to turn off the PC wait a bit and then turn it back on.07:36
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Gregor3000this is the Sabayon wiki article i am refering to: https://wiki.sabayon.org/index.php?title=HOWTO:_Configure_ALSA_to_handle_a_USB_sound_card i couldn0t ifnd any /etc/modules.d/alsa in ubutnu07:40
thecoolguyI"m trying to run cmake to compile openbabel but i keep getting the following erorrs. http://pastie.org/985635107:43
explodingmangoI'm back, all I had to do to prevent horrible crashing was unplug the USB dongle before unloading its driver, whoops07:43
thecoolguyWhat does it mean ? something is corrupted ?07:44
thecoolguyor dependancy is missing ?07:44
daemi0nHi there!  I'm a brand new Ubuntu user and this seemed like a good place to come looking for tips and suggestions.07:53
daemi0nSo, if you have any software suggestions or pages with tips, I'm all ears.07:53
lee_yes,it's good for newer07:54
daemi0nI have command line experience from the DOS days and limited experience with UNIX from coding on a MUD back when.07:54
ztaneon my thinkpad, 14.10 I have started losing sound on suspend, vol control in tray does work, but alsamixer for example says that no mixer device available07:54
thecoolguylee  any ideas ?07:54
daemi0nNo Linux specific experience - I'm taking an edx course on Linux, though.07:54
daemi0nthrough the Linux foundation07:55
ztanedaemi0n: man and info are the first commands you should know on command line :D07:55
daemi0npost-it ho!07:55
sidharrellnever found much use for info07:56
ztaneinfo only contains gnu programs yes, but07:56
ztanesay for gcc, and libc it is much more complete along with code examples etc.07:57
ztaneusually man is enough :D07:57
jamesddaemi0n: figure out something you want your system to do, and research it, and then make it do it...  i want an email of my disk space at 6am everymorning for example.07:57
daemi0nthat seems like a reasonable way to approach it07:58
daemi0ni'm not interested in making my linux setup do a bunch of windows stuff, at least not right now - i'll just poke around and if i have more specific questions i'll rtfm and then ask here07:59
thecoolguyanyone have any ideas with my question ?07:59
sidharrellmy best grizzled old timer impression: "I remember back when we used to have wireless problems so bad you had to compile from source! from a patch you had to search to find! You don't know how good you whipper-snappers have it!"07:59
ztanehttp://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/ this for from 0 approach to unix command line07:59
ztanefirst find from google but seems reasonable07:59
ztaneah but it uses another shell :D08:00
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daemi0nthanks ztane!08:02
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dragerWhen I start my computer I need to first type in a passpharse because of the crypt but I can't type anything in that input-box so I reboot my computer and the UI of Ubuntu changes (to less graphic) and then I can type in my passpharse. Running Ubuntu 14.10.08:09
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EriC^^ valkyr87 you there?08:19
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st3venWhy is it when I type pico, it comes up with nano, and when I type nano it comes up with nano?08:36
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qiukunwhat is happening to PPA now?08:38
EriC^^st3ven: cause it's symlinked to nano08:38
qiukunquite slow08:38
st3venOh okay EriC^^, thanks!08:38
EriC^^st3ven: no problem!08:38
dw1is it necessary or recommend to use xubuntu rather than hack the normal installation to run xfce?08:43
dw1i guess thats why it exists.. it's not easy08:43
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EriC^^dw1: what do you mean by hack the normal installation?08:44
daftykinsit's not a hack08:44
daftykinsgo from unity -> xfce i think08:44
EriC^^dw1: you run sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop08:44
dw1say it's an underpowered system and you didnt want to run unity ever08:45
EriC^^install xubuntu-desktop, purge ubuntu-desktop08:45
daftykinswell you'd have the foresight to download a xubuntu ISO wouldn't you :P08:45
EriC^^^^ yeah08:45
st3venCtrl + Alt + T08:45
st3venType sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop08:45
dw1that easy eh EriC^^08:46
dw1well then screw xubuntu amirite08:46
st3venEnter your password. Move your mouse to the very top right hand corner of the screen. Click on the last icon to the right there. Move your mouse down to Logout.08:46
st3ven(After it's installed, of course)08:46
dw1yea true, then prompt to do the package thing and reboot08:47
st3venThen when you get to the login screen, if the installation went all well, at the top right hand corner of the box with your username and the password field in it, click the icon that looks like the Ubuntu logo.08:47
st3venSelect Xubuntu Desktop.08:48
dw1right just need to do the one package from terminal and reboot08:48
st3venProceed to login.08:48
dw1never need to hit unity08:48
dw1yet a whole separate distro is justified haha08:49
st3venHint: You can also logout in Unity by pressing Control + Alt + Del, and clicking the Logout option in the effect that appears.08:49
dm7freekIs this command ubuntu-specific?     gsettings set org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/ hsize 208:50
dw1why would it be08:51
EriC^^dm7freek: you'd have to be using compiz i think, so yes08:51
dw1gsettings could run in a lot of places08:51
dm7freekEriC^^: thanks08:52
dm7freekdw1: gsettings is gnome-specific right?08:52
dw1i do not know enough to answer that. :)08:53
EriC^^dm7freek: no08:53
dm7freekEriC^^: lsb?08:54
EriC^^which releases it works with?08:54
mmanceIs anyone else having problems with mdadm in 14.04.1?08:56
mmanceI get my system installed and then after a package update or install, something changes, and when I reboot I get create user root not found08:57
c0mrad3I have some problem with my terminal when ever I type sudo it is not asking me the password and just doing the commad is it a privilage escalation bug ??09:00
qiukunc0mrad3, you could cat /etc/sudoers to check09:01
c0mrad3I have not modified it but it is not asking me to enter the password at all09:02
c0mrad3it is just doing the given command isn't it a bug or vulnerability or virus ??09:03
qiukunc0mrad3: if you have granted to sudo one time, then i wouldn't ask you again later within a certain time09:04
qiukuni -> it09:04
daftykinsc0mrad3: so you're genuinely typing JUST "sudo" ?09:04
c0mrad3no I am not09:04
c0mrad3I have not typed the sudo in this session09:05
qiukunhow do you guy stand the slow speed of ppa09:05
daftykinsPPAs are third party repos, i don't use any09:05
daftykinsso - i don't stand them being slow at all :D09:05
EriC^^c0mrad3: hey :p09:05
EriC^^c0mrad3: type sudo -l09:05
qiukundaftykins: well, cool09:05
chipotlewhere does a ppa put a sotware package i downloaded on my filesystem? i need to get into its directory...09:06
chipotleit's for sublime text09:06
EriC^c0mrad3: hey :p09:06
Ben64chipotle: theres no way for us to know that09:06
EriC^c0mrad3: you've added NOPASSWD09:07
chipotleBen64: um there isn't a central pace?09:07
chipotleso how do i find the file? with grep?09:07
Ben64chipotle: ppas are 3rd party repositories, they aren't supported here and can basically put a file anywhere09:07
EriC^c0mrad3: type sudo visudo , and remove the NOPASSWD line09:07
chipotleBen64: how would i do a grep for the word "sublime""?09:08
Ben64chipotle: what are you actually trying to accomplish09:08
qiukunBen64: maybe chipotle means the .deb09:08
chipotlei'm trying to create a symlink, but i need to know where sublime is located to do so09:08
chipotleqiukun: no, i don't09:08
Ben64symlink to what09:08
c0mrad3but I think that I have not added that line to this one @EriC^09:08
chipotlei mean the config files of the app09:08
daftykinschipotle: find / -name "*sublime*"09:08
EriC^c0mrad3: check /var/log/auth.log09:08
st3vendaftykins: Thanks for the parameter "-name"!09:09
st3venDidn't know about that...09:09
EriC^for clues if somebody issued any command to /etc/sudoers , or ran visudo09:09
EriC^c0mrad3: also check /home/root/.bash_history09:09
Ben64st3ven: man find .... theres many fun switches09:09
daftykinsi only kinda had my intro to 'find' from the edx.org intro course the other day09:10
c0mrad3I use zsh @EriC^  :P09:10
daftykinsi'd always meant to give it a try, but sometimes reading the essay of a man page when just one shown example speaks a thousand words is far better09:10
st3ven!cookie > c0mrad309:11
ubottuc0mrad3, please see my private message09:11
st3ven!cookie > c0mrad309:11
EriC^c0mrad3: :P09:11
st3venIt didn't work :o09:11
st3venI wanted to give him a cookie! :c09:11
c0mrad3I got it @ st3ven :P09:12
st3venYay! :D09:12
qubici want to manually add  a python .py file to my pymodules folder but the folder says root access only. i logged in as root but i can't paste the file there (pip and github install blah don't work for this one things) so i'm doing it the roundabout way09:13
c0mrad3EriC^: where to remove the no password line ?? can you repeat it09:14
EriC^c0mrad3: type sudo visudo09:14
c0mrad3it's taking me to nano editor :( and I only use vim09:15
daftykinsjust complete the task, don't whinge about the editor09:18
EriC^c0mrad3: used to be able to change it with VISUAL=/usr/bin/vi or EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi09:18
EriC^c0mrad3: not working though09:19
EriC^c0mrad3: nano is easy, ctrl+o to save09:19
EriC^i think i know why09:21
EriC^not passing the env to sudo09:22
EriC^c0mrad3: yup, sudo bash -c 'EDITOR=vi visudo'09:22
c0mrad3is there a way to make my editor by default as vim ?? for the whole system ??09:24
c0mrad3also what was the line I deleted in case I don't want to be asked my password again :P09:24
arunguys, tried ubuntu 15?09:25
EriC^c0mrad3: sudo mv /etc/alternatives/editor /etc/alternatives/editor.old09:25
EriC^sudo ln -s /usr/bin/vi /etc/alternatives/editor09:26
EriC^c0mrad3: c0mrad3 ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL09:27
knoppix_hello world09:27
Addidoes anyone here have a SMWCentral account09:28
c0mrad3!cookie > EriC^09:30
ubottuEriC^, please see my private message09:30
daftykinsarun: unreleased versions are offtopic here, join #ubuntu+109:30
EriC^c0mrad3: :D09:30
c0mrad3@EriC^ thanks for helping me out :D09:30
EriC^mafi !man2oushe ?09:30
EriC^c0mrad3: no problem :D09:31
raoguys how to setup samba server in ubuntu server??09:31
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html09:31
c0mrad3seems like the bot is making ur job easier :P daftykins09:32
daftykinsc0mrad3: drop the chatter please, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic09:32
arunthanks daftykins09:32
raoguys any alternating solution for file windows file share by using account or passowrd ??09:33
daftykinsrao: yeah in the links above.09:33
daftykinsvery easy to setup password protected samba shares09:33
daftykinsthere must be half a million guides online09:33
raoi said alternating solution ??09:34
raosend me link09:34
daftykinsalternating is a word meaning changing, perhaps you mean 'alternate' ?09:34
daftykinsno, do some research for yourself :)09:34
l9does ubuntu have jail09:34
EriC^l9: ?09:34
raoya exactly09:35
l9EriC^: i am trying too jail a minecraft server but i cant really seem too find the jail09:35
daftykinssounds more like chroot lockdown09:35
l9daftykins: thanks :D09:36
c0mrad3rao: http://bit.ly/1yOtGmt09:36
l9old bsd mix up sorry :p09:37
TheBigDealis there any solution to this bug here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/139558009:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1409555 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1395580 drop extras.ubuntu.com" [High,In progress]09:38
daftykinsTheBigDeal: 15.04? off topic here, join #ubuntu+109:39
l9how hard it is too break out of a freenas vm09:40
daftykinsfreenas isn't on topic here09:41
l9whoops sorry09:41
l9on ubuntu running a vm how hard is it for users inside that vm too breakout? more on topic09:46
divBy0hi, does anybody know where to find documentation on the global config file for scite?09:55
rileyphi my son has just installed ubuntu on his laptop and nends help with the wifi09:55
rileypits a thinkpad x201i09:56
divBy0rileyp: do you have the model# of the wifi adapter09:56
basavarajur name09:56
divBy0basavaraj: what's the question?09:58
basavarajwhat is this?09:58
divBy0basavaraj: rEaLiTy09:58
basavarajur name divby009:59
divBy0basavaraj: its a nickname for a chat service. this is a chat service. we are in a chatroom.09:59
mutuali'm trying to dual boot an encrypted ubuntu installation with another distro whose installer isn't detecting ubuntu, how do I do this?10:01
daftykinsmix of EFI vs. legacy boot perhaps?10:01
daftykinsyou're going to have to ask the other distro for support.10:01
divBy0mutual: how are you trying now?10:01
rileypiwlwifi ?10:02
basavarajany girl in chatroom?10:02
basavarajits a boring chatroom ya10:03
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mutualdivBy0, so far i just tried to install the other distro and it didnt detect ubuntu and i realized i probably need to do something first10:04
divBy0basavaraj: where did you find this room?10:04
mutualbasavaraj, this is the ubuntu community support channel10:04
basavarajok thank u bye friends10:04
divBy0mutual: so did you finish the install of the second distro or did you stop when you saw it didnt recognize ubuntu?10:04
mutualdivBy0, i stopped10:04
mutualdivBy0, the only options were to manually resize or overwrite10:04
mutualdivBy0, and i didn't want to manually resize without knowing what im doing10:05
daftykinsmutual: so EFI vs legacy boot issue perhaps?10:05
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daftykinsof the second distro's media10:05
mutualdaftykins, ELI510:05
daftykins!efi | mutual go read here10:05
ubottumutual go read here: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI10:05
mutualdaftykins, is this about the media i'm installing from?10:06
mutualdaftykins, cause it's a usb10:06
mutualdaftykins, i thought it was a problem with the ubuntu partition being encrypted10:06
daftykins /boot probably won't be so i don't think so10:07
mutualdaftykins, i'm trying to understand this article10:07
daftykinsi don't think this is an ubuntu issue necessarily, go ask in the channel of the other distro about booting EFI vs. legacy10:07
divBy0mutual: what's the other distro? is your bios using uefi10:07
mutualdaftykins, what exactly should i be doing?10:07
mutualdivBy0, trisquel10:07
daftykinsyou're unwilling to read aren't you.10:07
mutualdivBy0, for sh*ts and giggles10:07
mutualdaftykins, no i am reading it10:07
daftykinsnm i'll leave you to these other fine helpers.10:07
divBy0mutual: never heard of it. can you get into your bios and figure out if its running UEFI?10:08
mutualdaftykins, ok thanks for taking the time to help10:08
mutualdivBy0, i can try10:08
mutualdivBy0, is that necessary?10:08
mutualdivBy0, if it is, what would that imply? if it isn't, what would that imply?10:09
divBy0mutual: if you don't know, then yes10:09
divBy0mutual: it would mean your bios is communicating with your hard drive and booting business in a totally different way than legacy10:09
mutualdivBy0, and usb is legacy?10:09
divBy0mutual: implications would be you have a totally different method of installation10:10
divBy0mutual: it could be, it could also be UEFI. need to get into the BIOS to check10:10
divBy0mutual: if you can get a windows installation running maybe on a live WinPE disk then you can go to disk management to check10:11
mutualdivBy0, I found a command that supposedly determines whether the OS is booted from EFI or bios10:11
mutualdivBy0, and it said BIOS10:11
mutualdivBy0, if that doesn't cut it i can reboot and brb10:11
divBy0mutual: that sounds good, whats the command10:11
mutualif [[ -e /sys/firmware/efi/vars ]] || [[ -e /sys/firmware/efi/efivars ]]; then echo "booted from EFI"; else echo "booted from BIOS"; fi10:12
divBy0yea i dont know that might be right never seen it before but if your ubuntu is encrypted then you shouldnt be able to see it until after you install the other distro anyways10:13
mutualdivBy0, oh really?10:13
mutualdivBy0, oh that makes sense actually10:13
mutualdivBy0, so how should i approach the install?10:13
divBy0mutual, can you just run trisquel live to test it first?10:13
mutualdivBy0, yep it worked10:14
mutualdivBy0, live usb worked10:14
divBy0then from cli or gui try to access the ubuntu partition and it should ask for credentials10:14
mutualdivBy0, also I just confirmed my OEM doesn't use EFI10:14
mutualdivBy0, oh how?10:14
mutualdivBy0, will i have access to the filesystem?10:14
Unknown0BCI have an sd card slot on my Ubuntu laptop, when I copy from it I get transfer rates of 16.6MB/s is that not to slow ?10:15
divBy0i don't know the exact commands for cli but you can google how to mount a drive its pretty basic10:15
mutualdivBy0, and once i mount it then what?10:15
divBy0from gui just go to whatever the file explorer and look for the ubuntu parttion and see if you can open it10:15
divBy0it should ask you for the password10:15
mutualdivBy0, right so then you're saying the installer will recognize it?10:15
mutualdivBy0, also how could i do that if it's encrypted?10:16
divBy0no, the os will. it will forget after the session ends. why do you need the installer to see it?10:16
divBy0Unknown0BC: seems normal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Digital#Speeds10:17
mutualdivBy0, if the installer doesn't see it how will i install it side by side with ubuntu?10:17
divBy0mutual, on its own partitions10:17
Unknown0BCoh ty divBy010:17
mutualdivBy0, how?10:18
no_gravityGood Morning! What is a good way to tell my Ubuntu machine to turn off all fans of my desktop pc, if possible?10:18
mutualdivBy0, and doesn't that mean i will have to manually resize the partitions? since the ubuntu partition is currently all of the disk?10:18
mutualno_gravity, why would you want to turn off all fans?10:18
no_gravitymutual: silence10:18
mutualno_gravity, you realize they're there for a reason right?10:19
divBy0just unplug them10:19
no_gravitymutual: maybe. i have doing so on all my machines for 10 years or so. nothing every broke. and if something brakes, it would not hurt me much.10:19
mutualno_gravity, disabling your computer's fans is like removing a radiator from your car10:19
no_gravitymutual: everytime i have a new machine i google around for fancontrol and sensors and whatnot until that thing is silent10:20
no_gravitymutual: difference is that a broken machine would not hurt me10:20
no_gravityif i cannot get the machine silent, i would not use it anyhow.10:21
mutualno_gravity, that's ridiculous10:21
mutualdivBy0, do i need to manually repartition?10:21
no_gravitymutual: how?10:21
mutualno_gravity, you're refusing to use a luxury because of a tiny inconvenience10:22
bekksmutual: Whats the actual issue?10:22
mutualbekks, trying to install another distro alongside an ubuntu encrypted partition that isn't detected by the other distro's installer10:22
no_gravitymutual: i would, but it did not happen yet. one way or the other i got all machines silent10:23
mutualbekks, and gparted scares me :P10:23
divByz0mutual: you need to have separate partitions10:23
bekksmutual: There is nothing you can do about it - because it is encrypted, it cant be detected without being decrypted.10:23
no_gravitymutual: just not sure if pwmconfig and all that shit is the right way to go these days10:23
mutualdivByz0, i know, i don't know how10:23
no_gravityhavent done it for some time10:23
divByz0mutual: do you have any free space to play with10:23
mutualdivByz0, yes, inside the ubuntu partition10:23
mutualbekks, so i can't dual boot?10:24
bekksmutual: inside the ubuntu partition is not "having free space for another partition".10:24
mutualbekks, that's what i thought10:24
mutualso it's impossible10:24
bekksmutual: You have to install the other OS first, on a separate partition, then install Ubuntu.10:24
mutualbekks, so without overwriting ubuntu it's impossible?10:24
bekksmutual: And you will have to use the Ubuntu bootloader, not the bootloader of the other distro.10:25
mutualbekks, if it is that's fine10:25
mutualbekks, my desire is to install this distro alongside ubuntu by using some of the free space within this partition by modifying the partitions10:25
mutualbekks, if this is impossible, then ok10:25
mutualbekks, i just want to know if it's possible10:25
EriC^^mutual: i think you can resize with gparted, not sure10:26
mutualEriC^^, is that risky? and does it matter that it's encrypted?10:26
bekksEriC^^: you cant resize am encrypted partition.10:26
divByz0mutual: free space to play with is unallocated unpartitioned unformatted disk space10:26
mutualdivByz0, bekks covered that, thanks10:26
bekksmutual: It heavily does matter that you encrypted your Ubuntu.10:26
bekksmutual: You cannot resize that easy.10:26
mutualbekks, not easily or not at all? ;)10:26
mutualgparted scares the bejeezus out of me10:27
EriC^^mutual: read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions10:27
mutualEriC^^, thanks10:27
EriC^^mutual: no problem10:27
mutualEriC^^, if i did this somehow and then went back to installing the other distro after making an empty partition out of the free space, would it detect that partition?10:28
EriC^^mutual: yes grub should find it10:28
mutualEriC^^, but would the installer in the other distro?10:28
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest34419
EriC^^mutual: i think so10:29
mutualhmm ok10:29
mutualseems like a bit of a chore to resize10:30
mutuali may do it anyways though10:30
EriC^^mutual: why do you want it unencrypted?10:32
mutualEriC^^, when did I say that?10:32
divByz0mutual: i've always found it easier to just back everything up and start from scratch10:32
EriC^^mutual: ok10:32
mutualEriC^^, did you mean why do I want it encrypted?10:32
divByz0anyone know where to find documentation on SciTe global configs?10:33
mutualdivByz0, i may do that in the future10:33
EriC^^mutual: nevermind10:33
theone1people, can someone assist me in formatting a 2TB external HDD on ubuntu? i cannot seem to be able to do it10:36
divByz0theone1: how are you trying?10:37
theone1divByz0: i use the disks app10:37
divByz0theone1: try $ sudo apt-get install gparted10:38
theone1divByz0: ok installed, how do I start it?10:39
divByz0it should be in your applications just press the win key10:40
divByz0or from terminal $ sudo gparted10:40
theone1got it, ok what should i do, i just want to simply format the HDD to use its space10:41
divByz0did it detect the disk already?10:41
theone1yes, but it has a grey bar on the top saying unallocated10:41
divByz0theone1: do you know what file system you want to format it as10:42
theone1divByz0: no, something standard for ubuntu to add large files into it, i know FAT does not support large files10:42
Luyinperhaps he should just format it via mkfs10:44
theone1what is mkfs?10:44
Luyintheone1: man mkfs10:45
bekkstheone1: you dont need to format anything to install Ubuntu.10:45
theone1Luyin: bekks i am not going to install ubuntu, i am using ubuntu10:45
divByz0theone1, first you have to initialise the disk in gparted10:45
divByz0theone1, in gparted menu, partition, new partition table10:46
bekkstheone1: you need to create a partition using gparted, and format it using gparted.10:46
theone1divByz0: i get an error message saying: No partition table found on device /dev/sdc10:46
bekkstheone1: you need to create a partition using gparted, and format it using gparted.10:47
cfhowletttheone1, theone1 upper right hand screen, select your hard drive.  usually /dev/sda10:47
theone1cfhowlett: yes selected10:48
bekkstheone1: select the correct disk, and double check it :)10:48
theone1bekks: yes double checked :-) 2TB /dev/sdc says unallocated10:49
theone1isn't there a simple way to format an external HDD like in windows or mac? :-) just press format and it formats?10:51
cfhowletttheone1, gparted.  select device to be partitioned and click10:51
cfhowletttheone1, wait ... EXTERNAL??10:51
theone1cfhowlett: yes10:52
bekkstheone1: gparted is the easy way.10:52
divByz0theone1, did you get the link i sent you10:52
bekkstheone1: are you going to use that drive with windows/mac?10:52
divByz0step by step with pics simple10:52
theone1divByz0: sorry did not get the link10:52
divByz0theone1, http://www.sitepoint.com/ubuntu-12-04-lts-precise-pangolin-using-gparted-to-partition-a-hard-disk/10:53
cfhowletttheone1, proceed carefully.  installing the OS on an external is a bit tricky.  Why not install on the internal drive?10:54
bekkscfhowlett: he does not want to install :)10:54
* cfhowlett exits and goes back to lurking10:54
divByz0cfhowlett, i dont think hes installing an os on there hes just trying to format it10:55
divByz0or she...10:55
theone1cfhowlett: i am not installing ubuntu in an enternal drive, i want to use the HDD normally, i also want to learn how to format on ubuntu because it seems it is a bit complicated than on windows and mac10:56
theone1divByz0: what partition table should i use?10:56
bekkstheone1: It is not more complicated. In Windows, you have to create a partition before, too.10:56
divByz0theone1, what are your options10:56
bekkstheone1: For a 2TB drive, use MBR.10:57
theone1divByz0: aix, amiga, bsd, dvh, gpt, mac, msdos, pc98, sun, loop11:00
bekkstheone1: use "msdos".11:01
divByz0agreed, msdos11:01
theone1bekks: divByz0 ok working11:01
bekkstheone1: did you create a partition as well? :)11:01
theone1bekks: working on it now, which file system is best? ext 2 or 3 or 4?11:02
bekkstheone1: are you going to use that disk with windows/mac too?11:02
theone1just ubuntu11:02
divByz0theone1, i would do ext411:02
bekkstheone1: Then use ext4.11:03
theone1what if i want mac and win?11:03
Ben64windows can read ext4 with an additional driver you can download11:03
Ben64mac does silly stuff, who knows11:03
bekkstheone1: Then you will cry after realizing that windows/mac cant read ext4 :)11:04
Ben64windows can read/write ext4 with that driver, easy11:04
Giwrgarashi, if i've got ubuntu in a dual boot computer. I now want to uninstall the windows that i have to install another version. Will this affect my linux dual boot installer?11:05
divByz0anyone here understand eof formatting?11:05
Ben64Giwrgaras: install another version of windows?11:05
=== divByz0 is now known as divBy0
Giwrgaras7 > 811:05
bekksGiwrgaras: "Yes."11:06
Ben64yeah, windows installs always break the bootloader11:06
cfhowlettGiwrgaras, windows will write over your grub bootloader.  after installing windows, reinstall grub11:06
bekksGiwrgaras: you need to use UEFI/GPT because Windows 9 cannot be installed on MBR.11:06
divBy0no, it certainly can't :P11:06
godbod Hello all, I have a PC with a graphic card on board, and a nvidia card, is it possible to set a primary display so that at boot the progress bar is display on the nvidia card (main screen) instead of on the intel card?11:07
Giwrgarasso id better stay with another 7 installation bekks11:07
Giwrgarasif its difficult to dual boot with win 8.111:07
divBy0it was easy for me11:08
divBy0you can disable uefi and just go mbr11:08
Ben64pretty sure windows 8 can be installed in mbr11:08
divBy0in the bios turn on legacy boot11:08
cfhowlettGiwrgaras, not difficult.  just requires actual thought11:08
divBy0yes thats what im running now11:08
divBy08.1 mbr with ubuntu11:08
ubuntuser13godbod: you can change the primary adapter settings in bios.11:08
Giwrgarasi am incapable of that cfhowlett11:08
divBy0lol :)11:08
godbod ubuntuuser13 : I did that actually, but the behavior is still the same11:08
godbod it's like the intel card always takes on the nvidia card11:09
Ben64yep, google confirms it. can boot from mbr as long as its legacy, can't have uefi and mbr11:09
godbod isn't it here a kernel configuration ?11:09
Ben64do you need both cards11:10
godbod Yes11:10
godbod I do11:10
bekksgodbod: Do yu have an Optimus chipset or just a Intel CPU with integrated graphics, and an external PCIE nvidia GPU?11:10
Ben64then set primary like ubuntuser13 suggests11:10
divByz0godbod, do you have compiz manager installed?11:10
divByz0godbod, there is a setting in there that lets you choose which display to prefer11:10
ubuntuser13godbod:  i think you plugged your display in nvidia graphic card, not in your motherboard.11:10
divByz0godbod, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager11:11
bekksgodbod: you need to know wether you have an Optimus configuration or just a dual-GPU configuration.11:11
godbod I have a Intel CPU with an integrated graphics, and an external nvidia card accessed on DVI11:11
divByz0godbod, sudo ccsm11:11
bekksgodbod: So disable the Intel GPU in the BIOS and use the Nvidia GPU.11:11
embikhello everyone, does anybody know _anything_ about accountsservice or knows someone I could ask about that? the documentation is a pita and cannot even find the source code for the "language-tools" which are provided by it11:12
godbod no dual GPU11:12
divByz0godbod, from within ccsm, general options/display settings/overlapping output handling11:12
divByz0godbod, http://askubuntu.com/questions/568438/how-to-make-the-right-hand-monitor-the-primary-monitor11:12
godbod okay, I will try this on11:12
godbod but11:13
divByz0embik, what's pita11:13
divByz0oh nm11:13
godbod at boot, I don't think compiz is already running11:13
godbod so that's up to the kernel11:13
Ben64not exactly, it fires up whatever display gets detected as 'working' first11:14
divByz0godbod, that's the next thing i would try. how is it behaving now11:14
godbod When it boots, the progress bar is still displayed on the intel card, and then at login, the primary display is set to the nvidia card11:19
Ben64yep so change it in the bios11:19
godbod I did11:19
Ben64then you're out of options11:20
MACscrshould using 'net.ipv6.conf.all.autoconf = 0' remove existing auto ipv6 crap as well after a reboot? not a fan of this auto ip stuff. If i dont configure it in network/interfaces, i dont want it!11:20
Ben64MACscr: what exactly is happening that you don't want11:21
MACscrBen64: all kinds of autogenerated ipv6 entries on all my interfaces11:21
daftykinslink local IPv6 by the sounds of it.11:21
MACscrsome interfaces have 6 ip's11:21
MACscrand i havent configured any yet11:22
godbod In the bios there's a set primary display PEG, PCI11:22
Ben64MACscr: what is the first section of the ipv6 address11:22
daftykinsthat's not really how v6 works :>11:22
MACscri do want to eventually use it, but if i do, its going to be specified int he network/interfaces file11:22
godbod with options Auto, enabled, disabled.11:22
godbod I tried all the options11:22
godbod I tried : PEG enabled, and PCI enabled, same behavior11:23
MACscrBen64: 2601:d:c800:de3:11:23
MACscrand some are fe80::2a0:d1ff11:24
Ben64MACscr: fe80 is link local, those should always be there11:24
Ben64MACscr: did you know though, that you're here in irc currently on ipv611:24
daftykinsi feel like we're all starring in Inception 211:25
MACscrBen64: yes, on my mac at my house. Has nothing to do with my colo'ed servers11:25
Ben64MACscr: i'm not sure what that has to do with your server11:25
MACscrim stating that the fact that im using ipv6 here at home has nothing to do with my ubuntu systems that the original question is about11:26
daftykinsperhaps you're trying to say you're running IRC from a dedi and not at home?11:27
Ben64you said nothing about servers till the previous line, how am i supposed to know what computer the question is regarding11:27
Ben64anyway, don't mess around trying to disable ipv6. its quite a silly thing to do. if you don't want dhcp, then don't use it, simple as that11:28
MACscrBen64: why does it matter what computer im asking about? The question is still the same either way11:28
MACscri dont want to disable ipv6. i want to disable any type of auto assign junk that is happening11:28
Ben64because you're being very confusing talking about servers and home with no reference at all11:28
CelineBonjour, hi, is there someone online ?11:29
cfhowlett!ask | celexi11:29
ubottucelexi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:29
cfhowlettCeline, ^^^11:29
=== Celine is now known as celyne
MACscrBen64: the only reason we started talking about home is because you felt the need to point out that i was using ipv6 to connect to irc. Which had pretty much zero to do with my questions or concerns11:29
Ben64<MACscr> Ben64: 2601:d:c800:de3:11:29
Ben64same ipv6 you're connecting from11:30
lalalahello everyone!11:30
MACscrcorrect. I just gave an example11:30
celyneBonjour, hi, is there someone online ? I have a huge problem with a raid6 shutdown during reshape.11:30
Ben64since it doesn't seem you want to make any sense, I must excuse myself from this madness11:30
cfhowlettcelyne, again ... ASK11:30
Gregor3000hello, even with file manager run in root i can not change the icon on this "shortcut". thi sis the error i get: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2uTW36AgbQza3ZHMVpsVXN1NkE/view?usp=sharing11:30
daftykinsMACscr: don't show attitude toward those that try to help you.11:31
Ben64Gregor3000: be very careful running gui applications as root, using "sudo" with them is asking for trouble. paste the output of "ls -l /home/tatie/Desktop/SKYPE.desktop"11:32
MACscrdaftykins: you are correct and my apologies. Its just the fact that i was told i was giving confusing information when I wasnt the one making assumptions. My question is quite clear IMHO. How do I disable any type of auto assigning of IPv6 ip addresses11:32
celynesorry cfhowlett , here the thread, it may be easyeer to explain, http://forums.openmediavault.org/index.php/Thread/7377-HELP-shutdown-in-middle-of-expand-reshape-a-raid6/11:33
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Gregor3000-rwxrwxrwx 1 tatie tatie 41911:36
daftykinsMACscr: we have to assume when we don't get a full picture. i've no idea on this one unfortunately11:36
MACscrdaftykins: no problem. I get what you were saying. Its just the fact that im using it really had no bearing on my question and honestly didnt need to even be known. Just wasnt relevant.11:39
MACscri will start doing some googling as i dont know enough about ipv6 honestly11:40
daftykinsthere's no place like ::111:40
MACscri just dont like network addresses on my systems that i havent assigned myself11:40
Gregor3000Ben64: -rwxrwxrwx 1 tatie tatie 41911:49
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godbod Bye everyone!11:52
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest6639
* dearcarr0t leave11:56
samuel_was geht12:03
pawhats the channel for the next ubuntu?12:06
divBy0anyone use bleachbit?12:07
homeI've a problem12:07
homewhen I opened portable app12:08
homeit didnot open12:08
homeand said this in terminal12:08
homeerror while loading shared libraries: libfuse.so.2: cannot open shared object file:12:08
daftykins!info fuse-utils12:08
Bundestrojanerhome: no "no such file or directory"?12:08
ubottuPackage fuse-utils does not exist in utopic12:09
daftykins!info libfuse212:09
Bundestrojaneri run kubuntu 14.4 lts (64bit). How can i get libxft.so.2 (i think it's a 32bit lib)12:09
Bundestrojanerapt-cache search doesn't find it12:09
ubottulibfuse2 (source: fuse): Filesystem in Userspace (library). In component main, is standard. Version 2.9.2-4ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 88 kB, installed size 287 kB12:09
daftykinsthat's a file name, Bundestrojaner - you can't apt-cache search a file. apt-file however...12:10
homewhat command i can type to solve this12:10
homeI'm not expert12:10
Bundestrojanerdaftykins: thx, i'll try that :)12:11
OerHekshome what app? maybe there is a manual or howto about it12:11
daftykins"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libfuse2"12:11
daftykinshome: worth a try ^12:11
homelibfuse2 is already the newest version.12:11
bazhangFile libfuse.so found in libfuse-dev, libfuse212:12
daftykinshome: you might want to share what these 'portable apps' are12:12
OerHeks32 bit portable app on a 64 bit system?12:12
homePortable Plants Vs Zombies for Linux OS by TopLinuxApps.com.run12:12
daftykinsthat doesn't sound official 0o12:13
daftykinsnor especially legal, but ho-hum12:14
homeit's from TopLinuxApps.com12:14
javnuthey, my system monitor has like 10 processes with no name12:14
javnutthe PIDs seem to be switching really fast12:14
javnutwhat is this?12:14
homemy portable app12:14
home"Portable Plants Vs Zombies for Linux OS by TopLinuxApps.com.run"12:15
OerHekshome, that site gives a howto http://www.toplinuxapps.com/2014/03/procedure-to-run-linux-software-and.html12:15
OerHekshome dunno if those packages are clean, nor official12:15
Bundestrojanerdaftykins: apt-file finds libxft in libxft2, but apt-get tells me it's already installed. i guess i need the 32 bit version...12:15
Bundestrojanerhow can i get it?12:16
bazhang!find zombie12:16
ubottuFile zombie found in boswars-data, btanks-data, check-mk-doc, crossfire-maps, ebook-dev-alp, ember-media, flare-data, guitarix, hobbit-plugins, jackd2 (and 7 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=zombie&mode=&suite=utopic&arch=any12:16
Bundestrojaner!find mh37012:16
ubottuPackage/file mh370 does not exist in utopic12:16
Bundestrojanerwell, it was worth a try...12:16
daftykinsthat's utopic, you said 14.04 ?12:17
Bundestrojanerdaftykins: yeah, kubuntu 14.04 lts 64bit12:17
daftykinspoor plane :(12:17
homeok i'll try >> thanks12:17
daftykinsi don't really understand the whole 32-bit packages thing. usually i see peeps install package:i38612:17
kanhiaywho could help me to get a 3G Modem working in  Linux. I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and it hasn't detected it in Mobile Broadband Network manager. output of LSUSB command is Bus 003 Device 002: ID 19d2:1007 ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM12:18
kanhiay # It is of vodafone and it is quite OLD , hence it should be working in latest OS. Anybody, please help12:18
Bundestrojanerdaftykins: i try to install eagle5.6.0, it's a 32bit app12:18
daftykinsyeah that means nothing to me12:18
Bundestrojanerdaftykins: it's not oss, so i can't compile it for 64bit12:19
OerHeksBundestrojaner, eagle cad? there is a newer version in the repos >>https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eagle/6.5.0-112:21
kanhiaynobody is here who could help me configuring an old modem12:22
BundestrojanerOerHeks: right, but my license is only for eagle 5. i got it from my school12:22
bazhangkanhiay, ##hardware12:22
bazhangkanhiay, thats not an ubuntu supported item12:22
milad01100I can't read some DVDs. Some music DVDs I mean. I think it's because of some files with non-english name. How can I read them?12:23
bazhangmilad01100, install the correct language packages12:23
kanhiaybazhang: Modems are not supported by Ubuntu12:23
bazhangkanhiay, to use with ubuntu? or just general use12:24
milad01100bazhang: How?12:24
ad_hi all, have an ecryptfs mounted directory which all works perfectly, except cannot execute files.  All exec bits are set and ownership good.  Could it be a mount option?12:24
bazhangwhat language milad0110012:24
milad01100bazhang: Persian.12:24
kanhiaybazhang: I want to use a Vodafone 3G modems, which is working flawless in windows but not working in Ubuntu12:24
bazhangmilad01100, apt-cache search persian12:24
kanhiaybazhang: wirelss modesm,  it is a general use item,12:25
bazhangkanhiay, much more useful info, please include in future posts here12:25
bazhangkanhiay, is that a usb modem12:25
kanhiayyes, it is12:26
kanhiayBus 003 Device 002: ID 19d2:1007 ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM12:26
bazhangkanhiay, like a usb dongle type thing12:26
kanhiayoutput of lsusb is given above12:26
ad_aha user option in fstab, so need to set exec explicitly :)12:26
BluesKajHiyas all12:26
milad01100bazhang: I can't fine anything about "package" related to my problem. Is this the one I'm looking for?: "language-pack-fa - translation updates for language Persian"12:27
OerHekskanhiay, a little investigation learns me this > http://zeroset.mnim.org/2015/01/13/19d22000-19d20117-zte-wcdma-technologies-hsdpa-modem-on-ubuntu-14-10/  create a Create a file in /etc/modprobe.d/usb-storage.conf   etc & reboot12:27
kanhiayOerHeks: i am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS12:28
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1600325 kanhiay got usb mode switch?12:28
ablest1980everyone getting an update?12:28
OerHekskanhiay, might work too, if it fails, that file is easily deleted12:28
daftykinsablest1980: to what?12:29
ablest1980software updater12:29
bazhangmilad01100, when I say language pack, I simply meant package, that may well be the one, and it may draw in other useful packages as well12:30
daftykins!details | ablest198012:30
ubottuablest1980: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:30
ablest1980im ok daftykins ty anyway12:30
daftykinsablest1980: ok, complete questions in future please12:31
milad01100bazhang: I can't still read the DVD. I'm still seeing some music files with chinese names. It's weird. It's a 3.5GB DVD. but those weird files are just 18MB that aren't anything and I can't open them.12:35
bazhangmilad01100, what format are those weird files you speak of12:36
milad01100bazhang: MP312:36
bazhangmilad01100, open wiht what, and did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras yet12:37
milad01100bazhang: These are some weird files with names like "䭏啃䡅䡟⹍倳㬱" instead of the actually files. ee, no. I haven't installed it yet.12:39
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bazhangmilad01100, install it, thats the key to listening to mp3, video etc12:41
bazhangmilad01100, do the chinese characters all show correctly? or just strange boxes12:42
milad01100bazhang: I don't know. Honestly I don't know if they are chinese. They just seem they are like chinese or japanese. It IS strange.12:43
bazhangmilad01100, first lets get the mp3 playing abiiltiy12:44
bazhangability too12:44
bazhangsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:44
milad01100bazhang: Ok. I think It's the solution. I can't install it now. I'll install it later. Thanks.12:46
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l_rwhat is the name of the virtual keyboad12:54
l_rthe real keyboard of a friend of mine does not work12:55
l_rso i ll have to send him the command line12:55
l_r(with the enter)12:55
bekksHow is he going to input it, without a keyboard?12:55
OerHeksl_r, just type :  onboard &12:56
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philinuxIs flash safe now on ubuntu following the patch from adobe?13:16
OerHeksphilinux, no, the zeroday is not patched yet,.. but i am not sure the vulnerability is affecting ubuntu too.13:18
philinuxok cheers13:18
bekksSo PepperFlash is affected?13:18
OerHeksbekks, yes, we had an update, but not with the latest patch13:19
bekksOerHeks: So Chrome was updated?13:19
OerHeksbekks, yes, i run 40.0.2214.91 now, update from a day or 2 ago13:20
bekksBut chrome isnt in the Ubuntu repos, isnt it? :)13:20
arthurfiggishello :) i probably missed this somewhere, but is there a way of starting the 14.10 live USB media with certain parameters passed to the kernel when it boots? in order to get through the installation on my particular laptop, i need to blacklist a particular module from loading13:20
OerHeksbekks, indeed.13:21
OerHeksarthurfiggis, what module on what laptop? maybe there is info to find..13:22
OlivioBom dia !13:23
arthurfiggisOerHeks, the laptop is an 11" HP Pavilion x360, on either launchpad or a page that archives launchpad threads, it was mentioned as a "workaround" that blacklisting the module "dw_dmac" on boot would allow the machine to power on/off properly and not freeze when booting the installer13:23
arthurfiggisthe same problem affected fedora so i tried blacklisting it in the fedora live media, everything worked perfect :) now i'm just trying to figure out how to do the same with the ubuntu live usb13:24
OerHeksarthurfiggis, i read this post #8 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1319149 and post #12 blacklist dw_dmac  blacklist dw_dmac_core13:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1319149 in linux (Ubuntu) "[HP Pavilion 11-n038ca x360 PC] Boots very unreliably" [High,Expired]13:29
OerHeksmaybe any help?13:29
arthurfiggisOerHeks, Ahh yes, those are the ones :) they do describe how to blacklist the modules once ubuntu is installed, which i'll definitely need, thanks...they don't explain how to pass that parameter to the live usb media on boot though, i'll have to look around and see if i can figure that out...should be rdblacklist=dw_dmac or something similar, but when i boot the live usb i don't get any "options," it just goes straight to the installer13:30
EriC^^arthurfiggis: hold shift while the pc boots13:30
OerHeksarthurfiggis, from post #* i think: init=/bin/bash allowed poweroff -f13:31
OerHeksEriC^^ + 113:31
oli_bHi All13:32
OerHeksarthurfiggis, else you can add these when the installer is asking try out / install ubuntu with F613:32
arthurfiggisEriC^^, I'm just going to quickly re-write 14.10 to an empty USB stick and give that a try, thanks :) i don't mind fedora much but i find that steam games only reliably work in ubuntu when it comes to linux...and i'm starting to miss wasteland 2 :)13:32
arthurfiggisOerHeks, thanks very much! writing all of these tips down now in a text file on the desktop, at least if i completely mess up the laptop i have another system as backup ;)13:33
EriC^^arthurfiggis: i see :)13:34
arthurfiggisthe installation is a bit of a roundabout process anyway because of (ugh) secure boot...you have to reboot the system, turn on legacy support in bios, reboot the system, type in a confirmation code...reboot the system, then start the live usb stick13:34
EriC^^arthurfiggis: you can install in uefi mode if you want13:35
BluesKajtype in a confirmation code?13:35
EriC^^BluesKaj: yeah, the bios does that to make sure13:35
arthurfiggisBluesKaj: actually yeah, first time i've seen it :) after you enable legacy boot support and reboot the laptop, it asks you for a 4 digit.."pin" i suppose for confirmation13:35
arthurfiggisEriC^^, oddly enough on the laptop anyway, when i tried starting it in uefi mode the installer would freeze...but that may have been due to the module problem from above, maybe i'll try starting it uefi with the module blacklisted and see what happens :)13:36
BluesKajheh, I haven't encountered any confirmation requirements when booting in legacy mode, but my laptop may ahave a different version of UEFI/BIOS13:36
EriC^^arthurfiggis: sounds good :)13:36
EriC^^BluesKaj: i think it's just when you disable secure boot13:37
EriC^^it happened with me, freaked me out the first time13:37
BluesKajEriC^^, secure boot is always disabled here13:37
arthurfiggisBluesKaj: i think that's half the problem, but that was a problem with bios as well...how it's implemented or how _much_ of it is implemented...i have a hp pavilion desktop and a much more recent hp pavilion laptop, they both have secure boot but the desktop doesn't need a confirmation code13:37
EriC^^arthurfiggis: ah, same here a pavilion g613:38
EriC^^arthurfiggis: if you do install in uefi mode, you might need to press esc when the pc starts to select ubuntu instead of the os manager13:38
EriC^^the bios is hard coded to only run windows efi files13:38
BluesKajLenovo G500 here , arthurfiggis13:38
Olivioalguem tem um curso ai de graça13:38
EriC^^( there's a workaround though.. works usually )13:38
Oliviosou novo aqui13:38
arthurfiggisEriC^^, ahh thanks, that might have been it too actually...it'll definitely work in legacy mode anyway but if it works in uefi mode too, so much the better :)13:39
BluesKaj!pt | Olivio13:39
ubottuOlivio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.13:39
EriC^^arthurfiggis: yeah :)13:39
arthurfiggisBluesKaj, ahh, lenovo are supposed to be pretty good too! i've always built a PC up from parts up until about four or five years ago, lately a lot of the stores like best buy aren't actually carrying desktop pc components any more...you can order them in on the site and pick them up in store, but they're not actually on hand13:41
arthurfiggis(except for a few very simple things like sticks of RAM)13:41
BluesKajI have to admit i got rid of the W8.1 partitions , wiped the hdd clean the install W7 and kubuntu, so I avoided all the uefi /nbr windows problems13:41
* BluesKaj has the blinds open , but still not enough light...dreary outside today\13:43
arthurfiggisBluesKaj, i pretty much did the same thing with my laptop, i didn't install any other version of windows on it but i did get rid of windows 8.1...i found in gnome 3 at least (probably in unity as well) that the touchscreen on the laptop actually worked perfectly, and since it's not high end enough to play games, really doesn't matter which os is on the thing :)13:43
BluesKajarthurfiggis, well wife runs W7 on her pc and there's no changing her mind to linux since she plays LOTRO and it's not very suited to wine13:45
BluesKajso I keep W7 around for her sake, if you know waht i mean :)13:46
arthurfiggisBluesKaj, oh definitely...need to keep everybody happy after all :) i'm just lucky in that the few games i do want to play on steam are available in linux, if there were a bunch of windows games i wanted to play, i'd dual boot as well13:48
MonkeyDusti keep win xp around, only for ms office13:48
arthurfiggis(well...available for steam and ubuntu anyway, like i said earlier outside of ubuntu and debian whether or not a steam game will even start or run properly is suspect :( )13:48
BluesKajthere were rumours about steam and LOTRO coming to an agreement of sorts, but I guess it was just wishful thinking13:49
BluesKajubuntu seems to run steam games very well from what I've heard ...not a gamer myself13:50
arthurfiggisBluesKaj, hmm...well, you never know, it's unlikely with some companies but i know the head of gearbox said that there would never be a borderlands 2 for linux at one point...there sure is now :) ubuntu ran every steam (for linux) game that i bought just fine! fedora ran...most of them, but they didn't necessarily run, or when they did, they didn't necessarily work properly...e.g. one game the quit option wouldn't work so you had to13:51
arthurfiggisuse alt-f4 to close the game window manually, etc.13:51
BluesKajmore and more games are being ported to mobiles with Linux derivative OSs on them so the chances are much greater in the future for a lot more new games being compatible with Linux in the future13:54
* BluesKaj repeats himself again again :)13:54
arthurfiggisBluesKaj, i think so...part of the reason we got xcom for linux is that android got it first, i think :) so it was already more or less done...LOTRO would be a great Steam/Linux candidate, if only because the bigger an audience of players for an MMO, the better it is for the company making it13:55
BluesKajyeah Turbine/Warner Bros has a lot of inertia , hard to get moving , but when it does it'll be a force13:57
arthurfiggisBluesKaj, ahh, i knew about turbine but i had no idea that warner bros. were involved with LOTRO as well...with that kind of backing they can be on whatever platform they want :) just a matter of critical mass i suppose, steam for linux still counts for less than one percent of overall steam users...but that's still around 70000-100000 users13:58
arthurfiggissorry...that'd be more like 7000-10000 :) it's too early for me to get my orders of magnitude right13:59
BluesKajarthurfiggis, I'm surprised there are so few actually13:59
arthurfiggisBluesKaj: actually just opening up the page itself i was right the first time, it's actually closer to 80,000 :) so i was right the first time...still a small number and kind of surprising like you say, but i think once there's a wider variety of games that will change...and if windows 10 turns out to irk people as much as windows 8 did, you might see more people switching regardless of what games they can play ;)14:01
daftykinsbit off topic14:02
arthurfiggisdaftykins, oh sorry about that!14:02
daftykinsdon't worry, there's always #ubuntu-offtopic14:03
BluesKaj /me was wondering when ot police would arrive :)14:03
arthurfiggisBluesKaj: that's my bad, i keep forgetting about the off-topic channel...started out with a support question but i tend to wander a bit on subject matter ;) i'll join the proper channel for that next time!14:04
minehow to watch live tv on linux14:06
mineall live tv channels14:06
mineis there any app or site which could be checked14:06
bekksYou need a tv receiver :)14:07
bekkslike dvb-t/-s/-c14:07
minewithout it can we watch14:07
arthurfiggismine: in a very general and literal sense? you'd want to look into tv tuner cards and any software that supports them :) i'm _guessing_ things like mythtv and xbmc support tv tuners14:07
oli_bmine: have You tried freetuxtv ?14:07
bekksmine: Can you watch TV without a TV? ;)14:07
mineno link i found freetuxtv..?14:07
mineys on some websites i can watch live14:08
bekksmine: Thats just an internet stream, not TV actually :)14:08
BluesKajmost tv networks have live streaming,nbut they're mostly news networks14:08
minebut i cant found other chaannels such as hbo,moviesnow..etc14:08
minehaha blueskaj14:09
bekksmine: Because those channels doesnt offer it.14:09
bekksmine: For watching them, you need some hardware.14:09
minefreetuxtv link14:09
minecan u send hardware image14:09
bekksmine: An image will not help you at all.14:09
mineso wat i need14:09
arthurfiggismine: well, for channels that don't stream online at all, you'd need something to bring that in from your cable/etc to the computer...e.g. tv tuner card14:10
bekksmine: You need to know which hardware you need, which tv tuner equipment. Like satellite, terrestrial, cable, etc.14:10
minehey bekks i just wanted to watch live hbo,movies now channels14:11
minelike movies14:11
bekkshey mine, you need hardware for it.14:11
cfhowlettfind a digital tuner (good luck with that)14:11
mineplz suggest14:11
cfhowlettmine, ask ##linux14:12
bekksmine: I already did.14:12
minewat do u use bekks for watching tv on sys14:12
BluesKajmine if you live in a large city just buy a tv tuner for your pc and use an antenna fro free tv14:12
bekksmine: I am using the hardware that meets the given requirements where I live.14:12
mineso how could i meet reqiurements..? bekks14:13
daftykinswe don't even know where in the world you are14:13
mineheehe i am in india14:14
minewould u suggest me14:14
cfhowlettmine, ask the ubuntu-india team?14:14
minewer is that14:15
cfhowlettmine, http://global.bing.com/search?q=ubuntu+india+loco&pc=MOZI&setmkt=en-us&setlang=en-us&FORM=SECNEN14:15
minebekks suggest some hardware which is usefull for me14:15
bekksmine: I dont knwo which requirements are given where you live.14:15
minei am eager to wait to watch tv on pc14:15
cfhowlettmine, dude.  seriously.  find out the local requirements from your local ubuntu.14:15
BluesKajmine, from which source , cable, OTA, satellite ...which is it?14:16
arthurfiggismine: okay...well for like the fourth or fifth time in a row, check out tv tuner cards at a local electronics store, look them up online to see if they're ubuntu compatible before buying one14:16
arthurfiggischances are they'll know what type of card you need for your type of tv setup in your area, after that it just needs to work in ubuntu :)14:16
daftykinsmine: i would suggest you give up14:16
minewer to find local ubuntu near m14:17
cfhowlettmine, READ  http://global.bing.com/search?q=ubuntu+india+loco&pc=MOZI&setmkt=en-us&setlang=en-us&FORM=SECNEN14:17
minei cant open that link in my browser14:17
mineit is saying your browser is not responding14:18
minebut i cant find in task manager tooo..14:18
minehow to kill firefox process14:18
cfhowlettmine, ubuntu + loco + india          search terms14:18
daftykinsWindows? 0o14:18
minehow to force kill firefox14:19
minewhich command is  there14:19
cfhowlettmine, killall firefox14:19
mineno process found it says14:20
=== Bob is now known as Guest54524
lesshastesilly question but how do you install the plex media server?14:27
lesshasteis it actually free?14:27
cfhowlettlesshaste, install plex from the ubuntu software center = free14:30
=== Dragonslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
lesshastecfhowlett, it says free on the left but Buy on the right14:31
lesshastecfhowlett,  in the ubuntu software center application14:32
cfhowlettlesshaste, what is the price?14:32
lesshastecfhowlett,  if you click on Buy you get "connecting to payment service"14:32
cfhowlettlesshaste, again: what is the price?14:32
lesshastecfhowlett, then "Bad Request14:32
lesshasteBad bot, go away! Request aborted."14:32
lesshastecfhowlett, I can't see how to install it14:32
A_Paternoster__Hallo everyone :) I've a problem. I've a JellyBean 4.3 Android device with root permissions and I want to mount the "root" folder on linux (Ubuntu in this case) for view it in Nautilus :) Is it possible ? How can I do ?14:33
EriC^^A_Paternoster__: type lsblk14:33
lesshasteA_Paternoster__, how far have you got?14:33
lesshastecfhowlett, any ideas how to install this?14:34
A_Paternoster__lesshaste:  ?? EriC^^ on pc or android ?14:34
lesshastecfhowlett, I would happily do it from the command line14:34
cfhowlettlesshaste, wait 114:34
lesshastecfhowlett, ok14:35
EriC^^A_Paternoster__: pc, get the partition's designation sda1 sda2 ...etc.14:35
EriC^^A_Paternoster__: it might be something completely different14:35
A_Paternoster__EriC^^: ok but I don't see the root folder from pc... :(14:36
A_Paternoster__I want a method to view it :)14:36
EriC^^A_Paternoster__: it doesn't show in nautilus by itself when you plug in the phone?14:37
cfhowlettlesshaste, not the preferred way, but there is a linux download  https://plex.tv/downloads14:37
lesshastecfhowlett,  ok thanks14:37
cromagihow do i update my phones usblibs in my pc?14:38
EriC^^A_Paternoster__: open the dash and type disks14:38
EriC^^A_Paternoster__: click on the device, select the partition and press on the play button to mount it14:39
A_Paternoster__EriC^^: lsblk http://paste.ubuntu.com/9851310/ ok I try it now :)14:39
dumallehey guys. I just created a file /etc/profile.d/sys_vars.sh to set things like Java. Some people say that you have to chmod a+x the file, but I didnt and it worked. So, is it really necessary or not ? Thanks14:39
BluesKajvlc does the job without trying to take over your pc14:39
A_Paternoster__EriC^^: I mount device in MTP... I don't see the phone in disks utility14:40
EriC^^A_Paternoster__: ok14:41
cfhowlettA_Paternoster__, install android-tools-adb14:41
cromagiEriC^^: Can you answer my question?14:41
EriC^^cromagi: i dont know14:42
A_Paternoster__cfhowlett: already install.. I can see root files with adb but i want to see it on nautilus..14:42
EriC^^cromagi: if you know the name of the lib you can find the package and update it maybe?14:42
dumallehey guys. I just created a file /etc/profile.d/sys_vars.sh to set things like Java. Some people say that you have to chmod a+x the file, but I didnt and it worked. So, is it really necessary or not ? Thanks14:42
cfhowlettA_Paternoster__, for some reason, I was able to view files in thunar but not nautilus14:42
A_Paternoster__cfhowlett: Mhn.. but I don't see root partition with any command in Ubuntu... I can only access with adb to the files and view it...14:45
cfhowlettA_Paternoster__, sorry, that's as much as I can suggest14:46
A_Paternoster__cfhowlett: ok :) no problem :) I hope that someone can answer and help me :)14:46
jattdumalle: files in /etc/profile.d are run with source so they run without setting the +x flag. not necessary to change the permission14:48
BluesKajA_Paternoster__, df -h14:48
dumallejatt: thanks man.14:49
A_Paternoster__BluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9851456/14:49
BluesKajA_Paternoster__,  /dev/sdb2       5,2G  606M    4,3G  13% /14:50
A_Paternoster__BluesKaj:  is the SSD I think :)14:51
A_Paternoster__BluesKaj: I've a SSD (24 Gb) and HDD (500GB)...14:51
BluesKajA_Paternoster__, well it's your root / partition14:51
A_Paternoster__A_Paternoster__: yes :) I wnat to see Android root partition thant are connected to usb cable :)14:52
A_Paternoster__BluesKaj:  yes :) I wnat to see Android root partition thant are connected to usb cable :) That is my problem...14:52
sonofanoobguys, 14.10, in resolv.conf, apt-get update reports that it can't find the ip address, nslookup for ru.ubuntu.com and us.ubuntu.com fails also14:52
sonofanoobis it just me or it is really down?14:53
MonkeyDustsonofanoob  no, it returns ping values14:53
cfhowlettA_Paternoster__, http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/14:54
jattping: unknown host ru.ubuntu.com14:54
sonofanoobMonkeyDust, http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/us.ubuntu.com14:54
A_Paternoster__BluesKaj: I've an Android (rooted) device connected with usb cable. I want to see its root files in Ubuntu...14:54
sonofanoobshows it is down14:54
A_Paternoster__cfhowlett: ?? :)14:54
jattblocked by putin14:55
sonofanoobyeah probably14:55
cfhowlettdoh!  sorry, that was for sonofanoob14:55
EriC^^it's working here14:55
makaveli0129hi all getting "wl 0000:06:00.0: swiotlb buffer is full" and "DMA: Out of SW-IOMMU space for 2048 bytes at device 0000:06:00.0" which obviously is my wireless card but how do i fix?14:55
cromagiEriC^^: I dont know the name of my lib. how do i find out14:55
EriC^^ping us.archive.ubuntu.com and ping ru.archive.ubuntu.com14:55
sonofanoobshit, that is sad14:55
EriC^^sonofanoob: are you using a proxy?14:56
EriC^^type echo $http_proxy14:56
sonofanoobEriC^^, no14:56
sonofanoobEriC^^, also  http://security.ubuntu.com works fine14:56
EriC^^cromagi: which program are you trying to update?14:57
A_Paternoster__anyone can answer ?14:57
sonofanoobbut not ru. or us. subdomains, mirror.mirohost.net is also looks down for me14:57
cromagiI want to update my phones usblibs14:57
cromagi Because i was using heimdall to flash something to my phone and i got an error14:57
cromagiSo i was wondering if i can update my phones drivers or usblibs14:58
A_Paternoster__EriC^^: any idea how I can view android root folder ?14:58
A_Paternoster__(from Ubuntu)14:58
BluesKajA_Paternoster__,how is it connected?14:59
A_Paternoster__BluesKaj: usb cable, mtp...14:59
EriC^^A_Paternoster__: did you mount it?14:59
BluesKajA_Paternoster__, then run lsusb14:59
cfhowlettA_Paternoster__, and you told the phone to be a storage device not a camera?14:59
EriC^^!info heimdall-flash | cromagi give it a shot i dont know15:00
ubottucromagi give it a shot i dont know: heimdall-flash (source: heimdall-flash): tool for flashing firmware on Samsung Galaxy S devices. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.0-2 (utopic), package size 40 kB, installed size 149 kB15:00
cromagiim on trusty tahr15:00
EriC^^cromagi: i dont know if that's the missing package/libs you need..15:00
cromagiAnd i was using the heimdall-flash-ubuntu15:00
A_Paternoster__EriC^^:  the root folder of the android device ? cfhowlett yes mounted as storage (I see internal memory without root and SD card)... BluesKaj yes.. 2 second :)15:00
EriC^^cromagi: type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade15:01
makaveli0129a_paternoster: i just use genymotion and it works perfect with no problems15:01
MonkeyDustwhat's genymotion?15:01
makaveli0129monkeydust: an emulator for android15:02
A_Paternoster__BluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9851582/15:02
makaveli0129i have the samsung s5 in there now to play clash of clans15:02
makaveli0129or is he just trying to mount the s5 physical on ubuntu sorry came on in the middle15:03
BluesKajA_Paternoster__, try gparted to see if the device shows it's root partition15:03
makaveli0129^ i'm assuming it's physical then disregard my last comments lol15:04
A_Paternoster__BluesKaj: i can see only SSD and HDD..15:04
BluesKajA_Paternoster__, check the devices list in gparted to make sure15:04
cromagiis heimdall flash for 14.0415:05
A_Paternoster__BluesKaj: only SSD and HDD :(15:05
A_Paternoster__BluesKaj: I can't understand why I can't see and mount the android root folder... I think it is a normal external device with some folder...15:07
sonofanoobhell, us.archive.ubuntu.com is up via vpn15:08
sonofanoobsomething is wrong in my lands15:08
makaveli0129getting "wl 0000:06:00.0: swiotlb buffer is full" and "DMA: Out of SW-IOMMU space for 2048 bytes at device 0000:06:00.0" which obviously is my wireless card but how do i fix?15:09
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cromagiHow do i get my other pc thats running ubuntu 14.04 (Desktop not a laptop) To connect to internet via wireless router???15:09
BluesKajA_Paternoster__, I don't get it either ...have no idea15:09
cromagiPlease help15:09
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semitonesHeyo! Does there exist, in ubuntu or broadly elsewhere, a program that identifies duplicate images, not by the file content, but how the image looks? I'm managing a photo archive, and have duplicates of the same photo but multiple resolutions15:10
makaveli0129cromagi: that depends on the wireless card15:10
A_Paternoster__BluesKaj: ok :( Do you know anyone that can answer me ?15:10
jattsemitones: $ apt-cache search image | grep duplicate15:11
jattfindimagedupes - Finds visually similar or duplicate images15:11
BluesKajcromagi, does the router have ethernet ports, if so connect one to your pc ethernet with a cat cable15:11
semitonesjatt, sweet! And this is built into apt-cache? That seems weird to me15:11
jattsemitones: has nothing to do with apt-cache, apt-cache just looks up for packages in the archives15:12
Linxcatwhat is the lightest desktop for ubuntu? lubuntu?15:12
semitonesjatt, oh, I see! The program is called findimagedupes. Thanks!15:12
cfhowlettLinxcat, lubuntu / xubuntu15:13
Linxcatcfhowlett: thanks15:14
cromagiNo it doesnt15:14
cromagiBlueskaj: It does not15:14
cfhowlettLinxcat, happy2help.  also easy test:  sudo apt-get lxde xfce4              then, logout/choose your desktop/login15:15
BluesKajcro which router is it?15:15
makaveli0129cromagi, simple question do you have a wireless card installed in the desktop?15:16
makaveli0129cormagi, what is the output of lspci | grep -i network15:17
BluesKajprobly needs a wifi dongle15:19
arunangshui am patching my wifi driver but i am getting error please help. http://pastebin.com/XxBQytqq15:23
arunangshuany help15:25
SohamGWhy is "sudo loadkeys dvorak" giving me a qwert layout?15:26
melrayHi I was told booting the 14.10 live cd and holding shift would allow me to access grub so I can pass a couple of parameters. Holding shift down only allows the system to continue booting the cd. Can anyone assist?15:29
Wayward_Onemelray, iirc when you get to the live cd menu, press tab instead15:31
sodoviwho can help me15:32
melrayWayward_One: I do not see a menu it just starts booting15:32
cfhowlett!Ask | sodovi,15:32
ubottusodovi,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:32
arcskyanyone know a working howto to tightvnc server on ubuntu?15:33
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sodoviI can't shut down my computer, i use ubuntu 14.04 lts and  w815:33
sodoviWhen i press shut down button, my computer close all, and off the hhd, then it on alone15:34
sodoviSorry my english is very bad, i speak spanish15:35
xangua! Spanish | sodovi15:36
ubottusodovi: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:36
sodoviSomeone know something about this problem ?15:39
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arcskymy vnc are just grey15:43
user789hi there15:51
jattaptitude shows #Broken: 1. how to fix? synaptic doesn't report broken packages though15:53
cfhowlettjatt, sudo apt-get update15:54
jattcfhowlett: I ran update and then aptitude and still i get '#Broken: 1' in aptitude's header15:55
cfhowlettjatt, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade         copy and paste to fpaste.org15:56
jattcfhowlett: http://dpaste.com/0DT5MVG15:58
cfhowlettjatt, no broken on that list ...15:59
arcskynone here use thightvncserver?15:59
jattindeed. however aptitude's header shows #Broken: 1. also synaptic doesn't report anything broken15:59
cfhowlettjatt, I'd *guess* that aptitude is wonky for some reason.16:00
OerHeksjatt, give us the output of aptitude update?16:00
jattOerHeks: I get exactly the same output as apt-get update from http://dpaste.com/0DT5MVG16:01
jattok, I'm following the instructions in aptitude I got a footer with red background to apply some changes (unresolved recommendations=16:02
ActionParsnipJatt: what is the output of : sudo apt-get -f install16:03
oliver-greatforce install16:04
jattActionParsnip: apt-get -f install was working without reporting issues, after I pressed '!' in aptitude "B16:04
jatt#Broken: 1 is now gone16:04
ActionParsnipoliver-great: -f is fix not force16:04
jattso now is fixed, thanks16:04
ActionParsnipJatt: sweet16:05
jattseems it was something aptitude specific16:05
TachikomasHello. I'm looking for the best way to protect my ubuntu server from the web. I use actually fail2ban, but it protect just the open ports. Any idea ?16:10
sivaraji want to know how to install wine 1.7.3 offline mode..16:10
Tachikomassivaraj, the best way to autoconfigure wine is playonlinux. :)16:10
cfhowlettTachikomas, ask in #ubuntu-server16:10
sivaraji am using this first time..16:11
OerHeks!info wine16:11
ubottuwine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu6 (utopic), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)16:11
Tachikomas!info pol16:11
ubottuPackage pol does not exist in utopic16:11
sivarajwht u mean " ask in ubuntu - server"?16:11
Tachikomassivaraj -> the message is for me. ;)16:11
cfhowlettsivaraj, that was for Tachikomas not you16:12
Tachikomassivaraj, try to install PlayOnLinux. It will configure wine for yourself16:12
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD16:12
sivarajcan i install software in ubuntu like windows software installatioin?..16:13
cfhowlettsivaraj, open ubuntu software center, choose a package and install16:13
Tachikomasyep, play on linux is for installing windows software on mac.16:13
Tachikomasbut becarefull, they dont all work.16:14
Tachikomasor not fine.16:14
cfhowlettsivaraj, in fact, most windows software doesn't work in wine.16:14
OerHekssivaraj, check the wineHQ database to see if it is going to work16:15
sivarajfriends i am using ubuntu first time and i dont know install ubuntu application software without internet..16:15
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:15
sivarajpls help me to understand..16:15
OerHekswithout internet is a pain, but can be done. see the !offline factoid from ubottu16:16
sivarajfirst i would like to know how can install application software in ubuntu OS16:16
cfhowlett!offline | sivaraj, READ THIS16:16
ubottusivaraj, READ THIS: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD16:16
sivarajcannot find synaptic in ubuntu 14..16:17
BluesKaj!repositories |sivaraj16:17
ubottusivaraj: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.16:17
cfhowlettsivaraj, system > synaptic package manager16:17
OerHekssynaptic might not be installed standard ..16:18
dinetevening. I'm trying to find a translation of KDE in the latest version but it seems to have been removed16:19
sivarajsystem > synaptic package manager cannot found..16:19
ActionParsnipsivaraj: there is no Ubuntu 14. It doesn't exist16:22
ActionParsnipsivaraj: there is Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 14.1016:23
ActionParsnipsivaraj: if you want to install software then use software centre16:23
cfhowlettActionParsnip, he's offline16:24
ActionParsnipOh well16:24
sivarajubuntu 14.04 LTS16:24
ActionParsnipsivaraj: that's not  "Ubuntu 14"..16:24
ActionParsnipsivaraj: software centre will allow you to search for and install applications16:25
sivarajfriends i downloaded Wine 1.7.3.tar.tz2 but i don't know how to install this in ubuntu 1.04 LTS. Please provide step by step to install this..16:26
ActionParsnipsivaraj: does the application you want to use in Wine run better in 1.7.3?16:27
cfhowlettsivaraj, wait, what?  you downloaded? you said you couldn't go online!16:28
sivaraji need to install wine on more than 20 computer..16:29
sivarajin windows just run the exe file..16:30
sivarajbut in ubuntu i don't know..16:30
Tachikomasjust download the .deb and execute it16:30
oddeyedsivaraj: you'll probably have more luck if you download the .deb rather than the .tar.gz16:30
MonkeyDustsivaraj  install ubuntu, then run the exe16:30
ActionParsnipSivaraj: Linux uses shared libs which makes installs smaller16:30
MonkeyDustsivaraj  if the exe runs well in wine, check that in !appdb16:31
hydrajumpdoes all the `unallocated space` need to be at the end of the disk when looking at gparted in order to move to a smaller physical disk?16:31
MonkeyDustsivaraj  you don't need a tar ball, better install wine from the softwarez center16:32
sivarajany can share ur skype id or email id or fb id?..16:32
ActionParsnipsivaraj: if you get a web accessible system with the same release of Ubuntu then install wine as usual. You can then tell apt-get to download the deb for every package on the system and use that to install wine on the other systems16:32
ActionParsnipsivaraj: you will then satisfy dependancies in the systems16:32
MonkeyDustsivaraj  why do you need wine?16:32
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: was about to ask that16:33
sivaraji am trying to impliment linux on my firm..16:33
ActionParsnipsivaraj: what application are you wanting to run in Wine?16:33
sivarajclient application software16:34
MonkeyDustsivaraj  what software?16:34
ActionParsnipsivaraj: so, in house software?16:34
MonkeyDustsivaraj  what's BAAN?16:34
MonkeyDustsivaraj  start from the beginning, what are you do you, what have tried and what goes wrong16:35
sivarajlike SAAP16:35
MonkeyDustare you doing*16:36
sivarajnow we r using windows os16:36
ActionParsnip!info openbravo16:36
ubottuPackage openbravo does not exist in utopic16:36
sivarajand i tried to change windows to ubuntu..16:36
MonkeyDustsivaraj  what exe do you want to run?16:36
ActionParsnip!info openbravo-erp16:36
ubottuPackage openbravo-erp does not exist in utopic16:36
sivarajbut company 's application software is windows based..16:37
MonkeyDustsivaraj  then why do want linux, if the software can't run on it?16:37
MonkeyDustdo you*16:37
VarroHello peoples. Any of you got some experience with ubuntu running in hyper-v? I'm trying to set up a router, but the NICs are giving me a minor headache.16:38
sivarajreduce cost..16:38
ActionParsnipsivaraj: I've given you the way of offline installs earlier16:38
MonkeyDustsivaraj  have you investigated what it takes, to replace windows with linux?16:38
TachikomasI have a question with iptables and update-rc.d, i have a script , with my iptables configuration, and i want to lunch it when i restart16:38
Tachikomasi try to update-rc.d but i have a problem : http://pastebin.com/H8aqR90K16:39
MonkeyDustsivaraj  start with one computer, find out how things work16:40
ActionParsnipsivaraj: install wine on a system. Clean apt-get then tell apt-get to download the deb for every package on the system. You can then copy the debs to the offline systems16:40
ActionParsnipsivaraj: that's how you can get wine on all the systems as you will be able to satisfy deps16:41
sivarajone doubt.. windows server 2008 R2 communicate with software that installed in ubuntu wine?..16:42
ActionParsnipsivaraj: if the main use of a system is a windows application then windows is the best tool for the job. If you can switch to an open source alternative then you will have achieved your goal but I think you are wasting your time16:42
ActionParsnipsivaraj: communicate in what way!? Yes if you ping an Ubuntu system from Windows it will reply16:43
ActionParsnipsivaraj: ping is a "communication "16:44
sivarajfirst i will try it one pc..16:44
cfhowlettsivaraj, alternate suggestion here.  replace windows packages incrementally.  example: install libreoffice writer for ms word.  provide training.  mass replacement is the surest way of your users rejecting ubuntu alternatives.  Next: dual boot.16:44
sivarajbut it is difficult in installing software in ubuntu..16:44
cfhowlettsivaraj, no it's easy.  get internet.  sudo apt-get install packagename   done16:45
MonkeyDustsivaraj  what cfhowlett says: replace applications one by one, in the end, a few years from now, repkace the OS16:45
sivaraji am searching for installion without internet..16:46
cfhowlettsivaraj, in fact, I believe that's precisely the path taken in Munich16:46
jhutchinssivaraj: Either create a local repository or download the DVD.16:46
cfhowlettsivaraj, get a connected machine, customize an ubuntu with what you want and use that.16:46
cfhowlett!uck | sivaraj16:47
ubottusivaraj: uck is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/16:47
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sivarajokay friends.. thanks for ur reply..16:48
ActionParsnipsivaraj: installing software is easier in Ubuntu as you don't have to hunt online for what you need. It's all in one place like in Android or Apple OSes16:53
ActionParsnipsivaraj: why not give the systems Web access instead...approach it from another angle16:54
cfhowlettActionParsnip, he's gone, Jim16:54
ActionParsnipHe's wasting his time16:55
cfhowlettActionParsnip, I tend to agree.  tried to find the article from the sysop in Munich describing his deployment16:55
MonkeyDusti guess he thinks linux is a windows flavor16:56
ovrflw0xcfhowlett, can you give me a webpage where can i check fonts on webpage before and after installation of ttf-mscorefonts-installer?16:57
bitsianI have got some problem using gedit16:58
cfhowlettbitsian, details16:58
MonkeyDustbitsian  let's hear it17:00
ynixHow can I add startup X commands to Ubuntu? For example, people usually add such things to ~/.xinitrc, or some similar configuration file. But I can't find this on Ubuntu.17:02
auronandace!xorgconf | ynix17:03
ubottuynix: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. See `man xorg.conf` for file structure and syntax. | Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf | ATI proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd | Nvidia proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia17:03
ActionParsnipynix: there is a startup application in the Dash. Use that17:03
ynixActionParsnip: I don't use Unity, will that still help?17:03
ActionParsnipynix: or do you mean to start the GUI?17:03
ynixActionParsnip: I just want to auto execute a certain command (an xset command that has to do with keyboard repeat rates).17:04
ovrflw0xcan anyone give me a webpage where can i check fonts on it before and after installation of ttf-mscorefonts-installer on ubuntu 14.10?17:05
spartonicusWhats the sucess rate in actually completing the do-release-upgrade going from 12.04 HWE to 14.04.1?17:06
jattovrflw0x: you can check the font with font-manager17:06
ovrflw0xjatt, i want to check if fonts before look better or after17:07
Tzunamiispartonicus: I actually upgrades a 12.04 server yesterday. I swallowed hard and had a whiskey. Went quite well.17:07
k1lspartonicus: should work. they get automated testing17:07
MonkeyDustspartonicus  i did it, it works, but takes a long time17:07
spartonicusTzunamii, thats good to hear....been tempted to complete it...Luckily most my important data resides on external NAS17:07
spartonicusMonkeyDust, Did you complete the upgrade locally or via SSH?17:08
Tzunamiispartonicus: Just backup all your profile files in your ~ and tar up your /etc and move it somewhere safe it shit hits the fan.17:09
MonkeyDustspartonicus  locally17:09
TzunamiiI did it via SSH17:09
spartonicusTzunamii,  Ill probably do a full image backup just in case...might as well since i have the extra storage17:09
TzunamiiSounds like a good idea.17:10
spartonicusWelp....i know what ill be doing today...buying a six pack and completing the upgrade :)17:10
MonkeyDustspartonicus  six packs and backups are always a good thing17:10
TzunamiiSpecifically in that order17:10
spartonicusIf shit hits the fan ill have my friend jack daniels bail me out while i hit the panic button aka restore17:11
azuswhat is six packs17:11
Tzunamiiazus: Six beers in one pack, six pack17:11
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azuslol ok Tzunamii17:12
Tzunamiispartonicus: Considering you have a full backup, it will probably go faster just to do a full re-install17:12
spartonicusTzunamii, ...yea actually thought about that.  Its actually a older server of mine not the primary.  I might just upgrade it and do a side by side migration....ah the choices17:13
Tzunamiispartonicus: One last thing, export a list (textfile) of all your installed packages. Just in case you want to re-install17:13
spartonicusTzunamii, side by side as in I have another server about 80% built...just missing a couple of things.17:14
Tzunamiispartonicus: Depending on time vs effort and the amount of alcohol you have at hand, if it's not a very important server and you have a full backup, you might just do a full re-install and get rid of old junk etc. Food for thought17:16
spartonicusTzunamii, Yea...thats probably my approach.  Nah its not any important server, mainly use for dev stuff, openvpn and file server for the house.  I guess my main goal is to get it done before I pass out from the alcohol.17:17
spartonicusTzunamii, or actually i better get the backup completed before i even start with the booze :)17:18
TzunamiiIn any case, good luck and may the beer guide your to glory17:18
spartonicusHahaha thanks!17:18
TzunamiiSorry for the spelling, but I'm doing a few things at once here. Beer is one of them.17:19
foormeahi. running kubuntu 15.04. i installed isc-dhcp-server and tftpd-hpa, in order to create a netboot server, but tftp fails. i did it with no issues on 14.10 (all works), but with 15.04, i can successfully tftp localhost and retrieve files, but if i tftp <interface's IP address>, it just won't transfer. port is open and there's no firewall issue. can you think of anything that might be wrong?17:19
cfhowlett!vivid | foormea17:19
ubottufoormea: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142517:19
foormeacfhowlett: oh, thanks and sorry :)17:19
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TzunamiiMy Saturday fun is partly comprised of rescuing files from a dying external storage device17:24
flux242could somebody execute in terminal: (env; cat ~/.dbus/session-bus/*-0 )|awk -F',' '/^DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS/ {print $1}'17:28
flux242and tell me if the first line is equal to any other line17:29
flux242foormea: dnsmask can work as tftp daemon and it's already installed17:31
flux242foormea: dnsmasq17:31
makaveli0129getting wl 0000:06:00.0: swiotlb buffer is full in syslog which brings down all network services any idea on how to fix?17:32
foormeaflux242: i'll give it a try, thanks17:33
flux242foormea: it's a bit difficult to set up as a tftp daemon because all docu in google refere to the /etc/dnsmasq.conf which doesn't exits any longer . One has to create a proper filie in the /etc/dnsmasq.d/17:35
foormeaflux242: okay, thanks for the tip17:35
flux242in what language speaks shuttleworth because i didn't understand a thing - "This verbose tract is a venial vanity, a chance to vector verbal vibes, a map of verdant hills to be climbed in months ahead"17:39
flux242sounds like tibetian mantra to me17:40
k1lflux242: do you have a technical ubuntu support question?17:40
MonkeyDustflux242  he was probably joking, V... vivid vervet17:40
flux242yes, look above ^^^17:40
GraemeLionHe's just playing with the letter V.17:41
sojiro_question, anyone else has issues when trying to install nvidia-346? i get a libopencl error. seems there already is a version that nvidia doesnt automatically remove/overwrite. after some googling it seems i got a wine version of it on my system.17:41
flux242k1l: so, will you perform a line of bash i posted above?17:42
MonkeyDustflux242  there's also #bash17:43
flux242GraemeLion: yeah, better  be fixing dbus bug i posted 2 years ago instead17:43
k1lflux242: i lost motivation to help you will you were just ranting in here. so sorry no.17:44
flux242MonkeyDust: so?17:44
MonkeyDustflux242  i'm sure the people in #bash can help you better17:45
flux242MonkeyDust: has it somethign to do with bash?17:45
flux242k1l: I didn't expect you to. so leave me alone17:46
k1lflux242: we like a comfortable climate in here, so please drop that attitude and the ranting. thanks.17:46
flux242k1l: youve started to pick on me and you've got response17:47
MonkeyDustflux242  don't be impolite when you need help17:47
MonkeyDustor ever17:47
GraemeLionflux242: I don't think Mark Shuttleworth really cares about DBUS coding or has that as his skillset.17:48
flux242GraemeLion: it was a joke17:48
GraemeLionflux242: Nobody laughed.17:48
flux242GraemeLion: i didn't expect you to17:49
dididodohi... i cant enable my obile broadband after kernel update and is used to work before. it isnt  a modeswitch issue and also 'sudo nmcli nm wwan on' doesnt switch wwan on. any ideas?17:50
dididodomobile broadband17:50
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flux242MonkeyDust: it's not me who needs help. Ubuntu does17:51
rene_Hello, I am using Bodhi Linux and Network Manager sometimes disconnects the wireless (usually when I watch videos or download big files) and I am not able to reconnect unless I reboot the computer. Can anyone help me with this? I used to have Lubuntu and I didn't have this problem with Lubuntu17:52
makaveli0129getting DMA: Out of SW-IOMMU space for 2048 bytes at device 0000:06:00.0 for my wireless card i've tried iommu=soft in the kernel params but still no dice17:52
jattdoes the same happen with wicd?17:52
MonkeyDustflux242  canonical/ubuntu manages quite well without your help17:53
rene_i am not sure jatt, should i try to install wicd?17:54
jattjust to ensure the culprint ain't network manager, it could be the router or something else17:54
flux242MonkeyDust: it does?17:55
rene_I dont think its the router, the router works fine in my iphone and when i switch to windows xp17:56
rene_i saw in a forum that they recommend manually configuring the network to a static ip instead of having it dynamic for bodhi17:57
rene_but i dont know how to do this or if this is even the problem17:58
k1lrene_: better to ask the bodhi guys what they changed and see if you can undo this17:58
makaveli0129anyone know about the iommu error?18:01
tibroxanyone know to to persist my settings on my ubuntu usb install.  I've set the options for saving data on usb-creator but I still lose settings18:02
hariomhey friends, I have 3 VMs. They are NATed. When I try to connect any of the VMs from remote server over https, I am able to connect. But when from with in one of the VMs I issue the same https request, it gives timeout msg.18:04
hariomWhat could be possibly wrong?18:04
hariomhttps url is of the form: https://www.myexample.com/mypage18:04
squintytibrox:  might want to try unetbootin for making a live persistent usb.  if you actually did a full ubuntu installation to the usb stick all your settings should be saved automatically18:07
tibroxsquinty, thanks, I'll try that way18:09
nikickhello all18:10
nikickhow are you?18:10
fra_dolcinohi, i installed Poedit from repository, but on user interface compare the message that dictionary for work language i need is missing, then i intalled myspell for that language but error message is still there, any idea?18:11
nikickhelp my please i install skype for os (kubuntu) but is not work reason: not connection18:12
PlaidRabbitI'm managing an old 10.x version of ubuntu, and I'm trying to run apt-get update because this box hasn't been updated in forever, and I get the EXACT same error message this guy got.  http://askubuntu.com/questions/187448/cant-check-for-download-updates   But the link in the resolution doesn't work18:17
auronandacePlaidRabbit: only 10.04 server is supported from the 10.x releases18:19
MonkeyDustPlaidRabbit  10.04 for server is still available, 10.10 isnt18:19
PlaidRabbithow do I tell if I have 10.04 or 10.10?  (I'm new to this, go easy on me)18:20
k1l!eol | PlaidRabbit18:20
ubottuPlaidRabbit: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:20
k1lPlaidRabbit: "lsb_release -d"18:20
MonkeyDustPlaidRabbit  or     cat /etc/issue18:20
PlaidRabbitDescription:    Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS18:20
EriC^^PlaidRabbit: that's 12.0418:20
MonkeyDustPlaidRabbit  so it's 12.04, not 10.x18:21
PlaidRabbitThen the documentation I got for this server is also out of date.18:21
k1l12.04 is pretty fine and still got years of support left. so what is the issue now?18:21
EriC^^PlaidRabbit: type sudo apt-get update and paste it in paste.ubuntu.com18:21
k1lPlaidRabbit: please run a "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" which makes sure you got the latest packages for 12.04. please pastebin the output18:22
MonkeyDustPlaidRabbit  it's the ppa18:22
MonkeyDustPlaidRabbit  remove that... error gone18:23
k1lPlaidRabbit: that PPA you got running there doesnt provide 12.04 packages at all18:23
EriC^^PlaidRabbit: type cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*18:23
k1luse ppa-purge to remove that18:23
rene_ok, thanks K1l18:27
PlaidRabbitresult of of the cat statement    http://paste.ubuntu.com/9854293/18:27
rene_join #bodhilinux18:28
MonkeyDustPlaidRabbit  that's raring in that list18:28
MonkeyDustPlaidRabbit  have you been mixing distro's?18:28
PlaidRabbitThis is a server my guild uses for our website.  I was just given access to it, and I'm pretty much in charge of it now.18:29
PlaidRabbitAnd I have very little back-history on it's technology18:30
EriC^^PlaidRabbit: type sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/<press tab a couple times>18:30
EriC^^and complete the line with the file that has slicer in it18:30
EriC^^add a # before the lines that say deb http and deb-src , then save with ctrl+o, and exit18:31
PlaidRabbitthere's 4 lines..   slicer-ppa-lucid.list   slicer-ppa-lucid.list.distUpgrade   slicer-ppa-lucid.list.save     slicer-ppa-precise.list18:32
EriC^^PlaidRabbit: it's probably ppa-precise18:32
PlaidRabbitthere's a deb and a deb-src line, no http line.18:33
EriC^^is there a deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/slicer ... line?18:33
EriC^^with no # at the start of the lines18:34
Ali_parsixHi friends.I want to install a few games on my Ubuntu.What games are the best?18:34
PlaidRabbitdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/slicer/ppa/ubuntu precise main           deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/slicer/ppa/ubuntu precise main18:34
nahtnamHow do I install this: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Polari on Ubuntu 14.04?18:34
bekksAli_parsix: The games you like most. :)18:34
EriC^^PlaidRabbit: add a # to the start of the lines18:34
Ali_parsixWhat games are hot?18:35
nahtnamAli_parsix: Video games?18:35
PlaidRabbitthere we go.   apt-get update    worked18:35
bekksAli_parsix: So get a video game console ;)18:35
nahtnamAli_parsix: Counter Strike Global Offensive. Its hands down the best game I have ever played18:35
daftykinswow, no accounting for taste18:36
nahtnamI started playing it a few weeks ago18:36
Ali_parsixOh!Can I play Counter Strike? I think it is for Windows18:36
nahtnamAli_parsix: No, its for ubuntu as well18:37
EriC^^!info steam | Ali_parsix knock yourself out18:37
ubottuAli_parsix knock yourself out: steam (source: steam): Valve's Steam digital software delivery system. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1: (utopic), package size 853 kB, installed size 2658 kB (Only available for i386)18:37
nahtnamAli_parsix: Hit me up on steam if you get the game! Username: nahtnam18:37
PlaidRabbitWhat's funny is one guy from the channel messaged me... turns out he's a guy from a guild allied with my guild.   Small world.18:37
nahtnamPlaidRabbit: What game?18:38
EriC^^sounds tempting18:40
daemi0nit's a fun game for the right kind of person18:41
daemi0na lot of reading to do18:41
daemi0nto understand what the fuck is going on18:41
daemi0nit's the kind of game where, a year in, you're like "hey, i'm finally starting to get this" and a year later, you look back and think, god, i knew nothing18:41
PlaidRabbitThe joke is the game is    Ms Excel: Spaceship Edition18:42
daemi0nSpreadsheets Online18:42
GraemeLionWorld's prettiest spreadsheet18:42
EriC^^daemi0n: one game i really enjoyed was shenmue on the dreamcast18:44
EriC^^it was so cool how the weather changed and you could walk around and get jobs and stuff, graphics were insane back then18:44
PlaidRabbitEriC^^:   If you want I'll send you a code for a 21 day trial.18:44
EriC^^i used to rip dc games and sell at my highschool, unfortunately it went broke cause everybody was doing it :D18:45
EriC^^shenmue was excellent though, PlaidRabbit a trial of what?18:45
PlaidRabbitso when I do a apt-get upgrade, I get:    The following packages have been kept back:   linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic18:45
PlaidRabbitEriC^^:  of Eve18:45
PlaidRabbitis that error message from apt-get expected?18:46
bekksPlaidRabbit: Thats expected, since you used apt-get upgrade and not apt-get dist-upgrade18:46
bekksPlaidRabbit: And thats no error, just an informational message.18:46
EriC^^PlaidRabbit: cool, ok18:47
k1lPlaidRabbit: for full updates you need the apt-get dist-upgrade command, which will not bring you to the next ubuntu release18:47
PlaidRabbitOkay, I'll press Y and hope for the best.18:48
EriC^^PlaidRabbit: that's cause upgrade doesn't upgrade any packages that require additional packages to be installed or removed18:49
daftykinsactually when it has "Y/n" it means pressin enter automatically selects yes :>18:49
PlaidRabbit(really, we're just running apache, php, mysql, & murmur, it's not like this is a crazy configuration)18:49
DeaDSouLhi, how to block all incomming ssh requiests from internet to login, except for the ones who i have their keys ?18:49
PlaidRabbitwell...   I'll reboot the box and make sure it comes backl up cleantly.18:49
daftykins!info fail2ban | DeaDSouL look into this18:50
bekksDeaDSouL: Disable password login after enabling keybased login.18:50
ubottuDeaDSouL look into this: fail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.13-1 (utopic), package size 131 kB, installed size 654 kB18:50
DeaDSouLdaftykins, bekks: I have a server in my home... and I'll travel... but I need to ssh it from the internet... in the same time I want to secure it so it should not accept any login-requests except mine... any guide to start with ?18:52
wonderworldDeaDSouL: PasswordAuthentication no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config18:52
daftykinsDeaDSouL: running on a non-standard port number would be wise18:52
wonderworldDeaDSouL: this will disable password logins18:52
bekksDeaDSouL: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring - and use a non-standard port for SSH.18:53
DeaDSouLwonderworld: can I disable it for all requests from the internet, yet it's allowed from the local network?18:53
bekksDeaDSouL: That will effectively disable your logins from the internet.18:53
wonderworldbekks: no, he said he is using keys18:54
DeaDSouLdaftykins: I shall change the port from my router to forward it to any port.18:54
bekkswonderworld: If the server does not accept logins from eh internet, he will be unable to login from the internet. Having keys or not doesnt matter at that point.18:54
TzunamiiDeaDSouL: non-standard port + auth keys + no password auth == minimizes bruteforce attacks18:54
wonderworldDeaDSouL: there is the Match directive in sshd config. you can configure different behaviour for different subnets with it. like for your home lan allow password logins and disable them for others18:55
wonderworldbekks: not true. if you disable PasswordAuthentication key based authentication will still be possible18:55
TzunamiiDeaDSouL: You can build on that with TCP wrappers, only allow certain users/groups in sshd_config to connect and if you want to be hardcore - set up OpenVPN and tunnel SSH through it.18:56
bekkswonderworld: Read again ;) Thats exactly what I said above. :)18:56
bekksDeaDSouL: Just disable password authed logins, enable key based logins, so only you can login, having the correct key.18:56
daemi0nEric^: i too had a dreamcast18:58
daemi0nEric^: i bought one a couple years after their peak of relevance because i wanted shenmue, jet grind radio and soulcalibur18:58
DeaDSouL(changing the port + disable the password authed logins) from the /etc/ssh/sshd_config right?18:58
bekksDeaDSouL: Both is described in here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring18:59
DeaDSouLthanks a lot guys18:59
TzunamiiDeaDSouL: Remember to test the key before you disable the SSH password auth19:00
DeaDSouLbut if i disable the password authed logins... this shall disable the internet requests only.. correct ?19:00
bekksDeaDSouL: No.19:00
bekksDeaDSouL: Disabling password based logind will disable password based logins. And since only YOU have the correct key to login, only you can login afterwards. Doesnt matter from where.19:01
DeaDSouLbekks: can I make a rule for that? so it should disable the outter requests ?19:01
bekksDeaDSouL: Please read the link given.19:01
DeaDSouLbekks: reading it now19:01
daftykinsuber_hulk: yes we saw you the first time, either ask a question or go19:02
=== NikolaiToryzin is now known as NikoliaToryzin
uber_hulkI am getting cp: failed to preserve ownership while copying using comman line19:03
uber_hulk To a usb drive19:03
bekksuber_hulk: When doing what exactly?19:03
MonkeyDustuber_hulk  not all file systems can handle linux permissons19:04
uber_hulkCopyying from messed os to pen drive19:05
uber_hulkWhich is vfar19:05
bekksuber_hulk: Thats not "exactly" what you are doing. Which exact command are you using?19:05
uber_hulkI also did chown -R uber_hulk dir19:05
uber_hulkSudo cp -dpR dir /mnt/usb/19:06
bekksuber_hulk: Why do you use sudo at that point?19:06
bennypr0fanehello, I'm trying to create a live pen drive of ubuntu server. I dublechecked the iso hash and used the kde live medium creator to create the drive, but integrity check says ther'19:07
bennypr0fanea corrupt file19:07
uber_hulk Beeks: bcoz i can't copy to mnt/usb otherwise?19:07
daftykinsbennypr0fane: just 'dd' the ISO onto the drive, simples19:07
bekksuber_hulk: Thats not correct :) Anyways. That usb device is formatted as fat32 (vfat) isnt it?19:07
bennypr0faneor on ethat cannot be opened, somewhere under the netboot directory (didn't write down the exact path)19:07
MonkeyDustuber_hulk  vfat cannot handle linux permissions19:08
bennypr0fanealso, is it normal that there's no try out ubuntu option?19:08
uber_hulkMonkeyDust: but yeah that will still copy my daya right?19:08
bekksuber_hulk: IT will not preserve permissions.19:08
daftykinsbennypr0fane: you don't get it with server19:08
bennypr0fanedaftykins: well creation is supposed to work fine with the standard GUI tools too, isn't it?19:09
uber_hulkbekks: that i don't care about?19:09
daftykinsbennypr0fane: maybe, i like to keep life simple19:10
bekksuber_hulk: Then why do you care about the message you get, that tells you exactly that? :)19:10
kokutHi guys, this is me http://i.imgur.com/BvFYFt3.jpg19:10
daftykinsi'm gonna guess that link is bad19:10
uber_hulkbekks: oho19:10
bennypr0fanedaftykins: how do you recommend to wipe the pendrive before dd'ing?19:10
daftykinsbennypr0fane: there's no need19:11
uber_hulkI have one dir of 5G and it is showing 70mb19:11
daftykinssimply "sudo dd if=/path/to/ISO of=/dev/sdX bs=2M"19:11
kokutHey i'm sorry ok i wont put more pics of me19:11
k1lkokut: just stop your trolling19:11
kokutwhy is it trolling if i put a nice pic its not like im trying to upset anyone19:12
bennypr0fanedaftykins: yeah, everybody recommends different block size setting19:13
bennypr0fanewhat you think of mkusb?19:13
luisa_ATTENZIONE: Non e' stata intercettata la versione originale di lynx.19:13
luisa_Questo script e' in grado di funzionare sono con lynx e non links2.19:13
bekks!it | luisa_19:13
ubottuluisa_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:13
bennypr0fanedaftykins: does the usb drive need to be mounted or unmounted before dd'ing?19:19
bekksbennypr0fane: Unmounted.19:19
mguydoes ubuntu 14.04 not reply to broadcast pings on the lan?19:24
Tachikomasit reply by default19:25
DeaDSouLif i disable the password authed logins in sshd_config and allow only logins from public authorized keys.... will I still be able to use 'rsync' with ssh mode ?19:27
DeaDSouLlike 'rsync -e ssh ....' ?19:28
TzunamiiDeaDSouL: auth keys are per user so if you're doing the rsync from a different user you need to create a auth key (and distribute it) for that particular user19:32
DeaDSouLTzunamii: so if i add my key to the server... i will be able to use 'rsync -e ssh' from my user to that server.. correct ?19:33
TzunamiiDeaDSouL: Correct19:33
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bennypr0faneDeaDSouL: I'm curious, do you really need -e ssh as an option of rsync? I mean rsync uses ssh anyway if needed, afaik you don't have to tell it to?19:34
bekksbennypr0fane: No, you dont need -e ssh, since it is the default setting.19:35
bennypr0fanebekks: exactly my point, thanks19:35
AleksejsHomeHi, can anyone help me with the sound problem>19:40
mathias__I wonder if anyone can help a rookie with Wifi troubles19:41
mathias__I got the Centrino 6235 Intel card19:41
Tachikomaswhat is your troubles ?19:41
DeaDSouLbekks, bennypr0fane: tha laptop I'm going to take with me is a macbookair ... so I don't know what is the default remote-shell in its configured rsync :p19:41
mathias__The speeds are slow19:42
DeaDSouLbekks: but good to know that the default remote shell in rsync is ssh19:42
Tachikomasmathias_ try xubuntu ;)19:42
mathias__Usually i get like 100 mbit down on wireless, now its like 5 :S19:42
mathias__Whys that? :)19:42
TachikomasOh. The internet speed is slow ?19:42
Tachikomasdo you install the nonfree firmware ?19:42
mathias__Yea, speeds are so slow compared to on Windows19:43
mathias__I dont think so19:43
mathias__Can you help me?19:43
mathias__Or guide me?19:43
DeaDSouLmathias__: is it far from the router ?19:43
mathias__Tried both next to the router and far away19:44
TachikomasOpen terminal > sudo apt-get update > sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree19:44
mathias__Same result, significantly slower19:44
DeaDSouLmathias__: is there any downloading in other devices ?19:44
mathias__Nope, no downloading19:45
mathias__Tachikomas, ill try that19:45
DeaDSouLmathias__: if not.. try to restart the router19:45
AleksejsHomeI have DR-BTN200 BT earphones. I can connect them to the PC, I can make them produce sound in telephone duplex mode (*** quality, don't know if there is a reason for this mode to exist). The problem is that _sometimes_ I can connect these earphones in High quality mode, but only sometimes. I can't figure out what is the reason why sometimes I can do it, but sometimes I can't. Any ideas?19:45
mathias__Ill try and restart19:45
Tzunamiimathias__: if you do 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate <your max wifi rate>' (like 54M or higher), will it improve the speed?19:46
OerHeksif mathias__ returns, maybe a fix for him too http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/74-ubuntu/322-ubuntu-trusty-intel-centrino-6235-slow also fixes bluetooth19:47
mathias__Im back19:48
mathias__The Linux nonfree didnt solve anything19:48
Tzunamiimathias__: if you do 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate <your max wifi rate>' (like 54M or higher), will it improve the speed?19:48
AleksejsHomemathias__: how do you test your speed?19:49
mathias__By bredbandskollen or speedtest19:49
mathias__When i am close to the router i get 1/4 of the speed i get with windows19:49
mathias__i pay for 100/1019:49
mathias__And thats what i usually get19:49
mathias__There is no really problem with the connection, it works fine and seems to be stable, im just dissapointed with the speeds19:51
mathias__Speeds are so much slower19:51
Tzunamiimathias__: If you don't use IPv6 people report that if you disable it system-wide it can give you better speeds.19:51
OerHeksAccording to that post, it solves bluetooth issues too, i think you haven't noticed them yet.19:52
AleksejsHomeany help with my problem?19:53
mathias__Tzunamii, can you help me with commands in terminal to disable ipv6?19:53
mathias__OerHeks, i did try that guide before.19:54
zerowaitstateTzunamii:  I have also heard that is no longer true for modern kernels.19:54
AleksejsHomemaybe any other linux distro that would work witout the problems?19:54
Tzunamiizerowaitstate: I heard Jesus is back, but I'd rather check myself19:54
zerowaitstateTzunamii: fair enough :)19:55
AleksejsHomethat's the main problem with linux - you just CAN'T get any support, even bad support19:55
AleksejsHomeHW doesn't work? who cares - it's only your problem19:56
AleksejsHomesorry, but I'm fighting with this specific issue for 3 months - no *** effect19:56
zerowaitstateAleksejsHome: well I've gotten the same response on Windows.  I'm thinking about D-link specifically.19:57
zerowaitstateThey're like:  try the NIC Ina different computer and see if it works better19:58
Tzunamiimathias__: check your private messages19:58
k1lAleksejsHome: rule number one: buy hardware that is supposed to run on linux. so you are not in trouble because the manufacturer just makes them work with windows.19:58
AleksejsHomek1l: does your text apply for the cases when HW works sometimes?20:00
MonkeyDustAleksejsHome  perhaps the hardware was made for windows use... the linux developers had to reverse engineer the technology that was no meant for linux... that's why it only works sometimes20:01
OerHeksthe issue is 'sometimes' as it is not logical.20:02
AleksejsHomeMonkeyDust: but it's clearly SW problem, if it works sometimes20:02
zerowaitstateAleksejsHome: what type of AP is it?20:02
mathias__Ipv6 didnt do the trick20:03
bugtraqHi For All20:03
MonkeyDustAleksejsHome  i just explained why20:03
k1lAleksejsHome: maybe its the bluetooth modes that your headphones use?20:03
AleksejsHomeMonkeyDust: in settings, sometimes choosing High quality, it is enabled, sometimes it isnt20:03
DJonesbugtraq: Don't20:03
pc__ubuntu is way too slow, when i click on an icon it takes seconds to start it20:03
MonkeyDustAleksejsHome  contact the hardware manufacturer and ask for better linux support20:04
m4tshould fuse-exfat and fuse-utils be all that is required to automount exfat volumes on insertion?20:05
m4tcuz it's not automounting :~(20:06
zerowaitstateudev days a part as well I think20:06
m4tshould i blame systemd?20:07
zerowaitstateeveryone always blames systemd20:08
zerowaitstatem4t which Ubuntu you running20:08
bugtraqi am bugtraq os20:09
bugtraquse nugtraq 220:09
DJonesbugtraq: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?20:09
zerowaitstatebugtraq you are annoying20:09
bugtraqand analyzing GRC Signal20:09
compdocsure. blame systemd. it wont mind20:09
m4tif you chop of its head it grows 10 more20:09
zerowaitstateudev may not be recognizing the USB id as a storage device.  I assume its USB correct?20:10
=== TylerJne is now known as LisaXavier
m4tyeah it is an android phone20:12
zerowaitstateokay yeah I have dealt with this before.20:13
m4tsd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] 122814464 512-byte logical blocks: (62.8 GB/58.5 GiB20:13
k1lm4t: what ubuntu? what desktop?20:13
m4t14.10 mate20:13
m4tmy old phone's vfat mounted automatically fine20:13
zerowaitstatem4t do you have the debug bridge turned on?20:13
k1lit should automount with gvfs. dont know if mate got this right20:13
m4tbut adb isn't running20:13
k1lm4t: and make sure that mtp thing is installed20:14
tfiikfsdfgIs there a guide on how to flash ubuntu phone on Amazon Fire phone20:14
zerowaitstateadb requires a profile to be set up in for udev to allow it20:14
m4tit's set to export the sd card rather than do it as mtp20:14
m4tadb works fine20:14
k1l!phone | tfiikfsdfg see this channel and read the topic there20:14
ubottutfiikfsdfg see this channel and read the topic there: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch20:14
zerowaitstategoogle adb and udev20:14
DJonestfiikfsdfg: Might be worth asking that in #ubuntu-phone20:14
d-_-bfriendship iz megic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)20:14
m4tadb is set up fine via udev20:14
m4tthat's not my issue20:15
AliExploitm4t which Ubuntu you running20:15
zerowaitstateah so the mtp is not working20:15
k1ld-_-b: please keep this channel clear for support.20:15
m4texfat != mtp20:15
m4tmtp is not a "filesystem" and doesn't show up as one to the os20:15
m4tthis is about fuse/exfat, mtp works fine20:15
=== LisaXavier is now known as Leelah_Sucked
DJonesAliExploit: Do you have an Ubuntu support question this time?20:16
k1lm4t: so what phone is it and does this work on other systems as expected?20:16
AliExploithere hackers or...20:16
DeaDSouLguys what is the protocol of ssh ?20:16
DeaDSouLtcp? udp?20:16
=== Leelah_Sucked is now known as CrybabyLeelah
zerowaitstatessh is tcp20:17
TzunamiiDeaDSouL: TCP20:17
zerowaitstateport 2220:17
DeaDSouLzerowaitstate: i've already changed the port ;)20:17
OerHekschange port to 42 :-)20:17
m4ti mean, the whole sd card is exported20:18
m4ti can read the partition table with fdisk20:18
m4tit's an issue of fuse detecting/automounting20:18
m4thow does fuse even "know" what exfat is?20:18
zerowaitstatem4t: so it shows up as a device but fuse isn't automountimg20:19
nmz787where are hotkey mappings in xubuntu? I'm running hugegreenbug's xubuntu for my c720 and page-up isn't mapped to ctrl-up20:19
m4tit's a util linux issue apparently20:20
m4tin 14.1020:20
Esoraccount add20:20
nahtnamHow do I install this: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Polari on Ubuntu 14.04?20:20
OerHeksnmz787, i know this page with fixes, http://www.reddit.com/r/chrubuntu/comments/1rsxkd/list_of_fixes_for_xubuntu_1310_on_the_acer_c72020:21
OerHeksold but keyboard is also mentioned20:22
nmz787lots of ppl saying to use different programs, but I wonder there must be some program already handling things like brightness and volume OerHeks20:22
MonkeyDustnahtnam  a irc client from thre repos is faster/easier/cleaner to install20:22
zerowaitstatethat bugtraq guy is sending me DCC's.  How do you ignore via IRC coomands20:23
k1lm4t: does the comment 6 from the bug linked in the askubuntu answer solve it?20:23
k1lzerowaitstate: report it to #freenode20:23
CrybabyLeelahwww.chimpout.com - please join this community and learn the truth about niggers!!! blacks commit more crime and do more destruction and violence than any other race! niggers are not humans they are apes! niggers are not "just like us" and socioeconomic status has nothing to do with their thirst for crime, theft, and rape!20:24
CrybabyLeelahwww.chimpout.com - please join this community and learn the truth about niggers!!! blacks commit more crime and do more destruction and violence than any other race! niggers are not humans they are apes! niggers are not "just like us" and socioeconomic status has nothing to do with their thirst for crime, theft, and rape!20:24
nahtnamMonkeyDust: But I dont know how to compile it.20:24
MonkeyDustnahtnam  then use a client from the repos20:25
nahtnamMonkeyDust: Are you talking about a git repo or an apt repo?20:26
anternathello, i am using 14.04 desktop. I need to change the LAN ip address of this server within ubuntu but i have primarily assigned a static ip from router whose interface i cannot acces at this time.If a assign a static ip within ubuntu does it cause a conflict? Which assignment has priority over the other.?20:27
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OerHeksnahtnam, utopic 14.10 has it  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/polari20:28
MonkeyDustnahtnam  open the .deb of your choice on that link ^^^^^^20:30
OerHeksanternat, i think your router rules20:31
nullxI added a table manually to /etc/iptables2/rt_tables (called openvpn_table), im able to add via ip route add, but iptables doesn't recognize it when I try to add one....20:31
anternatOerHeks>> thank you..20:31
dymHey! Im trying to install Ubuntu on an ALIX system via the serial Console. I get a clean bootup process, but once the netboot image loads i get it all Klingon style: http://drop.openroot.de/1fx5c/1RP34zs6 Ideas?20:31
nahtnamOerHeks: MonkeyDust I am getting this error: http://i.imgur.com/8soaTBy.png20:32
nullxnevermind, think I figured it out, im just misnaming the params20:33
delinquentmeOK so I attempted to make a bootable usb last night and now when I try to boot my system ... I see " Missing OS "20:34
delinquentmeits an ubuntu system and I was making a bootable disk for another laptop... so I'd like to just get back to a functional operating system is possible20:35
nullxmight anyone know a good iptables guide? I'm trying to force a certain user (via iptables_owner module) to use a specific lan adapter20:38
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m4tk1l: it should work20:39
m4tthe locales aren't building in the new util-linux package so it's failing though20:39
m4tso i haven't tested it20:39
snkcldcan i tell apt-get to look inside a certain directory to find ackages?21:00
nahtnamHas anyone gotten Sony Vegas Pro to work via WINE?21:01
k1lnahtnam: best is to look into the app database.21:01
k1l!wine | nahtnam21:01
ubottunahtnam: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:01
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:02
Bashing-omsnkcld: -> dpkg -S <file/path>/<filename> <- for instance ?21:03
snkcldis it not possible to use: "apt-get install --look-here-for-potentially-downloaded-packages=./blah x y z21:05
snkcldi just dont want to keep hitting the ubuntu repos21:05
snkcldi just want to download the packages once, and each time i build my docker containers, have apt-get install look in a certain folder for the packages21:06
k1lsnkcld: that is not what apt-get is for. you want dpkg for that. dpkg -i /path/to/packages.deb21:06
k1lsnkcld: oh, in that case you might want to make a local repo mirror21:06
snkclda local mirror ok...21:07
snkcldwell, see, with python i setup a wheel house, and i tell pip to look there for the packages if theyre there21:07
snkcldso thats what made me wonder if ubuntu had something similar21:07
snkcldid prefer to _not_ run  a service for this ability, though21:07
snkcldah! can my mirror location be a filesystem path??21:08
theadminsnkcld: You can point to an APT repo with a file:// URL in your sources.list.21:09
theadminSo, yeah21:09
k1lsnkcld: the issue is: you need all repo packages or the apt-get will error if therer are some depencies not fullfilled21:09
zerowaitstatesnkcld: you should probably set up a caching apt proxy21:10
Bashing-omsnkcld: Lots of ways; check out -> ls -al /var/cache/apt/archives <- .21:10
snkcldis it not possible to tell apt-get to use another mirror if certain packages are unfulfilled?21:10
leeyaahow to make memcached with more than one instance ?21:10
kevindeHow can I get the latest kernel version in Ubuntu 14.04? I currently have 3.13.0-44-generic and sudo apt-get update, upgrade, dist-upgrade doesn't install newest version21:11
k1lkevinde: what kernel version do you want?21:11
kevindeThe newest one, not sure if there is one higher then 44,21:12
kevindewell the newest (stable) one :)21:12
k1l!info linux-image-generic trusty21:12
MonkeyDustkevinde  0-44 is the current kernel21:12
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB21:12
kevindeoh ok :)21:12
nullxfor Iptables, is there any equivilent for -A input for -j MARK?21:13
Bashing-omkevinde: sysop@1404mini:~$ uname -r >> 3.13.0-44-generic . That is the latest available for stock 14.04.1 .21:13
=== NikoliaToryzin is now known as NikolaiToryzin
m4tk1l: yeah an updated libblkid fixes it21:22
m4tfunny though because the files i thought were on the external sd were all on internal memory21:23
sina_this is my first time :)21:25
guntbertsina_: welcome to the ubuntu suport channel - Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:25
sina_yes very21:26
guntbert!ask | sina_21:26
ubottusina_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:26
nullxI want to setup iptables/ip routes so that it forces use of eth1 over eth0, even though they both have internet access.  I need help or a guide if anyone can help. Thanks.21:27
sina_I recently got into Ubuntu 14.04 version I use when I am forever not to hand water 14:1021:28
sina_I recently got into Ubuntu 14.04 and I use when I want to update the version I can not update to 14.1021:29
k1lsina_: go to system settings, updates and software and set on the 3rd tab there that it searches for all ubuntu updates and not only lts21:31
sina_i do that but not worked21:31
sina_I want my tour because the filter is everywhere in my country but I do not know and I'm having trouble installing21:32
k1lcan you pastebin "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" into a pastebin?21:33
k1l!paste | sina_21:33
ubottusina_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:33
baracudasudaI formatted a drive and it says the owner is root so I can't create folders how do i fix that21:33
Ben64baracudasuda: chown21:34
EriC^^baracudasuda: where did you mount it?21:34
baracudasudai don't know it mounted itself with file manager21:34
EriC^^ok open a terminal21:34
roberupdated firefox , does flash require a seperate update21:35
Ben64rober: yes, but flash isn't updated anymore for linux21:35
EriC^^baracudasuda: type ls -l and drag the name of the directory from the file manager to the terminal21:35
baracudasudaokay its /media/lisa/extra storage21:37
EriC^^ok, did you type ls -l before it?21:37
EriC^^did you press enter?21:37
EriC^^ls -l '/media/lisa/extra storage'21:38
saahilhi all can i use linux-tools-3.16 for kernel 3.14.29 ?21:38
=== BlackVenom|Away is now known as BlackVenom
baracudasudayea it says drwx------ 2 root root 16384 jan 23 18:03 lost+found21:38
EriC^^baracudasuda: please make it ls -ld '/media/lisa/extra storage'21:38
Bashing-om!find linux-tools21:39
ubottuFound: linux-tools-common, linux-tools-generic, linux-tools-lowlatency, linux-tools-virtual, linux-tools-3.16.0-23, linux-tools-3.16.0-23-generic, linux-tools-3.16.0-23-lowlatency, linux-tools-goldfish, linux-tools-3.4.0-4-goldfish, linux-tools-3.16.0-24 (and 14 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-tools&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all21:39
baracudasudadrwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 23 18:03 and then the location21:39
PlaidRabbitI've got a ubuntu 12 server, I'm trying to get it so that when my mumble-server starts, it also runs a python script that sets up authentication.  The script has to run after mumble has started.   If the script isn't running, then it treats everyone as guests.  What I'd like to do is maybe close the tcp port until the script has been run.  IS that possible/sane?21:41
EriC^^baracudasuda: ok, type sudo chown lisa:lisa '/media/lisa/extra storage'21:41
EriC^^baracudasuda: if your username is lisa21:41
sina_What book would you recommend to learn Linux commands21:42
PlaidRabbitso before all of my init commands, I'd take the port out of the allowed list in the firewall, then after it comes back up, add the port back into the allowed list   thoughts?21:42
saahilBashing-om, i know that but will it work with my custom  kernel based on 3.14.2921:43
baracudasudaokay cool now it works thank you21:43
EriC^^baracudasuda: no problem21:43
Bashing-omsaahil: Per : http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-tools&searchon=names&suite=trusty-updates&section=all ; I do say no .21:44
Ben64Bashing-om: saahil: yep, includes libc6, the perfect library to mess with if you don't want to have a functional system anymore21:45
saahilBashing-om, could you point me to way to compile only linux-tools ubuntu-way21:47
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saahili couldnt find via google search21:47
Bashing-omsaahil: Not I, as Ben64 advises .. a great way to bork your system .21:48
Bashing-omsaahil: What is your situation that there exist dependendcy issues ?21:49
saahilBashing-om, i compiled custom kernel for i7 using debian way , need linux-tools to change governor21:52
ewbhello friends, I am looking for a good linux manual in PDF, I want to learn commmands like xset, the basics, etc...21:52
hieronemusHello room - having some issues with multi monitor setup, been searching the net for some solution for an hour - no luck.  I'm using highest resolutions on both - but if I move the window to other monitor cant see a full screen. Ah yes, 14.04+ati 6550, using radeon driver.21:54
EriC^^hieronemus: type xrandr -q , paste it in paste.ubuntu.com21:55
Bashing-omsaahil: No regret, but sorrry, you are out of my league .21:55
saahilBashing-om, thanks for trying21:55
Bashing-omsaahil: :-( .21:57
hieronemushttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9856696/ Is it worth trying proprietary driver?21:57
PlaidRabbitis there a way I could have an init.d script modify my firewall before/after it runs?21:59
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PlaidRabbitI'm used to modifying the firewall config, and then reloading the config22:01
hieronemusEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9856696/22:02
NeldogzHas anyone had any success connecting two monitors using 2 video cards?22:07
benccis it possible to install a specific package from backports?22:09
benccor do I have to include all the backports list?22:10
EpiastlHello everyone, "Input/output error during read on /dev/sda error !!! " what does it mean ?22:14
Jeroen_MathonEpiastl: Hard disk failure?22:14
EpiastlShit.  Not so old disk22:15
EpiastlThere is a way to repair it ?22:15
Jeroen_MathonEpiastl: Try mounting it in knoppix22:15
Jeroen_MathonEpiastl: Or magicpart22:15
k1lEpiastl: rule of thumb: if there is an error, others will follow. so better watch out for backups and keep a spare hdd if that hdd totally fails22:16
Epiastlokay i'll try knoppix22:16
Jeroen_MathonEpiastl: I'm sure spatry made a vid on that22:18
Jeroen_MathonMajmun: Thats a bit off-topic.22:20
arcskywhat should i do to encrpyt my debian harddrive? is truecypt the best option?22:48
bekksarcsky: Asking in a debian channel is the best option.22:49
k1larcsky: best ask in #debian22:49
arcskyi mean ubuntu22:49
coolomaticsarcsky, you are asked if you want to encrypt your home folder when adding a user22:52
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coolomaticsdunno how to do it afterwards22:52
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory22:53
arcskyi want to encyrpt the whole drive22:54
arcskyi think the best option are luks but i dont know22:54
coolomaticsusually you dont need to encrypt the os itself22:55
=== randy is now known as Guest56645
Wayward_OneHi, I keep getting this problem: any time I try to play a game or, more recently, just use a new irc client, after a few seconds the screen tiles up and my computer freezes. Is this known behaviour, and if so, what can I do to fix it?23:00
coolomaticsWayward_One, sounds more like a problem with the graphics adapter23:02
=== afw4erf is now known as hftbiy
PlaidRabbitI'm getting into the linux security model still.  If you're only administering a box, why should you not login/su to root, why are you supposed to sudo everything?    I get if I Was running end-user applications... I shouldn't have my browser running as root.23:10
PlaidRabbitBut if I'm spending all my time doing apt-get and fidding with apache, and boot scripts, why not su to root?23:11
moodyredPlaidRabbit: one reason is a link clicked on email or web site cannot auto install. All installs require root.23:11
PlaidRabbitI'm just logged in via console to the box.  Just curious23:12
coolomaticsPlaidRabbit, you can also sudo bash there23:12
FrankFromHRsudo su works as well23:12
PlaidRabbitI do it, but I want to understand it properly.23:13
bekksFrankFromHR: better use sudo -i23:13
k1ldont sudo su. if you really know what you do and you want a root shell do "sudo -i"23:13
k1lbut dont come here and tell us you deleted stuff and need help then :)23:14
bekksPlaidRabbit: By default, you cannot use su, since there is no root password set. For an interactive root shell, use sudo -i from an user account privileged to use sudo.23:14
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FrankFromHRk1l: I'm dealing with someone chown -R / at work :(23:15
bekksFrankFromHR: Reinstall, restore the backup.23:15
FrankFromHRbekks: Yeah that's pretty much what we're going to have to d..23:15
FrankFromHRbekks: Pretty sure it was one of our oracle consultants..23:16
bekksFrankFromHR: No. It was the one who gave the root account to some consultant. :>23:16
Bashing-omFrankFromHR: +1 , You will never get thousands of permissions back correctly .23:16
FrankFromHRbekks: They're doing software installs *shrug* not much you can do about it..23:17
FrankFromHRBashing-om: Tell me about it :(23:18
Bashing-omFrankFromHR: In times of trouble in the future, one will never know if the cause is not a system file permission issue - that one prevoisly missed .23:20
lickalotthas anyone noticed a lag when trying to connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com?  The last three updates take 4-EVER.23:20
FrankFromHRBashing-om: yeah that's my concern as well23:20
PlaidRabbitjust a fyi to the mods, moodyred is sending me troll chat messages23:21
Bashing-omFrankFromHR: Peace-of-mind == (RE-)install .23:21
moodyredBashing-om: install is pain23:22
Bashing-ommoodyred: Why ? did you not follow procedure ? as good back up, and a change log ..  back up in 20 minutes .23:23
bekksmoodyred: Reinstalling Ubuntu on recent hardware takes about 20 minutes. Painless :)23:24
moodyredBashing-om: I think there is a command to restore permissions23:25
bekksmoodyred: No, there is not.23:25
Bashing-ommoodyred: Do your homework, and tell us more .23:26
bekksmoodyred: The pesudo command is "restore your backup." :)23:26
moodyred644 755 set all to that except user folders23:26
bekksmoodyred: Which will horribly mess up your system.23:27
bekksmoodyred: Restore your backup.23:27
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
lickalotthas anyone noticed a lag when trying to connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com?  Is there a way to change the default repo it goes to or speed this process up at all.23:29
moodyredBashing-om: reinstall all packages.23:29
bekksmoodyred: No, reinstall the entire server.23:29
lickalottit also seems to be connecting via ipv6, which I don't think i've seen before (the last three updates anyway)23:30
moodyredbekks: dpkg --get-selections \* | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r -l1 aptitude reinstall23:30
Bashing-omlickalott: GUI, Software center ? then yes .. one can easily change the mirror that you access .23:30
FrankFromHRmoodyred: after doing all of that it'll still be boned.. but probably not in immediately noticable ways..23:30
lickalottjust standard sudo apt-get update23:30
bekksmoodyred: No, reinstall the entire server. Your command will NOT fix broken config files.23:31
FrankFromHRmoodyred: and it's not an ubuntu install, it's OEL..23:31
moodyredFrankFromHR: just thinking out loud.23:31
DontStarvehello everybody23:32
FrankFromHRmoodyred: Just to many files impacted to reasonably be sure you've got everything..23:32
Bashing-omlickalott: ^^ Ubuntu Software tab, select the drop down for "Download From"23:33
Bashing-omSelect Other23:33
moodyredI would do a fresh install. But reinstalling every package is an option. Probably take way longer.23:36
TorvilDid my first install today. 14.10 but it's very buggy23:36
TorvilI'm hoping its a software glitch23:37
moodyredTorvil: What program is buggy23:37
TorvilUbuntu 14.10 keeps freezing23:38
moodyredTorvil: freezing when your doing what.23:38
TorvilI get varying stages of successmoodyred23:38
FelishiaCan't see my Geary icons I just installed it, halp!23:39
TorvilSometimes to first page of app like Firefox, other time no further than a blank screen after signing in.23:39
moodyredTorvil: does it just freeze when idle. Or watching video. Explain.23:39
Felishiaalso there's no desktop launcher anywhere23:40
k1lFelishia: what desktop is it?23:40
TorvilOk when I sign in ie password I get no further than  the blank orange patterned page with no apps, time...anything23:41
moodyredTorvil: What cpu and gpu is in your system.23:41
Felishiak1l, KDE23:41
k1lFelishia: sorry, dont know kde.23:41
FelishiaI'm trying by adding the geary ppa23:42
TorvilOther times I get to see the apps down the left hand side of the screen, Amazon, Firefox, etc, time and settings icon in right top corner.23:42
moodyredTorvil: What cpu and gpu is in your system.23:42
DontStarveQuestion: I used dd to write to a sdb1 but it overwrote the file instead of to the drive. How can I fix the file?23:43
k1lDontStarve: what was the exact command you used?23:43
TorvilI  can usually move the curser around with the mouse but nothing else unles I key in alt + Print screen + the reset command to restart.23:43
TorvilIt's ubuntu 14.1023:44
moodyredDontStarve: Was the file replaceable23:44
TorvilAnd Athlon dual core 6400 2gb ram23:44
DontStarvesudo dd bs=4M if=2014-12-24-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/sdb123:44
moodyredTorvil: What graphic card23:44
TorvilMmmmm I'm not sure about the card. I'm not with the machine at the moment.23:45
k1lDontStarve: and what is the issue there? you dd'ed it into the first partition from sdb23:45
moodyredDontStarve: writing over a file is the same as wiping it. The file is gone.23:46
TorvilI have wiped the old os XP and reinstalled Ubuntu to a clean pc23:46
moodyredTorvil: sometimes installing hardware driver for the gpu fixes graphical glitches.23:47
xp23hey guys23:47
DontStarvemy issue is that it wrote it into sdb1 and it's no longer a character device file. Now it's just a regular file.23:47
TorvilDo I need a high spec graphic card to run this software then?23:47
bekksTorvil: No.23:48
Bashing-omTorvil: My thought: old XP, okd hard ware . Top of the line ubuntu is resource intensive, do you have the hooses to run ubuntu ? .. try Lubuntu and "see" if there isa significant improvement.23:48
moodyredDontStarve: rename the file by adding the proper extension.23:48
k1lTorvil: you could see if a more lightweight desktop suits your machine better.23:48
TorvilCan you explain that again moody red? Install hardware driver to you23:48
TorvilOk what desktop do you recommend then ?23:49
k1lDontStarve: you are confusing me. if you dd'ed into sdb1 i dont know what you want there? sdb1 got deleted and oncludes now the stuff from that .img23:49
k1lDontStarve: some times you need dd into the sdb and not sdb1. but that depends on the img. you use.23:49
Felishiahow can I see the files that a program tried to open?23:49
Felishiaso that I know what is missing23:50
moodyredTorvil: You need open up program called software sources. There will be a tab called additional drivers.23:50
TorvilSoftware sources23:51
TorvilIs it user (novice) friendly?23:51
DontStarveSorry I was a little confused myself. I was following the tutorial and wanted to write the OS into the SD card but instead "dd" wrote it to the file system replacing /dev/sdb1 with the file.23:52
Ranieri_Can i rm -r *?23:52
k1lDontStarve: so you need to dd into sdb and not sdb123:52
Ranieri_sudo rm -r *?23:52
k1lRanieri_: what do you want to do?23:52
Ranieri_k1l: mess up my linux system23:52
Ranieri_^ sup homie23:53
k1lRanieri_: no need for that.23:53
Newkhi! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Midi/HardwareSynthesisSetup#For_Soundcards_with_OPL3_FM_synth  << this doesn't work anymore because sbiload tool has changed.. can anyone please help me determine the "hwdep" needed?23:54
moodyredTorvil: it may be called software update. But the tab will say additional drivers23:54
Ranieri_SchrodingersScat: I miss that channel.. didn't know you were here.23:54
DontStarvethanks! I deleted the sdb1 file and it's working again :)23:55
moodyredTorvil: might be a stand alone program called additional drivers.23:56
TorvilOk this sounds silly moody but will I be able to download these drivers on another pc using vista and save them onto a device like a usb to reload on my other pc using Ubuntu?23:56

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