
bluesabreelfy: uploaded a new abiword from debian into -staging... if you want to check it out tomorrow and see if things work any better for you04:18
=== elfy is now known as Guest6627
=== forestpiskie is now known as elfy
brainwashelfy: hey, do you think it would help to activate descriptions in whisker menu? this way every launcher would display its Comment= parameter12:37
brainwashwould also solve bug 139680412:38
ubottubug 1396804 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Name For Thunar Settings Launcher Is Unclear (thunar-settings.desktop)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139680412:38
brainwashor are the additional comments an annoyance for the average user?12:39
knomethey are very random and eat up a lot of space. it'd also mean we'd use larger icons. those are few of the reasons they are hidden12:50
brainwashthey do add some bloat. I've enabled the descriptions and after some time I did not mind the extra text anymore12:52
brainwashlarger icons are always nice :)12:52
jjfrv8bluesabre, elfy, abiword 3.0.1 looks good from here.13:16
knomebrainwash, subjective...13:19
brainwashknome: it is. just trying to figure out what's best for the average user13:20
knomewell for the bug you mentioned, i don't think adding the descriptions would be what the OP wanted... just a workaround13:20
knomeit should be fixed in some other way (maybe a different icon or sth)13:21
brainwashhe wants to distinguish the two launchers, and by making the description visible he will be able to13:22
knomebrainwash, sure... but if he doesn't want to show the descriptions, then it's just a workaround13:22
knomeand i can empathise that very much, it's a problem with the .desktop files, not the configuration13:23
bluesabrejjfrv8: did you have any issues with the prior version?13:23
jjfrv8bluesabre, I was the one who found the bug. By running the testcase :)13:25
brainwashknome: but we cannot rename the desktop files13:25
knomebrainwash, "cannot" is a bit wrong, but i understand what you are saying... we can probably use another icon for the settings though13:26
jjfrv8bluesabre, and yes, the bug was still there just prior to running your update this morning.13:26
brainwashknome: another icon.. yeah, this could work13:28
brainwashknome: basically a folder icon with a little cog wheel13:29
brainwashthis new icon would also show up in the settings manager, but that's fine I guess13:31
brainwashso we could forward this change upstream13:31
knomeyes, that's fair13:31
brainwashin case such an icon already exists (freedesktop standard)13:32
brainwashI assume so13:32
knomeor we can draw one13:33
bluesabrejjfrv8: great!13:33
jjfrv8elfy, for tracking purposes, which do you prefer: editing the existing testcase result and changing it from Failed to Passed, or creating a new one with an appropriate comment?13:41
elfyjjfrv8: related to what? package or ... 15:05
jjfrv8elfy, the package testcases15:08
elfybe best to just report again I would think15:09
elfyis this abiword? 15:09
jjfrv8yes, and that's what I did. Re-ran the testcase and filed a new result.15:10
elfyawesome - thanks jjfrv8 :)15:10

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