
=== arpluis is now known as cyber023
cyber023Could somebody help me set up my 3 screens on gtx77000:06
=== arzosah is now known as Arzosah
gugi_Hi, i have just installed xubuntu and i'm having troubles with web browsers sometimes i open the web browser and the computer just freezes it happened before when i had xubuntu on ubuntu the browsers work well01:13
gugi_someone can help me?01:13
gugi_it happens with firefox and chromium01:14
gugi_and when i can run firefox without freezes and then run the icedtea plugin it freezes, icedtea used to work on ubuntu01:15
gugi_everything works just fine is a browser only issue01:16
gugi_browsers are consumig a lot of CPU also01:17
Nixusall browser consume lots of cpu. on my netbook/laptop, web browsing maxes the cpu 100%01:59
xanguadepends on the websites you visit02:00
xanguaan idle browser consumes around 2 or 3% cpu02:01
=== Guest96485 is now known as bazhang
Evil_Ericxubuntu + SSD ='s pure linux love04:20
uber_hulkHi. Can i access my encrypted disk using live usb?05:32
=== elfy is now known as Guest6627
Nixusany trim scripts I need to know about in Xubuntu 14.10?05:58
forestpiskiereally quick ones?06:07
=== forestpiskie is now known as elfy
bazhanguber_hulk, you still did not do a fresh install, with all those debian repos and ppa?11:15
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest6639
Junkais it safe to remove gigolo?13:02
Junkai mean does it impact the system? i dont use it13:03
bluesabreJunka, yes... gigolo is only a frontend for connecting to filesystems, it's unnecessary13:13
bluesabrethunar can do everything it does by itself13:13
Junkabluesabre: thanks13:13
flux242hi, the dialog menu that appears by right-clicking on the desktop, is it possible to adjust it?13:15
Junkacan i remove the optional add on gvfs-bin ?13:16
Junkaor rather should i?13:16
flux242Junka: i don't have it13:17
knomeJunka, don't try to remove everything you don't need... you'll soon notice something is not working and at that point, it's much harder to debug what went wrong13:20
Junkaknome: ok I will just remove gigolo then13:21
flux242knome: maybe if lots of crap were not installed by default it wouldn't be necessary to remove anything13:23
knomeflux242, you can use the minimal ISO if you think there's too much stuff installed13:23
flux242knome: that's what i'm doiing13:24
knomeflux242, i don't get where you're trying to get with your comments though13:24
flux242it's about not removing anything unnecessary13:27
Junkathere is a popularity contest cron script? O.O13:28
knomeflux242, i didn't say "anything"13:28
knomeflux242, i've seen too many average users rip all kinds of libraries and packages out of their system and left with a broken one that i do not suggest that any more13:29
Junkadoes orage calendar integrate with the default "clock" plugin?13:30
knomeflux242, such a system is on the borderlines of being "supported" as well, since there's no way people helping to know what the real system state is13:30
Junkahow can i integrate orage calendar to the clock13:49
flux242Junka: what does orage do?13:50
flux242i don't have it13:50
knomeJunka, add the orage panel applet13:51
flux242because if you install xfce4-datetime-plugin the calendar is shown by left click. There was a default clock applet though which i don't know any longer if it shows a calendar13:52
Junkayes true13:52
knomeright, datetime it is13:52
cfhowlettclick on the clock, the calendar drops down13:53
knomei wonder if it's called orage in the panel applet list13:53
Junkabut it's not drop down13:53
Junkacfhowlett: yes but there are no events13:53
knomeyou can move the orage window so that it feels like it is13:53
Junkait feels weird :/13:57
Junkaok i think it's good :D14:00
Junkais orage global time needed?14:01
flux242btw, 'zenity --calendar' shows calendar too14:06
Junkais to possible to get notified for new emails with the indicator thing while thunderbird is closed? I know there is a plugin for emails but I dont wanna a second "letter icon" on the panel.14:35
flux242Junka: http://flux242.blogspot.de/2012/06/using-of-xfce4-messenger-plugin.html14:43
flux242Junka: but messenger plugin isn't supported any longer14:44
Junkawhat is thunderbird stayed open on the background14:45
Junkalike pidgin does?14:45
Junkabut with no open window14:45
knomethunderbird doesn't do that, it's a feature in pidgin14:46
Junkai see14:46
flux242does pidgin still depend on gstreamer 0.1?14:46
flux242that's why i ditched it14:47
Junkayes it's a recommended dependency14:48
Junkait's a pity that gbrowsermusic does not support radio streaming (yet i hope)14:53
Junkaparole can't open radio streams :<18:01
Nixushaving some weird issues. in xubuntu 14.04, if I press the power button, it does an instant shutdown, then powers on. However, in 14.10, it works as it should: when I press the power button, it opens the log out dialog18:04
holsteinJunka: you can open the stream in vlc?18:16
Junkaholstein: yes18:18
Junkarhythmbox too18:18
holsteinJunka: sounds like a bug, then.. i would file, after i look and make sure rb and parole "advertise" to support the stream im trying to open18:18
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:18
holsteini would make sure that i dont have any ppas or 3rd party sources "in the way", and that the issue is with the stock ubuntu packages..18:19
holsteini would also make sure i am up to date with upates.. in case a fix has been applied..18:19
Junkaholstein: that's the case since 12.04 (at least)18:23
holsteinJunka: cool... 12.04 is nearly "eol" for the xubuntu specific setup, but, main ubuntu will support for 5 years..18:24
holsteinJunka: if you find a bug to join, that can make it "easier" in many cases.. you can join it and offer help to solve..18:24
holsteincould be, something in the stream codec is not able to be supported "out of the box"... due to licensing..18:25
Junkathe compositor still tears videos playback18:29
holsteinJunka: havfe you tried disabling it? or using a different one? or another GPU driver? are you using a proprietary GPU driver?18:30
holsteinwhen im using those closed source drivers, which are sometimes "better" for my needs, with better performance, or heat, etc.. i will sometimes expect and just accept compromise18:31
Junkaholstein: no free drivers18:31
Junkawhen i disable it, no tearing18:31
holsteinstill, see !bug ,and try the closed source drivers, if there are any for your hardware..18:32
holsteindepends on what it is that is "tearing" as to how i address it.. if its flash, i just dont worry about it, and try and avoid flash, though, i'll use the latest flash player for the chrome browser to try and compromise18:33
Junkaholstein: tearing while playback videos on parole18:33
Junkai dont use flash18:33
holsteinJunka: so, now we know the player.. now, you can look into the GPU driver, *if* there is another one available, and the file type you are playing, and quality settings.. and containers..18:34
holsteinJunka: i'll test "known-good" video/audio on something i know well that is well supported like VLC... this is the kind of testing that a hardware vendor would do when they release the hardware with "official" support for an operating system18:35
holsteinin many cases, a team of experts were paid to make sure all that worked "out of the box", but, unfortunately, for another operating system that you were promised support for.. when one decides to run linux, it'll be a matter of weeding through a lot of these details on one's own18:36
zulemahey guy, i'm using 14.04, and i have everytime i reboot a warning that says invalid option: -session, does anybody knows hoy can i get rid of it? thaks19:36
brainwashzulema: a popup window?20:16
brainwashgo to Settings -> Session and Startup -> Session20:18
brainwashand clear the session cache20:18
brainwashmake also sure that you don't save the session on logout20:19
zulemaok thanks!20:28
zulemaproblem solved, thanks!20:31
xubuntu99w Hi. Have issue with ext disk drive when mounted by another user. Disk is mounted but user can't access files21:13
xubuntu99wTurning the user account to admin does not solve the issue21:15
xubuntu99wIIt seems the file manager is lost as the media has type 'unknown'21:17
xubuntu99wwhen it has proper type when disk is mounted from main account (and everything works well on main account)21:18
brainwashxubuntu99w: can you access the files if you navigate to /media/<other user>/<label> ?21:19
xubuntu99wNo. Also from there, the user can't access the files21:20
brainwashyou could adjust the permissions21:22
xubuntu99wWhen disk is mounted from main account, it has proper permissions21:22
xubuntu99wBut when mouned from user account, the owner is root instead of being the account owner21:23
brainwashthat's odd21:24
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:24
holsteini would try just setting the user permissions, and see if that addresses it21:24
xubuntu99wok, i 'll have a try. I am not logged to my xubuntu laptop at now. Be patient...21:27
holsteinbrainwash: one would expect read permissions, though.. correct?21:27
brainwashholstein: I guess so21:29
xubuntu99wIIndeed, all folders /media/<username> are owned by root with read permission for others21:31
holsteinif root made them, then they will be root21:32
holsteinif you created them when you were sudo, etc..21:32
holsteinor, thats what i would expect.. i would just look at what the permissions are, and if i want another user to write, i would chown21:32
xubuntu99wbut normally the ext disk when mouned on /media/<username>/<diskname> is owned by the user who mounted it21:33
brainwash/media/<user> is 750 here21:33
xubuntu99wthis is true when mounting from the main account, but not anymore when doing the same from another account21:33
holsteinxubuntu99w: there really is no "main" account, though.. just different users with different levels of permissions21:34
xubuntu99wRight, by main account, I mean my account with admin permissions21:35
xubuntu99wOther accounts are for my children21:35
holsteinxubuntu99w: sure.. the "admin", or sudo, or root, can do more21:35
holsteinxubuntu99w: if you want a "child"'s user to have write access, you can give it to them.. but, the admin will need to do that21:36
holsteinyou have the users locked down, basically..21:36
xubuntu99wI I checked permissons on / media/<username>21:36
xubuntu99wroot is owner, no permissions for other user21:36
holsteinsure, so chown them to the user, or give the user permission for the ext disk..21:36
holsteinxubuntu99w: http://askubuntu.com/questions/405993/usb-drive-auto-mounted-by-user-but-gets-write-permissions-for-root-only for example21:38
brainwashI would try http://askubuntu.com/a/27667021:38
xubuntu99wwell, not sure this is required, because that does not prevent to access the disk correctly when mounted from the sudo account21:39
holsteinxubuntu99w: i dont understand your question, but, "Root" or sudo will be able to access it still21:39
xubuntu99weven though /media/<username> is owned by root with no permissions for others21:39
holsteinyou likely sudo created that directory, to mount the stick in..21:40
xubuntu99wstill the folder underneath corresponding the ext disk name has proper permissions21:40
holstein"proper" will just be a matter of what you need21:40
brainwashlook at my link, it explains how to remove the additional <username> layer21:41
xubuntu99wIIn fact, I switched from Ubuntu to Xubuntu at some point in time21:43
xubuntu99wAnd I do not remember having had this issue on Ubuntu21:44
holsteinsure.. xubuntu *is* ubuntu, so, the underlying permissions we are discussing are the same21:44
holsteinxubuntu99w: nah. it'll be the same21:44
xubuntu99wMy children would have told me for sure21:44
holsteinits not an "issue" really.. its just the way its designed21:44
xubuntu99wYes, but when connecting an external disk, this is supposed to work...21:45
holsteinxubuntu99w: if you want to set the system up like that, it will21:46
brainwashit's just udisks2, a new version which tries to do everything better... but creates new limitations and annoyances21:46
holsteinits not a xubuntu vs ubuntu.. its a newer linux system change..21:46
xubuntu99wAnyway, will try to change permissions or remove the "additional <username> layer" as mentionned above21:48
holsteinsounds like a plan.. cheers21:48
xubuntu99wThanks, will let you know the outcome if I can solve it a few minutes....21:51
xubuntu99wGreat ! Just changes the owner and group  of all /media/<username> folders, and it works fine now !21:58
xubuntu99wThanks a lot for your help !!!21:58
Nixushave a weird issue in Xubuntu 14.04. when I press the power button, it does an instant shutdown, then reboots. my button is set to "ask" in power manager. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!23:16
brainwashNixus2: this here appears to be related to your problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225821323:28

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