
sil2100I think I need to go to sleep soon - I'll land what I can in the morning00:17
sil2100If there would be anything super urgent, feel free to call me00:17
sil2100Goodnight o/00:21
ToyKeeperThere will probably be a few approved by then.  :)00:33
ToyKeeper... that is, if silos will stop failing.00:38
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bfillerrobru: around at all for a publish?04:02
robrubfiller: oh hey. One sec04:08
bfillerrobru: thank you04:13
robrubfiller: you're welcome!04:13
=== ken_ is now known as kenvandine
davmor2Morning all09:11
jibelGood morning09:11
* davmor2 ping tvoss repeated in the hope that it will connect him to the T'interwebz09:19
sil2100davmor2: I doubt it, he didn't answer my e-mail as well09:21
davmor2ohm ohm ohm ohm ohm TVOSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!09:21
davmor2jibel: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/191331620/dbuscpp-massif.png forgive me here for my ignorance but x86_64 is not armhf right  :) related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/dbus-cpp/+bug/1396985 for the dbus-cpp09:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 1396985 in dbus-cpp "Dbus-c++ leaks memory" [High,In progress]09:25
jibeldavmor2, I am not an expert either but I think that's different architectures ;)09:29
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davmor2jibel: http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/massif-pre-silo.png http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/massif-post-silo.png  well those look different no idea what it means and you have to install 90% of kde to use massif Vizualizer but it seems like it might be fixed11:03
davmor2jibel: that is silo 23, what I can do now is wipe the phone just add silo 23 and run sanity on it to make sure it doesn't break the system :)11:05
sil2100davmor2: yeah, please do sanity, dbus-cpp broke our images far too many times11:08
davmor2jibel: and you'll note in my screenshots no x86_64 used :)#11:12
=== ogra_` is now known as ogra_
boikojibel: hi, just to let you know: the fixes you asked for are built in silo 1111:33
jibelboiko, thanks, I'll verify it.11:40
jibelboiko, did you find why history-daemon is running?11:56
boikojibel: nope, I tried many things but couldn't figure it out, it should cause any harm though11:58
boikojibel: shouldn't11:58
boikojibel: I tried the sim pin locking as bfiller suggested, but still it wouldn't trigger the history-daemon12:03
jibelboiko, it's running even without unlocking the SIMs12:04
boikojibel: did you by any chance receive a call or a message before you checked if it was running?12:04
jibelboiko, no, right after a reboot12:04
boikojibel: that's weird, cause here I couldn't reproduce this behavior at all :/12:05
jibelboiko, about silo 11, it's better although, it still doesn't find messages with double-quotes and there is another message with nothing special that is not found, I don't know why.12:06
davmor2boiko: are you on krillin?12:06
jibeldavmor2, yes krillin12:06
davmor2boiko: and do you have an sd card?12:06
jibelah sorry, ignore me :)12:06
davmor2boiko: you get a message almost immediately on start up from ciborium to say there is an sdcard available might that trigger it?12:07
davmor2jibel: I'm assuming you have an sdcard in right?12:08
jibeldavmor2, I do12:08
boikodavmor2: that should have nothing to do with the history-service, we only log calls and messages that go through telepathy12:10
jibelboiko, there is something weird with the search, it doesn't return all the matches12:11
boikojibel: it returns the most recent match for each thread12:11
boikojibel: not all matches (that's per design)12:11
jibelit is not intuitive, design bug IMO12:12
boikojibel: I think we might change that in the future, but it is too risky to do it now12:12
davmor2boiko: Indeed it shouldn't I agree, but I'm just thinking outside of the box on potential differences that might mean we see it and you don't and that was the only thing that seems a really obvious start point :)12:12
boikodavmor2: that's fine, I can try putting an SD card in to see if it makes any difference12:14
boikodavmor2: is that microSD?12:15
boikodavmor2: I mean, the card krillin uses12:15
davmor2boiko: yeap12:15
davmor2boiko: and you need the tool to open the slot cover and push the sd card in12:16
* boiko looks for a microSD 12:16
davmor2the sim tool that is12:16
boikodavmor2: it is the slot on the top of the phone, right? (just to make sure :D )12:16
davmor2boiko: yeap12:16
boikojibel: the quotes not matching thing I think will need more investigation, but I would say it is better that we do it as a separate bug report, what do you think?12:40
sil2100oh, silo 17 is building? Is tvoss around today?12:46
sil2100Ok guys, time for lunch, bbl12:46
boikojibel: fixed the problem of quotes, I will push it to the branch in a minute13:20
jibelboiko, nice, hopefully I'll have fixed my device by then13:23
boikojibel: oups, what happened?13:25
jibelboiko, I don't know. I don't have any network on SIM1. The SIM is recognized, it asks me for a PIN, I can unlock it and the signal is good, but cannot use it, it says 'no network'. The dialer and messaging app shows only the second SIM. I switched SIMs and same result. Nothing on top SIM.13:26
jibelI wiped the device again, we'll see13:27
boikojibel: ah, known bug, run ofono-setup manually13:27
jibelboiko, it's fine after a wipe13:27
* jibel back to silo 1113:28
boikojibel: it seems sometimes ofono-setup is ran too early and the telepathy accounts don't get created correctly13:28
jibelboiko, do you know the bug #?13:28
boikojibel: nops, let me try to find it13:28
jibelboiko, good to know though, I was a bit worried that something broke with recent uploads.13:29
boikojibel: couldn't find it, tiagosh knows it better, but he will only be online later today13:30
boikojibel: after wiping the phone, do you still see history being started automatically after reboot?13:30
boikodavmor2: just checked, it is not the SD card :/13:31
boikojibel: the fix is building, I can ping you once it finishes if you want13:32
jibelboiko, no this time it is not running.13:33
boikojibel: really interesting, I will keep an eye on this one and if I ever find what was causing it I'll let you know13:37
jibelogra_, what creates /data/.adb_onlock ?13:42
ogra_jibel, u-d-f when used with --developer-mode13:42
jibelogra_, is it only when you flash with developer mode?13:42
jibelogra_, I flashed with "ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed --wipe" and the flag exists13:43
ogra_--wipe isnt --bootstrap ;)13:43
ogra_(it wont format partitions so old stuff can stay around)13:44
jibelhm, it could be a leftover from my previous test.13:45
ogra_bah, smoketesting failed again today ...13:46
ogra_(some bzr error with phablet-click-test-setup today)13:47
boikojibel: silo finished building13:57
jibelboiko, yup, I just installed it.13:57
boikojibel: nice! thanks13:57
boikojibel: I'll go for lunch now, but please let me know if the silo needs anything else14:01
jibelboiko, ^14:22
sil2100boiko: can you please approve https://code.launchpad.net/~boiko/messaging-app/rtm-test_strings_escaped/+merge/247522 ?14:25
sil2100(once you're back from lunch that is)14:25
jibelsil2100, I think it was the last critical14:26
jibelthere is one left on Pat's list but no fix.14:27
sil2100Great news then14:35
sil2100We might really think about closing the landing gates early this time, maybe on Monday EOD14:35
sil2100Considering this is a very important milestone that we cannot miss14:36
jibelsil2100, close the gates *NOW* ;)14:38
boikosil2100: done14:54
boikojibel: thanks :)14:54
sil2100boiko, jibel, davmor2: great work guys ;)15:19
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jibeldavmor2, you're verifying silo 2 today?15:32
davmor2jibel: trying to it doesn't seem to be working though15:32
jibeldavmor2, we should maybe not wait for it and trigger a new build then?15:32
davmor2jibel: yeah there is no rush for this one I think15:33
davmor2jibel: was silo 007 on the list om26er put a block on it15:33
jibeldavmor2, it's waiting for feedback from Chipaca15:34
davmor2jibel: yeah so one for monday then15:34
davmor2I can ping Chipaca first thing15:35
jibeldavmor2, I wouldn't block on it for a new build and Omer started the verification.15:35
davmor2so 2 is definitely not opening anything I don't know if it only works with google maps or not so one for Monday too15:35
davmor2jibel: push the image and I'll make a start on porting the sanity suite to practi15:36
sil2100I would not force anything with silo 215:36
jibelsil2100, ogra_, rsalveti ^ there is nothing left to verify for today, could you build a new image?15:37
sil2100Do we have anyone around that could kick a new image?15:37
ogra_jibel, sure15:37
sil2100ogra_: maybe you are around?15:37
sil2100Did anyone look at silo 14 by any chance?15:38
jibelsil2100, yes, bugs are not targeted to any milestone.15:39
sil2100hm, ok, that's indeed a mistake - IIRC this upload also fixes the thumbnailer problems we saw visible in gallery-app15:40
sil2100But let's wait for product team to double-verify the other fixes that come with it15:40
sil2100Would like to land that tomorrow to make sure that the thumbnailer issue is resolved completely (just in case)15:41
jibelsil2100, silo 12 passed verification but didn't land15:41
jibelcharles_, ^15:42
jibelcharles_, this is the fix for bug 1410874 , some merges are unapproved15:42
ubot5bug 1410874 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Alarm sounds vs Calendar sounds" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141087415:42
bfillerjibel: I'm close to ready to sign off silo 0 for QA testing, doing last test now. Fixes the full SD card issue with camera15:44
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 212 building (started: 20150125-15:45) ===15:45
sil2100jibel: already poked charles_ yesterday about silo 12, but he's not around15:45
sil2100bfiller: great news15:46
bfillersil2100: the thumbnailer stuff in silo 14 fixes some performance issues with thumbnailer but the issue with gallery was already fixed. these are additional improvements15:47
bfillersil2100, jibel: will talk to pmcgowan about seeing about having them on this milestone15:47
Guest37976sil2100, whats the story with silo 2115:49
=== Guest37976 is now known as pmcgowan
pmcgowanoh crap 12 didnt publish?15:50
jibelpmcgowan, ToyKeeper found 2 problems with silo 2115:51
jibel    The app will still be listed in USS as having access afterward.15:51
jibel    Toggling the access checkbox in USS can't re-enable access after disabling it.15:51
pmcgowanjibel, thnks I was confused thought that was on the other bug15:53
sil2100pmcgowan: 12 didn't land yet, no top-approval - but if you agree I can override that15:57
pmcgowansil2100, seems ok it was reviewed by antti15:59
sil2100pmcgowan: I didn't override it by default as Antti's review and approval was of an earlier version15:59
pmcgowanand qa passed15:59
sil2100Wellark reviewed one revision and then charles_ pushed one more commit to the branch, not sure what to do with that16:00
pmcgowansil2100, yeah he modified the constructor to use the role, wish they had approved properly16:01
pmcgowanhas thostr_ been around?16:02
pmcgowanbfiller, have you tested that thumnalier silo?16:02
bfillerpmcgowan: a bit, but would like to test it some more to make sure16:03
pmcgowanlooks like good fixes16:03
bfillerpmcgowan: they are the ones Kaleo did16:03
pmcgowaneven  better16:03
bfillerpretty high confidence in them16:04
pmcgowanbfiller, I can tag those two bugs16:04
bfillerpmcgowan: thanks16:04
pmcgowanbfiller, is  bug 1391286 also fixed by that16:04
ubot5bug 1391286 in thumbnailer (Ubuntu) "Fails to generate thumbnail for small videos recorded with camera-app" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139128616:04
bfillerpmcgowan: I think not unfortunately16:05
pmcgowanbfiller, do we have anyone who could make a legit review of that indicator-datetime branch?16:07
pmcgowanreally want that one in16:08
sil2100pmcgowan: didn't see thostr_ sadly16:08
pmcgowansil2100, I can approve it but would like someone to also review16:09
bfillerpmcgowan: let me see16:09
bfillertedg: you around?16:10
bfillerpmcgowan: looks like Wellark_ reviewed the MR for trunk and top approved it. It is the same thing16:11
pmcgowanbfiller, ok good will approve16:12
pmcgowansil2100, ok happroved it16:12
sil2100bfiller, pmcgowan thanks!16:18
Kaleopmcgowan, hey, can you give me access to https://oem-share.canonical.com/partners/tangxi/share/support/Flash-tool/ ?16:21
pmcgowanKaleo, let me see16:22
bfillerpmcgowan, jibel, Kaleo: silo 0 verified and ready to go, awesome job by Kaleo fixing the SD card support. Works amazingly well now16:22
pmcgowanKaleo, nope16:22
Kaleopmcgowan, darn :/ I really wanted to play with this beautiful phone :)16:23
pmcgowanKaleo, isnt it already flashed?16:23
Kaleopmcgowan, wanted to upgrade16:23
bfillerKaleo: what's your take on the GU discussion that was on the mail thread? need to be tweked for this device or not?16:24
pmcgowanback later16:24
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 212 DONE (finished: 20150125-16:55) ===16:55
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/212.changes ===16:55
davmor2bfiller: I think it is fine on the initial install it is on the upgrade that there appears to be issues looking at ogra_ 's post17:00
pmcgowananything else going to land today?17:05
bfillerpmcgowan: we're still working on the gallery fix with loaded SD card, and the camera fix for low disk space. doubt they will land today but hope to have silos at minimum to test17:06
bfillerhoping we can land them tomorrow17:06
pmcgowanbfiller, is that whats in silo 0 for camera?17:07
bfillerpmcgowan: yes17:08
pmcgowanbfiller, I think we land those and we might be done, unless mterry fixes the password thing17:09
jibelbfiller, it'd be nice to have the gallery fix tomorrow then close the gates if there is nothing critical left for this milestone. That'll give us time to test the image and land any critical fix.17:09
bfillerpmcgowan, jibel : +117:09
pmcgowanjibel, there are two BQ reported issues still being worked but no fixes yet17:10
bfillerjibel: hoping still we might have the gallery fix today, it's partially working but a copule of usecases that still have issues17:10
bfillerpmcgowan: actually silo 0 for camera is the full SD card. The low disk is not in that silo yet17:11
bfillerstill testing17:11
jibelbfiller, I am not sure my mind is in good shape to test the camera but ToyKeeper can probably do it later today.17:11
bfillerjibel: it's fine17:11
bfillerpmcgowan: if you take a picture with camera and then go to the My Photos scope is the new picture showing up in "Today"?17:16
bfillernot working for me17:16
bfillereven after pulling down to refresh17:16
bfilleroh wait17:17
bfillerit is, just at the bottom of the list (: that is strange17:17
sil2100I would propose to kick another image once silo 0 gets signed off17:21
sil2100Considering that we already had silo 12 landing after the image build as well17:21
sil2100I would also prefer to close the landing gates tomorrow EOD17:25
pmcgowanbfiller, I dont see any pictures in the photo scope17:29
pmcgowanlet me update17:30
bfillerpmcgowan: you have to click on my photos, then it's weird the categories show the oldest first which makes no sense17:32
pmcgowanbfiller, I have the default photo agregator which as find your photos here, but there are none17:32
ogra_bfiller, i think we need to re-think our handling of GU ... simply based on the fact that in a ruler app in the store an inch should always be an inch ;) with what victorp wants to force you would start scaling the app and an inch wouldnt be an inch anymore on higher res screens17:35
ogra_using the right GU per device fixes that ...17:36
ogra_while forcing everything to be adjusted to the 40GU will make everything scale up and down17:36
pmcgowanseriously does the photo scope work at all?17:40
pmcgowanogra_, bfiller ? I see no local photos17:41
bfillerpmcgowan: works for me17:41
bfillerkind of17:41
* ogra_ checks17:41
pmcgowanI did not set up any feeds17:41
ogra_i only use MyPhotos ... but that works fine here17:41
pmcgowanyeah that wrks but aggregator doesnt17:42
ogra_Photos works for everything i dont need an account for17:42
ogra_i dont have an instagram or flickr account17:42
bfillerpmcgowan: go to the settings for the Photos scope (top right) and turn on local photos17:42
ogra_facebook, not flickr17:42
pmcgowanits on17:43
pmcgowanmako works17:43
pmcgowanbfiller, ogra_ problem was between user and keyboard, I never skipped the setup, did not see that at the bottom17:55
sil2100ToyKeeper: hey, if you'll find a moment of time, could you take a look at silo 000?18:11
thostr_pmcgowan: just joined again, anything you require from my side right now?18:43
bfillersil2100, ToyKeeper: actually just found an issue with silo 000 (: Working on a fix18:45
sil2100thostr_: I think we're good now, we needed a top-approval on a branch but we did it ourselves19:11
sil2100Since the vivid branch for the same thing was approved19:11
thostr_sil2100: ok19:11
sil2100bfiller: oh, ok, better now than later ;)19:11
bfillersil2100: yup, fix in the works though19:12
* ToyKeeper reads the scrollback19:58
ToyKeeperbfiller: Let me know when silo 000 is fixed/ready again.20:03
bfillerToyKeeper: will do20:10
bfillerToyKeeper: it's ready again20:21
ToyKeeperbfiller: I'm still finding and prepping a card.  :)20:22
ToyKeeper(have been a bit slow lately, have been sick and injured and recovering)20:22
bfillerrobru: if you're around, I need a publish of ubuntu 000 and silo for line 10621:34
sil2100bfiller: on it21:35
bfillersil2100: thanks21:36
sil2100(Robert is not doing an official shift today) ;)21:36
sil2100I'll be around till late so feel free to ping me as well, might take a few minutes until I notice though21:37
bfillersil2100: cool, thanks!21:37
sil2100bfiller: oh, so ubuntu 000 is the fix for gallery? Nice21:38
sil2100Anticipating that in rtm then21:38
bfillersil2100: yup21:38
bfillerwas a hard one21:38
sil2100bfiller: thanks! Please wait for the vivid package to migrate fully before building the new silo (or simply rebuild then)21:38
bfillersil2100: I will21:39
sil2100Since migration might take some minutes21:39
bfillersil2100: need a silo for line 107 as well21:43
* bfiller bbiab21:45
ToyKeeperI can't help but wonder if the many-photos scenario needs a lot more fixes...  it seems to break the media scopes too (music, videos, photos).22:02
ToyKeeperThis "wait until mediascanner finishes" step is taking forever.22:03
sil2100bfiller: sure!22:05
thomiit's really unsettling seeing other people at work on a Monday morning....22:05
sil2100thomi: hah, hey! Didn't see you for a while because of timezone differences ;)22:07
thomithat must have been nice for you :D22:07
sil2100bfiller: pressed build for you22:07
sil2100thomi: no waaay ;)22:07
ToyKeeperWe should totally be using epeg for thumbnails instead of whatever it's using now.  It's orders of magnitude faster.22:13
ToyKeeperbfiller: Is there a valid domain where I can get the updated camera app?22:27
KaleoToyKeeper, nice tip (epeg)22:28
KaleoToyKeeper, (though the media scanning's bottleneck is not thumbnailing)22:28
ToyKeeperRegardless, our thumbnailer runs slower than my 14-year-old web server, because the server is using epeg.22:30
ToyKeeper(also, I really really need to replace that server with something newer)22:30
KaleoToyKeeper, you need a click for the camera?22:30
KaleoToyKeeper, I agree22:30
KaleoToyKeeper, in fact our thumbnailer is slower than just loading the pic...22:31
ToyKeeperYes, I don't have access to this: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/camera-app-click/210/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.camera_3.0http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/camera-app-click/210/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.camera_3.0.0.478_armhf.click.0.478_armhf.click22:31
KaleoToyKeeper, that's how bad it is.22:31
ToyKeeperdouble-paste  :(22:31
KaleoToyKeeper, http://people.canonical.com/~kaleo/camera/com.ubuntu.camera_3.0.0.latest_armhf.click22:31
KaleoToyKeeper, generated just now for you22:31
ToyKeeperHmm, can't verify the revision since it's just "latest".  I'm looking for
ToyKeeperNo double-paste this time: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/job/camera-app-click/210/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.camera_3.0.0.478_armhf.click22:33
KaleoToyKeeper, it is 47822:33
ToyKeeperOkay.  :022:34
ToyKeeper:) even22:34
KaleoToyKeeper, (which is the latest trunk revision that I used)22:34
ToyKeeperIt certainly seems to fix the issue I'm measuring.  :)22:36
ToyKeeperWell, ish.  Photoroll isn't showing the 3000 pics on the SD card... it's only showing one.22:38
KaleoToyKeeper, pics need to be in the camera folder22:44
KaleoToyKeeper, for them to show up in the camera's photo roll22:44
KaleoToyKeeper, Pictures/com.ubuntu.camera/22:44
ToyKeeperKaleo: Okay, thanks.  I was going by the bug report repro steps, which didn't put them there.  :)22:45
KaleoToyKeeper, yeah it's because it's new22:45
KaleoToyKeeper, it used (before this weekend) to look for pics in the entire Pictures folder22:46
ToyKeeperAfter moving them, that works well too.  :)22:46
KaleoToyKeeper, wonderful22:46
ToyKeeperCan't wait until I'm done being sick...  I feel so slow.22:51
sil2100ToyKeeper: thanks!23:04
pmcgowansil2100, you're still here!23:05
pmcgowansil2100, publish and build an image?23:05
sil2100pmcgowan: published! Not sure if we won't need anyone to push the camera-app click package to the store though23:06
pmcgowanah indeed23:06
sil2100We might be a bit low on people with click power now23:06
sil2100Normally we could poke balloons23:07
sil2100sergiusens: hey! Any chance you're here right now?23:07
sil2100bfiller: or maybe you can push this forward once you're back?23:08
pmcgowansil2100, thats fine we can sort it in the am23:09
sil2100pmcgowan: I'm trying to cover as much of both timezones during the weekend so I'll still stick around for a bit23:09
pmcgowansil2100, thanks23:10
sil2100bfiller: ^23:27

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