
nhainesGareth: do you guys have a SCALE flyer this year?00:52
Garethnhaines: yeah.  working on it.01:32
Garethwell I'm not but someone else.01:32
Garether is.  someone is.01:33
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
pleia2awake and heading off to berkeleylug in a bit18:22
MichaelPaoliBerkeley Linux Users Group noon-3p @ Bobby G's http://www.berkeleylug.com/?page_id=6719:12
darthrobot`Title: [Berkeley Linux Users Group ยป Meetings]19:12
* pleia2 packs up for ride on BART19:15
nhainesI've been on BART only once.  :)19:16
pleia2it's nto bad :)19:16
DonkeyHoteipleia2: are you already there?19:27
pleia2DonkeyHotei: no, still home, waiting for my other half to be ready19:28
DonkeyHoteipleia2: are you two driving?19:29
pleia2DonkeyHotei: no, BART19:29
DonkeyHoteii'm driving and i have room19:29
pleia2DonkeyHotei: it'll probably be another half hour before he's ready :\ don't want to hold you up19:30
DonkeyHoteii might be held up anyway19:30
DonkeyHoteiif i go off irc, (408)37-COMPU19:30
pleia2I'll let you know :)19:30
nhainespleia2: helicopter.19:31
* pleia2 haz no helipad19:31
nhainesCars tend to move for a landing helicopter.19:31
DonkeyHoteipleia2: i'm about to head to your place; i'd assume you'd be ready by the time i get there20:10
pleia2doh, took bart21:08

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