
=== tumbleweed_ is now known as tumbleweed
=== Symmetri1 is now known as Symmetria
Kilosgood morning everyone05:11
Kiloshi theblazehen  why so quiet lately?05:35
Kiloswb captine  06:07
Kiloshi Tonberry_  06:27
Kiloshi nlsthzn  08:33
nlsthznuncle Kilos ... alo08:34
nlsthznwiki's updated... :)08:37
Kilosoooh lemme see08:44
* Kilos bows08:46
Kilosty nlsthzn  lovely08:46
Kilosnice to know peeps see me as more than a pest who always needs help08:47
Kiloshi Squirm  08:53
nlsthznpleasure uncle Kilos ... easy to write stuff when it is true08:53
Kiloshow can caltex tweet on our ubuntuza page if only the pro and i have the password grrr09:14
Kilosand i had to change the password again because i couldnt get in09:14
nlsthznthere are adverts injected into Twitter...09:18
nlsthzna way that they can make money >.<09:18
grembleGood morning09:37
Kiloshi gremble  09:46
Kiloshows ya this fine morning09:46
grembleI am well thank you and yourself?09:47
Kilosgood also ty09:47
Kilosgremble do you different groups in varsity mix ?10:05
Kilosas in with the IT peeps and so on, or only if they are pretty females10:06
grembleI have some friends that do math, some that do BA and BSc. I work with the newspapaer. I don't have that many black or indian friends though :o10:15
Kilosi just want python peeps10:16
grembleOh, I don't know anyone that programs python10:16
Kilosyou forget we got a sick ibid10:16
Kilosi wonder if i should approach the peeps on the python channel10:26
KilosSymmetria  ping10:27
Kilosbang i ask him to do some work11:13
SquirmKilos: why not learn yourself?11:57
Kilosyou should know bu now squirm learning stuff is hectic for mew11:58
Kilosme too11:58
SquirmYou have time?11:58
SquirmShould give it a bash :)11:58
Kilosyes i have time but not ability to learn that kinda stuff11:58
Kilosi tried byteofpython and vim11:59
Kilostwice i think11:59
Kilostried learning html just the other day as well11:59
grembleI don't think you need vim11:59
grembleYou could do pycharm instead11:59
SquirmKilos: don't use vim11:59
Squirmgremble: gedit works well11:59
Kilosbyte of python tells you use vim11:59
grembleYa don't use vim12:00
SquirmKilos: don'u use vim :P12:00
grembleya, I thought of gedit just after I sent the message12:00
SquirmAnything with syntax highlighting 12:00
Kilosi only have kate and nao no gedit12:00
gremblekate is also fine12:00
Squirmprobably good enough12:00
Squirmnano and vim are cli editors, you don't need those12:01
Kilosya man but i cant remember 12:01
Squirmthe only thing on the command line you really need to do is just run your application, `python myapp.py`12:01
Kilosim sure byte of python said use vim in the course though12:01
SquirmKilos: maybe12:02
grembleThey just being funny12:02
Kiloslol 12:02
grembleI promise that it won't make a difference in the end12:02
Kilosbut anyway to mod ibid needs a python pro12:02
SquirmI don't use vim for programming if I have access to GUI apps12:02
SquirmKilos: maybe12:02
Squirmbut you'll get ther :)12:02
grembleHaha I do :x12:02
Kilostumbles said it a major task12:03
Squirmgremble: haha.12:03
grembleI write everything in vim haha12:03
* gremble goes to sit in the corner.12:03
SquirmI'm being pushed to learn emacs12:03
Squirmgremble: to each their own12:03
grembleEmacs is very nice12:03
grembleBut I cbf to learn another editor12:03
grembleI am not going to become programmer one day12:03
Squirmit is, took me long enough to learn vim12:03
Kilosand too much work atm Squirm  12:04
SquirmI use TextMate for my main programming on my Mac12:04
SquirmKilos: It's just for fun12:04
grembleI heard that textmate and xcode is very nice12:04
Kiloseish 12:04
SquirmImagine being able to say that you know how to program?12:04
SquirmTextMate is very nice12:05
Kilosi would love to be able to12:05
SquirmKilos: that's all you need ^^12:05
Kilosi spent 2 weeks learning html and all i remember is <html>12:05
grembleHaha Squirm I try really hard to avoid saying that :P12:05
grembleKilos: Remembering is a tiny bit of what it means to program12:06
Squirmgremble: How so?12:06
grembleAll of those things you can find in books12:06
grembleSquirm: because then people ask me to program things12:06
Squirmoh right :P12:06
Kilosya man but if you dont remember you learn nothing12:06
SquirmKilos: I have to google things constantly12:06
SquirmKilos: It's a way of thinking12:06
SquirmProblem solving12:07
grembleI have books in which I write down important pieces of code so that I don't have to remember them12:07
Kilosi do as well i even googled stuff about moving python 2.7 to 312:07
gremble^ that is the problem with ibid12:07
SquirmI don't know python 312:07
grembleThe libraries it was written with are mostly deprecated12:07
Kilosall i noticed was some words left out of lines12:07
Kilosbut if tumbles says its major id be farting against thunder 12:09
Kilosafternoon superfly  12:19
Kilosbut ive learned to edit wiki pages so there is an improvement12:22
Kilosand i have to learn about strating locos so i can help new countries around us get going12:26
charlgood afternoon12:29
charlMaaz: coffee on12:29
* Maaz flips the salt-timer12:29
Kiloshi charl  12:29
Kilosbrush up your python12:29
Kiloswe need ibid upgraded from 2.7 to 312:30
charlhi Kilos 12:30
charlhow are you this fine sunday12:30
Kilosim ok ty and you?12:30
Kiloscharl  brush up your python man12:31
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!12:33
charli'm good thanks12:33
charli know a lot of python Kilos i used to develop big systems in it12:33
Kilosgremble  you got the link for ibid source please12:34
Kiloscharl it needs to be made acceptable to python 3 to work on 14.04 and later12:35
charlKilos: why? i'm running 14.10 here with python 2.7.812:35
Kilostry installing ibid12:36
grembleIt is the libraries that go with ibid that are dead and deprecated12:36
charlibid is the software behind Maaz right ?12:36
Kilosyip maaz12:36
Kilosits in the repos12:37
charlgremble: i take it the ibid software is not well maintained then12:37
charlhow many developers are actively maintaining it right now ?12:37
grembleIt is not maintained at all charl 12:37
grembleThat is the problem12:37
Kilostumbles is too busy he was the main maintainer12:37
charlwell then the software is simply EOL unless somebody else wants to pick it up12:37
charlthere are many good python bots out there right now that are much better i'm sure12:37
charli personally use willie on some other irc channels12:38
charlit's very good, i can vouch for it12:38
Kilosthats why i asked you man12:38
charland it's also actively maintained12:38
grembleI tried to, but then got mashed by the problem12:38
charli could pick it up but i don't see any real reason to12:38
charlmy suggestion would be to migrate12:38
Kiloswe cant change our bot for another12:38
charlwe can add things like coffee etc very easily to another bot12:38
charlKilos: why ?12:38
Kilosno man ibid is a must12:38
Kiloswe love ibid12:39
charlok i'll make you a deal12:39
Kiloswriten by our peeps12:39
Kiloslets hear12:39
charli will jump in and help out, but first we move to a well maintained core, in other words, not ibid12:39
charlsomething like willie or similar12:39
charlwe can investigate the options12:39
charlthen we migrate the missing functionality to willie12:40
charlotherwise, i can pick up ibid, but then over 6 months i lost interest and then it's just unmaintained once again12:40
charlfor example12:40
Kilosyou gotta fight too many peeps to do that12:40
grembleThat is a good plan that I could get behind12:40
Kilosi will nag you daily12:40
grembleBut it has to be python 3. It is been like 7 years now, we don't have to trudge in the past anymore12:40
charli'm not sure what the other ones run on but we can investigate that of course12:41
grembleHaha I don't even have python 2.7 on my system anymore12:41
charlbut i go by the principle that we need to stick to something that is used wider12:41
charlbecause there are too many one-man projects out there12:41
charland like i said, right now i might have time, what about 6 months from now12:41
charland i also get busy with other things or whatever who knows12:41
Kilosibid has a channel on atrum12:41
Kilosjust make ibid python 3 friendly man12:42
charlthere will be more that will break over time Kilos 12:42
Kilosi have got energy to learn and teach a new boit12:42
charlan unmaintained piece of code is not something you want to keep runnin12:42
SquirmWillie sounds quite cool actually12:43
charlsimply see ibid the same way as ubuntu 10.04 - almost EOL :)12:43
charlit is Squirm i use it on other networks12:43
Kilosmaybe once the major hurdle is over the old maintaner will have time to keep things gooing12:43
grembleKilos: Imagine your tracter's engine block has rusted. You could probably get it to go, but it will always break somewhere12:43
grembleIt is better just to get a new engine12:43
grembleIf we get Maaz a new engine, you won't even realise it is not an ibid anymore12:44
Kilosok lets hear what the fly and pro have to say about it12:45
Kilosits not just coffee charl , maaz was written to do meetings minutes and all that stuff12:45
SquirmKilos: It's module could probably be adapted12:46
Kilosyou just dont want to learn python 312:46
Kilosi have no idea how these things work Squirm  12:47
grembleLearning python 3 is not equivalent to porting old software to python 312:47
Kilosif we dont upgrade ibid well just have to keep him going on an old server12:47
grembleIt would have to be mostly rewritten12:48
charlwhen i contribute to open source projects i always try to plug into a broader community12:50
charlfirstly that means more people get the benefit out of your contributions12:50
charland secondly it's much more fun to work together on a project than on your own12:50
KilosSquirm  QA is even missing off your server thing12:50
charland of course thirdly there is less change that the softwre will become unmaintained over time12:50
Kiloswell lets hear what pro and fly say12:51
Kilosmaybe some python peeps will write something that will do the job for us12:54
SquirmKilos: python peeps wrote willie12:54
grembleDo any of you know of a PDF reading application that allows you to make annotations and such on the document 13:01
grembleHighlighting and note making and so forth13:01
Squirmgremble: adobe does that13:05
Squirmnot sure on linux though13:06
grembleOkular is the only one that does that on linux13:07
grembleI'm installing it now13:07
grembleA lot of KDE dependencies....13:08
Kilossjoe hot here now, no wind, hopefully building up somewhere for a good blow14:55
superflyOkular is pretty slick 15:02
superflyKilos: I have internet again 15:02
Kilosoh yay thats wonderful superfly  15:03
Kiloshappy for you15:03
Kiloscharl  gremble  maybe we must put the willie ibid discussion in the agenda for tuesdays meeting15:04
Kilosi just did a quick look at the willie site. would be better if they had a .deb15:05
charlKilos: this coming tuesday ?15:05
Kilosyip 27th15:06
Kilosdont you get reminders from g+ and lists15:06
Kilosi think it will be a major job too to make willie same as maaz15:07
Kiloslots of things it needs to be able to do15:07
Kilosand it means i gotta start teaching from scratch15:08
Kilosafter years of training maaz15:08
KilosMaaz  huh15:08
MaazKilos: Huh?15:08
KilosMaaz  shup15:08
MaazShup yourself oh noisy one15:08
Kiloshi Private_User  15:14
Kiloswe gotta pip install it15:16
nuvolariugh.  anyone with huawei wireless router experience around?15:18
nuvolarithe type that can take a SIM card15:18
nuvolariI had hoped to use an external antenna (outdoor) to improve the signal15:19
nuvolariit's using an SMA connector15:19
nuvolaribut it doesn't sem to improver reception quality15:19
charlKilos: i don't use google+ and i don't belong to any mailing lists15:19
Kilosyou can buy them at radio shops nuvolari  15:19
Kilosthen you put that in place of the connector on the external antenna15:20
Kilosok charl ill give another warning here tomorrow15:21
nuvolariKilos: charl is basically living in the dark ages of social :P15:21
nuvolarioom kilos, I have an antenna15:21
charli got it in the mind now, no problem Kilos :D15:21
KilosMaaz  announce Monthly meet tuesday night at 20.30 guys15:21
MaazAnnouncement from Kilos! Monthly meet tuesday night at 20.30 guys15:21
charlnuvolari: just because i don't use g+ or mailing lists ?15:21
Kilosnuvolari  has the antenna got the same connector as the router?15:22
nuvolariKilos: yes15:22
nuvolariit's screwed in15:22
Kilosso whats the prob then?15:22
nuvolariwhen I change the type from internal to external, it switches back to internal in the router software UI15:22
Kilosyou might need to set the router to use 3g not adsl15:23
nuvolarithere is no ADSL involved15:23
Kilosoh it can only do 3g15:23
superflynlsthzn: thanks for the testimonial :-)15:23
superflyKilos: I have a DebConf meeting on Tuesday night as well. I'll be here for the first half of the meeting, and then I'll need to skidaddle15:24
nuvolariI'm not sure if it's an emission antenna, rather than a receiver (which is what I hoped it is)15:24
Kilosok superfly  lets sort before hand what we discuss first then15:25
Kilosnuvolari  google the user manual or ud=ser guide for it15:25
Kiloswow i dont know what happened there15:26
nlsthznsuperfly, my pleasure... all the best with the application!!15:31
* superfly is about to take the plunge and put his name down for the 5th15:32
Kiloscan you put mine too superfly  ? or is it an individual thing15:32
superflyKilos: I can do15:32
Kilosplease do15:32
Kilosi wish pro was ready15:33
Kilosinetpro  make your page man15:33
superflyKilos: gaan jy wakker wees om middernag? 22:00 UTC is midnight over here15:36
Kilosya superfly  ek sal hier wees15:37
Kiloscant miss that15:37
Kilosi have to ping david and maia as well, they will try make the meet15:37
Kiloshehe dunno where to ping them bu ya15:38
Kilos5th of february hey superfly  ?15:40
Kilosoh my thats sommer now now15:40
grembleNext weekend I believe15:41
nuvolariiz working15:41
* Kilos starts shaking15:41
grembleIt's my birthday on the 26th of Feb. You guys better have a cake for me n stuff15:41
nuvolariare you ok oom Kilos?15:41
Kilosworking at midnight?15:41
nuvolariI'm BDaying tomorrow :D15:41
Kilosya ek bang die ding man'15:41
charlcongrats nuvolari in advance15:42
Kilosit means more responsibility15:42
charland gremble 15:43
charloh wait, that's in feb15:43
Kiloswhats BDaying15:43
Kilosoh birthdaying15:43
Kilosnuvolari  when is bday?15:44
grembleKilos: He said tomorrow15:48
nuvolarimôre oom Kilos 15:48
* nuvolari het 'n kierie bestel15:48
grembleWhat, turning 24, 25? :P15:48
nuvolariby that standard I should be mummified15:48
nuvolarituring 2815:48
Kilosballyville here we come15:49
Kilosthen im what?15:49
Kilosnuvolari  jou lewe begin nou eers man15:51
Kiloswb nlsthzn  15:51
grembleMy family expects me to be happilly married with kids by then... I'm not even sure that I'll be done with studying then15:53
Kilosi got married at 2515:56
superflyI got married at 2716:02
Kilosya one must grow up with your kids i think16:05
Private_Userhi Kilos16:06
Kilosand then you have a chance to see grandchildren16:06
Kiloswhats news Private_User  16:06
Private_Usernothing much hey but how am I logging on now? Am I cloaked immediately or is it doing the same as Friday?16:07
Kiloscloaked 16:07
Private_Usercool but I still think the connecting here where I am sitting now is not 100%16:08
Private_Userbut I will check cause yesterday was extremely windy and so was Friday16:09
Kilosare you far from where you normally were16:09
Kiloslike in the chicken house now16:09
Private_Userso now not so much so lets see although yesterday it was windy and connection was unstable here but when I went back to my usual spot in the house it was fine16:09
Kilosmight be more trees between you and the tower where you are now16:10
Private_Usernot far just a few steps and I can be backi in the house16:10
Kiloswow you okes keep chickens so close16:10
Private_Useror it could be that the main building is blocking16:10
Kilosoh yes that could be16:11
Kilosand 3g doesnt like buildings in the way16:11
Private_Userif it continues tomorrow then I will have to just go back and work inside the house16:11
Kilosor even thick walls16:11
Kilosjust get a long extension usb cable16:12
Kilosput your modem on the roof in a canned fruit bottle16:12
Kilosmaybe a bottle will get a bit hot in the sun16:13
Kilosoh there is a way16:13
Kilosyou get plastic pipe tpiece16:14
Private_Useryeah I was thinking that but no extension cable for usb16:14
Private_Useranother way Kilos?16:14
Kilosthat will stop rain and allow air through to keep modem cool16:14
Kilosian bought a nice 5m extension the other day with built in booster16:15
Kilosworks kiff16:15
Kilosbut i think it was R9916:16
Private_Userhmm... ok R99 not too bad with a signal booster you say?16:17
Kilosadded 1 bar to my signal here16:18
Kilosthen he took it sigh16:18
Kilosbut mine must be close to full 5 bars, just hops between 4 and 516:19
Private_Userok where did he buy it from?16:19
Private_Usercause I would prefer working from here since its quite16:20
Kiloswhew at a pc shop we took a chance and just walked into in town in pta, ill ask if he has the name16:20
Private_Useryes and that as well16:20
Private_Userok then I will just look around maybe I will something16:22
Private_User*find something16:22
Private_Userfor now lets see how it goes connection wise16:22
charlhave a good evening all16:22
Kilosbut if you just use a 5m extension it will reach top of roof anyway so signal should be good16:22
Kiloshi char16:22
Kilosoh bye16:23
Private_Useryou know I am not understanding my signal says full signal and skype is connected, IRC is connected and even googletalk accounts but when I try a webpage its either extremely slow or web page cannot be display then when I ping request timed out and sometimes could not resolve host16:29
Kilosevery time you browse?16:29
Private_Useryou think this 3G is still trying to find a path to the towers16:30
Private_Usermost of the time in this spot16:30
Kilosmaybe you doing too much16:30
Private_Userat home when I moved the laptop back there everything worked 100% then when I brought it back then not so lekker again16:30
Kilosmust be signal16:31
Kilosian says that shops name is matrix16:31
Private_Userah ok16:32
Private_Userthanks Kilos16:32
KilosPrivate_User  the booster is just a blob of some hidden stuff on the cable16:45
Kilosi have no idea what they hide in there16:46
Kiloshi captine  17:16
Kiloshaha the 5th feb is thursday week after next17:18
Kilosi still have time to get an ulcer17:18
=== georgl_ is now known as georgl
superflyPrivate_User: if you knew how GSM and 3G work, you'd be thankful you even get a connection17:34
superflyKilos: are you ready?17:34
Kilosfor what superfly  ?17:34
Kiloshavent you looked at my page?17:35
Kilosi am bust making notes i can copy/paste to them but dont know what to say17:35
Kilosi dont have a bugle to blow17:36
Kilosthe pro gave me a link to where other peeps joined but i cant find it17:36
Kilosi wont have time to tell them my story so not sure what to put17:39
superflyKilos: they will read your page in preparation for the your session. When it's your turn, they'll probably ask you a question or two, and then make a decision.17:40
Kilosoh ok so what do we need to do now17:41
Kilosthis whole thing is stressful17:43
superflyDon't stress, the worst they can say is "no"17:43
Kiloshi thoquz  17:46
thoquz_Hi Kilos17:46
Kiloshave you been here before?17:46
thoquz_A week or so ago17:47
Kilosyay but welcome back then17:47
Kilosmy ram forgot17:47
Kilosso thoquz_  all good there?17:48
thoquz_Yeah, looks like I might be studying this year, I got accepted for Electronic Engineering at a university.17:48
Kiloswhich varsity?17:49
thoquz_Anyone here done the, or is doing the program there currently?17:50
Kilosnot that i can think of here17:51
Kiloshave you joined our mailing list, you can ask there, the lists have many more followers than irc17:52
thoquz_Looks like I'm going to be forced to use Microsoft Windows there. Luckily they give it to us for free.17:52
Kiloswe are having our monthly meeting here on tuesday night, you are welcome to join us17:53
thoquz_Sure, I'll try to make it. Last time I did not make it because I was not home, maybe I should put a IRC client on my phone17:54
Kilosyeah some of the guys do that17:55
Kilosyou got an android?17:57
Kilosstorming here so if i disappear the power went18:01
inetprogood evening18:04
* inetpro joining at a bad time18:04
thoquz_Yes, have a android phone18:05
inetprobig lightning and thunder here18:05
Kiloshere too inetpro  18:05
Kilosthoquz_  you can use quasseldroid18:05
inetpronlsthzn, superfly: yikes guys! Thanks for the kind words!18:06
* inetpro not sure he lives up to all that18:06
Kiloscant leave now waiting for fly he wants to apply tonight18:06
Kilosoh yes inetpro  and more18:06
inetproapply tonight? No man18:06
Kilostalk to fly when he gets back from kidville18:07
inetproKilos: he just added your names on the Agenda18:07
inetprosee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards18:08
Kilosisnt that the same thing18:08
inetprono, this just so the board can look at your details so long18:08
Kilosoh my18:08
inetpronow they have time to dig into your history et all18:08
Kilosi needed that laugh18:09
Kilosstarting to stress18:09
Kilosdont know18:09
Kilosmust be old age18:09
inetprono need for that, you just be yourself and you be perfect18:10
Kilosthats no good man you always ai! me18:10
Kilosthey wont understand18:10
inetprothey can read18:10
Kilosso can you but you still ai!18:11
Kiloslol and the fly tells me im living up to my mail addy18:11
Kilosim bang they ask something and all i can do is um er duh18:12
Kilosfeels like going to the priciples office in the old days18:14
inetproKilos: how's the little lamb doing?18:19
Kiloslol very well ty, just starting to eat grass on its own now18:19
Kilosbut still maaaas when it sees me and wobbles to me for mulberry leaves18:20
Kilosweighs 17kg18:20
Kilosits like it has vertigo18:23
Kiloskinda dronk most of the time18:23
inetpropoor little lamb18:24
Kiloshi Tonberry_  18:24
Kilosoh inetpro  theres lots of logs to read but i think of importance is ibid. charl and gremble gave the suggestion that we go to a willie bot18:26
Kilosalso python 18:26
Kilosibid needs to be rewritten to make it python3 compatible and then still no maintainer18:27
Kilosthat decision is in your and flys hands and we can discuss it at the meet in two days time18:30
inetprohmm... 18:30
* inetpro not sure the time has come to make a decision on the issue18:32
inetpromaybe later in the year18:33
Kilosya theres no rush i think, i love maaz18:33
Kilosbut we can discuss it and let charl start making a willie thats as clever as maaz and has all hgis functions, that will take a while i think18:38
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  19:09
SquirmHey ThatGraemeGuy19:22
Kilosnlsthzn  you still here lad20:16
Kilosdont you need some sleep?20:16
grembleSleep is for the weak20:17
superflynight all20:19
Kilosnight superfly  20:20
Kilossleep tight20:20
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:38
inetprogood night oom20:38
Kilosgremble  school tomorrow go sleep20:38
Kilosnight inetpro  20:39

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