
moodyredTorvil: why. Is it freezing up that bad you can't preform an update.00:01
notdanielhow does one set up ubuntu so that it's accessible on the network via its hostname?00:02
moodyredTorvil: short answer yes. But most people can't install them that way.00:02
daftykinsnotdaniel: depends on the OS you're connecting from.00:03
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l0rdn1xdaftykins, would installing Mate alongside Unity cause problems?00:04
notdanieldaftykins: well for instance we have a synology storage server on the network, and from osx it can be reached at diskstation.local and from windows it can be reached from just diskstation. currently running an ubuntu server and can only access it via IP currently00:04
moodyredTorvil: you'll probably never boot past grub if you try to install them yourself.00:05
l0rdn1xdaftykins, you're not sure?00:06
daftykinsi don't do desktop, l0rdn1x00:06
l0rdn1xah ok00:06
moodyrednotdaniel: You need a server running.00:06
DontStarvenotdaniel: You could edit the /etc/hosts file to replace ip with computername00:06
daftykinsnotdaniel: perhaps SAMBA installed might help, or hosts file edits on the other systems might help00:06
notdanielit's running an smb server, but diskstation can be accessed via just ssh by its hostname as well, the ubuntu server not so much00:07
evoltechI I am trying to install ubuntu 14.04 on a EFI/GPT partition table, with encrypted root and swap.  While I am able to create the disk and continue with installation, when O reboot the system after install the boot loader never starts and no OS is found.  Can anyone shed some light on this issue and help me get to a bootable system?00:07
notdanieli dont want to manually edit the hostnames of all our machines, haha. just wondering how the synology does it. it's not acting as the router or anything00:07
moodyrednotdaniel: can you reach it by up00:07
notdanielip? yes00:08
moodyredIp yes00:08
notdanielits hostname on the network is just 'apsalus', does that need to be set like something specific like 'apsalus.local' or whatever?00:08
daftykins.local tends to get added by routers and so on, or it's the mac speak of networking00:08
notdanielthe diskstation i can just plug into the network and the other machines find it by hostname without any additional changes to anything00:09
daftykinswell yeah, because it's an appliance meant to be connected to00:09
daftykinsnow, i said install samba... hop to it :)00:09
notdanielsamba is running00:10
notdanieli can mount volumes, just via IP00:10
daftykinsyou need to play with the config a bit so it advertises itself00:10
Newkcould someone please tell me what hwdep is and how to use it for device names?00:10
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skinkittenwhat's the best way to increase the volume on a mp4! with! zero noise00:28
skinkittenfirst time #ubuntu is quiet..00:29
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ThorHi, I've just freshly installed my computer with 14.04 netinstall booting in EFI mode, I get a gui and all that jazz, but at 1024x764, so I'm attempting to install the propritary Nvidia drivers that are newer than ubuntu provided drivers as I got a GTX 980 in the machine, unfortunatley I can't get a working tty, the monitor just goes blank when I try switch to a tty00:36
ThorI have set GRUB_TERMINAL=console and GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768 to see if they would help, but nither option gives me a working tty. Any ideas?00:36
maimsterThor: I just fixed this problem... thinking...00:40
avisi am curious if ubuntu will ever work with older hardware.  lts is obviously important to people and i'm certain there are tons of core 2 duos 3.0ghz out there that need homes.  i have a speedy amd but wish i could run 14.04 lts on older hardware00:40
Thoravis: ubuntu will run quite well on older hardware00:40
maimsterThor: When you install the nVidia drivers are you getting errors? Is the script running through without problems?00:41
Thoreven better if you swap out unity for lxde or similar00:41
Thormaimster: I'm unable to start it cause X is running00:41
maimsterThor: Did you stop lightdm, with sudo service lightdm stop.00:41
Thormaimster: I'm left with a blank screen then, since I don't have a working tty00:42
maimsterThor: Is tty7 also blank?00:42
maimsterThor: Interesting...00:42
maimsterThor: I remember having to remove Ubuntu's nouveau drivers, and modules.00:43
maimsterThor: Then stopping lightdm, to install the nVidia drivers. Jeez I just did this like 2 days ago. Freakin age kils my memory.00:44
Thorwith the gtx 980 it doesn't seem to load the nouveau drivers, but I'll try removing it00:44
Thormaimster: history? :P00:44
maimsterThor: Ahh checking...00:44
danlanyone ever got a broadcom BCM43231 working without ndiswrapper?00:45
Thormaimster: 90% of my system documentation is in history :D00:45
danl(specifically the netgear wna3100)00:46
maimsterThor: Seems like I'm always reinstalling the nVidia drivers when I get updates done to the kernel. Which breaks the drives. I just rerun the script and all is good until the next kernel update. :o)00:46
maimsterThor: Your speaking about the .bash_history file right?00:47
Bashing-om!nomodeset | Thor :; have you tried ->00:47
ubottuThor :; have you tried ->: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:47
Thortrying that00:48
maimsterThor: I'm using the GTX 750TI I was lucky in that the nouveau drivers booted me into a really low resolution.00:48
ThorBashing-om: that was it! :)00:49
Bashing-ommaimster: For my info, what method did you use to install the propritary driver for your 750ti ?00:50
Bashing-omThor: Great, ya still need to install a proprietary driver, as no driver is avail in the repo .00:50
maimsterBashing-om: I went to tty1, then sudo service lightdm stop. Which allowed me to install the drivers.00:51
Bashing-ommaimster: Yeah, but from what PPA or OEM ?00:51
maimsterBashing-om: I then do small changes to xorg.conf and 1680x1050 works fine.00:51
ThorBashing-om: figured that :P00:51
maimsterBashing-om: I downloaded from nVidia.com00:51
maimsterBashing-om: Once I downloaded the file, I chmod 755 to it. Then run sh ./filename and it worked.00:52
Bashing-ommaimster: thanks ( there are 2 trusted PPAs ) .00:52
maimsterBashing-om: True, I tried not to use them if I don't have to.00:52
maimsterBashing-om: I'm a paranoid little man.00:53
Thorand it looks like the install went flawlessly :)00:53
Bashing-ommaimster: l :-) .00:53
maimsterThor: Thinking how in the world can we get pass the black screens. Even using the grub loader I would know what to add to it.00:54
Thormaimster: nomodset worked ;)00:55
maimsterThor: Ahh sweet!!!00:55
Thoronce I logged in all the monitors sprung to life at native resolution :)00:55
maimsterThor: so your up and running?00:55
maimsterThor: GR8!00:56
maimsterThor: That g-card is using is NO JOKE!00:56
maimsterThor: You running Steam with it?00:56
Thormaimster: actually not going to use it for gaming on ubuntu at all00:57
maimsterThor: Why all the meat then?00:57
ThorI just want a base os that I can install e19 on and have a good terminal on for development :P00:57
Thormaimster: I game on windows00:57
Thorand 3 display ports :)00:57
maimsterThor: Windows... make me think I'm at work.00:58
Thormaimster: I'm an avid user of most platforms, beastie on my servers, os x at work, windows and linux at home00:58
maimsterThor: Nicely done!00:59
Thoreach of them have their strenghts so why not use them to what they are good at? :D01:00
delinquentmeanyone have a script to take all files on a HD and remove all the file hierarchy and drop everything into a single directory?01:06
sojiro_well ill be damned. installing new nvidia 346 was giving me pains through terminal so i decided to use my linux knowledge from the past week and stop lightdm and then instlal the driver and it worked somehow. wohoo01:08
sojiro_no more held packages error01:08
Bashing-omsojiro_: A ubuntu proficiency badge in the offing ?01:11
sojiro_what is offing?01:12
sojiro_i am new to linux. so big achievement for me haha01:12
sojiro_going from easey of stuff in windows to not easy stuff here and there in linux was quite the switch01:13
Bashing-omsojiro_: pending to be offered (furture tense) .01:13
sojiro_but the terminal really is damn handy in cases where something was hanging and couldnt get back to desktop01:13
daftykins10 points awarded, but instantly deducted since the nvidia driver *does* tell you to stop X to install :P01:13
sojiro_still dont know what you mean bashing-om, sorry01:14
sojiro_where does it says that dafty?01:14
sojiro_the terminal didnt said that :P it only said there where some conflicts and i had to fix it myself01:14
sojiro_the website maybe01:14
daftykinswhen you run nvidia's .run, if you've used the manual download instead of packages01:14
sojiro_i atleast now know the way how to update01:14
sojiro_i first tried the easy way01:14
sojiro_through terminal01:14
Bashing-omsojiro_: I was just patting you on the back for a job well done .. making a few more steps on that learning curve . ( it does get easier ) .01:15
sojiro_but seems, after some googling, that wine got some libopencl that was conflicting01:15
daftykinsi keep hearing that about wine, yeah01:15
sojiro_thanks Bash, yeah, i feel pretty good about myself for this feat haha01:15
sojiro_i also fixed a compiz problem i made myself where i suddenly only had black screen and cursor, had to remove and reinstlal compiz through terminal01:16
danldelinquentme: how would you want your script to handle file name conflicts?01:16
sojiro_yeah i wonder why wine doenst just use official lib's in that regard01:16
danlthats a complex scenario01:16
danlflattening a tree structure01:16
danlI mean it's easy enough to do, ignoring all possible error scenarios01:16
sojiro_damn, well, the newest nvidia still doesnt fix the weird red outline in 2 games i have, so odd01:17
qxtIs VFIO_PCI_VGA set to "y" in the default config? I changed a lot of settings when I compiled my kernel. Could somebody take a look?01:24
ph88anyone know what i can do about this?  libGL error: Version 4 or later of flush extension not found libGL error: failed to load driver: i91501:24
qxtcat /boot/config* | grep VFIO01:24
daftykinscompiling your own kernel isn't really intended01:24
qxtif you are going to pass GPUs to your kvm clients and your machine it might be01:25
qxtdaftykins, if CONFIG_VFIO_PCI_VGA is set to "y" then I don't need to do this anymore.01:26
qxtthe way to see that is   cat /boot/config* |grep VFIO01:26
daftykinsyeah you're on your own with that errand :)01:26
qxtthere are 1665 ppl here. I am sure more then 1 person knows how to compile a kernel.01:27
daftykinsmaybe one of them is happy to help, yeah.01:28
qxtatm I am on Debian Wheezy Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.65-1+deb7u1 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:28
qxtSo I can'01:29
daftykinsthen perhaps you should go bug #debian01:29
qxtand there it works01:29
qxtif I compile the kernel01:29
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qxtCan somebody that uses Ubuntu tell me if they see "y" for VFIO_PCI_VGA ? Not sure if Ubuntu has that compiled into the kernel or not.  cat /boot/config* | grep VFIO_PCI_VGA01:40
Bashing-omqxt: -> CONFIG_VFIO_PCI_VGA=y , CONFIG_VFIO_PCI_VGA=y .01:43
qxtBashing-om, awesome. Gonna install it now. For once Ubuntu did something real nice =)01:45
Bashing-omqxt :)01:46
delinquentmecan I use an ubuntu live disk to recover a bad file system?01:53
Fohlenbut there's a few other distros which might fit better01:54
Fohlenparted magic or so on01:54
Fohlen(depending on if that live machine has internet access -> if so, it doesn't matter anyways)01:54
delinquentmeso the broken HD was ... and ubuntu machine01:54
delinquentmeand =  an *  ... so im just trying to get the HD bootable again01:54
delinquentmeOH. and I know its not the right channel ... b ut do SSD HDs go bad less often than disk drives?01:56
daftykinsthere's no data on that, SSDs do fail01:56
delinquentmeHow do I completely erase the funky U3 formating the ubuntu startup disk creator makes on my jump drive?02:02
SchrodingersScatdelinquentme: I think that's a manufacturer thing02:07
SchrodingersScatdelinquentme: just confirmed, I have an old sandisk device that has a U3 partition.  This has nothing to do with ubuntu, your beef is with sandisk :(02:14
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daftykinsSchrodingersScat: does it not appear erasable?02:15
daftykinseraseable o0 hrmm02:15
SchrodingersScatdaftykins: I believe it's ro02:16
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daftykinsah that's annoying02:16
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SchrodingersScatdaftykins: er, I think someone came up with a way to unlock it, but I've never tried it.02:16
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piter-de-vriesdid a server fail?02:17
SchrodingersScat!netsplit | piter-de-vries02:17
ubottupiter-de-vries: A netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:17
SchrodingersScatpiter-de-vries: and they should come rushing back...soon02:18
piter-de-vriesThat's awesome02:18
piter-de-vriesoh ok02:18
khayaI have a laptop with ubuntu 14.04 LTS and a desktop with windows 7 on the same lan.  how can I backup the windows 7 pc from ubuntu laptop?02:18
piter-de-vriesIronic your name is Shrodingers Cat02:18
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piter-de-vriesAaaand SchrodingersScat was right02:24
piter-de-vriesI wonder what kind of server failed or discconected or rebooted02:24
piter-de-vriesall these auto reconnex02:25
Thorit's pretty standard thing02:25
SchrodingersScatpiter-de-vries: it happens, hang around long enough and you'll see it more, it's off-topic though ;) so !ot02:25
piter-de-vriesunderstand, thnx02:26
piter-de-vriesDNS server maybe/02:26
piter-de-vrieswhat is the "topics" here?02:27
daftykinsOS support02:27
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daftykinslike the topic says02:27
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic02:27
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piter-de-vriesoh okay reading02:27
piter-de-vriesI'm on Ubuntu 14.04, but am a serious newb compared to developers02:28
Thorwe all started there :)02:29
piter-de-vriesKinda scary waters02:29
jimmydi thinks it liberating02:30
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piter-de-vriesyeah thats true02:31
Bashing-ompiter-de-vries: "Kinda scary waters" no bullets flying, no blood shed // all it takes is time, curiousity and a willingness to learn .. Ya have come a long way .02:32
piter-de-vriesWhy cant I put icons on my desktop :(02:32
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samthewildoneI'm getting the same error on a fresh ubuntu install.02:34
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)02:34
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samthewildonedaftykins, I'm trying to replicate error02:35
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samthewildonedaftykins, I'm trying to replicate error02:35
daftykinsthat's still zero detail02:35
daftykinsconstruct a FULL sentence02:35
Thorpiter-de-vries: how are you trying to put the icons on the desktop, and what kind? shortcut to an application?02:36
samthewildonedaftykins, http://pastebin.com/rebVdU6U02:36
piter-de-vriesYes, I get some apps have permissions, is it always about sudo command stuff/02:36
piter-de-vriesin fact it seems like most fo my harddrive is locked by ubuntu02:37
daftykinssamthewildone: still no explanation02:37
piter-de-vriesI am dat root user02:37
piter-de-vriesI am da man02:37
piter-de-vriesThor: halp02:37
Thorpiter-de-vries: normally you should be your own user and not really be messing about anywhere outside your home directory (/home/youruser)02:38
Ben64piter-de-vries: what are you trying to accomplish02:39
piter-de-vriesI only log in as user/root02:39
piter-de-vriesclicka nd drag to the desktop02:39
Ben64you should never log in as root02:39
piter-de-vriessimple GUI shit02:39
Ben64and watch the language here02:39
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bazhangno cursing here piter-de-vries02:39
rypervenche!language | piter-de-vries02:39
ubottupiter-de-vries: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:39
Ben64give a specific example of what you're not able to do02:39
piter-de-vriesunderstood sir02:39
piter-de-vriesmy bad02:39
bazhangpiter-de-vries, never use root02:39
bazhangpiter-de-vries, are you seriously irc'ing as root02:40
piter-de-vriesIm a linux advocate02:40
bazhangpiter-de-vries, stop that02:40
cuddylierHow do I view the number of processes each process name has?02:40
cuddylierIn a list02:40
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piter-de-vriesdoes everyone else download the gnome desktop?02:42
piter-de-vriesis that what Im missing? currious02:42
daftykinsno they don't02:42
piter-de-vriesno worries02:42
bazhanggnome-shell do you mean?02:42
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piter-de-vriesis gnome shell a gui?02:42
bazhangpiter-de-vries, ask an actual question, all on one line02:42
piter-de-vrieshow do i put a firefox shortcut on my ubuntu 14.04 desktop02:43
piter-de-vriesgoogle didnt help02:43
xanguarun it, right clic, select to pin it to the unity launcher02:44
xanguaasuming you use unity02:44
piter-de-vriesidk ubuntu 14.04 64x02:44
Thorby default you got unity then02:44
r3zSo I have the weirdest issue02:47
r3zWhen my ubuntu server is online it causes packet loss on my network with specific cable modems.02:47
r3zI down the nic and it goes away02:47
Thorr3z: does it continue if you disable another client on the network instead?02:48
r3zOnly my server thats the issue02:48
r3zTried different hardware02:48
r3zswapped drives in to another system02:49
r3zalso tried different ports on switch02:49
r3zand a couple different cable modems02:49
r3zNot all cable modems are affected02:49
r3zWeirdest thing I have ever seen02:49
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r3zI looked at packet traces and do not see any weird traffic02:49
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daftykinsmaybe it's not running with the same MTU02:49
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r3zLemme double check mtu02:49
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r3zMTU is standard 150002:50
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daftykinsand on the other systems on the network?02:51
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r3z1500 on my laptop02:51
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daftykinsmotherboard based NIC on this server?02:51
verzionnah. must be a overstock celeron e-machines they had laying in the back somewhere02:52
r3zDoesnt matter02:52
r3zswapped to different nic02:52
r3zPoweredge 295002:52
verzionoh shoot my bad guys wrong channel i thought we were talking smack about freenode's netsplit galore02:53
daftykinslatest BIOS?02:53
daftykinsverzion: goodbye02:53
verzionsorry guys02:53
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r3zLatest bios as well02:56
Guest19985ok so I've got a live USB running an operating $ df is the device that I need to recover02:56
piter-de-vriesflash dat bios02:56
piter-de-vriesflash dem breasts02:56
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Guest19985ok so I've got a live USB running an operating system on a machine whos primary HD I need to recover ....  $ df is the device that I need to recover02:57
piter-de-vriesboot from USB? yes?02:57
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ThorGuest19985: if it's a standard SATA hard disk it should be /dev/sd something(eg. /dev/sda if it's the first disk, /dev/sdb if it's the second. etc.)02:59
Bashing-omGuest19985: " df is the device " does not compute;  from the liveDVD pastebinit -> sudo fdisk -lu <- to identify the device .02:59
piter-de-vriesyou cant mount it03:00
piter-de-vriesmount it03:00
piter-de-vriescurious? idk03:00
piter-de-vriesexternal drive?03:00
r3zAny ideas./03:01
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Thorr3z: I've never had issues with my 2950 at least, could be your switch or gateway that has some odd configuration like mtu?03:02
Guest19985im trying to mount right now... $ sudo mount /dev/sda /media/internalHD -t ext4 ... complains at me ... saying its abad fs type  or possibly a bad super block on /dev/sda03:03
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ThorGuest19985: have you tried a fsck on the disk?03:06
Guest19985trying now03:07
Bashing-omGuest19985: Try to mount like theis: -> sudo mkdir /mnt/test , sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/test <- IF the partition to mount is on that 1st hard drive and the 1st partition .03:07
Guest19985Thor: reports that superblock cant be read03:10
ThorGuest19985: does Bashing-om's suggestion work?03:11
Guest19985yeah its says " wrong fs type "03:13
Bashing-omGuest19985: Thor :: spare off the super block ? -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2177756 .03:14
ThorGuest19985: https://linuxexpresso.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/repair-a-broken-ext4-superblock-in-ubuntu/ might be a resource as well03:14
cage_rapheli am new to ubuntu.. recent installed ubuntu 10.4.. loving it !! can someone pls suggest me a good security software ( anti virus ) for ubuntu ?03:15
Thorbasicly the same as what Bashing-om posted I see03:15
bazhangcage_raphel, desktop?03:15
cage_raphel@bazhang.. laptop03:15
bazhangcage_raphel, desktop as opposed to server version03:16
cage_rapheli dont quite understand your question mate?03:16
Bashing-omcage_raphel: Desktop 10.04 is EOL and has NO security updates ! .. install a current release .03:16
Guest19985$ sudo mke2fs -n /dev/sda .. this returns info on the supeblock03:16
bazhangcage_raphel, 10.04 desktop is not supported03:16
Guest19985OS type: Linux ... DOES however display03:17
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cage_raphelmy apologies.... i am using ubuntu 14.1003:17
bazhangcage_raphel, get 14.04 for the latest LTS03:17
cage_rapheli am looking for a anti virus software for ubuntu 14.1003:17
xangua!antivirus | cage_raphel03:17
ubottucage_raphel: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:17
bazhangcage_raphel, not needed03:17
cage_raphelwow!! really ???03:17
Bashing-omGuest19985: Follow the instructions and copy in another super block from the backups .03:18
cage_raphelthats freaking awesome!!03:18
bazhangcage_raphel, really03:18
cage_raphelthanks mate !!03:18
Thorvery few viruses for linux cage_raphel, so really :)03:18
cage_raphelThor.. do i need to be still concerned from those very few viruses u mentioned ?03:18
bazhangcage_raphel, no03:18
cage_raphelahh nice !! thanks mate !! Cheers !! :)03:19
Thoras long as you get software from the ubuntu repositories, you are pretty safe cage_raphel :)03:19
cage_raphelahh alright!! thanks mate !!03:19
Ahmuckis there a way to convert an img to an iso in ubuntu?03:19
Guest19985so if while attempting to make a bootable USB last night with a external USB drive ... which has U3 ....   I issued the command to delete the contents of that external USB ...03:19
Roehmerhi does anyone have any experience using iptables?03:20
Guest19985it seems through the magic of U3 .. INSTEAD of the exernal usb drive ... it pointed at my internal file systme03:20
Guest19985SO ... is there any chance that a delete action from the startup disk creator ... assuming that it ran on my internal HD ...03:20
Guest19985is that recoverable03:20
AhmuckRoehmer, what is the purpose?03:20
r3zChecked MTU on modem is 150003:20
r3zNeed to go get in to my switch and check mtu03:21
r3zNeed to also try to manually set port speed and duplex03:21
Bashing-omGuest19985: If there is more gine than the bootcode and partition table on sda .. test disk to the rescue -> http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step , http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15761/recover-data-like-a-forensics-expert-using-an-ubuntu-live-cd/ .03:22
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dupingpingI logged in 12.04 as root.03:24
dupingpingbut the screensaver locking is not running.03:25
bazhangdupingping, never do that03:25
bazhangdupingping, just use sudo, never root03:25
dupingpingI see.03:25
RoehmerAhmuck, I'm trying to figure out the correct iptables commands to have a machine forward http requests sent to it's private DNS to a dedicated target url03:25
dupingpingI just need to login as root.03:25
bazhangsudo -i for a root shell, if you must03:26
bazhangyou never need to log in as root03:26
AhmuckRoehmer, #iptables?03:26
dupingpingI think so. for security.03:26
RoehmerAhmuck: oh man, great, didn't see that channel03:26
Roehmersorry for the polution here03:26
bazhangdupingping, thats the exact opposite of security03:26
AhmuckRoehmer, np03:27
bazhangit's #netfilter03:27
dupingpingwhat do you mean?03:27
bazhangnot #iptables03:27
Roehmeryea, thanks03:27
bazhangnot you dupingping03:28
Ahmuckiptables fowards to netfilter03:29
IrfaNeoxhi all03:29
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reed99_anyone really good at linux here?03:42
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reed99_anyone smart???03:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:43
reed99_im on the raspi b+ firnware and i wanna coppy over my own firware so i can run it but i cant get root whatever i do :\ its got a login but i cant crack it :\ it looks like it was set up just for the raspi crew i can get unames but pass words wont even give me encryptions03:43
reed99_i wanna run it with more ram03:43
reed99_for ubuntu03:43
reed99_its a little slow03:44
reed99_to say the least03:44
reed99_i just need root first i figured someone would know a linux exstention or comand that would make (cd /pwd) not come up as /bin but something i can work with03:44
reed99_im sry not cd03:44
reed99_just pwd its a script03:44
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reed99_is there a basic linux cmd that pings for file info03:45
reed99_im on the raspi b+ firnware and i wanna coppy over my own firware so i can run it but i cant get root whatever i do :\ its got a login but i cant crack it :\ it looks like it was set up just for the raspi crew i can get unames but pass words wont even give me encryptions i just need root first i figured someone would know a linux exstention or comand that would make I’m trying to open the "bin/pwd” file  but i just get /bin i n03:47
daftykinsi didn't think you could get ubuntu for the pi03:48
ThorI think armv6 is on ubuntu's list?03:50
metampis Ubuntu a betere ditribution than Arch?03:50
Thorthat's a very subjective thing03:50
bazhangmetamp, try #ubuntu-offtopic for that03:50
metampI used Backtrack which was Ubuntu based and I liked it03:50
metampmore than Fedora03:50
sb0hi. how can I build a kernel package for ubuntu utopic based on the linus git tree? I guess I need to rebase http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-utopic.git;a=tree - but how?03:51
bazhangmetamp, also not on topic here03:51
Thordaftykins: yup, ARM is on the list of things they are working on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM03:51
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bazhang#ubuntu-arm exists03:52
Thorbut not armv603:52
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Thor(so no raspberry-pi support)03:52
bazhangprobably #raspbian for that03:52
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=== dtscoder is now known as dtscode
dtscodeare there any good ps1, gamecube, and gameboy advance emus for ubuntu?04:10
hemebondCan someone please advise me on how best to debug an issue with 3D games completely crashing/locking up my PC?04:14
ci3What sort of video drivers are you using?04:14
hemebondI'm currently using the Nvidia 304 binary drivers from their website.04:15
hemebondBut I have tried several up to the latest as well as those from the repository.04:15
ci3Hrmm. I've had some issues with my nvidia drivers too. What model?04:15
hemebondThis issue started in the middle of last year. I have an Nvidia GeForce GTX 57004:15
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ci3I'm running a Gtx 750. I would suggest completely uninstalling all of your nvidia drivers, and only trying to install from the ppa.04:16
=== dtscode is now known as notdts
ci3don't bother with the binary.04:16
hemebondci3: I tried that but it wouldn't even detect my monitors.04:16
ci3You don't have integrated graphics? :/04:17
daftykinsdon't say that like it's a bad thing04:17
daftykinsso, memtest?04:17
daftykinsPPA 304 not working doesn't make any sense04:17
ci3Humm. Not a bad thing. Try the 340.04:17
daftykinsnot PPA but official ubuntu repos04:17
ci3sudo apt-get install nvidia-34004:18
hemebonddaftykins: Currently checking options for this. memtest86? Looks like I'll need to do it from boot.04:18
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daftykins340 isn't in the repos04:18
daftykinsmemtest86+ yeah, should be on the GRUB menu04:18
ci3I just installed it this afternoon!04:18
daftykins!info nvidia-34004:18
hemebonddaftykins: I'll need to find and burn a CD or USB stick.04:18
ubottuPackage nvidia-340 does not exist in utopic04:18
daftykinsci3: perhaps you're referring to the xorg edgers PPA you have installed, or some such04:18
hemebondci3: I should have mentioned I'm running ElementaryOS Luna which is Ubuntu 12.04.04:18
ci3sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa04:19
daftykinshemebond: no, it's in as default04:19
ci3Yes, it is that one, daftykins.04:19
daftykins!elementary | hemebond sorry regardless of issue we don't support elementary in here.04:19
ubottuhemebond sorry regardless of issue we don't support elementary in here.: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.04:19
daftykinsbut no, just hold left shift at boot then pick memtest04:19
hemebondI see. Well they didn't replace Xorg but I'll go over there and ask for help.04:19
hemebondThanks, will give it a shot now.04:20
ci3good luck! I've had a lot of success getting my stuff running with 340 though.04:20
hemebondci3: I've tried the binary 340 and 346 drivers and had the same problem.04:20
hemebondIt doesn't seem to be every 3D game, just most.04:21
ci3Is this through wine?04:21
hemebondDo you know of a way to test the graphics card itself?04:21
hemebondNo, native Linux games like Quake 2.04:21
hemebondActually I should test ioquake3 to see if that's affected.04:21
hemebondIf I suddenly disappear it's because Linux has locked up, stopped my displays and stopped responding to keyboard input.04:22
daftykinsi'd confirm it across different OSs (Windows) after checking system stability04:23
daftykinsmaybe even disk health04:23
daftykinshemebond: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key04:23
hemebonddaftykins: Yes, I have Windows 7 installed too and I actually experienced issues in there too. Even though initial tests didn't show any problems in Windows 7. That's why I've downgraded the drivers.04:23
daftykinssounds like hardware then04:24
ci3mreh. that's a bummer. you could always just get a new graphics card. :)04:24
hemebonddaftykins: Thanks, I didn't have much luck with that.04:24
daftykinsanyway, memtest... then maybe if you run ubuntu we can assist04:24
daftykinsbut it sounds like a wonky card.04:24
hemebondSometimes it worked, especially if I mashed the keys quick enough, but I could never get the system to recover even then.04:24
daftykinsit reboots, not recover :D04:24
ci3Maybe it's loose? Did you check the connection in the case itself?04:24
daftykinsyou would NOT see a picture at all if it was the connection04:25
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hemebondI have removed and re-installed the card several times, cleaning/dusting it each time.04:26
hemebondAfter I installed the 304 drivers I tried to login without rebooting first and the screens turned green and the system locked up. Worked fine after a reboot. Behaviour there seems similar.04:27
daftykinsmaybe that's the problem, static ;)04:27
daftykinsanyway you've plenty to be going on04:27
hemebondioquake3 works fine. going to remove high-res textures from q2 and test that again04:29
daftykinsthose games are far too old and rubbish to stress test such a card04:31
hemebondWell high-res textures would use up all the card RAM04:32
daftykinsdoubt it04:32
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FoxhoundzWhat DNS server does Ubuntu's tasksel install?05:00
lowryderLambodie_Dance: you seem unhappy05:01
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Lambodie_Dancetravis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis05:06
Lambodie_Dancetravis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis05:06
Lambodie_Dancetravis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis05:06
Lambodie_Dancetravis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis travis05:06
liathhello all. had a question about how do do a strange-sounding thing in networking05:12
liathI'd like to be able to use transmission (its lightweight) but also use QoS.  one idea I have mostly implemented is to use a second interface to bind transmission to so I can still catch traffic for torrents with my pf rotuer05:13
ak5hi, any russian channel?05:15
liathproblem is that transmission is also attempting to update tracker through that iface which means it needs 'outside' access, and there sin't a default gateway05:15
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.05:15
liathI think there is a way to do it I just can't wrap my head around it. I attempted to set a static route but that so far hasn't worked, and I don't think it'd work as I intend anyhow since things may come in one interface and leave through another05:16
liathand the guides I have looked up show how to do this on seperate gateways, but I essentially need both eth0 and eth1 use the same default gateway (but perhaps set the metric for eth1 high so it isn't preferred unless a process is bound to it)05:18
liathany ideas or guides on how I might accomplish this?05:18
liathor some other, more elegant and hackish solution?05:19
liathmore elegant and less hackish, even :D05:19
liathactually I should probably post this oen to forums... might require some fanagling :D05:21
liathplus I just got done workign for 19 hours :D05:21
=== someon is now known as someone
evoltechHello all!  I am attempting to install Ubuntu 14.04 on a GPT encrypted root partition and encrypted swap.  I do not want to use the full disk so I use the custum installed. After I get all the partiions installed correctly the installer continues.  When I eventually reboot its like there is no grub and eventually the BiOS reports no OS found.  Can any one help me out here?05:38
daftykinsseparate /boot ?05:38
evoltechdaftykins: was that directed at me?  Yes there is a seperate boot partiion that is not encrypted set to mount on /boot and is ext205:42
chintit_Drone': hello  Drone'05:45
daftykinsevoltech: so you booted in EFI mode then?05:47
brandonbartHey guys I have a major problem with Grub to the point where I can’t even boot up my computer. Could somebody help please?05:48
cfhowlett!ask | brandonbart05:48
ubottubrandonbart: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:48
cfhowlett!ops | spam via PM   <Lambodie_Dance> This is Ryan from Innovative Marine. We sell a 16 gallon Nuvo Tank. Some good fish for that tank are standard Clown Fish, Purple or Red Fire Fish, Shrimp & Goby Pairs, Lawnmower or Midas Blennys, or an Orchid Dottyback.05:49
DalekSeccfhowlett: That nick isn't in here.05:50
cfhowlettDalekSec, ?  OK .. must have snuck in from a different channel.05:50
brandonbartAlright basically I have a pc with Windows 8 which has linux dual booted. It used Grub boot loader to pick which boot every time I started my computer. I stopped using linux for a while so I deleted the partition for Linux and reallocated it so windows can use it. Everything was all well and good until i restarted my computer. Thats when it said “error: no such device: 8a69b.. Entering rescue mode…”  and now i am in grub rescue.05:53
brandonbartcan’t boot into windows and now I only have my mac laptop from which I am using this chat on. How can I get my computer back.05:53
cfhowlettbrandonbart, so you want only windows, rigth?05:54
brandonbartYes cfhowlett05:54
brandonbartAlso I do not have a windows repair disc or anything of the sort, cfhowlett05:55
cfhowlettbrandonbart, ask ##windows ... but pretty sure you'll need the windows USB and run windows repair.  ask ##windows05:55
cfhowlettbrandonbart, it's a windows issue and requires windows tools to fix.  download is available.  ask ##windows for support05:55
brandonbartAlright thanks cfhowlett05:56
manpits!s a walk among tombstones05:57
ubottumanpits: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:57
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shine_if you are a student that want chat with others,please take part in #student06:10
shine_t that want chat with others,please take part in #student06:11
uber_hulkEncrypting home dir is as safe as encrypting the drive06:18
cfhowlett!encryption | uber_hulk06:19
ubottuuber_hulk: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory06:19
=== hacker is now known as Guest22535
cfhowlettuber_hulk, "as safe as" ?  It's the same process.06:19
AlissaI downloaded Ubuntu about a year ago onto a CD and finally got a computer I thought would be able to run it successfully. I'm tring to dualboot it with Windows 8.1 and I'm getting an error when trying to boot it. I used the 'wubi.exe' file on the disk to install it.06:19
uber_hulkcfhowlett: i know about that i am asking which one is much safer?06:19
uber_hulkcfhowlett: okay so i could do the encryption later after installing the ubuntu?06:20
cfhowlettAlissa, wubi has been abandonedware for some time and WILL break ubuntu 14+   Friends don't let friends wubi.06:20
uber_hulkEncrypt a private dir i mean06:20
Alissacfhowlett: I'm using Ubuntu 12.04.06:20
cfhowlettuber_hulk, yes you can encrypt post installation06:20
uber_hulkOkay great06:20
Guest22535so é ubuntu06:21
Guest22535pode ir06:22
Guest22535eu quero como hacker facebook06:22
cfhowlett!es | Guest22535,06:22
ubottuGuest22535,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:22
Guest22535eu quero hack wifi ?06:22
cfhowlettGuest22535, ENGLISH06:23
cfhowlettGuest22535, we see you.06:24
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cartwrightbustas up in dis here06:45
cartwrightstraights bustas06:45
cfhowlettcartwright, wrong channel06:47
cfhowlettcartwright, for ubuntu support, ask.  with details.  for chitchat = !ubuntu-offtopic06:48
cartwright #ubuntu-offtopic: Cannot join channel (+b) - you are banned06:48
cartwrightI don't understand, is this a conspiracy06:49
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jonsI'm a noob.  Installed crouton on my chromebook.  That gave me ubuntu precise.  I want to install the gstreamer plugins to ge my audio working and from what I'm reading, I should look for them in the appropriate repository for my distribution.  Where do I find this repository?07:18
usmnrdwould you like to spare a min with a hot geek07:24
usmnrdhow are you jons07:24
cfhowlettusmnrd, stop that immediately07:24
jonsnevermind.  Go away.07:24
usmnrdI am pretty new on it, using for the first time...07:25
usmnrdin my country, linux has no value, so07:25
jakesylHey, so I'm getting this error in syslog: unable to create lock file /var/mail/root.lock Too many levels of symbolic links07:32
* jakesyl has no idea what a symbolic link is and am just sending emails with mail() in php07:32
jakesylwhy is the top command called top?07:42
rypervenchejakesyl: ls -ld /var/mail07:47
rypervencheusmnrd: Welcome to Linux :)07:48
hariomWhy my VM is not able to fetch a URL with domain name? The URL is hitting another VM so if I provide internal IP instead of domain name, it is able to fetch07:48
jakesyloh yeah i solved that issue haha, any idea about top?07:48
lotuspsychjejakesyl: maybe its because it shows process load on 'top' of the list07:48
hariomI have dns-nameserver set to
jakesyloh okay, haha thanks I've always wondered about that07:48
lotuspsychjejakesyl: see also htop07:48
cerberus_using google dns?07:48
lotuspsychje!info htop | jakesyl07:48
ubottujakesyl: htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1 (utopic), package size 62 kB, installed size 194 kB07:48
jakesylwow that's so cool07:49
jakesylthanks lotuspyschje07:50
jonsAnyone know how I find my repository for my distribution?07:51
hariomI have two VMs. VM1: and VM2: My domain name is pointing to public ip and nated to But when VM1 i.e. try to access my domain, it just times out. But when I access it using, I am able to get result.07:51
hariomWhat is missing?07:52
lotuspsychjehariom: try the ##networking guys07:52
lotuspsychje!repo | jons07:52
ubottujons: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.07:52
hariomlotuspsychje: Thanks07:52
jonsThx ubottu07:53
rypervenchehariom: Your router is probably not allowing the use of the public IPs. You'll need to use the internal IPs most likely. You can set them up in your /etc/hosts file or with the use of a local DNS server. Or in you router.07:57
ripthejackerHi everyone08:22
lotuspsychjeripthejacker: welcome08:23
ripthejackerSidebar doesn't autohide when I resume from lock.08:23
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ripthejackerPlease help08:24
ripthejackerI'm using Ubuntu 14.1008:24
lotuspsychjeripthejacker: any errors in logs?08:24
ripthejackerwhich logs do I check?08:24
ripthejackerlotuspsychje, ^08:24
lotuspsychjeripthejacker: syslog, dmesg08:24
lotuspsychjeripthejacker: you can also do a tail -f /var/log/syslog in realtime then lock and unlock see if you get any errors08:25
=== screedoz is now known as screedo
OERIASCan someone help me upgrade a machine running ubuntu 6.06 to 14.04?08:36
brandonbartHey guys I need help. I’m trying to mount my sda2 in order to fix Grub 2 and it says that “The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully..” Is there a way to bypass that hibernation flag? I can not access windows at this time08:36
bekksOERIAS: Reinstall it, thats the fastest and most reasonable way.08:36
OERIASbekks, I can't08:37
bekksOERIAS: Why not?08:37
OERIASMost of the data on this machines needs to be in tact08:37
bekksOERIAS: So back it up.08:37
OERIAScan I just upgrade via 10.10?08:37
bekksOERIAS: No.08:38
OERIAS8.10 -> 1008:38
bekksOERIAS: No.08:38
OERIASthen to 14.0?08:38
bekksOERIAS: No.08:38
lotuspsychje!eol | OERIAS08:39
ubottuOERIAS: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:39
lotuspsychje!fixgrub | brandonbart08:39
ubottubrandonbart: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:39
OERIASYes I know it ned of life08:39
OERIASI just want to know ifI can upgrade the machine to 14.0408:40
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: bekks already told you08:40
lotuspsychjeOERIAS: there are tools enoug to backup your data and reinstall 14.04 fresh08:41
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brandonbartlotuspsychje that didnt help with my problem08:43
brandonbartI need to clear the hibernation flag08:43
bekksbrandonbart: So boot up windows, and shut it down correctly, instead hibernating it.08:44
brandonbartThat’s my problem08:44
brandonbartI cant launch windows08:44
brandonbartI am in ubuntu to fix boot loader to be able to access windows08:44
bekksbrandonbart: No recovery mode, etc.?08:44
lotuspsychjebrandonbart: sudo update-grub can do miracles sometimes08:44
=== nudoge is now known as NewNick
brandonbartNo recovery bekks08:45
brandonbartlotuspsychje that did not work08:45
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lotuspsychjebrandonbart: you cant enter gurb holding shift at boot?08:45
brandonbartgrub is corrupted as I formatted the partition where it was installed08:46
brandonbartso now whenever i boot my computer it goes into rescue mode08:46
brandonbartfrom which i cant do anything08:46
brandonbartI have been working on this for 5 hours straight08:47
brandonbartsolving one problem to attempt to solve the next08:47
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lotuspsychjebrandonbart: try to livecd of ubuntu and try to recover install from there?08:47
brandonbartI am trying to do that but i need to mount one of my partitions in order to install grub08:48
brandonbartbut I cant mount because of the hibernation issue08:48
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EriC^^brandonbart: why do you need to mount that partition?08:49
EriC^^brandonbart: ah it was hibernated using ubuntu?08:49
hyperderpPlease help i accidentally over wrote my windows partition08:49
lotuspsychje!recovery | brandonbart08:49
ubottubrandonbart: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode08:49
lotuspsychjehyperderp: you want to recover data?08:49
EriC^^hyperderp: install testdisk08:49
bekksEriC^^: Writing to that device will cause even more harm.08:50
hyperderpyes lotuspsychje08:50
hyperderpi need to recover data cause i failed08:50
EriC^^brandonbart: you can use grub on the live usb to boot the ubuntu installation that's hibernated08:50
lotuspsychjehyperderp: install testdisk as EriC^^ suggests, then sudo photorec after08:50
hyperderpit was a windows 7 partition08:50
brandonbartno no windows is hibernated08:50
brandonbartNot ubuntu08:50
EriC^^hyperderp: use a live usb to install testdisk and see if you can recover it08:50
EriC^^brandonbart: then that's irrelevant08:50
brandonbartbut i cant access windows08:51
hyperderpLuckily i have a bootable one already so lets brb EriC^^08:51
hyperderpcya soon08:51
uber_hulkIs it normal to have different file sizes in ext3 and vfat?08:51
EriC^^uber_hulk: yeah08:51
uber_hulkI copied from ext3 to vfat08:51
uber_hulkAnd sizes are changed08:51
uber_hulkHope i haven't lost any data08:51
uber_hulkEriC^^: that mens i haven't lost anything?08:52
EriC^^uber_hulk: did you use rsync?08:52
EriC^^it checksums the data08:52
uber_hulkEriC^^: i simply did cp -dpR08:52
uber_hulkAnd it was successful08:52
EriC^^uber_hulk: i think it's due to the file system difference, make sure though08:53
EriC^^i dont know for sure..08:53
uber_hulkBut file sizes are different08:53
EriC^^how big is the data?08:53
EriC^^maybe copy again with rsync?08:54
uber_hulk2 G08:54
uber_hulkEriC^^: never used rsync how does tis work?08:54
EriC^^rsync -av <source> <destination>08:54
lotuspsychjeuber_hulk: what kind of data has changed in size08:54
uber_hulkFolders that contains pictures08:55
EriC^^brandonbart: no need to access windows08:55
EriC^^brandonbart: you've lost grub and trying to reinstall grub?08:55
lotuspsychjeuber_hulk: maybe some dataloss?08:55
EriC^^bekks: what did you mean earlier?08:55
EriC^^bekks: about testdisk or brandonbart ?08:56
bekksEriC^^: Well, If he just installed ubuntu, install (writing) even more data to the device is he trying to recover will cause even more loss of data.08:56
uber_hulkOkay so after mountung i can use rsync to copy paste like rsync -iv source /mnt/usb?08:56
EriC^^bekks: ok08:56
lotuspsychjeive been able to recover data with photorec from far away ages, even after multiple reinstalls08:57
brandonbartEriC^^ I need to access windows in general08:57
brandonbartthat is my main goal08:57
uber_hulkEriC^^: ?08:57
brandonbartin order to do that I need to fix grub08:57
lotuspsychjeusing testdisk live as EriC^^ suggested might be best way08:57
hyperderpIm on live cd08:58
lotuspsychje!rsync | uber_hulk08:58
ubottuuber_hulk: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync08:58
hyperderpgot testdisk installed08:58
brandonbartin order to fix grub i need to type in these commands that mount temporary things to these partitions08:58
brandonbartin order to mount i cant have these hibernation flags08:58
EriC^^uber_hulk: rsync -av08:58
lotuspsychjebrandonbart: make your life easy and install ubuntu single :p08:59
EriC^^brandonbart: you dont need to mount the windows partition to reinstall grub08:59
brandonbartyes because grub is on there08:59
EriC^^hyperderp: sudo testdisk08:59
brandonbartand no i cant uninstall windows i have so much stuff on there08:59
hyperderpyea im doing that now EriC^^08:59
EriC^^hyperderp: do you have another hdd to transfer the data to?08:59
uber_hulkEriC^^: cool08:59
hyperderpEriC^^:  sadly no cause 2 hdd's died on me09:00
lotuspsychjebrandonbart: also recover your data with photorec on windows09:00
EriC^^hyperderp: as bekks suggested using the same hdd might cause data to be overwritten.. it's up to you09:00
hyperderpi only really need a certain file09:00
EriC^^hyperderp: ok09:00
hyperderpjust lets hope that i can recover it09:00
hyperderpmost of the disk will have linux partitioned on it now :(09:01
EriC^^you can probably recover it09:01
hyperderpI was like oh yea thats fine. then installed and i was like NO GOD DAMNIT09:01
hyperderpBrain didn't click on until i installed it lol09:01
EriC^^i recovered my whole recovery partition ( 18gb ) with testdisk and reinstall win8 with it09:01
hyperderponly 121600 things to go through lol09:02
uber_hulkEriC^^: can i own the /mnt /usb?09:02
EriC^^uber_hulk: yeah sudo chown user:group /mnt09:02
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hypermistI was using the nick hyperderp cause i derped :|09:03
EriC^^uber_hulk: wait, why?09:03
bekksEriC^^: AS yesterday, chown will not work on vfat :)09:03
* hypermist will leave this to do its thing09:03
=== MasterFascism is now known as Arbition
zacwallsHi I am trying to delete a ppa repo the nvidia launchpad but i cannot find the name of it. I found the repo name in sources.list.d and I tried to delete with the command sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:nvidia-vdpau-ubuntu-ppa-utopic/ppa but it did not work. What am i doing wrong?09:04
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uber_hulkEriC^^: gettig rsync chown /pictures/turkey failed operation not permitted09:04
=== MasterFascism is now known as Arbition
EriC^^hypermist: ok, did you press on no log, no log, pressed on the disk, then Intel ?09:04
EriC^^or analyze then intel ?09:04
EriC^^uber_hulk: use sudo with rsync09:05
EriC^^sudo rsync -av ....09:05
EriC^^bekks: good point09:05
EriC^^hypermist: it should only take 20 secs..09:05
uber_hulkEriC^^: yea still09:05
oalI installed a bunch of .ttf files from a Windows 7 in Ubuntu, and all of a sudden, some fonts are aliased (pixelized). I installed font-manager, but I can't find them there. How can i uninstall the fonts again?09:06
EriC^^hypermist: ( the quick search and deep search ) it probably wont find anything after the first 20 secs09:06
hypermistim doing deepsearch09:06
hypermist121600 things to through09:06
uber_hulkEriC^^: any workaround?09:06
EriC^^hypermist: are some partitions showing up?09:06
hypermistIts showing lots of linux atm EriC^^09:06
EriC^^uber_hulk: what's the exact error?09:06
hypermistthats only at 600009:07
EriC^^any other partitions at all?09:07
hypermistNot atm no09:07
hypermistShould i stop deep and just do quick ?09:07
uber_hulk2:34 PM <uber_hulk> EriC^^: getting rsync: chown "/pictures/turkey" failed operation not permitted09:07
EriC^^hypermist: no deep is fine09:07
hypermisti have 121600 things to go through xD09:08
bekksuber_hulk: you cannot use chown on vfat, which I told you yesterday already.09:08
hypermistso lets wait09:08
EriC^^hypermist: try pressing q until you get the intel gpt screen, and press gpt09:08
EriC^^hypermist: are you using gpt? type sudo parted -l and check if your disk partition table says gpt or msdos09:08
uber_hulkbekks: is that worrysome in sense of data loose?09:08
bekksuber_hulk: No.09:09
oalNever mind, I found the fonts.09:09
hypermistdo i need to open a new terminal EriC^^  ?09:09
EriC^^hypermist: yeah09:09
bekksuber_hulk: you just cant set permissions, which is irrelevant for you, as you said you dont care about permissions.09:09
hypermistEriC^^:  msdos09:09
EriC^^hypermist: ok09:09
hypermistluckily i only just installed linux09:09
uber_hulkBekks yep09:09
bekksuber_hulk: So why is this an issue again today? :)09:10
uber_hulkJust thought maybe the reason behind data loss09:10
MMN-oI'm having trouble updating my repositories on IPv6 (he.net). It is specifically the security.ubuntu.com repository (2001:67c:1562::... network). Works over IPv4, times out from IPv6 he.net (Stockholm node) and SixXS.09:11
MMN-oCan anyone replicate this issue? (I've done it at least two wildly different IPv6 networks).09:11
MMN-oI cannot ping6 the machines either.09:12
hypermistEriC^^:  est time for deep search ?09:12
hypermist:D good09:12
EriC^^hypermist: it takes a while, if nothing shows up there's also scrounge-ntfs09:13
hypermistlets just hope something does show up cause i have a bitcoin wallet in there EriC^^  lol09:13
EriC^^i've never used it before, so i can't attest to anything09:13
hypermistso far just lots of linux09:14
hypermistEriC^^:  do you know if shows Windows or MSDOS ?09:15
zacwallsHow can i open files in terminal?09:15
nmz787zacwalls: open a text file09:15
nmz787or run a binary?09:15
hypermistEriC^^:  and im transitioning from windows to linux so :D09:15
nmz787if ./yourfile doesn't work, try chmod +x yourfile09:16
nmz787then ./yourfile09:16
EriC^^hypermist: it should show ntfs i think09:16
zacwallsnmz787 I am trying to delete a ppa repo and I am failing09:16
nmz787(chmod +x add the execute permission to a file)09:16
hypermistEriC^^:  ah okay09:16
EriC^^hypermist: i'm checking out scrounge-ntfs seems promising09:16
hypermistAs long as something recovers it i will be happy09:16
zacwallsnm787 Wat09:16
EriC^^hypermist: it seems to want the start sector and end sector and has a cool feature where you can save the list of files for it to recover later reliably if it has to09:17
EriC^^hypermist: do you have a sudo fdisk -l that you did recently?09:17
hypermistEriC^^:  :o09:17
EriC^^i think that could help immensely09:17
hypermistEriC^^:  what you mean ?09:17
EriC^^did you pastebin sudo fdisk -l by any chance?09:17
hypermistnope i didn't09:17
hypermistdo you want me to EriC^^  ?09:18
hypermistthis was just like a fresh install on ubuntu today. like literally 1hr30min ago09:19
hypermistSo i havent used ubuntu since i installed it09:19
uber_hulkEriC^^: some files/attrs were not transferred (code 23)09:20
uber_hulkRsync error that is ^09:21
EriC^^uber_hulk: did you use sudo with rsync?09:21
EriC^^uber_hulk: what's the exact command you used?09:21
uber_hulkYes i did09:21
bekksuber_hulk: permissions were not transferred....09:21
EriC^^yeah ^09:21
bekksSameas yesterday. :)09:21
hypermistEriC^^:  did you want me to pastebin my fdisk -l ?09:22
uber_hulkSudo rsync -av pictures/turkey /mnt/usb09:22
EriC^^hypermist: sure why not09:22
uber_hulkbekks: yeah09:22
uber_hulkBut this error is different09:22
uber_hulkSome *files* it says09:22
bekksuber_hulk: No. It says: "some files/xattrs".09:23
hypermisthttp://pastebin.com/gAGcVgY1 EriC^^  i have a usb so yea thats for my livecd. but you can see my other above09:23
EriC^^uber_hulk: it's odd that it says chown /picture/turkey operation not permitted09:23
cfhowlettuber_hulk, msdos/fat32 does save file permissions on CP09:23
bekkscfhowlett: No on vfat.09:23
bekkscfhowlett: vfat cant store permissions at all.09:23
uber_hulk2:50 PM <uber_hulk> EriC^^: some files/attrs were not transferred (code 23)09:23
uber_hulkSo it is also for permission?09:23
cynicalanylaptops ubuntu pre-installed?09:23
uber_hulkOr i am really loosing sth?09:23
bekksuber_hulk: permissions are "attr".09:24
cfhowlettcynical, dozens09:24
EriC^^uber_hulk: hold on09:24
zacwallsnmz787; I tried to rm -i the file and was successful, but there is another and im not having the same luck with this one09:24
hypermistEriC^^:  does the fdisk -l help you at all ?09:25
cfhowlettcynical, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/09:25
hypermist18% done on the deep search EriC^^  lol09:26
zacwallsrm: remove regular empty file: What does that mean?09:26
venzwhy does unity hang when i minimize firefox?09:26
bekkszacwalls: that you are trying to remove an empty file, which is not a special file.09:26
zacwallsbekks, How can I get rid of these ppa?09:27
bekkszacwalls: Which PPA?09:27
bekkszacwalls: what era you actually trying to do?09:27
zacwallsnvidia launchpad or something09:27
EriC^^uber_hulk: src=/pictures/turkey; dst=/mnt/usb; find $src -exec md5sum '{}' >> ~/tmp/md5 \;; sed -i "s@$src@$dst@" ~/tmp/md5; md5sum -c ~/tmp/md5 | grep -i failed09:28
bekkszacwalls: thats too vage, unfortunately. Whats the actuall issue behind all that?09:28
zacwallsbekks; remove these ppa's cuz i can no insyall anything09:28
EriC^^uber_hulk: type that, if you dont get any failed lines then the md5's match and all the data should be there09:28
bekkszacwalls: why cant you install anything?09:28
uber_hulkEriC^^: this will check md5?09:29
EriC^^uber_hulk: yeah09:29
zacwallsbekks, Because the ppa09:29
zacwallsbekks, I think09:29
hypermistEriC^^:  this deep search may take hours..09:29
EriC^^hypermist: yeah09:29
EriC^^hypermist: it's odd that it doesn't show up right away09:29
bekkszacwalls: Thats an assumption only. What happens when you try to install something?09:29
hypermistwhat that one you were talking about mabye it will be faster and find it09:30
bekkszacwalls: And which Ubuntu are you on, exactly?09:30
EriC^^hypermist: type apt-cache search recover partition09:30
EriC^^hypermist: it's a list of recovery programs09:30
zacwallsbekks, Im on unicorn and I get the try apt-get -r install09:30
uber_hulkEriC^^: cool09:30
hypermistEriC^^:  ah i see im just gunna try do a quick scan09:31
EriC^^hypermist: try photorec, sudo photorec09:31
bekkszacwalls: and whats the entire, full, unchanged output of that command? Put it into a pastebin and provide the URL in here please.09:31
EriC^^hypermist: i get most of the stuff in deep search, but it comes up in the first few seconds09:31
hypermistEriC^^:  does that recover files or photos   /09:31
bekkshypermist: files.09:31
EriC^^hypermist: i think so09:31
EriC^^hypermist: both i think09:31
hypermisti will install that in a sec then09:32
bekksphotos are files, too.09:32
EriC^^it's already installed, it's installed with testdisk09:32
hypermistOh okay09:32
hypermistEriC^^:  doing it now09:33
EriC^^uber_hulk: sorry drop the ~ before /tmp/md509:34
hypermistuhm EriC^^  it started saving09:35
hypermistand it filled the usb09:35
EriC^^is that good?09:35
hypermistno cause it didn't get it all09:35
EriC^^ah i see09:36
EriC^^i tried it here09:36
EriC^^you can't browse for the file09:36
hypermistI noticed09:36
EriC^^ok, press on file options at the bottom09:36
hypermistwhat do you mean and where ?09:37
zacwallsbekks, pc died. sorry09:37
EriC^^where you select the partition there's File Opt at the bottom09:37
hypermisti don't see are you able to get a me screenshot ?09:38
hypermistunless i may have found it but to be sure i will get an image to confirm09:39
hypermistah alright yep im there09:39
EriC^^ok press on s to disable all files09:40
hypermistyep done that EriC^^09:40
EriC^^what's the file type?09:40
hypermistthe file im trying to recover is a .dat09:41
hypermistim going to need to delete the files that were just stored on the usb EriC^^09:41
hypermistlol i can't09:42
EriC^^you need sudo09:42
hypermistso i would just to sudo rm recup*09:42
hypermistis that correct ?09:42
EriC^^rm if it's all in one dir yeah09:42
EriC^^are those dirs or files?09:42
EriC^^rm -r if they are dirs09:43
EriC^^ok :D09:43
hypermistso im guessing i scroll down the list to dat09:43
EriC^^yeah select dat09:43
hypermisthow lol ?09:43
hypermistpressingenter ?09:44
hypermistpressing enter *09:44
EriC^^use the right arrow09:44
hypermistdone that EriC^^  now09:44
hypermistwhat next lol ?09:44
EriC^^press on search09:46
hypermistso go back09:46
hypermistand then hit search ?09:46
EriC^^i dont think it's going to work though09:46
* hypermist hope this works09:46
hypermisti will know if it works09:46
EriC^^i just tried creating a file bla.dat and tried to recover it from a fat partition09:47
EriC^^i think it looks at the header of the file not the extension09:47
EriC^^hypermist: what kind of file is it?09:47
hypermistits a wallet.dat file09:47
EriC^^ill try with a .7z09:48
bekksThe good old bitcoin wallet? :)09:48
hypermistbekks:  an altcoin09:48
hypermisti have 0.05btc worth of it :|09:48
hypermistEstimated time to completion 2h09:49
* hypermist has no life anyway09:50
bekksHmm, thats about 10€. Spent 4 hours for recovering, thats 2.50€/h :)09:50
hypermistwhich its like 20NZD09:50
hypermistI need it D;09:51
EriC^^hypermist: it looks at the file header09:51
EriC^^i just put a mp3 and deleted the extension09:51
EriC^^it found it, didn't find the .dat file though09:51
hypermistthats not good09:51
EriC^^it think .dat is a IE archive file or something09:51
EriC^^odd that you can't browse the files yourself..09:51
hypermistif only09:52
EriC^^there are other file recovery programs though09:52
hypermistthe scrouage-ntfs you said09:52
EriC^^hypermist: hey,09:54
hypermistYello ?09:54
EriC^^scroll down to the bottom, there's text files09:54
EriC^^i think it's just any random text file09:54
hypermistwhere ?09:54
EriC^^at the bottom below tx?09:55
hypermisttx ?09:55
EriC^^other text files09:55
hypermistis that in the file options ?09:55
uber_hulkEriC^^: that commands not working09:55
EriC^^uber_hulk: what do you mean?09:55
hypermistuber_hulk:  did you remove the ~ ?09:55
uber_hulkNo i haven't removed ~09:56
uber_hulkThink missed that09:56
hypermistScroll up a little09:56
finishingmoveI'm moving my encrypted home dir to a new computer where it will not be encrypted. Is copying via an USB flash drive going to do the trick, or is there something to be aware of?09:56
EriC^^uber_hulk: remove the ~ before /tmp/md509:56
uber_hulkOnly that one?09:56
uber_hulkAnd keep the other ~?09:57
hypermistthats alot of text files EriC^^  lol09:57
hypermist60k+ and counting09:57
EriC^^unnamed i guess?09:57
EriC^^uber_hulk: yes in all the /tmp/md509:58
hypermist87k and still going09:58
EriC^^hypermist: do you have another .dat09:58
megalodenhello guys09:58
uber_hulkEriC^^: can you please paste again?09:58
megalodeni want a linux system admin job09:58
EriC^^there's the custom signature option09:58
megalodenwhere do i start09:58
hypermistEriC^^:  i do have backsups of that dat. but it was on that hdd09:59
uber_hulkI am getting md5sumturkey: no such file or directry09:59
EriC^^uber_hulk: something's wrong with the command10:00
EriC^^paste exactly what you used10:00
hypermist107k .txt files10:00
hypermistand still going10:00
hypermisthmm thats alot of text files10:00
EriC^^hypermist: i think it has an option to use any file's header10:00
hypermistEriC^^:  its mostly found .txt and .js files lel10:00
EriC^^hypermist: hey, there's a wallet bitcoin option10:01
uber_hulksrc=/pictures/turkey; dst=/mnt/usb; find $src -exec md5sum '{}' >> ~/tmp/md5 \;; sed -i "s@$src@$dst@" ~/tmp/md5; md5sum -c ~/tmp/md5 | grep -i failed10:01
hypermistthere is EriC^^  ?10:01
uber_hulkWith ~ removed10:01
EriC^^but it says the extension is wallet ?10:01
hypermistmabye it is10:01
EriC^^uber_hulk: paste the one you're using10:01
Nytrammegaloden It helps to have a recognised qualification in Linux from one of the big boys like Ubuntu, Suse, Redhat etc, or go for LPI https://www.lpi.org/10:01
uber_hulksrc=/pictures/turkey; dst=/mnt/usb; find $src -exec md5sum '{}' >> /tmp/md5 \;; sed -i "s@$src@$dst@" /tmp/md5; md5sum -c /tmp/md5 | grep -i failed10:02
hypermisti will try it with the. wallet thing EriC^^10:02
EriC^^uber_hulk: ok, use > instead of >>10:02
EriC^^hypermist: ok10:03
hypermistlets see if it finds anything10:03
hypermisti removed all the other extensions EriC^^10:04
hypermistso its just scanning for the wallet10:04
EriC^^ok, cool10:04
hypermistWell i guess afk EriC^^  lol10:05
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hypermisti have 2hrs of my life to waste so why not EriC^^  :D10:07
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deestewanyone got a fix for kodi? start up crash issues10:10
hypermistNothing yet EriC^^10:12
=== erry_ is now known as erry
EriC^^hypermist: this is really cool http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/Add_your_own_extension_to_PhotoRec10:13
EriC^^hypermist: if you can make another bitcoin file you might be able to use it's header to search for the other10:14
hypermisti would need to download and install the wallet EriC^^10:14
hypermistwhich i can do10:14
EriC^^hypermist: any random bitcoin .dat will do, you just need them to have consistent headers10:14
hypermisti downloaded one EriC^^10:18
hypermistshould i restart search EriC^^  ?10:18
=== YamakasY_ is now known as YamakasY
hypermistEriC^^:  guess what10:21
hypermisti did the command to see if it was identified10:21
hypermistit reported unknown so its not looking ofr it EriC^^10:22
EriC^^ok cool10:22
EriC^^sorry im back10:22
EriC^^do the hexdump -C10:23
hypermistdone that EriC^^10:27
hypermistnow waht10:27
EriC^^what's the header like?10:27
hypermistwant me to pastebin EriC^^  ?10:29
hypermistUsing a text editor (ie. notepad, vim...), create the signature file and add the signature you have identified.  EriC^^10:36
hypermistwhat does that mean10:36
hypermistadd the signature you have identified10:36
hypermistdoes that mean my hex ?10:36
kubancJov, a se kdo tuki spozna na openVPN, oziroma se je že kdaj povezoval na to preko Ubuntu?10:37
hypermistwait NVM EriC^^10:37
hypermistidk what to do EriC^^10:38
EriC^^hypermist: i found this https://blog.cyplo.net/2012/04/01/bitcoin-wallet-recovery-photorec/10:38
LockziHello, I am trying to get an X11 grabber working as a service. The upstart script looks like this: http://pastebin.com/raw?i=7U00ZX5b10:39
LockziI have come to the realization that root does not have knowledge/access about the X11 session running (no environment variables set), so I added export DISPLAY=:0:0, which should then in turn use unix socket to the X11 session. But that is not working either. There is no specific need for me to be running this as root, I could just as well run it as my default user. How would I do that instead so that it inherits the profile/environment of 10:40
Lockzidefault user?10:40
hypermisti would need the coin im looking for wallet.dat EriC^^10:41
hypermisthow do i change a files permissions10:42
Nytramhypermist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chmod10:44
hypermistNot very much i just did that lel10:44
Naotocan't write dvds and cds all of a sudden need help10:44
hypermistJust before you posted i found the wiki for the file Nytram  :D10:45
NytramNaoto you need to post any error messages and be a little more descriptive in what is/is not happening10:45
Naotois shown as block device and K3b shows error message by start, no device found10:46
Naotoand in brasero I can only choose to create an image10:46
NytramYour DvD writer is not mounted?10:47
cfhowlett!cn | pengyq10:47
ubottupengyq: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw10:47
NytramCan you accesws a dvd through dolphin etc?10:47
EriC^^hypermist: i'm trying that guide out10:48
EriC^^hypermist: trying to convert the bitcoin header you sent to a file10:48
=== calcmandan_ is now known as calcmandan
Naotowenn I start Laufwerke (name in German) the DVD device is shown as Block device and not as CD/DVD device10:48
NaotoI can access the dvd via Nautilus10:49
Naotobut not use the burning programms they don't find the device10:50
bekksNaoto: Are you sure you have burning device, and not just a reader?10:50
Naotoyes of cause, I burned cds and dvds a few days ago10:51
EriC^^hypermist: ah ok they're basically doing the same, but they want you to add the list of file10:51
EriC^^hypermist: did you know what to do?10:51
EriC^^( the list that the command file uses )10:51
hypermistEriC^^:  uhm. i need to uhm find out how to find hidden dir's10:51
NytramGo to K3b Settings/configure k3b/devices and see what it says there.10:51
bekkshypermist: ls -la :)10:51
EriC^^this is the header we found using hexdump -C , dat 0x0 0x6231050010:51
hypermistbekks:  i need to access it myself10:51
EriC^^it's the same you gave in the pastebin10:51
bekkshypermist: And?10:52
hypermistEriC^^:  it wont be cause it will be a neoscoin10:52
zacwallsbekks, How can I delete the ppa repo10:52
EriC^^hypermist: that's for all coins i think10:52
EriC^^hypermist: it's from the list on that webpage, and it's in your hexdump too10:52
NaotoIt says writer device none ...read-only device none10:52
NytramBut you can read dvd's with nautilus?10:53
hypermistyea that wallet .dat is very different for this coin EriC^^10:53
Naotoand the start dialog is: No optical drive found.10:53
NaotoK3b did not find any optical device in your system10:53
EriC^^hypermist: it's the same10:53
hypermistEriC^^:  oh it is.10:53
hypermistmy god i forgot to add | head10:53
hypermistso it spammed me out lol!10:53
Naotoyes when I enter a dvd it shows up in nautilus like a harddrive partition and I can copy files from the cd/dvd to my harddrive10:54
zacwallsHow can I open a file in terminal?10:55
hypermistcan you give me your .photorec.sig file EriC^^  cause idk how to do D:10:56
NytramNaoto what does this return in a terminal? wodim --devices10:56
EriC^^hypermist: type nano ~/.photorec.sig10:57
NytramSorry I'm slow... trying to cook at the same time10:57
hypermistEriC^^:  yep done that10:57
EriC^^then paste all the dat 0x 0x ... stuff10:57
EriC^^the whole list10:57
Naotomithos@mithos-desktop:~$ wodim --devices10:57
Naotowodim: No such file or directory.10:57
NaotoCannot open SCSI driver!10:57
NaotoFor possible targets try 'wodim --devices' or 'wodim -scanbus'.10:57
NaotoFor possible transport specifiers try 'wodim dev=help'.10:57
NaotoFor IDE/ATAPI devices configuration, see the file README.ATAPI.setup from10:57
hypermist00002000  00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  these EriC^^  ?10:58
EriC^^!paste | Naoto10:58
ubottuNaoto: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:58
EriC^^hypermist: no, the ones like dat 0x0 0x6231050010:58
EriC^^from that webpage10:58
hypermisti do see any of that10:58
hypermisti was like waht10:58
NytramNaoto I have to get back to the kitchen, but have a look at this forum page, it may help. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36366611:00
hypermistalright it worked EriC^^11:00
Naotothx I'll try that11:00
hypermistnow time to start scan again EriC^^11:00
EriC^^hypermist: fidentify ?11:00
hypermistyep EriC^^  it worked11:00
EriC^^hypermist: ok, cool11:01
NytramThat'll only confirm that you can use uit via the commabnd line.11:01
hypermist2 headers found EriC^^11:01
NytramGot to go. Have fun all.11:01
hypermistno files yet but 2 headers11:01
EriC^^i think it means it found 2 files11:02
hypermist6/10 headers11:02
EriC^^hypermist: open your home dir in another terminal11:02
EriC^^and check it out11:02
CtrlCHi guys, I can't get any sounds in Ubuntu. I'm using Gnome version 3.10.411:03
hypermistit doesn't look like there is anything new EriC^^11:04
EriC^^maybe it writes them when it's done11:04
CtrlCAny suggestion?11:04
sivarajplease help me to install wine 1.7.3 tar.tz2 in ubuntu 14.0411:04
hypermistEriC^^:  2hr26mins to go then11:04
EriC^^hypermist: try pressing q11:04
EriC^^to see if it writes anything11:04
EriC^^its worth it11:04
hypermistnothing wrote11:04
hypermistits now finding files EriC^^11:05
NaotoIt didn'work I already have the latest Version of dvd+rw tools11:05
hypermistI will just listen to music11:06
hypermisttto pass time11:06
sivarajplease help me to install ,downloaded wine 1.7.3 tar.tz2 in ubuntu 14.0411:06
Naotoand when I open  "less /etc/fstab" there is no such line about sr0 or dev/cd... only the harddrive partitions ara shown11:07
CtrlCsivaraj: It has a readme file in it.11:07
hypermistlets hope it finds it EriC^^11:07
hypermistif it does there im 20$ richer11:07
hypermistagain :D11:07
jattsivaraj: why not install it from the archives?11:07
CtrlCsivaraj: Anyway it is better to use repoes for install this things.11:07
sivaraji want to study his type pf installation11:08
sivaraji need ur help..11:08
Naotois there nobody who can help?11:08
CtrlCsivaraj: Just read it's manual. All we can do is to just tell you what is in that manual. So save yourself some time.;)11:09
jattbrings nothing just headaches if the packages is already available in the archives11:09
NaotoK3b error no device found. can't use my dvd writer11:10
=== nha_ is now known as nha
Naotostill can access dvds via nautilus11:10
Naotoplease help!11:12
TzunamiiNaoto: If you don't get any hits here you should post your issue on the forums11:13
uber_hulkEriC^^: you there?11:13
uber_hulkIf that command doesn't show any output that mens everythjng is fine?11:13
ThumbtackJakeAnyone know how to update virtual box? I'm on Kubuntu 14.04. It's version 4.3.10, but I need to upgrade to 4.3.20 so I can install the latest extension files11:13
NaotoI posted in ubuntuusers.de but get no answer since yesterday :/11:13
sivarajwhat is this "You need to have the X11 development include files installed"11:14
TzunamiiNaoto: if you want to maximize your chances you should post it on a English speaking forum, mate11:14
Naototzunamii thank you, where should I try?11:14
TzunamiiNaoto: http://ubuntuforums.org/ is a good bet.11:15
NaotoTzunamii thank you I will try11:15
TzunamiiAny time11:15
MrN00Bsnrdb, Is there any restriction of internet in AU ?11:17
ThumbtackJake'sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.3' tells me the package is not available, but is refrred to by another package'. The heck does that mean?11:18
lotuspsychjeThumbtackJake: you can use apt-cache search virtualbox for the right package11:19
lotuspsychje!find virtualbox11:20
ubottuFound: unity-scope-virtualbox, virtualbox, virtualbox-dbg, virtualbox-dkms, virtualbox-guest-additions-iso, virtualbox-guest-dkms, virtualbox-guest-source, virtualbox-guest-utils, virtualbox-guest-x11, virtualbox-qt (and 1 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=virtualbox&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all11:20
hypermistthis is gunna be the longest wait ever EriC^^  lol11:20
nrdbMrN00Bs, not really but to get high speed > adsl2 is a real pain.11:20
lotuspsychjehypermist: whats the issue mate11:20
hypermistlotuspsychje:  oh just trying to recover my bitcoin wallet since i overwrote it with linux lol11:21
lotuspsychjehypermist: did you try recover data with photorec?11:21
hypermistyea thats what im doing now11:21
lotuspsychjehypermist: can take a while with large drives indeed11:22
hypermistest time for completion 2hrs45min11:22
hypermistand its a 1tb hdd11:22
MrN00Bsnrdb, ok thanks for information11:22
lotuspsychjehypermist: that explains it :p11:22
hypermistmy brain didn't think till i did it11:22
lotuspsychjehypermist: the good news is, if photorec can't find it data is gone :p11:23
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hypermistlotuspsychje:  its not good that  was 20$+ worth of coin11:23
hypermistit should be there.11:23
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hypermisti didn't use it after i installed it11:24
lotuspsychjehypermist: i mean that photorec should find it in most cases11:24
hypermistyea i just had to add it myself lotuspsychje11:24
nrdbMrN00Bs, why are you interested?11:24
hypermistcause wallet.dat arent detected by default11:24
hypermistso. yea i had to do some stuff to make it detect11:24
lotuspsychjehypermist: i think photorec will name it file00354.dat or something11:25
DarthEaron2does anyone know were i can ask wifi related questions?11:25
lotuspsychjehypermist: browse into your recovered folder11:25
hypermistlotuspsychje:  nah if i did the fidentify wallet.dat it would say unkown :D11:25
MrN00Bsnrdb, Spying purposes, sorry can't tell, its classified11:25
hypermistso i had to make a .photorec.sig file :D and now it detected it was a .dat11:25
Jensitmaybe we can help you DarthEaron211:25
lotuspsychjehypermist: normally it will find all data, even when you didnt specified the extension11:25
hypermistlotuspsychje:  i did that the thing11:25
hypermistbut it wouldn't detect it by default11:26
hypermistso :D11:26
lotuspsychjeok good11:26
=== hypermist is now known as `hypermist`
`hypermist`don't mind me just changing my nick ;D11:27
`hypermist`by the time this is finished im going to re-try my gpu since i was having issues11:27
DarthEaron2Jensit: okay, i live in a dorm area and we use an unencrypted wireless network to get everyone online. the problem is that every single router uses the same exact ESSID (lets say Free_Wifi) when i run airodump i can see multiple free_wifi under sever different macs. How can i tell my computer which mac to perfer? it keeps bouncing between multiple access points and cant keep a cnonection going11:28
`hypermist`and the thing is. its gunna be hard to do xD11:28
lotuspsychje!info macchanger | DarthEaron211:28
ubottuDarthEaron2: macchanger (source: macchanger): utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.7.0-1.1 (utopic), package size 182 kB, installed size 641 kB (Only available for linux-any)11:28
DarthEaron2lol oh ubottu, your so smart!!!11:29
Jensitdamn that bot is smart :D11:29
DarthEaron2"only available for linux-any" lol11:29
EriC^DarthEaron2: what do you mean by tell your computer which access point?11:30
lotuspsychjeDarthEaron2: you can ask more info to the ##networking guys also howto simplifie your issue11:30
theadminEriC^: Multiple access point sharing the same SSID are problematic, it keeps bouncing between different points11:31
theadminI think Windows has the same issue, dunno though11:31
EriC^they all have no password?11:31
DarthEaron2EriC^: well i want to tell my computer which reouter mac to use (whichever has best signal)11:31
JensitEriC^: they can all emit the same network11:32
EriC^DarthEaron2: go to network manager's edit connection11:32
uber_hulk  EriC^ if everything is okay it will show no output?11:33
EriC^click on the connection, click edit, then under bssid you should be able to select the access point's mac11:33
`hypermist`https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=000al7ru3ms bitcoin and all these days even doge EriC^  ;D11:33
EriC^uber_hulk: yes11:33
lotuspsychje`hypermist`: you can use the #bitcoin channel also if you like11:34
`hypermist`lotuspsychje:  i know :P11:35
EriC^`hypermist`: lol11:36
EriC^cool dog11:36
`hypermist`EriC^:  :D its dogecoin :311:37
`hypermist`2hr12min to go11:40
`hypermist`still only 11files11:40
clausenwhat is the "correct" way to edit files in /etc, so that changes don't get deleted on upgrades, etc.?11:43
lotuspsychjeclausen: wich file you trying to edit exactly?11:44
clausenlotuspsychje, lots of them: /etc/apparmor.d/* /etc/udev/* and many others11:44
zacwallsHow can i add a new user to sudoers list11:44
Ben64zacwalls: add said user to the "sudo" group11:45
`hypermist`EriC^:  i hopefully if i recover it. i wont do that again Lol11:45
szxanybody knows how to fix the not a valid com32r image error?11:45
zacwallsben64; Yes, how?11:45
szxwhen booting from a live usb11:45
lotuspsychje!apparmor | clausen maybe some info here11:45
ubottuclausen maybe some info here: For information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor11:45
Ben64zacwalls: sudo adduser <username> sudo11:45
arcskyanyone know a working howto to tightvnc server on ubuntu?11:46
clausenlotuspsychje, I guess I was asking a more general question: since I routinely edit many files inside /etc (and elsewhere, e.g. /usr/share/initramfs/*)...11:46
lotuspsychje`hypermist`: photorec will be your best bet11:46
`hypermist`lotuspsychje:  i know11:46
clausenlotuspsychje, ... is there a general rule about what will and won't get deleted?11:46
lotuspsychjearcsky: tightvnc isnt reccomended to use for security issues11:46
clausenlotuspsychje, e.g. if I create a new file, that is safe, but if I edit a packaged file, then that is dangerous?11:46
lotuspsychje!vnc | arcsky11:46
ubottuarcsky: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX11:46
paradisebunnyi accidentally deleted my printer, and now when i add it again it doesnt work any more. already tried adding it via CUPS interface, but still no success. worked like a charm before11:47
clausenlotuspsychje, I suppose this is a Debian policy question11:47
arcskylotuspsychje: its just local on my home network11:47
lotuspsychjearcsky: is your local network connected to internet also?11:48
arcskylotuspsychje: yes11:48
lotuspsychjearcsky: then its still a danger to use11:48
arcskynot if i dont have he port open for my WAN connection11:48
lotuspsychjearcsky: just be carefull with remote software11:48
arcskyon private addresses, you drunked?11:49
lotuspsychjearcsky: try ssh instead for more secure working11:49
arcskyits local machiens network11:49
lotuspsychjearcsky: you can do what you like mate, im just informing11:50
arcskynothing new for me11:50
clausenarcsky, if someone hijacks your web browser, they could break out of the javascript jail by using this service?11:50
EriC^`hypermist`: haha yeah11:51
lotuspsychjeclausen: whats your endgoal exactly with the editing /etc etc11:51
clausenlotuspsychje, I make pretty drastic changes to ubuntu for security reasons11:51
`hypermist`EriC^:  this is why you should really think before you do things :|11:52
lotuspsychje!security > clausen think there's an aparmor link there also11:52
ubottuclausen, please see my private message11:52
clausenlotuspsychje, I want to make sure that my security "enhancements" don't get deleted by Ubuntu updates11:53
clausenlotuspsychje, this isn't just about security updates -- any kind of update could potentially undo my work11:53
lotuspsychjeclausen: well i think that depends what exactly your editing11:53
DocPlatypusok. weird situation I have here with Banshee. one album in particular, if I try to add it, it completely mucks up the play queue. that actual album is added in the wrong order, and then albums added after it go in the wrong order, and the place in the play queue gets mixed up as well11:53
DocPlatypusthe only thing slightly unusual about my setup now is I have .config/banshee-1 linked to an external drive with my music so I can play it on both laptop and desktop and share the same database. but this situation happened on the laptop, just now, without having been switched to/from the desktop recently.11:54
clausenlotuspsychje, so there is no general rule?  I was hoping this would be a general rule: *new* files that I create are never deleted11:54
DocPlatypus(guessing there's probably a Banshee channel somewhere that I don't know about that someone will refer me to)11:54
clausenlotuspsychje, the only changes that can be destroyed are ones in files that were installed in the system11:55
lotuspsychjeclausen: try to pastebin us a specific changement in a dir, to show us an example11:55
lotuspsychjeclausen: maybe someone will understand where you going to this way11:55
clausenlotuspsychje, ok11:56
wdonkeymorning people of the sun !!!!!11:56
wdonkeyi just plugged in an old hdd and i cant access to one of its partition, says access denied11:56
wdonkeyhow can i work arround this ?11:56
lotuspsychjewdonkey: try gksudo gparted11:57
EriC^`hypermist`: happens to us all11:57
`hypermist`*suuure :P *11:57
lotuspsychje!alis > DocPlatypus11:58
ubottuDocPlatypus, please see my private message11:58
clausenlotuspsychje, http://pastebin.com/tqpytTTB is an example11:58
clausenlotuspsychje, this script makes sure that update-initramfs will copy the udev rules from /etc/udev/rules.d/* onto the initramfs image during boot time11:59
clausenlotuspsychje, I want to make sure that this script will not be disabled when I update, say, initramfs-tools, or the kernel11:59
lotuspsychjeclausen: and you want to know if ubuntu updates will wipe this?11:59
clausenlotuspsychje, exactly11:59
wdonkeylotuspsychje, the partition doesnt seem to be broken or anything, how can i suppress the access requirement in gparted?12:00
`hypermist`EriC^:  will it be named something weird or wallet.dat ?12:01
lotuspsychjeclausen: maybe this can help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/297412/how-do-i-make-udev-rules-work12:02
wdonkeygot it lotuspsychje12:03
lotuspsychje`hypermist`: i think it will create a file4532.dat12:03
lotuspsychjewdonkey: no sweat mate12:03
`hypermist`okay lotuspsychje12:03
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EriC^`hypermist`: something random i guess12:03
Guest57661i am setting up ubuntu maas in vitual environment using ubuntu maas but i keep getting stuck at node enlistment process ; it says IP-Config: no response after 60 secs - giving up12:03
wdonkeyim still sleeping this morning12:03
Guest57661plz help12:03
lotuspsychje!maas | Guest5766112:03
ubottuGuest57661: Metal as a Service is a dynamic server provisioning service for scalability. See more about it at https://maas.ubuntu.com.12:03
`hypermist`est left EriC^  1hr44m12:04
Guest57661ubottu: actually i am trying openstack setup using maas and juju12:04
ubottuGuest57661: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:04
clausenlotuspsychje, no, that link is just how to use udev, not how to install udev rules inside initramfs12:05
lotuspsychjeclausen: ok, then im out of ideas mate :p12:05
clausenlotuspsychje, anyway, my question is more general -- an answer that only solves my udev/initramfs problems isn't very helpful12:05
clausenlotuspsychje, I'm asking a *policy* question: what rules do debian packages respect?12:05
DocPlatypuslotuspsychje: searched for *banshee* and no joy12:05
clausenlotuspsychje, perhaps I should be reading the debian package maintainer policy manuals?12:06
Guest57661ubottu: i have tried maas before in kvm it worked well, but now i need to do it in virtualbox any suggestions ; where i may be goin wrong12:06
ubottuGuest57661: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:06
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: yeah, dindt find any banshee channel myself, did you try vlc player?12:06
lotuspsychjeclausen: maybe the #ubuntu-devel guys are more expert in this?12:06
clausenlotuspsychje, good suggestion, thanks12:06
DocPlatypuslotuspsychje: VLC player isn't really useful for what I'm doing12:06
Guest57661help with node enlistment in virtualbox : IP-Config: no response after 60 secs - giving up is the error i get after pxe booting up12:07
lotuspsychjecofeetime here :p12:07
theone1people, i keep using transmission bittorrent and it keeps pausing the torrents or not downloading, what is going on? what can be the issue? i have enough space in my HDD and my internet is pritty fast and i there are enough seeders12:12
david_theone1: get vuze theone112:12
DocPlatypusare there that many Banshee users left on Ubuntu now that the default appears to have once again gone back to Rhythmbox?12:13
david_sudo apt-get install vuze12:13
EriC^`hypermist`: kind of odd that testdisk couldn't find any ntfs partitions12:13
ActionParsnipDocPlatypus: default doesn’t mean a great deal12:13
`hypermist`vuze #besttorrentclient12:13
EriC^`hypermist`: photorec and testdisk are made by the same company12:13
`hypermist`EriC^:  lol mabye its fully gone :|12:13
DocPlatypusI can't stand Vuze, then again I have had zero issues with Transmission12:13
`hypermist`#potatoes ActionParsnip  :P12:14
DocPlatypusother than things that are clearly my own damn fault12:14
EriC^`hypermist`: are you choosing ntfs fat etc. in photorec?12:14
theone1thanks guys, will try vuze12:14
binaryanomalyCan someone explain me why I'm having two sizes of cursors with unity on a macbook pro. In unity itself the cursor is tiny, in applications such as firefox the cursor has a normal size. Why's that, how can I fix it?12:14
EriC^`hypermist`: cause it did recover files12:14
`hypermist`I don't even know EriC^  i think im choosing ext4,etc12:14
EriC^`hypermist`: ?12:14
ActionParsnip`hypermist`: why don't you use your backups?12:14
`hypermist`ActionParsnip:  what backups12:14
EriC^`hypermist`: you have to choose ntfs fat etc. for windows partitions12:14
`hypermist`that was the first mistake12:14
`hypermist`one sec EriC^12:15
ActionParsnip`hypermist`: ok why don't you have backups? If the drive IDE or motor fails, where is your data?12:15
`hypermist`ActionParsnip: i was upgrading from windows to linux12:15
DocPlatypusI made a ridiculous number of backups on the upgrades/installs I did recently... I backed up stuff I probably will never need12:15
`hypermist`and after i did the isntall i realised ActionParsnip12:15
DocPlatypusincluding the entirety of my OpenBSD install12:15
`hypermist`EriC^:  i chose ex2/ex312:16
`hypermist`ext3 *12:16
`hypermist`Mabye i should choose other12:16
`hypermist`cause that says NTFS12:16
ActionParsnip`hypermist`: you should still have backups. Especially before making such a massive change to the system12:16
EriC^DocPlatypus: i have my stuff backed up on an ext hdd i wrote a little script to check if it's mounted and back stuff up12:16
david_do yall like artistx distro?12:16
`hypermist`ActionParsnip:  I have nothing to backup to :|12:16
EriC^( after i inadvertently erased my home dir a couple times )12:16
* `hypermist` stops recovery12:16
EriC^as they say, there are those who have backups, and those who will.12:16
`hypermist`life is getting thinner12:16
ActionParsnip`hypermist`: what spec is the system?12:16
DocPlatypusEriC^: I had an incident on my new-to-me laptop where the system install ate it but /home was okay12:16
`hypermist`ActionParsnip: 8gb ram amd fx-4100 quadcore12:17
DocPlatypuseven though I knew to be careful enough to not reformat /home, I backed it up anyway12:17
`hypermist`and a 1tb hdd12:17
EriC^of course i back everything up anyways, but i wasn't in the habit of backing up /home using linux12:17
EriC^DocPlatypus: that's lucky12:18
ActionParsnip`hypermist`: so you have a system far and away more expensive than my 1.6Ghz with 2Gb RAM but you are seriously trying to tell me you can't afford 40 quid for a 1Tb usb drive...?12:18
`hypermist`a 1tb hdd is like 100$+12:18
DocPlatypusEriC^: yeah given the way it happened I was sure that /home went tits up too12:18
DocPlatypusbut, everything was still there12:18
`hypermist`Plus i have no job :312:18
ActionParsnip`hypermist`: is your data worth $100 to you?12:18
`hypermist`ActionParsnip:  if i had a job i would have 9 1tb hdd's :|12:18
`hypermist`Cause i have an hdd bay on my case12:18
`hypermist`that is also fan cooled12:19
ActionParsnip`hypermist`: but if you could give someone  $100 and all your data would be fully recovered,  would you do it?12:19
`hypermist`No i wouldn't cause i wouldn't have 100$12:19
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ActionParsnip`hypermist`: but you have quite a decent PC... how did you afford that then.12:20
DocPlatypus`hypermist`: I ran up my balance on Fingerhut to be sure I had plenty of room on external HDDs... I'd go for a regular credit card first as long as you can make minimum payments, so you can get a decent deal at, say, Target or Best Buy12:20
DocPlatypusActionParsnip: poo-poo happens. maybe he had a job for a while and got the PC then, job took a whiz and PC didn't12:20
`hypermist`DocPlatypus:  im 15 :D12:20
DocPlatypus`hypermist`: oh... sigh12:20
`hypermist`my brother gave me pocket money12:21
`hypermist`thats how i afforded it12:21
DocPlatypusah so12:21
ActionParsnip`hypermist`: I don't have oodles of cash (hence the POS system) but my data is valuable so I take steps to ensure it is safe. I suggest you do similar then you wouldn't be attempting data recovery12:21
`hypermist`I've had 2 WD harddrives die on me12:21
`hypermist`My last hdd is a WD12:21
`hypermist`So if this dies im just gunna be like :(12:21
BluesKajHowdy folks12:22
ActionParsnipPeople love to learn the hard way12:22
`hypermist`EriC^:  oh btw i change to the Other. mode12:22
`hypermist`ActionParsnip: I've had it happen before12:22
theone1i just used vizu, i keep getting that my file is too large, i do understand, i dowloaded larger files before and i have a 2TB HDD, what should i do?12:22
EriC^`hypermist`: ok12:22
`hypermist`ActionParsnip:  but i have no way of income12:22
`hypermist`but i think my file system is ext4 EriC^12:22
ActionParsnip`hypermist`: so you can't wash cars for a few bucks... no, no way at all.12:23
`hypermist`ActionParsnip:  you would get attacked. and most likely arrested :D12:23
EriC^`hypermist`: if it was on the windows partition it should be ntfs or fat etc.12:23
=== windowsthefish is now known as icecream
EriC^`hypermist`: did the partition have a windows installation?12:23
`hypermist`what was the fdisk command again ?12:24
ActionParsnip`hypermist`: it's an example. You can do lots to earn cash dude. Just your 'can't do' attitude is holding you back12:24
theone1ah, dowloading torrents in ubuntu is very complicated :-(12:24
`hypermist`ActionParsnip:  i have attempted to apply for jobs12:24
ActionParsniptheone1: how? Just open the torrent file with transmission12:25
`hypermist`EriC^:  what the fdisk cmd12:25
EriC^`hypermist`: the partition is gone i think so it wont show up12:25
EriC^`hypermist`: sudo fdisk -l12:25
EriC^`hypermist`: testdisk should be able to find it maybe12:25
theone1ActionParsnip: transmission keeps pausing the downloads, i don't know why, and vizu says my files are too large12:25
ActionParsniptheone1: transmission is part of a default install. Windows users have to manually install a client  making it harder than in Ubuntu12:25
`hypermist`EriC^:  back to that then12:26
EriC^`hypermist`: try something12:26
EriC^`hypermist`: try to search for random txt in photorec, using ntfs fat etc.12:26
ActionParsniptheone1: what file system are you using to store your torrent files? Does it have free space?12:26
EriC^if stuff shows up then it's seeing your partition12:26
theone1ActionParsnip: i just formatted a 2TB external HDD with ext412:27
`hypermist`or just change it to search for .txt and see if it finds any ?12:27
EriC^`hypermist`: if that works let it run with the custom photorec sig and it should find it12:27
EriC^`hypermist`: yeah12:27
ActionParsniptheone1: ok. What is the output of : lsb_release -a; df -i; uname -a; df -h12:27
theone1ActionParsnip: should i excecute this command in terminal?12:28
ActionParsniptheone1: use http://pastie.org or similar to host the text12:28
sivarajconfigure: error: FreeType development files not found. Fonts will not be built12:28
ActionParsniptheone1: yes please12:28
sivarajhow can solve this issue "configure: error: FreeType development files not found. Fonts will not be built"12:28
`hypermist`shouldn't it have detected headers already EriC^  ?12:29
k1lsivaraj: make sure you got all the depencies installed that the README sas you nee12:29
EriC^`hypermist`: did you try for txt and ntfs?12:29
ActionParsnipsivaraj: have you tried putting the error into a search engine online?12:29
theone1ActionParsnip: http://fpaste.org/174326/14221889/raw/12:29
`hypermist`EriC^:  yep12:29
`hypermist`so im sure im ext4 o-o12:29
EriC^`hypermist`: did the partition have windows?12:30
`hypermist`yea it did12:30
* EriC^ feels like the guy who has to tell someone santa isn't rea12:30
`hypermist`otherwise if i cannot find it there goes 20$ lol12:30
ActionParsniptheone1: looks good. Are you  settling the download to go to /media/theone/Films ?12:31
`hypermist`im doing a testdisk and the photorec EriC^12:31
EriC^`hypermist`: ok12:31
theone1ActionParsnip: yes12:31
ActionParsnip`hypermist`: also try foremost12:31
ActionParsniptheone1: did you recursively chown the mount point to your user?12:32
EriC^`hypermist`: did you ever have an issue and came here before?12:32
theone1ActionParsnip: no, and i am not sure what that means,12:32
`hypermist`EriC^:  that mabye. but taht probably was a different issue12:32
`hypermist`When i was trying to figure out how to mass replace stoof12:33
ActionParsniptheone1: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /media/theone12:34
ActionParsniptheone1: so that your user is the owner of the data and can write to it.12:34
theone1ActionParsnip: hmmm, i am not sure what that means yet, :-( seems complicated12:35
clausenfor those curious about my question (about when is it safe to edit config files without fearing overwrites), this FAQ is quite helpful: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/ch-customizing.en.html12:35
theone1ActionParsnip: and i still get the same error, file too large, i just tryed the torrent again12:36
EriC^`hypermist`: in testdisk's deep search, you dont get any MS DATA partitions listed?12:36
ActionParsniptheone1: copying and pasting text is complicated?12:36
`hypermist`EriC^:  i only just did quick search just then and nothing12:36
EriC^`hypermist`: let it run for a minute or two12:36
theone1ActionParsnip: no i meant the command and what it changed in transmission12:36
EriC^`hypermist`: try the deep search12:36
ActionParsniptheone1: if that's complicated then you will really struggle with computers12:36
theone1ActionParsnip: i used to use utorrnet, and i did not face anything like this before :-/12:36
`hypermist`should i be selecting Intel of EFI GPT EriC^  ?12:36
ztealmaxGood day all :)12:37
ActionParsniptheone1: it changes the ownership of the files recursively from the mount point12:37
theone1ActionParsnip: ok12:37
EriC^`hypermist`: which is selected when you the menu appears?12:37
`hypermist`EriC^:  what do you mean.12:37
ztealmaxwhat channel is for ubuntu social talk? :)12:37
EriC^`hypermist`: when the menu first appears which one is selected?12:37
EriC^intel or efi ?12:37
ActionParsniptheone1: it sounds like the file system is mounted read or something like that. What is the output of: mount12:37
EriC^`hypermist`: ok, use Intel12:38
`hypermist`this thing could take hours lol :D12:38
EriC^`hypermist`: let it run for a few minutes12:38
theone1ActionParsnip: http://fpaste.org/174331/18945714/raw/12:38
`hypermist`i let it run to 10% last time and it said linux all the way through it EriC^12:38
ActionParsniptheone1: Linux can mount file systems however you want. Windows just presents it to you. No control. Can you make files on the partition using other applications?12:38
EriC^`hypermist`: the quick or deep search?12:38
`hypermist`when we first started this12:39
BluesKajztealmax, #ubuntu-offtopic12:39
ActionParsniptheone1: did you mu ally mount the USB partition?12:39
theone1ActionParsnip: its ok relax, this is too complicated for me, i am not a programmer, i just want to watch movies on my new ubuntu, i will download my files on mac and copy them to ubuntu. thanks for your help :-)12:40
EriC^`hypermist`: try sudo apt-get install gpart12:42
EriC^`hypermist`: then sudo gpart /dev/sdX , it tries to guess partitions12:42
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ActionParsnip!find gpart12:43
ubottuFound: gparted, gpart, svgpart12:43
EriC^`hypermist`: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery#Gpart12:43
ActionParsnipHmm. One for the brainbox12:43
`hypermist`it sai Scanning now EriC^12:43
`hypermist`sai = is12:43
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ActionParsnipEriC^: learn something new every day12:43
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EriC^ActionParsnip: true12:44
LockziI am having problems with start-stop-daemon. When issuing sudo service hyperion-x11 start it does not return to console. Instead I am locked in the process (i.e. I see all the output from the program)12:44
ActionParsnipLockzi: redirect stderr to/dev/null12:44
LockziActionParsnip:  > /dev/null 2>&1?12:45
ActionParsnipLockzi: yes have you tried it?12:45
LockziYes, am am still getting the same result...12:46
Lockzi       start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --chuid $USER --pidfile $PIDFILE --background --exec /usr/bin/env DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/home/$USER/.Xauthority $DAEMON > /dev/null 2>&1 \12:46
Lockzi                || return 112:46
LockziThat is what my startup looks like…12:46
EriC^`hypermist`: did it find any ntfs partitions?12:46
`hypermist`EriC^:  all i see is Begin scan...12:47
EriC^`hypermist`: ok12:47
LockziJust manipulated the /etc/init.d/skeleton by adding —chuid and —background12:47
ActionParsnipLockzi: http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=18047212:47
LockziActionParsnip: Yes, that is for hyperiond which I am already starting as a service. I am configuring hyperion-x11 to start as service as well :)12:48
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`hypermist`EriC^:  does it mean its working ?12:49
EriC^`hypermist`: it's scanning12:49
`hypermist`Okay dokey12:49
SilverfiskenHi! I just installed ubuntu =) Any tips n tricks anyone wanna share with me? Or maybe a link to a good page? I'm primary looking for security "fixes" and integrity protection =)12:49
`hypermist`lol it says Type ext4 in System monitor EriC^12:50
jattSilverfisken: get familiar with your system and over time start disable all services you don't really need12:50
Silverfiskenjatt: Thanks, will do =)12:51
EriC^`hypermist`: windows can't read ext filesystem without adding programs to it, so it'd have to be on a ntfs or fat etc. partition12:51
ActionParsnipSilverfisken: install ubuntu-restricted-extras and get fully updated12:51
`hypermist`All i know is that it says Type ext4 EriC^12:51
EriC^`hypermist`: yeah that lists the current filesystems12:52
EriC^( the mounted ones )12:52
`hypermist`EriC^:  and i know im very tired. and hope i can get my wallet lel12:52
bennypr0faneHello, I installed xfce on top of Ubuntu Server. When I try to start Synaptic, X freezes. I get into tty1, and press Ctrl+C (because I haven't had any better idea yet), it doesn't end just Synaptic, but the entire X session. An yclues?12:53
LockziActionParsnip: Any other ideas? It works if I execute it in terminal, but as soon as I implement it in the start-stop-daemon it will not run in background and return to terminal12:54
`hypermist`still scanning i think EriC^12:56
`hypermist`wait a minnit EriC^ it says harddrive isa 976gb and avaibile 922 and used 4.1 where is the rest going o-o12:57
Ben64reserved space12:57
SilverfiskenActionParsnip, Thanks, doing that right now =)12:57
`hypermist`Ben64:  *magic*12:58
Ben64um, no. reserved space12:58
`hypermist`Im tired. im trying to make jokes :D12:58
bennypr0faneIn other words: what's the meaning of this: http://i.imgur.com/cnqqRud.jpg and hwo can I fix it?13:08
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brainwashbennypr0fane: you have to run "startxfce4" first13:10
brainwashbennypr0fane: to actually start the Xfce session13:10
uber_hulkI insralled ubuntu along windows by creating one swap partition and one primary partition on /13:10
uber_hulkIs it alright way?13:10
muppisWhat could be broken when no usernames appears to gdm at all?13:11
Ben64bennypr0fane: few questions. 1. if is a server, why did you install a gui? 2. why do you need a gui? 3. why do you need synaptic? 4. how are you starting the gui? 5. how are you starting synaptic?13:11
Ben64uber_hulk: that works13:11
muppisAnd gdm doesn't redraw itself properly.13:12
uber_hulkBen64: great13:12
zacwallsvia terminal how can i ssh a windows pc?13:13
bennypr0fanebrainwash: I did start the session with startx. I started Synaptic from the Gui (click in Xfce menu, authentication prompt...). It worked a few times, now it doesn't13:13
jattssh user@windowspc13:13
brainwashmuppis: gdm is the gnome diplay manager, try to ask in #ubuntu-gnome13:13
Ben64zacwalls: ssh TO windows? windows doesn't have ssh, you might be able to install it with cygwin or something13:13
muppisbrainwash, ok.13:13
zacwallsso like joshua@
bennypr0faneBen64: this should answer questions 4 and 5. How are questions 1-3 relevant to the solution for my problem?13:14
lolzerin every update i have to follow this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1022411  to make my ethernet work. How can i avoid doing this ?13:14
zacwallsben64 Is winscp okay?13:14
Ben64bennypr0fane: because if you want a gui, its easiest to install the desktop version13:14
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Ben64zacwalls: you need to be more specific, which OS do you want to SSH from and to13:15
ActionParsnipzacwalls: there are ssh servers for Windows but it's used for SFTP mainly13:15
zacwallsSFTP is what i want13:15
ActionParsnipzacwalls: there are SFTP servers for Windows.13:16
zacwallsben64, I want to ssh via terminal from ubuntu to win13:16
bennypr0faneBen64: well that's not how i did it. now I'm here13:16
ActionParsnipzacwalls: Windows doesn't use SSH like Linux does.13:16
jattinstall ssh on win, then ssh user@windowspc13:16
Ben64zacwalls: great, so you don't need Ubuntu support. Seek support in ##windows or google.com then for that you need13:16
zacwallsI noticed13:16
brainwashbennypr0fane: according to your screenshot, you are being asked for the password in the virtual terminal13:16
zacwallsBen64, Yes I do13:17
ActionParsnipzacwalls: ##windows can advise an SFTP server for Windows. You can then connect from any OS and transfer files13:17
`hypermist`Hmm gpart still says begin scan13:17
bennypr0fanebrainwash, yes, while what it should do is ask for it in the gui13:17
Ben64bennypr0fane: don't use sudo for graphical applications13:17
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thiago-pradohello everbody13:18
brainwashbennypr0fane: install policykit-1-gnome to get the graphical password prompt13:18
ActionParsnipBen64: in Trusty and later it's fine. Gksudo isn't in a default install13:18
bennypr0faneBen64: that's sound advice, but I didn't do that, I started Synaptic by clicking in the menu13:18
Ben64not according to your screenshot13:19
bennypr0fanebrainwash, ah, that's probably it13:19
thiago-pradoi am brazilian and have a problem with java instalation on ubuntu13:19
jattgksudo for graphical su13:19
ActionParsnipthiago-prado: WebUpd8 has a PPA to easily install Oracle Java13:20
ActionParsnipjatt: gksu isn't in a default install since Trusty13:20
ActionParsnipJatt: polkit has been fixed so that it doesn't cause issues13:21
`hypermist`ActionParsnip:  knowing its probably gone forever :|13:21
bennypr0fanebrainwash: you wouldn't happen to know what's the command for starting policykit?13:21
jattstill gksu is a good alternative (in my case i used it to be able to run synaptic from a menu)13:21
ActionParsnip `hypermist` people love to learn the hard way.13:21
`hypermist`Oh well. there goes probably  20$13:22
ActionParsnipjatt: why synaptic? Software centre is in a default install13:22
jatti love synaptic13:22
* bennypr0fane loves synaptic too13:22
thiago-pradoActionParsnip i try add WebUpd8 and show me this error: cannot install ppa:webupd8/team/java13:22
ActionParsnipjatt: I guess13:22
* bennypr0fane doesn't understand why people shouldn't be allowed to use non-defaults13:23
ActionParsnipthiago-prado: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8/team/java13:23
jatt? it's ok to use non-defaults, if you know what you are doing13:23
ActionParsnipbennypr0fane: they are allowed to use what they wish. It's the beauty of the OS13:24
RovanionHi, I'm having issues with lightdm not starting. What packages can I be missing? I have lightdm-gtk-greeter installed, do I need anything more?13:24
ActionParsnipbennypr0fane: where did you read that you have to use the defaults?13:24
`hypermist`ActionParsnip:  i might just say its gone. Cause nothing seems to be finding it :|13:24
bennypr0faneActionParsnip: someone wrote: "why synaptic? Software centre is in a default install"13:25
ActionParsnipbennypr0fane: yes I did13:25
thiago-pradoActionParsnip Yes sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8/team/java in other computer its done, but here error rsrsrsrs13:25
ActionParsnipbennypr0fane: I was asking the reason why... Try reading what I wrote, not what you think I wrote13:25
brainwashRovanion: look at the log files in /var/log/lightdm13:26
ActionParsnipthiago-prado: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer13:26
bennypr0faneSo anyway, I was trying to get the "open as administrator" option in Thunar file manager. It has this sort of add-ons manager for that, but no add-ons there to install. Would anyone happen to know which package I would need for that?13:27
ActionParsnipthiago-prado: use TAB and ENTER to accept the license13:27
Rovanionbrainwash: No such file or folder.13:27
brainwashRovanion: can you start lightdm manuall? sudo start lightdm13:28
EriC^^i forgot to back up my home dir in a while and i just erased it13:28
Rovanionbrainwash: Unknown job.13:28
NeldogzHi everyone, so for the first time ever my Ubuntu 14 desktop rebooted yesterday while it was under a 85% cpu load.13:28
brainwashRovanion: then you should actually install lightdm13:28
ActionParsnipRovanion: lightdm packages needed are in a default install. ...13:28
NeldogzCan someone help me try to figure out why it rebooted? Not sure what to look for in the syslog.. too much stuff to parse through13:28
Rovanionbrainwash: Odd, lightdm-gtk-greeter does not seem to depend on lightdm.13:28
brainwashRovanion: well, it is odd, maybe worth to file a bug report13:29
arunguys, any way to remove gpg: [don't know]: invalid packet (ctb=2d) .... blah blah from apt-key list ?13:29
jattNeldogz: check syslog13:29
ActionParsnipNeldogz: grep the files in /var/log for the date of the crash. Will reduce the data to read13:30
bennypr0faneActionParsnip: ok13:30
RovanionNow running sudo start lightdm results in Job failed to start. http://paste.ubuntu.com/9866513/13:30
NeldogzActionParsnip, thank you doing that now13:30
EriC^^Rovanion: sudo service lightdm start13:30
EriC^^Rovanion: not sudo start lightdm13:30
Rovanionstart: Job failed to start13:30
bennypr0fanebrainwash: policy kit is what it was! thanks!13:31
RovanionEriC^^: i.e. same result.13:31
brainwashEriC^^: "sudo start" is the upstart way to start a job13:31
brainwashbennypr0fane: awesome :)13:31
arunguys, any way to remove gpg: [don't know]: invalid packet (ctb=2d) .... blah blah from apt-key list ?13:31
ActionParsnipRovanion: what is the output of : cat /etc/issue13:31
ActionParsniparun: man apt-key13:32
RovanionInteresting, it actually doesn't depend on lightdm: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/lightdm-gtk-greeter13:32
brainwashRovanion: you will have to configure lightdm to use the gtk-greeter13:32
RovanionActionParsnip: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS13:32
`hypermist`EriC^^:  it just kept saying. begin scan13:32
thiago-pradoActionParsnip: Thankyou for you atemption, java installed with sucess now :)13:32
NeldogzActionParsnip, in Windows systems we can usually refer to an event id to try and determine the root of a crash, reboot etc.. What keywords can i search for in the syslog besides fail, reboot, restart?? Nothing of importance is coming up13:33
brainwashRovanion: the unity-greeter does not depend on lightdm either, it only recommends lightdm13:33
Rovanionblaatmeister_: Why would it be that way? Can the greeter be used without lightdm?13:33
thiago-pradoActionParsnip do you from american ?13:33
ActionParsnipNeldogz: reboots in Windows are caused by lots of things. You can't just search for one number and find the cause13:33
ActionParsnipthiago-prado: UK13:34
jattinstall kernel-crash-dump in case the kernel is the culprit13:34
NeldogzActionParsnip, yes pretty much you can if you know what event id's to look for13:34
RovanionSo how do I configure lightdm to use the gtk-greeter? dpkg-reconfigure only shows me the switcher between different dm:s.13:34
arunAceLan: the13:34
ActionParsnipNeldogz: I do RCA reports nearly every day for crap Windows boxes. It's not that simle13:35
NeldogzActionParsnip, im a systems admin and manage 50 windows boxes..13:35
brainwashRovanion: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM13:35
arunActionParsnip: the commands there, couldn't delete those lines... http://dpaste.com/17FJCGB13:35
NeldogzActionParsnip, and I also write up root cause analysis, are we done with the penis sizing now/13:36
arunActionParsnip: http://dpaste.com/2JW8DT013:36
brainwashRovanion: you should forward dependency question to launchpad and/or #xubuntu-devel13:36
ActionParsnipNeldogz: I look after 5 DCs worth as well as remote customer sites. We use Nimsoft in order to manage it all13:36
ActionParsnipNeldogz: you need to grep the files to find what you need. If the server is physical and you have ilo / drac then logs there may help13:37
NeldogzActionParsnip, thanks I will take a closer look13:38
ActionParsnipNeldogz: or check logs in the vsphere client to see what happened there too13:38
ActionParsnipNeldogz: you can also check esx logs / storage logs around the same time too (if it's virtual)13:38
NeldogzActionParsnip, It's a physical box so I should only need to look within /var/log13:39
ActionParsnipNeldogz: does it have ilo or drac?13:40
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rtr_hi there, i got a failing disk which i imaged using dd_rescue. now i want to modify the filesystem and bevore doing so, i would like to somehow create a snapshot which holds only the modified bytes. i have no free space to copy this 3TB file13:49
ubuntunoobcan anyone help me with installing 14.04.1 LTS?13:57
EriC^^ubuntunoob: how far have you gotten?13:57
bekksubuntunoob: What do you need help with, in particular? :)13:57
ubuntunoobmy system has 2 drives in raid 0 where windows 7 is installed and then 1 drive where i had ubuntu 12.04 LTS (i think). i tried to update the 12.04 partition with 14.04.1 LTS and the installer failed and now GRUB won't let me boot into any OS13:59
ubuntunoobim not sure if the iso i was using was corrupt because i didn't do a md5 checksum on it but regardless i downloaded a new iso on my laptop and verified its integrity13:59
bekksdo you have a hardware raid controller?14:00
ubuntunoobit's through the mobo14:00
ubuntunoobgparted still shows my RAID setup14:00
bekksThat sounds like a non-usable-fakeraid-controller-under-ubuntu then.14:00
bekks"still shows your raid setup"? Does it show one or two disks?14:00
arunguys, any way to remove gpg: [don't know]: invalid packet (ctb=2d) .... blah blah from apt-key list ?14:01
ubuntunoobit shows /dev/mapper/isw_bgbggjbbgc_thefuture as being ~1.2 TB14:01
ubuntunooball my drives are 640 GB14:01
bekksubuntunoob: Does it show one or two disks?14:02
ubuntunoobthe raid was working fine when I had ubuntu 12 installed14:02
janolap1Hi there, I'm trying to grab dv from my dv video camera (I have a firewire pci card). As far as I read, I need to enable raw1394 via modprob, but I can't do it : "modprobe: FATAL: Module raw1394 not found.". I'm on lubuntu 14.1014:02
ubuntunoobum, i'm not sure exactly where it would show that. but on my ubuntu desktop right now it shows a 1.2 TB volume on the left14:02
bekksubuntunoob: Third time: does it show one or two disks in gparted?14:03
ubuntunooblike i said i dont know where it shows that14:03
ubuntunoobwhere do i go to find that14:03
bekksubuntunoob: "in gparted".14:03
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ubuntunoobit shows a /dev/mapper/isw_bgbggjbbgc_thefuture disk along with 3 disks of 596.17 GiB and a disk of 3.76 GiB14:04
bekksubuntunoob: And how many disks does your computer have, in total, physically?14:05
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ubuntunoobthe 596.17 GiBs which were associated with the RAID 0 show unallocated partitions of the total disk size14:05
ubuntunooblike i said, 3 physical hard drives. 2 of which were used in raid 0, 1 in no raid association14:05
ubuntunoobunallocated partition*14:05
ubuntunoobi can access the RAID 0 drive through ubuntu and all my data is still there14:06
ubuntunoobthere's a boot folder in the root RAID 0 drive with grub in there14:06
uber_hulkHow do i make sure my home dir is encrypted now?14:08
bmukHey everyone; I am setting up a lab with about 30 laptops and several desktops. I would like to automate the management of these computers, specifically wiping them, reinstalling ubuntu with my custom packages and configs, installing virtual machines and managing them, as well as updating the software on these computers. What is the best way for me to go about doing this? The management part could use something like Fabric, Chef, Puppet, 14:09
uber_hulkI have .Privvate14:12
uber_hulkIn my home dir14:12
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bekksubuntunoob: If you can see three drives, then that confirms that you dont have a hardware raid controller.14:13
lolzerin every update i have to follow this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1022411  to make my ethernet work. How can i avoid doing this ?14:13
uber_hulkThat mans encrypted?14:13
ubuntunoobyes, i do not have a hardware raid controller. my RAID is set up through the mobo14:13
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bekksubuntunoob: "through the mobo" does not specify wether it is a hardware or software raid setup.14:13
ubuntunewbie1204I have a very small video to edit. I am looking for video editor. Which one should I use? They all look the same.14:13
bekksubuntunoob: Thats why I asked you those questions.14:14
ubuntunoobthere is no hardware controlling my raid setup apart from the chips that come with my mobo14:14
ubuntunoobi didnt buy a RAID card and install it into my mobo and hook my drives up to it14:14
bekksubuntunoob: There are raid controllers that are on the mobo. so "chips on the mobo" does not mean a thing.14:15
uber_hulkbekks: ?14:15
ubuntunoobi've been told b efore that what i'm using is considered a fakeRAID because i'm not using a dedicated RAID controller14:15
ubuntunoobthat it's controlled via software on the mobo14:15
uber_hulkHow check if home is encrypted, bekks?14:15
bekksubuntunoob: Correct. But referring to a software raid as "being a raid using the mobo" is wrong, technically.14:16
ubuntunoobok, sorry then14:16
bekksubuntunoob: I dont know, since I dont use encryption myself.14:16
ubuntunoobwhat can i do to fix this?14:16
bekksubuntunoob: To fix what exactly?14:16
ubuntunoobmy system boots into a GRUB error terminal saying it can't locate a hex value14:17
bekksubuntunoob: Can you tell us the full and exact error message?14:17
Myrkurhey guys I'm having a problem with my wifi14:20
Myrkurit disconnect every now and then I don't know why14:20
janolap1ubuntunewbie1204 : I'm using kino. It's stable enough for me...14:21
Myrkurmaybe my dhcp bail is too short14:22
daftykinsMyrkur: you mean your DHCP lease time?14:23
Myrkurdaftykins: yeah that I didn't know the term in english14:23
arunguys, any way to remove gpg: [don't know]: invalid packet (ctb=2d) .... blah blah from apt-key list ?14:24
daftykinsarun: yeah, saying 'blah blah' is gonna clue us in :) how about sharing a pastebin?14:25
Myrkurwell it doesn't seem to be a dhcp problem14:25
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arundaftykins: http://dpaste.com/2JW8DT014:25
verboomhi all14:28
daftykinsarun: one suggestion online, rename your ~/.gnupg folder if present14:29
daftykinsseems to be a potential issue from keeping the same /home between distros / upgrades14:30
arundaftykins: rename to what please?14:30
daftykinsarun: anything but, so as to rule it out of the problem (i.e. instead of deleting)14:31
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arundaftykins: I did it sir, but it didn't fix the issue14:35
xboxmy ubunto no installing app14:35
daftykinsarun: how about in /root's directory? since you're running as root14:36
daftykinsxbox: ok, what's happening?14:36
xboxversion 10.1014:36
arseny09hi all14:36
xboxlive cd14:36
arundaftykins: yes I have done in both home and root14:38
daftykinsxbox: you're joking right?14:38
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.14:38
daftykins3 years dead14:38
Meerkatwhat? oh14:39
daftykinsxbox: run 12.04.5, 14.04.1 or 14.10 for a supported release :)14:39
daftykins(preferably 14.04.1)14:39
xboxmi user in live usb xbox 36014:40
xboxxell reload14:40
Anteacwhat distro is recommennded if im used to ubuntu and its terminal but dont like unity/gnome ..14:41
EriC^^Anteac: or lubuntu or kubuntu ..14:42
daftykinsor MATE edition too!14:42
xboxxbox 360 run ubunto 10.1014:42
xboxlive cd14:42
daftykinsxbox: if you are trying to ask a question, you're not making sense. what language do you speak?14:43
Anteacwait those are 3 different names xD so difficult to pick one14:43
daftykins!br | xbox14:43
ubottuxbox: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.14:43
daftykinsAnteac: lubuntu in my opinion is super low end for old hardware, looks pretty ugly - xubuntu is a nice compromise, kubuntu uses KDE and is pretty heavy on the graphics just like unity, then MATE is like old versions of ubuntu before unity came along14:44
Anteacim gonna run a linux vbox with my win7 host in seamless mode, my pc can handle xubuntu i guess14:45
Anteackubuntu i mean14:45
daftykinsAnteac: xubuntu would be far more bearable in a VM ;)14:47
Anteacokay gonna play around with it14:48
EriC^^Hardtail: hey bro14:50
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melrayI was able to successfully install 14.10 by passing parameters nomodeset depmod...14:58
Hardtailanybody run maya on Ubuntu?14:58
melrayon reboot it didn't keep these parameters and I can't get into grub boot to add them.14:58
daftykinsmelray: hold left shift at boot14:58
melrayI have booted back into the live cd however don't have any idea how to access the grub config on the hard drive to add this?14:59
daftykinsmelray: no that's a bad approach, hold left shift at boot to get the GRUB menu, then add them as a one time thing14:59
daftykinsboot in, then get some proper graphics drivers installed14:59
melraydaftykins: Thanks but shift don't work...I have had to hit escape then F6 to get to the option14:59
melraywith the live cd15:00
daftykinsi'm talking about on your install though, yeah?15:00
daftykinslaptop or desktop?15:00
melraySo I presume it would be the same for boot...yes I understand15:00
melraynvidia GTS 360M15:00
daftykins360m 0o odd15:00
cfhowlettHardtail, apparently autodesk hasn't seen fit to support *nix except for redhat.15:00
daftykinsmelray: try both shift keys. is it possible you're just doing it too late?15:01
melrayI know which driver to install after I get booted in15:01
daftykinsis that an optimus system?15:01
melraydaftykins: No an older Toshiba15:02
daftykinsmelray: optimus is hybrid graphics intel+nvidia, not a brand15:02
melrayAhhh...no just nvidia in the Geforce 6 - 7 group15:02
daftykinshrmm, there's really no good reason why the shift keys wouldn't work.15:03
melraydaftykins: I see what is happening when trying to boot nouveau driver causes a gpu lockup15:03
melraydaftykins: No way to edit the grub config file(s) and add the kernel parameters?15:04
daftykinsthere is, but that's a wrong approach really. would've been nicer to do it the proper way15:04
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot15:04
daftykinsyou can follow the above from a live session then edit the relevant config15:05
melraydaftykins: Ok thanks for the information will try shift first...once booted it will be easy enough to get the nvidia drivers installed15:05
daftykinsyeah you don't need to tell me, i'm a regular volunteer :P15:06
Hardtailcfhowlett Hmm ok thanks15:07
hroiI'm running ubuntu on AWS15:08
daftykinshroi: a full question on one line would be good15:09
daftykinspretty sure we don't support amazon instances though15:09
hroiI need to install a desktop, only I'm a little surprised that apt-get install xubuntu-desktop takes 1.4 GB15:09
hroisomething wrong with my choice... shouldn't it be way lighter15:09
cfhowletthroi, yep, something wrong there.15:09
daftykinsjust install xfce perhaps15:10
hroidaftykins, cfhowlett :   amazon EC2 uses ubuntu LTS server15:11
hroiI'll try xfce only15:11
cfhowletthroi, no idea about it, thus my silence ...15:11
cfhowletthroi, oh wait ...15:11
cfhowletthroi, no even from server, 1.4 gb is wrong.15:12
daftykinshroi: yeah but they modify it from what i understand.15:12
jatt2gb is light15:12
brainwashhroi: try "sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends xubuntu-desktop"15:12
hroidaftykins,  cfhowlett :   lol... when I do apt-get install xfce4 it reports 209MB only15:13
cfhowletthroi, if all you need is the interface, sudo apt-get xfce415:13
brainwashhroi: or install "xubuntu-core"15:13
hroibrainwash, right... maybe that was it....15:14
hroibrainwash, no such package15:14
brainwashhroi: oh, it's possible that -core is not available in 14.0415:15
hroihey read this... the end of doc  http://complete-concrete-concise.com/ubuntu-2/ubuntu-12-04-server/ubuntu-12-04-server-how-to-install-a-gui15:15
hroiit says xubuntu desktop will take 1.4GB15:15
jattI would say, why just not install the thing? 2gb is not that much disk space for a desktop environmment15:15
daftykinsjatt: it's a VPS :P15:16
daftykinshroi: X doesn't even belong on a hosted server.15:16
daftykinswhat are you trying to achieve?15:16
hroidaftykins,  it does if you have a Nvidia GRID GPU attached to the hosted server15:16
daftykinsthat's a ridiculous statement15:17
hroidaftykins,   we are doing GPU rendering tests... also not every 3D application manufacturer gives you great options for configuring the renderer15:17
hroidaftykins,   I agree with what you are saying... its true... but does not on the fly facilitate bug checking15:18
jattyou have a gpu attached but... do you have a monitor?15:18
hroidaftykins, if everyone ... such as autodesk was command line oriented15:18
hroijatt,  we use the GPU for 3D ray tracing15:19
daftykinsdidn't even think autodesk did products on Linux15:19
hroijatt,  trust me... it can save time... from time to time to fire up the desktop with nx or other15:19
jattyou are doing heavy stuff then, then why comply about 2gb disk space?15:19
cfhowlettthis ^^^ +115:20
hroijatt,  no complaints... just felt like something wrong... it turns out that package actually is that big15:20
hroi :)15:20
hroiso all is good15:20
daftykinsit's not a big surprise to me given a -desktop would have libre office, X - all that junk15:20
jattfull requirements of xfce are 5gb, ~2gb is the minimal install15:20
hroiyeah... I think I will just install xfce I only need it for testing not to write word docs :D15:21
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kejtHello. For some reason Firefox crashes randomly on Ubuntu 14.04. It has no repeating pattern for doing that and I don't have any extra addons, but the default 4 that are from Ubuntu installed. Any hints how to deal with it?15:29
theadminkejt: Run Firefox from command line, wait until it crashes, see errors15:30
Apachezkejt: out of the blue, try to run a session of memtest+15:30
Apachezto rule out any ram problems15:30
kejttheadmin, will do now. Apachez, will try in a second. Thank you.15:30
daftykinsclean browser profiles are always good, too15:30
theadminkejt: (also, if you do go the memtest route, you should run that for quite a few hours so that will take a while)15:31
melraydaftykins: Thanks for the help got the drivers installed15:31
kejttheadmin, yeap, I was kinda supposing that, that's why I saved it for later. :)15:31
daftykinsmelray: boots normally now huh? you'd need to remove nomodeset from the GRUB config again ideally if you added it15:32
kejttheadmin, is it possible to be because of some caches or something? Because it didn't restore the session when I tried to open it with the terminal and for some reason it doesn't crash now at all...15:34
melraydaftykins: Yeah I guess shift doesn't work with the live cd but does on a intalled grub boot15:35
daftykinsmelray: yeah that was my point from the beginning :) were you trying shift with the live session? perhaps that's where the confusion came from :>15:36
melraydaftykins: Yes sorry just getting familiar with linux. Been taking the free edx.org course. It is basic, but basic is good when you don't have the basics down. :-)15:38
hroithe nvidia-drivers are not showing up in my aptitude search15:39
daftykinsmelray: oh absolutely, it's a good course that. i've yet to sign up for v2, definitely helps fill in gaps for everyone i think15:39
hroiI guess I'm supposed to add some repo?15:39
daftykinshroi: only for newer versions. but as we said you're using AWS then it's not official. "apt-get update && apt-cache search nvidia"15:39
daftykinsyou should see nvidia-304, nvidia-319, nvidia-331 at least15:40
jiohdior just install nvidia-current15:40
daftykinsno, that installs 304 which is ancient15:40
daftykinsbad move.15:40
hroiyeah... but they are not in the sources15:40
hroinvidia-current nvidia-3... not in repo ... I think I'm supposed to source some other repo15:41
hroidont know whichone15:41
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daftykinshroi: follow amazon's advice maybe.15:42
melrayOr system settings software & updates then the tap for additional drivers...that *should* detect what you need unless as daftykins stated the drivers are a special case15:42
daftykinsmelray: not a desktop :)15:42
ubuntunoobmelray: would you be able to help me with partition problems involving a windows 7 RAID 0 setup?15:43
jiohdiif you did an upgrade along the way, you may have to go into the repo's list and re-enable 3rd party software15:43
melrayubuntunoob: No sorry I have no skills in that area15:43
hroidaftykins, melray ::   here's the apt sources list :    http://www.pasteall.org/5630815:43
hroiIsn't this pretty standard sources15:43
daftykinsubuntunoob: you should address the channel, not pick on individual users. you can't use fakeRAID that Windows is setup on, with Ubuntu15:43
hroiI dont think amazon is running any special sources15:44
daftykinsi think you're wrong there15:44
ubuntunoobubuntu is on a separate drive not in the fakeraid15:44
daftykinsubuntunoob: what are you trying to achieve then?15:44
daftykinshroi: yes they're running their own repos there, so the packages they have are up to them.15:45
hroidaftykins,  yeah it loks so15:46
hroiit could be just a mirror... but we cant tell15:46
daftykinsyeah maybe a mirror with some removed15:46
daftykinsif you don't get anything from "apt-cache search nvidia" then there y'go15:46
ubuntunoobi have a windows 7 installation on 2 drives in fakeraid 0 and ubuntu on a single drive not in any raid association. i recently tried to upgrade ubuntu 12.04 LTS to 14 LTS and i think the iso was corrupt because it failed installation and wiped my GRUB bootloader and bootmgr. i just installed 14 and got it working with a new iso but my fakeraid 0 is gone. however, before i installed it i copied the windows 100mb boot partition in15:46
ubuntunoobto the drive the linux. now gparted shows 3 drives, 2 of which with unallocated data and then the third drive with linux containing the windows boot partition15:46
ubuntunoobi just need to know how to set up the 2 drives back into RAID 0 with the stripe size and then point it to the windows 100mb boot partition so i can get back into my old installation- i just don't know how to do it or if it's possible15:47
daftykinsubuntunoob: not an ubuntu issue whatsoever. go to ##windows15:47
ablest1980you can change raid in bios?15:48
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daftykinsablest1980: it's not on topic here either way :)15:49
daftykinsgiven as it's fakraid and a Windows issue15:50
pratikHi anyone here ? I am new !15:58
pratikPlease chat with me , I m new ! Please i beg you15:59
daftykinspratik: plenty of people. do you have a support question? chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic15:59
ActionParsnippratik: do you have a support issue?15:59
BluesKajhi pratik how new are you? :)15:59
MonkeyDustpratik  type /j #ubuntu-offtopic15:59
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compdocubottu2 seems to be spamming in an arabic language16:00
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ActionParsnipCan someone kick ubottu2 it keeps PMing me....16:00
pratikYes I have an issue16:00
daftykinscompdoc: yes i just got that and reported it to #ubuntu-ops - which is where such comments belong16:00
daftykinssaying it in here is pointless16:00
BluesKajit just pm'd me as well16:00
compdocbusy little bot16:00
pratikI want Taskbar at the bottom16:01
pratikIts at left side currently16:01
pratikI would be glad if you answer16:01
daftykinspratik: can't be done16:01
pratikOh my God :(16:01
pratikWhy ?16:01
daftykinsit's not an option16:01
pratikI have another Question too16:01
BluesKajis that evem n allowed on unity , it mucks up the look16:01
MonkeyDustpratik  lxde has the taskbar on the bottom16:02
BluesKajas does kde16:02
cfhowlettpratik xfce task bar where you want it ...16:02
pratikMy laptop Overheats and gets tot :( What to do ?? You are the last hope sir!!16:02
dupingpingWhy doesn't my screen lock when I'm logged in as root?16:02
pratikHow to install xfce bar16:02
daftykinspratik: take it to a shop to be disassembled and cleaned out16:02
dupingpingwho can help me?16:02
dupingpingWhy doesn't my screen lock when I'm logged in as root?16:02
daftykinsyou shouldn't be logged in as root at all16:03
cfhowlettpratik, sudo apt-get install xfce416:03
pratikNo , it works pretty well , does not heat16:03
MonkeyDustdupingping  what's the output of    cat /etc/issue16:03
pratikon windows16:03
ActionParsnip dupingping logging in as root is far from wise16:03
dupingpingit's 12.04.5 lts.16:03
dupingpingfedora 20 is support that.16:03
ActionParsnippratik: I believe it's called xfpanel16:03
cfhowlettdupingping, ubuntu is not fedora.16:04
ActionParsnipdupingping: ubuntu isn't fedora16:04
daftykinsdupingping: try and keep your messages to fewer lines please.16:04
cfhowlettdupingping, and you CAN run root ... it's just stupid and dangerous to do so.  as it would be in fedora.16:04
ActionParsnipdupingping: use the user you made at install and use sudo. You'll be fine16:04
dupingpingI tried to lock my screen as logged in root.16:04
pratikNo , it works pretty well , does not heat on Windows 7, but as soon as i start using Ubuntu then  it heats like as if i am playing game , in fact i never play game , i m a normal user.16:04
dupingpingAt Ubuntu 12.04.5 and Fedora.16:04
dupingpingSo Fedora20 is running well.16:05
dupingpingBut Ubuntu.16:05
ActionParsnippratik: does the system have a make and model16:05
dupingpingI think that it's gnome-screensaver problem.16:05
cfhowlettdupingping, fedora is offtopic here.  please stop talking abouut it.16:05
ActionParsnipdupingping: the community doesn't advise or support logging in as root.16:05
dupingpingI'm talking for Ubuntu.16:05
ActionParsnipdupingping: see above16:05
pratikWhat is an issue with Ubuntu overheating my lappie ? I didnt get it , sorry if you  think i am wasting time ,but i could not get this sort out.16:06
dupingpingThen gnome-screensaver is not support root?16:06
ActionParsnippratik: does the system have a make and model?16:06
ActionParsnipdupingping: logging in to X as root is not advised or supprted16:06
sindarinadupingping: You should not be logging in as root, period. Ubuntu disables it by default, for good reason. So if you want to go against the defaults, you are kind of on your own.16:06
pratikI dont know what is make , model , Ok its Sony Vaio E series 15 inch lappie16:07
dupingpingyes, but16:07
dupingpingI think that you can help me with good security.16:07
ActionParsnipdupingping: it's not good for security and is why it's disabled. I'm sure that the developers of Ubuntu know a LOT more about Linux and security and have set the OS up in such a way on purpose. But you know better....right16:08
cfhowlettdupingping, running as root is BAD SECURITY!!!!16:08
ActionParsnippratik: can you pastebin the output of: sudo dmidecode -t 1; lsb_release -a; uname -a16:09
ActionParsnipdupingping: the OS doesn't work so well as root because it is configured to run as a user using sudo. This is on purpose16:09
pratikAnyways you built an amazing Operating System , I dumped Windows forever  and switched forever to Ubuntu.By the way I am software developer by Profession , a LAMP stack PHP dev.16:10
sindarinaRight, Trusty kernel question. Recent kernels seem to have changed something where '/[aio]' shows up for as a deleted file in use, when checked with 'checkrestart', even after a clean reboot. This is true for mysql, and nginx. Has anyone else seen this?16:10
ActionParsnippratik: that's not what I asked for16:10
pratik@ActionParsnip , please dont be rude !16:11
ActionParsnippratik: I wasn't. I was pointing out fact16:12
pratikpratik@pratik-SVE15116ENB:~$ sudo dmidecode -t 1; lsb_release -a; uname -a16:12
pratik# dmidecode 2.1216:12
pratikSMBIOS 2.7 present.16:12
pratikHandle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes16:12
pratikSystem Information16:12
pratikManufacturer: Sony Corporation16:12
pratikProduct Name: SVE15116ENB16:12
ActionParsnippratik: use a pastebin please. Then you don't spam the channel16:13
ActionParsnippratik: I did mention it in my initial request16:13
pratikI am new heree i dont know what is post bin and all that16:13
ActionParsnippratik: then ask...16:14
daftykins!paste | pratik16:14
ubottupratik: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:14
dupingpingI like Ubuntu 12.04 lts.16:14
dupingpingAnd I'm using it now.16:14
dupingpingI like all of the features of Ubuntu. But only one.16:14
cfhowlettdupingping, please continue chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic16:15
ActionParsnippratik: copy the text and paste it in http://pastie.org. when the address in the address bar changes, copy the url and paste in the channel16:15
dupingpingcfhowlett, it's chit?16:15
ActionParsnippratik: just like that16:15
dupingpingwhy do you think so?16:15
ActionParsnippratik: ok and the system runs hot?16:16
cfhowlettdupingping, do you have a technical support issue?  no?  then ubuntu-offtopic please.16:16
dupingpingcfhowlett, it's not technical issue?16:16
pratikYes , it is ok when i use win 7 , but dont know what happens with ubuntu . Is this an issue exists in Ubuntu?16:17
cfhowlett!details | dupingping16:17
ubottudupingping: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)16:17
ubuntunoobdupingping: if you have a technical issue with ubuntu you should clearly state it16:17
=== hugbot is now known as swordsmanz
ActionParsnippratik: if you run: sudo lshw -C display    do you see an Intel GPU and an Intel GPU?16:17
ActionParsnipIntel and an Nvidia16:18
pratikI use AMD GPU , i typed it shows -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9868484/16:19
paolo_ciao a tutti16:20
ActionParsnippratik: install the proprietary video driver using additional drivers. You are using the open source driver16:21
fastputtyhello guys, i recently got a huge DDOS on one of my server here. IS there a way to automatically switch my eth0 ip when network failed ??16:21
fastputtyi got a /28 ip range and would like to use of it16:22
ActionParsnipfastputty: is eth0 getting an IP from your ISO?  Or does it get an IP from a router?16:23
pratikHow do i install AMD drivers for linux ? It was pretty easy on windows , i m afraid i will swich back to Windows 716:23
cfhowlett!amd | pratik16:23
pratikthen ?16:24
ActionParsnippratik: there is an application for it in system settings.16:24
ActionParsnippratik: what do you mean "then ?"16:24
daftykins!ati | pratik read here16:24
ubottupratik read here: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto16:24
pratikWhat is its name ?16:24
Tzunamiipratik: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CEIQtwIwBQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DevqpassbyqA&ei=mRjFVIjrFoK7ygPl1oG4DQ&usg=AFQjCNHjefkjUw95m23sOlWOy91F-U24Dw&sig2=e11oAYGMPINQsspU7AnIyQ&bvm=bv.84349003,d.bGQ16:24
TzunamiiSorry lads for the long link16:24
ActionParsnippratik: "additional drivers"16:25
BluesKajpratik, look in the software center for AMD Catalyst16:25
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fastputtyActionParsnip: IP from host16:25
ActionParsnippratik: try being bolder with your OS.16:25
fastputtyi got a range of /28 to play with16:25
fastputtyall ip on that range works16:25
ActionParsnipfastputty: so it's not a  192.168.0.x address?16:25
pratikHi i checked there is no "Additional driver" field in system settings16:26
fastputtynop it is not16:27
Tzunamiipratik: just check the link above, please (Youtube video on how to install the driver)16:27
pratikOk thanks16:27
ActionParsnippratik: search in Dash for "jockey"16:27
ActionParsnippratik: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lmZKKqqNJ4Y/TohISl6EzVI/AAAAAAAABAo/nQFs-2QMMpY/s1600/dash-jockey-additional-drivers.png16:28
pratikWhat is Dash ?16:28
pratikSearch in dash ?16:28
ActionParsnippratik: yes16:28
ActionParsnippratik: press your Windows key. Dash shows up16:28
daftykinsActionParsnip: it hasn't been called jockey for a while now afaik16:29
daftykinsthough, my mistake if it still works16:29
ActionParsnip!find jockey16:30
ubottuFound: ubuntu-drivers-common16:30
dupingpingthere is no man who can help me?16:30
pratikOh thanks I got the app16:30
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MonkeyDustdupingping  with whatN16:30
ActionParsnipdupingping: use the OS as it is designed and you won't have any issues16:30
daftykinsdupingping: you haven't asked an actual question yet.16:33
pratikHi -> http://postimg.org/image/8csam0hh7/16:36
pratikWhat do i do further?16:37
k1lpratik: what is the task? install amd driver?16:37
daftykinspratik: pick one, like the middle one.16:38
pratik:( dont make me confused please , which 1 should i choose out of 3?16:38
pratikI dont know16:38
k1lthe middle one16:38
pratikYes , I have to install AMD driver ,16:39
pratikThanks , i m going for middle16:39
daftykinspratik: i did say the middle one...16:39
daftykinswell done16:39
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pratikWas that a reason , my Laptop was consuming more Battery on Ubuntu , but it was having proper battery life on Win 7 ?16:40
pratikIs there battery life problem on Ubuntu ?16:41
ActionParsnippratik: the GPU wasn't running correctly as the driver wasn't correct16:41
ActionParsnippratik: battery life is fine in Ubuntu. You just haven't added drivers. It's like installing Windows but not adding drivers for sound then asking "is sound an issue in Windows?"16:42
ActionParsnippratik: it's absolute nonsense16:43
pratikOk i think Ubuntu should have auto suggested me for Video drivers ! nevertheless i will see how it works after installing vid drivers.16:43
OerHeksWindows would.16:43
ActionParsnippratik: it does for me but I don't use AMD stuff16:43
ActionParsnipOerHeks: does it do that now?16:44
pratikI must say your knowledge of Linux commands is Extreme ! You are great software developer !16:45
Nixusmy Xubuntu 14.04 does an instant shutdown, then power up again when I press the power button. Any help is appreciated. Thank you ! It's a fresh install BTW16:45
OerHeksActionParsnip, sure, windows gives a driver with updates. Neverless Ubuntu/linux gives you a choise to use opensource drivers only, no demand.16:45
ubottuRibes: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:45
ActionParsnipOerHeks: cool. I've not used Windows on the desktop for years now16:46
MonkeyDustpratik  http://www.webupd8.org/2013/04/improve-power-usage-battery-life-in.html16:46
pratikThanks !16:47
dgonixКто ставил Ubuntu 15.04 Alpha 2 Releases16:48
cfhowlett!ru | dgonix,16:48
ubottudgonix,: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:48
ActionParsnippratik: better?16:48
pratikI will try that out16:48
cfhowlett!ask | Nixus16:50
ubottuNixus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:50
dgonixWho has set himself the Ubuntu 15.04 Alpha 2 Releases?16:50
Nixus!ask | Nixus16:50
ubottuNixus, please see my private message16:50
cfhowlett!vivid | dgonix,16:50
ubottudgonix,: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142516:50
Nixusask to ask?16:51
cfhowlettNixus, sorry.  patience.16:51
daftykinsNixus: no, just ask the question. read what ubottu said16:51
daftykinsoh you did ask.16:51
dgonixYeah , I bet I like it16:51
cfhowlettdgonix, discussion in #ubuntu+116:52
pratikI would like to ask , generally how much bettery life should be(in hours) when working on  Ubuntu?16:52
EriC^^pratik: it depends on your laptop16:52
pratikI have sony vaio E series16:53
EriC^^pratik: check manufacturer's specifications16:53
cfhowlettpratik, installing the proper drivers is advised16:53
achilleshi, i'm installing 14.04.1 from the minimal image on a usb stick.  install fails at base install first with warnings like "Debootstrap warning. Warning: couldn't download package perl" for about a dozen packages.  looking at the console output, i see things like "debconf-copydb: Cannot open file /target/var/cache/debconf/config.dat-new: No such file or directory"16:53
OerHeksdepends on what you do with the system, better batterylife is such a marketing thing16:53
pratikIt lasts for 2.5 hr on Win 7 , but 1.5 to 2 hr on Ubuntu i observed16:53
mk2soldierHi guys, how can I renew the IP address assigned from the router (DHCP) to my PC? In network settings I select Method: Automatic (DHCP) but even after removing and reinserting the ethernet cable I still get the previous address (initially manually assigned from me) in fact the DHCP address pool should start from and I get Thank you very much for your time.. Sorry for my bad english..16:54
achillesindeed, the directory /target/var/cache/debconf doesn't even exist16:54
EriC^^pratik: that would be maybe because of the gpu or something16:54
EriC^^i get around the same on both win and ubuntu, a lousy 2hours hp pavilion g616:54
OerHekspratik, so without driver you have 1.5 hour ? now test again.16:55
EriC^^i have an older dell that gets 7 hours16:55
pratikI am installing Drivers from APP called Jocky . Will it improve my lappie's battery life ?16:55
jan_i'am serach for a logo maker for Ubuntu, is ther a programm for ??16:56
MonkeyDustjan_  try GIMP16:57
cfhowlettjan_gimp, inkscape, blender, pencil, krita ..16:57
OerHeksmk2soldier, strange, you get a IP outside the pool, maybe restart your router?16:58
jan_but a serach a programm with a wizard ...16:58
cfhowlettjan_, sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-graphics          for the full meal deal.16:58
evoltechHello all!  I am attempting to install Ubuntu 14.04 on a GPT encrypted root partition and encrypted swap.  I do not want to use the full disk so I use the custum installed. After I get all the partiions installed correctly the installer continues.  When I eventually reboot its like there is no grub and eventually the BiOS reports no OS found.  Can any one help me out here?16:58
mk2soldierOerHeks: thank you now I try17:00
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  nice tip!17:00
cfhowlettMonkeyDust, :)17:00
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PheetardHey guys. Having some trouble getting my webcam to work.17:02
MonkeyDustPheetard  does it work with cheese (the program, not the food)17:03
PheetardIt's a built-in webcam on a compac laptop (Presario CQ60, if it helps), which i'd assume is attached by some kind of internal USB like the memory card slot.17:04
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Pheetardbut it's not listed in lsusb's output17:05
Pheetard"dmesg| grep uvc" returns some stuff, though, which seems to indicate that the OS knows the camera's there.17:07
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Pheetardbut cheese doesn't detect it17:09
MonkeyDustPheetard  what's the output of    lsusb|pastebinit17:11
basicMaybe this helps you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/124240/how-do-i-make-the-webcam-on-a-compaq-presario-cq60-notebok-work17:11
basicYou're welcome17:13
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Pheetardhmmm, nope, but now i've got an error message, which gives me something to work with.17:15
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snwr34p3rmy mouse flickers and disappears  whats a quick fix so i dont have to google17:17
MonkeyDustsnwr34p3r  an usb mouse?17:17
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snwr34p3ryea it works17:17
MonkeyDustsnwr34p3r  sime issue with a cable mouse?17:18
snwr34p3rit doesnt die or cut out the pointer just flickers and when i go screen to screen it will disappear if i move mouse around it comes back17:18
snwr34p3rtried other ports and a different mouse its the same like its not be drawn properly17:19
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beisheimis there somebody?17:22
k1lbeisheim: yes17:22
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basic@beisheim yea17:24
snwr34p3ranyone familiar with port forwarding and alfa wifi setups ?17:28
toritohelp addbutton17:30
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daftykinssnwr34p3r: how is that ubuntu related?17:34
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vifinoHello, I tried to install sflphone, and I am wondering why there is no JACK audio option, even though the version should have it.17:34
snwr34p3rwell you know its so busy in here i didnt feel an off topic question would get anyones panties in a bunch but guess i was wrong17:35
FailBitquestion. I created a PGP key using the "Keys and Passwords" dialog but it never appeared in the list17:35
FailBitis this a known issue?17:35
k1lFailBit: generating a pgp key can take some time.  and with some time i mean longer than 10 minutes17:36
FailBitit takes that long to generate it, or to publish it?17:36
MortezaEHi, I need some command to tell to my friend to find out which version of ubuntu is he running17:36
tonytuname -a17:36
tonytto see the version17:36
k1lFailBit: to generate it. after that you need to publish it by loading it onto a keyserver17:36
daftykinssnwr34p3r: that's not really a good attitude to approach volunteer channels with. feel free to take it to ##networking17:36
xanguaMortezaE: lsb_release -a17:37
MortezaEtonyt, it's about kernel17:37
k1lMortezaE: "lsb_release -a" will talk about the ubuntu version17:37
MortezaEthank u xangua k1l17:37
vifinoMortezaE: lsb_release -a for ubuntu version, uname -r for kernel version.17:38
MortezaEt u :)17:38
snwr34p3rdaftykins: well it was a harmless question instead of your mocking reply you could have said go to ##networking, thank you either way for the correct channel to ask my question though17:38
FailBitI have decent hardware; htop is showing that /usr/bin/gpg2 is actually sleeping17:38
FailBitthere it is17:39
daftykinssnwr34p3r: channel policy is what it is, i'm sorry you chose to take offense by my statements, but that is down to you i'm afraid :)17:39
wawrekis there a way of checking the size of a file to be downloaded from a website (before starting the download)?17:46
MonkeyDustwawrek  when you start the download, it asks where to put it, thereby showing the size17:47
TheCommieDuckOriginally my touchpad wasn't detected...after upgrading the kernel from 3.13 to 3.16 it's now listed as 'UNKNOWN' by xinput (and doesn't support multitouch and it has a weird graphical artifact under the cursor..along with a squashed cursor). any idea?17:51
MortezaEparsnip`, Hello dear :)17:52
parsnip`Hi :)17:52
wawrekMonkeyDust: I meant programatically. I made a web scraper that downloads images. I would like to stop the download if the image is too big17:52
parsnip`Is TeXLive -> full install best way to install LaTeX on Ubuntu? I had a mess of a time on my last kubuntu install.17:54
bekksparsnip`: It's the most convinient way, yes.17:55
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TheCommieDuckoh, and cinnamon seems to be using 50% cpu >.<17:55
parsnip`What is alternative? If I don't want to use "full", what is cleanest way to deal with random packages? ~/texmf with care?17:56
MonkeyDustwawrek  in what coding language? html?17:57
MonkeyDustoh, web scraper17:57
wawrekI use convert (iamgemagick ) or wget to download images...17:58
MonkeyDustwawrek  then maybe ask in #bash17:58
wawrekMonkeyDust: thanks, that is a good point. i will.17:58
TheCommieDuckOoh. changing from xorg to the fthingy drivers fixed the mouse display and software rendering.18:00
TheCommieDuckbut I still can't seem to get multitouch on my touchpad.18:00
adam__ 18:01
HEROnymousHey folks, I'm going to be setting up dual boot with windows.  I've got ubuntu on a drive already, and have another drive that I'm going to install windows on.  is there a means by which to just add a grub entry that boots windows off the windows drive, or do I need to get freaky to make it work?18:16
DJ_UnibobIt would be easier to install windows to a partition first, then install ubuntu that way, otherwise windows boot loader won't even see grub18:20
MonkeyDustHEROnymous  windows installation ruins grub18:21
DJ_UnibobI had a heck of a time fixing grub yesterday, then again, my optical drive might be on it's last legs.18:21
Dudytzis anyone know a gui program to "easy" manage ssh tunels?18:22
MonkeyDustDudytz  gigolo18:22
DudytzMonkeyDust: thanks!18:22
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Jef91What is the best way to install the latest version of openoffice.org on Ubuntu?18:24
Jef91Is there a PPA?18:24
MonkeyDustJef91  ppa's are not supported here, better stick to the repo's18:25
OerHeksJef91, there is, but might not be stable, so not the best way. best way is to wait for updates.18:26
OerHeksapplies for the bodhi-thing too18:26
TzunamiiJef91: Check your private messages.18:27
OerHeks!pm | Tzunamii18:28
ubottuTzunamii: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.18:28
TzunamiiOerHeks: I was giving him some advice. Not asking a Q.18:28
TzunamiiOerHeks: Now go and have a beer and point your finger at someone else18:29
OerHeksThat factoid should be turned around18:29
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HEROnymousMonkeyDust, ok, the ubuntu drive won't even be in the computer when I install windows.18:30
HEROnymousafter windows is installed, I'll reinsert the drive with ubuntu, and the bios will subsequently boot from it, which will bring up grub.  ideally, I'd like to be able to select booting from the other drive - which has windows on it - from the grub menu.18:31
OerHeksHEROnymous, that would be easy then, boot ubuntu, sudo update-grub # and windows should be added, but not sure windows boots correctly as it expects to be the only hdd18:32
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:33
HEROnymousoh, it'll automagically add windows if I just run update-grub?  I don't need to manually add it to any configs first?18:33
OerHeksHEROnymous, nope, that will do18:36
GeekDudeHey, stpid question18:36
HEROnymouscool, thanks18:36
GeekDudeI have a desktop upstairs running ubuntu server18:37
GeekDudeCan I remotely reinstall ubuntu server?18:37
bekksGeekDude: Yes.18:37
ikoniareally ?18:37
bekksWhy not? :)18:37
ikoniahow are you going to re-install something without access to a console18:37
HEROnymousikonia, there're lots of means by which to access a console remotelt18:37
ikoniathat wasn't the question18:38
megachaoshey people18:38
GeekDudehey megachaos18:38
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megachaoslol ^18:38
ikonialol ?18:38
megachaoshis name18:38
spooky_actionYay! it's resyncing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9870287/18:39
HEROnymousGeekDude, do you have any means by which to access the console remotely?  also, why specifically do you want/need to reinstall it?18:39
GeekDudeI've got ssh on it, and I don't really need to reinstall it. It was more of a hypothetical18:40
GeekDudeI'd probably just actually walk upstairs if I wanted to reinstall it18:40
ikoniaGeekDude: you can't do it realistically without access to the console outside of the OS18:40
ikoniadespite what people are saying18:41
GeekDudeI'd imagine there'd be someway to install it onto a second partition while I'm still running my current installation18:41
GeekDudethen set grub to boot the second partition and reboot18:41
ikoniaGeekDude: debootstrap for example, but it's not an easy option18:42
ikoniahence "realistic"18:42
GeekDudehuh. Yeah, I'll probably just walk upstairs later18:43
GeekDudeThat does look like what I was looking for, so thanks18:43
parsnip`Hi, my .Xresources is not affecting apps opened from launcher in kubuntu.18:43
statikhi there, could someone help a linux noob setup imagemagick?18:44
ikoniadefine setup18:44
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statikikonia, well, I'm trying to install imagemagick by compiling it with hdri support18:45
ikoniadoes the repo not contain it?18:45
statikwith hdri support? I think not18:45
ikoniahave you checked?18:45
alishimhello :)18:46
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statikikonia, I think I dun goofed, running identify -list configure | grep DELEGATES returns identify: UnableToOpenConfigureFile `configure.xml'18:48
ikoniastatik: ?18:48
ikoniawhat is the end goal of that command ?18:49
statikikonia, to check if my imagemagick has hdri support18:49
ikoniaI'm not sure, but that doens't look the right syntax18:50
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statikikonia, sry was checking if I had png support18:50
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Apachezanyone else in here experience problems to return from full screen when running up2date google chrome in up2date ubuntu 14.10? In this particular case on a NUC running Intel HD 5000 graphics18:53
ProfessorKaos64is there a way to refresh ppa package lists without doing a system update?18:54
ikoniaapt-get update will download the list from the repos18:54
ProfessorKaos64true, just trying to avoid other packages from being updated at that time18:54
ikoniaapt-get update packagename18:55
Apachezit will just update the database18:55
Apacheznot the packages themselfs18:55
ikoniait won't update any actual packages though, just the info18:55
ProfessorKaos64oh ok thanks, so apt-get upgrade is what the software gui updater sorta does18:55
ikoniaupdate and upgrade are two differen commands18:56
ikoniamake sure you use the right one18:56
ProfessorKaos64oh I've been using Linux and many distros for a while, just trying to be careful. I have an automatic script to setup retro emulation. Just being careful I don't update the other emulators while I install the "unstable" scummvm from libretro18:57
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parsnip`any ideas on the .Xresources problem. where would i find where the launcher file is?18:58
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hotmedalI'm running Gnome 3.10.4, I was running stellarium and it is not responding, I ended the process from the system manager, but the display won't go away and the mouseover text that was displaying now persists across all workspaces. How do I clear it?19:03
k1l_try "xkill"19:03
hotmedalxkill is so awesome, thanks k1l_ !19:05
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atlantishi ikonia19:10
atlantishi I_Am_Bored19:10
I_Am_Boredatlantis: Hi boring guy19:12
k1l_atlantis: I_Am_Bored please dont spoil this channel. keep it to technical ubuntu support in here please. thanks19:13
I_Am_BoredWhat the fuck have I done wrong ._.19:15
MonkeyDustI_Am_Bored  no profane language here19:15
ikoniaI_Am_Bored: I suggest you read the rules of this channel before talking again19:15
ikoniaI_Am_Bored: there is no bad language allowed19:15
ikonia!guidelines | I_Am_Bored19:15
ubottuI_Am_Bored: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:15
BluesKajusing bad language for one thing, I_Am_Bored19:16
BluesKajI_Am_Bored, you wanted a reaction , now you have one, now what's your issue with ubuntu ?19:17
I_Am_BoredNot gonna waste my time on that19:18
I_Am_BoredI haven't done anything wrong19:18
ikoniaI_Am_Bored: no problem, just check the guidelines link before continuing any discussion19:19
I_Am_Boredikonia: Not gonna do that19:19
BluesKajlet hum be bored somewhere else :)19:21
EsoRoticaHey guys, every now and then i ssh into a computer without a user logged into it and I cant start x11vnc. Is there a way to log a user in graphically from the command line?19:22
EsoRoticasomething long the lines of lightdm -l -u someone -p19:22
uber_hulkWhat is package for terminus *medium*?19:26
Nixus2i have a bug when I shut the lid on my laptop, the cursor disappears. But, to get it back, i have to exit GUI (Ctrl alt f1) then go back to GUI (Ctrl alt f7). Can i do make this automated?19:26
uber_hulkI found regular/bold etc but not the medium19:27
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OerHeksuber_hulk, terminus is not in medium size, as far as i see19:34
smurfy_stevec - are you there?19:34
OerHeksregular is pretty medium19:34
uber_hulkOerHeks: i see how do i set it in urxvt?19:35
OerHeksuber_hulk, no idea, never used urxvt19:37
uber_hulk OerHeks use xterm?19:37
Nixus2Is there a command that opens and closes the non-gui terminal? Thanks19:37
OerHeksjust the regular gnometerminal, fonts can be editted there in profile.19:38
coolomaticsNixus2, you mean something like ctrl+alt+f1 to f6?19:39
OerHeksNixus2, ctrl alt F2 brings you in console, and ctrl alt f7 brings you back to the desktop19:39
Nixus2I want it to do ctrl alt f1, then ctrl f719:40
uber_hulkOerHeks: how do i edit background of gnometerminal?19:40
Nixus2I have a bug that makes thr cursor disappear after i shut the lid of my laptop19:40
Nixus2But i can use help.ubuntu.com/community/LaptopLidAndDockScripts19:41
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OerHeksuber_hulk, same, edit > profile > tab background19:41
uber_hulkI see19:41
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Nixus2Or a virtual key press command?19:42
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funksterIs it possible to check if the crednetial of a wireless network work without connecting?  i am looking to have one wireless card and run a access point and then check if credentials of another wireless network work. anyone know?19:46
OerHeksfunkster, better ask in ##networking or such channel, it is not an ubuntu issue.19:47
OerHeksmy wild guess is no.19:47
bekksfunkster: You cant check that.19:47
funksterhow does lifx do that then, hmmm maybe they have two network devices then.19:48
bekksfunkster: whats is "lifx"?19:48
bekksAh, ok, nothing to care about then. Good luck.19:48
DJonesfunkster: How does a lightbulb (www.lifx.co) have anything to do with ubuntu (thats the first link on google)19:50
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funksterDJones: it doesn't nor did I say it did. I am trying to connect to wireless networks and run a access point ON ubuntu, with one network device. lifx runs linux and does similar tasks thats why i mentioned it.19:52
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DJonesfunkster: ok, so why say "Google" immediatley after you were as asked "What is lifx"19:55
DJonesfunkster: Please point to specific links rather than just saying "google" they have lots of links, most are irrelevant to the question aty hanbd19:56
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MonkeyDustfunkster  we don't know what lifx is, we can help you faster if you tell us20:08
funksteri mentioned lifx does WHAT i already explained.20:08
funksterknowing what lifx does helps no one, i already explain what im looking to do, i mentioned it in passing as, curiosity of how are they doing that.20:09
MonkeyDustfunkster  great, so what's lifx exactly20:09
MonkeyDustso lifx is google?20:09
funksteryou are annoying.20:10
EriC^^ooooh i want one20:10
ben_g_Because of a windows update, the Grub bootloader got turned off again, and I want to re-enable it20:11
EriC^^!fixgrub | ben_g_20:11
ubottuben_g_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:11
ben_g_The previous time this happened, it turned out that Grub was still installed, but in the boot order the windows bootloder was in front of Grub (or something similar)20:12
EriC^^ben_g_: do you have uefi?20:12
DJonesfunkster: As I said, google first link for lifx is a lightbulb, if you're not prepared to help by giving detailed links & information, I doubt you'll get any support20:13
ben_g_EriC^^: yes20:13
DJonesfunkster: We cant help you unless you're willing to provide relevant information20:14
EriC^^ben_g_: change the boot order with sudo efibootmgr, type sudo efibootmgr -v to get the list, then sudo efibootmgr -o <new boot order>20:14
ben_g_EriC^^: is there also a way to do that from within windows?20:15
EriC^^ben_g_: i guess, not sure how though20:15
ben_g_(I'm currently stuck in Windows)20:15
EriC^^ben_g_: do you have a live usb?20:15
EriC^^ben_g_: press esc when the pc boots, and select ubuntu instead of os manager20:15
ben_g_EriC^^: I should still have one lying around somewhere20:15
EriC^^ben_g_: you should still be able to get into ubuntu somehow using a key when the pc boots20:16
ben_g_I'll try that, brb20:16
zorgborgHi, I updated on friday I think, updates to some display things (sorry I'll try to remember), and since then certain programs will maximise, but not be visible (they are running), ideas?20:18
Pyracanthahey room20:19
Funhi folks20:22
Funwhats the way to safely unplug usb device?20:22
Funor unlike win i can simply physically remove it?20:23
Pyracanthahi Fun20:23
SchrodingersScatFun: could unmount it from your file manager, there should be an ejection symbol next to the drive location.20:23
Funcool thanks20:23
Funalso whats the close enough analog of Visual Studio in Linux?20:24
SchrodingersScatFun: at least that's recommended, if you feel like just ripping it out you can live your life how you choose.  There are also other ways to unmount it.20:24
zorgborgFun: in the unity launcher, right click the usb drive symbol and select eject/safely remove20:24
Funyes I used disk unplug :)20:24
ben_gEriC^^: There is no way I can boot into Ubuntu by holding down a key during boot with the Windows bootloader active, but I found the live USB and I'm in the live version now.20:25
ben_gSo what were the commands to change the bootloader again?20:25
EriC^^ben_g: ok type sudo efibootmgr -v20:26
kittyfirekittyI am having a problem booting a usb drive that i've used rufus to prepare and try to boot, i am able to change my secure boot settings to get into grub, but when I attempt booting a menu selection it just black screen or returns to a frozen grub menu, i've tried using the "nosplash" and saw a "unable to terminate efi servies" before the screen froze, i've tried using nosplash/noefi boot paramaters and still have no luck booting 20:26
SchrodingersScatFun: can check list sites like this, then check your repos to see if it's readily available: http://alternativeto.net/software/visual-studio/?platform=linux20:27
ben_gEriC^^: sudo: efibootmgr: command not found20:27
EriC^^sudo apt-get install efibootmgr20:27
SchrodingersScatFun: can also check your repositories using apt-cache search keyword   and you may find something useful, synaptic and software center have groups you can search through.20:28
ben_gEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9871640/20:28
BluesKaj_kittyfirekitty, try using the bootsequence to make the usb device boot first in the uefi/bios20:29
kittyfirekittyBluesKaj_: I have win8.1, so when i say that i've gotten grub to load i'm past that point20:30
EriC^^ben_g: sudo efibootmgr -o 2001,0000,0003,0004,2003,200220:30
havoc_hiveHow do I enable port 22 for ssh?20:31
EriC^^havoc_hive: you mean how do you install openssh?20:31
BluesKaj_yes kittyfirekitty but grub won't show an uninstalled OS, the device has be first in the boot sequnce in order to boot20:32
jattnothing, it's the default20:32
ben_gEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9871692/20:32
ben_gEriC^^: Should the timeout be ?20:32
kittyfirekittyBluesKaj_: grub shows whats in the grub menu.lst config file, i'm familiar with the legacy grub but am not having luck with efi grub20:33
kittyfirekittyBluesKaj_: i have not uninstalled any os, i'm tring to boot a live usb drive so i can descide if i want to install or not20:33
EriC^^ben_g: yeah it's ok20:34
havoc_hiveEriC^^: Im using Putty from a test terminal to connect ssh to ubuntu in vm20:34
EriC^^ben_g: try to restart20:34
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havoc_hiveEriC^^: and i think there is a closed port 22 cause it says access denied or something like that20:34
BluesKaj_kittyfirekitty, like I said don't look for the usb device in grub , you won't find it there , you need to set the boot sequence in the uefi/bios20:35
SchrodingersScathavoc_hive: have you installed openssh-server on the machine you are trying to connect to?20:36
havoc_hiveEriC^^: yep20:36
kittyfirekittyBluesKaj_: I have actually moved the boot sequence up for my usb drive while it was inserted in the computer, any time i re-enable the secure boot and have the drive inserted i get an error saying its skipping this unsigned ...20:36
havoc_hiveEriC^^: nvm i figured it out. thank you =)20:37
EriC^^havoc_hive: :)20:37
kittyfirekittyBluesKaj_: again i'm past that point in my configuration, i have grub loaded, i can browse my files and try to load the kernel but it crashes/freezes20:37
BluesKaj_kittyfirekitty, disable secure boot in the uefi/bios as well20:37
ben_gEriC^^: It still goes straight to Windows20:37
kittyfirekittyi did, i have to re-enable it to load windows8.1 without using the "bitlocker" b.s.20:38
bekkskittyfirekitty: For getting rid of bitlocker, you have to reinstall Windows.20:38
kittyfirekittybekks: not happening till i descide if ubuntu is going to run acceptably on this tablet first20:39
kittyfirekittyBluesKaj_: do you want me to detail what i've already done so you can get on the same page?20:39
BluesKaj_I thought you wanted to boot into a usb device containing an OS image that you wanted to install on your pc kittyfirekitty, sorry if I misread your initial question20:40
kittyfirekittyI am having a problem booting a usb drive that i've used rufus to prepare and try to boot, i am able to change my secure boot settings to get into grub, but when I attempt booting a menu selection it just black screen or returns to a frozen grub menu, i've tried using the "nosplash" and saw a "unable to terminate efi servies" before the screen froze, i've tried using nosplash/noefi boot paramaters and still have no luck booting 20:40
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EriC^^ben_g: type sudo efibootmgr -v20:42
ben_gEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9871813/20:43
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EriC^^ben_g: sudo efibootmgr -o 2001,0000,0003,0004,2003,200220:45
kittyfirekittyI have also browsed the community forums, lmgtfy and other resources available to me, and have not found anything depicting or even pointing towards my issue20:45
EriC^^ben_g: then type sudo efibootmgr -v again20:45
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EriC^^kittyfirekitty: did you try nomodeset ? it's worth a shot20:45
OerHekskittyfirekitty, bitlocker is not going to help you, installing ubuntu. remove bitlocker ( that requires reinstall windows) then it should work20:45
BluesKaj_kittyfirekitty, I hate to be rude , but what has your grub issue got to do with booting into a usb device ?20:46
kittyfirekittyOerHeks: i can boot to grub, i can't load my kernel it gives me an error or blank screen with no error that i've left for 15 min with nothing happening20:46
ben_gEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9871825/20:46
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EriC^^ben_g: ok, that's odd it switched back to windows first by itself20:47
EriC^^is this a hp laptop?20:47
ben_gEriC^^: no, Toshiba20:47
Pyracanthadoes anyone know of any good beginner guides for new ubuntu users?20:47
EriC^^ben_g: did you previously rename the grub efi files to get it to work?20:48
EriC^^your nick seems familiar..20:48
kittyfirekittyBluesKaj_: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB4QFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2Fcommunity%2FUEFIBooting&ei=jFbFVMDaJZOtyQTehoC4Dw&usg=AFQjCNFhISiwVSBN22YIqVPKEGx18reoUw&sig2=6W138OKya6RwRPyqLJ0YZA&bvm=bv.84349003,d.aWw20:48
ben_gEriC^^: I think so, es20:48
EriC^^ben_g: type sudo parted -l20:48
ben_gI have no idea how all this stuff works, so both now and last time I was mainly following instructions20:49
ben_gEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9871879/20:49
MonkeyDust!manual | Pyracantha start here20:50
ubottuPyracantha start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:50
EriC^^ben_g: type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt20:50
EriC^^ben_g: ls -l /mnt/EFI/Boot20:50
BluesKaj_kittyfirekitty, I suggest you use legacy mode to boot the usb after making it first in the boot sequence, fixing he bit locker issue is something i haven't encountered20:51
Pyracanthathank you MonkeyDust20:51
kittyfirekittyBluesKaj_: i'm not having an issue with bitlocker at all20:51
ben_gEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9871911/20:51
kittyfirekittyBluesKaj_: i'm booting a usb drive, we can IGNORE bitlocker as its on a drive i'm not even accessing20:51
kittyfirekittyBluesKaj_: i have to use the efi boot loader, there is no legacy mode on this bios20:52
BluesKaj_ok kittyfirekitty sorry for wasting your time ..20:52
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EriC^^ben_g: yup, they are renamed20:52
OerHekskittyfirekitty, secure boot and fastboot disabled?20:52
kittyfirekittyOerHeks: i can disable secure boot and load grub from my usb drive20:53
EriC^^ben_g: sudo cp /mnt/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi /mnt/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi.backup220:53
EriC^^ben_g: sudo cp /mnt/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi /mnt/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi.backup220:54
EriC^^ben_g: sudo cp /mnt/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /mnt/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi20:54
EriC^^ben_g: sudo cp /mnt/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /mnt/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi20:54
kittyfirekittyOerHeks: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting <-- Display stuck after grub output --> is where i'm at, adding nosplay/noefi to the boot options isn't getting me to any new errors or progress20:54
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OerHekskittyfirekitty, disable fastboot from within windows and try again. if that does not work, i blame it on bitlocker20:56
ben_gEriC^^: should it work now?20:59
EriC^^ben_g: yes try to restart20:59
weeirc8089how to execute app in the background with & so it won't output nothing to the console afterwards?21:00
EriC^^weeirc8089: <program> & > /dev/null 2>&121:00
lightsahi guys, does anyone have an idea for a minimal (puissance requirement) linux distri ?21:01
weeirc8089e.g. vlc <filename> &    then keeps dumping err msgs garbaging the console for further use21:01
k1l_lightsa: lubuntu, or a minimal install and then install what you need.21:01
OerHekslightsa, lubuntu is lightweight21:01
weeirc8089EriC^^: what's the meaning of 2>&1 in the end? (redirect stderr too?)21:01
EriC^^weeirc8089: vlc filename > /dev/null 2>&1 &21:01
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lightsaye lubuntu is desktop wise but I was looking for something even smaller. the CPU is very weak (old computer)21:02
EriC^^weeirc8089: yes redirect stderr to stdout21:02
k1l_lightsa: lubuntu is build up for old and slow hardware21:02
atirlhow can I search the version available of certain package in the backport repository from the command-line ?21:02
snkcldthis is my command to make a new user: adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" newusername21:02
jattweeirc8089: (vlc <filename>  > /dev/null 2>&1 &)21:02
snkcldhow can i also add the user to the group sudo?21:03
Nytramlightsa try puppy then21:03
lightsapuppy ? ok gonna check21:03
k1l_lightsa: and if you want a non ubuntu distri, ask in ##linux :)21:03
NytramIt doesn't get much lighter than puppy21:03
ben_gEriC^^: Ubuntu now works, but the Windows entry reloads Grub again. Should it be fixed with "sudo sed -i 's/bootmgfw.efi/bootmgfw.efi.backup/' /boot/grub/grub.cfg"?21:04
ben_g(I saved that from the previous time)21:05
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EriC^^ben_g: no, since then i found the file i had lost21:05
EriC^^hold on21:05
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EriC^^ben_g: sudo nano /usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/efi/20microsoft21:06
EriC^^replace bootmgfw.efi with bootmgfw.efi.backup221:06
EriC^^then sudo update-grub21:06
=== BlueByte81 is now known as BlueByte
DevonNOGhello  anyone21:07
redruumEriC^^: that only works with grub but not efi21:07
EriC^^redruum: i dont follow21:07
EriC^^redruum: that's what os-prober uses to search for microsoft efi files21:08
linuxrHi all, I just installed ubuntu using full disk encryption, which really rocks. I have no wonder however how that works, can someone give me some high-level overview about how this is configured? thanks21:08
ben_gEriC^^: in the line 'if [ -n "$bcd" -a -n "$bootmgfw" ]; then'? Because I don't see anything with the .efi extension in that file.21:09
redruumEriC^^: uefi boot loader won't be repaired with update grub.21:09
EriC^^redruum: grub is loading, but we renamed the microsoft efi file to bootmgfw.efi.backup2 so the one it's finding is actually shimx64.efi right now21:10
EriC^^ben_g: bootmgfw=$(item_in_dir bootmgfw.efi "$efi/$microsoft/$boot")21:10
EriC^^it should be that line21:10
ben_goh oops21:10
ben_gEriC^^: ok, done21:12
EriC^^ben_g: ok sudo update-grub21:12
ben_gEriC^^: Also that. Restart and try?21:12
maxwellI am using Remote Desktop Viewer to connect to a Windows Server 2008, but it doesn't connect21:14
maxwellWhen I enter the connection info and connect it just blinks black and returns to the normal grey color.21:15
maxwellno error messages whatsoever21:15
redruumYou turn off all firewalls on ubuntu and Windows maxwell21:16
maxwellwell, it works from my windows computer21:16
redruummaxwell: You using internal or external IP.21:16
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maxwellyea. it works perfectly from windows21:18
redruummaxwell: turn off all firewalls on Windows. Ubuntu usually is defaulted off.21:18
maxwelljust checked again21:18
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redruummaxwell: what port is the remote desktop server broad casting21:20
maxwellthe normal one21:20
maxwell3389 I think it is21:20
bekksrdp isnt broadcasting, but the default port is 3389.21:21
maxwellwait a sec21:21
maxwellI disabled the firewall and now I can connect21:21
maxwellbut not from Remote Dektop Viewer21:22
maxwellRemmina Remote Desktop Client21:22
maxwellit works from there21:22
redruummaxwell: You need to put :3389 behind the IP21:22
maxwellthe quality is very bad, but sill21:22
maxwellredruum, isnt that the default port?21:23
maxwellwhy whould I need to put it?21:23
maxwellI tried anyway and it didn't work with the port specified21:24
redruumThe port tells the client where the server is broadcasting.21:24
ben_gEriC^^: It works, thanks (sorry for taking so long, Windows felt that I wanted it to be fast and decided to install some updates)21:24
csgeekanyone have any ideas how to deal with this:  https://gist.github.com/safaci2000/fc74244d6fa8e29dcc37  I can't seem to remove the old nvidia driver21:25
maxwellwell, in any case, it doesn't work.21:25
bekksredruum: rdp does not broadcast, you just connect to the server using the port.21:25
maxwellas far as I know it doesn't broadcast21:26
maxwellits just a server listening to a port21:26
redruummaxwell: Windows firewall I think you can tell it what service or application or ports to allow passage. So you can turn on the firewall.21:27
maxwellredruum, there is obviously a built in allow rule21:27
bekksredruum: Yes. But thaht doesnt make RDP broadcast. :)21:27
EriC^^ben_g: great, no problem21:28
maxwelland it works from this Remmina client thing21:28
maxwellbut it doesn't scale correctly and  dragging isnt working21:30
maxwellso thats not really a solution21:30
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=== JudgeDreddlock is now known as CHVNX
ZAhi lads & lasses21:30
OerHekshi ZA21:32
rypervenchemaxwell: Did you click on the remmina button that allows your keys to bind?21:32
redruummaxwell: I liked using vnc viewers. Seem easier.21:33
dinetevening. can anyone recomment a gui filemanager that is not the gnome standard?21:33
maxwellrypervenche,  what you mean?21:34
k1l_dinet: thunar21:34
rypervenchemaxwell: I'm not 100% sure if Remmina has the button in RDP, but it does in VNC. There is a button that looks like part of a keyboard, that makes all keys that you press be pressed on the remote machine.21:35
maxwellwell yes21:35
dinetk1l_: gonna give it a try. thanks21:35
maxwellthe keyboard and nouse work21:35
maxwellits just dragging21:36
maxwelland the color is horrible21:36
maxwelllooks like the 90s21:36
guntbertmaxwell: don't press <enter> so often - you are scrolling the channel faster21:37
redruummaxwell: VNC client and server. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC21:37
filly    irc://freifunk@irc.chemnitz.freifunk.net21:38
maxwellredruum, this means another server running21:38
maxwellmore resources21:38
maxwelloh wel21:38
guntbertfilly: don't21:38
OerHeksfilly, yes .. no, please don't spam.21:38
redruummaxwell: I think it's better.21:38
maxwellno choice. but VNC doesn't have that much managment21:39
ZAany one know if there is WAMP for Linux21:40
redruummaxwell: I think vnc viewers are rdp clients21:41
guntbert!lamp | ZA21:41
ubottuZA: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.21:41
mbalmerZA, there is not.21:41
ZAhmm so lamp can't support PHP?21:42
ZAbut ya will do some goggling im sure there is tons of stuff21:43
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k1l_ZA: on ubuntu you install the packages you need from the official ubuntu repos. see the link the bot gave you for a howto21:44
ZAalrighty thanks peeps. thanks for help21:45
shoxmalikhi, linux antivirus link please ??21:46
k1l_shoxmalik: there is not such a thing like you install on windows. on ubuntu you fix the software that got you the virus.21:47
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maxwellk1l_, theres ClamAV21:48
k1l_maxwell: yes, scanning for windows viruses. you can use that to clean a windows partition21:48
MonkeyDust!av | sharjeel21:48
ubottusharjeel: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:49
MonkeyDustoops, tab fail21:49
k1l_he is already gone21:49
Alex311360Hello, I'm having trouble with XRDP. I'm trying to control it from another PC on my local network, but when I login the background is some kind of black and white pattern, and the cursor is a X. What do I do?21:51
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redruummaxwell: RDP is native but not secure at all,.unless your connection is secure. If not worried about the man in middle seeing everything use RDP. VNC is very secure. Never compared either side by side.21:51
curiousxk1l_: idk if this still active but... http://penguinpills.sourceforge.net/21:51
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Ben64vnc isn't secure.....21:53
redruumBen64: depends on the settings21:54
redruumBen64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC21:55
Ben64i know what vnc is21:55
rypervencheVNC through an SSH tunnel ftw.21:56
redruumBen64: https://www.realvnc.com/ and you can use a cell phone.21:56
Alex311360Can someone please help me with my question?21:57
Alex311360Also it's pretty funny that when I joined people were already talking about RDP and VNC21:57
Alex311360is that a popular topic here?21:57
consolidatedAlex311360: welcome to X1121:59
consolidatedwait brain fart21:59
Ben64redruum: do you work for vnc or something21:59
Alex311360still though, what's the problem with my XRDP22:00
redruumrypervenche: that's overkill for VNC. But needed with RPN22:00
aeon-ltdAlex311360: if the cursor is an x then you've made it into the x environment but you aren't running a wm/de you'd recognise like unity22:00
consolidatedAlex311360: thats Xwindows without a windows manager22:00
Alex311360how exactly do i fix it?22:00
aeon-ltdAlex311360: configure it to launch one22:00
Ben64Alex311360: are you trying to control the main desktop or have a 2nd one22:00
redruumHere is what ubuntu recommends. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Clients Ben6422:01
Ben64Alex311360: because right now, you're on the path to creating a second desktop22:01
Alex311360Main desktop, and please be a little bit patient, i'm a bit of a newbie22:01
Ben64redruum: yes, i still know what vnc is, and it is still NOT secure22:01
Alex311360like this is my first experience w/ ubuntu22:01
Dr_DanQ: is the the Docky plugin for weather still broken?22:01
Ben64Alex311360: it'd be much easier to use something like vino, since that comes with ubuntu, has a nice easy configuration and shares the main desktop22:02
Alex311360what if I'm using a alternate version of ubuntu like lubuntu22:03
Ben64Alex311360: should still work22:03
Alex311360i'm gonna go see if it's on there, if not i'll probably see if it's available on apt-get22:03
Ben64Alex311360: try running "vino-preferences"22:04
OrpheonHello, I'm having issues with unity. Right at boot things work fine, however after half an hour opening the launcher dash bugs out more and more, with graphical glitches, miscolorations and text misrenderings until at one point it crashes. I had this bug in my old 12.something ubuntu so I replaced it with a fresh 14.10 which is suffering from the same problem. Any ideas how to find out what's happening?22:05
Alex311360Ben64: didn't have it, it's installing right now22:05
Alex311360let me know what to do after it's done22:05
Orpheon(crashes = system freezes, no response even to ctrl-alt-f1 etc)22:06
Alex311360k it's donwe22:06
Dr_DanOrpheon: try instslling xfce-desktop22:06
Dr_Danor better yet,  install the whole Xubuntu 14 ISO22:07
OrpheonDr_Dan, is there no way to get unity to work with this? I really like it (yes I've tried xfce before). Also, this still points to some problem somewhere22:07
Dr_Dan<--- not a fan of dash22:08
arunguys, which is the lightest working web browser in linux?22:10
Dr_Danthey use not in raspberry pi22:10
Dr_Dannot not22:10
redruumarun: that question could cause a flaming war.22:11
mbalmerarun, netcat and a bit of imagination...22:11
redruumarun: Lol22:11
arunredruum: ok...22:11
arunmbalmer: lol22:11
arunAs ff and chromium are too heavy they are not good for old PC..22:12
arunwhat might be good for old PC ?22:12
redruumBen64: You have any thoughts22:12
Ben64redruum: please don't ping me22:13
dinetI'm trying to get the translations working in KDE but it seems the packages wont install22:13
dinetkde-l10n-sv is installed and the locale-settings in KDE say that the package is not installed22:16
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Dr_Danarun, try midori or ephiphany22:17
samthewildoneCan someone lend me a hand on this problem > http://pastebin.com/rebVdU6U22:17
samthewildonethe application force closes upon the "cannot find libgstream".22:18
samthewildoneI installed all the codecs & did a complete reinstall of both the os & the application.22:18
samthewildoneThis same error happened on unity.22:18
marceloAre there anybody here  ?22:24
k1l_marcelo: just ask you ubuntu question :)22:24
Ben641672 people, including you22:24
marcelook , thanks Y need to know how to change video driver in ubunto. If is possible in graphics mode and in text mode too.22:26
aeon-ltdmarcelo: you just uninstall then install the one you want usually22:26
k1l_marcelo: change from what driver to what driver?22:27
HowardTheDucki take it to boot from a USB stick to install Ubuntu I need to do more than just throw the ISO on tehre22:27
marceloI dont know tool for change video driver when linux dont start in graphis.22:28
k1l_HowardTheDuck: you need to "burn" it there. either with a usb-creator or with dd22:28
HowardTheDucki'm getting one called universal usb installer by pendrivelinux22:28
dinetHowardTheDuck: here is a good guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick22:28
marceloI can start in text mode but dont know configure tool () if exist) in order to change video driver config fron text mode22:29
marceloor console mode}22:29
k1l_marcelo: that depends on what driver you installed22:29
redruummarcelo: so the machine is failing to boot into graphically interface.22:30
k1l_marcelo: so we need a lot more infos on what system, what video card, what driver, what error  etc...22:30
Dr_Dantry:   startx22:30
redruummarcelo: so the machine is failing to boot into graphically interface.22:30
k1l_no, Dr_Dan dont do startx on ubuntu22:30
k1l_if you want to start the xserver start lightdm.22:31
Dr_Dan;) gotcha22:31
redruumShut up. Find out if x11 Is failing to start from marcelo22:31
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redruumCalmly marcelo Is it failing to load graphics.22:33
dinetI'm trying to get KDE in swedish. the kde-translation package is installed but the settings refuses to use them. any ideas?22:34
W6NZXeasy question i hope, I have ubuntu 14.04, i've switched the DE to i3, but for the life of me i can't find what setting to change to make the screen stop dimming. I've diabled it under a unity setting but under i3 nada it still dims, nothing in i3 should make the screen dim.22:34
W6NZXpulling my ahir out trying to find it.22:34
marceloPlease, letme explain abut me problem22:35
dinetand becuase of that the translation works.. ok, time for a reboot and se so everything works as they should22:36
redruummarcelo: okay. Because I want to know if the x-server is failing or the grub is22:36
Bashing-ommichel_: Welcome to th channel, state your issue .22:37
happyfr0ggHello, how is everyone?22:38
W6NZXis under dconf editor?22:38
arunguys, why "from UbuntuDrivers import detect" module doesn't work though ubuntu-drivers-common is installed ...22:38
Kris545545_what do i need to do to get a ubuntu cloak?22:39
k1l_!membership | Kris545545_22:40
ubottuKris545545_: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember22:40
Bashing-omKris545545_: Join #freenode and ask there .22:40
k1l_Bashing-om: no. freenode can only set them after the community council gave them membership.22:41
Bashing-omk1l_: :)) .22:41
happyfr0ggWhat is an ubuntu cloak?22:41
W6NZXany thoughts on where to change the power settings?22:42
Bashing-omhappyfr0gg: Do in status window -> whois Bashing-om <- as I am, I am .22:43
minimecW6NZX: If you start the gnome-settings-daemon in your i3 session, the gnome power settings would indeed be used. So you can change them with dcinf-editor.22:43
happyfr0ggW6NZX, what os do you have?22:43
happyfr0ggBashing-om, okay, give me a second.22:43
W6NZXhappyfr0gg 14.04 with i3 as the DE22:44
Dr_DanQ: is the the Docky plugin for weather still broken?22:44
happyfr0ggwhois Bashing-om22:44
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marceloI am use linux ubuntu lxle22:45
Bashing-omhappyfr0gg: " /whois Bashing-om " preferably in the status window .22:45
Chuck_Norrismarcelo: did you asked in ubuntu-es ?22:45
k1l_marcelo: for lxle please see their support. it changes stuff on ubuntu so we cant know22:45
W6NZXminimec service gnome-settings status returns unrecognized service22:46
happyfr0ggBashing-om, yeah, i forgot to input the forward slash symbol.22:46
W6NZXhappyfr0gg any thoughts?22:47
marcelohave ubutu text or console config tool ?22:48
happyfr0ggI am still running my Google fu.22:48
Chuck_Norrismarcelo: conectate a ubuntu-es o enviame un privado22:48
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:48
k1l_marcelo: see on the lxle page where to get support. we cant support that22:49
minimecW6NZX: gnome-settings-daemon is not a system service, but part of the gnome user session. For example... I use enlightenemt e17 WM with a gnome-session (gnome-settings-daemon). I don not know if you use your i3 WM the same way, but aparently not.22:50
happyfr0ggW6NZX, what exactly are you trying to accomplish from the power settings?22:50
Chuck_Norrisoh! k1l_ is right lxle isn't supported, sry, marcelo usa un entorno de escritorio oficial soportado por la counidad22:51
W6NZXhappyfr0gg Basically I never want the screen to sleep at all, i use the power button :D22:51
marcelodear people, really i cant understand. I asked about how to configure ubuntu in text mode.22:54
W6NZXI've tried xset -dpms, xset dpms off etc with no luck.22:55
Ben64marcelo: you really haven't provided any information, despite many requests that you do so. we cannot help you without knowing what is going on22:55
happyfr0ggW6NZX, try this tool TLP: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/10/advanced-power-management-tool-tlp-06.html22:55
k1l_marcelo: you dont use ubuntu at all. so please see lxle support and not the ubuntu support.22:56
bpromptmarcelo:    why is ubuntu not loading xserver? or the GUI22:56
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bpromptmarcelo:    tried running "startx" if at the terminal, yet?22:56
arunguys, why "from UbuntuDrivers import detect" module doesn't work though ubuntu-drivers-common is installed ...22:56
Ben64k1l_: ah, didn't realize lxle was a distro22:56
k1l_bprompt: stop ti!22:56
TobbiWhere do we notify the ubuntu apps directory of an update to our software?22:57
k1l_bprompt: startx is just plain wrong. and the user is not even using ubuntu. he uses lxle so he should ask their support22:57
delinquentmelooking for a script to recursively go through a directory and delete copies of files?22:58
happyfr0ggTobbi, please rephrase your question.22:58
Bashing-omTobbi: (??) The package manager takes care of keeping the system updated .22:58
k1l_delinquentme: fslint is that program22:58
marceloIn past, several distro had text tools for adjust configuration. I dont remember now.22:58
MonkeyDustdelinquentme  would be something like   find / -name blah -exec rm {} \;22:59
Tobbihappyfr0gg: Okay, the latest version of SuperTux is listed as 0.3.3 https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/saucy/supertux/ though we released 0.3.4 at least 1 year ago. How do we get that updated?22:59
trismTobbi: it's 0.3.4 in 14.04+ at least23:00
happyfr0ggTobbi, what is your relation to SuperTux?23:00
trism!info supertux | Tobbi23:00
ubottuTobbi: supertux (source: supertux): Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.4-1build1 (utopic), package size 652 kB, installed size 2156 kB23:00
bpromptmarcelo:    depends on the distribution, keep in mind the channel is ubuntu-distribution oriented, depending on the issue, you could resolve it by editing xorg.conf or not, but in the past, and maybe even still so, on some other distributions, yes23:01
Tobbihappyfr0gg: I am mostly fixing bugs in SuperTux, got commit access etc.23:01
k1l_delinquentme: or fdupes if you want cli only23:01
TobbiOh, right!23:01
Tobbitrism: I guess it's okay then.23:01
wtfmuckerhi im new to ubuntu23:02
Bashing-omTobbi: Are you running "/saucy/supertux/ " ? as releae 13.04 (saucy) is End-Of-Life .23:02
happyfr0ggTobbi, when you are done with fixing the bugs in SuperTux, upload it with a newer version on the server where the others reside.23:02
k1l_Tobbi: new version com with new ubuntu releases. only security and heavy bug patches to already released ubuntu versions.23:02
wtfmuckercan anyone help my i like to monitor my own wifi network23:02
TobbiBashing-om: I am not running anything right now. I just got notified by someone who claimed that SuperTux was outdated. So, never mind.23:03
arundelinquentme: you can use fslint23:03
k1l_Tobbi: read this if you want to change packages in 14.04 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates23:03
Tobbihappyfr0gg: We need to discuss when to release the next version first. IMO it's overdue. But I don't like this heavy decision to rest on my shoulders.23:03
minimecwtfmucker: http://askubuntu.com/questions/192654/i-need-a-good-network-monitoring-tool23:04
happyfr0ggW6NZX, has the TLP tool helped you out?23:04
Chuck_Norriswtfmucker: http://autoscan-network.com/download/23:04
wtfmuckerthx minumec il try the can u support my when i need some help cos im a newby23:05
happyfr0ggTobbi, are there other developers collaberating on SuperTux?23:05
wtfmuckerthc chuck23:05
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Tobbihappyfr0gg: Yeah, there are probably 2 more, but all of us contribute more or less intermittently after the original team completely abandoned the project.23:06
wtfmuckeri already tryed some things but my system comes out faling so i must do some thing wrong23:06
happyfr0ggTobbi, that sucks the original team abandoned updating SuperTux. I have never run it.23:07
Tobbihappyfr0gg: It's alright. We mostly do bugfixing, keeping the project alive, maybe some small features...23:08
happyfr0ggI am in the process of downloading the x86 version of Windows 7 HP. I learned a while ago that my CPU is not capable of doing virtualization, even though it is a 64 bit.23:09
kevivDoes ssh-keygen not work with virtual files?23:10
happyfr0ggI have Vbox installed so I am going to try to install Windows 7 HP x86 as a VM.23:11
keviv`ssh-keyscan $host 2> /dev/null | ssh-keygen -lf /dev/stdin` and `ssh-keygen -lf <(ssh-keyscan $host 2> /dev/null)` both complain that the file isn't a public key file, but if I redirect ssh-keyscan's stdout to a temp file, and pass that filename to ssh-keygen, it works :/23:13
wtfmuckerminimec: dos it give passwords and messenger messegaes etc23:13
wtfmuckersomething like that im looking for23:13
wtfmuckersend from android devices ...23:14
minimechappyfr0gg: "I learned a while ago that my CPU is not capable of doing virtualization..." I had to activate these options in the BIOS for my CPU.23:14
k1l_wtfmucker: we dont support wifi hacking in here. there is enough documentation out there if you are interessted and want to learn stuff about networking.23:15
wtfmuckerits not hacking bro its my own network i like to monitor23:16
k1l_wtfmucker: we cant verify its your network. so if you want to learn it see the documentations.23:17
fastputtyhello guys, igot some alia for my eth0, like eth0:0 and eth0:1..23:17
fastputtyis there a way to use eth0:0 as primary?23:17
fastputtyso all my request go out from this alias?23:17
wtfmuckerwell trough23:18
wtfmuckeri like to learn more about ubuntu but i just a newbi23:18
wtfmuckerso i aint getting no where lol23:19
k1l_wtfmucker: what do you need help with?23:19
OerHeksfastputty, maybe this page is any help http://www.yourownlinux.com/2013/09/how-to-create-alias-for-network.html23:19
wtfmuckerk1l_: can i privite msg u23:19
k1l_wtfmucker: support in this channel only please23:20
EriC^^!manual | wtfmucker23:20
ubottuwtfmucker: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:20
wtfmuckeri tryed a few things like sslstrip but i dont know i need that23:21
k1l_wtfmucker: please stop asking about cracking passwords and stuff like this in here.23:21
wtfmuckerline i sayd i just installes ubuntu to set a home monitor to sniff my home to see what kids and wife is up to23:22
wtfmuckerok bro23:22
Xenoshas anyone found an easy way of managing ipod with this distro we have23:22
k1l_Xenos: best what i heard is running itunes in wine.23:23
wtfmuckeri dont want to hack or crack anything ...23:23
fastputtyhow come the /etc/init.d/networking restart does not reload my ifconfig from /etc/network/interfaces??/23:25
wtfmuckerubottu: i know how to use a comp just not familar with vommand line and starting installed en setting them up23:25
ubottuwtfmucker: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:25
OerHeksfastputty, i guess because networkmanager is handling interfaces, that tutorial is mainly used on a server23:26
fastputtyi am under ubuntun server23:27
fastputtyOerHeks: i am under ubuntu server23:27
OerHeksfastputty, then something is wrong, can you paste the file on paste.ubuntu.com ?23:29
OerHeksfastputty, and how did you restart networking?23:29
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delinquentmelinux vsualizations of the respective directories on my file system?23:30
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wtfmuckerk1l_: can u get me some info on how to laungh apps installed trough command line23:33
k1l_wtfmucker: that depends on the apps you installed and how you installed them. if you used "apt-get install" you should be starting them with their name in terminal23:34
HowardTheDuckhey, does Ubuntu natively handle Optimus graphics switching on laptops these days?  I haven't used it since 10.04 b/c the laptop I got at that time had this damn optimus card23:34
wtfmuckerow ueah i notest i dont like that23:35
wtfmuckerwhat is the althernative23:36
Bashing-omHowardTheDuck: Check out " nvidia-prime " .23:36
HowardTheDuckwhat's that?23:36
k1l_HowardTheDuck: install the  nvidia driver from the ubuntu repo and it should install nvidia-prime. that lets you change the cards23:36
HowardTheDuckholy moly so I don't need to jack with Bumblebee anymore?23:36
Bashing-omHowardTheDuck: A means to deal with hybrid graphics -> apt-cache show nvidia-prime <- .23:37
k1l_HowardTheDuck: yep23:37
HowardTheDuckMy brother wanted Ubuntu on his little laptop and i just spent too much time getting Win8 to boot from USB23:37
HowardTheDuckmessing around w/ it now, haven't used Ubuntu in a long time heh23:37
nicomachushey guys, I'm getting some graphics issues so I wanted to check a GPU monitor and see if I was maxing it out.23:44
nicomachusI used Nvidia-smi, and then got this: https://imgur.com/BeIyDXT23:45
cromagiHE‎connect to wifi on my destop in which i just installed ubuntu?23:45
cromagihow do i*23:45
cromagiave no ethernet23:45
cromagiI just wanna setup wireless connection23:45
OerHeksnicomachus, seems like that 8400 is not supported in smi23:46
nicomachusha, that would explain it...23:46
nicomachusshit. Any gpu monitors that are compatible?23:46
OerHeksnicomachus, no universal ones that i know of :(23:49
nicomachusbummer. this GPU is giving me a ridiculous amount of trouble.23:49
happyfr0ggi have a question about virtualbox. I have a Windows 7 HP x86 iso file and am stuck on deciding on the virtual hard drive file type. Which ones do I choose?23:49
wtfmuckeras the terminal is bizzy do i need to open multiply terminals to proceed??23:49
nicomachuson the verge of just replacing it.23:49
irthhappyfr0gg: go with default one?23:51
happyfr0ggirth, Will VirtualBox recognize the iso file?23:53
irthypu need to select it and it will expose it to the vm as a real cd/dvd/whatever23:54
irthit should ask dor iso on first boot of vm23:55
ceed^Does anyone know whether we will be able to move windows controls to the right again, or is that option all gone?23:57
k1l_ceed^: on unity7 its gone. i dont know what its on unity8 on MIR.23:57
ki7rwall of a sudden i can't get an screen - even knoppix fails to bring up a screen - did my lappy monitor suddenly go bad?23:58
ceed^k1l_, And you do not think they will bring it back in Unity?23:58
k1l_ki7rw: well, that is possible. or you did hit the shortkey to disable the laptop monitor and enable the external video output only23:59
korst3nHey.. i've tried adding some iptables prerouting rule... however I don't see it in iptables -L now and the ufw is enabled23:59
korst3nhow do i make ufw reset iptables rules?23:59

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