
=== zz_gondoi is now known as gondoi
=== gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi
=== zz_gondoi is now known as gondoi
barrysmoser, harlowja https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/cloud-init/py2-3/+merge/247239/comments/61253621:40
barrysmoser, harlowja we have py3 support21:41
harlowjatime to party like its 199921:41
* barry fires up the prince21:41
smoserbarry, awesome. theres a couple other mps that i have to pull in21:43
smoserbut we'll hope for a vivid uploda tommorrow 21:43
smoserand thakn you21:43
barrysmoser: oh yeah, i shoudl probably do a merge from trunk too21:43
smoserplease. :)21:44
harmwnew version out soon smoser ?21:53
smoserharmw, maybe.21:54
smoseryou're wanting one for freebsd ?21:54
harmwsince then I'm able to push out a new port21:54
harmwwith the latest fixe21:55
barryman, the patchOS stuff really wreaks havoc with things22:02
* harlowja i take the blame :-P22:04
barry;)  maybe i fixed it tho22:04
barryyou'll have to get out of the habit of using self.makeDir() :)22:05
barrysmoser, harlowja trunk merged22:06
barryi'll work on py26 now, but i'm ascairt22:08
harlowjathx barry :)23:41
harlowjapy26 sorta important for some of us (for a litt;e while longer)23:41

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