
mattywmorning folks03:24
mattywjuju status03:25
mattywanyone seen this before? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9875907/03:25
axwmattyw: looks like the critical bug in the channel subject03:46
mattywaxw, sorry - yeah just saw, looks like the fix is having trouble landing as well03:46
mattywaxw, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/148003:46
axwmattyw: yeah, not sure what that is all about03:46
mattywaxw, I've managed to recover lxc - which is what I needed for now03:46
jam1just checking if this message gets through. I'm trying to set up an IRC proxy because my normal connection is being terrible now.08:04
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jammenn0: ping (just in case you are on, I'm just checking that everything is working)08:25
menn0jam: pong08:26
jamthanks menn008:26
menn0jam: np08:26
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anastasiamacdimitern: thnx u for committing the fix for blocker :D do we have an eta for a free for all CI?10:58
dimiternanastasiamac, well it's up to the CI jobs passing cleanly first IIRC11:03
dimiternanastasiamac, but I'll follow closely those jobs and make sure to unblock it ASAP11:04
* anastasiamac signs and waitd11:06
anastasiamacdimitern: thnx for keeping an eye out11:15
anastasiamacdimitern: it's the end of public holiday here11:15
anastasiamacdimitern: and one of my son's is starting another school year tomorrow11:15
anastasiamacdimitern: so m on and off11:15
anastasiamacdimitern: but really want to land couple of things :D11:15
anastasiamacdimitern: so i'll keep my eyes open for a while :11:16
dimiternanastasiamac, sure, I know how frustrating it can be to try to land stuff with a block on :/11:16
axwdimitern: what caused that weird error about extant dir?11:20
dimiternaxw, no idea - but I suspect it's a lander script issue11:20
axwdimitern: so you just retried and it worked?11:21
anastasiamacdimitern: m not frustrated... yet :D11:21
anastasiamacdimitern: ask me in a few months time...11:21
dimiternaxw, retrying didn't help yesterday :) so I suppose somebody fixed the lander between yesterday and today11:24
dimiternanastasiamac, :)11:25
dimiternmgz, hey, are you around?11:25
dimiternit seems publish-revision job fails with a surprising error - cp: cannot stat `/var/lib/jenkins/streams/juju-dist/devel/tools/releases/juju-*.tgz': No such file or directory11:26
mgzdimitern: hey, checking it out12:25
dimiternmgz, thanks!12:27
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dimiternmgz, any update on the publish-revision job failing?13:41
mgzdimitern: we haven't changed the code or the job as far as I see, looking at the machine currently13:43
dimiternmgz, ok, cheers13:44
dimiternmgz, it seems to be looking for a devel tarball, but looking at the whole log I can't see any getting generated - can this be related with 1.21's release?13:44
mgzeverything pulled down seems to be in testing, not devel13:45
mgzit's seems possible a release process thing has left the script broken, but I'm failing to see how currently13:46
dimiternmgz, what's the difference between testing and develop?13:51
mgzactually, maybe it is a change curtis made to the assemble streams script over the weekend13:51
dimiternthat's more likely :)13:51
mgzI'm a bit loath to just revert and see as I'm not sure if other changes were made elsewhere13:52
mgzbut can probably fix13:52
rogpeppeanyone know about juju-core plans for cli 2.0 ?13:56
rogpeppedimitern: ^13:56
rogpeppefwereade: ^13:56
dimiternrogpeppe, I think thumper is in charge of this IIRC13:57
rogpeppedimitern: yeah, but i'm never in at the same time as him unfortunately13:57
dimiternrogpeppe, o'rly? :)13:58
dimiternwell, you can always send him a mail I guess13:58
rogpeppedimitern: yeah. i was hoping for a very quick clarification though.13:59
dimiternrogpeppe, fwereade might know more; sorry I can't help you there :/13:59
rogpeppedimitern: np, thanks!14:00
mgzdimitern: trying a rebuild with older code.14:00
* dimitern crosses fingers and hopes for the sweet unblock14:01
sinzuidimitern, we are waiting for ci to bless the build before letting developers merge. Ci is actually broken at the moment so the QA team are meeting to fix the issue14:13
dimiternthanks sinzui14:14
fwereaderogpeppe, I don't have anything newer than ~brussels there I'm afraid14:18
rogpeppefwereade: ok, thanks14:18
rogpeppefwereade: just wanted to confirm that we weren't planning on doing "juju <id> operation"14:18
fwereaderogpeppe, confirmed :)14:19
rogpeppefwereade: thanks :)14:19
axwrogpeppe: "juju add-machine" is now "juju machine add" with an alias. new commands follow that style, but I don't think any of the other existing commands have been updated14:25
rogpeppeaxw: ok cool14:26
perrito666ericsnow: wwitzel3 brt15:00
cheryljIs there someone around who can help me with a merge question?15:32
perrito666cherylj: i might and also congratulations15:35
cheryljthanks, perrito666 :)15:35
cheryljI submitted a merge request, and got this error:  Build failed: Does not match ['fixes-1414016']15:36
cheryljperrito666: do I need to rebase?15:36
perrito666cherylj: does your pr fix that bug?15:37
perrito666cherylj: then you cannot merge :)15:37
perrito666you see, whenever there is a critical bug/regression CI becomes blocked so we dont pile on top of already existing brokenness15:37
perrito666so until someone submits the fix to said bug[s] nothing goes in15:38
cheryljperrito666, that would explain it :)15:38
perrito666I believe dimitern was trying to fix that15:38
cheryljperrito666, thanks!15:38
perrito666when you do submit that fix, instead of merge you use $$fixes-1414016$$ instead of whatever else inside the $ signs15:38
perrito666cherylj: there is abit more to it but I am sure in the induction sprint someone will explain the whole process15:39
cheryljperrito666, good, because being new to git, this is all voodoo to me :)15:39
perrito666heh, that is all our own doing, for once git is not the culprit15:39
dimiternperrito666, the fix *is* committed, but CI is broken right now apparently15:39
aznashwanericsnow: you there?15:45
dimiternvoidspace, https://github.com/dimitern/juju/tree/wip-ec2-addressable-containers15:47
aznashwanso I updated the PR but there's some things left hanging I want to get back on15:47
aznashwanericsnow: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/671/15:48
ericsnowaznashwan: yeah, saw that :)15:48
aznashwanericsnow: got a minute?15:48
ericsnowaznashwan: OTP15:48
ericsnowaznashwan: I'll ping you when I'm done15:48
aznashwanericsnow: sadly I have to log off right now, be back in a couple of hours in the vain hope you'll be here :D16:23
ericsnowaznashwan: I'll be here16:23
ericsnowaznashwan: sorry about missing you :(16:23
voidspacedimitern: https://github.com/voidspace/juju/compare/wip-networkinterfaces-ec216:41
mgzdimitern: I'm curious, your branch to fix bug 1414016 did you actually change anything for the build dep error on merging or did it just work in the end?16:42
mupBug #1414016: Local-provider lxc Failed to create lxc_container <ci> <local-provider> <lxc> <regression> <juju-core:Fix Committed by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1414016>16:42
dimiternmgz, no changes to deps - just modified how we handle lxc config on createContainer / clone16:44
mgzI'm wondering what changed between when the merge job rejected it and when it landed, Ian asked Curtis about it16:45
dimiternmgz,that *indeed* is curious :)16:45
mgz(I have a change to the script I wanted anyway which I'll land shortly)16:45
mgzjust not sure exactly what triggered the error if you don't either :)16:46
dimiternmgz, it's not something I did though - could it be one of the deps getting updated16:46
dimiternthe actual subrepos, not the .tsv file16:46
mgzthat does sound possible, a rev in another dep - but I don't see it from the go get log clearly16:46
mgzanyway, will fix (I'll add you to the mp for your edification :)16:47
jamheya mgz, how goes? haven't said hi in a while17:26
mgzhey jam! I've seen the good news17:27
perrito666hi jamcongrats17:27
jamthanks perrito666 and mgz17:27
perrito666now imagine thatif I had pressed the space bar17:27
jamperrito666: I'll just go by jamcongrats :)17:27
mgzyou guys are sprinting currently?17:29
jammgz: I'm not, dimiter is with his group17:29
perrito666jam: you are in dubai?17:29
jamperrito666: yes17:29
perrito666jam: isn't like the middle of the night for you?17:30
jamits late in my evening (21:30), but this is after my son sleeps and I have a chance to do meetings with the US17:30
perrito666you know since I work here i suck at calculating your current time :p17:30
mgzah, so you've already made dimiter take all the responsibility? :)17:30
jammgz: :)17:30
jamperrito666: I find it much more useful to just go to UTC offsets17:30
jamI'm +417:31
perrito666Im -317:31
jamits 2:30 for you and 9:30 for me17:31
perrito666my first interview with you was at a time that was both inconvenient for you and for me because we both did that calculation wrong :p17:31
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perrito666we use utc+- tzs here its you guys that use the smaller only us set, which btw, I still dont know how to use17:32
* perrito666 adds us tzs to his clock17:32
perrito666well, clock in vivid is broken17:36
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Open critical bugs: None
rogpeppei've updated the gnuflag package to merge in changes from Go core, in case anyone fancies having a look: https://codereview.appspot.com/199070043/18:21
aznashwanericsnow: ping18:57
ericsnowaznashwan: hi18:57
aznashwanericsnow: hey, sorry for the delay, you got a minute? :D18:57
ericsnowaznashwan: sure18:57
aznashwanericsnow: so, about the PR, i don't know if you got round to looking through the changes, which, although very few, looked absolutely horrendous...18:58
ericsnowaznashwan: haven't looked yet18:59
aznashwanericsnow: well, let me just say that the library was made for the low-level stuff the CoreOS guys are doing with it and was really ugly to use...19:00
ericsnowaznashwan: that's a shame19:00
aznashwanericsnow: apart from that, everything looks decent, did a test run (with two echo lines, but still) and everything worked19:00
aznashwanericsnow: just need a go-ahead from you guys and i'll get to adapting the tests19:01
ericsnowaznashwan: cool, I'll take a look at some point today19:01
hazmatsounds like part of systemd assimilation19:02
aznashwanericsnow: also, fair warning, I could not figure out how to do get the enabled/disabled status for a service with the library, so our options are either to look for the symlinks in systemd's paths, or do an exec call for it (which is how I have left it for now)19:03
ericsnowaznashwan: yeah, I was wondering about that19:03
aznashwanericsnow: you judge for yourself whether it's acceptable or not, and please let me know on the PR if there's any other issues19:04
ericsnowaznashwan: will do19:04
aznashwanmuch obliged :D19:05
natefinchhowdy thumper19:28
sinzuithumper, can you or a member of your squad help triage bug 1413752 ?20:17
mupBug #1413752: Bootstrapping to Openstack Environment fails with "no instances found" <hyperscale> <openstack-provider> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1413752>20:17
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thumpergoose collectInstances swallows errors from nova20:56
thumperdoesn't log nor return them20:56
* thumper files a bug20:57
thumperoh... that isn't goose, that is juju20:57
thumpersinzui: looked at that bug21:02
thumpersinzui: and we just aren't logging enough information to work out what is going on21:02
sinzuithumper, :(21:02
thumperI've commented on the bug, and filed another21:03
thumperin the openstack provider, where we are looking for instances21:03
thumperwe are ignoring the errors from nova21:03
thumperso if there were issues, we can't tell what they are21:03
thumpersince the provider has obviously started a machine, and we are trying to bootstrap it21:03
thumperthere must be a problem with the call to nova to describe the instance21:04
thumperbut since we are throwing away the error...21:04
thumpernot much we can do21:04
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sinzuithumper, natefinch , do you have a minute to review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/807/21:36
sinzuithank you thumper21:45
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