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pittiGood morning06:14
didrocksgood morning07:00
pittibonjour didrocks, ça va ? senses-tu mieux que vendredi ?07:08
pitti(err, how to write that correctly with the reflexive?)07:08
pittiest-ce que tu te senses ...?07:09
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didrocks"est-ce que tu te sens mieux que vendredi ?"07:09
didrocksso almost :)07:09
didrocksyeah, I feel way better, thanks!07:09
didrocksstill sneezing a little bit, but nothing compared to then07:10
didrocksand feeling a clear mind :)07:10
didrocksafter this week-end of i-cant-do-nothing, better to be on shape on Mondya!07:10
didrocksand you? how was your week-end ?07:10
pittididrocks: fairly laborious on Saturday again; I went to my sister in Rosenheim to help her assemble furniture, put on mirrors and lamps and all that07:19
pitti(round 2)07:19
pittididrocks: much more relaxed yesterday: badminton, sauna, and lots of reading :)07:19
* didrocks won ikea's builder award07:19
seb128good morning desktopers07:20
didrockshey seb12807:20
pittididrocks: oh, seriously? wow! :)07:21
pittibonjour seb128 !07:21
pittias-tu eu un bon week-end ?07:21
didrockspitti: argh, I wanted to write "pitti" instead of /me07:22
didrockspitti: to EJOKEFAILED07:22
pittididrocks: ah :)07:22
didrocksfix: FILLING COFFEE07:22
seb128hey didrocks pitti07:22
* pitti sends a JOKE RESET packet07:22
seb128pitti, oui, mais j'ai mal au ventre (gastro je pense)07:22
didrocks"pitti won ikea's builder award"07:22
seb128sinon j'ai vu une pièce au théâtre et j'ai été à une soirée d'anniversaire07:23
seb128et en parlant d'ikea j'y étais hier07:23
seb128et vous ?07:23
didrocksseb128: resté à la maison les 2 jours à cause du rhume, mais au moins, c'est passé07:23
didrocksrester à la maison, ça permet de tout guérir, genre, si j'avais eu un match de tennis, je n'y serais pas allé07:23
* didrocks fuit… :)07:23
pittiseb128: j'ai aussi eu affaire avec ikea, mais il assemblage :)07:26
pittialthough most of that was in round 1 two weeks ago, on Sat it was more drilling, plumbing, etc.07:27
seb128you do plumbing?07:27
* seb128 doesn't like that, water leaks are no fun :p07:27
pittiseb128: well, the bits that you have under the sink07:28
pittinot all of it07:28
seb128ah, ok07:28
pittiand the linux stuff, of course :)07:28
didrocksI can handle the plastic part of plumbing ;)07:28
pittiwell, the smell isn't fun, if one has to fix a clogged pipe07:28
pittibut this was an entirely new kitchen with new parts, so that actually was fun07:29
mlankhorstHello, world!08:15
seb128hey mlankhorst08:15
didrocksmorning mlankhorst08:16
Saviqwillcooke, hey, no, the GTK thing does not *require* my ACK08:46
Saviqwillcooke, I'll test it nevertheless and top-ack it today08:46
willcookethx Saviq.  Good holiday?08:46
Saviqwillcooke, yeah, real good, thanks08:46
willcookemorning Laney09:05
didrocksgood morning Laney!09:06
willcookedidrocks, I've got a CI question, can you assist me?09:06
seb128hey Laney willcooke09:07
didrockswillcooke: sure, if I'm still up to date :)09:07
willcookedidrocks, I want to run a Selenium job on CI every 24 hours.  I've got some pointers for the Selenium code, how to I go about getting it running every day?09:09
Laneyhey seb128 et didrocks et willcooke09:09
seb128Laney, had a good w.e?09:09
Laneymoar painting /o\09:10
Laneystarting to look good now though ;-)09:10
Laneyalso had haggis last night09:10
didrockswillcooke: CI has no generic solution for this :/ I needed to provide my own jobs in jenkins for this and they did provide my some VMs that I can reset, upgrade and such09:10
seb128see, that pays off :-09:10
didrockswillcooke: selenium tests? Are you back on doing javascript/webby stuff? :)09:11
willcookedidrocks, we need to poke start.u.c. every day to make sure it's not broken.09:11
mlankhorstwillcooke: so the meeting's tomorrow?09:12
willcookedidrocks, might be easier to just use Canonistack?09:13
willcookemlankhorst, the 1:1?  Yeah09:13
mlankhorstI meant about xmir09:13
didrockswillcooke: I think it would be better to use Canonistack, it's been a long time I haven't use selenium headless, but I can give a look if you want, that sounds fun :)09:14
willcookedidrocks, I think it's probably about 10 mins work and a cron job.  I'll get a small instance set up and perhaps we can take a look later in the week?09:15
didrockswillcooke: sure!09:16
desrt_mvo: good morning!09:23
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willcookeheh, didrocks I seem to have done it!09:59
didrocksnice! :)10:02
willcookeBe afraid people - I'm writing production code.10:05
* larsu is afraid10:05
willcookemuhha haaa haaa10:05
mlankhorsttesting? we'll do it in producting10:06
Sweet5harkwillcooke, larsu: a bazillion GIFs from http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/ pop up in my mind ;)10:25
* jpds_ tries to picture willcooke in http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/post/108534827486/delivering-a-new-feature-to-the-customer10:33
didrockspitti: adding i18n to systemd without glib -> pain ;)10:36
pittididrocks: oh, how?10:39
pittididrocks: most i18n stuff ought to be in libc already?10:40
didrockspitti: I'm more fighting with the Makefile integration10:41
pittididrocks: oh, you mean the standard snippets/rules to build *.mo from *.po and the like? argh, yes :/10:45
didrockspitti: yeah, seems that's done manually right now10:46
pittididrocks: although these already should be in intltool's m4 and already present due to the polkit translations?10:46
didrocksI don't see metacommand for the .pot files and so on10:46
didrockspitti: right, I was just thinking if this was done manually or not, but seems that they refresh the .pot and .po manually10:47
pittididrocks: po/Makefile.in.in?10:47
didrockspitti: yeah, this is only for .po -> .gmo and msgmerge10:47
didrockspitti: btw, what's the difference between gmo and mo?10:47
pittididrocks: right, one would have to do make -C pot systemd.pot to refresh it10:47
pittididrocks: I'm not sure, I think they are by and large the same; perhaps just two different conventions10:48
pitti... for file name suffixes10:48
didrockspitti: make is generating .gmo by default… (containing the polkit translations as well, which are uneeded…)10:48
didrocksI guess due to:10:49
didrocksCATALOGS=$(shell LINGUAS="$(USE_LINGUAS)"; for lang in $$LINGUAS; do printf "$$lang.gmo "; done)10:49
* didrocks changed and get .mo, but doesn't seem right10:51
didrockslet's see at least if the translations load.10:52
didrocksok, at least, it works, but not fan of changing Makefile.in.in10:52
* didrocks needs also to expose GETTEXT_PACKAGE to config.h now10:53
pittididrocks: Makefile.in.in is autogenerated10:55
pittididrocks: and that should be fine -- install-data rule installs *.gmo as *.mo10:56
didrockspitti: oh, I missed that one, didn't try to make install, cool then!10:58
pittididrocks: the Debian systemd package has ./usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/systemd.mo (and other languages)10:58
pittididrocks: so AFAIK everything is just fine?10:58
didrockspitti: hum, I didn't get it installed on my system10:58
pittididrocks: remember we strip out translations from our debs :)10:58
didrockspitti: right, so it should be in the french language pack10:58
pittididrocks: it ought to be in language-pack-fr-base10:58
didrocksand still installed10:58
* didrocks looks10:58
didrocksdpkg -L language-pack-fr-base | grep systemd10:59
didrocks-> nothing10:59
pittididrocks: one would think that for a project with three main German developers there would be German translations, but there aren't :-)10:59
pittididrocks: ah, probably not approved in Launchpad yet, let me look10:59
didrocksahah, that's because german people can read english :)10:59
didrockspitti: ah, making sense!10:59
pittididrocks: ok, now I know11:00
pittididrocks: package doesn't build a .pot file during package build11:00
pittididrocks: I'll handle that11:00
didrockspitti: yeah, that's the reason one it's not autoimported?11:00
pittididrocks: that needs to happen first, and then ack'ing it from the above imports page11:00
didrocksah, ok, I don't know at all about those launchpad i18n internals :)11:01
didrocksok, good, thanks for looking into this!11:01
didrockspitti: just pushing my i18n functionality into the shared static lib11:01
pittididrocks: so IOW: don't worry about that part -- just make sure your new files are in POTFILES.in so that they get into the pot, and all will be fine11:01
didrocksand then, I'll rebase and good to go for systemd-fsckd!11:01
didrockspitti: yeah, that's all good :)11:01
didrockspitti: the remaining part will be other plymouth themes (xubuntu, lubuntu, kubuntu…) but that should wait on the final systemd patch though (and is already broken under systemd anyway)11:02
didrockspitti: that + plymouth not receiving C input (when not under plymouth-x11), but that's another story, let's get some reviews meanwhile11:03
mlankhorstglamor being tricksy11:04
mlankhorstooh, found a nice glamor_es2_pixmap_read_prepare function that can swap R and B for me.. might help with what I need11:24
mitya57larsu: hi, can you please look at two notify-osd MPs by Alberts?11:49
mitya57The last two on http://pad.lv/mps/notify-osd11:50
larsumitya57: sure, in a bit12:08
larsuwoah, how did the expose() thing even work?!12:08
mitya57larsu: do you mean expose_handler()?12:12
mitya57IIRC it didn't work on Metacity/Mutter, that's why I bugged Alberts and he submitted this :)\12:13
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Sweet5harkseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/vivid/4.4.0/ for upload to vivid12:39
seb128Sweet5hark, great12:39
* Sweet5hark buckles up, straps seatbelts, takes a deep breath, mumbles "brace for impact" and is ready for the ride ...12:41
mlankhorstafter some messing around I may have found a proper fix for those stupid formats. :P12:51
willcookenice mlankhorst12:51
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didrockspitti: hum, seems that the makefile doesn't support ngettext. If I update the fr.po, add translation, make (which compiles the .gmo), and msgunfmt it, nothing12:53
didrockspitti: any idea that can lead me on some path before I start googling around?12:53
seb128Sweet5hark, sponsored, as well as the trusty SRU that was still on my todo :-)12:56
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didrockspitti: hum, a direct call with msgfmt does the same, weird… not sure what about the .po file isn't right (especially as it has been generated by intltool13:01
didrockspitti: ignore me, it's just that during the gettext -> ngettext, it has been marked fuzzy…13:02
Sweet5harkseb128: awesome, thanks!13:06
seb128Sweet5hark, yw! sorry it took a while13:06
pittididrocks: re from lunch -- still anything to solve?13:17
didrockspitti: no, all good, doing a big rebase before submitting, maybe you want to have a look first? (as it's quite some dynamic code, I would love a pre-review from you)13:18
pittididrocks: sure13:19
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larsumitya57: approved those MRs. Do we have auto merging for notify-osd?13:56
mitya57larsu: I believe it's managed by citrain14:00
mitya57I can land it myself if you want.14:00
larsuyes, please14:01
larsuwell, I don't care really, as long as it gets merged at some point ;)14:01
mlankhorstmeh I messed up something, right now I get color swaps every time the cursor blinks in libreoffice :P14:02
willcookemlankhorst, trippy14:02
mitya57larsu: also, while we are here, please add lp:~mitya57/ubuntu-themes/wncktask to your review list :)14:02
larsumitya57: are you sure that's what caused it? Ambiance has always set background-image for buttons (I simply moved it from another file into gtk-widgets.css)14:07
larsumitya57: also, doesn't include Radiance14:07
mitya57larsu: Radiance was working fine IIRC14:09
mitya57let me test it14:09
mitya57yes, Radiance doesn't have that problem14:11
mitya57Also, I am not sure what exactly caused the regression, but it did not happen with pre-gtk3.14 ubuntu-themes14:11
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larsumitya57: weird. Well, I don't like the patch because it introduces more widget names in rules, but I doubt anyone cares enough to fix gnome-panel :)14:20
larsumitya57: I'll approve it14:20
mitya57larsu: Alberts (who is also gnome-panel upstream) probably cares14:21
larsumitya57: oh cool, I didn't realize14:22
mitya57larsu: but .button existed before this change, so actually I didn't add more widget names14:23
mitya57larsu: what should be the correct fix?14:24
larsumitya57: .button is a class. "PanelApplet" is a widget name14:25
larsumitya57: not sure what exactly the correct fix is, but probably the panel could set .titlebar or something to get dark buttons14:27
larsu(header bars set the .titlebar class)14:27
mlankhorstok I did something stupi dthat caused it to revert colors on upload :P14:27
mitya57larsu: hm, need to think about that14:28
mitya57I will send a mail to Alberts, but let's have this anyway for now14:28
mitya57I see that he also has a MP in ubuntu-themes (lp:~albertsmuktupavels/ubuntu-themes/update-metacity-theme), but I think we don't need it this cycle14:30
mitya57We'll need it in vivid+1 when we have new metacity14:30
mitya57larsu: Thanks for approving!14:30
larsuthat branch is _crazy_14:30
larsumitya57: oops, wrong one. I thought it was that huge one14:32
mitya57no, no :)14:32
larsuso ... has anyone tried gedit 3.14?14:33
larsufor some reason I don't see any results in the "open" popover14:33
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mitya57larsu: forks for me: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mitya57/tmp/gedit.png14:36
larsumitya57: interesting. Works for me in jhbuild strangly...14:36
mitya57that is 3.14.114:37
larsuI'm on a custom 3.14.214:37
larsuI doubt that's the issue though14:37
mitya57submenus in popovers are ugly14:38
* seb128 didn't try it14:38
seb128bah, systemd-bootchart writes a 100Mb svg file that no image viewer is able to open14:39
larsumitya57: indeed. My build removes the gear menu and puts a traditional menu bar back (in unitY)14:39
larsuseb128: read it in gedit!14:39
larsujust need a good svg renderer in your head14:40
seb128larsu, you think gedit is able to open a 100Mb file? lol :-)14:40
seb128I somebody feeds it a 3Mb log and get a grey window for like a minute14:40
seb128I wouldn't dare trying on that one :p14:40
larsuseb128: s/gedit/vi/14:41
seb128emacs you mean?14:41
seb128(not friday yet?:)14:41
larsusorry, I can't hear you14:41
* seb128 runs convert and get a ENOSPACE in /tmp14:41
seb128looks like 3Go is not enough to convert the svg in png14:41
larsuI wonder why this file is so big...14:42
seb128yeah, same here14:42
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seb128$ schroot --list --all-sessions15:07
seb128I've quite some mounts like that on my desktop, I wonder if that's normal/where they are configured15:07
seb128mvo, ^ maybe you know?15:07
seb128I assume they come from the ubuntu touch dev env15:08
seb128but I'm unsure I'm supposed to have a stack of those mounts15:08
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seb128Failed to start powerd.service: Unit lxc-android-config.service failed to load: No such file or directory.15:25
seb128trying to upgrade powerd on my desktop hits that error15:25
seb128pitti, ^ known?15:25
pittiseb128: oops, we use powerd on desktop?15:26
pittiseb128: no, not known, but it's a relatively simple fix (downgrade Requires=lxc-android-config.service to Wants=lxc-android-config.service)15:26
seb128pitti, we don't use it on desktop, but it's pulled it by some touch components and can be installed15:29
pittiseb128: ah, ok; as it would never actually start under upstart on a desktop (start on started dbus and android)15:30
seb128Job for powerd.service failed. See "systemctl status powerd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.15:30
seb128invoke-rc.d: initscript powerd, action "start" failed.15:30
seb128after changing to Wants15:30
seb128I guess that can't run on desktop15:30
pittino :/15:30
seb128it was not trying to run under systemd either, until recently afaik15:31
seb128I mean I've powerd installed for over a cycle and I'm using systemd for a while, it's the first time I've an update failing due to it15:31
pittiseb128: right, I recently added a unit as part of porting the phone to systemd15:31
seb128you just added the unity15:31
pittiautofingers :)15:31
mlankhorstoops, stupid me :P15:31
seb128pitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/powerd/+bug/141197215:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 1411972 in powerd (Ubuntu) "systemd service blocks upgrade on desktop" [Undecided,New]15:32
pittiseb128: hm, so what we could do is to tell dh_installinit to not try and start it on install15:33
pittiseb128: that won't harm boot and the phone, but avoid that bug15:33
pittias the autogenerated postinst stuff wants invoke-rc.d to succeed15:33
seb128can't it be dbus activated?15:33
seb128if nothing tries to use it on dbus it wouldn't call the binary15:33
pittiseb128: I heard it can, but they still want to run it at boot because it also sets up stuff15:34
pittinot sure how early things talk to powerd, I don't know powerd at all I'm afraid15:34
seb128me neither15:34
pittiseb128: i. e. trying to start powerd crashes,  i. e. the Requires= is actually correct?15:36
seb128pitti, I guess it is15:37
pittiSetting up powerd (0.16+15.04.20150120-0ubuntu1) ...15:37
pittipowerd start/running, process 180215:37
seb128it's lacking a depends on it then?15:37
pittihm, lies! it's not running15:37
pitti[  334.145907] init: powerd main process (1864) killed by ABRT signal15:37
pitti[  334.145922] init: powerd respawning too fast, stopped15:37
pittiah, yes15:37
pittiupstart still treats this as "success", which papers over this15:37
ogra_the default upstart job waits for the "android" event15:39
mlankhorstwillcooke: I've uploaded a buggy version with sa28, sa29 should have the fixed pixel format stuff.15:39
pittiright, but it's started manually on installation15:39
pittiogra_: ^15:39
ogra_not sure how that would work on an x86 desktop install at all15:39
pittiogra_: so it just tries to start and crashes15:39
pittiogra_: no, it wno't15:39
willcookemlankhorst, nice!  thx15:39
mlankhorsttested on libreoffice with desktop and es2, no longer get blue decoration for metacity :P15:40
pittiseb128: I followed up to the bug15:40
seb128pitti, danke15:40
* pitti -> some errands, back in 3015:42
seb128pitti, do you plan to do that --no-start change?15:42
seb128pitti, have fun!15:43
larsuseb128: this is ... ugly http://i.imgur.com/XGAud8K.png16:21
seb128larsu, indeed16:22
seb128larsu, is that what gedit looks like on macOS?16:22
larsuseb128: no, they don't show the "toolbar"16:23
seb128larsu, let's do the same?16:23
larsuseb128: http://blogs.gnome.org/jessevdk/files/2014/09/Screen-Shot-2014-09-02-at-22.05.52.png16:23
seb128larsu, it's a bit suboptimal though, it means common action are not easily available16:23
seb128larsu, would it be difficult to have a proper toolbar back?16:24
larsuand the cool new open-by-searching isn't, either16:24
larsuseb128: hm, I guess we could do something like that...16:26
larsuwould be a bit hard to do dynamically, but possible16:26
seb128what is "open by searching"?16:27
* mdeslaur cries looking at new gedit16:29
larsumdeslaur: it looks really nice the way it was designed16:32
larsui.e, with a header bar16:32
larsuseb128: dynamically depending on the desktop you're running on16:33
larsuseb128: would be easy as a distro patch16:33
mdeslaurlarsu: that's a matter of opinion :)16:33
seb128larsu, yeah :/16:33
larsuseb128: "open by searching" -> you get a popover now when clicking "open" which has a search bar16:33
seb128what does it use as backend?16:34
larsumdeslaur: the one we ship now looks like it's from 199816:34
larsuseb128: I don't know :)16:34
larsuseb128: doesn't work for me right now, but it does for mitya5716:34
mdeslaurlarsu: yep16:34
mdeslaurlarsu: and they've managed to make it worse instead of better :P16:35
seb128larsu, looking from 1998 is sort of what desktop/productivity tools look like :-) libreoffice, firefox, tb, eclipse, ...16:35
seb128but let's not start in that discussion now16:35
* larsu shuts up16:35
seb128larsu, sorry, let's just agree that different people like different things and not start another discussion on what design is best16:36
larsuseb128: what's our plan for gedit going forward? (i.e., post-unity8)16:37
larsuwill we continue to patch it?16:37
Laneyit uses GtkRecentManager16:37
larsuLaney: ah! Thanks16:37
seb128I don't know16:37
seb128depends if we keep using gedit by default16:37
larsuI'm asking because I want to know if it's worth it to put this much more work into it16:37
willcooketopic for sprint?16:37
larsuand it looks like unity8 will have apps with header bars as well16:37
seb128I would expect that we don't and let it up to gedit guys to distribute it as they want16:38
larsuwillcooke: true - is there one coming up maybe? :P16:38
larsuseb128: right16:38
larsuseb128: in fact, this is upstream work (talking in #gedit at the same time)16:38
larsuseb128: the menubar patch is almost-merged16:38
seb128larsu, yeah, it's up to upstream to deal with their users16:38
larsunot sure if we should merge the remove-headerbar thing though (they want it, but agree it's ugly)16:39
seb128larsu, the issue atm is that things we distribute with the OS look like part of the OS and if they look crap users are going to blame Ubuntu for not being good and not gedit16:39
larsuright, of course16:39
seb128larsu, if we didn't install it and they would go to the appstore to install it I would not patch at all16:39
larsuI'm not arguing to changing it _now_16:39
seb128they could deal with upstream through reviews16:39
larsubut maybe we should stop putting much more work into it and stay with 3.10 until we have a different default app16:40
* larsu hates himself for saying this16:40
seb128bottom line is that I can't reply to "what is it going to be under unity8" since I don't know even if it still makes sense to install it there16:40
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larsuand I can't recommend anything to the gedit guys as long as we don't have a plan16:41
larsusure, there are other desktops, but ubuntu is kind of important16:41
larsuLaney: opinion?16:41
seb128well you can recommend that they should support standard desktop16:41
seb128the same way they support osX16:41
seb128are they happy about the lack of toolbar/easy access to e.g open/save under osX?16:41
larsuyes, apparently16:41
seb128those guys are out of touch with reality16:42
seb128I'm sure if somebody was to suggest to remove the save icon under GNOME to just have it in a menu they would disagree16:43
larsuit's our decision - we don't need to take the new versionbn16:45
seb128right, that was replying to the "what upstream should do"16:46
Laneywould it be the worst to add a new .ui file for a traditional toolbar?16:46
mitya57larsu: after email exchange with Alberts, I am going to land both my change (lp:~mitya57/ubuntu-themes/wncktask) and his change (lp:~albertsmuktupavels/ubuntu-themes/update-metacity-theme)16:48
seb128larsu, it's the same discussion we have some cycles and I don't like the options more than you, we can either ship both old&new gedit in the archive and seed the old one in Unity, or patch the new one to look ok under Unity ... depending which option has the best ratio investisment/return16:48
larsuLaney: no, but it won't be enough if we want to popover-open thing as well16:48
mitya57larsu: do you have other pending changes for me to add?16:48
LaneyWe could stay on old stuff, but I think it's at least part of our job to try and advance16:48
Laneyholding back means we either block ubuntu-gnome or have some grim forking situatino16:48
seb128Laney, we could easily package the old version as gedit3.10 and have both in the archive16:49
larsuyeah, I'd feel bad about blocking ubuntu-gnome16:49
seb128larsu, ^16:49
seb128it would also allow users who prefer the new UI to install that on their Unity16:49
LaneyRename the binary, transition launchers and mimetype associations, handle whatever other weird interactions happen16:50
Laneyhave to cherry-pick fixes16:50
larsumitya57: I still have two merge requests open for the theme. Do you have the powers to approve those?16:50
mitya57larsu: yes16:50
larsupeople seem to be happy with those16:50
larsu(finally gets rid of unico)16:50
larsuseb128, Laney: let's make this a topic for next week? (You're both there, right?)16:51
mitya57larsu: let me test them first :)16:51
larsumitya57: please do ;)16:51
seb128larsu, +1 (yes)16:51
seb128we could also look at whatever kubuntu, xubuntu, etc are using and see if there is another good editor we could use instead, if we think gedit just goes in a direction with is incompatible with what we are doing16:53
larsusure. This way people who want gedit could get the latest version16:53
larsuand they can decide if they like the headerbar or not16:53
seb128they are going to like it16:53
seb128but they are not going to like the interaction issues under Unity16:54
seb128or the fact that local menus don't work16:54
seb128if that was a random app it would be their call, but we are going to be blamed for all the integration glitches16:54
* larsu nods16:55
pittididrocks: btw, feel free to mail me some git patches or so to look at16:56
seb128larsu, Laney, btw, the decision of what to do with gedit is up to you guys, I'm just stating my position but not going to block/force it either way, we could even go with new gedit and GtkHeaderBar is you think that's the right decision :-)16:57
larsuseb128: thanks :)16:58
didrockspitti: I'm just done! (was hour of rebasing to be I hope readable)16:58
didrockspitti: I'm just finishing a *last* test (should be taking 2 minutes16:58
pittididrocks: yay you16:58
Laneywe'll see, I guess it's too late to do that this cycle now16:59
didrockspitti: otherwise, it's there: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/systemd-fsckd/16:59
pittididrocks: I'll wrap up for today, but that's something nice for the train ride tomorrow16:59
Laneywant to look into it next week though16:59
didrockspitti: as you can see a minute before your ping! :)16:59
pittididrocks: ah yes, that's fine16:59
seb128Laney, k, makes sense16:59
didrockspitti: great! :)16:59
seb128pitti, do you plan to handle the powerd --no-start?16:59
pittididrocks: that's against upstream master?16:59
Laneylarsu: totem is another case we haven't solved, fwiw - tracker baked in quite deeply16:59
didrockspitti: yeah, fresh from 4 hours ago :)16:59
Laneywell, tracker via grilo16:59
pittiseb128: can do, if noone beats me to it (not today any more)16:59
larsuLaney: totem has become a very different app from what it was before17:00
seb128pitti, k, let's see (I would do it if that would be a dput away but I don't want to start a CI landing today)17:00
larsuLaney: but yeah I agree. Not sure what we should do tbh17:00
larsuoh, am I dreaming or did frame extents land?!17:01
larsuah. dreaming indeed.17:03
larsuTrevinho: what's the status of that branch? You said it would be landing soon? ^^17:03
Laneyalso the huge-icons branch please :-)17:03
Trevinholarsu: bamf one?17:03
larsuTrevinho: no, the _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS one17:04
* Laney is working up to do an mvo 17:04
* Laney shoots from the hip pow pow pow17:04
Laney(uploading $world for gnome-icon-theme -> adwaita-icon-theme)17:04
Trevinholarsu: mh, not landing ... Still finishing lim stuff, then on that17:04
larsuTrevinho: we don't have that long until ff...17:05
larsulet's please please please land it this cycle17:05
Trevinholarsu: well is it a feature?17:05
larsuno, a bug17:05
seb128larsu, you just ruined your ff argument :p17:06
seb128always say it's a feature ;-)17:07
larsuseb128: ya I noticed when Trevinho asked :)17:07
larsuit's not a feature, but I'd like to get it in before ff17:07
seb128it's sort of a feature17:07
seb128it's support for a new protocol17:07
Trevinhomhmh, seb128 you've a feature "sensibility" much stronger than me :P17:07
larsuseb128: interesting. depends on how you look at it. as a user I'd say it's a bug that it's a bug that I can't move csd-windows all the way to the top17:08
larsuseb128: but yeah, as a dev it's clearly a feature17:08
seb128yeah, anyway landing it would be nice :-)17:09
Laneybregma_: are you doing a unity release soon? want https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/lp-1404730/+merge/246579 :)17:12
Trevinhoseb128: ah, I don't know if you saw it but I've pushed a patchset for that huge multithread issue in freetype.. It would be nice to mute all these bugs.17:12
bregma_Laney, yes,  was just focused on 14.04 SRUs last week17:13
* Laney notes that gnome-icon-theme-full managed to get onto the cd17:14
* Laney giggles17:14
seb128Trevinho, oh, no, I didn't, nice! did you see that behdad had some work started around that as well?17:14
Trevinhoseb128: yes, I just backported that... It's not my work :P17:29
Trevinhoseb128: I've just done the packaging work17:29
seb128Trevinho, great17:37
seb128Trevinho, did his work get reviewed/merged?17:37
Trevinhoseb128: sort of...17:38
Trevinhoseb128: code is at https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/vivid/freetype/multithread-safe/+merge/24737317:38
Trevinhoand trusty backport at https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/trusty/freetype/multithread-safe/+merge/24737517:38
Laneypew pew pew17:40
Laneymitya57: can you add a branch to your ubuntu-themes upload please?17:43
Laney(requested your review)17:46
seb128Trevinho, oh, cool, the freetype changes are in their trunk17:51
tedglarsu, Could you take a look at this? bug 141402517:51
ubot5bug 1414025 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) ""Call back" and the phone icon don't work in messaging indicator" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141402517:51
Trevinhoseb128: yes, there was a regression also (with chrome) but I included the commit that fixes it as well17:51
=== balloons_ is now known as balloons
seb128Trevinho, excellent, I'm going to upload that to vivid, then we can see about SRUing after getting some testing17:52
larsutedg: sure, but might not today (at a hackfest)17:52
larsuand about to finish the day17:52
Laney(code for: beer is about to happen)17:53
tedglarsu, K, I just saw in bug mail, no one has pinged me on it yet. So I think that's fine.17:53
larsuLaney: when are you dropping by btw?17:54
Laneydon't know17:54
Laneywhen do you leave?17:54
Trevinhoseb128: cool17:54
larsuLaney: thursday night17:55
mitya57Laney: added, thanks17:56
Laneylarsu: it's kind of arduous to go there for just a day & not sure I have any free nights this week17:57
Laneyif I did it'd be wednesday17:58
larsuno pressure17:58
larsuwe'll see you at fosdem anyway, right?17:58
Laneydo like visiting CBG though17:59
larsusee. a reason!18:00
larsuI've also seen a lot of bikes here ;)18:00
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
Laneyya that park by the train station is nuts (for the UK)18:00
larsustill haven't been in there18:01
Laneybike park18:01
Laneyjust loads of bike racks18:01
larsuhaven't seen that either :)18:01
Laneya dutch person would be all "I can't even see the bikes, where are they?"18:01
Laneybut it's impressive to me :P18:02
Laneyheard they were building a multi storey bike park, not sure if it happened yet though18:03
* larsu can check18:03
Laneyright, pushing all these branches is boring now18:08
Laneywill do rest tomorrow18:08
* Laney goes climbing, ttyl18:08
Sweet5harkseb128: hmmm, libreoffice on vivid is dep waiting on the MIRs (and on mdds, which was already MIRed, but seemed to have dropped back to universe).18:32
ricotzSweet5hark, hi, regarding the l10n package: i hope you don't mind to add tweaks to replace "--host=x86_64-linux-gnu --build=x86_64-linux-gnu" in debian/config like it is done for boost and jdk18:45
Sweet5harkricitz: huh? patches welcome.18:45
ricotzSweet5hark, I guess the LO buildsystem actually respects that now since 4.4 and obviously works while vivid switched to amd64 for arch-all builds18:47
ricotz(while you are building the source package on amd64)18:48
seb128Sweet5hark, are the MIRs approved?18:50
Sweet5harkseb128: all mirs are in 'fix commited' by mterry18:51
seb128Sweet5hark, not libetonyek, is that needed?18:51
Sweet5harkseb128: libenotyek is not yet needed for this upload18:51
Sweet5harkseb128: doing that one on its own, wanting to get the approved ones through first18:52
larsutedg: I think I've found the issue already... Don't have my device with me to test though19:10
larsutedg: would appreciate if you could test it: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/indicator-messages/lp1414025/+merge/24763819:10
larsuor wait for dednick tomorrow19:10
tedglarsu, I should be able to test it.19:11
* tedg is trying to remember if indicator-messages jenkins makes debs…19:13
larsuI think it does19:14
tedgYeah, looks like it does.19:14
tedgI'll wait then for that :-)19:14
cyphermoxso, is there anyone who'd like to try updating nm-applet to ;)21:54
TheMusocyphermox: Do you mean actually doing the package merge/update?22:00
cyphermoxTheMuso: it's more a joke, I wouldn't wish it on anyone22:01
TheMusoI would if I didn't already have a priority issue on my plate to deal with. :)22:01
TheMusoOh ok. :p22:01
cyphermoxit might actually be simple, but I'm not sure it will be ;)22:01
cyphermoxit will still need to be done, but maybe not tonight22:01
ari-tczewcyphermox: btw, I think ppp needs merged, as well22:31
cyphermoxppp got merged already22:31
cyphermoxI'm working on fixing n-m-pptp, and then pppcapiplugin22:31
ari-tczewcyphermox: oh, really. I'm outdated ;-)22:31
cyphermoxari-tczew: look at proposed :)22:32
cyphermoxbut you're right that the ppp change is what is blocking n-m, ppp in general from making it to release.22:32
ari-tczewcyphermox: merge-o-matic doesn't look on -proposed22:33
cyphermoxah, right22:34
cyphermoxwell, it's in proposed now22:35
cyphermoxif you want to work on network-manager-vpnc, network-manager-openvpn, network-manager-openconnect, those would be cool to fix up22:35
cyphermoxbut you're likely going to run into the same problem as I had with n-m-pptp; it requires a new libnm-gtk, which means fixing network-manager-applet (fixing being updating the applet->indicator patch)22:36
cyphermoxso I'm knee deep in that, looking at the patches and dropping all those that we've been hanging on to for far, far too long22:36
ari-tczewcyphermox: the first what we need is getting n-m into -release22:37
cyphermoxeverything is interconnected22:37
cyphermoxto unblock ppp and n-m, network-manager-pptp and pppcapiplugin need to pass22:37
cyphermoxari-tczew: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt22:38
cyphermoxscroll down to Trying easy from autohinter: ppp/2.4.6-3ubuntu1 network-manager/
cyphermoxif you want to look at pppdcapiplugin, that would be cool, but I think that's a hard one too22:38
cyphermoxah, actually maybe not that hard22:39
ari-tczewcyphermox: have you got a bug on LP with correct sequence to merging?22:39
cyphermoxhmm, no22:41
cyphermoxbecause I could read the required steps from update_output22:41
cyphermoxbut we can certainly open one if you want22:41
ari-tczewcyphermox: pppdcapiplugin is a binary of isdnutils, right?22:41
ari-tczewcyphermox: should be this one merged asap?22:42
ari-tczewcyphermox: question is, from unstable or from experimental?22:43
cyphermoxI'm not familiar enough with it to be confortable saying it should be merged from experimental.22:49
cyphermoxit's not rush per se; it will need to be merged *or* updated to accept building with ppp 2.4.622:50
cyphermoxactually, that might even be an *and*22:50
ari-tczewcyphermox: are you going to merge n-m-applet next days?22:51
cyphermoxmy wish is tonight, but I haven't got to the indicator patch yet22:52
ari-tczewcyphermox: wow, ambitiously22:52
ari-tczewcyphermox: ppp is still waiting in -proposed. if I'll try to build with pbuilder locally, it will download an old ppp from -release, right?22:54
ari-tczewI mean trying to build isdnutils22:55
cyphermoxah, yes, you'd need to explicitly tell it to build using -proposed too22:56
cyphermoxI do this with stgraber's sbuild-launchpad-chroot; I don't remember exactly how you'd do this with pbuilder22:57
cyphermoxbut it's probably written on the wiki?22:57
ari-tczewcyphermox: hmmm, maybe login to pbuilder's chroot and edit apt sources?22:57
cyphermoxwell, yes, that would be how to do it, but I'm pretty sure there is a way you can pass the right commands to a pre-chroot script or something23:00
cyphermox.. or you could ship it to a PPA ;)23:01
ari-tczewcyphermox: I'll try to do what I can23:03
cyphermoxari-tczew: alright, le me know if there's anything I can do to help23:19
cyphermoxTheMuso: hey23:27
cyphermoxperhaps you can answer a question I have about accessibility23:28
cyphermoxnm-applet uses GtkGrid for the table controls instead of gtk_table, so the patch you wrote for the info dialogs look like it's not going to apply cleanly anytime soon23:29
cyphermoxdo you know if there is anything special to do for GtkGrid aside from the same specifying of the ATK relations between the text label and the value, like for IP address?23:31
cyphermoxactually, nevermind that, the patch remains the same, just not gtk_table and gtk_grid instead23:32
TheMusocyphermox: I filed a bug upstream and posted a patch there... Obviously its not comitted yet...23:33
TheMusocyphermox: Do you want the bug number?23:33
cyphermoxoh, yes please23:33
TheMusoOk, let me try and dig it up.23:34
TheMusocyphermox: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72601823:34
ubot5Gnome bug 726018 in nm-applet "Enhancement request: Improve the accessibility of the info dialog." [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]23:34
cyphermoxit already applies much better23:35

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