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dholbachgood morning07:15
cwaynedavmor2, yo07:26
Maplehey all08:25
Maplenew to ubuntu touch08:25
MapleIs private Internet access available on touch then?08:27
popeyMaple: you mean vpn?08:39
Mapleyes vpn08:40
popeyMaple: it's not hooked up to the UI yet, but I suspect it will be in the future.08:41
MapleIs possible to set up from terminal?08:42
popeyMaple: not sure, not tried08:57
Mapleprivate internet access is the sponsor here?08:58
popeyMaple: Here? This is an irc channel, it doesn't have sponsors...08:59
popey(other than the people who maintain it [freenode / pdpc] and Canonical who sponsor Ubuntu development)08:59
MapleJust saw something about them being a sponsor on the login page09:01
MapleI think lol09:01
popeyMaple: login page of what?09:02
popeyMaple: you're using a web page to view this irc channel? I'm interested to know where that page is.09:04
Maplelost connection there for a min09:08
MapleI think they sponsor09:08
davmor2cwayne: Wot not wall09:09
popeyMaple: so they do!09:11
MapleThey should have a channel I spose09:14
Mapleill try to get hold of em09:15
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dholbachbzoltan, so https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.vivid needs an upload?09:25
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bzoltandholbach:  yes, the ubuntu-sdk-qmake-extras needs to be pulled by the ubuntu-sdk-libs-tool in all 15.04 chroots in order to enable the the new templates09:25
bzoltandholbach:  usually Mirv does it for the SDK, but he is still out ... and all other regular folks are covered with other duties.09:26
dholbachbzoltan, I don't know what the latest is in terms of seed changes - touch grew a bunch of processes on their own09:26
dholbachogra_, ^ do you know what to do?09:26
ogra_dholbach, yes,  but i dont have time right now (i told bzoltan in ~2h ... but seems he cant wait)09:27
bzoltanogra_:  2 hours I can wait :) But I waited 5 days already09:27
ogra_you need to merge the seed change and rebuild the meta package after you ran ./update in the source package dir (and adjust the changelog afterwards)09:27
dholbachogra_, right, that I know - I was just wondering if there was any more red tape...09:28
ogra_right, and i told you after two days that every core-dev can do it ... you could just have asked in #ubuntu-devel for a sponsor09:28
dholbachogra_, so it can just be sponsored like anything else?09:28
ogra_its just a universe package09:29
ogra_(seeds are owned by core-dev though)09:29
dholbachI'll take a look09:29
cwaynedavmor2, u wot m809:30
davmor2cwayne: WOT NO WALL09:31
bzoltanThank you ogra_ and dholbach.09:31
cwaynedavmor2, so was wondering what happened re: the online accounts being broken stuff09:31
cwaynewas the signon-apparmor-extension reverted?09:31
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Australia Day! :-D09:32
dholbachbzoltan, uploaded09:40
bzoltandholbach:  that was fast :D09:40
bzoltanzbenjamin:  I just have flashed a fresh RTM image on my krillin without dev mode... I have no problem adb shelling in when the screen is locked09:44
zbenjaminbzoltan: ok, i wonder what that change is then09:44
ogra_depends how you flashed09:44
bzoltanzbenjamin:  I am not going to ask it :) I am happy with the present situation09:44
ogra_--developer-mode disables screen lock checks09:44
ogra_if you flash normally it stays on09:45
bzoltanogra_:  I have not used that switch09:45
bzoltanogra_: i just flashed the 21309:45
ogra_then you shouldnt get in09:45
bzoltanogra_:  the adb was off at first of course, I turned the dev mode on in settings, set the passcode09:46
ogra_a normal flash wont put the override in place so you should not be able to do the initial connection if you have a locked screen09:46
bzoltanogra_:  but after that plug out, plug in ... screen locked and I can adb shell in. But I am extremely happy with that09:46
ogra_well, that would be a release blocker09:47
ogra_bzoltan, we are talking abour rtm, right ?09:47
bzoltanogra_:  the adb is not on by default... it comes alive after I enabled the dev mode09:47
bzoltan2015/01/26 11:30:23 Flashing version 213 from ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed channel and server https://system-image.ubuntu.com to device krillin09:48
ogra_has nothing to do with on by default09:48
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ogra_sergiusens, u-d-f only puts the adb_onlock file in place when developer-mode is set, right ?09:50
sergiusensogra_: correct; I can double check, give me a sec09:51
ogra_bzoltan, did you use --bootstrap ?09:51
bzoltanogra_: no09:51
bzoltanogra_:  should I?09:51
ogra_ah, and you flashed that device before with --developer-mode at some point i guess09:51
sergiusensonly on clean installs as well09:51
davmor2cwayne: it was http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/BPeDzRW9NIQ/maxresdefault.jpg09:52
bzoltanogra_:  sure I did09:53
sergiusensogra_: ok, so developer-mode enables the two files, adb_onlock and the developer_mode file09:53
sergiusensogra_: and password requires a 'format data'09:53
sergiusensogra_: all these rules become moot once we ship with a non adbable recovery09:54
sergiusensogra_: we can just put those file in the recovery image09:54
sergiusensogra_: since it's not even 7AM here, I'll bbl :-P09:55
ogra_sergiusens, right, i'm just worried we leave that file behind somehow on fresh flashes09:55
ogra_i think we should perhaps forcefully delete it if dev-mode isnt set during flash09:55
ogra_i think it isnt even deleted when using --wipe09:55
ogra_because it lives one dir level up from what gets wiped09:55
bzoltanogra_:  I used the wipe09:56
ogra_bzoltan, right09:56
ogra_but i bet you have a /userdata/.adb_onlock file09:57
ogra_even after --wipe09:58
bzoltanogra_: sergiusens: I have two concerns: 1) It will be seriously disturbing for app developers that they are forced to manually unlock the screen  whenever they want to run their app from the SDK. But i do understand that it is not a priority :) 2) i just want to run my UITK tests without manual hustle ... and it does involve reboots, so I need to be able to flash the device just as i do now09:59
ogra_bzoltan, 1) use --developer-mode when flashing10:00
bzoltanogra_:  yes i do have the .adb_onlock10:00
ogra_2) see 1)10:00
ogra_3) put the file in place yourself by touching /data/.adb_onlock from recovery10:00
bzoltanogra_:  2) yes, that is what i use... I hope that behavior will not change.10:00
ogra_the point is that if you later flash without --developer-mode i think the file needs to be wiped10:01
bzoltanogra_:  yes, that sounds logical10:02
ogra_developers should keep that flag ... if they re-flash to give the phone to someone else and dont use that flag, the file should be wiped so the screen lock check is there for the new user10:02
ogra_though i guess if you flash to give it away you also use --bootstrap to reformat the partitions10:02
bzoltanogra_:  So we expect the developers to jump thru loops and do some magic in order to enable them creating super simple apps? :)10:03
ogra_bzoltan, ask the security team ... that stuff isnt my desgn, i only implemented it ...10:04
ogra_long term target is key auth10:04
bzoltanogra_:  I know :) I do not shoot the messenger10:04
ogra_which means you will need to approve a key after each flash10:04
ogra_on screen10:04
ogra_thats not much different than unlocking once10:05
bzoltanogra_:  and our short term target is to engage ... making such a silly policy is not exactly doing that10:05
ogra_(you wont have to do it subsequently though )10:05
ogra_the point is that someone stealing your phone shuldnt be able to adb in when he doesnt know the PW/PIN10:06
ogra_even if you switched dev mode on10:06
ogra_(in the UI that is)10:06
ogra_if you have overridden that at flash time already, we assume you are a developer and leave the feature off completely10:07
ogra_(i.e. if you use --developer-mode)10:07
bzoltanogra_: that is fine.. but under a single connection I would expect the device to be available ... so it is OK to request pin code once I plug in... but not every minute10:07
ogra_we onyl request it on connect events, if you stay connected you wont have any new unlock request10:08
ogra_anyway, you'Re a developer, use --developer-mode ... it is for you :P10:09
bzoltanogra_:  hmm.. I am a developer, but I do not wish to flash ...10:10
ogra_bzoltan, so just touch the file then10:17
shuduoogra_: i use --developer-mode and --password=phablet to flash devel image but i still can't sudo with password. any idea?10:22
ogra_shuduo, does unlocking the screen with that pasword work ?10:23
shuduoogra_: the unlock pin is set with another 4 digital number10:24
ogra_well, that means you did set a new password then ... in the wizard i guess :)10:24
ogra_use the pin with sudo10:24
shuduoogra_: great. it works now. thanks!10:25
ogra_--password=phablet will only work if you keep it set and dont change anything via the UI ... then whatever you  changed to will be used10:25
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rpadovanioSoMoN, o/10:47
oSoMoNrpadovani, hey!10:47
rpadovanioSoMoN, I have a couple of questions about https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/webbrowser-app/addressBarFullWidth/+merge/239039/comments/61217610:48
rpadovanioSoMoN, to fix the module problem I have to add it to debian/control, right?10:49
oSoMoNrpadovani, yes10:51
rpadovanioSoMoN, cool, and what about other two errors? I thought eventually and equals were autopilot valid commands10:52
oSoMoNrpadovani, they are, but you need to import them to use them10:52
rpadovanioSoMoN, oh, I see - thanks! I also see you reply to all my branches, I'll take care to fix them asap :-)10:54
rpadovanithanks again!10:54
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rpadovanioSoMoN, sorry to bother again, in debian/control I have to add qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-keyboard-extensions0.1 in Source: webbrowser-app/Section: x11 or Package: webbrowser-app/Architecture: any or both? Or others?11:05
oSoMoNrpadovani, I think you’ll have to add it to both Source and "Package: webbrowser-app", because when building the package the unit tests are run, and AddressBar.qml is unit-tested11:07
rpadovanithanks! Just pushed, let see if now works11:08
mardy_davmor2: hi! When you found bug 1413655, did you have only the U1 account, or others too?11:19
ubot5bug 1413655 in ubuntuone-credentials (Ubuntu) " --switch removes accounts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141365511:19
davmor2mardy_: all of them11:20
davmor2bar flickr I think11:20
mardy_davmor2: you mean you had U1 and flickr?11:22
davmor2mardy_: no I was signed into all of them except flickr11:23
popeyhmm, my flo running 171 ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed refuses to connect to any wireless networks...11:25
popeyhaha, now it works. Stupid tablet.11:26
dholbachbzoltan, I think the fix has landed already11:26
bzoltandholbach:  Cool, thanks11:27
davmor2popey: it hates you you just have to hate it back harderererer11:42
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sergiusensbzoltan: the concerns you have you have to take to ogra_ and the security team, not me; I am against all these "features" in the first place (the files to flag access)12:05
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bzoltansergiusens: ogra_: i tried to talk to people before, but it seems to be a solid requirement12:06
ogra_well, the key support will eventually fix all this12:06
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fredericc38Hi all!12:57
fredericc38I tried ubuntu touch a couple of months ago and some bugs were really annoying what's about today??12:58
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kenvandinemandel, did you see my comment on they check-hash bug report?  I confirmed our DownloadTracker isn't getting the error signal from udm, i haven't been able to confirm if udm emitted it though14:33
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mandelkenvandine, I missed it, sorry, again in a meeting (gosh) but I'll take a look asap14:34
mandelkenvandine, AFAIK udm does emit it or else the tests would not pass when building udm :)14:34
kenvandineif so, then we aren't getting it14:35
kenvandinemandel, we have a warning if it fails to connect to the signal, which isn't getting logged14:35
kenvandineand i added some debug output in our callback, nothing14:35
mandelkenvandine, I'll take a look, no need to worry, I should be able to find the cause really fast14:35
kenvandinemandel, thx14:36
dobeymardy_: so, any idea how to fix it so that unconfined click packages actually used "unconfined" as the profile instead of $APPID?14:42
kenvandinejgdx, i'm anxious to see CI results for your 2 AP fix branches, but I noticed that jenkins isn't subscribed to the review...14:43
dobeykenvandine: jenkins usually auto-adds itself as a reviewer to any MPs for branches it watches14:44
kenvandinedobey, i know...14:46
kenvandinebut it didn't for 2 MPs jgdx filed this morning14:46
kenvandinewhich is odd...14:46
kenvandineoh... just now it added it... way late :)14:46
dobeykenvandine: sometimes it's quite slow :)14:47
kenvandinedoesn't usually take this long :)14:47
bzoltanogra_: the last problem is that /userdata/.adb_onlock needs to be created as root :(14:47
ogra_bzoltan, thats the reason why u-d-f does it for you :)14:48
bzoltanogra_:  I mean, I do not want to flash the device just for that14:49
sergiusensbzoltan: that's a private interface, I wouldn't rely on it for functionality14:49
bzoltansergiusens:  ogra_: we need an interface to allow the developer to set that flag14:50
sergiusensbzoltan: ask the product team and it will make it into our sprint planning14:50
mardy_dobey: I just sent an email about it14:50
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mardy_dobey: I think that the immediate fix is the one I suggested; let's see if jdstrand_ can play some magics later on14:50
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ogra_bzoltan, this intertface is going away once we switch to key auth14:51
ogra_not sure it is worth spendin any time on it14:51
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ogra_developers that want to use automation should od the initial flash of the device with --developer-mode14:51
jgdxkenvandine, yeah, me too14:52
kenvandinejgdx, there's a merge conflict in your security-privacy-add-sim-unlock-1378883 branch14:52
jgdxkenvandine, right14:52
bzoltanogra_: I could put a simple switch in the SDK UI so the developers could create that file14:52
ogra_please dont14:52
sergiusensbzoltan: that's making it easy to enable a security hole14:52
ogra_that would be a horrid hack and forcing a securioty hole open14:52
bzoltanogra_:  I do not :) because I can not14:53
bzoltanogra_:  not bigger than telling the developer to flash the device with --developer-mode14:53
ogra_juts tell devs they should use --developer-mode on first flash of the device14:53
ogra_if you dont --wipe or --bootstrap then the file will stay14:53
bzoltanogra_: do we tell the developers that it will open the adb connection wide up?14:53
ogra_we didnt tell the developers at all yet14:54
ogra_since this interface is actually only for automation14:54
bzoltanogra_:  but the u-d-f --help lists the --developer-mode14:54
* ogra_ was actually trying to get the options removed from --help and the manpage ... but i was overruled14:54
bzoltanogra_:  I know it is for CI and for me :)14:55
bzoltanogra_:  all right, it is fine ... the SDK will tell the developer to unlock the screen each time the unlocked device is pluged in ... after it is unlocked the SDK does all the magic via ssh, so i do not care about the adb anymore ...14:56
dobeymardy_: you forgot to add jdstrand_ to cc: list, so i replied to add him and ask his thoughts. hopefully he'll be on soon and have a good suggestion about how to fix it.15:11
* jdstrand_ is here now15:12
jdstrand_give me a couple minutes15:12
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* jdstrand is helping with another phone bug atm15:12
jgdxkenvandine, fixxd15:14
kenvandinejgdx, thx15:14
jgdxkenvandine, this is also a deb run, but feel free to review the sim unlock15:14
kenvandinejgdx, will do, once CI runs for debs15:14
jgdxkenvandine, ack15:14
dobeyjdstrand: sure, no problem. thanks15:15
mardy_dobey: eh, thunderbird should also warn me when I mention people but forget to add them to CC ;-)15:20
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seb128ricmm, hey, seems like your recent platform-api update to vivid made unity8-desktop/amd64 stop starting15:23
seb128Saviq, greyback_, ^ moved there since he's not on -unity15:24
Saviqit worked for me, but I did have a qtmir built myself, so might be a rebuild is all that's needed?15:24
* Saviq tries again after having reverted to distro qtmir15:25
ricmmseb128: whats the error?15:25
seb128ricmm, dunno, get a blank screen after updating ubuntu-application-api2-desktop15:26
Saviqhmm still working here15:26
seb128ricmm, unity8.log has15:26
seb128"Ubuntu Platform API: Unable to load selected module. -- Aborting"15:26
greyback_https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/platform-api/add-dlerror/+merge/241792 <- this would help for next time15:26
seb128ricmm, http://paste.ubuntu.com/988328215:27
seb128that's the unity8.log15:27
kenvandinejgdx, what is this connectivity binding used for?  Is it the wrapper for NM?15:33
jgdxkenvandine, no, it's a wrapper for the private connectivity api trusted apps can use15:34
kenvandinejgdx, so we can't use the Ubuntu.Connectivity CPI?15:34
jgdxkenvandine, isn't that the public one without sim/modem unlock features?15:35
kenvandinei really don't know :)15:35
kenvandinejust making sure we aren't re-inventing :)15:36
kenvandineor... rather had something old that isn't needed anymore15:36
kenvandinejgdx, i wasn't sure what that was used for in cellular and wifi15:36
jgdxkenvandine, it's brand spankin' new, 'published' here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-network/+bug/1374082/comments/715:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1374082 in indicator-network (Ubuntu Utopic) "no API to unlock a specific sim" [Undecided,Triaged]15:37
ricmmseb128: whats UBUNTU_PLATFORM_API_BACKEND set to?15:37
ricmmdo you have 2.7.0 of -desktop and -test ?15:37
jgdxkenvandine, we need this in the cellular panel as well, so eventually we should move it into src/ ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/141467015:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1414670 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Consolidate connectivity bindings from security-privacy and cellular" [Wishlist,In progress]15:37
seb128ricmm, how do I check that env variable if unity8 fails to start?15:38
seb128ricmm, -test is not installed15:39
kenvandinejgdx, ok, the backend for  Ubuntu.Connectivity is provided by indicator-network, but i guess that private API probably isn't exposed15:39
kenvandinejgdx, so carry on :)15:39
kenvandinejgdx, thanks for explaining15:39
jgdxkenvandine, that's my understanding. :)15:39
seb128ricmm, works after installing -test, missing depends?15:40
seb128Saviq, ^ might explain why it works for you15:40
greyback_seb128: ricmm: just a note, qtmir is setting UBUNTU_PLATFORM_API_BACKEND to either desktop_mirclient or touch_mirclient, if it hasn't been set already. It decides which based on if DESKTOP_SESSION contains the string "mir"15:40
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ricmmseb128: it was just a guess, but thats odd15:40
ricmmlemme think about it15:40
seb128ricmm, christownsend confirms that installing -test makes it work again for him as well15:42
ricmmseb128: I see whats going on, its my bug/bad15:44
ricmmI'll fix in a sec15:45
seb128chris is opening a bug report15:45
ricmmask him to add me to it and ping m15:46
jgdxbfiller, I'm seeing this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/camera-app/+bug/1414682 in the camera app, just flashed my krillin and updated the camera app15:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 1414682 in camera-app "Controls disappear after taking photo" [Undecided,New]15:46
ChrisTownsendricmm: Hey, I'll enter a bug report against platform-api about desktop breaking.15:49
ricmmChrisTownsend: thanks, assign me to it15:50
ChrisTownsendricmm: Ok, will do.  Ping me if you want more info or whatever in the bug report.15:51
bfillerjgdx: is your disk full? also can you do a "click list | grep camera"15:51
jgdxbfiller, "false alarm", I'15:51
jgdxbfiller, I deleted my Pictures folder15:51
ricmmChrisTownsend: no I already know whats going on, bug is just to track15:51
ricmmand close15:51
jgdxupdating bug…15:51
bfillerjgdx: whew15:51
ChrisTownsendricmm: Sweet!15:52
bfillerjgdx: there is a know but that the controls disapear when switching between front and back cameras until you tap on the viewfinder15:52
ChrisTownsendricmm: FYI, https://bugs.launchpad.net/platform-api/+bug/141469215:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 1414692 in platform-api "Latest update to platform-api breaks Unity 8 Desktop" [Undecided,New]15:54
jgdxbfiller, yeah, I see it.15:55
dobeycwayne, nhaines: either of you have problems with something hard freezing on n5? past couple of days i've had many cases where the screen wouldn't turn back on, and i couldn't phablet-shell into the device either, and had to reboot15:56
ricmmChrisTownsend: thanks15:58
seb128kenvandine, jgdx, hey, I'm looking at bug #1412523 ... do you have a preference on how the "enable button" logic should be handled? between having the button using a "enabled: <complex list of cases>" or having the different entry widgets doing things on onTextChanged?16:26
ubot5bug 1412523 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "In "Switch to passcode", "Set" is available when passcode or passphrase not supplied" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141252316:26
seb128like either we do16:26
seb128enabled: oldmode=swipe && (if passcode, length = 4, if passphrase, length >0) || oldmode=passcode ...16:27
kenvandineseb128, i'm fine with the complex list of use cases16:29
seb128kenvandine, great, thanks16:29
pmcgowanseb128, the data that is used on the battery graph, is that stored in a file somewhere by any chance?16:40
seb128pmcgowan, it comes from upower and the data are in /var/lib/upower16:41
pmcgowanseb128, thanks16:41
kenvandineseb128, i'm landing your focus branch now... just waiting for the ppc build in the silo :/16:41
seb128kenvandine, great, thanks16:41
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jdstrandbfiller: not sure who will do the camera-app upload for bug #1414625, but can you have whoever does ping me when they do, and I'll add a comment to the store review so future reviewers will know what is going on?17:03
ubot5bug 1414625 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Temporarily grant additional rights to camera-app so it can read free disk space" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141462517:03
jdstrandpopey: fyi, ^ if you see that, ping me-- adding a read_path to camera-app17:03
pmcgowanseb128, is there any tool to display those files? i assume the first item is a time stamp17:04
seb128pmcgowan, no tool that I know, sorry17:04
pmcgowanseb128, k17:04
seb128pmcgowan, yeah, it's timestamp, %charge, status17:05
seb128pmcgowan, there is a new data point written on changes17:05
bfillerjdstrand: I'll do the camera-app upload17:05
bfillerjdstrand: and will ping you17:05
seb128so if you work plugged at 100% charge for 3 days there are no data during this time17:05
pmcgowanseb128, makes sense17:05
seb128pmcgowan, are you looking at a specific issue?17:05
pmcgowantrying to track down some precipitous drops in battery level17:05
pmcgowanlike 30% to 0 in minutes17:06
bfillerjdstrand: assuming will need changes to camera-app json and a new apparmor-easyprof package?17:06
saidinesh5Elleo: just a heads up, thanks to a few nice/dirty tricks to the Brute Force Matcher in skeyer it's query time is down to around 200ms for a long word that was taking 5 seconds to compute before...17:07
saidinesh5The word is the swipeHint of the word beautiful.. Which is around 40 characters17:07
Elleosaidinesh5: nice :)17:08
saidinesh5And for normal words the response time is around 27ms17:08
saidinesh5So i think we've found your hunspell replacer if not anything :p17:08
jdstrandbfiller: just camera-app17:09
jdstrandbfiller: I haven't updated the bug yet17:09
saidinesh5(This one is kind of aware of key board layouts too)17:09
popeyjdstrand: if I see it in the store?17:09
Elleosaidinesh5: cool17:09
jdstrandpopey: yes17:09
bfillerjdstrand: cool17:09
popeyjdstrand: ok17:09
jdstrandpopey: the camera-app already triggers a manual review becuase of video_files and picture_files policy groups17:09
saidinesh5Now will have to wait till i get my laptop so that i can test this out on my nexus 717:09
saidinesh5With Ubuntu touch17:10
jdstrandpopey: something new is being added, and I wanted to comment on it for posterity17:10
popeyRight ho.17:10
saidinesh5Also need to optimize the memory requirements of this...17:11
Elleosaidinesh5: let me know how it works out on the device :)17:11
saidinesh5Oh or i can compile it on the device itself now.... Hold on17:11
Elleosaidinesh5: what sort of tricks are you doing for those speed ups?17:12
saidinesh53 little tricks mainly17:12
saidinesh51) early return in edit distance method if you're trying to find only k differences...17:13
saidinesh52) if you're trying to find only 5 words, adjust k accordingly based on the results you've collected so far17:13
saidinesh53) if manhattanDistance(input,word) > k don't bother going for editDistance17:13
saidinesh5And then if word lengths differ by more than k, don't bother computing manhattanDistance either17:14
Elleoah, interesting17:14
saidinesh5Manhattand distance is basically the number of times each character occurs17:14
saidinesh5In the string17:14
saidinesh5Difference of that in the two strings i mean17:15
Elleowhat sort of dictionary size are you working with?17:15
saidinesh5So that's O(n)17:15
saidinesh5Android dictionary... Around 180000 words maybe?17:16
Elleointeresting, hunspell's US dictionary is only about 62k entries17:16
saidinesh5But to search for a word I'm only searching  the words starting with the neighbors of a key17:16
saidinesh5So my search space is probably the same sized17:17
Elleoah, right17:17
saidinesh59 neighbors of a key assuming a grid of keys17:17
Elleoso there's an assumption that the user is correctly spelling the first character (but possibly missing the key)17:17
saidinesh5Otherwise the results are too noisy17:18
Elleothat could fall down on some misspellings like "psychologist" -> "sychologist"17:18
saidinesh5That's the next todo item actually :p17:18
Elleoah, cool :)17:19
saidinesh5Add a frequently misspelled list of words basically17:19
Elleoright, seems reasonable17:19
Elleobut could be a fair amount of work compiling those lists for all languages17:19
saidinesh5But otherwise, the swipe for psychologist and sychologist is quite different17:20
saidinesh5I'm sure Google open sourced some words17:20
saidinesh5Word lists i mean17:20
Elleoif you do find some existing word lists like that could you point them my way too, would be handy to have a look at17:20
saidinesh5Oh also totally forgot, for normal words we can search the whole word list btq17:21
saidinesh5Normal words = ~ 8 characters long17:21
Elleoah, right; so these optimisations only get applied to long slow words?17:22
saidinesh5More like only when the user swipes a word as opposed to types a word17:22
saidinesh5But yeah will have to look into that change...17:23
saidinesh5You have access to the sources right?17:23
Elleosaidinesh5: cool, will have a look17:24
saidinesh5Also will probably test out simstring library after this17:24
saidinesh5But need more exhaustive tests first17:24
saidinesh5Need to find out the average precision and all17:25
Elleointeresting, hadn't seen simstring before17:25
Elleojust reading up on it now17:25
saidinesh5Looks interesting actually it had it's own binary format and17:25
saidinesh5Mmaps it...17:26
Elleowill have to have a play with that myself at some point17:26
saidinesh5Also do you know any way to mmap a QList<QString>17:27
saidinesh5Can't seem to find any documentation / sample code17:27
saidinesh5Oh grr no adb on this machine17:28
saidinesh5And can't ssh without my public key on the device17:28
Elleonope, not something I've tried before, not sure if the Qt internals would lend themselves to that sort of treatment well (without risking issues between Qt versions)17:28
saidinesh5Well there is a QFileDevice:map17:29
saidinesh5For calling mmap17:29
saidinesh5It returns a uchar*17:29
saidinesh5The thing is QString seems to take care of its own memory allocation internally17:30
saidinesh5So not sure what happens when i a QByteArray17:30
saidinesh5Do a qdatastream >> qstring i mean17:31
Elleoyeah, I'd suspect it'd end up effectively doing a read of all the data, so you'd end up with it all in memory anyway17:31
Elleothat's just a guess though17:31
saidinesh5Not sure for me there is 2x the string data17:40
saidinesh5Well 3x or 4x actually cuz of the swipe hints17:41
saidinesh5Compiling things on the tablet now... Let's see17:42
saidinesh5Elleo: same 155 ms on the tablet...17:47
saidinesh5Probably slightly faster on the tablet17:47
saidinesh5This laptop is about 8 years old...17:48
saidinesh5Intel core 2 duo....17:48
Elleosaidinesh5: cool17:49
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pmcgowanmterry, hows progress on that pincode polkit caching thing17:54
mterrypmcgowan, much more involved than I had thought, but just filed an MP this morning17:54
pmcgowanmterry, ok, might like to land that if we have it today17:54
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dobeymardy: still around?18:06
taiebotWaouh conference calling on vivid.18:26
taiebotdo not know when it has landed and i have not tested it yet18:27
kenvandineis anyone else still seeing bug 1385331?  It says it's fixed in vivid, but I'm still seeing it in both vivid and rtm19:27
ubot5bug 1385331 in qmenumodel (Ubuntu RTM) "Notification LED stays on when no messages in notification center" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138533119:27
kenvandineand the canonical-system-image task is marked as fixed as well...19:29
kenvandinepmcgowan, you marked bug 1385331 as fixed, can you confirm it should be?19:30
ubot5bug 1385331 in qmenumodel (Ubuntu RTM) "Notification LED stays on when no messages in notification center" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138533119:30
pmcgowankenvandine, oh maybe not since the other mr didnt land yet19:31
kenvandinepmcgowan, it landed in vivid though19:31
kenvandinebut  i'm still seeing it in vivid too19:31
pmcgowankenvandine, yeah but I meant to track for rtm19:31
pmcgowanok so not fixed19:31
kenvandineyeah... but i don't think it's really fixed for vivid either19:31
kenvandineso that branch might not fix it for rtm either19:32
pmcgowanthats too bad19:32
kenvandineyeah... it's rather annoying :)19:32
kenvandinei just flashed my phone again doing a round of testing and still there :/19:33
ahoneybunhas anyone gotten the red flashing leds?19:38
ahoneybunon the nexus 419:38
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popeyahoneybun: yeah, well known "battery dead" state.20:33
mardydobey: hi! I'm back, for about 30 mins21:11
dobeymardy: i put my question in an e-mail in the thread since you didn't reply21:13
mardydobey: saw it just now, I'm about to reply21:14
ahoneybunpopey, are you saying I can just charge it back?21:14
dobeyhmm, now my nexus5 seems to be working ok, without the sim, and after updating today21:15
mardydobey: I sent the email21:22
kenvandinemandel, any progress?21:23
mardydobey: if PayUI is treated as an ordinary app, it means that it will appear in the UbuntuOne account under the system settings21:24
mardydobey: and the user will be able to disable it (then the next time that PayUI starts it will find no enabled accounts, and will use that Setup API to ask the user for the U1 account)21:25
mardydobey: I don't find this undesirable, but I thought I'd better state it clearly21:25
ahoneybunpopey, do I have to get a new device?21:26
dobeymardy: it's not desirable, in that it's not an ordinary app, and we want it to always have access to the account. but i would like to understand why exactly it's not happening that way right now. i suppose due to the fact that it's not an ordinary app, and doesn't have the .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications/ ?21:27
dobeyahoneybun: have you tried charging it?21:27
ahoneybundobey, left it charging for like 6-7 hours on the wall not pc21:28
ahoneybunit is on the wall now just blicking red21:28
dobeyahoneybun: and it won't turn on?21:28
ahoneybunI can get to the bootloader but can't get to the recovery21:29
ahoneybunand I can't reset it factory because it cant reboot into the bootloader21:29
dobeyand if you unplug it from the wall, it just dies?21:30
ahoneybunwithout the wall I cant get it to go into anything (bootloader)21:30
ahoneybunyou have to hold the buttons and then plug it in to get to the bootloader21:30
mardydobey: as I wrote in the email, to request permission to use an account (possibly involving the creation of a new account, if one doesn't exist yet) there is a special API21:31
mardydobey: but to use this API you also need a .service file, and that means that your app will appear under the U1 account21:32
mardydobey: if you don't want that, the real solution is to add PayUi to the ACL when you create the U1 account21:32
mardydobey: it's not a hack21:32
mardydobey: either you do it this way, or you do it dynamically, and accept the fact that the user might disable it21:33
dobeymardy: i'd prefer to do it the way jdstrand suggested in his mail :)21:33
mardydobey: but recovering from being disabled is not a single line of code more, so it's not troublesome21:33
ahoneybunI'm going to a local store to look at their phones dobey and I'm just going to leave it on the charger for some hours21:34
dobeyhaving to maintain a list of things that can access an account, inside the account plug-in itself, is indeed a "hack"21:34
dobeyahoneybun: ok, yeah, sounds like maybe an issue with the battery. you could open it up and test the battery i suppose21:34
pmcgowananyone know what was fixed in the latest  music app21:41
mardydobey: maybe...21:44
mardydobey: and if I proposed a MP to make PayUI bahave like a normal app, would you consider it?21:45
mardydobey: for an example of how this looks like, you can look at reminders app (though that's even more complicated because it supports multiple accounts)21:46
mardydobey: or, in fact, the dash21:46
dobeymardy: probably not. i was only considering the possibility that it would pop the allow/deny as a temporary means of annoyance to let us get the seed change in, but not something i'd want to keep there. it's an unconfined/trusted app and should always have access to that account21:48
mardydobey: ok21:51
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comjfDoes anyone have a guide to flash ubuntu phone on the latest amazon phone hardware22:13
comjfconsidering it's only 100 dollars now, it makes great hardware to play with ubuntu-phone with22:14
dobey!devices | comjf22:18
ubot5comjf: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices22:18
comjfdobey: so the fact that it isn't listed there means that it's not possible. Am I reading that correctly?22:29
comjfIF I want to start work on porting it to that device, who do I work with?22:30
dobeycomjf: it means you will need to port it, yes. well, it means you should probably check the XDA developer forums first22:38
dobeycomjf: xda dev forums is probably the best place to get started on porting22:38
dobeythere's some work happening for a new porting guide for ubuntu, but i don't think it's up yet22:39
ahoneybundobey, I think I have to get a new phone22:39
ahoneybunI can get it to the bootloader at least but without recovery I dont know of a way to format it22:39
dobeyahoneybun: maybe contact google support to see if they can help you figure out what's wrong exactly22:40
ahoneybundobey, not sure how22:40
dobeyahoneybun: first thing i'd do though, is open it up and try to test the battery to see if it's still good22:41
ahoneybunI don't think I have the tools22:42
ahoneybunI might have the screwdriver but not to take the case apart22:42
dobeylooks like you need a very small torx driver, and a multimeter at least22:43
dobeyprobably phillips too once case is opened22:43
dobeywell you'd need a multimeter to measure the battery voltage22:43
ahoneybundobey, I need a phone, so I might have to go the mall and get a cheap windows phone22:47
dobeyahoneybun: ah, well i have plenty of old phones lying around. so when some bug appears that's overly annoying and really gets in my way of using my phone, i can throw my sim in another phone and at least still have actual phone and stuff22:50
dobeybut sure22:50
ahoneybundobey, I do not have that, all the other phones are verizon as this is my first GSM phone and everyone else has verizon22:51
dobeywell, good luck22:52
dobeytime for me to go to the pub :)22:52
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