
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
elfyhave we done something with xdg-open or something - hexchat suddenly trying and failing to open urls in a new browser :(08:21
Unit193What's the session log say?08:26
elfywhich log?08:27
elfynothing useful - just a bunch of mousepad stuff08:30
elfy22nd sounds about right for it changing 08:31
brainwashelfy: use exo-open :)10:44
brainwashthere's bug 138892210:45
ubottubug 1388922 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "xdg-open doesn't properly detect XFCE DE" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138892210:45
brainwashelfy: xdg-utils package has been updated. now the blanking timeout reset bug should be fixed. please test!10:54
brainwashUnit193: any idea how to make debian package a new xdg-utils build?11:03
brainwashit seems somewhat stupid to use the current ubuntu package and add all these upstream patches11:04
brainwashso, we need something fresh which could be synced from debian11:05
bluesabreelfy: did you get a chance to take abiword from -staging for a spin?  If you approve, I'll sync the updated package tonight11:26
brainwashbluesabre: can you review https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11293 please? this bug seems to break one of the iso test cases11:46
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11293 in MIME-type editor "MIME type change incorrectly shows as Default" [Minor,New]11:46
bluesabrethat looks like a good patch11:48
bluesabreI'll merge that one in tonight, and add it to the package11:49
brainwashthanks :)11:49
bluesabreUnit193: good find, I'll also do that tonight11:50
bluesabrealso, uploaded your screenshooter11:51
bluesabreglad I didn't have internet over the weekend to finish my blog post, seems we have plenty more new things landing in xfce-land11:53
elfybrainwash: that bug is old - this is new behaviour that'd turned up in the last few days - must have been caused by something 12:44
elfybluesabre: appears to be ok here 12:46
brainwashelfy: old but still valid. for example, xdg-screensaver is not able to detect Xfce, so it falls back to "other DE"12:46
elfyright - your not understanding what I am saying12:46
elfyhexchat opened url's fine12:46
elfysomething - that is NOT hexchat must have changed12:47
brainwashI understand what you are saying12:47
elfythen sending me looking at old info isn't helping 12:47
brainwashall of the sudden it stopped working12:47
brainwashbut the linked bug is old12:47
bluesabrewell, if we just updated the package, and the breakage is new, its an issue with the new package... so what changed that affects xfce and related component detection12:51
elfyif suddenly something stops working and there's been no change in that package - the bug is something that has turned up recently - not last November12:51
elfyand re parole setting screen blank, that appears sorted :)12:51
bluesabrebrainwash: did we change something with "Other DE"?  Chances are there was something specific there that made things work a bit better. 12:51
bluesabreif you can't find anything, I'll try to find time to diff utopic and vivid versions and see if anything jumps out at me12:52
elfyurl's from other things like tbird open properly 12:56
elfyjust fyi12:56
elfythough generally I feel like that - not sure it's going to help with this :)12:58
elfythis isn't something that's happened today - but daily for a few days - and I've been disconnected from here in between times12:59
brainwashI missed the previous message(s)12:59
brainwashbefore "just fyi"12:59
elfynot sure when I first noticed - possibly Friday, more likely Saturday13:00
brainwashthe xdg-utils package was indeed updated, but no one touched the xdg-open part13:01
brainwashelfy: a simple test would be to execute xdg-open manually, like "xdg-open <url>"13:05
elfywell that works fine - didn't think it wouldn't 13:06
elfyas I said url's work from tbird - it's seemingly hexchat which is causing me a problem13:06
brainwashbug 140815613:08
ubottubug 1408156 in hexchat (Ubuntu) "links on chat contained on full quotes fail to open" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140815613:08
elfybrainwash: again - old 13:08
brainwashhmm yeah13:09
elfyif there's a bug from a day or two ago - then I'd be happy - but this has JUST started here - it was fine :)13:09
brainwashsadly there is none13:09
elfyanyway - bbl - just my cuppa break :)13:09
elfybrainwash: well I'm not sad so much as this has obviously been broken for me really recently - so should be able to track it down 13:10
elfyat least hopefully :D13:10
=== bob is now known as Guest72140
brainwashelfy: just tested it myself, clicking some URL in the chat window or passing it to /url just opens an empty firefox window14:44
brainwashhowever, it works fine when running the unity session14:45
brainwashand xdg-open is not involved at all14:45
elfybrainwash: so what is involved then - because it's obviously not just a hexchat issue16:09
elfythanks for looking too :)16:10
brainwashelfy: not just?16:15
brainwashI'd assume that hexchat is doing something weird16:17
elfyyea - how can it be just hexchat - it was working fine previously and hexchat hasn't had an update 16:17
brainwashhexchat is our only hint16:18
elfynot quite :)16:18
elfyit was working fine last week is another one ;)16:19
brainwashah, yeah16:19
elfybelieve me I would have said something before :)16:19
brainwashdid we change any environmental vars?16:19
elfyI'm constantly clicking links in this channel :D16:19
brainwashwell.... apt does some logging16:20
brainwashyou will have to check which packages have been updated16:20
elfylast changelog for hexchat in vivid - 16 Nov 16:20
brainwashyes, I mean what has been updated last week16:21
elfyyea - was just going for easier options first 16:21
elfyyep I realise that brainwash :)16:21
brainwashmy test system runs several DEs, so it could take some time find any hints16:22
brainwashtons of packages are updated on a regular basis16:22
elfyI'll get some idea of what's been updated here last week first16:23
brainwashgreat :)16:23
elfystarted this morning with what I did - just in case someone like Unit193 or bluesabre had an idea of a likely candidate16:23
brainwashelfy: exp-open <url>  just opens a firefox window too16:48
brainwash^ exo-open16:48
elfyjust started xchat - opens a url properly16:48
brainwashI changed my browser and it works now in hexchat and with exo-open16:50
brainwashdid you update firefox to version 36 (-proposed)?16:50
elfyyea 16:50
elfyI was just pondering that actually16:50
brainwashso something changed in firefox16:50
elfyI'll just purge that 16:51
elfythat's the issue \o/16:52
elfyjust came across it in the list I'm fiddling with :)16:53
elfyI just need to remember to not let it update that then in time16:58
brainwashwhat about filing a report?16:58
elfybecause as soon as it's noticed that it's from proposed in vivid it'll get ignored 16:59
elfygot enough ignored bug reports for now :)17:01
brainwashI'd assume that this bug will affect every Xfce user once they update firefox to version 3617:02
brainwashlets wait and see :D17:03
elfyat least we know now it's not us :p17:03
brainwashnot sure if I can recover my firefox bugzilla login details17:04
brainwashnot sure, xdg-open works fine, but exo-open does not anymore17:05
brainwashmaybe it has to be fixed in Xfce17:05
brainwashone of these rare cases which no one notices until it breaks17:06
elfynot really sure what to report it against there tbh17:10
brainwashfirefox + exo (+ hexchat)17:11
brainwashjust add them all17:11
elfyto the comment?17:13
brainwashor do you mean reporting on mozilla's bug tracker?17:14
elfynot doing that :)17:14
elfyI'd have to make an account to do it 17:14
brainwashI was thinking about adding all these packages to the lp report17:14
elfywhat LP report? 17:14
brainwashaffects list17:14
brainwashthe report which you gonna create :)17:15
elfyI already said I'm not going to create another LP report that'll get ignored ... 17:15
elfyI'd report one to xfce exo 17:15
brainwashyeah, sounds fine17:16
brainwashideally someone should test with trusty + firefox 3617:16
brainwashbut no one here runs trusty anymore... or?17:17
elfyif as you say it works in unity then frankly most of the time that's all anyone looking at LP cares about 17:17
elfyunless it's one of our things and someone here is dealing with it 17:17
brainwashI do care about Xfce reports on lp =S17:17
elfywe do generally - but as soon as it's got something else like ff then *they* don't 17:18
brainwashthe mozilla guys are probably not monitoring lp anyway17:18
elfyyou know exactly what I mean17:18
elfyI had a bug with indicators - gets changed to pulseaudio - because apparently it wasn't running 17:19
elfyyes it was17:19
elfyobviously working fine in ubuntu - ignore that then17:19
elfywhen I can be bothered I'll create ubuntu stick and see if I see the same17:20
elfythen critically fail and ubuntu test - people look at those :p17:20
brainwashthe sad truth17:21
elfyso - ff36 isn't released to anything yet17:21
brainwashno, unless you use vivid-proposed or some ppa17:22
elfyit was working here in ff35 which I'd grabbed from proposed previously17:22
elfythen I saw 36 there and grabbed that one :)17:22
brainwashkinda strange, why do they skip 35...17:23
brainwashfor -release17:23
elfyit was in proposed for vivid previous to last week17:23
flexiondotorg_Anyone here who has a hand in lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings?21:49
flexiondotorg_It works a treat in Ubuntu MATE and I'd like to include it.21:49
flexiondotorg_I understand it is not uploaded to universe yet.21:49
flexiondotorg_Do you need help with finding a sponsor for that or are there other reason why it has not yet been uploaded?21:50
flexiondotorg_ali1234, bluesabre ^^^^21:50
slickymasterknome, I think that the setence in line 242 of the guide-keeping-safe has to be rephrased22:06
slickymastercurrently it reads: "Firewalls can be protect you against..."22:06
slickymasterthat 'be' doesn't make sense and has to be removed22:06
Unit193Or add 'used', either way works.22:14
slickymasterdamn it, I always forget to update the pot files22:19
slickymasteralways end up pushing it twice, because of that :P22:20
Unit193elfy: xfce4-screenshooter in Ubuntu archives has imgur support now, in case you didn't know.22:44
bluesabreflexiondotorg_: currently lightdm-gtk-greeter and the related settings are getting some updates in preparation of 1.10/2.023:05
bluesabrewe were wanting to get it to debian and then ubuntu, but with debian in freeze, it would go directly to ubuntu23:06
bluesabrewe hope to have it in universe this cycle23:06
Unit193bluesabre: If it doesn't exist in Debian already, then there's not really a problem.23:10
Unit193bluesabre: Also, only a few Xfce applications had that autostart bit, so not sure what the deal is.  xfce4-settings, which builds fine, doesn't.23:11
brainwashbluesabre: do we have to ping someone who can accept xubu default settings into trusty-proposed?23:23
brainwashand what about utopic? is it first trusty, wait for verification, then utopic?23:24

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