
pittiGood morning05:22
didrocksgood morning07:03
pittibonjour didrocks, ça va ?07:09
duflupitti: Hello. And thanks again for the headache fix07:09
pittihey duflu; no worries, thanks for pointing it out07:10
pittididrocks: je suis déjà dans le train à België :)07:11
didrockspitti: ça va, et toi ? :)07:11
didrockspitti: tu arrives à quelle heure ?07:11
pittididrocks: présque 14h3007:11
* duflu would also like to ask for a translator in advance when ordering biere sans gluten 07:12
didrockstu as le temps d'être confortablement installé :)07:12
didrocksduflu: no problem, stay with us :)07:12
dufluThanks didrocks. See you soon07:12
pittiduflu: ah, tu vais être à Bruxelles aussi ?07:13
duflupitti: oui07:13
dufluI think07:13
didrocksduflu: are you coming to FOSDEM as well, or just the sprint?07:13
pittiduflu: alors, bon voyage !07:13
dufludidrocks: Just the sprint07:13
mlankhorstHello, world!07:59
didrocksmorning mlankhorst08:00
mlankhorstMorning! :-)08:00
seb128good morning desktopers!08:01
didrocksre seb12808:05
seb128lut didrocks :-)08:05
Mo_1080The following problem: I have CUPS running on Raspian as a print server. On Windows, everything works fine. Ubuntu 14.04 has also worked on the last laptop. Only on my current laptop (Ubuntu 4.14 also) I can speak to the printer, but get endless blank pages. Can someone help me?08:07
seb128Mo_1080, hey, try #ubuntu for user support08:10
Mo_1080tried that, but thanks08:11
pittididrocks: I sent my review for the first patch FYI08:29
didrockspitti: got it! reading, thanks :)08:33
* didrocks can see that pitti has a similar nitpick on trailing \ as I do on trailing , on the Deps/Build-deps in packaging :)08:38
didrockspitti: I agree with you, but seems that's not the style used in Makefile.am (having the last $(NULL)), would you do it anyway?08:39
pittididrocks: I started doing that only recently08:41
pittithere are some 4 precedents, so it shold be fine08:41
didrockspitti: ok, doing then! I'm still voting strongly in favor of the same behavior in debian/control :)08:42
didrockshey willcooke08:43
willcookelarsu, I've got some meetings this morning, once they're done I'll see if I have time to get over to Cambridge.  I'm on school run today, so need to be home by 150008:44
pittididrocks: so again we talked most about the least important issue :)08:44
larsuwillcooke: morning! We're here, let us know if you can make it ;)08:45
larsumorning didrocks, Sweet5hark108:45
didrockspitti: ahah, I'm continuing browsing the changes and answering some more by emails08:49
didrockshey larsu, Sweet5hark108:49
pittididrocks: (just kidding)08:49
pittihey Sweet5hark1, wie gehts?08:49
pittihallo larsu08:49
larsuhi pitti! how goes?08:49
pittilarsu: fast! (ICE to Bruessel)08:50
pittiwell, to Cologne first, then the Thalys, but same difference08:50
larsupitti: nice! Ya, I was about to ask - hackfest doesn't start until Friday ;)08:50
larsupitti: we'll arrive on Thursday evening08:50
Sweet5hark1pitti: excited, landed libreoffice 4.4.0~rc2 in -proposed a few hours ago ;)08:50
pittilarsu: I'll visit some friends in Leuven until then, and work from there08:51
pittiSweet5hark1: /me feeds the buildd hamsters08:51
larsupitti: cool, enjoy!08:51
Sweet5hark1pitti: they did hard work in cold winter ;)08:51
seb128Sweet5hark1, I promoted the packages from the other bug yesterday but didn't see that others need promoted as well, doing that now08:51
* Sweet5hark1 will arrive on Friday in Bruessels with a weird Flightplan: HAM->CPH->BRU08:53
Sweet5hark1seb128: aye08:53
mlankhorstSweet5hark1: not by car? :P08:59
Sweet5hark1mlankhorst: there was the option to travel with the LibreOffice-hackers-and-FSFE-folks-car track from Hamburg, but a/ I learned to late about that b/ It wouldnt fit with the extra days for Hackfests etc.09:01
mlankhorstand one way trips are more expensive than roundways :/09:01
mlankhorstI never understood why..09:02
larsuyo yo09:04
seb128hey Laney, how are you?09:05
seb128Laney, happy birthday!09:06
larsuoh right, happy birthday Laney!09:07
pittihey Laney, good morning09:07
pittiLaney: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!09:07
* pitti hugs Laney and throws some candy09:07
didrockspitti: answered and did the changes along the way! Now, looking at the DGRAM part09:08
didrockshey, happy birthday Laney! (g+ betrayed you :))09:08
Laneythanks seb128 larsu pitti didrocks ;-)09:09
pittididrocks: I feel a bit bad about proposing these big changes, but I honestly think it's easier, smaller, and more robust09:09
didrockspitti: yeah, I don't mind dropping this buffer which can enlarge as requested to pass the structure right away instead09:10
didrockspitti: I need to check about the blocking vs non blocking and do it09:11
pittididrocks: (non)blocking shouldn't behave any different with stream vs. dgram and read() vs. recv()09:16
didrockspitti: I'm trying to find a good example (most of them talk about getting back to TCP and doing serialization/deserialization)09:19
pittididrocks: (non)blocking shouldn't behave any different with stream vs. dgram and read() vs. recv()09:20
didrockspitti: I'm trying to find a good example (most of them talk about getting back to TCP and doing09:22
didrocks(recopying back due to your lag)09:22
pittididrocks: perhaps udev_monitor_receive_device() in src/libudev/libudev-monitor.c ?09:24
pittididrocks: but it's really quite straightforward09:24
pittididrocks: except for flags (where you can pass MSG_DONTWAIT for non-blocking) it has the same signature as read()09:25
didrocksok, with recvmsg() then09:25
pittididrocks: and correspondingly, send() and write() are pretty much the same, just that one is for dgram, the other for stream09:25
didrockspitti: ok, giving it a try, thanks!09:26
pittididrocks: if you have a connected socket, use recv() (easier); for an unconnected socket recvmsg()09:26
didrocksah ok ;)09:26
pittididrocks: the big advantage is that you don't have to worry about message sizes and boundaries09:27
didrockspitti: yeah, I just allocate the structure and pass as a parameter, I see09:28
pittididrocks: you send/receive one struct at a time, don't have to decode, etc.09:28
didrockspitti: what happens as the socket is non blocking? recv() will still get the size I guess, and so, only get one struct?09:29
didrockspitti: I'll need to adapt the send back though (using this socket to send cancel messages as a string)09:29
pittididrocks: right, just tell it you want to get sizeof(struct progress), you'll get one at a time09:30
pittididrocks: ah, perhaps define a "command" enum for the fsckd -> fsck direction, and send that?09:31
pittididrocks: (if that later needs some extensions, it could become a full "command struct" again)09:31
didrockspitti: yeah, will need to do this09:31
pittididrocks: dgram just means you have to do exactly as many recv()s than send()s; as long as you know what kind of data you expect, you can send different lengths09:31
didrockspitti: ok, giving it a try09:32
mlankhorstahhh found my libreoffice on desktop bug09:33
mlankhorsthow silly09:33
pittididrocks: ply_boot_client_tell_daemon_to_display_message()... why did they have so incredibly short and hard to read identifiers? :-)09:33
pitti(could it be any longer?)09:34
didrockspitti: I found some longer one, if you are a fan :p09:34
didrockspitti: but yeah for ply_boot_client_* \o/09:34
mlankhorstsomeone was abusing the api, long live asserts09:36
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didrockspitti: I need to have a fixed length then for device name09:44
pittididrocks: hm, PATH_MAX?09:44
didrockspitti: yeah, using that already in some other place09:45
pitti_ask_daemon() vs. _tell_daemon() ... *sheesh*09:46
* pitti wants to add _if_you_please() and _nudge_daemon(), _shout_at_daemon() variants09:47
didrockspitti: seeing the activity on plymouth upstream git, you may get maintainership role then, I would think twice, even for the sake of joke! :)09:49
=== czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski
pittididrocks: ok, I'm through with the first round10:27
didrockspitti: thanks a lot! I'm looking on how to listen on the dgram, and then, once all done, will resend you a second version with the proposed enhancement10:28
didrockspitti: listen() is not supported on dgram socket, but I need to detect connexions, so, let's see how it goes10:29
didrockspitti: as I can't listen, it's easy to add new ones as they come, but unsure how to detect drop connexion…10:31
pittididrocks: oh, I wasn't aware of that; do you need this?10:36
pittididrocks: you already have a timeout after all, and if a fsckd is at 100% and just stops sending stuff that should be ok? or am I missing something?10:36
pittididrocks: if dgram becomes too unwieldy for some reason, you might also combine the approaches10:40
pittididrocks: i. e. keep STREAM and use read()/write() to send structs instead of strings10:40
pittididrocks: it's a little less robust since anyone sending garbage will break everything, but *shrug*10:40
pittiand read/write can be interrupted and only be done partially, which is ugly for structs10:41
mlankhorstcompiz (core) - Info: Unity is not supported by your hardware. Enabling software rendering instead (slow).10:44
mlankhorstcompiz (core) - Info: Unity is fully supported by your hardware.10:44
brainwashtedg: is https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-application/lp1411959-xfce-autostart/+merge/247051 a temporary build error?11:32
didrockspitti: well, if a fsck stop sending stuff, it's blocking if I can't get the disconnect11:59
didrockspitti: yeah, seems that sending read/write for struct is more risky than the existing approach12:00
pittididrocks: oh, what does it block?12:00
didrockspitti: well, I only timeout right now if number_device == 0 + timeout12:00
didrockspitti: I can get a timeout per device, but I need to register last message for each12:00
pittiso fsckd doesn't send a final "I'm done" message? (which could just be that curr >= max)12:01
didrockspitti: at least, I register with the current approach exactly when a connection is drop12:01
didrockspitti: sending a final message is fine, but the issue is more about one process dying12:01
pittididrocks: *nod*, ok; that didn't seem crucial to me, but if it is, then we can discuss that on the ML too12:01
didrockspitti: yeah, I think I'll keep the current code adapating to socket, and just modify to send cur, max instead of percentage12:02
didrockspitti: in case I need to get that out again :)12:02
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Laneytkamppeter: do you have a VCS for s-c-p?12:13
seb128Sweet5hark1, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/195930264/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-arm64.libreoffice_1%3A4.4.0~rc2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz12:40
seb128Sweet5hark1, it fails to build12:40
seb128Sweet5hark1, :-(12:40
mlankhorsthooray, flipping working as intended12:46
mlankhorstoops, FTL still broken :P12:50
Laneylarsu: have you looked into gnome-system-monitor black bg previously?12:56
mlankhorsthad 2 different clipping bugs!12:57
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
Sweet5hark1seb128: yeah. well, it doesnt fail on the platforms we always had for LibreOffice: arm64 and ppc64el are new ...13:10
mlankhorstuploading +sa30, it needs some testing but I think I fixed all glitches I've had on desktop..13:10
willcookejust relashing my phone to try the windowed mode13:10
mlankhorstthere are 4 different ways of getting contents to the screen :P13:11
Sweet5hark1seb128: dammit. forgot to remove those additional archs.13:11
mlankhorstbut now I mastered them!13:12
Sweet5hark1seb128: bumping to a version with those removed right now.13:13
LaneySweet5hark1: if you didn't have a build there before then proposed-migration won't complain13:13
Sweet5hark1Laney: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/1:4.3.3-0ubuntu3 did not have a build there ...13:13
Sweet5hark1Laney, seb128: so an upload only breaking on new archs (never build before) should work in general?13:15
Laneyall good then, at least as far as proposed-migration is concerned13:15
Sweet5hark1seb128: ^^13:15
mlankhorstwillcooke: I've ran into some issues with desktop after I fixed all the phone stuff, after all those fixes I noticed that compiz would work again correctly too in zero-copy mode, so I uploaded a fixed version. :P13:16
willcookemlankhorst, oh excellent!  thanks13:16
mlankhorstFTL windowed, compiz, and glxgears windowed now work again as intended.. if only input did13:16
willcookeseb128,  are you playing with Xmir on your U8 desktop?13:16
mlankhorstit was broken, but sa30 should work (minus input)13:17
* willcooke -> late lunch13:18
mlankhorsthm... Xmir might work as replacement for Xorg with the xmir driver in full desktop mode..13:18
mlankhorsthaven't tried lately..13:18
Sweet5hark1seb128: FWIW, 1/ arm64 breaks on not building internal mwaw, 2/ ppc64el breaks on missing gcc-4.7 on that arch. For 1/ if we sync mwaw, we might use external mwaw (its already in main) 2/ multiple options: a/ test if any later gcc preprocs work now b/ bring gcc-4.7 to ppc64el c/ MIR and use ucpp on all platforms13:22
mlankhorstok it seems to work13:34
mlankhorstinstalling ubuntu-desktop-mir, removing nvidia-prime and changing /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-xserver-command.conf from X -core to Xmir -core13:36
mlankhorsthm or not.. bah13:36
mitya57charles: JFYI: you have two indicator-datetime fixes in two different silos, while the description suggests that you wanted both fixes in one upload13:38
ChrisTownsendAnybody else missing the box to enter the password in the greeter when first logging into the system with latest Vivid updates?13:38
ChrisTownsendPassword is still accepted, just no box is rendered...strange.13:39
mlankhorstno idea why xserver is ignored, but replacing /usr/bin/X with Xmir works :P13:41
tkamppeterLaney, yes, there is an upstream VCS. It is https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/system-config-printer.git/.13:51
tkamppeterLaney, for wha do you need it? What do you want to contribute?13:51
Laneytkamppeter: packaging change13:51
tkamppeterLaney, so you do not want to contribute to the upstream code? On the packaging level I have never used a VCS.13:52
Laneytkamppeter: indeed, OK that's fine then, thanks!13:53
tkamppeterLaney, what do you want to change on the packaging?13:53
Laneyicon theme dependency (already uploaded)13:53
tkamppeterLaney, OK, I have seen the change.13:55
mlankhorstbleh, need hw cursor :P13:55
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tedgbrainwash, I would expect so, but let me see.14:02
tedgEh, no. But known.14:03
brainwashtedg: ok, hopefully this little change can land in vivid soon :)14:04
tedgbrainwash, Yeah, probably. Pushed a fix. Let's see what Jenkins thinks.14:04
brainwashtedg: thanks :)14:04
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
seb128Sweet5hark1, sorry was not around, reading backlog ... what Laney said, if we didn't have those archs it's fine to do without14:41
seb128let me know when you have something to sponsor14:42
Sweet5hark1seb128: hang on a sec.14:42
willcookeall - got the school run in a mo.  Should be back in time for the meeting, but if not I wont be very late15:05
Sweet5hark1... still building source package ...15:18
willcooke#startmeeting Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-2715:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Jan 27 15:30:53 2015 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic:
willcookeRoll call:  attente_, desrt, dgadomski_, didrocks, FJKong, Laney, larsu, mlankhorst, qengho, seb128, Sweet5ark115:31
dgadomski_hey o/15:31
willcookeI have updates for Themuso, robert_ancell, tkamppeter15:32
willcookeLet's get this party started:  attente_15:33
willcooke#topic attente_15:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: attente_
attente_implementing the menu api on the mir server side, small menu fixes to the gdk backend to use it15:33
attente_going to kernel bisect for https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/140913315:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1409133 in linux (Ubuntu) "Heavy black flickering after VT switching on Intel Ironlake Mobile." [High,Incomplete]15:33
attente_that's all from me15:33
willcookegood stuff, thanks attente_15:33
willcookegood luck with the bisect15:33
willcookeLet me know if you need anyone else pulling in to help15:34
willcooke#topic desrt15:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: desrt
willcookeHow's CAM?15:34
desrti have been sitting here for hours waiting for my turn15:34
larsuwillcooke: under a bridge15:34
desrtit's lovely.15:34
willcookeSorry I couldnt make it today - hopefully tomorrow will be easier15:34
desrtbeen getting a lot of good work done here.  a lot of long-term items are getting reviews and merged15:34
desrtthe unix mount monitor stuff will land before i leave, it seems15:34
willcookegreat news15:35
desrtalso we landed the G_DECLARE_TYPE header macro stuff15:35
desrtand now we are doing g_autoptr(GObject) which is a local variable that unrefs itself on scope ending15:35
desrtwhich is ... nice15:35
desrtGListModel probably also lands today or tomorrow15:35
desrtalso chatting about some other things.... it's a good hackfest, in other words15:35
willcookegreat news15:35
desrtthat's all i really have to say15:35
willcookethanks desrt15:36
willcooke#topic dgadomski_15:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: dgadomski_
dgadomski_hey! I have some questions today and I appreciate your help in getting more info on those:15:36
dgadomski_* one of the users is having problems with getting external mics working on his Thinkpad X240 (bug #1414706). It does not work neither directly nor via a docking station. I believe it has something to do with either CTIA<->OMTP jack incompatibility or it may require some quirks passed to the snd-hda-intel model=. Do you know who could have some more info in that area?15:36
ubot5bug 1414706 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[20ALCTO1WW, Realtek ALC292, Black Mic, Left] No sound at all" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141470615:36
seb128dgadomski_, try asking diwic or themuso15:37
willcookeOff the top of my head, I'd say TheMuso is probably a good starting point.  He's in UTC-12 so email would be easiest15:37
willcookewhat seb128 said :)15:37
dgadomski_cool, thanks!15:37
dgadomski_* Somehow related to bug #1104230 - if you have some windows on an extra display, and then you disconnect the display, the window is moved to the display that is left. If you then reconnect that extra display - the window does not move back. Is a feature to restore the window missing or is it a bug? If it is missing - is it triaged to be fixed at some point? It's super annoying for a group of users using lapt15:37
dgadomski_ops with docking stations.15:37
seb128diwic is on #ubuntu-devel atm15:37
ubot5bug 1104230 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "DisplayPort 1.2 MST support is missing in the Intel driver" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110423015:37
willcookedgadomski_, yeah I've heard people complaining about that one as well15:38
willcookedgadomski_, bregma_ & co should be able to help there15:38
seb128feature or bug doesn't make much a difference, does it?15:38
seb128but yeah, it's for bregma_'s team and a compiz thing15:38
dgadomski_yeah, if it's a bug there is a chance that the implementation is already there, just not working ;)15:39
dgadomski_* bug #445333 - I have talked to seb128 about it a while ago, are there any plans of including the fix in gtk2?15:39
bregma_well, on 14.04 when I reconnect my external display ALL windows move to it, so it's just a colleciton of bugs15:39
ubot5bug 445333 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu Trusty) "remember password on printing to windows printers does not work" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44533315:39
seb128dgadomski_, did upstream decide on what they want to do with this one?15:40
seb128I guess we could SRU it, it's just a non trivial change and would be good to have it landing upstream first15:40
dgadomski_seb128: they still haven't made decision yet, they are being super cautious with adding anything to gtk215:41
seb128rightly so :-)15:41
dgadomski_there are some users already using the hotfix I provided and they haven't reported any regressions yet, but we don't want to break gtk2 :)15:42
dgadomski_I would appreciate considering it though15:42
seb128yeah, we should probably start by uploading it to vivid15:43
dgadomski_I mean consider backporting not breaking :)15:43
dgadomski_I have posted a debdiff for vivid so we could give it a try15:43
seb128I'm going to have a look at sponsoring it15:43
dgadomski_thank you15:44
dgadomski_that's all from me today, thanks15:44
willcookethanks dgadomski_15:44
willcooke#topic didrocks15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: didrocks
didrocksUbuntu Make:15:44
didrocks* Releasing Ubuntu Make 0.4.1 installing by default the java appmenu support and an intellij fix due to their web page change (http://blog.didrocks.fr/post/Bringing-appmenu-support-for-java-application-and-Ubuntu-Make-0.4.1-with-an-Intellij-IDEA-fix)15:44
didrocks* Finishing up review and merging IDEA (non community) edition support15:44
didrocks* Start helping a new contributor for other IDEs support15:44
didrocks* continue on fsckd communication, bringing: final plymouth communication, being able to cancel current fsck at boot time, i18n support for themes not supporting it.15:45
didrocks* review in progress, doing some polishing15:45
didrocks* patch pilot15:45
didrocks* AA duties15:45
willcookethanks didrocks15:45
willcooke#topic FJKong15:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: FJKong
FJKong hey15:46
FJKong* Fix bug: after preview skin from right click menu status bar icon error15:46
FJKong* Fix bug: crash when switch skin from menu.15:46
FJKong* bug review: status bar icon error from some skin, find reason it is caused by size of picture and trasparent, won't fix this type15:46
FJKong* bug review: font size won't changed in setting menu, can't be reproduced15:46
FJKongin progress: skin error after first installed package15:46
FJKong here is mine15:46
willcookethanks FJKong15:46
willcooke#topic Laney15:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: Laney
Laney• Mainly worked on splitting adwaita-icon-theme15:47
Laney∘ getting the icons in the right package15:47
Laney∘ removing all main deps on gnome-icon-theme to try and get g-i-t off the cd and ideally demoted to universe15:47
Laney‣ need to fix a couple of remaining BDs now, including gnome-system-monitor, see later on15:47
Laney∘ updating our icon theme to inherit from this15:47
Laney∘ found some gtk reftests don't work with our icon theme, added a patch to force these to adwaita for now (at the very least we need rtl icons to fix this, or to skip that test ...)15:47
Laney• Poke at gnome-system-monitor transparent background, don't know what happen, larsu please halp15:47
Laney• Merge webkitgtk, need to SRU, will do this week15:47
Laney• Test eog without libgrip patches, using GTK's new GtkGesture support. It works! So those are now gone15:47
Laney• poppler transition, couple of packages needed porting, nobody seemed to notice (good)15:47
larsuLaney: drop overlay-scrollbars!15:47
Laney• got pung to clean up the cdimage building machine as it was running low on space15:47
Laney• Dig into a couple of proposed-migration issues for people15:47
Laneyyou get one more cycle of this shit, then we can :p15:48
seb128I could have bet on the o-s comment from larsu!15:48
larsuLaney: I looked into it but couldn't find a solution either15:48
seb128can't you just override the bg color for g-s-m?15:48
Laneyit's something to do with the border15:48
seb128you did it for deja-dup iirc15:48
LaneyI can get the colour on the GtkBox but there's still a transparent border15:49
Laneywhich is even still there with * { background-color: red }15:49
Laneyand border-color15:49
Laneyho hum15:49
larsuya, that's what I saw as well15:49
larsumaybe we've reached the end of that hack15:49
Laneyhow can there be an unstyleable transparent area?15:50
Laneyanyway, post-meeting ;-)15:51
larsuthat's a good question15:51
willcookethanks Laney15:51
willcooke#topic larsu15:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: larsu
larsu* finsihed up some gtk 3.14 theme fixes15:51
larsu* fixed the volume slider (wasn't moving properly when dragging)15:51
larsu* put gedit menubar back (upstream, almost ready to merge)15:52
larsuI have a package built for that, but it still has a header bar. Adding a titlebar makes it look weird15:52
larsuwe decided to talk about what to do there when we see each other next week15:52
larsu* fixed an indicator-messages problem that phone people were hitting (unable to reply to messages)15:53
larsu* at a hackfest since sunday! Lots of discussions etc.15:53
willcookethanks larsu15:54
willcooke#topic mlankhorst15:54
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: mlankhorst
mlankhorstoh just in time15:54
mlankhorstworking on xmir, getting lts-utopic packages accepted15:55
mlankhorstmost of the desktop works now on es2 and mesa15:55
mlankhorstfixed the mesa dri2 acceleration too15:55
mlankhorstnot much else going on right now :)15:55
willcookethanks mlankhorst15:55
willcookehopefully we can make a start on input stuff next week with the Mir guys15:56
mlankhorstcursor support would be nice too15:56
willcooke#topic qengho15:56
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: qengho
qengho* More Mir work. Trying to figure out how to get around a dlopen'd protobuf problem. I may need advice here. More later.15:56
qengho* New chromium release 40.0.2214.93. Testing and fixing now.15:56
willcooke!!  fast15:56
willcookethanks qengho15:56
seb128new chromium \o/ :-)15:56
qenghoseb128: You have DRI3, yes? I'll have something for you to test in 4h.15:57
willcookemlankhorst /might/ be able to give you some pointers with Mir?15:57
seb128qengho, I don't know, I've an i5 intel video, how do I tell?15:57
seb128@mir, there is #ubuntu-mir as well, bunch of helpful people there :-)15:57
meetingologyseb128: Error: "mir," is not a valid command.15:57
qenghoseb128: if you had the crasher you asked about, you do. The intel driver is a good indicator you do.15:57
seb128I'm happy to do testing then15:58
willcookeqengho I saw that missing url bubble again the other day, but I still haven't worked out the cause of events which makes it happen, so I think it might be a JS thing, perhaps the URLs are not really URLs at all but JS functions. Going to look more next time15:59
willcooke#topic seb12815:59
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: seb128
seb128• tested touch rtm updates, reported some bugs15:59
seb128• some small ubuntu-system-settings reviews15:59
seb128• updated unity8 bugfix branch after review comments, got it landed15:59
seb128• updated casper to have the desktop-next iso starts the live session without the configuration wizard, users want to try the desktop not configure their user account/computer15:59
seb128• tried qtmir fix for gtk rendering issues on unity815:59
seb128• worked on some ubuntu-system-settings privacy panel bugs15:59
seb128• helped debugging unity8-desktop not starting after yesterday updates (platform-api issue, being addressed)15:59
seb128• usual share of desktop related bugs triages and discussions15:59
willcookethx seb12816:00
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark116:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: Sweet5hark1
Sweet5hark1- ran autopkgtests for 4.4.0 locally, tweaked around some failures16:00
Sweet5hark1- uploaded libreoffice 4.4.0~rc2/vivid16:00
Sweet5hark1-- includes these MIRs: libfreehand, libodfgen, libabw, libe-book, libeot16:00
Sweet5hark1-- other MIRs/system libs punted for an later upload16:00
Sweet5hark1-- (new) arm64 doesnt build yet because of internal mwaw (to investigate: can we simply build with external mwaw -> needs sync)16:00
Sweet5hark1-- (new) ppc64el doesnt build yet because of gcc-4.7 missing, options: a/ check if newer gcc preprocessors work for LibreOffice by now b/ port gcc 4.7 on ppc64el too c/ MIR and use and test using ucpp instead on all platforms16:00
Sweet5hark1-- however, forgot to remove ppc64el, arm64 from platform, done now with the just-created http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/vivid/4.4.0/libreoffice_4.4.0~rc2-0ubuntu2_source.changes16:00
Sweet5hark1- finished libreoffice 4.2.8/trusty SRU16:00
Sweet5hark1- some investigation on libreoffice android viewer, tiled rendering, gtk+tiled rendering on MIR options16:00
Sweet5hark1- LibreOffice migrated from freedesktop to http://bugs.documentfoundation.org16:00
Sweet5hark1-- thus freedesktop bugzie should have lost 25% of bugs, users and traffic over the weekend. To other freedesktop projects: enjoy your speedup.16:00
Sweet5hark1- this week: FOSDEM preparations (talks, slides, BoD and employee meetings)16:00
willcookethanks Sweet5hark116:01
willcooke#topic robert_ancell16:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: robert_ancell
willcookeWorked on:16:01
willcooke- Released unity-greeter 14.04.11 (SRU)16:01
willcooke- Released lightdm 1.13.116:01
willcooke- Released simple-scan 3.15.416:01
willcooke- Sponsored GNOME updates16:01
willcooke- Updated Sudoku and Mahjongg to 3.1416:01
willcookeCurrently working on:16:01
willcooke- Unity Greeter update for vivid (tests are failing on vivid, not on 14.04)16:01
willcooke- TPM support16:01
willcooke- Updating Indic font packages16:01
willcooke#topic themuso16:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: themuso
willcooke* Made a breakthrough WRT bug #1066157. Just got to make the dash work properly with orca when open and closed more than once. Additionally a small bit of work on the Orca side will be needed for Vivid.16:01
willcooke* Updated pulseaudio to version 5.99.3 in the transitions PPA, ppa:ubuntu-desktop/transitions.16:01
ubot5bug 1066157 in unity (Ubuntu) "dash +orca does not speak the names of application icons" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106615716:01
willcooke#topic tkamppeter16:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: tkamppeter
willcooke- system-config-printer: Uploaded and verified fixes of second SRU for Utopic. Now automatic driver download should work again in all situations. Also uploaded a second SRU for Trusty with the same fixes and uploaded the fixes to Vivid and submitted them upstream.16:02
willcooke- Started discussion on project ideas for Google Summer of Code 2015.16:02
willcooke- Bugs16:02
willcooke#topic Any other business16:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v | Weekly Desktop Team Meeting - 2015-01-27 | Current topic: Any other business
willcookeIt's the start of the annual review process16:02
willcookeExpect emails and stuff16:02
* didrocks got emails, even spam, waiting for stuff16:02
willcookeI hope you all have a fun time @ FOSDEM16:03
willcookeSee some of you on Sunday/Monday16:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Jan 27 16:03:46 2015 UTC.16:03
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2015/ubuntu-desktop.2015-01-27-15.30.moin.txt16:03
willcookethanks all16:03
didrocksthanks willcooke16:03
* willcooke -> Back to shouting at mirscreencast16:04
seb128Sweet5hark1, so http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/vivid/4.4.0/libreoffice_4.4.0~rc2-0ubuntu2_source.changes is ready for sponsoring?16:04
Sweet5hark1seb128: yes16:04
Laneydon't you want to wait for the current version to migrate?16:04
didrockswillcooke: hopefully it's not mirsoundrecorder :)16:04
seb128Sweet5hark1, done16:05
seb128Laney, ups, sorry, read your comment after dputting16:05
Laneyguess not16:05
Sweet5hark1seb128: libreoffice-l10n should not need a rebuild16:05
Sweet5hark1seb128: thanks. sorry for the extra hassle16:05
seb128Sweet5hark1, no worry16:06
attente_qengho: i think i might've had a similar problem because i accidentally had the mir android packages installed16:08
qenghoattente_: which problem? DRI3 crasher?16:15
=== l3on_ is now known as l3on
seb128is anybody else having lot of spacing in their sound menus "app entries"?16:18
didrocksnot more than usual, but I didn't restart after updating today16:18
seb128didrocks, thanks16:18
seb128didrocks, want to try in a guest session maybe? ;-)16:18
didrocksseb128: confirmed in a guest, after starting rhythmbox -> rhythmbox registered, but no controls showing on16:18
seb128didrocks, thanks!16:19
didrocksyw :)16:19
seb128larsu, Laney, ^ any idea?16:19
seb128it's today's light-themes update16:20
seb128I guess it's it as well that makes the password entry on the greeter not visible16:21
seb128yep, confirmed16:21
larsuhead -> desk16:21
seb128mitya57, ^16:21
seb128larsu, sorry :-(16:22
larsuseb128: which updates are in there? The gnome-panel one?16:22
seb128larsu, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-themes/14.04+15.04.20150126.1-0ubuntu116:22
larsucould be any of them :/16:23
Sweet5hark1seb128: oh right: could you please sync libmwaw_0.3.4-1 from debian experimental to vivid? for the next libreoffice upload ...16:26
Sweet5hark1(so not terribly urgent)16:26
seb128larsu, let me know if I can help testing/finding the issue16:27
larsuseb128: thanks16:27
seb128Sweet5hark1, synced16:28
Sweet5hark1seb128: awesome, thx16:28
attente_qengho: mir protobuf issue16:31
qenghoattente_: Ah. Thanks.16:32
attente_think it had to do with having both the mesa and android packages installed simultaneously. could be a different problem though16:32
qenghoattente_: I think this is different.16:35
seb128I again have polkit auth screwed after some updates16:36
attente_ah, ok16:36
seb128pitti, did you have hints on how to debug that? logind restarted some 15 minutes ago, I guess that was part of the upgrades, since I get polkit prompt for every action (like things wanting to write user datas to accountsservice, update-manager to check for updates, etc)16:37
pittiseb128: ah, you couldn't reproduce last time with merely restarting logind, right?16:38
pittiseb128: what's loginctl show-session $XDG_SESSION_ID16:38
seb128pitti, indeed not16:38
* mitya57 reads the scrollback16:38
seb128pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9900729/16:39
seb128pitti, I guess active=no is wrong?16:39
mitya57larsu: "could be any of them" — no, could be any of *your* changes ;)16:40
seb128pitti, that session is c5 but I've a c2 which is active16:40
seb128pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9900750/ is c216:40
pittiseb128: right, that looks wrong, if c5 is your active session16:43
pittiTimestamp=lun. 2015-01-26 08:13:13 CET16:43
pittiseb128: is that plausible? i. e. is your computer running since (at least) yesterday morning, when you logged in first?16:43
seb128pitti, yes, that seems about right for my uptime/last boot16:44
seb128pitti, I did close my session and logged back in since though16:44
pittiseb128: i. e. did you log out and back in, and perhaps there was still some leftover process from the old c2 session which kept the session alive?16:44
larsumitya57: dude...16:44
larsuseb128: found the issue - the menu item sets the spinner class on itself and the way spinners are drawn got changed in gtk16:45
seb128larsu, ah, great :-)16:45
seb128larsu, that was efficient, how did you find it?16:45
seb128pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9900820/16:45
larsuseb128: gtkinspector!16:45
larsuseb128: navigated to the menu item to see what style is set on it16:45
didrocksseb128: don't start blaming chrome!16:46
didrocksI see what you are doing here :)16:46
seb128pitti, so maybe it has nothing to do with the update, I also restarted my session which could be the issue16:46
seb128didrocks, :-)16:46
pittiseb128: ah, that makes sense; they are both on vt7 and display :0, so I guess logind becomes confused16:46
seb128pitti, but why is that session still marked as active?16:46
pittiseb128: well, I think the old logind might still have known which one is "really" active, but as that's due to watching VT changes it doesn't get written to /run/systemd/16:46
seb128shouldn't the logout have flagged it inactive?16:46
pittiseb128: I suppose the restarted login just iterated over them and marked the first one active that "fitted"16:47
seb128oh, ok16:47
pittiseb128: yeah, I guess that's roughly the direction of the bug16:47
seb128that would make sense16:47
mitya57larsu is super fast16:47
seb128want me to report that?16:47
pittiseb128: would you mind filing one with all the output from above and the summary of how you (re)started sessions?16:47
pittiseb128: I think it should be possible to reproduce that somehow; i. e. log out with some leftover processes (so that c2 doesn't close), log back in, restart logind16:48
pittiseb128: hm, actually /run/systemd/sessions/c2 does have the ACTIVE flag16:49
pittiseb128: so it might be more complicated, like restarting logind while the session gets changed or whatnot16:49
seb128I updated from update-manager on desktop16:49
seb128so I for sure didn't log out during the update16:49
pittiok, good data point16:50
pittiseb128: well, it could still be that logind re-evaluates ACTIVE at startup (which would make sense)16:50
pittiseb128: blindly trusting what's in /run doesn't sound like a good idea16:50
pittiseb128: playing with that in a VM16:51
seb128pitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/141510416:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 1415104 in systemd (Ubuntu) "logind flags wrong session as active" [Undecided,New]16:54
pittiseb128: merci16:55
seb128pitti, merci à toi !16:55
pittiseb128: hm, what's weird is that c2 is in state "opening"16:56
pittiseb128: I tried that and the old one is in state "closing" after logging out and back in16:56
seb128pitti, is the timestamp supposed to be the session start?16:57
pittiseb128: ah, reproduced!16:57
seb128oh, great!16:57
pittiseb128: sent to the bug report; pretty much as I suspected above17:01
seb128pitti, makes sense, thanks for looking at it!17:03
pittiseb128: I'll look at it tomorrow, I'm too tired today I'm afraid17:03
seb128pitti, yeah, no hurry, it's not like it was happening often or not easy to workaround17:04
seb128would be nice to fix for vivid release though17:04
pittiseb128: yes, absolutely; I haven't looked into the code yet, but my gut feeling is that it's rather shallow17:04
mitya57larsu: please ping me if you need approve/landing17:12
larsumitya57: will do, thanks (at a hackfest, might take a while)17:14
mitya57larsu: btw, seb128 also talked about an issue with unity-greeter, that's probably because you dropped an unico rule from unity-greeter.css, right?17:16
seb128mitya57, larsu, I tried to add that line back it doesn't fix it17:16
larsuright, unico rules didn't do anything anymore17:17
seb128larsu, btw I expect users are going to be highly confused by the greeter one, the password entry is missing17:18
seb128you can actually type but I expect we start receiving soon "I can't log in anymore" bugs17:18
mitya57I can revert both larsu's changes temporarily if needed17:19
seb128mitya57, thanks, let's see if larsu comes with a fix today, if not that might be a good idea indeed17:20
larsuseb128: can I test the greeter in my session?17:21
seb128larsu, unity-greeter --test-mode17:21
seb128larsu, be careful, it might disable some g-s-d/u-s-d plugins from your user config17:22
larsuawesome! Thanks17:22
seb128e.g changing the active gsettings key17:22
seb128just in case you notice that e.g multimedia keys stop working17:22
larsuI can't log in anymore!?!!!!1!17:22
larsusame issue, it sets spinner17:25
paulltk_hello, i've got a problem with dual booting my hp envy 4-1100ed. My pc was delivered with Windows 8.1, and now is want to install ubuntu besides it. I've made a bootable USB stick with ubuntu 14.01 on it, my BIOS settings are ok, my internal hdd has unallocated space and i did everything i had to do to install ubuntu according to several 'how tos', but when i boot ubuntu fron the USB, i don't get the choice how to install ubu17:45
paulltk_the screen where i’m supposed to choose a partition on which i want to install ubuntu, except the fact that it shows no storage at all. The section is completely empty. Does someone know what’s going on?17:45
willcookehey paulltk_ - you would be best of asking in the #ubuntu channel.  Those guys are better placed to help I think17:49
willcookeoh, looks like you are already there17:50
paulltk_willcooke, thanks, yeah i didn't know where i could ask best17:53
willcookepaulltk_, as a side note - could it be a UEFI BIOS thing?  Secure boot?17:53
paulltk_willcooke, secure boot is disabled, i think not so, besides i thought that ubuntu had a signature?17:56
paulltk_willcooke, anyway thanks for your help!17:58
willcookepaulltk_, nw17:58
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
* willcooke -> EOD19:10
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback
larsuLaney: still around?19:32
mitya57my IRC says he's away19:35
* larsu is trying to find out why we're not shipping all icons in adwaita-icon-theme19:36
larsubut it can wait till tomorrow - it's his bday after all19:36
mitya57some of the icons are in adwaita-icon-theme-full19:37
mitya57that's what we had in gnome-icon-theme previously19:38
mitya57larsu: btw, any update on the theme issues? should I do the temporary revert as agreed with seb128?19:43
* mitya57 → EOD, too late here19:52
larsumitya57: no, found both issues already. Just have to come up with patches20:09
robert_ancelllarsu, what's the other MP you refer to in https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/unity-greeter/dont-set-spinner/+merge/247770?21:09
larsurobert_ancell: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/ubuntu-themes/unity-greeter-pw-entry/+merge/24777121:10
larsuit sets a -gtk-icon-source on the entry21:10
larsuproblem is that we don't draw spinners anymore unless they're spinning21:10
larsuso setting the .spinner class results in getting opacity=0 for your widget when it's inactive21:10
larsurobert_ancell: I have the same problem in i-sound, please wait with merging that second one21:11
robert_ancelllarsu, do we need a dependency on unity-themes?21:11
larsuwhichever theme you're using should support this21:11
larsuAdwaita does, for example21:11
larsurobert_ancell: done21:19
larsuthanks for the review21:20
larsunote: this won't work until our adwaita-icon-theme gets process-working-symbolic21:21
larsuor out theme gets a custom one...21:21
larsuno clue why it's not in the package, will ask Laney tomorrow21:21
robert_ancelllarsu, yeah, that's why I was wondering if we should put a dependency in debian/control. But it's probably just easier to wait21:21
* larsu nods21:22

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