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apw | Diziet, as i think you have noticed the timeout has been upped for k.u.c | 10:52 |
apw | jibel, hey ... seems that DKMS testing didn't kick for vivid CKT (3.19.0-3.3) last night | 12:50 |
apw | tseliot, hey ... we have v3.19 getting close to release now, i see that some of your dkms packages are unhappy (as always) | 12:57 |
jibel | apw, I'll have a look | 13:20 |
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tseliot | apw: I've been working on a new upstream release (that I had pulled from -proposed twice) that includes a fix for 3.18 but I haven't tested 3.19 yet. Is there a PPA for that? | 14:02 |
apw | tseliot, it is in the CKT PPA vivid pocket | 14:02 |
tseliot | apw: ok, I'll give it a try then | 14:03 |
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smoser | bjf, i just opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/e2fsprogs/+bug/1415077 | 15:22 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1415077 in e2fsprogs (Ubuntu) "resize2fs behavior differs greatly between trusty and utopic and vivid" [Medium,Confirmed] | 15:22 |
smoser | arges, ^ is the bug for that resize2fs behavior. | 15:25 |
bjf | smoser, that needs to be fixed to fix the arm64 image issue? | 15:31 |
arges | smoser: thanks | 15:32 |
smoser | well... its complicated. | 15:32 |
smoser | we're building the maas images on utopic vms. | 15:32 |
smoser | i could put a work aoround in place... to not do the resize you're seeing or just ignore it . | 15:32 |
smoser | we're using utopic because (to my memory) qemu-static on trusty was failing, but i'm not able to reproduce that failure. | 15:33 |
arges | smoser: did you try trusty e2fsprogs on utopic yet? | 15:41 |
arges | for that bug | 15:41 |
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smoser | i'll try that | 15:45 |
arges | smoser: i highly suspect its a userspace thing. trusty vm with lts-utopic kernel also shows the same size as 'trusty/3.13' | 15:48 |
smoser | arges, posted info on bug. | 15:50 |
smoser | it is userspace, its purely a regression in the e2fsprogs | 15:50 |
smoser | hopefully ted will see this. | 15:51 |
smoser | he has been extremely responsive to my e2fsprogs bugs before. | 15:51 |
Diziet | apw: git timeout> Still does just the same thing for me. Did someone forget to reload inetd ? | 15:52 |
apw | Diziet, hmmm, now thats a question | 15:52 |
apw | Diziet, they did not ... damn | 15:53 |
Diziet | Hmmm. | 15:53 |
Diziet | Just tried it again and it still fails after almost exactly 2 minutes. | 15:57 |
apw | Diziet, yep, damn, poking the appropriate people | 15:58 |
Diziet | Thanks. | 15:59 |
smoser | bjf, so we would hope to have vivid images available in daily in the next ~30 minutes. | 16:04 |
bjf | smoser, cool | 16:04 |
jsalisbury | ## | 16:18 |
jsalisbury | ## Kernel team meeting today @ 17:00 UTC | 16:18 |
jsalisbury | ## | 16:18 |
apw | Diziet, ok, it looks to have been restart appropriatly now | 16:19 |
arges | smoser: check bug 1415077, I found the first 'bad' commit | 16:53 |
ubot5 | bug 1415077 in e2fsprogs (Ubuntu) "resize2fs behavior differs greatly between trusty and utopic and vivid" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1415077 | 16:53 |
smoser | arges, does 'flex_bg' mean something for you? | 16:55 |
arges | smoser: so hopefully ted can comment on this, cause yea I don't know : ) | 16:55 |
jsalisbury | ## | 16:56 |
jsalisbury | ## Kernel team meeting in 5 minutes | 16:56 |
jsalisbury | ## | 16:56 |
apw | isn't flex_bg the thing that lets you populate block groups as they are needed, rather than having to clean them all during mkfs time | 16:56 |
ppisati | o/ | 17:00 |
ppisati | \o | 17:00 |
jsalisbury | ## | 17:00 |
jsalisbury | ## Meeting starting now | 17:00 |
arges | ppisati: wrong channel | 17:00 |
jsalisbury | ## | 17:00 |
arges | : ) | 17:00 |
jsalisbury | heh | 17:00 |
ppisati | o/\o <- high five | 17:00 |
bjf | smoser, do i have an image yet? | 17:02 |
apw | jsalisbury, have you gone pop ? | 17:02 |
kamal | ... 'cuz this kteam meeting is dragging on and on and on . . . ;-) | 17:03 |
kamal | ... longest kteam meeting evaaaar | 17:03 |
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smoser | no. it failed. http://paste.ubuntu.com/9900803/ | 17:10 |
smoser | so i'm going to allow the arm64 to fail resizing down. | 17:10 |
=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues February 3rd, 2015 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer! If the question is should I file a bug for something, likely you can assume yes. | ||
smoser | arges, googling flex_bg and resize2fs seems like this is not the first time. | 17:56 |
smoser | https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=696746 | 17:56 |
ubot5 | Debian bug 696746 in e2fsprogs "resize2fs: The combination of flex_bg and !resize_inode features is not supported by resize2fs" [Normal,Fixed] | 17:56 |
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smoser | bjf, 20150127 build of vivid available. | 18:14 |
bjf | smoser, if i force my maas to update images will it pull that ? | 18:15 |
bjf | smoser, trying | 18:16 |
bjf | smoser, i don't think my maas sees anything new | 18:17 |
smoser | bjf, you point your maas at daily ? | 18:20 |
smoser | also there is a reverse proxy in the way, so... that can be annoying sometimes. | 18:20 |
bjf | smoser, yes, daily | 18:20 |
smoser | http://paste.ubuntu.com/9902210/ | 18:21 |
smoser | http://paste.ubuntu.com/9902223/ | 18:22 |
Diziet | apw: Thanks! That clone works now. | 18:24 |
apw | Diziet, awsome, thanks for the feedback, i am working getting git fixed too | 18:26 |
Diziet | Good luck. | 18:26 |
bjf | smoser, i was too quick off the blocks. i just updated and it found a new image. trying to install | 18:33 |
smoser | horay! | 18:35 |
bjf | smoser, it works! | 18:35 |
smoser | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1411294 | 18:36 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1411294 in cloud-initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "kernel panic during MAAS fastpath install of Vivid images" [High,Fix released] | 18:36 |
smoser | ^ that is fixed ? | 18:36 |
arges | smoser: so is this related ot the resize2fs issue? or different? | 18:36 |
bjf | smoser, yes, that bug is fixed | 18:36 |
smoser | bjf, that bug there is overlayroot had a bug that i fixed but no full test. | 18:37 |
smoser | so horay | 18:37 |
bjf | smoser, are daily image builds still busted or are they fixed as well? (was this a one off to verify that bug is fixed?) | 18:39 |
smoser | bjf, well, mostly should be fixed, but right now there is a transient failure in arm64 builds. | 18:40 |
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alias_neo | Hi guys, anyone willing to answer a few (hopefully) simple questions to help me educate myself? | 22:34 |
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alias_neo | I'm trying to figure out how I know which modules third party tools might have created/added/installed that i might have to rebuild after a kernel upgrade. I ask because recently, after updating the kernel on my kvm host I had to dpkg-reconfigure libvirt before it would work | 22:40 |
alias_neo | Ok, am i really unlucky or does this happen regularly? When i built my kernel with grsec earlier today, the version was 3.14.29, now kernel.org has 3.14.30 but grsec patch doesn't have a 3.14.30 yet | 23:40 |
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