
=== keithzg_mobile is now known as keithzg-mobile
manchickenwoot! digiKam is still building.02:10
manchickenI may need help committing to the kubuntu-packagers repo for digikam02:34
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manchickenDarnit, "dh_install: cp -a debian/tmp/usr/lib/kde4/libexec" during build of digikam.02:58
manchickenIf this build fails again I'm going to cry... it takes an hour to build each time...03:23
valoriemanchicken: are you using ccache?06:41
valoriethat helps06:41
valoriealso, if you have more computers, you can use icecream server06:41
valoriedistributed building06:41
* sitter forgot to unpause ci yesterday ^^07:17
soeegood morning07:23
yofelmanchicken: you can also build with -nc, that won't re-compile anything and just continue from the failed target08:30
lordievaderGood morning.08:52
Riddellmanchicken: debuild -nc  is your friend when doing incremental changes09:37
Riddellmorning sitter my darling09:50
sitteroh my09:51
sitterRiddell: おはよう what can I do for you this fine morning ^^09:51
Riddellremind me of the state of these bloody backports is 09:52
RiddellI see lots of bits in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-backports/+packages09:52
sitterRiddell: plasma-frameworks-qt landed, sans user-manager/kcm-touchpad/bludevil/libbluedevil09:54
sitterthose 4 are however in staging 09:54
sitterso the former two can migrate to backports today09:54
sitterI am still not too sure about the bluetooth stuff09:54
sitterutopic pkg-kde-tools is not new enough for maxy's changes :'<09:56
Riddellok groovy09:58
Riddellsitter: can I announce this on kubuntu.org or is more testing needed?09:58
sitterRiddell: should be good for announcement, although to my knowledge only I have tested it, so it kinda depends on whether you trust my system enough :P10:05
Riddellhmm, might be worth a virtualbox install10:06
sitterRiddell: do we want to spend time on kwin
* sitter actually wonders how it built for vivid considering it still has qt5.3 Oo10:20
mgraesslinsitter: it's a runtime problem10:20
sitterclearly the solution here is mitya57 landing qt5.4 ;)10:21
mgraesslinyou might need it for a PPA for 14.10 though10:21
Riddellsitter: not to backport, utopic backports have qt5.4 so no problem there10:21
mgraesslin(no idea whether you are going to provide it)10:21
Riddelland I already uploaded it for vivid10:21
sitterso I see10:22
sittermgraesslin: PPAs all have 5.4, vivid only doesn't because .0 has some release blockers for canonical AFAIK10:22
mitya57sitter: I can land it while Timo is on holidays and doesn't see it :)10:25
sitterno one will ever know xD10:26
Riddellmitya57: what is the setup with you and timo by the way? are you both employed/contracted by canonical for qt? I must confess I always get you mixed up because you both have nicks that start with "mi"10:27
mitya57no, only Timo is canonical employee10:28
mitya57But I do lots of Qt programming for work/university/fun10:29
Riddellqt can make programming fun, it's a rare thing that10:34
sitterRiddell: whatever happened to the new website? :(10:38
Riddellsitter: nobody got back to bukai and he's not come back on the channel10:38
Riddellit's a bit of a failure10:38
soeelets hope i can make it in time for vivid with promo site :~|10:40
sitterRiddell: I did not see a mail10:41
RiddellI think he only asked on the channel10:42
sitterwell that's a mistake :P10:45
sittervivid CI is burning again >.<10:48
Riddellburning? is that a good thing?10:51
sitteralso we need to start integrating pkg-kde-tools, which means we need to support native packages :S10:54
sitterthe one in utopic doesn't qualify for maxy's new ECM changes10:55
Riddellintegrating pkg-kde-tools?10:55
Riddellbackporting it?10:55
sitterRiddell: building it as part of CI, backporting manually won't fly10:58
sittercauses all sorts of madness10:58
sitterplus manual backports need to be manually updated and copied around, much hassle10:58
Riddellsitter: what new feature is needed?11:01
Riddelluh, plasma-nm has decided to fail on something in the code https://launchpadlibrarian.net/196018934/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-amd64.plasma-nm_4%3A5.2.0-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:02
sitterGet:396 http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu/ vivid/universe libkf5networkmanagerqt-dev amd64 5.6.0-0ubuntu1 [35.9 kB]11:07
sitterRiddell: missing include?11:07
sitterit's odd that it would build in the ppa11:07
sitterno, I don't get it ^^11:08
sitterRiddell: jgrulich did mention that we likely want networkmanager-qt fixes from 5.7 with the new NM11:09
sitterI see nothign immediately wrong with 5.6 though11:09
Riddellyep compiles fine locally11:19
sitterRiddell: with completely up-to-date system?11:27
BluesKajHiyas all11:27
Riddellsitter: yep, let me try enabling -proposed11:30
Riddellmm there's a new network-manager in proposed11:33
sitter git stash poop                                                                                                                                                                                                             [±rewrite ●▴]11:34
sitterusage: git stash list [<options>]11:34
sittertypo of the day11:34
sitterRiddell: reckon that explains it then, I still don't know how a networkmanager could affect linkagery 11:34
sitteroh unless certain classes are not built Oo11:35
sitteroh oh oh, I know, teamsetting surely only gets built in networkmanager-qt when built against the new NM11:35
BluesKajoh no, not replacing NM ...it works so well as it is...hope the changes are just cosmetic11:35
Riddellcyphermox: what's new?11:35
sitterRiddell: so possibly a rebuild of networkmanager-qt would fix it11:35
sittershadeslayer: fully tested version of logable http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=releaseme.git&a=blob&h=8f33674ff840384eee44da28035716de9f881dd4&hb=779edd71be0a0a7c19e7b15b62ce8cc8b8f95fb5&f=lib%2Flogable.rb11:36
kfunkcould someone do me a favor and check if/why the subversion plugin is still not being shipped in Debian/Ubuntu packages? there were licensing issues but AFAIU these have been resolved long time ago -- see https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=322225#c511:40
ubottuKDE bug 322225 in subversion "Kdevelop Subversion plugin is missing? - Licensing Issues" [Normal,Confirmed]11:40
kfunkoh, that's just been fixed apparently: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=71920211:41
ubottuDebian bug 719202 in src:kdevplatform "kdevelop: Subversion support kdevelop4.5.1" [Normal,Fixed]11:41
kfunkuh, s/just/a year ago/?11:42
Riddellsitter: installing utopic plasma 5 I can't do a simple full-upgrade to get plasma 5.2 installed :(11:43
Riddellkfunk: mm do you know where in kdevelop sources builds it?11:45
kfunkRiddell: it's in kdevplatform11:45
sitterRiddell: what seems to be the problem?11:48
Riddellkfunk: we do patch it out due to a patch from debian "Subject: Do not compile incompatible licensed SVN plugin"11:49
kfunkhttps://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=719202 contains "[ Andreas Cord-Landwehr ]11:49
kfunk   * Re-enable GPL-3+ licensed SVN plugin due to fixed license issue in11:49
kfunk     GPL-2+ licensed shared library kdevplatformoutputview (was GPL-2)11:49
kfunk     (Closes: #719202)"11:49
ubottuDebian bug 719202 in src:kdevplatform "kdevelop: Subversion support kdevelop4.5.1" [Normal,Fixed]11:49
kfunkI'm confuzzled, so why is it still patched out?11:50
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Riddellkfunk: gosh looks like it's out fault :(12:05
Riddellkfunk: the patch was kept during our latest merge even though debian had dropped it12:05
kfunk /o\12:06
Riddellkfunk: how did you come across this? what do I need to fix?12:07
kfunksomeone was updated the BKO bug12:08
kfunkwell, drop the patch patching out the subversion plugin if possible12:08
kfunkindeed, Debian ships it12:08
Riddellhi sgclark 12:13
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kfunkRiddell: want me to create a bug report?12:17
Riddellkfunk: if you like, launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdevplatform12:18
sitterRiddell: releseme svn should be substantially less verbose now12:21
sitterstill not quite like I want it to be but at least the walls of svn errors are gone12:21
manchickenRiddell: Any clue what's up with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9916446/ ?12:21
Riddellrebuilding networkmanager-qt adds a load of new symbols12:21
Riddellwhich is a good thing I guess12:21
kfunkRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdevplatform/+bug/141545112:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1415451 in kdevplatform (Ubuntu) "Subversion plugin still not being shipped" [Undecided,New]12:22
Riddellmanchicken: one of the .install files will be listing usr/lib/kde4/libexec but that directory isn't made any more?12:22
manchickenThat sounds like something I should remove then?12:22
Riddellmanchicken: yes, this is normal when you have new versions, some files no longer exist and new ones exist12:23
Riddellmanchicken: you'll need to remove from .install files anything that no longer exists then add in any new ones working out what package to put them into12:23
Riddellmanchicken: run   dh_install --list-missing  to not have to go through the build all again12:24
Riddellmanchicken: and run  debuild -nc  when you think it's all good to start the build again without doing a clear of compiled stuff12:24
manchickenThe debian/patches/sendimages-icedove.diff patch is obsolete, now, it moved upstream.12:24
Riddellgreat, scrap it12:24
Riddellless patches the better12:24
manchickenYeah, there's only the mysqld patch now.12:25
* kfunk .oO(oh yeah, about the "less patches" thing)12:25
Riddellwhich hopefully you reformatted to fit in with the changes in the cmake file12:25
manchickenIt builds and links, it's just the building of the deb which is failing right now.12:26
Riddellmanchicken: remind me what timezone you're in you are in out of interest12:29
manchickenMoved to Fairfax, VA12:31
manchickenDo we want libkface to build? It seems like we should, it was previously in a .install file.12:35
Riddellmanchicken: oh that's the question12:35
manchickenSomething tells me I should not indiscriminently delete those.12:35
Riddellmanchicken: in previous versions it built by default12:36
Riddellnow it seems not to12:36
Riddellah wait, there's two libraries12:36
Riddelllibkface was in digikam and has now been split out and released so just add a build-depends on libkface-dev12:36
Riddelland it should build12:36
Riddelllibkgeomap seems to have been set to not build by default but has not had a separate releae12:37
Riddellso I think it should be patched to build it again12:37
Riddellsuch is the life of a packager, occational detective work needed12:37
Riddellyou can reply to gilles for me if you want to confirm that12:38
Riddellsitter: ssh ubuntu@ec2-54-226-117-12.compute-1.amazonaws.com12:40
Riddellsitter: apt full-upgrade wants to uninstall kubuntu-plasma5-desktop12:41
Riddellbecause it doesn't want to upgrade libkfilemetadata or something12:41
Riddellalthough it will if you ask it explicitly12:41
Riddellat which point plasma dies and you can't log back in12:41
sitterRiddell: which key did you use?12:43
Riddellsitter: key?#12:43
sitterssh key12:43
sitterI have 300 of them12:43
Riddellsitter: whatever was on launchpad12:43
sitterbyobu :@12:45
RiddellI'm watching you!12:46
sitterRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9916697/12:46
sitterI thought you fixed that?12:46
RiddellI can't remember if I backported it12:46
sitterapparently not12:47
Riddellnew plasma-nm and networkmanager-qt up12:48
sittersomething depends on libkf5filemetadata2 :S12:48
Riddellsitter: noo! use emacs mode!  control-a should go to the beginning of the line!12:48
soeewho should i ask nicely to add latets kdetelepathy widgets to vivid ?12:49
sitterthere must be a dodgy conflicts/breaks somewhere12:50
sitterotherwise that makes no sense12:50
kfunkRiddell: can't this be fixed for <15.04?12:50
Riddellkfunk: kdevelop? I'm doing it for 15.04 now and can do updates as needed12:50
kfunkawesome. 12:51
kfunkwould be nice if this could go down 14.04 at least12:51
Riddellsoee: good question, I think there's no release of kdetelepathy for kf5 and I think telepathy-qt is needing an update which is blocked on canonical patches12:51
soeeRiddell: i asked about in on #plasma and mck182 said tehy are ready but not released uet or something12:52
soeeso i thought they need only packaging12:53
Riddellreleased->telepathy-qt unblocked-> packaged12:53
Riddellbut it could be done in a PPA by a keen young packager at least12:53
sitterah ah12:55
sitterRiddell: kscreen is missing xD12:55
sitterI think I actually staged that yesterday though12:55
sitterkscreen, kcm-touchpad and user-manager moving to backports12:56
Riddelldoes that affect the full-upgrade ?12:57
sitterRiddell: rating wise I guess13:01
sitterthe problem is that kfilemetadata&baloo tie heavily into plasma-workspace which wants libkscreen6, libkscreen5 is needed by kscreen though and kscreen is depended/recommended by p-w and probably also kubunty-plasma5-desktop giving it a higher rating13:02
Riddellah I see13:02
Riddellworth a shot13:02
sitterapt output is always very cryptic, I never know what the numbers are so that is the best guess I have ^^13:02
sitterat any rate it has to do with dep tree balance since you basically have two complex resolution branches in the tree where one contains filemetadata and the other kscreen and one branch outweighs the other for various reasons so that's the branch apt would take to resolve the conflict13:04
sitterin upgrade mode it would probably just hold both branches13:04
sitterah well, apparently not good enough yet13:05
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* sitter scratches head13:17
sitterRiddell: can you take a look the baloo control13:17
sitterConflicts: baloo, baloo-kf5 (<= 4:4.97.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa5)13:17
sitterReplaces: baloo-kf5 (<= 4:4.97.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa5)13:17
sitterunless I am missing something baloo-kf5 conflicts itself13:17
sitterRiddell: also, is blaoo not uploaded yet or have you not pushed the release commits?13:20
sitterproposed solution: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9917219/ <- baloo-kf5(5.6.0) conflicting itself(<=4:4.97) is a self-conflict due to to the poch; also the xapian thing there is just rubbish as we will at some point end up wiht soversion5...13:22
sitterRiddell: I uploaded a monkey patched backport to staging to see where that gets us13:29
sitterstill didn't help13:35
sitterRiddell: I am a bit out of ideas, gotta take a coffee break13:42
Riddellpinging mvo13:53
soeeRiddell: where should i report dolphin bugs ? there is a problem with places added to panel - sometimes are gone sometimes one will go back ... :)14:00
cyphermoxhey Riddell ;)14:01
Riddellsoee: I heard that one being discussed, it might be one that d_ed was looking at (or it might not)14:01
soeed_ed: ping14:02
Riddellbut it's probably an issue with dolphin so bugs.kde.org, I think dolphin used to share that code with kdelibs but not any more14:03
Riddellcyphermox: looks like plasma-nm is building away now14:03
cyphermoxok good14:03
Riddellsitter: bit of a non-reply about telepathy-qt there :(14:03
sittergrab a revert hammer :P14:04
cyphermoxRiddell: there's still a bunch of stuff to unblock before things will travel from the magical land of proposed into the real world, but I'm working on it14:05
sitterRiddell: I just realized, kfilemetadata-data uses conflicts where it should use breaks14:08
sittergiven that conflicts is the highest priority negative relationship that might well be what breaks resolution14:08
Riddellsitter: oh?14:08
d_edsoee: ooh!14:09
sitterthere's really only one case where conflicts is called for and that's when two packages cannot ever be installed at the same time14:09
d_eddo you know what you did that made the sidebar go away?14:09
sitterlike ever, in no conceivable scenario14:09
soeed_ed: not sidebar, i just added shortcuts to few places liek Video, Images etc.14:09
* sitter uploads a monkey fix for testing14:09
soeeafter logout or reboot they are gone often14:09
soeesometimes one will go back14:09
soeeso in the end the default only stays available liek root folder, trash, network14:10
sitterRiddell: btw, I think the armhf builds on next-staging should go away14:11
sitterthey are non-representitive and we don't care and Quintasan doesn't do anything with them either14:11
Riddellsitter: I agree, there was a guy who popped into the channel and asked for them but he's not come back14:13
sitterRiddell: I seem to recall it was Quintasan or maybe I am mistaken14:16
sitteranywho, the virtualized arm fails too often for frameworks14:16
Riddellyep, it's useless14:16
Riddellsitter: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/26133914:17
sitterstill no luck with kfilemetadata14:18
Riddellsitter: I pinged mvo but no response yet14:19
sitterI suppose we could try moar debug xD14:20
d_edsoee: I need some extra hint on when they disappear14:20
d_edI've added a folder and rebooted twice14:20
soeed_ed: ill try to do some tests at home, but today im out till midnight, so tomorrow and ill contact you14:22
sitterkscreen also has a conflicts14:23
sitteroh my14:23
soeethere is one package held back in vivid updates: libkwin4-effect-builtins114:28
sitterRiddell: maybe we should just make a transitional package for kfilemetadata214:28
sitterthat way it shouldn't trip over it at all14:28
Riddellsitter: maybe, although it sounds improper and shouldn't be needed14:29
sitterthe fact that data was in the lib also wasn't proper ;)14:29
R33D3M33RHi, what is the 15.04 KF5 translation status? I upgraded from 14.10 to 15.04 and a lot of things that should be translated are not.14:30
RiddellR33D3M33R: it's on my todo list and I started on it but not finished yet14:31
R33D3M33Rah, ok, no problem then14:31
Riddellkf5 itself is all done, it's the kde applications that I need to update14:31
soeeRiddell: P5.2 for utopic will be availabel through kubuntu-next ppa right ?14:32
Riddellsoee: kubuntu-ppa/next-backports14:33
Riddellsoee: it includes an update to qt so wedidn't want to make it magically avaialble without people adding it explicitly14:33
Riddellsoee: it's already there if you feel the desire to test but we're working out why it won't do a smooth upgrade14:34
sitterhere's a curious observation: if I manually want to install metadata3 it will do exactly the same as installing -data or removing data2, BUT it will also install qttranslations5-l10n14:35
sitterRiddell: did you backport the kio stuff yet?14:36
sitterit's annoying14:36
soeeRiddell: i have not utopic installed but a lot of people is asking about it14:37
Riddellsitter: if I do kio I can't do kdevelop and the kfunk cries 14:38
sitterthis way I cry!14:41
Riddellyeah but crying kfunk is more scary than crying sitter 14:42
shadeslayerare you saying sitter isn't scary enough14:43
shadeslayerRiddell: btw how was the calçot festival14:43
yofelthat's debatable. Depends on how much wine you give him while he has to wait14:43
Riddelloh hi shadeslayer, the calcot festival was both wonderful and truly insane, I like onions but these people take it to whole new levels14:44
sitterRiddell: I really think we should just transition14:44
shadeslayerRiddell: define new levels14:44
_Groo_Riddell: shouldi move to next-backports? or stick with ci?14:44
Riddellshadeslayer: we also went on a street art tour of ravel, did you know there's game of thrones artwork 20m from your street?14:44
Riddellsitter: transition what?14:44
_Groo_Riddell: what i want to know is where are the 14.12 to utopic14:44
shadeslayerthere's a what :O14:44
shadeslayerRiddell: where?14:44
Riddell_Groo_: depends on what you want to achieve14:44
shadeslayerwhich direction?14:45
sitterRiddell: add a translitional package from kfilemetada2 to kfilemetadata3&kfilemetadata-data14:45
_Groo_Riddell: well ci is the cutting edge right?so ill stick to that14:45
_Groo_Riddell: but ci doesnt have 14.12 apps correct?14:45
Riddellsitter: if you think that's sane and easiest sure14:45
sitterthis is a giant waste of time14:45
sitterand given that all packages I look at use conflicts where they shouldn't use conflicts I am very content to assume that the problem is not in either baloo or filemetadata but some other thing that has a dodgy relationship14:46
sitterRiddell: what's to be backported for the kio thing?14:46
Riddellsitter: just kio-mtp no?14:47
sitteryou tell me?14:47
Riddellsitter: just kio-mtp14:47
_Groo_Riddell: yes, kio-mtp is still broken with the new kio-extras14:47
_Groo_btw just buged the kde devs, to fixed bugs incoming14:48
Riddell_Groo_: in utopic or vivid?14:48
ubottuKDE bug 343455 in decorations "plasma decorations dont refresh the shadow frame if settings is changed to instant or almost instant" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:48
ubottuKDE bug 343450 in libkscreen "kscreen isnt resizing the screen correctly" [Grave,Unconfirmed]14:48
_Groo_this one is nasty14:48
_Groo_but they could reproduce it, and it should be fixed soon14:48
sitterRiddell: and why is baloo not marked released in git?14:48
Riddellsitter: where?14:50
sitterin git vivid_archive14:50
sitterin the changelog file14:50
sitterit says UNRELEASED14:50
soeeteh utopic backports: [15:43] <alvin> baloo-kf5 libkf5filemetadata-bin plasma-desktop-data have been kept back.14:50
yofelwe know14:51
shadeslayerhah, I can type € and £ now14:53
shadeslayer<3 the compose key14:53
Riddellshadeslayer: not ₹?14:54
Riddellsitter: script failure?14:54
shadeslayerhmm, not sure how that would work14:54
sitterRiddell: how shitty a script is that?14:54
yofelthe script should not fail, and if it fails you shouldn't be ignoring that..14:54
yofelpebkac as usual ^^14:55
sitterRiddell: that kio-mtp solution seems very not right now14:55
sittera) the translations catalogs of the kdelibs4 versionand the kf5 version don't need to be the same b) because of a the kf5 version should have a different catalog name upstream14:56
shadeslayerRiddell: I can do ₨14:56
Riddellshadeslayer: old school, all the cool currencies have symbols now14:57
Riddellkfunk: ok uploaded for 14.10 and 14.04.  It will need approval by ~ubuntu-sru then it'll need testing and verifying then 1 week later it can go into -updates.  ScottK ping on sru approval love for bug 141545115:06
ubottubug 1415451 in kdevplatform (Ubuntu Vivid) "Subversion plugin still not being shipped" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141545115:06
sitterthe publisher delay :@15:20
Riddellsitter: the upload of qtwebkit ~ppa10 disappeared between next-staging and utopic-qt54, I've uploade dto utopic-qt54 again15:21
Riddellsitter: then I can look at qtquick15:21
sitterRiddell: you could have just copied 15:22
sitterchances are it's not deleted for good in staging15:23
sitterinterestingly enough they are all ppa115:24
sitterqtquick1 is still missing...15:26
Riddellsitter: qtwebkit disappeared15:27
sitterit probably just wasn't copied15:28
sitterand wtf, it still wants to remove kio-mtp15:29
sitterwell fml15:29
sitter-Replaces: kio-mtp (<< 0.75+git20140304-1ubuntu1)15:30
sitter-Breaks: kio-mtp (<< 0.75+git20140304-1ubuntu1)15:30
sitter+Replaces: kio-mtp (<< 0.75+git20140304-1ubuntu1~)15:30
sitter+Breaks: kio-mtp (<< 0.75+git20140304-1ubuntu1~)15:30
sittersee what I did there? :S15:30
sitterRiddell: baloo still not pushed in git15:34
sitterneither is filemetadata15:34
yofelmy .xsession-errors is 16GiB @_@15:37
Riddellmm ok15:37
sitterbecause no one bothered to patch the intel driver15:37
Riddellyofel: libxext bug?15:38
yofelI'm on nvidia... "kwin_core: 0x20084: Texture state usage warning: Waste of memory: Texture 0 has mipmaps, while its min filter is inconsistent with mipmaps."15:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1400730 in libxext (Ubuntu Utopic) "libxext fills up .xsession-errors log files" [Undecided,Fix committed]15:38
Riddellsitter: kfilemetadata and baloo pushed15:38
yofelnah, none of the libext stuff, but that kwin warning around 10x per second15:39
yofellet me try to install 5.2 and reboot. Maybe that'll help15:41
yofelvivid doesn't like kwin currently:15:49
yofelThe following packages will be REMOVED:15:49
yofel  kubuntu-desktop kwin kwin-data libkwin4-effect-builtins1 libkwinglutils5 libmuonprivate2 libqapt2-runtime muon-installer15:49
sitterpublisher hell15:50
sitterRiddell: filemetadata and kio-extras should be publishing in backports at some point15:50
sitterif it's still broken simply add a transitional package to metadata and the upgrade should be fine15:50
yofelnah, I can upgrade it fine if I run "apt install kubuntu-desktop kwin"15:50
sitter^ transitional package diff15:51
* sitter out15:51
Riddellyofel: plasma-desktop still to get into -release maybe that'll make things happier15:51
yofelah, maybe15:52
yofel*sigh*, it would be kind of nice if at least the session management would survive a plasma update so you don't need a terminal to reboot the system -.-15:55
Riddellsweet, sitter's fixed work for utopic full-upgrade15:59
Riddell!testers | kubuntu plasma 5 backports 15:59
ubottukubuntu plasma 5 backports: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31  for information15:59
Riddellin ~kubuntu-ppa/next-backports15:59
sgclarkdon't have a utopic build anywhere :(16:00
BluesKajRiddell, I take it this is for 14.1016:00
yofelgreat, upgraded to 5.2 and now my font settings are messed up o.O16:01
BluesKajerr assume in other words16:01
yofeleither the rendering changed or something is overriding the hinting setting16:01
yofeland something deleted my xorg.conf again, this is getting annoying16:03
RiddellBluesKaj: yep16:04
sgclarkRiddell: any packages without time constraints for me to work on to get back into the swing of things?16:05
Riddellsgclark: kde applications includes some updates that are not versioned 14.1216:05
Riddellsgclark: kdepim* http://download.kde.org/stable/applications/14.12.1/src/16:06
BluesKajI'm still waiting for more graphical options for plasma 5 like themes and VD backgrounds that can be set individually and widgets that we used to have in plasma 4 that I liked like the icon only taskbar etc...but there doesn't seem to be much attention being paid to these effects 16:07
sgclarkRiddell: not sure what you are asking me to do16:07
Riddellsgclark: package the updates of the kdepim* packages16:07
sgclarkAre they suppose to be 14.12 or ?16:07
Riddellsgclark: no they're bugfixes only so they keep their 4.x versions16:07
Riddellsgclark: and they didn't get an update when we did 14.1216:08
sgclarkkk, Riddell: on it!16:08
Riddellsgclark: so I guess they're still in launchpad bzr and should get moved to debian git for packaging16:08
sgclarkright, they are still doing the kf5 port16:08
sgclarknot sure I remember how to do that if I ever did16:09
Riddellsgclark: make a new git repository on the debian server, mirror the old one into it, I think16:09
* sgclark has no idea how to mirror things in git16:10
yofelcreate a new repo on git.debian.org, pull from the old remote location, push to the new one16:11
sgclarkdo like we did when we created applications from 4.x ? cp from debian to new repo?16:11
sgclarkyofel: ok got that, thanks!16:12
yofelIIRC at least. With just copying you had to update the CI stuff by hand16:13
yofelmeh, plasma-workspace shows up as published on launchpad but actually isn't :S16:14
Riddellpublished is only an internet archive mirror I think, something it still needs something else to run to reach the archive.ubuntu.com mirror, and then other mirrors will take longer16:16
yofelright, it's in no pocket on archive.ubuntu.com, which can happen but is annoying when it does :/16:17
yofelok, fixed my hinting16:18
yofelhm, plasma doesn't try to fix the favorite entries in kickoff if the desktop file locations change16:27
yofelon second thought, that's probably right16:29
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shadeslayertar sure has consistently shit formatted code18:18
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Riddellyay utopic backports working for me and vqez, I'll announce20:02
Riddellhttp://www.kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5.2 ta da20:08
* Riddell out20:11
mparilloPlasma 5.2 is available on the development release and 14.10 in the first paragraph and 14.04 LTS in the PPA section. All three?20:27
HmpfCBRhi, I think there are one or two errors in the annoncement http://www.kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5.2 to the end it mentions 14.04LTS and the two commands add different ppas. Or do I missunderstand it?22:59
claydohOh, there is a mistake in there, for sure.  the top line is the correct one, there is noe plasma 5 for 14.0423:03
claydohit also implies that you have to get 5.2  for Vivid via a ppa as well, which I think is incorrect23:04
claydohRiddell:  ^^^ or someone who can edit the announcement23:04
valorieRiddell: yofel, sgclark, shadeslayer, sitter ^^^23:45
shadeslayerlet me see23:46
valoriethat needs to be fixed or #kubuntu will start to 'splode23:46
sgclarkhmm yes that would end badly23:47
sgclarkme thinks a copy paste gone bad23:47
yofelright, that post is only half-edited..23:47
yofelshadeslayer: you fixing it?23:47
shadeslayerI'm trying to find how one fixes that 23:48
shadeslayerbecause I don't remember23:48
yofeluse le konqueror23:48
sgclarkhave to use konq.. yeah23:48
shadeslayerdon't have 90's tech23:48
yofelah, I'm in23:49
yofellet me fix the worst at least23:49
valoriewoooo, thank you23:50
valoriesorry for the pingall, but I have not clue who has keys 23:50
shadeslayerthe entire process of using 90's tech to fix news announcements is brainfuck23:51
yofeldone, someone please recheck that23:51
valorielooks correct to me, yofel23:54
valorieand the command works; I just added the repo successfully23:55
valoriewill test the upgrade in a bit23:55
yofelI'm off, if you find issues best ping harald so he can fix things tomorrow23:57

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