
=== lhorace is now known as Horace2
keithzgkdeconnect has never worked for me at my work, since it'd require manually setting the hostname (since it's traversing subnets) and that isn't actually supported yet, not really :(00:33
keithzgThe Android app currently lets you set hostnames or IP addresses . . . but then doesn't list those as available devices (despite the Android phone being otherwise able to connect just fine to the desktop in question via any *other* method). Le sigh.00:35
valoriethat is my precise problem00:37
keithzgvalorie: huh, and I assume you don't have as wonky as a setup as mine even, eh? (I'm connecting via OpenVPN to my work network)00:43
valorienope, just a cable modem and router (which I think might be dying)00:45
valorieI wish I knew how to test out that theory of a dying router00:45
pc-mooni wanna be sure this device is compatible with aircrack Network controller: Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe00:47
keithzgvalorie: No log files to be read? I suppose you probably have an off-the-shelf router, personally I feel uneasy if my router isn't running a normal-ish Linux install that I can actually poke and prod like I'm used to.00:49
valorieyes, just a cisco/linksys00:50
keithzgpc-moon: I can't find any evidence that the card in question is actually supported, so I'd suspect not (or at least not for things like packet injection).00:56
pc-moonyea i just saw is rt2x00 or01:02
pc-moonRaLink RT2570USB Enhanced Driver or01:02
pc-moonRaLink RT73 USB Enhanced Driver01:02
pc-moonfor same brand01:02
pc-moonshould i pay new device01:03
pc-moonfirst thank you for replaying01:03
keithzgpc-moon: Is this a device you already have?01:03
pc-moonyea i have it01:04
keithzgvalorie: what other symptoms are you experiencing? Although, IMHO most off-the-shelf routers are pretty terrible, especially software-wise, so it's almost always worth flashing (or buying one that can be flashed) something like Tomato-USB atop them. It's kindof shocking how much of a difference that can make.01:05
pc-moonwhen im trying this code : airserv-ng -d wlan001:05
pc-mooni get results is01:06
pc-moonOpening card wlan001:06
pc-moonioctl(SIOCSIWMODE) failed: Device or resource busy01:06
pc-moonARP linktype is set to 1 (Ethernet) - expected ARPHRD_IEEE80211,01:06
pc-moonARPHRD_IEEE80211_FULL or ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM instead.  Make01:06
pc-moonsure RFMON is enabled: run 'airmon-ng start wlan0 <#>'01:06
unopastepc-moon you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted01:06
keithzgpc-moon: I honestly can't remember ever using airserv-ng, IIRC I always just started airmon-ng and then was able to run stuff like airodump-ng just fine. If I needed to do packet injection at the same time I usually just use another adapter.01:08
keithzgBut as mentioned by the error, you need to have airmon-ng running anyways first.01:08
keithzgdo you?01:08
pc-moonyea i have mon101:09
keithzgHmm I'm not sure that actually implies that it's *working*.01:10
pc-moonsorry have look here http://paste.ubuntu.com/9907800/01:11
pc-moonbut i cant kill networkmanager or avahi-daemon because internet will disconnect01:13
keithzgpc-moon: you could try a more automated frontend like airoscript-ng, but honestly if you're trying to keep up a normal internet connection while also trying to use the interface for sniffing I don't think you're making it very easy for yourself!01:20
pc-mooni just wanna easy way to get the password , im trying by aircrack or wifite im tired but still deserve to reach my goal01:28
pc-moonnow i saw something i didnt know about in my computer is Bluetooth: Ralink corp. RT3290 Bluetooth but why its not work01:50
pc-moonhow i can check its working or not01:50
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surfz^hi all, what's a good PPA to grab Plasma 5.2?04:46
surfz^hi all, what's a good PPA to grab Plasma 5.2?04:46
surfz^is it still ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next?04:46
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukkii
nitin_I want to have automated installation of Kubuntu 14.04 over PXE. Now only desktop CD "kubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso" is available which does not contain any "netboot" image under install folder. So how can I automate installation of kubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso with the help of auto answer file (preseed.cfg) over PXE.05:22
nitin_need help automated installation of Kubuntu 14.0405:25
nitin_ I want to have automated installation of Kubuntu 14.04 over PXE. Now only desktop CD "kubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso" is available which does not contain any "netboot" image under install folder. So how can I automate installation of kubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso with the help of auto answer file (preseed.cfg) over PXE.05:25
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keithzgnitin_: You should look to ubuntu-minimal and just customize the package list, IIRC (been a while since I ran a PXE server).05:40
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nitin_Thanks keithzg. I will look for ubuntu-minimal but is there any way to use kubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso and use preseed.cfg?05:58
keithzgnitin_: I honestly do forget, it's been ages since I fiddled with PXE stuff, but at least in the abstract (maybe not precisely in the same way you're trying to do it, but with the same result) it should be possible. Have you looked at the last section in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer?06:10
keithzgAlso, you might consider asking in #ubuntu-server since in a sense this is more a server-side question.06:10
phoenixzMy kmix suddenly stopped working.. I mean, it works, but it does no longer change audio volume.. Any ideas what the problem might be?06:17
keithzgphoenixz: PulseAudio. The problem is always PulseAudio ;) (I kid, I kid . . . mostly)06:17
phoenixzkeithzg: Yeah, I was affraid of that.. How could I resolve this?06:18
nitin_keithzg: Problem is not the PXE. I am able to install over PXE but problem with live CD which is now only released with Desktop CD. Erlier it is released with alternate CD in 12.04 which contain netboot image and we can use preseed.efg to automte the install. Now there kubuntu deskto CD come with preinstalled image and do not support preseed.cfg06:18
keithzgphoenixz: I suppose first we should establish, by "stopped working" what exactly do you mean? Is it just the volume keys, or also when opening up the full kmix window?06:21
keithzgphoenixz: You could also try alternate volume frontends and see if they work.06:22
keithzgnitin_: Couldn't you just use debconf-get-selections to get the values and edit the netinstall preseed.cfg accordingly?06:23
phoenixzkeithzg: fixed it, pulseaudio -k06:23
phoenixzkeithzg: problem was that kmix all worked, except that the audio volume did not change06:23
phoenixzbut pulseaudio -k fixed it06:23
keithzgYeah, the problem is always pulseaudio . . . hence many folks' lack of enthusiasm for systemd, heh.06:24
keithzgnitin_: If you take a look at https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/example-preseed.txt near the end, it mentions hwo to use debconf-get-selections to get the output you'd need to put in a preseed.cfg to replicate an existing install's package selection and setup.06:27
nitin_Thanks keithzg. I will take a look06:28
keithzgnitin_: No problem, hope it works for ya06:28
nitin_keithzg: Problem is not preseed.cfg content. Problem with when you are passing preseed.cfg file in the syslinux.cfg but vmlinuz.efi kernel do not consider the pressed parameter in for live cd  kubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso like below # install label install   kernel boot/vmlinuz.efi   append auto=true priority=critical hostname=host2OS url=   initrd=initrd.lz quie06:41
nitin_keithzg: it ignore url specify the preseed.txt but it used to work with 12.04 alternate CD06:42
keithzgnitin_: Hmm. Gotta say it's a bit out of my wheelhouse at that point, and I've gotta run. As aforementioned, you should probably give #ubuntu-server a poke, see what they have to say (although it's a bit of a quiet time of day)06:45
nitin_keithzg: Server image contain netboot image under the CD so no problem for server06:53
keithzgnitin_: ...sure, but the point is to be able to serve an arbitrary installer over PXE. That's entirely within the server/sysadmin wheelhouse. And modifying the netboot image to install kubuntu packages instead of the server packages seems entirely doable.06:56
nitin_keithzg: Server work fine with preseed.cfg.  Right now looks Kubuntu Desktop CD image can not be automated for installation by using any auto answer file like preseed.cfg and ks,cfg. any help will be appreciated. Thanks06:56
keithzgnitin_: Yeah, so use the server setup and make a copy of it that uses selections from dpkg-get-selections --installer to set up a kubuntu install rather than a server install. They're really just the same distro anyways, just a different set of default packages and config options, which can all be specified in preseed.cfg06:57
nitin_keithzg: Sure. I will explore more in the way you mentioned. Thanks07:02
soeegood morning07:23
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lordievaderGood morning.08:52
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Shagg0thhi !08:59
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lordievaderShagg0th: o/09:22
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Shagg0thlordievader: yes ? ^^10:04
lordievaderShagg0th: Was just waving hi back ;)10:12
Shagg0thlordievader: ok ;)10:22
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BluesKajHiyas all11:27
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ahoxHi, I am trying to automount an ntfs truecrypt volume during boot using crypttab. Everything works but giving my password in a file.13:17
ahoxpc-data  /dev/sda5 /etc/secure/pc-data.password tcrypt,noauto,discard,loud does not work, while pc-data  /dev/sda5 none tcrypt,noauto,discard,loud does work.13:18
RamchandraApteahox: btw how does it make sense to have the password within the file? Doesn't that invalidate the purpose?13:19
ahoxHow should the password file look like?13:19
RamchandraApte(never used encryption on linux though)13:19
ahoxRamchandraApte: Not if the password file sits on an encrypted harddisk13:19
RamchandraApteSo first you enter in a password and then decrypts one fs and from that the home fs is decrypted?13:20
ahoxpretty much, yes13:20
ahoxthe whole system is encrypted with luks13:20
RamchandraApteif all else fails you could merge the two partitions together13:22
RamchandraApte(when reinstalling you can just make the installer install in an existing directory)13:22
ahoxno, I can't - pc-data is an ntfs partition to share data among OS13:22
RamchandraApteah, I didn't realize seeing ntfs13:23
ahoxBasically, everything seems to work but passing the password.13:24
RamchandraAptedunno about encryption, by a chance this link might be useful: https://www.martineve.com/2012/11/02/luks-encrypting-multiple-partitions-on-debianubuntu-with-a-single-passphrase/13:24
RamchandraApte(I'm not sure if that guide works with ntfs)13:24
ahoxno, that luks which I can not use with truecrypt.13:25
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ahoxHi, I just found a hacky solution, there seems to be a bug in /lib/cryptsetup/cryptdisks.functions13:48
ahoxspecifically, it uses the password as a key-file which does not really match with the man page13:49
ahoxI just changed it to the following, cryptsetup $PLAINPARAMS $PARAMS create "${dst}_unformatted" "$src" || (13:49
ahoxPARAMS=`echo $PARAMS | sed "s:--key-file=$key::"`13:49
ahoxecho $PARAMS13:49
ahoxcat $key | cryptsetup $PLAINPARAMS $PARAMS create "${dst}_unformatted" "$src"13:49
BluesKajahox, wouldn't these questions be generally more linux specific than kubuntu, you may get more help at ##linux.13:51
ahoxwell, this is kubuntu I am using, I am not sure who actually wrote the scripts13:51
ahoxcryptsetup: Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>13:52
BluesKajwell,seems to me a larger population of linux users could be more help than the few that are here13:53
BluesKajahox, I'm just trying to help you get help, that's all.13:54
ahoxI start to agree with you ;-) - just not sure if it really is an upstream bug13:55
BluesKajahox, well I sure have no experience with encryption, but I've seen alot those kinds of questions dealt with at the ##linux chat...they aren't OS specific13:58
vegaoneeWhat is the current version of Plasma 5 in the repos for Kubuntu? Is it possible to install 5.2 in Kubuntu 14.10 without too much trouble?14:28
soeevegaonee: Plasma 5.2 will be backported to 14.10, it should be avaialable through kubuntu-next/ppa14:31
vegaoneeNice, thanks. Any guides on how to get it? I'm not used to using backports. And I haven't yet installed Kubuntu. Wanna get 5.2 in a not too messy install.14:33
vegaoneeI'm just keeping it until 15.04 I think :)14:33
vegaoneeWhat do you guys think of this? http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/01/upgrade-to-kde-plasma-5-2-kubuntu-14-10/14:38
soeevegaonee: so i suggest to install Kubunti 15.0414:38
vegaoneeDoes it look reasonable?14:38
vegaoneeIt's just in alpha, so not so sure14:38
soeevegaonee: yes this is teh valid way to use it on Utopic14:38
soeevegaonee: i have laptop and work machine running this alpha :)14:39
vegaoneeThank you soee :)14:39
soeeand both works nice and smooth14:39
vegaoneeSo you would recommend alpha over 14.10 backports?14:39
soeevegaonee: yes14:39
vegaoneeI want it as stable as possible and with good security updates.14:39
vegaonee5.2 as stable as possible.14:40
soeehmm well atm teh backported version might has less bugs i think, as for Utopic there is QT 5.4 already available and not yet for Vivid14:40
vegaoneeI think I will give the backport option a try :) And if it fails I guess I go back to KDE/Plasma 4. Thanks again!14:42
soeenp, hf :)14:42
vegaoneeHow does the GTK applications look in Plasma 5.2?14:43
alvinOh, God. That link! Now I have to install those backports.14:43
vegaoneeThere is a new theme for taking care of GTK apps in Plasma 5? Or just the old one?14:43
alvinbaloo-kf5 libkf5filemetadata-bin plasma-desktop-data have been kept back. Are the backports ready yet?14:43
vegaoneeI would like an update on that as well alvin. Maybe we should give it a couple of days.14:45
alvinGood idea. Patience is a virtue.14:45
alvinapt also wanted to remove Calibre, and I like to keep that.14:46
vegaoneeHmm. Calibre isn't yet ported?14:46
soeevegaonee: gtk2 use qtcurve - same as qt apps, gtk3 use oxygen as there is not yet qtcurve for it14:46
vegaoneesoee: Ahh, does the gtk3 apps look ugly now?14:47
soeenope why? and ther is not much gtk3 apps14:48
vegaoneeIdk, I thought the theming would be that nice yet. But no problem.14:49
vegaoneeI guess the headerbars for the most popular programs are stripped away because Kubuntu uses the Ubuntu repo :) So that "problem" isn't there I guess.14:50
vegaoneeSo it is just the theming that could be better, with a new gtk3 qtcurve theme.14:51
yossarianukhi - anyone know why tune2fs is showing the 'Maximum mount count:    ' as -1 ?14:57
yossarianukIs Kubuntu 15.04 going to be the first distro to ship KDE 5.x as default ?15:09
yossarianuk(apart from Arch..015:09
yossarianukFedora 22 is going to kde KDE5 also but that is due out a month later (and will probably be several weeks late)15:11
Riddellyossarianuk: "Plasma 5" yes it looks like it will15:11
Riddellyossarianuk: Arch still needs the extra repository for Plasma 515:11
vegaoneeMaybe KaOS15:11
yossarianukRiddell: Doesn't KDE4 / gnome  also need the extra repo in Arch ?15:12
RiddellI'm yet to meet anyone who knows what they is :)15:12
Riddellyossarianuk: I've no idea15:13
yossarianukRiddell: extra is everything non core OS - i.e Xorg/firefox/desktops, etc....15:14
yossarianuklooks like you can choose now between them now - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/KDE ...15:15
yossarianukBut Kubuntu 15.04 will be the first 'real' distro...15:15
yossarianukAnd I assume its aiming for Plasma 5.2 ?/15:16
Riddellyossarianuk: yep15:18
yossarianukgroovy !15:26
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not_roastedsince +1 is invite only can 15.04 be discussed here?15:58
Guest42455hello guys, i'm using kubuntu 14.04 lts and the wired connection works intermitently... when it doesn't work only a reboot will make it work again, i've tried disabling/re-enabling the eth0 using the ifconfig but that didn't work also. any ideas?15:59
Guest42455mobo is ga-h81m-s2pv16:00
Guest42455sometimes i have to reboot twice for it to work.16:00
Guest42455it works properly on other OSs and ifconfig lists the iterface properly, but kubuntu fails to connect (a yellow "?" appears on the tray and then the wheel spins forever)16:02
ArranHave you checked the cable connections? I had a couple of days ago my printer not working, and searched for hours for the problem. By accident did I found out the the UBS-cable at the back of the printer was not properly connected...16:03
Guest42455Arran: yes, i'm pretty sure it's not the cable.16:04
juacom99hi, i need a big help, yesterday i install  Lamp and teamviewer on my  Kubuntu 14.10 with plasma 5. Now when i login the load screen don't load, it take a good while to load the screen and when i see anything i se a rectangle where the taskbar shuld be and my cairo-bar16:44
Walexjuacom99: probably your X11 display driver is not quite right.16:47
juacom99but it was working  >S16:47
juacom99i got an NVidia16:48
Walexjuacom99: it is your system, in theory you know what you have been doing to it...16:48
Walexjuacom99: and which driver do you use with it?16:48
juacom99let me check16:48
juacom99the windioss don-t have the decoration too16:49
juacom99and my keyboard language was changed >S16:50
juacom99since i see some windows i asume it wasnt the driver, that i was some plasma component16:51
Walexjuacom99: that's unlikely, but that you report it is slow may have some influence.17:05
Walexjuacom99: please have a look for suspicious content inside the Xorg server log.17:06
juacom99i did17:06
pqatsiThere are plans to compile a updated konsole for kubuntu-next/kubuntu-next-backports?17:09
pqatsiIm facing troubles with konsole 4 + byobu + mouse17:10
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pdagaHello everyone! I would want to contribute on the step application on kubuntu. can someone suggest me how to start contributing ?17:56
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BluesKajpdaga, you can ask in #kubuntu-devel, they can advise you.18:10
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alvinHe might try rebooting. I need to reboot every time I want to login into plasma5 after first logging off. Otherwise part of my screen is not visible.18:28
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An_Ony_MooseI've installed kubuntu on my macbook pro, and it's working nicely. I just have an issue with touchpad scrolling: it's insanely sensitive, and I can't reduce the sensitivity any further in the settings ("Scrolling Distance" is already set to the maximum of 10mm). What can I do about this?18:59
rberg_An_Ony_Moose ohh lord I have this same issue, I have not solved it, I hope you have some luck! (its so bad I use the arrows to scroll)19:00
An_Ony_Mooserberg_: I'll tell you if I find anything :)19:01
An_Ony_Mooserberg_: it seems to be possible to fix it using xinput19:03
An_Ony_Mooserberg_: open up a terminal, use xinput list to find the id of the touchpad (its name should be bcm5974), then xinput list-props <id> to find the id of the "Scrolling Distance" property, which you can then set using xinput set-prop <device id> <property id> <value> <value>19:05
An_Ony_Mooserberg_: 100 100 is working nicely for me.19:06
rberg_I never thought to look there, I was checking synclient and kde settings.. I will try that when I get home.. thansk!19:06
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cjwelbornYou know how Krunner can show man pages by using '#<command>'? Well sometimes there several man pages, and it just links me to the tar.gz files. How can I specify which page number for Krunner to show?19:26
Hv0kHi all!19:30
bpromptcjwelborn:    ever used konqueror?  do you have it installed by any chance?19:31
Hv0kprocesing my problem about instaling plasma 5 on kubuntu 14.10...19:31
cjwelbornbprompt: I don't think I have it installed anymore.19:32
Hv0kalready have booting on textmode and loading gui by "sudo xinit startkde"19:33
BluesKajHv0k, http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/01/upgrade-to-kde-plasma-5-2-kubuntu-14-10/19:33
bpromptcjwelborn:    well... konqueror has a few KIO plugins....kde i/o, and also does man pages, it does an html-formatting of it on-the-fly19:33
cjwelbornbprompt: thanks. I'll take a look.19:34
bpromptcjwelborn:     as far as krunner.... haven't used it for that myself... but often times I use konqueror to check the manpages.... I even made a .css for the autoformatted pages as well =)19:34
Hv0kBluesKaj: seems it not for me) that was done19:35
BluesKajHv0k, ok, wasn't sure if you had already installed19:35
bpromptcjwelborn:     usually in konqueror... you'd access the KIO plugin by means of a protocol....like to access the trash bin, is   trash:/  I think...t o access the manpages, is ->   man:/     <--- so if you want to read say... the mount pages.. -> man:/mount19:35
bpromptcjwelborn:    though I just checked... and if more than one page... konqueror kio also gives you the .tgz link, but you can just click it though, and it loads it19:37
cjwelbornbprompt: I think Konqueror and KRunner share the same code. #<cmd> is a shortcut to man:/<cmd>. But if man:/printf (just an example) shows something other than links to the tar.gz files in Konqueror I would really like to try it.19:37
cjwelbornbprompt: ok I see, Krunner uses Google Chrome (my default), and CHrome doesn't know what to do with them except download them. So Konqueror wins in that case.19:37
bpromptcjwelborn:     you can customize the html-autoformatted file, btw.. it has a .css it uses... and you can customize that..... which is what I"ve done19:38
bpromptlike change the headers colors or size, and add indentations or color the <code> or bolded text and such19:39
cjwelbornbprompt: cool. Thanks again for your help.19:39
Hv0kSo, how to load plasma5 on gui mode without that (mast say, that on gui loading as root only, "sudo") trubles?19:45
Riddellhttp://www.kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5.2 ta da20:08
MisterVecA human!  Sweet.  Feel like helping me figure out why my linux installations keep bombing?20:42
bpromptdepends, if I know... I may or may not.. but someone else may know, I run 12.04 kubuntu20:43
MisterVecSure.  The problem I have is that grub can't seem to find my linux kernal or the grub folder on /boot.20:44
MisterVecBut if I mount the drive elsewhere, I can see them fine.20:44
MisterVecboot-repair doesn't fix it 'cause the files ain't missing.  They're just...invisible, I guess?20:45
MisterVecI never should have bought a computer from ninjas, I guess.20:46
bpromptMisterVec:     are you booting with uefi support?20:47
MisterVecNo.  I'm booting in legacy mode.20:47
MisterVecJust get a grub rescue prompt with a message that it can't find normal.mod.  I know the file's there.  I can see it by mounting my HD with the live disk.20:50
MisterVecBut grub can't see.  Or wont.  It might be a conspiracy.20:50
bpromptMisterVec:     tried this -> https://blog.mister-muffin.de/2011/09/12/restoring-grub-from-live-cd/ <-- yet?20:52
MisterVecYes.  Several times with different versions of kubuntu.20:52
bpromptMisterVec:   basically, a -> sudo grub-install --recheck20:52
MisterVecYeah, it works fine.  The recheck verifies it's all installed.  And then I reboot and grub can't see the directory the file is in anymore.20:53
MisterVec"/boot" is just empty as far as grub is concerned.20:53
h4ml3thi all, why every time I put the computer in sleep mode the "activity" is always empty?20:54
bpromptMisterVec:   how about the 2nd method? with chroot?20:54
MisterVecYes.  Again, it works fine.  I can mount the ssd and see the directories and their contents.  I can bind them and chroot to the installation.20:55
MisterVecBut when I try to boot, everything in the boot directory is invisible.20:56
MisterVecI can insmod normal to load by pointing to the /usr/lib/grub folder, fortunately.20:56
MisterVecBut the kernal and initrd.d file are both in the /boot directory and remain invisible to grub.20:56
MisterVecHrmmm...maybe it's a permissions issue.20:57
mokushcan anybody using plasma 15.04 tell me if the spellchecking is working for them in kate?22:06
mokushor in any other 5.x apps for that matter22:06
mokushit does work in 4.x apps22:06
mokush*I meat kubuntu 15.04 with plasma 5.222:07
HmpfCBRhi, I think there are one or two errors in the annoncement http://www.kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5.2 to the end it mentions 14.04LTS and the two commands add different ppas. Or do I missunderstand it?22:34
Hv0k1filed to start unit user@1000.service23:04
valorieHmpfCBR: thank you, being fixed23:54

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