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didrocksgood morning07:08
seb128good morning desktopers07:32
didrocksre seb12807:33
seb128lut didrocks :-)07:33
pittibonjour didrocks et seb128 !08:06
seb128lut pitti, ça va comment ?08:07
didrocksbonjour pitti :)08:08
pittiseb128: je vais bien, merci ! alors, trop de bugs :)08:08
pittiseb128: hm, today's live image is broken -- something creates ~ubuntu/.config as user root and thus makes it not writable; causes the desktop to mostly fail08:18
pittichown'ing it on VT1 and kill -9 -1 helps08:18
seb128pitti, shrug, I guess that's my fault :-/08:20
seb128pitti, I added a snippet to casper that mkdir a subdir in there08:21
seb128let me have a look to fixing it08:22
pittiseb128: there's a .config/ubuntu-systmre-settings08:22
pittiseb128: with "wizard-has-run"08:23
seb128yeah that's it08:23
pittiseb128: thanks08:23
seb128sorry for the issue08:25
seb128also the desktop shouldn't fail to start because a dir is not writable :-/08:25
pittiseb128: well, ~/.config is kinda important..08:26
seb128well, you could also have a full disk08:26
seb128that shouldn't let you out in the cold08:27
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seb128hey willcooke mlankhorst08:55
didrockshey mlankhorst, willcooke08:56
seb128didrocks, pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9913882/ looks good to you?09:04
Laneylarsu: missing icons -> add to debian/not-in-humanity.txt in adwaita-icon-theme and upload it09:04
Laneygood morning!09:04
pittiseb128: WFM; that's essentially what I did on the live system09:05
larsuLaney: morning!09:05
larsuLaney: but ... why?!09:05
seb128pitti, danke09:05
pittiseb128: OTOH, why do we need a "wizard-has-run" file on the live CD?09:05
didrocksseb128: +109:06
didrocksseb128: I got into the same trap 6 years ago, sorry, forgot to warn you about it :)09:06
seb128pitti, to not have the unity8 first run/configure your tz/password/wifi/etc on the live session09:06
seb128didrocks, :-)09:06
mitya57Laney, larsu: I have already uploaded a-i-t with that icon added to landing-00009:06
Laneylarsu: we've had a split like this for years09:06
* didrocks remembers to have broken the live during christmas period :)09:06
Laneymitya57: ok, why a silo?09:06
seb128hey larsu, wie gehts?09:06
didrocksand uploading the fix on the 25 of december ;)09:06
seb128hey larsu09:06
didrocksmorning Laney, larsu!09:07
larsubonjout seb128, didrocks!09:07
larsuI'm tired09:07
mitya57Laney: I wanted to have all three fixes in one place to ask seb128 to test it :)09:07
Laneythe idea is to keep cd space down by avoiding shipping icons in multiple themes09:07
larsumitya57: cool, thanks09:07
seb128larsu, mitya57, no fix for the greeter no-password-prompt issue?09:07
mitya57seb128: it needs fixes in THREE packages09:08
larsuseb128: already in trunk09:08
seb128larsu, can we land trunk?09:08
mitya57unfortunately larsu's unity-greeter fix FTBFS09:08
seb128mitya57, we need changed to unity-greeter?09:08
larsumitya57: really? robert_ancell reviewed it09:08
seb128from the team meeting yesterday I think to remember that robert_ancell is working on the build issues on vivid09:08
mitya57seb128, https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/unity-greeter/dont-set-spinner/+merge/24777009:09
seb128but yeah, probably new vala or something09:09
mitya57larsu: yes, and the bot agrees with me09:09
seb128robert_ancell summary at the meeting has "- Unity Greeter update for vivid (tests are failing on vivid, not on 14.04)"09:10
larsumitya57: there's a mitya51 that is not you?!09:10
* larsu is confused09:10
mitya57there are lots of mityas09:11
larsuinteresting. sorry about that.09:11
larsuhm, build works for me09:12
mitya57no problem, I noticed the branch from IRC logs09:12
larsuand I doubt robert_ancell didn't test that09:12
seb128larsu, mitya57, hum, k, so if unity-greeter can't be build/uploaded, we might need to revert the theme change that broken it until u-g issue is resolved09:12
seb128larsu, test what?09:12
Laneydid you try the testsuite?09:12
seb128larsu, u-g fails tests on vivid according to the meeting summary from robert_ancell09:12
larsuseb128: he approved the change, so I figured he'd have tested it09:13
seb128larsu, yeah, the change probably doesn't create regressions, still some u-g tests fail on vivid and that blocks upload to the distro until resolved09:13
Laneyprobably despite the already known test failure09:13
seb128larsu, which is orthogonal to your change but blocks its landing09:13
larsuLaney: `make check` runs for me. I have to admit I didn't build the package though. Just from trunk09:14
mitya57seb128: maybe I can just upload the fix with disabled tests?09:15
larsuseb128, mitya57: please don't revert the theme09:15
larsuI can give you a small patch that should make this work09:15
seb128mitya57, I would prefer not disabling tests, it might be that there is something wrong in vala in vivid and that the binary is going to be buggy in result09:16
larsubut also shows static images for proper spinners when they are not spinning09:16
mitya57larsu: small patch for -themes that doesn't require changes to greeter?09:16
mitya57that would be ideal09:16
mlankhorstis there anyone from the MIR team here?09:16
didrockspitti: I'm paying a high price in rebasing just to disable plymouth (as I did readd in multiple commits), ensuring that each commits can build, fixing typos, rebasing… and so on :p09:16
Laneyoops, uploaded a ftbfsing a-l-m09:17
didrocksmlankhorst: I am09:17
larsumitya57: we need the change to the greeter - this patch would just trade bugs09:19
mlankhorstdidrocks: can you promote libepoxy in trusty? for xorg-server-lts-utopic. old bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libepoxy/+bug/134260509:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1342605 in libepoxy (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libepoxy" [High,Fix released]09:19
didrocksmlankhorst: the MIR seems to have been already approved, right? So you just need an archive admin, not a MIR team member (some MIR team member aren't aa)09:19
mitya57larsu: the adwaita-icon-theme change is needed in any case, right?09:20
mlankhorstok I just wasn't sure because this is an older version than the one from utopic that was approved09:20
didrocksmlankhorst: did you upload xorg already?09:21
didrocksmlankhorst: you should get it into -proposed, and then, I can (with my AA hat) promote the deps09:21
larsumitya57: yes09:21
didrocksmlankhorst: not accepted to -proposed as far as I can see09:21
larsuI wish we could fix the greeter tests instead though09:21
mlankhorstdidrocks: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/xorg-server-lts-utopic ?09:21
Laneylet's look at the tests ;-)09:22
larsuyes, please09:22
didrocksmlankhorst: waow, the summary page doesn't show it!09:22
didrocksmlankhorst: yeah, seeing here09:22
mlankhorstoke, good :-)09:22
didrocksmlankhorst: let me do a quick sanity check in term of deps09:22
didrocksmlankhorst: ok, no deps change, promoting09:24
seb128Laney, larsu, unity-greeter fails to build for me as well09:24
didrocksmlankhorst: I'm quite unsure how this will work btw as it's not in -update, let's see09:24
mlankhorstno idea either09:25
larsuseb128: tbh, I think we should upload the fix...09:26
seb128larsu, which one?09:26
larsuseb128: clearly the test is not related to my branch09:26
seb128larsu, well, the package is going to fail to build09:26
seb128or what do you mean?09:26
seb128you suggest disabling the testsuit?09:26
seb128I don't like that, there might be real problems due to the new vala or something09:26
larsuis the version we have in vivid now failing to build as well?09:26
seb128we should understand the errors09:27
didrocksmlankhorst: yeah, that doesn't work09:27
mlankhorsthm iirc some package in precise got promoted for similar reasons, but can't remember if that was the case or not09:29
seb128larsu, the tests have warnings like09:29
seb128(./unity-greeter-test:14152): Gtk-WARNING **: Could not find the icon 'image-missing-ltr'. The 'hicolor' theme09:29
seb128was not found either, perhaps you need to install it.09:29
mitya57that should not be related09:29
larsushould be fixed anyway...09:29
didrocksmlankhorst: pinged colin about it09:29
seb128larsu, yeah, not sure what we are arguing on there09:29
didrockssee #ubuntu-release09:30
seb128larsu, robert_ancell wrote in his weekly summary that it's working on fixing the tests, but that didn't happen yet09:30
seb128larsu, if it takes a week we don't want to have the password prompt missing on the greeter for a week09:30
seb128I can drop an email to robert and see tomorrow where he is with those issues09:30
larsuseb128: wait for a moment. I'm still trying to reproduce09:31
larsuseb128: do you see the same problem when building in source?09:31
* larsu doesn't get any of those warnings09:31
seb128no, only with debuild09:31
seb128I guess another env issue09:33
seb128larsu, unset XDG_DATA_DIRS make check09:37
seb128that reproduces it09:37
seb128the env in which the tests are run doesn't have the XDG_ variables it seems09:37
larsuseb128: thanks!!09:37
seb128larsu, yw!09:38
larsuthey should definitely run with those set09:38
larsushouldn't crash without them, though09:38
seb128yeah, not sure what change the env in the packaging tools09:39
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larsuthe test env should set them afaic09:41
seb128bug in the tests then?09:42
larsubug in the system whereever the tests are running I would say09:44
mitya57Hm, I seem to get a message about hicolor not found even if I install hicolor-icon-theme09:45
Laneysee previous chat09:46
seb128mitya57, it's because XDG_DATA_DIRS is not set09:46
LaneyXDG spec says you should cater for them being unset or empty09:46
larsuthis is a bug in gtk even09:46
Laneythe test runner sets XDG_DATA_DIRS09:46
larsuLaney: sure? I get the exact same error when unsetting it09:47
Laneylook at tests/test.vala09:47
* Laney builds09:47
larsuso the problem in gtk is this: it doesn't find an icon and falls back to image-missing-ltr, but doesn't check whether _that_ is there09:48
larsuhm, that icon is shipped with gtk09:53
mitya57larsu: do you want a stacktrace? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9914563/09:54
larsuthanks, but I've already figured it out09:55
larsuseb128: so ... these tests can be fixed by a gtk upload :)09:56
seb128what's the issue?09:57
seb128we don't ship the icon in our binary?09:57
seb128e.g .install to update?09:57
larsuseb128: gtk doesn't. It has the icon in tree, but fails to include it as a resource (a simple Makefile.am change)09:57
seb128oh ok09:57
larsuseb128: do we have the time for this? Or do you want to revert?09:58
* larsu needs a bit to test everything09:58
seb128larsu, let's move forward09:58
Laneyyou can also fix the test to set up XDG_DATA_DIRS properly and install an icon theme09:58
seb128Laney, it's not set properly?09:58
seb128I though you said it was09:59
Laneywell it doesn't add the system directories if the variable isn't there09:59
seb128k, which is the case there09:59
larsuLaney: all packages have to do this?09:59
LaneyIt sets the variable up itself to point to a private directory10:00
Laneyso it ends up being called like XDG_DATA_DIRS=/.../unity-greeter/usr/share/ ./testsuite10:01
Laneyinstead of XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/:/.../unity-greeter/usr/share/ ./testsuite10:01
larsuLaney: it appends the system dirs, though10:02
Laneyalso couldn't this set GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR instead?10:03
larsuhm? What does that have to do with it?10:04
pittididrocks: err, I was sure I read "Exit statuses" somewhere, sorry about that10:05
pittididrocks: hence my recommendation to use "status" or "states" -- weird brain-o!10:05
didrockspitti: ah, I thought you wanted to remove the "Exit"10:05
didrockspitti: thanks again for all the reviews!10:05
pittididrocks: I'm currently knee-deep in debugging two other things and have two meetings in the afternoon10:06
pittididrocks: but I suppose there's not much further stuff that I'll find by myself, so feel free to post upstream!10:06
Laneylarsu: one sec10:07
didrockspitti: ok, doing some final testing and preparing the email! good luck for your debugging :)10:07
pittididrocks: thanks, and good luck with the upstreaming!10:07
pittididrocks: lennart is currently on a "catch up with ML and patches" quad-damage spree, so good time :)10:08
didrocksheh, indeed!10:08
willcookemlankhorst, did you see my message last night about input in Mir?10:09
mlankhorstgood news10:10
Laneylarsu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9914739/10:10
willcookemlankhorst, is it?  I was going to ask - does it look like we're getting closer to what we need?10:10
willcookeI'll take "good news" to be a yes :)10:10
willcookeseb128, I opened this too:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/141516110:11
mlankhorstwell it's not what you think it is, but it's useful for me10:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 1415161 in Unity 8 "U8 application windows don't remember their location or size when switching between Windowed->Staged->Windowed" [Undecided,New]10:11
willcookemlankhorst, progress LD#10:11
Laneygives: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9914743/10:11
larsuLaney: that might be necessary, but doesn't fix the issue10:11
willcookeseb128, I dont think it will be useful for pure desktop mode necessarily10:11
mlankhorstafaict it's required to get rid of the separate mir threads, X is single threaded10:11
larsuLaney: and I wonder why it's compiling the schema itself anyway...10:11
larsuLaney: so that we can run the test in-tree?10:12
LaneyI guess10:12
mlankhorstbut it doesn't mean input support is suddenly better10:12
mlankhorstfrom what I can tell at least10:12
willcookemlankhorst, ohh, ok.10:12
willcookesad face10:12
Laneyit fixes the *build*, and means that the test doesn't mess up XDG_DATA_DIRS (and presumably runs with right icons now)10:13
Laneybut you're probably right about there being a gtk bug too10:14
larsuLaney: I'm pretty sure it doesn't fix the build10:14
LaneyI tried it10:14
Laney28/01 10:11:10 <Laney> gives: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9914743/10:14
larsuoh, you added ubuntu-mono as well10:15
larsufair enough, sorry10:15
* larsu focussed on the GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR10:15
larsuLaney: thanks a lot. That makes things easier. Want me to just add this patch to my branch?10:16
mitya57Laney: isn't humanity-icon-theme enough?10:17
Laneylarsu: sure10:18
larsuLaney: done, thanks again10:24
larsuseb128: ^10:24
Laneymitya57: you want to re-upload to landing-000?10:26
mitya57Laney: I can (though in this case it will be -0ubuntu3)10:27
Laneyyeah, I don't know why this native package has a non-native version number10:27
Laneydoesn't really matter10:28
Sweet5harkbonjours a tous!10:29
Sweet5harkpitti: I see the libreoffice autopkgtests for are red -- but the logs show a happy "junit-subsequentcheck PASS" on both i386 and amd64. Any hints?10:30
pittijunit-subsequentcheck FAIL non-zero exit status 110:31
mitya57Laney: wait a minute10:31
pittipatching file solenv/gbuild/JunitTest.mk10:31
pittiHunk #1 FAILED at 57.10:31
pitti1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file solenv/gbuild/JunitTest.mk.rej10:31
pittiSweet5hark: ^ probably due to that? ^10:31
* Laney freezes10:35
* mitya57 wonders why dpkg refuses to build a .dsc10:36
seb128willcooke, ok, do they want us to file bugs about wm issues? I assumed that it was not very useful to do so yet, since they basically did 10% of the work needed, so you could file like a list of an hundred "bugs"10:36
willcookeseb128, I saw a feature I wanted so I logged a bug :D10:36
seb128willcooke, sure, I'm just asking if we should spam them10:36
Sweet5harkpitti: where did you find that? so far I only found "hunk succeeded ..." at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/vivid/view/AutoPkgTest/job/vivid-adt-libreoffice/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/results/log10:36
seb128willcooke, like I can open some 30 of those todays if you want to track every detail of wm10:37
seb128we should maybe talk to them to know if they think it's useful there10:37
willcookeseb128, I'll put it on the agenda for next week.... do they want feature requests from us.  I think we should log them, since "we" have 10 years of knowing about a desktop WM10:37
seb128or if we should let them get it a better working state first10:37
seb128willcooke, right, some of them do as well, they used to maintain compiz :-)10:38
didrocksseb128: "suffer from" you meant?10:39
mitya57Laney: uploaded to 00010:39
seb128didrocks, that too indeed!10:40
seb128larsu, sorry, do you have something ready/that needs sponsoring?10:40
Laneyseb128: that's what mitya57 just uploaded10:40
larsuseb128: I think mitya57 is on it10:40
LaneyI think we can get the gtk fix via upstream now10:40
Laneyassuming larsu still thinks it's worth it10:41
larsuLaney: definitely needed10:41
* larsu is hacking Makefile.am right now10:41
* darkxst thinks mitya57 needs an ambulance ;) atleast thats what you get in Aus when you dial 000!10:41
darkxstseb128, if your looking for things to sponsor ;) my gnome-session wayland split needs sponsoring ;)10:42
seb128darkxst, hey, I can try to have look today10:42
darkxstseb128, thanks10:43
mitya57darkxst: :D10:43
Laneydarkxst: did bigon get back to you?10:43
Laney(oh hi bigon, didn't know you were here!)10:43
didrockswe can pay him in beer over the week-end otherwise10:44
darkxstLaney, no10:44
mitya57Laney: oh, it again ftbfs10:44
Laneycan it really be?10:44
pittiSweet5hark: it's the latest log -- https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/vivid-adt-libreoffice/122/ARCH=i386,label=adt/console (at the bottom)10:45
* mitya57 tries to understand what happened10:45
Laneyunmet build deps, what even?10:45
mitya57Laney, my fault probably10:45
bigondarkxst: hey10:46
darkxstbigon, hi10:46
bigonyou should better ask to somebody else in the debian GNOME team, I'm quite unavailable ATM10:47
mitya57Laney: I don't want to do a -0ubuntu4, so maybe I'll upload it directly to archive with -0ubuntu2?10:47
Laneyhang on10:47
Laneythat would be fine if you want to10:48
bigon(didrocks: I hope I'll be able to attend fosdem, that's not 100% sure ATM :/)10:48
Sweet5harkpitti: doh! thanks, I was confused by jenkins showing "last successful artifacts" were I expected "last artifacts" ....10:48
didrocksbigon: argh, keep us posted!10:49
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didrocksbigon: and good luck :)10:49
mitya57Laney: in fact, we should convince robert_ancell to select a better format than 3.0 native with revision number10:49
mitya57All my tools refuse to work with that :)10:50
LaneyAFAIK you just have to say 'y' to debuild -S10:50
Laneybut indeed it makes them complain at you10:50
darkxstbigon, ok I will keep pinging!10:50
Laneystill don't see the problem, btw10:50
Laneyoh right, the dsc doesn't have it10:52
Laneywonder how you managed that10:52
mitya57waiting for the last test build to finish, will be really soon10:55
Laneycan you improve my changelog message?10:55
Laney"* Set GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR - this environment variable can be used instead of XDG_DATA_DIRS to cause gsettings to use a different directory for loading schemas."10:57
Laney"* Build-Depend on ubuntu-mono - the above change fixes a hidden bug which caused a fallback icon theme to be used. We can now use our proper one."10:57
Laneyor something10:57
Laneymitya57: ^10:57
mitya57Laney: too late...10:58
Laneyho hum :)10:59
mitya57Laney: actually I wonder how much sense does it make to build-depend on ubuntu-mono and not ubuntu-settings11:00
mitya57How does Gtk know that our theme is ubuntu-mono?11:01
mitya57Nice, didn't know about that11:02
* mitya57 notices that gtk-fallback-icon-theme is still gnome, not Adwaita11:02
larsuLaney: oh wow, it still looks at that?11:03
mitya57Or maybe I just need to upgrade gtk11:03
LaneyI think so ...11:03
Laneyat least I munged it in jhbuild the other day when testing reftests and it seemed to respect it11:03
Laneymitya57: actually that fallback one is ignored according to the documentation11:04
mitya57Now that greeter and a-i-t are in archive, should I land ubuntu-themes as well?11:04
Laneylarsu: ah this is the fallback when there's no other xsettings manager11:05
larsuah, right11:05
mitya57larsu: can you please copy the changelog entry from what I uploaded to your MP?11:13
LaneyI can just fix it up when pushing11:14
larsuthanks Laney11:15
mitya57themes are there, sponsored for larsu11:16
Cimipopey, next sprint? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/elanlee/exploding-kittens :D11:40
popeyyeah, I backed it :)11:43
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tsdgeossince yesterday on vivid12:05
larsutsdgeos: we're on it.12:06
tsdgeoslightdm is missing the text fields12:06
tsdgeosi can still type the password12:06
larsufix is in the queue12:06
tsdgeoslarsu: stop reading my mind, not funny :D12:06
larsutsdgeos: ;)12:06
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Sweet5harknote to self: try to run the test suite of the release series you want to test next time.12:26
Sweet5harkamazing that it did work that well ...12:26
seb128Sweet5hark, hum, libreoffice migration is blocked on libcmis autopkgtests issues that look like to be errors in the test machinery12:40
seb128hum, not on this one https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/vivid-adt-libreoffice/lastBuild/ARCH=i386,label=adt/console12:41
seb128adt-run [17:12:41]: test junit-subsequentcheck:  - - - - - - - - - - results - - - - - - - - - -12:41
seb128junit-subsequentcheck FAIL non-zero exit status 112:41
seb128Sweet5hark, can you look at that?12:41
Sweet5harkseb128: see backlog12:43
seb128Sweet5hark, oh, I didn't connect what you wrote to the issue12:43
seb128you said " amazing that it did work that well ..."12:44
seb128larsu, do you think you could nag somebody about https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=738625 ?12:45
ubot5Gnome bug 738625 in general "Add = and <Ctrl>= keybindings for zooming in" [Normal,Unconfirmed]12:45
Sweet5harkseb128:  yeah, I locally tested the 4.3 testsuite against 4.4 ... and that worked, which is pretty amazing. However we need 4.4 tests running against 4.4. I already have a http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/vivid/4.4.0/libreoffice_4.4.0~rc2-0ubuntu3_source.changes but hang on, Im still testing if that really fixes the issue.12:46
Sweet5hark1seb128:  yeah, I locally tested the 4.3 testsuite against 4.4 ... and that worked, which is pretty amazing. However we need 4.4 tests running against 4.4. I already have a http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/vivid/4.4.0/libreoffice_4.4.0~rc2-0ubuntu3_source.changes but hang on, Im still testing if that really fixes the issue. (resend, got disconnected)12:50
* Laney stabs autotools13:04
LaneyFUNCTION ([args...], FOO) → possibly undefined macro FOO13:05
Laneywhat it really means is that I shouldn't have put a space after FUNCTION13:05
Laneywhat kind of error is that13:05
larsuLaney: it can't know, because macros without arguments exist13:06
Laneywhy didn't I get an error which talked about FUNCTION?13:07
Laneythat's where the actual error was13:07
larsubecause you successfully defined a macro called FUNCTION13:08
larsuevery occurrence of FUNCTION in your source gets replaced with ([args...], FOO)13:08
larsuand then it doesn't know about FOO13:08
* Sweet5hark1 joins in stabbing autotools. for whatever reason. it deserves.13:15
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Laneyseb128 / didrocks: could you quickly merge lp:~laney/activity-log-manager/merge-archive-uploads into trunk for me please?13:41
didrocksLaney: sure, looking13:42
didrocksLaney: done13:42
seb128Laney, want access to the corresponding team?13:43
seb128didrocks, thanks13:43
Laneyseb128: if you want ;-)13:45
seb128oh, in fact I'm not admin, can't do that13:46
Laneyoh well13:47
Laneythx for looking13:47
Laneythanks didrocks13:47
Sweet5hark1whops ignore that14:19
didrocksLaney: what does those "apply upstream" means? they are in ubuntu-control-center now?14:19
LaneyIt means I applied a distro patch upstream14:19
didrocksLaney: upstream isn't lp:activity-log-manager?14:20
didrocksah, you kept that in the same repo14:20
didrocksjust applied it inline14:20
Laneyit never was in the repo, I just uploaded it14:20
didrocksLaney: bzr repo14:21
didrocksok, I'll probably need to touch the whoopsie part, hence the question14:21
Laney(1) apt-get source a-l-m (2) hack-hack-hack (3) dput (4) bzr branch lp:a-l-m (5) patch -p1 < ... (6) bzr commit (7) bzr push14:22
didrocksyeah, sounds good14:22
Laneymaybe you could just release what's in bzr though14:22
didrocksLaney: yeah, can't :/14:22
Laneyas you have access there14:22
LaneyI think robert_ancell just applied all the distro patches14:22
Sweet5hark1seb128: eh, revitalizing the autopkgtests on 4.4 might take a while ... :/14:31
larsuLaney: I've backported the image-missing patch to our package. Not sure if it's worth it tbh, but maybe we'll see similar issues in other tests14:36
larsuLaney: do you prefer a MR?14:36
Laneylarsu: nah, that's fine, ta14:37
Laneywill you push it to 3.14 when acked?14:37
larsunot sure14:38
larsuprobably a good idea...14:38
Laneythink so14:38
larsumclasen does to. Pushing14:39
larsuI guess you can ignore my branch then and wait for the next release14:39
Laneywill keep it in mind if we see anything similar14:40
seb128we can also stack in the vcs for the next upload14:50
seb128not sure how often gtk upstream is still going to release on that serie14:51
larsuseb128: there was one 17 days ago14:53
larsuI guess we could just ask mclasen to make one if we need it14:53
seb128we don't, no hurry14:55
seb128I guess there is going to be one at some point still this cycle14:55
* larsu nods14:56
larsuif not, we'll ask then14:56
didrockspitti: quite unsure about bug #1411140 TBH, the failure that I can reproduce seems to be that we can't unmount /etc/machine-id as if it wasn't a mount point15:23
ubot5bug 1411140 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-machine-id-commit.service fails on live system" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141114015:23
didrockspitti: but the job start condition is that /etc/machine-id is a mount point…15:23
didrockspitti: and if I set that live up (after boot) with / ro, machine-id-setup -> / rw15:24
didrocksand run machine-id-commit, no error15:24
pittididrocks: oh nice, you can use send() on stream sockets? I wasn't aware of that (just reading your new patch)15:24
didrockspitti: yeah ;)15:24
pittididrocks: might be some weird interaction with overlayfs?15:25
didrockspitti: funny that part of the comments are on the old code I just moved between files though :p15:25
didrockspitti: yeah, that's my guess :/ Not really sure how to handle this though15:25
didrockslike how to test apart from copying shell and break in casper bottom?15:25
pittididrocks: not really urgent IMHO; it's just cosmetical, we can handle that after FF15:25
didrockspitti: yeah, I would love to understand it though :p15:26
didrockspitti: oh, seems that if I stop it and restart, it's still starting even if /etc/machine-id isn't a mount point15:27
* didrocks smells that Jan 15 08:08:47 ubuntu systemd[1]: Starting Commit a transient machine-id on disk...15:28
didrocksConditionPathIsMountPoint is ignore…15:28
didrockspitti: right, seems it's overlayfs messing with ConditionPathIsMountPoint15:29
pittididrocks: yeah, doesn't surprise me too much; I figure systemd still sees the underlay?15:35
didrockspitti: yeah, can be15:37
Sweet5hark1autopkgtests are running now for some time ...15:50
* Sweet5hark1 hopes for the best15:50
Sweet5hark1... and finished.16:02
Sweet5hark1seb128: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/vivid/4.4.0/libreoffice_4.4.0~rc2-0ubuntu3_source.changes should fix the autopkgtests. Please consider uploading. The diff is small (only in ./debian/tests so should not risk any regressions outside of autopkgtests)16:03
seb128Sweet5hark1, was that a real issue or a buggy test?16:44
seb128if it's only a buggy test maybe pitti or Laney can help overwrite the autopkgtest result to get the current build to migrate to vivid?16:44
Sweet5hark1seb128: the patching of the test to only run the subsequenttest (and not a full build) was outdated.16:45
Sweet5hark1seb128: so no failing test and thus no change to production code16:45
pittiI can help unblocking packages which are blocked on *other* package's failing tests (although the release team would frown), but as I'm not ~ubuntu-archive I can't add the official "force-badtest" stamp to promote a package with broken tests16:46
pittiI'm fine with having that added for current LO to avoid another long upload/build just for that, though16:47
LaneyWouldn't it be best to know that the tests pass?16:47
pittisure :)16:47
Sweet5hark1Laney: sure, but in this case you are squatting an armhf builder for ~a day to rebuild stuff with no change at all ...16:48
Sweet5hark1well, half a day16:49
LaneyIt's not no change though, the change is to make the tests actually get run?16:52
LaneyIf you mean no change to LO itself, well yes, but we can't just change debian/tests on it sown16:53
LaneyCan override it if you really prefer though16:54
Sweet5hark1Laney: the diff is changelog and a patch in ./debian/tests/patches. No change to ./debian/rules, ./debian/patches ./debian/control, so it should produce the same binaries (modulo changes in dependencies in the meantime).16:57
LaneyI get it - the point would be to get a successful test run on jenkins.qa.u.c16:58
Sweet5hark1Laney: FWIW, this is rc2 and rc3 was tagged upstream yesterday and will be released as final tommorrow. So this build wont stay around forever.16:59
Sweet5hark1Laney: anyway, I mostly dont care how to move this forward: either by handwaving on jenkins or by uploading a 0ubuntu3. I care though that this moves forward as there are more changes to be done (rc3 from upstream, mergedlibs, some MIRs and dep changes etc.) and I dont want to stuff even more in this first-upload-of-a-major-release-series. incremental changes are much better.17:02
LaneySweet5hark1: OK I added the skip. For this version only, so make sure the next one works. :)17:03
Laneyhttp://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/auto-pkg-test.html#executing-the-test ← that's how I run these tests17:03
Sweet5hark1Laney: yeah, I know. I ran the test locally.17:04
Sweet5hark1Laney: Before -0ubuntu2 I ran the tests too, but I fumbled by running the tests from LibreOffice 4.3.3 against 4.4.0 ... which amazingly worked, but made me miss that I needed to refresh the patch against 4.4 (which is what I did for -0ubuntu3 and then ran the right testsuite for a change)17:08
pittiseb128: I have a fix for bug 1415104 :)17:08
ubot5bug 1415104 in systemd (Ubuntu) "logind flags wrong session as active" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141510417:08
larsupitti: can I try out systemd on vivid yet? Would like to help amigadave a bit on gnome-journal, but I have nothing in the journal on my system :)17:51
seb128pitti, great!18:16
* willcooke -> EOD o/18:33
larsuLaney: appdata-util and appstream-util should probably conflict each other18:56
* larsu just got an error about both trying to install the same files18:56
robert_ancellLaney, nice, you found what was breaking the u-g build20:00
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