[06:24] So telstra now say it will be fixed on the 9th, but my mum has a heap of bonus 3g data to try and make up for it [07:10] Noskcaj, stupid telstra ! [07:10] they wouldnt even give us dsl here, claimed the exchange was full [07:11] after 2 weeks of stuffing around with telstra, ordered a line through internode, and it was connected in 2 days (via Telstra Wholesale)! [07:22] mephux, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/1376387 ? [07:22] Launchpad bug 1376387 in Ubuntu GNOME "package adwaita-icon-theme-full 3.14.0-0ubuntu1~utopic1 [origin: LP-PPA-gnome3-team-gnome3-staging] failed to install/upgrade: Versuch, »/usr/share/icons/Adwaita/cursors/top_left_corner« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket gnome-themes-standard-data 3.12.0-1ubuntu1 ist" [Undecided,New] [07:23] actually no [07:23] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/1414661 [07:23] Launchpad bug 1414661 in Ubuntu GNOME "Adwaita Icon Theme fails to unpack with dpkg-deb error" [Low,Won't fix] [08:41] oh how I wish gnome-boxes would let me pick a distro and then go and download the iso for me [08:41] "I want ubuntu 12.04 in a VM now" is a problem I tend to have, and so far haven't found a sufficiently easy solution [09:14] qemu :( [09:14] hit ctrl-alt-f -> fullscreen, okay, didn't want that [09:15] hit ctrl-alt-f again -> now my two monitors are in clone mode [09:15] fifteen mouse clicks in system preferences to get back to extended desktop :( [09:15] and I have no manual page for qemu for some reason; the manual page for kvm links to the man page for qemu [09:15] and doesn't mention what the key is for resetting qemu's window size to 1:1 [09:18] ctrl-alt-u [09:28] mgedmin, gnome-boxes is purely a GNOME thing [09:28] (unless you are using it for remote access) [09:28] ^to VM's [09:30] I tend to use vmware for all my VM's, maybe propriety but damn it kills the FOSS competitors! [09:31] at one point the best web browser on Linux (in my then-opinion) was Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 running in a full-screen'ed VMWare VM [09:31] (that was before firefox even existed) [09:44] mgedmin, or that was before you knew firefox existed? [09:45] but vmware has come a long way since then [09:45] ancient times [09:45] I remember trying konqueror as a web browser [09:45] most of their drivers are now open source and mainlined in the kernel [09:45] I had no complains for vmware back then (other than "not open source") [09:45] its just the virtual hardware platform that is closed up [09:46] vs virtualbox which is open source, but will never get their rubbish into the kernel [09:48] and kvm has the "nice" text effects, *sigh* [09:56] mgedmin, I can boot any ISO in VMware and it will be fully functional apart from the fancy guest features [09:56] like autoresize, drag and drop etc [14:09] Hi everybody, after an update yesterday I can't get my ubuntu to work anymore. It keeps putting me in "low-graphics mode". I have tried a bunch of things to fix it but nothing is working. I reinstalled fglrx from repo and amd website, reinstalled gdm removed fglrx for xorg driver updated to 3.16.0-29 but nothing is working. I really need some help so I can get to work! [14:51] hi all === prth is now known as prth|away === prth|away is now known as prth