=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash === RAOF is now known as tmpRAOF === rcjenn is now known as rcj === Termana is now known as Guest51121 [04:10] [3.4.0-3ubuntu1 => 3.4.0-3ubuntu2.1] [04:10] Oops. Never mind. [04:11] It'd be nice to be able to automate SRU version number generation. [04:11] * rbasak wonders what the security team doess [04:14] rbasak: we use a tool called 'umt': http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-security-tools/trunk/view/head:/build-tools/umt [04:15] rbasak: it does a quite good job, but it doesn't know about some corner cases [04:15] (eg, two releases with the same version that need an update) [08:57] uh weird.. thought libepoxy was in trusty? [08:57] oh damn, not in main.. [09:29] cjwatson: sorry to bother you for that one, but I'm unsure how this can work on the archive/launchpad side. Of course, trusty is frozen, so I can't promote it from the release pocket, and there has been no SRU for libepoxy. Consequence is that it can't find it in trusty-updates for instance? how would you deal with this? ^ [09:33] worst case we could SRU libepoxy from utopic, I don't think anything depends on it right now in trusty [09:37] $ reverse-depends -b libepoxy-dev -r trusty [09:37] No reverse dependencies found [09:39] mlankhorst: I would think rather that we can do a non change rebuild [09:39] "just" to get a new binary [09:40] yeah probably [10:01] didrocks: copy it to trusty-proposed (or maybe trusty-updates) and promote the copy [10:01] didrocks: no need for a no-change rebuild [10:02] ah [10:02] didn't we have this in precise before? can't remember the package though [10:03] cjwatson: gotcha, doing! thanks [10:13] needs approval :P [10:19] lies [10:20] mlankhorst: should pe published soon in main ^ [10:23] goodie [10:23] jdstrand: neat. Thanks! === Chipaca` is now known as Chipaca [12:25] \o/ [12:26] accept and the drivers should start building. :P === doko__ is now known as doko [14:42] hi folks, why virtualbox/precise is still in proposed since 12 days? 4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.8 [14:43] also virtualbox/trusty should have migrated today [14:43] I would like to address the 6 CVES [16:15] arges, can you please also push virtualbox-trusty? [16:15] (thanks for the precise virtualbox move) [16:16] LocutusOfBorg1: sure, going through the list slowly [16:16] sorry for bothering, just there is bug 1413603 waiting for it ;) [16:17] I just don't like having CVEs around my packages :) [16:18] LocutusOfBorg1: ok done [16:19] thanks!!! [16:36] arges: are you doing SRU work today? [16:37] arges: if so could you stop as I'll be training tjaalton later today. [16:37] bdmurray: sure. thought today was my day? [16:38] arges: It is I just need training material. ;-) [16:38] bdmurray: ah, no problemo. happy SRUing [18:04] Trying easy from adconrad: libcapi20-3/1:3.27-1 network-manager/ network-manager-applet/ gnome-control-center/1:3.14.2-2ubuntu2 ppp/2.4.6-3ubuntu1 isdnutils/1:3.25+dfsg1-3.5ubuntu1 network-manager-pptp/ network-manager-iodine/0.0.5-1ubuntu1 [18:04] leading: libcapi20-3,network-manager,network-manager-applet,gnome-control-center,ppp,isdnutils,network-manager-pptp,network-manager-iodine [18:04] failed: libcapi20-3 [18:04] THANKS FOR YOUR EXTREME VERBOSITY, BRITNEY. [18:08] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/log/vivid/2015-01-28/17:16:30.log you got it on the previous run [18:08] Laney: Oh, hah. Check. [18:08] Laney: So, yeah. "failed" is an entirely silly message. Oh well. [18:09] I have no urge to fix it because I don't want a pointless delta with Debian. [18:09] And even less urge to fix it in Debian. [18:12] Maybe you can reward my powers of observation by moderating u-d-a. :) [18:12] I won't know if you do or don't though, because CTRL-A D BYEEEE [18:13] Laney: Done. === Termana is now known as Guest10175 [22:14] stgraber: was lxc 1.1.0~rc3-0ubuntu1 supposed to go to vivid instead? [22:33] tjaalton: hmm, yeah, where did it end up? trusty? :) [22:34] yeah, looks like it did... /me re-uploads to vivid [22:35] stgraber: hehe, cool [22:36] looks like you beat me at rejecting it :)