
Kilosgood morning everyone, 10mm rain last night so yay05:50
Kiloswb captine  06:09
captineworking from home today06:09
captinethroat feels like sandpaper06:09
Kilosthats lekker06:09
Kilosthats not06:09
captinenot fun trying to get juniper vpn to work on ubuntu.... prefer to try work from Ubuntu to see if i can :)06:10
Kilosdont kiss the baby06:10
Kiloshehe or your wife06:16
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:37
Kiloshi Xethron  07:18
bduk1More almal07:26
Kiloshi bduk1  07:26
Kiloswow rebuilding a deleted blod is a major enterprize08:08
charlgood morning08:08
charlMaaz: coffee on08:08
* Maaz starts grinding coffee08:08
Kiloshi charl  08:08
charlhi Kilos 08:08
charlhow are you this morning08:08
KilosMaaz  coffee please08:08
MaazKilos: Okay08:08
Kilostired already08:08
charlgot up too early ?08:09
Kilosthat and trying to rebuild my blog i deleted some years back08:09
KilosMaaz  kilos.blog08:09
MaazKilos: kilos.blog is http://mileyssignificantblog.blogspot.com/08:09
charlah, good good08:10
charli saw your slexy post yesterday08:10
charlany particular reason for wanting to take up the pen again, so to speak ?08:10
Kiloslol ya that was a piece of it08:10
Kiloswell things have changed after some years without blogging, and so many new things have happened08:11
Kilosubuntu has grown08:11
charltru... tru...08:11
Kiloskde especially08:11
charlwell kde4 went from a complete mess to something that actually looks like something08:12
charlthat is true08:12
Kilosand now with going to apply for membership i thought maybe i should continue the old one08:12
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!08:12
Kiloswhat is 14.04 kde08:12
Kilosi love it08:12
KilosMaaz  dankie man08:12
MaazGroot plesier my vriend08:12
charlcan't remember off hand but it's pretty stable08:12
charli have tried it since beta08:13
charlMaaz: danke08:13
Kilosvery stable . only way ive managed to break this one was by mistakenly zeroing the drive08:13
charlfinnish for "morning coffee time"08:13
Kilosyou speak french?08:14
charlno i speak no french at all08:14
charli only speak dutch, some afrikaans, german, english, finnish and japanese08:14
charlbtw did you get your backup scheme sorted now after that zero-out incident ?08:15
Kiloslol i just rsync my /home folder atm08:15
Kilosto another drive08:16
Kilosoh and archives too so a clen install will cost nearly no data08:16
charlthat is very good if you have data problems08:16
charlor limitations i should say08:17
Kiloswell i tried it on another drive and all data i used was for update about 30m and 10meg in the upgrade08:18
Kilosthen its like running the same drive and only used under 40m08:19
captineKilos, i am going to install ubuntu on an old core2 duo laptop.  has a junk intel gma graphics card.  love unity but thinking of trying kde or gnome.  what machine are u running kde on?08:19
captinedo i need lots of power08:20
Kilosim running it on this dual core 3g with 4g ddr3 ram and on a 3g dual core with 2g ddr2 ram08:20
captinemine is a ddr2 one with 4 gig.  u reckon it will be good'08:21
captine32 bit '08:21
Kilossorry my other one is ddr ram not even ddr208:22
Kilos4g ddr2 should be fine08:22
Kilosya 32bit on old machine08:22
Kilos64bit here08:22
Kiloslol i have 4 drives with 14.04 kde on08:23
Kilosand one with 14.04 unity and one with 12.04 unity08:23
Kilosand one with elementaryos08:24
Kilosthats why i lose things08:25
Kiloscan your pc do 64bit?08:26
Kilosi found it faster than 32bit here08:26
Kilosold pc cant do 64bit thats why i have 32bit there08:26
Kilosand im trying to repare an i3 with 2g ddr2 that ian crashed, 08:29
Kilosany one wanting to read my blog must do so quick before it grows too big again08:31
Kilosill post every day or second day08:32
captineit is an old macbook.  it is a 64bit processor, but mac shipped some bios on the system that prevents 64 bit being used08:57
Kiloswell 32 will work fine, the speed diffs is marginal08:58
Kilosyou can also use flashrom to sort the bios08:59
Kilosi think flashrom have a channel on irc09:02
Kilos #flashrom. ask there if you can sort the mac bios to work on 64bit09:03
* mazal looks at Kilos09:04
mazalOom your setup sounds more complicated than an OS reviewer's :)09:05
Kiloshi mazal  09:07
mazalGaanit oom ?09:07
Kilosi also have one drive with xp and one with win709:07
Kilosgoed dankie en jy09:07
mazalDie gaan is ok , die terugkom sukkel09:08
Kilosnou ja jy word oud man09:08
Kiloscheck weer in 20 jaar en sien hoe voel dit09:09
mazalBeslis , en dis nie net die milage wat baie raak nie , die meeste van dit is grondpad ook09:09
mazalEk sien baie uit na oor 19 jaar09:09
Kilosi was asked a question on the nairobi lug channel09:10
mazalDaai pla my nie , dis om daar te kom wat die probleem is09:10
Kiloshow easy or hard is file sharing on ubuntu09:10
mazalVery easy09:10
Kiloszipper  ^^09:10
mazalWell , it depends what you use or want to use anyway09:11
zippermazal: No just simple sharing of files and folders from a computer to the next.09:11
zippermazal: Thanks09:11
mazalI use samba as I am in a multi-os environment. But I know there are those who hate it and prefer pure linux option09:12
mazalzipper: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/05/ubuntu1404-file-sharing-samba/09:15
mazalThat is probably the most easy and user friendly way.09:15
mazalThere are a lot of advanced settings that can be manually changed in the /etc/samba.conf file09:16
mazalBut for just plain and simple sharing that way should suffice09:16
Kilosmorning superfly  09:16
mazalI say again though , if you are in a "linux only" environment then there might be a better faster solution. Maybe hear what the other peeps say as well09:17
Kilosmazal  its to try convert a whole company to linux 09:18
Kilosso they need an os thats easy for win peeps to use09:18
Kilosarch is way out of win peeps reach09:19
mazalGood for them !! Well ubuntu is probably the most user friendly out there in my opinion09:19
mazalBut no matter what you choose , you must realize and accept that you will have to learn a lot of new things. Be patient , stick with it , learn the new things. In the end it is well worth it ;)09:20
SquirmHey all09:24
Kiloshi Jay77  09:24
Kiloshi Squirm  09:24
Jay77Hi kilos, everyone09:24
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za Jay77  09:24
Squirmnfs is super zippy09:24
captineSquirm, i never managed to get my nfs to work with authentication.. need to try again sometime09:32
Squirmcaptine: uh09:35
SquirmI didn't know that was possible09:35
SquirmBut you can limit it per IP address09:36
SquirmI was able to stream 10Gb of 3D, FHD movie over NFS from my Raspberry Pi, where I wasn't able to do it via Samba09:36
SquirmSamba must have had just too much overhead09:37
superflySquirm: is the power out at the moment?09:53
Squirmsuperfly: indeed09:54
Squirm30min to go :/09:54
superflyfigured so09:54
SquirmKilos: It's a daily occurrence 09:54
SquirmIt shows which zone is Load Shedding09:55
SquirmYou can type in an address and it shows which zone you're in09:55
Kilosyeah according to the tswane schedule we were supposed to be mon wed fri and sunday 1600 to 1830 but they whacked us yesterday too09:56
SquirmSo, I might be living in a house with our MD , that will be.... interesting09:57
Kilosthen he can see all the naughty things you do09:59
Kilosthat could be good or bad09:59
SquirmMight get a free lift to work too10:02
SquirmI mean, he's a really nice guy and would be happy to live with him in general. Just this will be an interesting circumstance10:02
SquirmHe reckons we must just be perfectly honest with each other after a month and see where it goes. I can live with that10:08
SquirmWe're back up10:16
Squirm@ superfly10:16
captinemy loadshedding starts in 20 minutes, i think11:38
mazalWhat can I donwnload that is handy to have and not bigger than 10gig ?11:48
mazalAny suggestions ?11:48
captineu have some spare data for the monht?11:52
mazalHave about 10gig that needs to be used up before month-end11:55
captinei have the same thing11:55
captineam downloading the repos.... :)11:56
captineand some distros11:56
captinemaybe a couple linux action shows11:56
kulelu88Did the meeting happen last night? I couldn't make it cause of the weather12:08
zippercaptine: Ah linux action show12:12
captineyip.  love it.  watch it every Sunday night12:13
zipperI used to like them.12:13
captineand listen to Linux unplugged. cannot wait for their new Linux howto show12:13
zipperNow I think they're in it for the cash or are posers.12:13
captinethey gotto make the money somehow12:13
zippercaptine: I used to listen to linux unplugged and coder radio12:13
captinei like that popey from canonical is on linux unplugged often, and makes some good conversation12:14
kulelu88podcasts are booming again12:14
captinecode radio is little over my head12:14
zippercaptine: Yeah which surprises me.12:14
captinefaux show is funny sometimes, and i watch bsd-now from time to time12:14
zippercaptine: Coder radio is a lie.12:14
zipperLet me show you what's in my podcast feed. Top notch stuff.12:15
captinelol.  i am not a developer or admin, so no idea12:15
captinepls do12:15
captinei have no tv, so streaming is my entertainment12:15
ThatGraemeGuy 14:15:23 up 462 days,  5:19,  1 user,  load average: 0.81, 0.53, 0.5512:15
ThatGraemeGuystupid GHOST messing with uptimes :'-(12:15
kulelu88You have no actual television set?12:16
zipperOkay I'm downloading several things right now. So it's taking a while for me to load imgur.12:16
zippercaptine: ^12:17
zippercaptine: Wait not dev and not admin?12:17
zippercaptine: Yeah you probably won't enjoy my stuff.12:17
captineaccountant... but love tech... watch techsnap every week12:17
captinetrying to learn some puppet stuff12:17
kulelu88What's your name? captine 12:17
kulelu88okay not the accountant I know12:18
zippercaptine: Okay but maybe you will enjoy security now from twit.12:19
zippercaptine: Wow the guys I'm trying to migrate to linux are almost in accounting.12:19
captinethe only twit show i currently watch is FLOSS weekly.  get to see some interesting projects I otherwise wouldnt have heard of12:19
captinezipper?  almost in???12:19
captinei am trying to get my companies IT team to use it more12:20
zippercaptine: I thought accountants are all coroporate and I didn't even bother telling them that linux exists12:20
zippercaptine: Company secretarial firm.12:20
captineI have 2 vms I manage in our datacentre for playing on12:20
zippercaptine: You know what that is I hope.12:20
captinebut we are all MS Servers EVERYWHERE....12:20
captineyip. i know12:20
kulelu88accountants have to love linux. Do you know how much it saves on the IT-spend??12:20
zippercaptine: lol MS servers.12:20
zipperkulelu88: Well I assume a ton.12:21
zipperbut they love windows what can I do?12:21
captineI am a chartered accountant.  dealt with those companies.  I actually dont do accounting though.  Worked on setting up shared services in SA and Philippines and migrating financial systems to Oracle EBS.12:21
captinenow I work in a different company looking at budgetting applications and process work12:21
kulelu88accounting is the number 1 profession to get to C-level positions in big corporates12:21
zipperImgine they have to pay for a copy of office for each computer, a copy of windows for each computer and an antivirus for each computer.12:21
zipperThat's the least.12:22
zipperkulelu88: C level meaning?12:22
kulelu88CEO, CFO, CIO, etc.12:22
zippercaptine: Chartered accountant. I wanted to be that. I wanted to then be a chartered financial analyst.12:23
captineinteresting.  kulelu88 i am keen on cio maybe  as I enjoy Tech...12:23
zippercaptine: It was my dream since I was young but the way the Kenyan tertiary education system works. They decide what you will do to a large extent not you.12:23
zippercaptine: http://i.imgur.com/TcEncP9.png12:24
kulelu88another kenyan here? awesome stuff12:24
zipperkulelu88: You thought I was from South Africa?12:24
kulelu88it is ubuntu-za :-/12:26
zipperlol with the xenophobia I hear of in SA I can't just join a za irc channel and say "Hey, I'm foreighn."12:26
kulelu88and you're hiding in tor12:26
zipperIt was a joke12:26
zipperkulelu88: Uh yeah I use tor but I keep telling people about who I am so I'm not anonymous.12:27
kulelu88xenophobia is among the african people, I don't think we get many africans on IRCs (which is sad in a way) 12:27
kulelu88tor is *not safe*12:27
zipperkulelu88: The xenophobia thing was a joke. I wasn't sure whether you'd be offended.12:27
zipperkulelu88: Who says that tor isn't safe?12:27
kulelu88being on the internet requires a tough skin. Very little offends (or should)12:28
kulelu88the EFF does. 12:28
zipperIt's as safe as the people in charge of the routers running tor or want it to be. So if by any chance your traffic goes through a router owned by FBI then you're screwed.12:29
zipperI wish we could establish some sort of web of trust routes for tor.12:29
zipperkulelu88: Do you have a link for this?12:30
kulelu88zipper: They say the biggest tor-server contributors are the authorities. So basically, once you're connected, they're netting all the traffic (and can easily track it back to you)12:31
zipperkulelu88: Sad.12:33
zipperkulelu88: Have you tried i2p?12:33
zipperHow is the programming community there? Are there many people doing programming?12:34
kulelu88in SA? we have plenty of programmers here.12:35
kulelu88Mostly Java, C#, PHP people12:35
kulelu88and some C/C++12:35
zipperkulelu88: and they make enough to feed their kids.12:36
kulelu88Most of the time the salary is quite good (with a BSc)12:36
zipperkulelu88: Hopefully plenty of programming jobs too nit just programmers.12:36
kulelu88demand outstrips supply12:37
kulelu88Then again, nobody wants to hire self-taught programmers (unless they take massive wage reductions), so it is a massive artificial demand in some sense12:37
superflyzipper: what Zenophobia?12:38
zipperkulelu88: BSc. is no issue.12:39
zipperkulelu88: Maybe it being recognised out there is the issue.12:40
kulelu88What's your github account? zipper 12:40
zippersuperfly: What xenophobia? lol Is this really the place to talk about all the things I hear?12:40
zipperkulelu88: I'm still in school.12:41
kulelu88school or university?12:41
zipperkulelu88: University. It's still a school, no?12:41
zipperkulelu88: https://github.com/urbanslug12:41
kulelu88not really?12:42
zipperkulelu88: Still very young at this so I doubt anything will blow your mind.12:43
superflyzipper: I'm just saying that you make it sound like people are getting shot all the time, but it's not like that.12:43
kulelu88You write Haskell *mind blown*12:43
* superfly backs away from the Haskellian12:43
zippersuperfly: but people get shot *sometimes* for not being south african?12:43
zipperkulelu88: I do. I do. I don't know anyone else from around here who does.12:44
superflyzipper: people get shot for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't mean that they're all xenophobic12:44
kulelu88Kenya is better for the cooler languages. Ruby and Python must be big there12:44
zipperkulelu88: So it's more or less a crap skill since nobody will hire me for it. :(12:44
kulelu88If you can write scaled backends in it, you'll get a job in USA12:45
zipperkulelu88: That's the dream yo!12:45
zipperkulelu88: They are big I was writing ruby for my internship but I feel there is this issue. Can one feed their family while programming is a question we should answer. Not just who is making this or that cool app.12:46
kulelu88You do realize that proper non-commodity programming is in major demand right now?12:47
zippersuperfly: I heard that if I board public transport and speak english the other people might beat me because they want me to speak afrikaans not english. But I don't know afrikaans.12:47
kulelu88lol :D12:47
kulelu88I'm  yet to see an afrikaaner ride a taxi12:47
zipperkulelu88: Well in which country? Depends on how many people have smartphones in your country. SMS is still a major way of passing information to rural places.12:48
zipperkulelu88: What do they use (the afrikaaners)?12:48
kulelu88and bakkies12:49
zipperkulelu88: So what I was told was a lie?12:49
zipperI really don't want to talk about xenophobia in SA because I don't know much and I don't want to offend anyone.12:50
kulelu88It's probably the same inaccurate info we hear about Kenyans killing each other with pangas12:51
mazalBye everyone , have a good evening. God bless12:52
zipperkulelu88: You call them pangas too?12:52
zipperI was told that there are haskellers here.12:55
superflyzipper: I'm English, I speak English. In Cape Town you can speak English.12:57
zippersuperfly: and ask questions in public transport in english?12:58
superflyzipper: Yes12:58
superflyIn general, in Cape Town, most people converse in English12:59
ThatGraemeGuy<zipper> superfly: I heard that if I board public transport and speak english the other people might beat me because they want me to speak afrikaans not english. But I don't know afrikaans.12:59
ThatGraemeGuyoi o_O12:59
ThatGraemeGuywhere are you hearing this nonsense12:59
zipperWell ok but I heard the people there would think I'm trying to act like I'm unafrican or am better than them.12:59
zipperI just hear these things :(13:03
kulelu88zipper: it would probably be better to avoid race/cultural discussions here. Seems like we're having major race-relation issues already13:05
zipperkulelu88: Sorry :(13:07
kulelu88zipper: I don't know how the others feel but I'm cool with discussing it ;)13:08
zipperkulelu88: I'd rather not talk about programming or ubuntu and other such things. I don't want to cause friction.13:11
kulelu88are you trolling? zipper 13:11
zipperOh sorry I meant13:12
zipperkulelu88: I'd rather talk about programming or ubuntu and other such things. I don't want to cause friction.13:12
stickyboyPlaying with nginx proxy_cache in front of a dynamic Tomcat app...13:27
KilosMaaz  coffee on13:37
* Maaz flips the salt-timer13:37
captinestickyboy, hows that working13:40
captineI am wanting to demo Alfresco for our company instead of SharePoint... and want an nginx proxy to allow users to not enter the port numbers etc... prob an easier way, but nginx was how I thought of doing it13:41
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!13:41
KilosMaaz  ty13:41
MaazYou are welcome Kilos13:41
captineSquirm, nice.  you work for hetzner?13:56
SquirmI don't14:04
Squirmcaptine: just an interesting article14:04
Kilosgraeme doesa14:04
SquirmLooks like a nice place14:04
Kilosdoes too14:04
SquirmKilos: I tried tabbing his nick, but he's not in the channel :P14:04
Kiloshaha he went off earlier14:05
Kilosi was alseep and the scroll back is enough for me to go sleep more14:05
Kilosthats a mean data centre14:07
zipperstickyboy: Watching this snowden talk :D14:24
zipperstickyboy: The snowden parts need subtitles14:27
captinezipper, which snowden talk?  there was a ted talk with him on video conference.. that one?14:27
zippercaptine: A lecture at havard.14:28
zippercaptine: Let me get you a link.14:28
zipperThe person Snowden is talking to is Bruce Schneir who is the one who writes the crypto-gram podcast and just about the greatest mind in crypto I know of.14:28
zipperSo it's not a dumb journalist asking him stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ui3tLbzIgQ14:29
zipperIn the talk Schneier says tor is giving the NSA a lot of trouble. Save for setting up fake exit nodes these guys have no way of actually breaking tor if every relay was run legitimately.14:30
zippercaptine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ui3tLbzIgQ14:32
Kiloscaptine  when you are bored go read my blog before it gets too big14:56
KilosMaaz  seen gremble14:59
MaazKilos: gremble was last seen 19 hours, 19 minutes and 50 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-01-27 11:39:24 PST], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-01-27 12:08:34 PST14:59
kulelu88sunshine now15:00
kulelu88oom how was the meeting last nite?15:00
Kilosvery lekker kulelu88  15:01
Kiloswe covered lots of things i think15:01
kulelu88How did you make it? The lightning was so bad15:01
Kiloswas lucky i suppose15:02
Kilosthere are minutes somewhere15:02
Kilosi cant scroll back so far15:02
Kilosand i can never find the logs15:04
zipperKilos: Which is your blog?15:08
KilosMaaz  kilos.blog15:09
MaazKilos: kilos.blog is http://mileyssignificantblog.blogspot.com/15:09
Xethronyo Kilos16:11
Kiloslol that took a while16:13
captinei am now doing one of my most hated activities... Paying Telkom for a landline that I dont want or need, other than for the fact that to have ADSL i am forced to rent a phoneline16:53
kulelu88economic costs16:54
Kilosi go eat16:59
Squirmehlo all17:15
Kiloshi Squirm  17:24
Kiloswere you at the meet last night?17:24
SquirmI never make it17:25
Kilosbad boy17:25
SquirmI think I've been in attendance for 2 or 317:25
Squirmand I've been coming here for a while now...17:25
SquirmRegistered : Sep 26 21:43:41 2009 (5y 17w 5d ago) 17:26
SquirmYeah... I've been here for a while17:26
Kilosya you helped me with mxit in pidgin on 9.04 or 9.1017:27
SquirmAlthough, I see you registered on 09 Nov 200917:27
Kilosmaybe 8.1017:27
SquirmRegistered : Nov 09 21:22:49 2009 (5y 11w 3d ago)17:27
SquirmI beat you by 7 weeks ;)17:27
Kilosi think it took me a year to even get that far17:28
Kilossame as the fly, one of the ballie4s in ubuntu and only now going for membership17:29
Kilosat least i never came here with windows17:29
Squirmsuperfly registered his Nick in '0817:29
SquirmWow, I've been on IRC for a long time17:30
superflySquirm: check when "who_da_fly" was registered, that was my first nick17:30
SquirmI think I first started chatting on IRC in '05/'0617:30
Squirmoh dear superfly17:30
SquirmNot bad17:30
SquirmI chatted on Atrum in '0617:31
kulelu88julle is almal ooms nou17:31
superflykulelu88: I have been an "oom" in the colloquial sense for a while now :-P17:32
kulelu88I'm getting there also17:32
Kilosoh my17:32
Kilosboet had a child too17:32
Squirmkulelu88: I'm not an 'oom'17:32
Kilosforgot his name17:32
kulelu88You under 30 ? Squi17:33
kulelu88Squirm: 17:33
Squirmkulelu88: haven't hit 25 yet17:33
Kilosya Squirm  is a baby still17:33
kulelu88Under 23? Squirm 17:33
Squirmkulelu88: 24 in March17:33
kulelu88oh, almost my age17:33
Kiloskulelu88  arent you supposed to give your old nick??17:34
kulelu88ja. But I like being anon :D 17:35
kulelu88I thought you'd figure it out by now oom17:35
kulelu88ek is jou seun :'D17:35
Kilosits eating at me man but just cant place you17:36
Kilosits the oom thing from the beginning17:36
kulelu88almal ken jou as die oom17:36
Kilosnuvolari  17:36
Kilosja maar toe jy die eerste keer groet toe se jy al oom17:37
Kilosvoor ander 17:37
Kilosso jy is al bekend17:37
Kilossuperfly  can you id him?17:38
superflyKilos: all I can tell you is that it looks he's connecting via Afrihost (or at least, the MTN network)17:39
Kilosim sure he said last night hed be on old nick soon17:40
Kilosbut in this modern world soon could be next year17:40
Kiloslike ian says see you later and its sometimes 2 weeks later17:41
kulelu88I'm connecting via Axxess17:42
Kilosso is the fly17:42
Kilosand graeme17:42
Kilosbut you too young17:42
Kilosbut its fine , torment me. soon ill be a member and then you will pay17:43
kulelu88:D :D :D :D :D17:43
Kilosmage is older17:44
Kilossuperfly  do we get to rev them if we are members17:44
Kilosoh there was someone in port shepstone17:45
Kiloswe must add to our code of conduct17:46
Kilosno ragging the ballies17:46
Kilosthats why you miss the meets kulelu88  you dont want to login with your name17:47
kulelu88If I went to yesterdays meet, I'd have no modem or laptop today17:47
Kilosoh my17:48
Kiloswhat modem are you using17:48
Kilosinetpro  tell me who he is man17:49
Kiloshmm... private user17:54
Kilosnee man jy maak my kop seer17:55
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  18:23
Kiloswb captine  18:23
captinetrip switch had me fooled...18:26
captineKilos, just coming back to the meeting last night.  we said we should mail content suggestions for the new site on the ZA mailing list, right?18:28
Kilosyou got some18:29
captineam thinking about it18:29
Kilosmake it att superfly18:29
Kilosdont think man , just do18:29
captineam thinking of suggestions18:30
Kilosask superfly  18:30
Kiloshes the man18:30
superflycaptine: have you seen my "demo" site?18:30
captineyip.  looks really slick.  cannot remember the tool you said it is in18:31
captineam setting up a home server to learn how to use markdown instead of drupal etc18:31
superflycaptine: we're using Nikola18:33
captinethink you've told me that about 4 times already.. will write it down.18:33
superflycaptine: if you want to try your hand at checking out the site, committing, etc: http://ubuntu-za.snyman.info/bazaar-tutorial.html18:34
captinewill do.18:36
captineare you pushing everything to bazaar?18:36
captinesuperfly, do you use bazaar a lot for work?18:38
superflyno, we use Mercurial, but for my open source stuff I use bzr18:38
superflyI prefer bzr, it's simpler18:38
superflyless to confuse you with, easier to use, almost zero maintenance18:39
kulelu88bzr is easier than git?18:39
superflybut yes, I'll be pushing everything to bzr/LP18:39
superflykulelu88: yes18:39
superflykulelu88: git is over-complicated18:39
superflykulelu88: git, or github? they are two different things18:40
kulelu88I've been playing with git long enough to know the difference :P18:40
captineI have setup git at work.  main reason for driving me to git is not much has apparently been committed to bazaar as a tool (per some site i read).  Seems GIT is getting more updates and commits to the actual tool.18:40
captinesetup a gitlab server with GIT as a proof of concept.  tried bazaar first and really liked it 18:41
captinesuperfly, is the site going to run on nginx or apache?18:41
superflycaptine: I was gonna say... using git with something like gitlab18:41
superflycaptine: apache, but it's static18:41
superflycaptine: bzr is not stagnant, just doesn't have as much clout or press as git18:42
kulelu88I know another nice tool. Phabricator18:42
kulelu88More advanced than gitlab or github18:42
superflyhrm, never heard of that one18:43
kulelu88Quite easy to setup if you guys need it done18:43
kulelu88Have a lot of setup notes18:43
captineyip.  my other reason for going git was a "political" one.  Trying to get my company to embrace open source (ubuntu in particular), but didnt want to only push ubuntu/canonical related projects...  18:43
kulelu88captine: Would your company pay for maintenance of linux boxes?18:44
superflycaptine: sure, use what you want/need18:44
captinewill look into phabricator.  i have our gitlab community edition connected to our AD... took half the day (am a accountant, with zero active directory knowledge...)18:44
captinekulelu88, i would encourage it. 18:44
superflycaptine: it's not just you, AD is a beast at the best of times18:44
kulelu88I was thinking of setting up a small consultancy for open source maintenance18:45
captinewe pay for windows licenses and for server monitoring, and for backups, and for database mirroring and +++++18:45
superflykulelu88: do you use git-flow?18:45
kulelu88If you dont mind disclosing, what is the total cost?18:45
superflycaptine: if you don't yet, I recommend using git-flow18:45
kulelu88git-flow being similar to gitlab? I looked at it (if I recall it being that one)18:45
kulelu88^^total cost? captine 18:46
superflykulelu88: no, it's an addon to git18:46
captineprob is we have all Windows admins, who are not willing to look at anything else until we have stabalized... and stabalized = having MS SQL server cluster, SharePoint, MS Project Server, Exchange, +++++18:46
superflykulelu88: it tries to make using git less complicated18:46
captinewe moved from a badly configured novell environment with a couple Suse Enterprise boxes, to a centralized MPLS network with all hyper-V and MS Servers on an IBM Pureflex18:46
kulelu88superfly: I stick to a few git commands mostly. I don't use the kitchen sink with it18:46
kulelu88captine: I bet you got those novell licenses from 1 company in JHB18:47
captinekulelu88, i am not in the know of the costs... but it is a lot18:47
superflykulelu88: git-flow is about workflow, works nicely in a more collaborative environment18:47
captinekulelu88, i was not at the company when they were getting the licenses18:47
kulelu88I'll have a look superfly , but no time to code as much these days18:47
superflyanyone else do CI?18:49
captinesuperfly, not to sound airy fairy, but with the website... what is the purpose exactly, given that there is a ZA Team wiki etc etc on ubuntu's website.  i assume it is a simple landing page to provide a quick intro the the SA log and help people orientate around the different resources available and the ZA wiki pages etc?18:49
superflycaptine: yes, pretty much.18:50
superflykulelu88: Continuous Integration18:50
captinenope.  u mean using tools like jenkins etc?18:50
superflycaptine: yesa18:50
superflywe're using Jenkins at work, but it's not cutting it18:50
superflykulelu88: we need something local, I don't think Travis does local?18:50
kulelu88Aren't CI tools like Jenkins "push", but tools like Chef/Puppet are "pull"??18:51
captinei am fascinated by these tools.  i dont really understand what they do... herd freebsd have jenkins doing something with tests etc, but havent really got a clue as to the purpose.18:51
captinewish I had time to just sit and learn these things18:51
kulelu88captine: A lot of it is overkill for small projects. You can think of them as what quickbooks/tax-file-tool is to an accountant18:52
superflycaptine: we use Jenkins for automatically running all of our tests in our projects, so that we can check that nothing has broken between commits/builds18:53
captineso you write tests in code?18:53
captineand jenkins processes them,?18:53
kulelu88Only if you code in a dynamic language or don't do functional programming18:53
captinewith a report being output/or alert18:53
superflycaptine: pretty much18:54
superflykulelu88: we write tests for our two embedded platforms18:54
captineso can it do things like loadrunner?18:55
superflyI've been looking at Go CD, which seems to be slightly more in line with what we are trying to do. http://www.go.cd/18:55
captinewe used that to mimic hundreds of users on our Oracle EBS application, at my prior job18:55
superflycaptine: yes18:56
captinewow.  so it can mimic a user and enter data into a web form etc?18:56
kulelu88you'd make a decent CIO captine 18:56
kulelu88some of them don't even know what ubuntu is18:56
kulelu88At time like these, I wish I had fibre. 512 upload :(18:57
captineone thing I noticed.  senior IT people know everyone in the industry and have relationships etc... generally in the MS space... not having "grown" throuhg the industry, one lacks the contacts18:57
captinekulelu88, what connection are you on18:58
kulelu88No point bumping up to 4MB if my exchange max is 418:58
captinei hear u18:59
kulelu88As I understand, some companies are running on 4/10MB shared.19:00
kulelu88in 2015...19:00
captinei just want fibre.. to my house... 6 to 10 meg would make me happy19:00
kulelu88The prices aren't worth it. My colleague in Portugal pays I think 30-45 euro for TV, like 50MB fibre and what seems to be unlimited access19:01
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:02
KilosMaaz  watch them19:02
MaazOK Kilos I'll keep an eye on them for you19:02
captinewell, i am on 10meg adsl and it is expensive.  would rather cancel the phone line and pay a similar amount for slightly slower fibre but get a better connection19:08
kulelu88fibre is synchronous, so if you use your fibre for work sometimes, having 5MB upload is awesome.19:09
kulelu88Plus you support torrenting with a faster speed19:09
captinemakes it easier to work from home...although much of my work is on a terminal server, so upload is not critical19:14
captinefor work19:14
superflycaptine: we use Selenium for that sort of "click on a web page" testing19:14
kulelu88superfly: What embedded platform/s does your company build?19:15
captineok. will look into it19:15
kulelu88You have to program the click action, captine 19:16
superflykulelu88: we build a mobile POS for micro transactions (ugh, marketing speak) with a management platform behind it19:16
kulelu88Pocket POS for nedbank? 19:16
kulelu88Or are you guys that POS startup?19:16
superflykulelu88: so on the POS we are using an HCS08 and a SoC from SierraWireless called an SL608719:17
superflythat pos startup19:17
kulelu88I recall you guys being in cape town... 19:17
superflyyep, that's where we are based19:17
kulelu88but you're in jhb now?19:17
superflynope, in CA19:18
superfly(Cape Town)19:18
kulelu88I thought you came to JHB. Confused19:18
superflynope, in CPT. We're still looking for developers, so if you wanna move to Cape Town, here's your chance.19:21
kulelu88What's the starting package for a junior with no degree?19:21
kulelu88no *CS degree19:21
superflykulelu88: we don't have specific packages, it depends on how much we think you're worth19:23
kulelu88I know I'll end up taking a pay cut for any position I take now19:23
superflykulelu88: what's your current position?19:23
kulelu88security analyst19:24
captinethat sounds interesting19:24
kulelu88Unhirable in SA captine 19:25
superflyHrm, we could do with one of those. I'm playing security analyst at the moment, and while I seem to have a good head on my shoulders (I was told so by a security specialist), I am not experienced in that.19:25
superflykulelu88: not even sensepost?19:25
kulelu88I always get asked "why programming when you have a business degree". over 50% of entrepreneurs aren't programmers19:25
magespawngood evening19:26
superflydon't worry, I think you'll be fine here... but do you have an answer to that question?19:26
superfly(our CEO is a mechanical engineer)19:26
superflyhi magespawn19:26
kulelu88superfly: I think I did approach them (name sounds familiar), but nobody takes a chance on grads these days, unless you're a BEng/BSc with 80+% 19:26
captinekulelu88, what degree do you have?  am sure Deloitte has a security testing team even (I did articles at Deloitte and remember them talking about their "hackers" in the Enterprise Risk department19:26
captinethey had some guys that would do pen testing etc19:27
captinefor clients19:27
captinei think19:27
captinehi magespawn 19:27
superflyyeah, Deloitte have a security team19:27
magespawncaptine now that would be a cool job to have19:27
kulelu88captine: I tried Deloittes consulting division (more appropriate for my "business" degree :D)19:27
magespawnhi captine superfly19:27
captinewhat degree ?19:27
* magespawn goes to have a look at that19:28
captineok. you looked at the banks?19:28
kulelu88superfly: The basic answer is that I learnt to program as part of my desire to not depend on the "tech" guy to build things for myself19:28
kulelu88nope, captine 19:29
superflykulelu88: that'll work for us. So, when are you applying? :-P19:30
superflykulelu88: do you see yourself doing JavaScript?19:30
magespawnsuperfly: do you guys need a gdb?19:31
superflygnu debugger?19:32
kulelu88I've seen you guys advertise. Why don't you put your job openings on the Python User Group?19:32
superflykulelu88: I have once or twice19:32
magespawnlol. no. general dogs body19:32
kulelu88let me scan my email to see if I've ever contacted your company19:33
kulelu88aah okay, i haven't applied there :D19:35
superflyI've updated the test site, btw, captine: http://ubuntu-za.snyman.info/19:36
captinesuperfly, cool.  i am working through your bazaar tutorial19:36
captinesetting up my ssh key on bazaar... did the signing of the code of conduct yesterday with that whole pgp key thing... wow it was a bit complicatd19:36
magespawnsuperfly i am going to be doing a release upgrade when i can, so i can get the upto date version of nicola, and after that learn how to use properly so i can contribute to the site19:41
superflymagespawn: cool beans19:42
magespawnmight take awhile, i have a few issues at wor to take care of19:42
magespawnat work too19:42
captinesuperfly, quick one.  i have done the "bzr co lp:ubuntu-za trunk" but just want to confirm the  "bzr branch trunk new-contact-page" command.  does that create a new branch called "new-contact-page"19:46
superflycaptine: yes.19:46
captinei think i see now.  sorry, tired and ready slowly19:46
superflycaptine: that's just an example for creating a new branch19:46
captinesuperfly, what version of ubuntu u running?  the readme says 14.04 users should setup a vm or something>19:50
superflycaptine: I'm using Debian ;-)19:50
captinesneaky :)19:51
superflycaptine: 14.04 you need a Python virtual environment, so that you can install the latest version of nikola.19:51
captineok.  let me see.19:51
kulelu88I can help you guys with a virt env. Use Docker19:52
kulelu88or pyenv19:52
kulelu88or pythonbrew19:52
superflykulelu88: I haven't used docker, nor pyenv.19:52
superflykulelu88: what about "virtualenv" :-P19:52
kulelu88just venv itself?19:52
superflykulelu88: ah, pyenv does something different to virtualenv19:54
kulelu88as does Pythonbrew19:54
captinei played with docker and juju... and kvm.. now, just cleaned all of it and using a seperate machine for all those19:54
kulelu88I like Docker19:54
kulelu88it's going to be useful for my 1man projects19:54
captinesuperfly, u look at picocms?19:56
captinesimilar sor of thing (I have no idea on using either tool)19:57
superflycaptine: I recall the name, haven't looked at it though19:57
captinei think ubuntu-mate's website is based on it19:57
captineor on somethign else19:57
captinedownloading nikola19:58
captinesuperfly, downloaded nikola... think i will try install it tomorrow or on the weekend.20:01
captinegetting sleepy20:01
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: South Africa http://ubuntu-za.org || PBin: http://slexy.org/ || Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com || https://twitter.com/ubuntuza || Next Meeting: Tue, 24 February 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1yyBNyh
inetprogood evening20:02
magespawnhi inetpro 20:02
captineeve inetpro 20:02
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa http://ubuntu-za.org || PBin: http://slexy.org/ || Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com || https://twitter.com/ubuntuza || Next Meeting: Tue, 24 February 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1yyBNyh
superflyhi inetpro20:04
inetprohi superfly, captine, magespawn20:05
inetproyou guys been busy today20:05
inetprotoo much to catch up20:05
inetprosuperfly: I shortened the topic a bit20:06
superflyI can't even remember what it was20:06
inetprotook out the mailing list address... that should be on the site20:07
inetproeven twitter should be on the site20:07
magespawni am off to bed good night all20:14
inetprogood night magespawn20:14
qwebirc74266octoquad here testing the new IRC client on the new website. Wazzup!20:18
superflyhey qwebirc7426620:19
superflysup octoquad20:22
octoquadgreetings superfly 20:22
octoquadhad a squizz at the site. nice one :)20:23
octoquadlet me know if you need a hand, pretty keen to help out if I have itme20:23
superflyoctoquad: I do. I mostly need content. Getting the technical stuff done is the easy part.20:26
octoquadhmm, Ok, I haven't been here in years, so I'm kinda out of the loop. Do maybe need to migrate content over from your old site to the new one?20:27
octoquad*Do you...20:28
inetprosuperfly: ty for posting the email20:32
inetprothat should get the ball rolling20:32
captineyip.  thanks20:41
superflyoctoquad: not necessarily20:46
captinesuperfly, should we put the old site in maintenance mode?  2013 was the last post?20:55
superflycaptine: ideally I'd like to get the new site up and running in the next 2 weeks.20:56
captineok.  cool20:56
captinei just made a "testing" branch to learn a bit...21:01
captinesuperfly, just a quick one.. if i create a page called "Getting Involved", do i just create a .rst file under the "pages" folder?21:09
captineis that how this works?21:09
zipperWOW night people.21:46
zipperSweet :D21:46
captinesuperfly, we didnt chat about the "Global Jam" that is coming up in our meeting.  Maybe, we can "repurpose" it and get time in peoples calendars to contribute to the site>21:54
captinethink it is Saturday 7 Feb21:54
captineif I am not mistaken21:54
kulelu88global jam??22:03
captinesuperfly, just some conventions we may want to sort out for the pages:  do we use that .. class:: jumbotron for the pages to put that grey border thing around the text.  Also, should all titles be visible (assume they should).  Attempted to do a merge request for 1 new page so look forward to the feedback (my formatting was not great on the page, which resulted in these questions)23:16
captinenight all23:16

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