
woozyIt's the one they tell you to run on the Website: sudo ~/Downloads/bootinfoscript00:00
WulfHow can I effectively disable gvfs?00:01
Jordan_UWulf: What is your end goal?00:01
WulfJordan_U: it's blocking access to my gphoto2 compatible camera. And I don't think I need gvfs.00:01
Linxcatanyone used filesystem passthrough with linux kvm here?00:02
RedheadedCupcakeI know this is super off topic but can someone help me root my phone?00:02
votlonRedheadedCupcake: .-. what do you need help with, don't they baby proof rooting now :300:03
Jordan_URedheadedCupcake: Please don't ask "super off topic" questions in #ubuntu. If you're looking for an appropriate channel try asking if one exists at #freenode, or use the alis service...00:04
Jordan_U!alis | RedheadedCupcake00:04
ubottuRedheadedCupcake: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*00:04
RedheadedCupcakevotlon I am using this guidehttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2157484 and I'm at the part on using Androxyde Flashtool and I am having problems installing it on my Linux machine.00:04
woozyJordan_U: it's the one they tell you to run on the Web site: ~/Downloads/bootinfoscript00:06
Jordan_Uwoozy: Except what you just posted is *not* exactly the command on the website. Please pastebin the exact command you ran, and the complete output from running that command. This is the last time I will ask. If you don't provide that with your next response, or at least an explanation of why you can't provide that, then I will stop trying to help you.00:08
RedheadedCupcakeI have a tar.gz file that I am having problems opening. Can anyone help. When I try to open it Archive Manager says An error occured while loading the archive00:10
Jordan_URedheadedCupcake: What is this tar.gz file for?00:10
RedheadedCupcakerooting my phone00:10
woozyJordan_U: I copy and pasted it from the source Forge that I got the script from. I am making thing pastebin rn00:11
RedheadedCupcakebut I run ubuntu00:11
woozyJordan_U: and please calm down. I am new to Ubuntu.00:12
votlonwoozy: Its better for one to say sorry than to tell another to calm down ;)00:13
woozyJordan_U: pastebin.com/4aYjfafE00:13
woozyvolton: thanks for the tip. I'll try it next time :)00:14
Jordan_Uwoozy: It looks like you didn't actually extract the tar.gz file to your Downloads directory. To do so please run "tar -xf ~/Downloads/bootinfoscript-061.tar.gz".00:15
Ben64RedheadedCupcake: "tar zxfv file.tgz" will extract it, we're not going to help you run whatever is in there, and it is potentially dangerous00:16
RedheadedCupcakeBen64 I did a checksum and what the website is saying and what I got are 2 different things. So I am trying to dl it from a different source00:16
woozyJordan_U: I think it may be because I extracted it into a folder and now I am not going into the folder. Need to take it another step into that00:17
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xrealWhere can I found the DEBs in launchpad? https://launchpad.net/~zfs-native/+archive/ubuntu/daily00:20
woozyJordan_U: got it now. Here are results: pastebin.com/jwYtPy0w00:21
k1l_xreal: ad the ppa and then run apt-get update and then install the packages00:22
xrealk1l_: I mean, were are they located on the server?00:23
dw1where do i get the latest acrobat reader .deb for ubuntu 14.04?00:23
k1l_xreal: click on "view package details" and then the package you need to expand and then you will be offered several versions00:24
dw1on a 100MB PDF evince is slow, want to try adobe00:24
dw1i can find an old link but not a new one :/00:24
xrealk1l_: I'm stupid, I didn't click on the single links :) Thanks.00:25
dw1guess this will be good http://askubuntu.com/a/89129/34798500:26
RockyTVis this the place where I can ask for help?00:26
Ben64dw1: be careful, not even adobe supports that00:27
dw1Ben64: no? it's on their site.. ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/unix/9.x/00:28
alias_neomcphail where do I find these debug options you said to disable?00:28
dw12013 :/00:28
Ben64dw1: its not on their download page anymore, i would not recommend it at all00:29
* dw1 considers alternative readers00:29
Bashing-omRockyTV: It is if it is for 'buntu .. We do not fix broken hearts otherwise .00:29
RockyTVI get an error while compiling the Silicon Labs CP210X driver for Ubuntu. My distro is Raspbian (wheezy), version 3.18.3. I came across this error: could not insert module cp210x.ko: Invalid module format00:30
k1l_RockyTV: raspbian is not ubuntu. see #raspbian for support for that.00:31
RockyTVthanks k1l_ !00:31
alias_neomcphail I have a suspicion that the grsecurity patch already disabled debugging stuff for me, everything debug related is unselected after patching00:31
MortezaEAnybody used UNetBootin for doing usb install?00:36
MortezaEdoes it erase my flash memory?00:37
valverno, if you select your usb device to install the ISO on it00:38
MortezaEthank u valver00:39
k1l_MortezaE: it erases your usb drive.00:41
lindar_Hi y'all. So, I have Japanese and Korean input set up on this machine. If I pop open a fresh terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and irssi -c irc.freenode.org I'm able to type in Japanese and Korean, but after some unspecified time it will only render my input in roman characters.00:43
MortezaEDoes wireless drivers installed during net install or i must use Ethernet?00:43
alias_neousuallly you get wireless drivers, but if you're doing server install you may have to manually configure the connection00:48
diamondshow to access top bar icons/etc. via keyboard?00:49
diamondsI want to access the Network menu via the icon00:49
EriC^^diamonds: type nm-connection-editor in a terminal00:50
RockyTVhow do I adapt a makefile to a kernel which has no /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build dir?00:50
diamondsconnecting to vpn00:51
shadaloocan anyone suggest something like ntop that runs in the terminal00:51
puffI'm trying to print something on my hp photosmart 6250.  Worked fine the last time I used it, two or three weeks ago.  Now it just doesn't print. Print job shows up in the print queue gui, says "Pending".00:51
diamondsanywho how get to wireless menu by keyboard?00:51
puffIf I print up Settings/Printers and open up the printer, I get a little dialog with seven categories on the left, Settings, Policies, Access Control, Installable Options, Printer Options, Job Options, Ink/Toner Levels.  When I click on Ink/Toner Levels the right side of the dialog says "Status Messages: Printer HPPhotosmart6250: 'paused'00:51
EriC^^diamonds: type nm-connection-editor in a terminal00:51
puffshadaloo: doesn't ntop run in a terminal?00:51
shadaloopuff: changed to a web interface00:52
puffshadaloo: Weird.00:52
puffshadaloo: I guess I haven't looked at ntop in awhile.00:52
MortezaEthank u alias_neo00:53
coolstarhi, I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop and it's having issues with spoofing the WLAN Mac address00:56
coolstarI heard downgrading wpa_supplicant to the one from Ubuntu 13.10 will fix it. How do I just downgrade wpa_supplicant?00:56
noaerhello guys, after trying to get into i3wm my notify osd became uglier, I removed i3wm but notifier still like in i3wm, what should I d? Here is the picture of it: http://i.imgur.com/JN3EOZH.png00:57
Ben64coolstar: 13.10 isn't supported, and downgrading in general is a Bad Idea™00:57
coolstarBen64: I don't want to downgrade my whole system00:57
coolstarjust wpa_supplicant00:57
Ben64coolstar: you should re-read what I wrote then00:57
coolstarBen64: this link tells me to downgrade wpa_supplicant to fix it though https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/132075200:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1320752 in wpasupplicant (Ubuntu) "MAC Spoofing / Cloning for WiFi is broken in Trusty 14.04 / 14.10 and all others including Mint 17" [Medium,Confirmed]00:58
Ben64Bad Idea™00:58
coolstarBen64: keeping it as is won't fix the issue I'm having though...00:59
Ben64coolstar: well good luck00:59
noaerany help&01:01
LeBlaaanchow do I do "ls !(foo)" but for two different files foo and bar as an example?01:01
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yassinehow to install vmware01:05
noaerok, found solution there: http://askubuntu.com/questions/371020/notify-osd-notifications-appear-unthemed-in-top-left-corner01:06
noaerthank you01:06
LadonIs there anything better/better looking than Monitorix? I like it... it just looks... old?01:09
LadonAnd editing the graphs seems to be a PITA.01:10
EriC^^LeBlaaanc: ls !(foo|bar)01:11
coolstarBen64: figured out how to downgrade wpa_supplicant and it fixed my issue01:11
coolstarsomething is seriously wrong with the wpa_supplicant and hostapd 2.001:12
faltaDeFlixWhat is the preferred way to watch netflix? my firefox/pipelght setup stopped working after a recent update01:12
kasteHello I am writing my own app and when it dumps core the stupid crash handler shows up every time. How can I stop this?01:16
EriC^^kaste: apport?01:17
kastedon't know01:17
kasterunning unity, so no kde or gnome crash handler01:17
EriC^^does it say to report the error?01:17
k1l_unity is running on the gnome base.01:17
k1l_is it apport or whoopsie?01:18
EriC^^kaste: open the dash > xdiagnose , uncheck error reporting01:18
Bashing-omfaltaDeFlix: Google-chrome -> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/08/netflix-linux-html5-support-plugins . Works out of the box .01:18
faltaDeFlixBashing-om: any reason having chromium and chrome installed side-by-side would be a problem?01:20
Funwho here used verimatrix on ubuntu?01:20
Bashing-omfaltaDeFlix: I have seen that question asked before, I do not know from personal experience - and they advise there is no problem .01:22
faltaDeFlixBashing-om: should the "stable" ppa work?01:23
Bashing-omfaltaDeFlix: Lat I was aware it "did" require beta or dev release .. now that Google-chrome is at "  google-chrome-stable amd64 40.0.2214.93-1 " , naybe the stable release has netflix support ? .01:26
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yjltry to use linux01:34
sjakso i got encfs and seahorse keyring with the same password as my ubuntu user account. that's safe...right?01:36
nomicits safe as long as you don't tell anyone about it01:36
sjaknomic: i was rather unclear. is it safe from cracking?01:37
nomici don't know01:37
nomiclong passwords aren't01:37
nomicmixed characters #s letters01:37
nomicuppercase lowercase01:38
MortezaEI mistakenly deleted my .bashrc file. how could i create one of them?01:44
MortezaEI lost some capabalities such as autocomplete01:45
nomicits a long file01:45
nomictry to get a generic one01:45
MortezaEfrom where?01:45
nomiccould autopaste eone here01:45
Bashing-omMortezaE: A default file is in /etc/skel .01:46
nomicheres generic01:46
MortezaEls /etc/skel/01:46
MortezaEBashing-om, ^01:46
nomic/etc/skel is empty (here)01:46
MortezaEnomic, than u, btw i am on 14.04, it's ok?01:47
nomicthat was from a 14.0401:48
nomicdid you file i MortezaE01:49
MortezaEok ty :)01:49
nomicit worked?01:49
nomicshould have01:49
MortezaEi'll test now01:49
nomicpermissions (here) -rw-r--r-- 101:49
nomicpermissions (here) -rw-r--r--01:50
nomicon .bashrc01:50
nomicif that is issue01:50
MortezaEomum, ill set it01:50
MortezaEit works perfectly nomic :)01:51
nomichow did you manage that?01:52
nomiccertain things should not be typed01:52
nomicin shell01:52
nomicthe file01:53
floppymDoes the ubuntu install/livecd come with a utility I can use to post output to a pastebin? Something like wgetpaste?01:53
MortezaEi lost it because of using > intead of >> nomic :D01:53
MortezaEthank u man, night01:54
RockyTVmhow do I get a /build folder on my /lib/modules/3.18.3+/ dir?01:57
NightMonkeyi can haz glibc update in 14.04 LTS?01:58
Bashing-omfloppym: One installs the tool -> sudo apt-get install pastebinit <- .01:58
floppymBashing-om: Ok, thanks.01:58
RedheadedCupcakeDoes anyone know if startup disc creator will make a bootable USB for windows?01:59
floppymI have never tried installing a package on a livecd before; don't know why that did not occur to me.01:59
apb1963 how can I change the display resolution in kde4 ?  ubuntu 14.0401:59
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Bashing-omfloppym: liveDVD runs in ram, so will not persist a re-boot .02:00
floppymBashing-om: Sure, I figured as much.02:01
RedheadedCupcakeDoes anyone know if startup disc creator will make a bootable USB for windows?02:04
bazhang##windows for that RedheadedCupcake02:05
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RedheadedCupcakebazhang even if i'm using an ubuntu machine02:06
bazhangRedheadedCupcake, they have tools for that02:06
bazhangie windows creation tools02:07
RedheadedCupcakebazhang windows creation tools for linux?02:07
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=== MoLah is now known as Fun
bazhangRedheadedCupcake, the ubuntu ones wont work for that02:07
RedheadedCupcakebazhang That's what I thought. I've been through this before and I don't remember how i made the live USB02:08
bazhang!info winusb02:10
ubottuPackage winusb does not exist in utopic02:10
bazhangtheres a PPA with winusb RedheadedCupcake02:11
RedheadedCupcakeWill winusb work on 14.10?02:11
gr33n7007hRedheadedCupcake: is a windows iso?02:11
bazhangRedheadedCupcake, ppa are at your own risk, keep that in mind02:11
gr33n7007hdd will do fine then02:12
RedheadedCupcakegr33n7007h what is dd?02:12
bazhanghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/289559/how-can-i-create-a-windows-bootable-usb-stick-with-ubuntu RedheadedCupcake02:13
gr33n7007hyou want to put windows iso on a usb?02:13
bazhangscroll nearly all the way down on that link RedheadedCupcake02:13
gr33n7007hsudo dd if=/path/to/windows.iso of=/dev/sdb #=> or what ever your usb node is02:14
gr33n7007hRedheadedCupcake: ^^02:14
RedheadedCupcakebazhang to the one that's got 10 upvotes?02:17
bazhangRedheadedCupcake, number 702:17
Hilikusis it possible to install only a single package from the next release of ubuntu? i want to update something but utopic doesn't have the latest version available02:20
bazhangdont mix repos Hilikus02:20
bazhangnor packages02:20
Hilikusbazhang: so what's the recommended way then? uninstall the ubuntu version and get the latest version form somewhere else? directly from the creator for exampkle02:21
bazhangHilikus, wait two months then get the latest version02:21
bazhangHilikus, compile, ppa, or version upgrade in april02:22
Hilikusbazhang: what is the problem with mixing anyway?02:22
xanguaif you want to update a specific packages find a PPA or compile yourself, both on your own risk Hilikus02:22
bazhangHilikus, complete system breakage02:22
xanguaif you want latest packages all the time maybe ubuntu is not the distro for you02:22
Hilikusbazhang: how can that happen in dependencies are specified correctly? i.e it doesn't just say i need any version of library B02:23
bazhangyeah, no maybe about that02:23
bazhangwhat package Hilikus02:23
Hilikusxangua: i've used ubuntu for 8 years and this is the first time, and i did mention i wanted to update *one* package. that's hardly "all the time"02:24
Hilikusbazhang: keepass202:24
bazhangHilikus, each "single" package needs the further higher level dependencies02:24
bazhangHilikus, thats worse than a simple PPA issue with dependencies02:24
Hilikusbut then shouldn't the answer depend on the dependncies? what if the new package has the exact same dependencies as the version in utopic?02:25
bazhang!info keepass202:28
ubottukeepass2 (source: keepass2): Password manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.27+dfsg-1 (utopic), package size 768 kB, installed size 2381 kB02:28
Hilikuswhat is the problem if the dependencies are exactly the same?? say they do a bugfix in the software itself and there were no changes in dependencies? what can possible go wrong with installing the new version? i am asking for details, not just the bottom line answer02:28
bazhangHilikus, the single package requires support from the higher level dependencies, version number and all, which will be for the next release not this one02:30
Bashing-omHilikus: -> apt-cache depends keepass2 <- All these get changed, and all others that depend on these libs no longer work .02:30
bazhangwhat is is exactly that you need from the next version of keepass2 Hilikus02:31
somsipAnyone else getting "Hash Sum mismatch" on apt-get update from security.ubuntu.com/trusty-security. Same on two different servers here.02:31
bazhangthe gpg somsip ?02:31
somsipbazhang: W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-security/main/i18n/Translation-en  Hash Sum mismatch02:32
somsipbazhang: on local desktop, and remote server built from a clean base image a few minutes ago02:32
Bashing-omsomsip: Nope, looks good here " Get:13 http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security/multiverse i386 Packages [1,412 B] " .02:32
bazhangsomsip, that error I have seen so many times, on so many releases, with that exact i18n02:32
HilikusBashing-om: how can i know if those really get changed?02:33
somsipBashing-om: multiverse i386 is okay here too, just i18n/Translation-en that's failing02:33
dupingpinghi everybody02:34
bazhangHilikus, it's the next version, thats what happens02:34
somsipbazhang: is it something you can see if you're getting now? I just want to see if it's me or a general problem02:34
dupingpingthe url shows me how can i set Lockscreen as Lightdm.02:34
Hilikusbazhang: ah ok, they just rerelease the package even if the sourcecode didn't change? i didn't know that02:34
somsipbazhang: ignore - okay now. Just saw a CVE update come through02:34
dupingpingBut my 14.04 doesn't show me the Lockscreen tag.02:34
dupingpingwhere i can find it?02:35
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Bashing-omHilikus: check the version differences : http://packages.ubuntu.com/ for each lib listed .02:35
bazhangsomsip, I 'm not on my ubuntu box at the moment; one fix I found was to see the gpg were being saved as .html files (looking using nautilus) and removing them02:35
somsipbazhang: looks like the repo was down ever-so-momentarily. Something learnt there for me, but thanks anyway :)02:36
bazhang /msg ubottu gpgerr might have a hint as well somsip02:36
bazhangok phew02:36
HilikusBashing-om: that's what i'm doing, but ubuntu it lists only ranges (which again is a bad idea if they don't really support mixing versions). for example the vivid package depends on libmono-corlib4.5-cil (>= 3.2.8)  which is fullfilled even in utopic, some for all the other i've checked. but i haven't checked them all. however, the answer was not, it depends on whether you have to update 200dependencies for that 1 package, the answer was "don't mix02:38
Hilikus repos" and i'm trying to understand if that's the rule of thumb or there's something else02:38
bazhangHilikus, its the most very basic rules, thats it's not even contemplated to do otherwise02:40
bazhangHilikus, and we have explained very clearly exactly why that is: the supporting libraries are all for the next release, not this one02:41
Bashing-omHilikus: I am far from an expert. But it is my experience that installing higher versions leads to "depenency hell" .. What you might do is look at the control file(s) /var/lib/dpkg/status .02:43
link0802Pleace help me :). I have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Few days ago problem with launcher counter/badge has appeared. It becomes very-very small. Does anyone have the same problem/solution for it? Screenshot of problem (psensor temperature counter) here http://i.imgur.com/6oXmN8N.png. Thnx for help :)02:44
LurkAshFlakeUbuntu 14, I use high contrast appearance but would like nautilus to have its background black and font white. May someone tell me how please?02:44
KatmkHello there. I was wondering if anyone can help me. I am looking to make the switch to Ubuntu from windows. I have never installed an operating system before. I currently have windows. I don't have any disks to save Ubuntu on and my flash drive is inadequate. How do I install Ubuntu? Can I, on my current os, download the compressed files from Ubuntu's website and then install them? Or will I need to install them during my computer star02:47
nomicyou need a "live cd"02:47
nomicyou download the .iso .. which is a cd image02:47
nomicthen you create a cd02:48
nomicfrom within windows you use a cd creator tool02:48
squintylink0802:  maybe take a look at   unity-tweak-tool    (available in the repo's)02:48
HilikusBashing-om: i understand, i imagine in most cases it is. i work with modular systems in my job (OSGi) and i know that managing dependencies is hard, semantic versioning etc, but if it's done correctly you should not have dependency hell. again, based on my professional knowledge i was just wondering if it is the same, so a matter of "you probably will have dependency hell, at which point it is definitely a bad idea to proceed" or if it really is *g02:48
Hilikusuaranteed* to break things up02:48
LurkAshFlakea bootable cd*02:48
Hilikusanyway, thanks for the help guys02:48
nomicor you can make a bootable usb key02:49
Hilikusi'll continue reading, i found the entry on pinning, but i iwll also read on how to create my own ppa02:49
jak2000hi all02:49
jak2000isnt recommendable install vsftpd right? how to copy a file from windows to my server? i have ip/user/password02:49
KatmkThank you very much. So, I'll have to get a blank cd and download the files onto that then insert disk during bootup of my computer?02:49
Katmkblank dvd*02:50
squintyKatmk:  imgburn  (freeware) for Windows to burn an iso02:51
link0802squinty alredy trye it :) don't help (or I don't see what I need change)02:51
Katmkthank you.02:51
jak2000squidly any advice for me?02:52
squintyKatmk:  burn at a low speed too to reduce potential burn errors (fwiw, I burn mine at 4X)02:52
Katmkthank you, i will make sure to do that.02:53
squintylink0802:  well really I am not sure what your exact problem is as your initial question is pretty ambiguous.  but if the icons are too small then you should be able to increase there size with the tweak took02:54
squintylink0802:  tweak tool > launcher > icon size02:55
Bashing-omKatmk: also: verify the .iso file : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM ; verify the burn integrity : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/CDIntegrityCheck ; the burn guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto .02:55
Katmkthanks alot.02:57
KatmkI have 4 gb (2.87 usable) of RAM. is this still going to work for me? Do I need to uninstall windows first to make it possible?03:01
courttvKatmk: ram or hard drive space.03:02
Katmkram, hard drive space i have 366 gb of 465 gb03:03
Bashing-omKatmk: What is your end goal here > IF you have a supported release of ubuntu, there is a path inplace to do an on-line release upgrade .03:03
squintykatlyn:  might also want to give the following to see if anything applicable to your unit  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:03
link0802squinty Thnx. But icons have normal size, I have problem only with counter/badger. In past I try change launcher icon size, but it has no result :(03:05
link0802Pic how it must be http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--tEZO2DOzco/T_a8MvJ-xjI/AAAAAAAAJPQ/dnsL2a8qkQ8/s1600/psensor_1.png (little badge with 59°C)03:05
link0802And now look at my screen http://i.imgur.com/hwNYTAs.png (icons at max size)03:05
link0802Thank you for help and sorry for my English :03:05
courttvKatmk: ram don't store data when powered down. The hard drive is where Windows and ubuntu gets installed.03:05
squintyKatmk: ram amount is fine.   windows only needs to be kept if you still want to use it.  Also check to see if you have a Windows recovery partition (which holds all the Windows installable files for recovery/installation purposes).  If you plan to use Windows then you may want to keep that partition03:05
nomicKatmk   1gb of ram is plenty enough for ubuntu03:08
nomicthe ram isn't an issue03:08
Katmkok thank you, I wasnt sure.03:09
squintynomic: 1 gig would be ok for lubuntu not ubuntu imho03:10
squintylink0802:  going to be heading out pretty quick here but one thing you may want to check out is if you have the correct video driver installed. some participants (myself included) experienced nvidia driver issues after the last kernel update.  not really sure if that would be applicable to your problem or not ......03:13
Katmkso im going to purchase a blank disk tomorrow and download at a low speed the downloaded files form ubuntu, insert the disk and when my computer is  starting up it should recognize the contents of the disk and prompt me to install?03:13
squintyKatmk:  download the iso (from the main ubuntu web site) to your Windows computer.  Install Imgburn (if you want to) and then use it to burn the iso to your DVD (not CD). once it has burnt, then make sure your computer can boot from the DVD (usually an option in BIOS and/or initial computer splash screen eg  Esc or F12 key etc).03:15
link0802squinty Oh....You right! I simple forget that I upgrade my video driver :) I think this is the reason of this problem. Thank you very much!03:16
squintyKatmk: also as someone also mentioned, before burning the DVD, check the md5sum for the iso (details on the iso download page).  you can use the freeware winMd5sum program to do that03:17
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squintylink0802:  :-)  hopefully that is the problem then.  keeping fingers crossed for ya. :)03:17
Katmkthank you. any dvd blank disk would work?03:18
nomicyou can generally try a test burn03:19
squintyKatmk: afaik, yes. match it with the specs for your dvd burner though. ( ie -R +R etc)03:19
nomicbefore actually burning it03:19
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asfddfsaljki need to transfer files via filezilla but connection keeps timing out. but i can ssh just fine... how to fix?03:20
squintyKatmk:  once you get your supplies you can always just come here for further advice on burning/installing etc.  always someone around....03:20
Katmkthank you again guys. hopefully it works out tomorrow. Im very excited.03:20
squintykatlyn:   :-)03:21
=== Termana is now known as Guest51121
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squintyGuest44585:  put a slash / before the word list03:27
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TheMissingBitanyone know how to get lusb03:38
TheMissingBiti mean optiups03:38
TheMissingBitto work under debian / ubuntu03:38
WombelIS the desktop computer dying?03:43
TheMissingBitWombel, go back to 4chan03:45
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danatoHow do I share the internet from a 3g dongle modem over wifi to my android phone? I cant find anything that is not outdated03:48
lorfdsanyone have experience installing intermediate certificates from namecheap03:55
lorfdsthey emailed me two intermediate certificates03:55
lorfdsnot sure which of these to use (or both)03:56
lorfdshow do i configure this in apache03:56
lorfdsSSLCertificateChainFile /home/sammy/intermediate.crt03:57
=== charles_ is now known as Guest74072
lorfdsdo i use that SSLCertificateChainFile directive for both certificates?03:57
The_Tickread the link I pasted03:57
dewwgreat link. will read again03:57
The_Tickonce read, click it03:58
dewwi usually forget and look at existing configs03:58
The_Tickactually this isn't a horrible howto03:58
The_Tickjust from glancing at it03:58
dewwit isn't03:59
dewwlorfds: just look towards the bottom for the full example03:59
* The_Tick bookmarks03:59
lorfdsthis isnt lining up with what they sent me though04:02
lorfdsi have Root CA04:03
lorfdsand two intermediate CA04:03
lorfdsso i use SSLCertificateChainFile on both intermediate certs?04:04
lorfdsin my apache vhost?04:04
The_Ticklorfds: then you should contact them04:06
lorfdsthis is what i was looking for04:06
lorfdsi have to create a bundle file04:06
dewwah you ened to cat them together04:07
booboyhttp://www.twitch.tv/kylelandrypiano SNOWDEN ON PIANO04:24
booboysorry please dont ban me04:24
booboyjust thought it was worth a giggle04:24
TheMissingBitbooboy, ##defocus #chat ##defocus-uncensored04:27
booboysorry <3 linux <3 ubuntu04:28
TheMissingBitno probblem04:28
TheMissingBitthere is also #ubuntu-offtopic iirc04:28
somsipTheMissingBit: yes, there is04:28
KindOneTheMissingBit, lol at the -uncensored one..04:29
TheMissingBitKindOne, I will never forget that channel04:30
puffGood evening.04:30
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KindOneTheMissingBit, I think you mean single #, not double ##04:30
puffI'm trying to print this PDF but nothing comes out.  Settings/Printers/MyPrinter/print queue just shows the job "pending" but never printing.  Any ideas?04:30
puffAnd the printer in CUPS shows "Paused - "Rendering completed"04:31
TheMissingBitKindOne, didn't it go to ##?04:33
TheMissingBitdefocus became #chat04:33
KindOneTheMissingBit, im talking about the -uncensored one.04:35
TheMissingBitit didn't change?04:35
TheMissingBitwhy not?04:37
TheMissingBitwe could've added even more confusion! :)04:37
The_Tickfreenode politics are best ignored04:38
puffYay, figured out my paused printer/pending job problem.  If anybody's curious, http://localhost:631 has an entire web UI for CUPS.  Clicked on "Printers", then the link for my printer, then in the "Maintenance" dropdown I selected "Resume Printer", then entered my regular ubuntu username and password, and it printed out the job.04:39
Funwho here uses Remmina?04:48
FunI have rdp ed into win box all I see is recycle bin. when I make window open and want to drag it it just expand yet to move04:49
CHVNXIs that a Windows problem"?04:49
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amehi do anybody have idea on opening serial port for sending and receiving data using putting??05:19
aeon-ltdame: isn't putty windows?05:21
ameaeon-ltd:We can also use on ubuntu05:21
NEI4U2Khi, i have a few questions about the persistence mode. Is this the right channel?05:23
aeon-ltdNEI4U2K: ubuntu? close enough05:24
NEI4U2Kmy usb is only 8gb currently. Does it mean if I had a bigger usb. could it be that it can be used to install big programs and carry it around whereever I go.05:25
NEI4U2Kand I will have one single system that I work with as long as I have the usb.05:26
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aeon-ltdyes, a larger usb stick will allow you to store more, such as larger programs. if english is not your first language you might want to check how you worded the sentence05:27
i0d9i20"Researchers at cloud security company Qualys have discovered a major security hole, GHOST (CVE-2015-0235), in the Linux GNU C Library (glibc). This vulnerability enables hackers to remotely take control of systems without even knowing any system IDs or passwords." http://www.zdnet.com/article/critical-linux-security-hole-found/05:29
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-0235)05:29
NEI4U2KI wont be limited to 4gb of persistence, right? the max persistence on the lililinux usb creator (for my 8gb is 4gb only).05:29
squintyNEI4U2K:  you could also do a full install to a usb stick which would be better than livedvd/persistence mode.  if using on different machines, then proprietary video drivers would not be an options05:30
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NEI4U2Kit says it's limited to 4gb because of the FAT32 file system.05:31
delinquentmeso im reading output from a USB connection ... running an arduino ... and I'm getting a bunch of additional information which isn't showing up on the native arduino serial monitor ... anyone know what it might be?05:31
NEI4U2Ki will try squinty suggestion now. Thanks :)05:32
mattwj2002hi all ... I was wondering if there was an 802.11ac usb nic that works well in 14.04 ... thanks in advance05:36
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mattwj2002hola paul_05:37
mattwj2002que tal me amigo?05:37
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droopi was upgrading to 14.14 and laptop died. How can I find the upgrade?06:13
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happyfr0ggSynaptic is not working and neither is updating my package lists.06:26
`hypermist`I can't connect to the windows pc in my house via my ubuntu system, it can't establish a connection06:26
aeon-ltd`hypermist`: connect using what?06:27
aeon-ltdhappyfr0gg: does an error message come up in the terminal?06:27
`hypermist`aeon-ltd, in built network explorer06:29
happyfr0ggaeon-ltd, no.06:30
aeon-ltdhappyfr0gg: did you intereupt a package install or any operation last time06:31
happyfr0ggI am not sure. I was installing another Linux os as a VirualBox VM. I know I installed the linux vm into the correct partition.06:32
`hypermist`so any idea aeon-ltd ?06:33
happyfr0ggWhile the linux vm was downloading packages and installing them, do you think this corrupted my Synaptic package Manager?06:33
`hypermist`i need to reboot somethings gone horribly wrong06:34
yusuf1my gnome-keyring seems didn't manage my ssh-agent06:34
yusuf1any ideas?06:35
yusuf1im sure that my gnome-keyring is running06:35
=== `hypermist` is now known as pcupgrades
yusuf1done reinstalling package of seahorse, gnome-keyring, ssh, but seems didn't work06:35
happyfr0ggI may come back tomorrow evening for more help on this issue.06:38
happyfr0gg<--- out.06:38
ewanoobI want to install ubuntu (for my laptop) but without all the bloat that comes with it. I was thinking of installing Ubuntu 14.10 but the server edition as the best answer here suggests: http://askubuntu.com/questions/1807/how-can-i-strip-down-ubuntu - Do you guys think that's a good idea? Anything I should be worried about?06:45
cfhowlett!mini | ewanoob06:46
ubottuewanoob: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:46
ewanoobThe minimal install would have me installing unity and the big packages like ubuntu-desktop, would it not? I don't want unity or anything that comes with unity, and very little pre-installed programs.06:47
=== pcupgrades is now known as `hypermist`
cfhowlettewanoob, no.  it's minimal.  YOU choose what to add.06:49
`hypermist`I set it as a share so windows could access it and made sure guest could but it didn't work for network exploring06:49
ewanoobHmm, might try that then. Hopefully it doesn't install the amazon bs since I choose what I want to install06:50
`hypermist`I can't install these sudo apt-get install gnome-user-share apache2.2-bin libapache2-mod-dnssd cause it says i have unmet dependences and it will break a certain lot of files06:51
`hypermist`it was apache2.2's fault nvm06:53
=== `hypermist` is now known as pcupgrades
i0d9i20can iphones connect to Ubuntu? do to you get itunes working on Ubuntu?07:01
cfhowlett!iphone | i0d9i20,07:02
ubottui0d9i20,: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod07:02
floodplainhi all07:12
=== pcupgrades is now known as `hypermist`
floodplaini'm just wondering if i set up a logical partition for /, /home, /var and /tmp can i just swap out / for a new distro?07:13
floodplainlike kubuntu etc07:14
`hypermist`Why can i not access my folder i shared. over the network on my windows machine ?07:14
`hypermist`Don't worry07:14
floodplain@hypermist - can you see the folder over the network?07:15
floodplainor is it not visible to you at all?07:15
=== `hypermist` is now known as pcupgrades
Retropikzelwhere should I direct my suggestions realting to making ubuntu better? email of some sort?07:17
cfhowlett!contribute | Retropikzel,07:25
ubottuRetropikzel,: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu07:25
Retropikzelthank you07:26
frdmngood morning!07:28
frdmncan someone help me with my fstab and my newly added raid?07:28
frdmni'm getting "*** /dev/sdb should be checked for errors ***" on every login-prompt07:29
frdmnbut it seems to work fine07:29
frdmnfdisk -l still says "Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table" though :/07:29
frdmnany ideas?07:29
jamesdare you mounting /dev/sdb1? or /dev/sdb07:30
jamesdgrep sdb /etc/fstab07:31
frdmnjamesd: my fstab looks like this: //hastebin.com/cepafaquro07:32
frdmnjamesd: that said hard drive is also actually a hardware raid07:32
jamesdif its not in /etc/fstab why ubuntu trying to mount it? or looking at it at all.07:34
jamesdtime for sleep... sorry couldn't help more... gotta say i am not a fan of the whole UUID mess... have to try down if its really is /dev/sdb or /dev/sdb1 which could cause a problem...07:36
=== zaf__ is now known as temp
=== temp is now known as templ
templjust one question07:42
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templis it a good idea to encrypt all drives, or is it paranoid? (desktop pc)07:42
cfhowletttempl, it's paranoid but...07:43
cfhowletttempl, just because you're paranoid does not mean *they* are not out to get you.07:43
templthe funny thing is, that's not even something that I consider as a probably option :D07:44
MarkusDB1templ: depends on what you do, if you got sensitive data, there is a lot of other thing to consider too.07:45
cfhowlett!it | renzo07:45
ubotturenzo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:45
templMarkusDB1: what do you consider as sensitive?07:46
MarkusDB1templ: also, today most people just use cloud services and social media like there is no tomorrow. In most cases you already share your data.07:46
captainfantasticis it possible to have multiple desktop environments in Ubuntu without having them conflicting with each other?07:47
MarkusDB1captainfantastic: yes07:47
templMarkusDB1: it's personal data, so not very interesting to anyone really. I try to keep social network usage to a minimum.07:47
captainfantasticMarkusDB1: when I install KDE, unity always gets messed up.07:48
cfhowlettcaptainfantastic, so install kubuntu instead ?07:49
captainfantasticcfhowlett: for some reason, I want to use Unity as well.07:49
MarkusDB1templ: in short, you need to decide, there is no optimal solution. all depends on your life, your business and your goals.07:49
captainfantasticcfhowlett: freedom, isn't it what it is all about?07:50
cfhowlettcaptainfantastic, go for it07:50
templMarkusDB1: I think that maybe everyone should encryp07:51
MarkusDB1Well, if its just your average joe, with everything in the cloud. I'm not too sure about that.07:52
somsiptempl: best to make your own decisions about your own computer and leave others to chose for themselves07:52
somsiptempl: I see way too many problems here from users who encrypt, and make a mess of it, and they lose everything07:52
cultavixgood morning07:53
templsomeone: I didn't impose anything... I was just trying to explain, what my standpoint is...07:53
cultavixI'm trying to get my intel 7260 wifi card working... im running ubuntu 14.1007:53
somsiptempl: best to ask support for what you need in this channel. Then you'll get good, relevant advice07:53
MarkusDB1somsip: yeah that is the irony, if you encrypt you are the master of your data. You might loose the drive, and the backup script might not have worked. And that guy with a mac, that doesn't care at all about security comes out as the winner, in front of your boss =)07:54
nomicwhy on xubuntu 14.04 does screen saver blanking kick in -- even though xset has it disabled even though light locker is disabled07:54
somsipMarkusDB1: like I say, I see too many people here who can't decrypt their drive after a problem and it doesn't work out well. Like you say - it is a matter of accepting responsibility07:55
templsomeone: what does go wrong?07:56
templsomsip: what can go wrog?07:56
MarkusDB1somsip: I encrypt, for the reason of carring password-less ssh keys around, mainly used for development.07:56
lonewohlf42my cpu has a usage pulse of up to 60% every 20 seconds. Does anyone know why?07:56
somsiptempl: no idea - I've never bothered with encryption. Search the logs if you want to07:56
cageIntuitively for me, ubuntu doesn't do that great of a job handling multiple instances of the same application (in x). Is there anything to make it for windows-like? :p07:57
somsipMarkusDB1: and you know the pros and cons. I believe there is something on the install that had Encrypt My Home ticked by default that was not perhaps the best thing to do. I forget really though07:57
MarkusDB1templ: basically cryptfs, is not for the faint of heart if you try to fix a failing harddrive or something like that. You need to understand linux filesystems, if you are going to do encryption correctly.07:58
templMarkusDB1: that's what I am worrying about07:58
MarkusDB1somsip: I don't actually like that "home folder" encryption, since it screws with ssh remote login. I use full disk encryption instead.07:59
templokay, well, I won't then07:59
somsipMarkusDB1: fair enough. Still something I know nothing about. I just issue the warning when users who seem less experienced seem keen on encrypting without understanding what it means.07:59
MarkusDB1somsip: Yeah I agree with you, I've spent a lot of time reading up on these issues over several years.08:00
MarkusDB1I believe, you need to run your own backup server, with all of what that means, to be able to run encryption in a good way.08:01
templsomsip: I know that I seem "lees experienced" but... well.. I'm not08:01
jkavalikjust updating mariadb 10.0.15 to 10.0.16 on ubuntu 12.04 and it hangs after "* Stopping MariaDB database server mysqld                               [ OK ]"08:01
somsipMarkusDB1: and I suppose in the current climate of backdoors and data grabbing, it's understandable that people think encryption is an easy solution. It seems to require experiencing and understanding, not just a jump on the badnwagon08:01
somsiptempl: please don't take it as a personal slight, please. If people are asking about 'shoul I encrypt' and it's not clear that they should, I just say what I said to you. That's all08:02
templsomsip: I do know that encryption serves me nothing on a running system... Why would that help me with backdoors? Nothing...08:02
jkavalikhm, solved itself after ~5 minutes..08:02
MarkusDB1somsip: well encryption is actually dead simple, which is what makes it hard. "You can only use your own hardware to encrypt and decrypt. With the use of your own secret keys."08:02
templMarkusDB1: why your own hardware?08:03
MarkusDB1somsip: every service and application that tries to make encryption easy fails.08:03
templMarkusDB1: that would (might) only apply when hardware encrypting08:03
MarkusDB1it applies all encryption08:03
somsipMarkusDB1: you clearly know more about this than me and I happily defer. But I'm going to back away from the OT discussion now and get back to work :)08:03
MarkusDB1somsip: lol, me too. Nice talking, good luck08:04
templ*mind blown*08:04
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MarkusDB1templ: sorry for blowing minds =)08:04
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templwhat exactly do you refer to as "same hardware"?08:04
MarkusDB1your own hardware. that you control08:05
templit's not, that one couldn't move encryption containers from drive to drive08:05
templand it would make no sense not to be able to08:05
MarkusDB1it can be several computers08:05
temploh well, that's self explanatory^^08:05
MarkusDB1but you need to own them. As soon as a cloud server of vps decrypts your stuff, they got your key in ram08:05
templI thought, you ment that the decryption could only take place on the hardware the encryption had taken place on08:06
templthat's why I would never do that08:06
MarkusDB1templ: ah sorry that is not what I meant.08:06
GradyMy unity is not loading after I log in, i hit ctrl alt f1, and try to log in.... It says "ghhofstetter login" and then i enter my password, then it says "password:" every combination of password and username i use to try and login it fails08:06
MarkusDB1templ: but for security you need to own all hardware.08:06
Gradyalso cannot boot safe options for some reason when I try to hold down shift08:06
templMarkusDB1: that's implied08:06
MarkusDB1templ: ah then we understand each other =)08:07
somsip!password | Grady (probably worth reading this first)08:07
ubottuGrady (probably worth reading this first): Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords08:07
TwistedCheshireSo kubuntu hates me, guess it's time to look at Mint.08:08
templMarkusDB1: btw. when connecting to Wifi WPA2, the key isn't set to the accesspoint in clear right?...08:09
cfhowlett!mint | TwistedCheshire,08:09
ubottuTwistedCheshire,: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:09
somsipTwistedCheshire: did you want to ask a support question, or just seek attention?08:09
Gradyubottu, I know my password and its strength, i have a problem loading unity and the troubleshooting I have found online is presenting its own problems...08:09
ubottuGrady: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:09
TwistedCheshireNot worried about that, and I know that, LOL. Not looking for help with that, and kubuntu channel is dead.08:09
somsipGrady: what you described sounded like a password issue, whether a real incorrect password, or something else. Can you describe the issue differently?08:09
MarkusDB1templ: I'm not too fluent in wifi security, that is a whole other discussion.08:10
MarkusDB1templ: Good luck with the security work, afk.08:10
templMarkusDB1: thanks, it just popped up^^ bye08:10
consolidatedGrady: You're entering your username first and then password right? dumb question i know but reading what you wrote it seems like you said you entered your password at the "login:" prompt08:12
=== zz_saschpe is now known as saschpe
Gradysomsip: My computer is not loading unity when I login (it logs in so password is correct), I read that you can open up terminal and try a few commands to try and restart unity, I cannot open up terminal with ctrl alt t.... so I also read that you can open up tty1 by pressing ctrl alt f1, this then goes into a full screen terminal looking thing and asks for me "GHHofstetter Login:" so I enter my password hit enter and then It pops up another line requesting p08:15
Gradyassword, so I tried it again, reponse was login failed and allowed me to retry, after multiple attempt of not putting anything on the GHHofstetter Login: hitting enter and then entering password, or retyping my username then password, everything fails... I KNOW my password is correct.... is there any way I can boot ubuntu in safe mode?08:15
=== zarthus-vps is now known as Weethus
consolidatedthat first line is for your username only.08:16
aeon-ltdGrady: you type your username first then08:16
consolidatedthe password line is for your password08:16
aeon-ltddamn beaten to it08:16
consolidatedit's important enough to say twice08:16
aeon-ltdconsolidated: you made an enemy today, from this day to the last day...08:17
Gradyconsolidated: Yes I have tried that, still login incorrect08:17
aeon-ltdGrady: your username may differ from your pc's name08:17
consolidatedGrady: you're sure you're using your username, not your "full name" or computer name08:17
Gradyi also make sure to know when to use capital letters08:17
consolidatedand now you beat me...08:18
=== shroud_ is now known as shroud
aeon-ltdGrady: i'm sorry but it's incredibly hard to believe the login function can't reference what you type to usernames stored on your pc08:19
Gradyis there anyway to safe start a PC and work around this?08:19
aeon-ltdconsolidated: well i guess we're no longer enemies08:19
aeon-ltdGrady: let's just go back to the first problem, no unity. when you log in what do you see?08:20
Gradyaeon: big old low res screen and an error pops up says system program problem detected08:21
Gradythen nothing08:22
aeon-ltdGrady: details of the error?08:22
Gradyaeon: no it just asks me if I want to report it, if i hit cancel nothing... if i hit report problem... still nothing08:23
aeon-ltdGrady: does it say something along the lines of 'it's running in low graphic mode'?08:23
Gradyaeon: no, just something along the lines of "you can report this problem" I cant do anything after that "not even right click, just move my mouse and hit ctrl at f108:25
ObrienDaveGrady, error reporting happens in the background after you press report. you don't usually see a response08:25
aeon-ltdGrady: if we could get the whole message we may be able to help more08:26
GradyTitle: System program problem detected, Sub text: do you want to report the problem now?, 2 questions: 1: cancel, 2 report problem....08:27
Gradythat is all there is08:27
aeon-ltd... that's incredibly vague, yeah we'll have to get you to log in and try to start unity from a terminal to see more08:29
aeon-ltdGrady: so you gotta find out what your username is08:29
aeon-ltdor we have to find out what happened immediately before this problem started to occur08:29
Gradyok, aeon you were right about my username it is actually Grady Hofstetter (now you guys know my name) but even when I throw that into tty1, it still says login incorrect08:30
Gradywhat happened immediatley is I used my computer with an hdmi cord, unplugged it.... and then shut it down, but I also installed updates earlier in the day...08:31
aeon-ltdGrady: then if the password is correct then the username isn't...08:32
Gradysrry, misclick... can you guys give me a link so I can upload pics to you?08:34
aeon-ltdGrady: if the updates caused this we can't get to work without a login. so we need you to log in as you or we have to work as root (not reccommended)08:34
Gradyaeon: see if I am doing anything wrong, btw thanks for you time: https://imgur.com/a/XXd9908:40
consolidatedGrady: Grady Hofstetter is your full name08:43
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
th3_mol3hey wonder if anyone can help me..08:43
consolidatedyour username is probably not that... do you remember what you set it to?08:43
Gradyconsolidated: I used both GHHofstetter and Grady Hofstetter, both dont work08:43
th3_mol3think I've done something rather silly and kinda messed up my Ubuntu08:44
aeon-ltdGrady: try grady08:44
Gradyaeon: mother of god, I feel stupid... that was it... no caps... wow.... ok what now?08:45
th3_mol3screw it think I'm gonna have to do a re-install08:45
th3_mol3silly Linux Format magazine and their messed up Ubuntu CD08:46
aeon-ltdGrady: now we try to start unity and monitor the messages you get in the terminal you just logged into08:46
Gradyaeon: usual text pops up but then it says "E: error: brokencount > Orun-parts: /etc/update-mord.d/90-updates-avalible exited with return code 22508:47
aeon-ltdGrady: wait unity started?08:47
Gradyaeon: no, do you have a command for unity start?08:48
Gradyi am still in this full screen terminal tty1 screen08:49
Gradyaeon: http://imgur.com/EHIRkNv08:50
aeon-ltdGrady: instead of gdm you may be using lightdm, i think that's the default (sorry not a current ubuntu user)08:52
Gradyaeon: as you could see the first command I put in was wrong, typing in stuff in before I ready what it did, but that command for simply unity is what gave me those results08:54
shambatwill an upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 break grub2?08:54
cfhowlettshambat, shouldn't08:54
shambatI see my VPS provider requires grub2 to be uninstalled nad replaced by grub when doing that upgrade08:55
shambatfound some bugs on launchpad about 13.10 to 14.04, but not sure if it's related08:56
=== pcupgrades is now known as `hypermist`
aeon-ltdGrady: did you try lightdm?09:00
dannymichelscp -r guy@guy.feralhosting.com:/media/dmv/dannymichel/private/rtorrent/data/In\ This\ Moment\ -\ Black\ Widow\ (2014)\ [FLAC] ~/Downloads/09:01
dannymichelam i supposed to escape the ()s somehow?09:01
dannymichel-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('09:01
Gradyaeon: yes, says only root can run lightdm, to run as reg user for testing use use it with test mode flag.... how do i do that>?09:02
`hypermist`will work right aeon-ltd  ?09:02
aeon-ltd`hypermist`: what?09:03
aeon-ltdGrady: run it as root09:03
onlaAnyone know what google keyword I should use to find good tutorial for setting up my ubuntu so that I can connect to it remotely with ssh?09:03
`hypermist`aeon-ltd, that was in respond to Grady09:03
`hypermist`Saying run it with sudo09:03
aeon-ltdah ok09:03
`hypermist`and asking you that would work ?09:03
Gradyhow do i run as root?, srry still kinda new to linux09:04
`hypermist`is it sudo -i ?09:04
`hypermist`to login to root09:04
`hypermist`or should you just do sudo ? aeil09:04
`hypermist`aeon-ltd, *09:04
aeon-ltdGrady: sudo like hyper mist said e.g. 'sudo nameofcommand'09:04
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Gradyaeon: I type in sudo lightdm, and get nothing09:07
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aeon-ltdGrady: no like you did with gdm, sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm09:07
Gradyaeon: ok i get {start|stop|restart|force-reload} and thats it09:09
aeon-ltduse start09:09
aeon-ltdor restart if it's running already09:10
Gradysame problem, no unity09:11
Gradyi have to go to bed, srry aeon... i try again tomorrow09:13
aeon-ltdGrady: ok, when you try tomorrow you need to go back to the terminal ctrl-alt-fwhatever then see in detail about the errors that come up. sorry we couldn't get this resolved today09:14
Gradythanks though! night!09:15
benjickso will ghost be patched in 12.04 soon? couldn't find anything on reddit09:17
i0d9i20is there a TuneIn Radio app or Music Player app for Ubuntu?09:18
ObrienDaveyes, that's available09:19
i0d9i20ObrienDave, i'm using it now, but i can't find TuneIn Radio on it09:19
ObrienDavethen try another player09:20
i0d9i20like which one09:20
ObrienDavepick one09:20
i0d9i20all the ones i tried so far don't have it heh09:20
i0d9i20maybe TuneIn is still kinda new for being in Ubuntu repos09:20
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r3n1c0nI need for school Cisco Packet stracer. It will install on ubuntu but for some reason i cannot start the app09:50
Stanley00r3n1c0n: try run it inside terminal and hope for some error messages.09:51
r3n1c0ni dont get error message09:51
r3n1c0nthats the prob XD09:51
r3n1c0nr3n1c0n@anonymous-HPNotebook-PC:~$ packettracer09:52
r3n1c0nStarting Packet Tracer 6.109:52
r3n1c0nand nothing happens09:52
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r3n1c0n-vv  option ant working either09:54
EriC^^r3n1c0n: you're trying to run a gui app from the terminal?09:55
Stanley00r3n1c0n: I'm out of idea now... sorry09:55
r3n1c0nEriC^^, yes09:55
EriC^^r3n1c0n: which app?09:55
r3n1c0nCisco Packet Tracer09:55
aaaaago to my tables, quickly09:55
EriC^^r3n1c0n: when you run it from the dash does it work?09:56
r3n1c0ni cant run it from dash.09:56
aaaaaStanley00, go to my table, quickly09:56
EriC^^why not?09:56
scalpohow to install ubuntu on a 8gb usb key on persistent mode, i want to save datas on the key, bookmark sites...09:56
Stanley00aaaaa: stop that, or I'll ignore you09:56
r3n1c0nIts a tar download. Did a make install. It only asked for a location to install to. I can see in that location it is unpacked09:57
aaaaaqua day nho` cai' ong noi09:57
EriC^^scalpo: use unetbootin for ubuntu, or lili for windows09:57
EriC^^r3n1c0n: maybe it needs arguments? type <program> --help09:58
r3n1c0nEriC^^, It only says starting program. It does not accept arguments09:58
scalpoEriC^^, unetbootin create with persstant mode?09:58
EriC^^scalpo: you can choose persistence at the bottom ( the size to give to persistence )09:59
skweekhard block rfkill? rfkill unblock all? or what else can  I try?10:01
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ObrienDavewrong room?10:03
r3n1c0nEriC^^, This is the run script http://pastebin.com/GvNFwhph10:03
scalpoEriC^^, what is "hd media" and "netinstall" please?10:03
r3n1c0nYes found the error10:04
r3n1c0nEriC^^, ./PacketTracer6: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:04
EriC^^scalpo: there's no hd media10:04
r3n1c0nthe dirs are there. Mayb some mistake in the startup script?10:06
EriC^^r3n1c0n: did you remove /dev/null ?10:06
r3n1c0nEriC^^, nope10:06
EriC^^r3n1c0n: how'd you see the error?10:07
EriC^^you ran the bin directly?10:07
r3n1c0ni sa it loads the other program in bin. When i try to load that prog i get this error10:07
r3n1c0nhi redhat10:07
The_Ball_ShedFirefox is crashing on launch, (segfault snd_pcm_hw_params_get_channels_max+0x1@plt () from /usr/lib/firefox/libxul.so) however the automatic crash reporter is not triggering, can I make that happen?10:07
The_Ball_ShedI've installed the debugging symbols ~240MiB and done a gdb backtrace10:08
EriC^^r3n1c0n: modify the script instead, remove > /dev/null 2>&110:08
EriC^^put a "#" before > /dev/null ....10:08
r3n1c0nright to exlude it10:09
ObrienDaveThe_Ball_Shed, purge firefox and reinstall10:10
ra0specimenI'm running ubuntu kylin haha so asiany. Can I have 2 different wallpapers in Unity?10:12
r3n1c0nEriC^^, Ye the file it is trying to load is missing in lib O_O10:13
The_Ball_ShedObrienDave, mv .mozilla/ .mozilla.old, still getting this traceback: http://pastebin.com/pbaJ4QkT10:13
EriC^^which file10:13
EriC^^r3n1c0n: if it has a README check what the dependencies are10:14
ObrienDaveThe_Ball_Shed, purge firefox and reinstall10:14
The_Ball_ShedObrienDave, isn't all Firefox data in ~/.mozilla?10:15
ObrienDavei don't know10:15
The_Ball_ShedObrienDave, do you mean apt-get remove --purge?10:15
ObrienDaveapt-get purge firefox10:16
The_Ball_ShedObrienDave, aha, ok I'll try that10:16
hkeideDoes anyone know if 13.10 is affected by the glibc vulnerability? It's not listed here, presumably since it's not LTS: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2015/CVE-2015-0235.html10:18
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-0235)10:18
DJoneshkeide: It probably isn't mentioned becuase 13.10 is end of life & unsupported, so wouldn't be getting a fix anyway10:20
DJoneshkeide: 13.10 became end of life in July 201410:21
The_Ball_ShedObrienDave, purging worked10:22
hkeideDJones: I guess I can just compile and run the test program to see if it's vulnerable10:25
hkeideThe test code says that 13.10 is not vulnerable10:28
k1lhkeide: 13.10 doesnt get any security updates anymore. so there is a lot of security wholes already. upgrade to 14.04 asap if you are curious about security issues10:29
i0d9i20what is a good video editor like iMovie and Windows Movie Maker?10:38
yassineslt a tous10:38
EriC^^!fr | yassine10:38
ubottuyassine: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:38
i0d9i20something user friendly but feature rich and powerful?10:39
EriC^^i0d9i20: openshot10:39
ishwaryahow to check the data received in serial port10:39
i0d9i20EriC^^, okay i'll check it out, anything else?10:40
yassineWelcome my friends to help me solve the problem10:40
i0d9i20salut mon ami10:41
yassine<i0d9i20>  slt10:41
EriC^^i0d9i20: apt-cache search video editor, shows kdenlive ... don't know anything about it though10:41
yassinehow to install jdk-8u31-linux-i586.tar.gz in kali linux10:43
yassinestep by step I new10:44
k1lyassine: see the kali support for questions about kali please.10:44
k1l!kali | yassine10:44
ubottuyassine: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)10:44
yassineok thnx10:44
k1lyassine: kali got nothing to do with ubuntu.10:45
yassineIs there a room like this in French؟10:46
k1lyassine: ask the kali support if they have a french room10:46
Fuchsyassine: yes, #kali-fr10:46
Fuchsyassine: for future reference: you can search for channels with alis, see /msg alis help list. /msg alis list *searchterm* looks for channel names containing searchterm. /msg alis list * -topic *searchterm* looks for channel topics containing searchterm.10:47
yassineok merci tout le monde10:48
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yassineEmpathy no open !11:00
yassinewat is the port of channel #kali-linux !!!!11:05
cfhowlett!kali | yassine11:05
ubottuyassine: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)11:05
mgedminsuggestions for scheduling an overnight reboot for a bunch of ubuntu servers?11:06
dupingpingjust a question11:07
dupingpingwho can help me?11:07
yassine<dupingping> me11:07
demand1that was the question11:07
cfhowlett!ask | dupingping11:07
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ubottudupingping: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:08
dupingpingyes, How to get modem device nodes' list connected to my computer?11:08
dupingpingyes, How to get modem device nodes' list connected to my computer?11:08
MariusKarthausHi, i'm on an ubuntu precise server and I'm having issues with the ssl system not trusting a lot of sites. (for instance GET https://registry.npmjs.org/ fails with LWP::Protocol::https::Socket: SSL connect attempt failed with unknown errorerror:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed). I've googled around and tried a lot of fixes (like a sync of /etc/ssl/certs and /usr/share/ca-certificates11:14
MariusKarthausfollowed by running update-ca-certificates --fresh) but I'm still unable to resolve this issue. Any hints?11:14
MariusKarthaus* sync from a trusty server where the certs do work11:15
TJ-MariusKarthaus: Have you diagnosed with "openssl s_client" ?11:17
MariusKarthausTj yes. I'm getting the exact same certificate back fron the server on both my local machine (trusty) and the server (precise). The only difference I see is the protocol used: TLSv1.1/ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA on the server and   TLSv1.2/ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 on my local system11:20
* mgedmin goes with 'screen sudo shutdown -r 03:00' followed by ^a d11:20
TJ-MariusKarthaus: Looking at the response, it may be the missing cert is ""11:23
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TJ-MariusKarthaus: Looking at the response, it may be the missing cert is "DigiCert High Assurance CA-3"11:23
MariusKarthaushmm seems like the system is not using /etc/ssl/certs as the default CApath11:23
MariusKarthausopenssl s_client -CApath /etc/ssl/certs -connect registry.npmjs.org:443 <-- this works and gives an OK11:23
MariusKarthausopenssl s_client -connect registry.npmjs.org:443 <--- this fails11:24
MariusKarthaushmm no that fails on the trusty too so that is not it11:24
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TJ-MariusKarthaus: What local TLS client is making the outbound connection? Is it configured to use the certificate store?11:25
mgedminMariusKarthaus, npm used to rely on a self-signed cert shipped with the npm binary11:26
mgedminMariusKarthaus, workaround: "echo ca = > ~/.npmrc"11:27
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BluesKajHiyas all11:27
mgedminMariusKarthaus, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/npm/+bug/127192911:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1271929 in npm (Ubuntu) "NPM fails to install any package" [Medium,Triaged]11:27
courttvmgedmin: seems more like a failure not a bug.11:28
MariusKarthausmgedmin: yes I've updated npm to newest version. I'm not only getting this from within npm. Also GET and wget  fail. So it seems to be a system-wide problem11:29
mgedminah, hm, ok, that's something else then11:29
MariusKarthausTJ-: I'm unsure that you mean by local TLS client. But I'm unable to connect to certain SSL sites like https://registry.npmjs.org from several tools  like npm, wget and GET11:30
TJ-MariusKarthaus: That's what I meant - the programs you're using11:30
MariusKarthausTJ-:  for instance wget is giving me this error: ERROR: no certificate subject alternative name matches11:31
yassinewath is the name of room ubuntu Fr!!!!11:32
paulltkHello, i dual booted my pc yesterday, but now my pc is overheating the entire time while using Ubuntu, even when i do nothing. I never had this while using windows. Does anyone know why this happens?11:32
TJ-MariusKarthaus: Using 'wget'  I see "ERROR: no certificate subject alternative name matches"11:32
DJonesyassine: #ubuntu-fr11:33
k1l!fr | yassine but keep in mind its not kali support there, too11:33
ubottuyassine but keep in mind its not kali support there, too: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:33
TJ-MariusKarthaus: and that because the server returns "a.sni.fastly.net"11:33
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MariusKarthausTJ-: yes wget is having issues with that on my trusty too. But GET https://registry.npmjs.org does work. And also browsers (chrome, firefox etc are telling me that this is ok)11:35
paulltk(paulltk) Hello, i dual booted my pc yesterday, but now my pc is overheating the entire time while using Ubuntu, even when i do nothing. I never had this while using windows. Does anyone know why this happens?11:35
mjaykanyone know how to deal with fullscreen steam games with multipul screens wrt the mouse being limited to the gaming screen.11:36
mjaykpaulltk: what part of your pc is overheating11:36
mgedminpaulltk, launch system monitor and look for applications that are using your CPU unnecessarily11:36
mgedminan idle machine ought to be at <5% constant cpu usage11:36
^DesertRabbit^set up dns with /etc/hosts ^^ ;)11:36
^DesertRabbit^plumb that host file11:37
paulltkMjayk, i dont know but the whole bottom of the pc is overheating and the cooler is onthe entire time11:37
^DesertRabbit^Install a robot IP appliance in it's head.11:37
mjaykpaulltk: can you install something like psensor11:38
mjaykpaulltk: that will give you temps from individual components hdd cpu etc11:38
TJ-MariusKarthaus: I also see: "LWP::Protocol::https::Socket: SSL connect attempt failed with unknown errorerror:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed at /usr/share/perl5/LWP/Protocol/http.pm line 51."11:38
MariusKarthausTJ-: yes, on this precise server that is my error. But on my trusty it is all ok11:39
paulltkMjayk, ok, it might take a while because i don't know my way in ubuntu, but i try. Besides, when i turn my pc on, the cooler immediately starts cooling on highest level11:40
mjaykpaulltk: in terminal type sudo apt-get install psensor11:40
^DesertRabbit^Debian does that on my G4 iBook11:40
^DesertRabbit^It's ACPI tables yo11:41
^DesertRabbit^The heat11:41
TJ-MariusKarthaus: same here; although shasum of both Digicert certificates in /etc/ssl/certs/ are the same on 12.04 and 14.0411:41
^DesertRabbit^Coreboot should be a depencendy of GNU/Linux11:42
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^DesertRabbit^The ugly thing that's actually engineered quicker and as fast as <.< >.>11:44
^DesertRabbit^What make of computer is the heat problem related to?11:44
MagePsychoserver monitoring tool? which one you guys recommend?11:45
TJ-MariusKarthaus: The issue would seem to be SNI11:45
hateballMagePsycho: what do you need to monitor, how many, and what OS's etc? Do you need to monitor other devices also?11:45
MagePsychohateball: server status, logs, etc11:45
hateballMagePsycho: anyhow, Nagios is tried and tested (we're using Opsview thats based on it) and there is Zabbix and PandoraFMS and so on11:46
MagePsychohateball: bash based or web based11:46
hateballMagePsycho: they all have web frontends11:46
pgx13https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/BeeR1jdSrOiHDl3sbcGg  Has anyone idea how to solve this? It's driving me crazy... I got this after editing the menu with menulibre, I restored the original settings and... puff double icons11:47
^DesertRabbit^Spit up the details. He needs software :)11:48
MariusKarthausTJ-: SNI?11:48
MariusKarthauscd ..11:48
dupingpinghow can i get modem list in my computer?11:49
paulltkMjayk, i just started mij laptop, it isn't overheating yet, i tell you when i know what parts are overheating11:49
TJ-MariusKarthaus: Server Name Indication, the virtual host support in TLS11:49
MariusKarthausTJ-: you mean "registry.npmjs.org is an alias for a.sni.fastly.net."11:50
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MariusKarthausTJ-:  that *should* not be a problem. At least only precise seems to believe that that is a problem11:50
TJ-MariusKarthaus: Yes. The subject name in that cert doesn't even map to a valid hostname. I suspect the client side on 12.04 might not be sending the SNI record so the server returns its default. It's a guess though, not proved :)11:51
dupingpingthat's great Dock in Ubuntu11:51
dupingpingI'm developing it.11:51
TJ-MariusKarthaus: I get the correct cert from the server, but still a verify failed, using "openssl s_client -servername registry.npmjs.org -connect registry.npmjs.org:443"11:52
paulltkMjayk, temp1 and temp1 are getting hot, do yiu know what parts that are11:53
mssparkleOh man I'm flat broke Watson.11:53
mssparkleThat link was an exe file bro11:53
MariusKarthausTJ-: try openssl s_client -CApath /etc/ssl/certs -servername registry.npmjs.org -connect registry.npmjs.org:44311:54
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TJ-MariusKarthaus: haha yeah, that would help :)11:55
pgx13https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/BeeR1jdSrOiHDl3sbcGg  Has anyone idea how to solve this? It's driving me crazy... I got this after editing the menu with menulibre, I restored the original settings and... puff double icons11:55
paulltk(paulltk) Hello, i dual booted my pc yesterday, but now my pc is overheating the entire time while using Ubuntu, even when i do nothing. I never had this while using windows. Does anyone know why this happens?12:00
azi`I made a shortcut ctrl+g to execute gnome-terminal12:04
azi`but this never happens12:04
azi`is there a log file I could check for what is going on?12:04
bazhangazi`, whats wrong with ctrl alt T12:04
azi`bazhang: i am used to this12:05
bazhangazi`, perhaps its mapped to something else already12:06
azi`bazhang: i am not sure, it worked until i installed terminator and now it does not anymore12:07
azi`bazhang: so i'd like to see if there is any gnome log or something12:08
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TJ-MariusKarthaus: Regarding "/usr/bin/GET": on 12.04 IO::Socket::SSL.pm doesn't support SNI, whereas on 14.04 it does (see /usr/share/perl5/IO/Socket/SSL.pm)12:18
flux242is kernel version for vidid already fixed?12:22
cfhowlett!vivid | flux24212:23
ubottuflux242: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142512:23
k1lflux242: we have #ubuntu+1 for vivid questions and kernel freeze is about beginning of april12:24
pgx13https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/BeeR1jdSrOiHDl3sbcGg Has anyone idea how to solve this? It's driving me crazy... I got this after editing the menu with menulibre, I restored the original settings and... puff double icons12:24
k1lpgx13: what desktop is this? look out where the menu is stored and see if its dublicated there12:25
tubeamphi! ubuntu 14.04 here.  the user is logged in and its applications are (still) running, but unity/compiz crashed and i cannot see panels or application windows (except for skype & pidgin)12:28
waxYep salut12:28
tubeampfrom tty, i tried to restart compiz and unity, to no avail12:28
tubeampDISPLAY=:0 compiz --replace    and unity --replace   and   setsid unity --replace12:29
tubeampthe last leads to new empty panels and a new dock appearing12:29
tubeamp+ alt-tab working again (with mentioned 3 windows), but not other shortcuts like strg+alt+T12:29
tubeampany help?12:30
tubeampi really don't want to kill the user session (lightdm / upstart are still running), to not lose the applications' state12:31
notzehey guys on ubuntu serveer 13.04 on apt-get update i get : 404  Not Found [IP: 2001:67c:1360:8c01::19 80]   wehat can i do to fix this isssue?12:35
cfhowlett!13.04 | notze,12:36
ubottunotze,: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring12:36
cfhowlettnotze, it's been dead ... for a YEAR!12:36
geirhacorrection, a year and a day12:37
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cfhowlettgeirha, yep.  you must be in my neighborhood of the world!12:37
notzecfhowlett, yes great :d is it save to do this upgrade on server?12:37
k1lnotze: update to 13.10 then 14.04 asap!12:37
notzeif you say yes i execute now : do-release-upgrade12:38
k1lnotze: your server is not safe at all now since you dont get any security upgrades. so you should have planned to stay on LTS from the beginning if you dont want to upgrade a long time12:38
EriC^^!eolupgrades | notze12:38
ubottunotze: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:38
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | notze, not going to be that easy12:38
ubottunotze, not going to be that easy: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:38
EriC^^i think it's slightly more involved than that12:38
k1lof course you need backups! the upgrades are automatic tested but we dont know what you changed to your syste,12:39
notzecfhowlett, so shall i execute this command now :D12:39
cfhowlettnotze, OR  you could .torrent 14.04.1 and clean install.  easier IMHO but your choice12:40
hs366Hi, quick question : I'm trying to use create a container from Remote API in ruby for my application but i can't get the result . could someone help me with the code plzz!!! (here is my pastebin.com/MyERVXRe)12:41
cfhowletths366, ask #ruby for help12:42
notzecfhowlett, im planing to do the updatze this way: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SaucyUpgrades12:42
kiorkyhello, im searching if someone had some updated libc* package to mitigate CVE-2015-0235 on ubuntu raring.12:42
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-0235)12:42
hs366cfhowlett, but it's not only ruby, it maybe i had some mistake to implement my API12:43
cfhowlettnotze, and then you need to upgrade AGAIN because 13.10 is ALSO unsupported.  14.04 is supported.12:43
kiorkycfhowlett: upgrade is not always an option :)12:44
cfhowlettkiorky, better option than running unsupported and without security, but that's just, like, my opinion, man.12:44
kiorkycfhowlett: when you inherit crappy servers, which are difficult to upgrade, you do not have always the timeline to migrate them in a reasonable time.12:46
kiorkycfhowlett: alhtough i totally agree that it is a shame to keep un supported releases running.12:46
cfhowlettkiorky, fair statement.12:46
kiorkycfhowlett: so for exemple, here, im looking to upgrade one of those ;), which is on raring actually.12:47
=== BlackVenom|Away is now known as BlackVenom
cfhowlettkiorky, ouch!12:47
kiorkycfhowlett: and was wondering if the security team would not publish even not officials debs for raring12:47
bananamanjoecould someone help me with a simple problem? i want to set a static ip on my ubuntu server that´s running on vmware. but i get this:http://puu.sh/f8NK1/a635b91f47.png & http://puu.sh/f8NMx/6d77cc186c.png12:48
kiorkycfhowlett: which would prevent me from production the debs myself :D12:48
=== mihai is now known as Guest2323
k1lkiorky: if you run the regular updates you already have the patch for that cve12:49
kiorkyk1l: raring12:49
EriC^^k1l: it's for 12.04 only right? ( the vulnerability )12:49
kiorkyEriC^^: yep, lts only12:49
k1lkiorky: and talking about raring and security is just stupid. its eol. so you are on your own there12:50
kiorkyso 10.4 12.412:50
slim5yo yo12:50
kiorkyk1l: did you even read what i wrote :)12:50
k1lEriC^^: 10.04 and 12.04. but its already fixed in the repos12:50
slim5Hey yo guys, I am new here, and I want to get started with contributing to ubuntu12:50
EriC^^k1l: so someone with raring that used to update as normal isn't affected right?12:50
kiorkyk1l: yep, i know, but with this critical bug, i would hope someting has been done, even for unsupported releases.12:51
cfhowlett!contribute | slim512:51
ubottuslim5: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu12:51
k1lkiorky: "you are on your own there". the scurity team cant support all old releases.12:51
kiorkyk1l: totally understable.12:51
k1lEriC^^: someone with raring got a ton of security issues anyway12:51
EriC^^k1l: hehe, oh ok12:51
kiorkyk1l: was just asking if there were some unofficials debs around.12:51
k1lkiorky: i dont think so. and good luck with that fulltime job fixing all security issues on your own there. the glibc issue is not the only one recently. :/12:52
tomodachikiorky: if you really careda about your security, you would probably upgrade, and also not ask for unofficial *not trusted 3dparty* fixes for security issues12:53
kiorkyk1l: i have hard time which some servers on all our farms, believe me12:53
kiorkyk1l: previous sysadmin was ... "manual"12:53
tomodachisounds unfortunate, but you need to change things to stay a head of things like this12:53
kiorkytomodachi: i know, we are already in a migration plan12:54
kiorkytomodachi: but i need to migrate _all_ our infra12:54
kiorkythat server was not in the top priority ones.12:54
kiorkyk1l: tomodachi: sorry to bother you folks, i will just return to try a fix plan myself ;)12:54
Priceykiorky: Heh... out of support a year ago? You've got more to worry about than this one...12:54
kiorkyPricey: i did fix others things manually already ;)12:55
tomodachikiorky: np , good luck, hope you manage to get on top of things12:55
kiorkyPricey: tomodachi k1l well for that serv, fuck, just thrown do-release-upgrade.12:57
kalibHello guys, just configured a new printer (fuji xerox) on ubuntu 14.04, but when I do try to print something (no matter what) I do always receive the same print: Memory Size: 10 MB - It is too small memory size for PS to work13:01
kalibAnything I should do?13:01
MonkeyDustand what's PS?13:03
TJ-kalib: PS = PostScript, a common printer language13:03
TJ-kalib: The report suggests the printer had insufficient RAM to support the Postscript files being sent to it13:04
kalibTJ-, anything I should try?13:05
TJ-kalib: confirm the message is correct - the printer might have more RAM and you may be able to configure that in the driver. Check whether there are alternative (CUPS) drivers available for that model13:05
MonkeyDust!cups | kalib13:06
ubottukalib: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu13:06
kalibTJ-, I´ll check it on cups13:07
=== zz_saschpe is now known as saschpe
hs366short Q: in tail command (tail -f /var/log/application.log & ) what & do exactly ?13:09
MonkeyDusths366  & daemonizes a command, sends it to background13:10
hs366MonkeyDust, thx !!13:10
=== l0cust is now known as Guest42876
hs366MonkeyDust, how can i un-daemonize my tail command back to normal execution ?13:40
hs366every time i execute the command to i get the info from tail command13:40
mgedminhs366, fg13:42
mgedminputs the most recently backgrounded program into the foreground13:42
mgedmin(if you backgrounded more than once, use 'jobs' to list them, find the number you want (say, 4), and then "fg 4" to foreground it)13:43
taskenhello all i have a  problem on parole media player, subtitles are really choppy13:49
rmzelnickhi everyone I got xubuntu 14.04 LTS here14:01
rmzelnickI'm having trouble with security.ubuntu.com14:01
rmzelnickafter I run apt-get update it says that it is connecting to security.ubuntu.com (100%)14:01
rmzelnickbut it seems to be stucck14:01
cfhowlettrmzelnick, try changing your mirror14:02
rmzelnickcfhowlett: I did change my mirror14:02
rmzelnickbut how can I change from security.ubuntu.com????14:02
cfhowlettrmzelnick, these errors tend to sort themselves given time.14:03
jattyou can use any archive mirror instead of security.ubuntu.com14:04
=== Guest482 is now known as daynaskully
knownasilyahello all! I have an issue where I want to start a node server, but it says the address is already used.14:10
=== BlackVenom is now known as BlackVenom|Away
Darknetknownasilya, can you ping the address?14:12
Darknetif yes, do you get a reply?14:12
knownasilyaDarknet: ah, I found it in netstat, it was under not
knownasilyaDarknet: for some reason `sudo netstat -tapen | grep ":8000 "` didn't pick up the address..14:14
corentinis there some mips compiler available for ubuntu?14:17
corentinso I can cross-compile mips binary from x86 box14:17
fattaneh1hi all, I have an proxy tunneling software(freedom) in my host machine, I have an ubuntu os in virtual box. then i want to connect to the internet via that proxy but it didnt work14:18
JoelIs there a page detailing ubuntu and the glibc vulnerability?14:20
fattaneh1hi all, I have an proxy tunneling software(your freedom) in my host machine, I have an ubuntu os in virtual box. then i want to connect to the internet via that proxy but it didnt work14:21
=== attila is now known as Guest32371
=== Guest32371 is now known as amcsi_work
dsirijushey, i'm getting on ubuntu 14.10 server remote login always this line, times two:14:23
needhelpHi everybody, after an update yesterday I can't get my ubuntu to work anymore. It keeps putting me in "low-graphics mode". I have tried a bunch of things to fix it but nothing is working. I reinstalled fglrx from repo and amd website, reinstalled gdm removed fglrx for xorg driver updated to 3.16.0-29 but nothing is working. I really need some help so I can get to work! (I tried #ubuntu-gnome but nobody is answering, also don't susp14:24
dsirijusCould not load list of meta packages: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory14:24
dsirijusthere's plenty of memory, however14:24
dsirijusit's just the message whe logging in14:24
=== Kira is now known as Guest18696
fattaneh1hi all, I have an proxy tunneling software(freedom) in my host machine, I have an ubuntu os in virtual box. then i want to connect to the internet via that proxy but it didnt work14:27
foo357Hello, I've got a 3-button mouse (left, right and wheel). The third button/wheel isn't detected. Is there some way I can emulate the third button and/or scroll?14:27
cfhowlettfoo357, try simultaneous RL buttons14:28
kevindeIs it possible to decrypt the has in /etc/shadow? As I have to take a screenshot for my teacher and don't want him to be able to decrypt it and get my password14:38
jatt/etc/shadow is not visible for everyone for a reason14:39
EriC^^kevinde: decrypt, no, but he can find it using oclhashcat and any other tool14:39
EriC^^kevinde: ( if he cared that much )14:39
kevindeGuess i'll make my terminal abit smaller so he can't see the full has string :)14:39
beachbuddahcan shoot teacher after giving screenshot?14:39
kevindeI doubt it, but still I don't like taking risks :D14:40
jattobscure the hashes in the image14:40
fattaneh1hi all, I have an proxy tunneling software(your freedom) in my host machine, I have an ubuntu os in virtual box. then i want to connect to the internet via that proxy but it didnt work14:41
hfoaA question, can I install linux on the same HD as windows and then delete it after without it messing up my windows?14:42
jattuse a live cd14:42
EriC^^hfoa: you will have to write the windows mbr after you remove linux14:42
beachbuddahGM from NYC, all - installed Thunderbird under Ubuntu, did a very bad job of backing up.  Tried to remove Tbird and reinstall but continually get the msg (x3):  Cannot load profile...help? have tried sudo: clean. autoclean, purge, remove and update14:43
EriC^^hfoa: also, the recovery might not work anymore, so make recovery disks first.14:43
geniihfoa: Just back up your mbr first with dd to a file so you can restore it to windows only boot without needing to mess with windows install dvd or fixmbr, etc14:43
cfhowletthfoa, first option "guarantee": live USB.  second option: install virtualbox to windows.  install ubuntu to virtualbox14:43
EriC^^genii: +114:43
beachbuddahhfoa: must you install or can you use a live CD/USB as an option?14:44
hfoaYs I have virtualbox and vmware but I am sure that the performance is not going to be the same as running it on a standalone session?14:44
=== Germanaso is now known as Germanaz0
hfoaI would like to install because I want to see the speed14:45
EriC^^hfoa: live usb should show the performance i guess14:45
darisohello everyone, I have a lenovo r400 with 14.04.1. on it. for the last one month it began to slow down when I have multiple programs open. I've been using gimp and often got a message saying that it couldnt allocate memory when I had many images open. does all this signify insufficient or ailing RAM? or can it be another problem?14:45
loahello, how i can disable autolock under lxde? i tried to switch it off in locking settuing but have no luck.14:46
jatthow much ram do you have?14:46
hfoaLiveUSB works, its quicker than LiveCD but still not as fast as HD14:46
k1lbeachbuddah: rename the profile folder in your home14:46
beachbuddahEric:  I think (am not so good at that, though) that performance might depend on USB 2.0 vs 3.0 txfr rate...yes?  no?14:46
beachbuddahk1l: TY - rename to anything in particular or just something I will know is that?14:47
eightyei1hti download opal coinwallet and it asks me to save rpc usernam and password in opalcoin.conf, and I did that but when i ran opalcoind it just asked me the same thing again. what did i do, wrong14:47
k1lbeachbuddah: just to test if its the cause. if not you can rename it afterwards14:48
beachbuddahok - will try and report back if it doesn't work.  Thanks14:48
EriC^^beachbuddah: i guess so14:48
hs366MonkeyDust, thx!14:50
eightyei1htwhich irc am i on14:51
k1l!topic | eightyei1ht14:52
ubottueightyei1ht: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:52
bhaveshIs pgp pre-installed in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?14:53
eightyei1hthow to scrol up in irssi14:53
Picieightyei1ht: page up.  This is #ubuntu14:54
hosis there a way to install flgrx to my ATI  547014:57
cfhowletthos, yep.  it's in the vesa-tools package IIRC14:58
cfhowletthos, sudo apt-get install fglrx-installer14:59
bhaveshHow do I find out if a package ships with a particular Ubuntu version?15:03
cfhowlettbhavesh, !info packagename distroversion15:03
bhavesh!info gpg 12.0415:03
ubottu'12.04' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed15:03
somsip!info gpg precise | bhavesh15:04
bhavesh!info gpg trusty15:04
bhaveshoh, its precise.15:04
Priceybhavesh: packages.ubuntu.com is also good. And yes... gpg is definitely in there.15:04
ubottubhavesh: Package gpg does not exist in precise15:04
somsip!find gpg precise15:04
ubottuPackage gpg does not exist in trusty15:04
bhaveshOh, so it does not exist.15:04
ubottuFound: gpgsm, gpgv, kgpg, libgpg-error-dev, libgpg-error0, libgpgme++2, libgpgme11, libgpgme11-dev, libqgpgme1, libcrypt-gpg-perl (and 8 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gpg&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all15:04
somsipbhavesh: and go from there15:04
=== dariso is now known as hominidae
hominidaehello everyone, I have a lenovo r400 with 14.04.1. on it. for the last one month it began to slow down when I have multiple programs open. I've been using gimp and often got a message saying that it couldnt allocate memory when I had many images open. does all this signify insufficient or ailing RAM? or can it be another problem?15:06
jatthow much ram do you have?15:09
hominidaejatt, 1,9GB15:09
jhutchins_wkhominidae: You can use programs like free, top, memtest, and ps to see what programs are using how much RAM.  memtest86 can actually test the ram, but it needs to run for a fairly long time for an accurate test.15:09
jatti would say that's a little bit low15:09
jhutchins_wkhominidae: THat's not a lot of RAM for editing lots of images in GIMP, especially if they are large images. How much swap do you have?15:10
jattput more ram on your machine15:10
daftykinshominidae: 2GB and 14.04.1 64-bit with unity?15:10
hominidaejhutchins_wk, I'd used memtest, but as you say, it is a bit of lengthy process. can any of the others you named indicate any possible error or dysfunction?15:10
hominidaedaftykins, correct15:11
jattfor lots of image editing 2GB are insufficient15:11
daftykinshominidae: ok, 2GB is horrible for running 64-bit and dealing with images, plus using unity. this thing sounds a bit older then?15:11
=== Guest83965 is now known as IvoX
daftykinshominidae: it's probably dipping into swap a lot and using the hard disk. open the terminal and run this: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "free -m | pastebinit" and share the link here15:12
hominidaeI can maybe add that 'cant allocate memory' message came only at the referred gimp sessions. but aside from that, it temporarily freezes with, say, 5-10 programs open at a time.15:12
=== corey84-- is now known as Corey84
jattbuy more ram and install it on your machine15:12
hominidaedaftykins, yes, it is an old machine, I think 2008.15:12
jattor buy a new machine15:12
leeyaawhere does update-rc.d store information about services15:13
leeyaai would like to add the file/dir to svn15:13
daftykinshominidae: sounds like it could be a system using DDR2 then, so buying more RAM would likely be at a nasty premium due to the age of the thing15:13
hominidaejhutchins_wk, the swap space is 2GB for a 100GB partition15:14
mysupperAnybody running NAS functiong as Dnla server using ubunu?15:14
hominidaedaftykins, no, it is DDR315:14
mysupperI have toshiba 128M cache 4T HDD and I want to make a home server running dnla server.15:15
jattstill 2GB is what most (old) phones have. update your hardware15:15
daftykinshominidae: so are you going to run those commands?15:16
hominidaedaftykins, this is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9918825/15:16
hominidaejatt, if I make sure this is the cause of the problem, sure I will add more ram15:16
daftykinshominidae: oh wow you don't have a swap file, no wonder it grinds to a halt. that's been installed wrong15:16
=== BlackVenom|Away is now known as BlackVenom
jattit's 100% the cause of the problem15:17
hominidaedaftykins, I have a 2GB swap space??15:17
daftykinsnot according to that15:17
daftykinshominidae: "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"15:17
hominidaedaftykins, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9918850/15:18
arthur__Hi! I've got a problem where my DELETE key enables touchad. arrow DOWN disables touchpad, LEFT works as it should and UP don't do anything. I have no idea what caused this problem. How can i solve it?15:18
arthur__also RIGHT arrow doesn't do anything15:19
leeyaawhere does update-rc.d store information about services (within files)15:19
daftykinshominidae: and "mount | pastebinit" please15:19
hominidaedaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9918879/15:20
leeyaajatt: i have only rc.local15:20
leeyaaah you mean rc0 etc15:21
hominidaeactually the machine, though old, functioned quite well, aside from this problem15:22
daftykinshominidae: oh encryption with LVM perhaps, ugh. perhaps a screenshot of gparted would make more sense15:22
hominidaedaftykins, sure. I'm getting it15:22
leeyaathanks jatt15:22
daftykinsif swap is encrypted i don't know if that stops free -m reporting having swap, but i don't see one15:22
daftykinsi do however see partitions that don't seem to be used 0o15:23
IvoXI there is a way to turning of the vibration on the nexus 4? (not the keyboard vibration)15:23
cfhowlettIvoX, check your channel ... nexus this is not15:24
=== BlackVenom is now known as BlackVenom|Away
daftykins!touch | IvoX phones aren't supported in this channel15:25
ubottuIvoX phones aren't supported in this channel: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch15:25
hominidaedaftykins, I used no encryption for swap (is it possible to do?)..and yes, there is unused space on disk.15:26
daftykinsi don't know anything about encryption15:26
daftykinsonly that most users using it come in here and have a cry from time to time when it breaks :)15:26
hominidaeor when it cannot be opened, maybe :)15:27
hominidaetrue story15:27
daftykinsmaybe sda5 is swap15:28
hominidaeyes, it is15:28
hominidaeat least I allocated it so15:28
daftykinsbut it's odd that 'free -m' said there's none15:28
daftykinsmaybe it's not turned on15:28
daftykinsif you right click it in gparted, it should offer to turn off or on15:28
hominidaeit is shown as swap space in disk utility, too15:29
daftykinsturned on though? :)15:29
hominidaedaftykins, this is the gparted image:  http://picpaste.com/39a7864ca53de6c00d6db518acb2ae5e.png15:30
daftykinsthat's umm... a very strangely laid out disk15:30
daftykinsso i would either reinstall with 32-bit and pick something lighter like xubuntu, or double that RAM to 4GB at least15:32
daftykinsbut that disk is messy as all hell... i'd backup and do a lovely clean install15:32
hominidaeI dont find a turn on/off when I right click on swap block in gparted, though15:32
daftykinsnah you can tell it doesn't even know what the partition is15:32
daftykinsso perhaps it's encrypted15:32
jattor buy a new machine15:32
hominidaejatt, the machine is else good enough if this whole thing can be fixed with a 4GB ram15:33
daftykinsyeah jatt is giving terrible advice :P15:33
hominidaea pc-manufacturer representative :-)15:34
jattI'm just saying 2GB is not enough for heavy image editing, that's all :)15:34
daftykinswell no, the new machine comment... but nevermind15:34
hominidaesure, I just wanted to get your opinion whether this is really the problem /solution15:34
daftykinshominidae: see if running 'sudo swapon' does anything first15:35
daftykinsmaybe errors15:35
daftykinsoh it seems a bit more involved than that15:35
daftykinscreative0_: hi. got a support question?15:36
creative0_how to use android apps on ubuntu15:36
daftykinsthat is not supported15:36
hominidaedaftykins, when I do swapon I get a help text15:36
creative0_so can15:37
hominidaedaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9919071/15:37
creative0_we use apps of android on linux or not..?15:37
daftykinscreative0_: no, like i said15:37
jattyou can run them with an emulator15:38
creative0_so can we eatch live tv on linux15:38
creative0_\any apps15:38
daftykinshominidae: yeah nevermind, i don't know how to do it with encryption15:38
cfhowlettcreative0_, "maybe"15:38
daftykinstrying to watch live TV on ubuntu by running an android app is possibly the worst idea i've heard this week :)15:38
creative0_no can we watch live tv on linux15:39
hominidaedaftykins, about the clean install..what's so horrible about the layout of the disk? does it relate more to the actual problem than the RAM space?15:39
OerHekscreative0_, silly, running android apps on ubuntu, but some tried http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/install-android-apps-ubuntu-archon but carefull, this is not supported here if something goes wrong15:40
daftykinshominidae: well you're wasting 30GB to nothing, unclear on the swap setup - but no it's not necessarily influencing the RAM thing. having no swap is, though15:40
daftykinshominidae: tell you what, one more: "pastebinit /etc/fstab" - i'll be back shortly15:40
=== brian is now known as Guest23919
mysupperAnybody using NAS on ubuntu can suggest to me a mainboard ? about 200$ maybe?15:41
daftykinsmysupper: ##hardware15:41
tirengarfioI have open rhytmbox, but now it is not in the tasks bar, even if the music is being played :)15:41
tirengarfioI have tried fg process_id but it doesn't show the window15:42
creative0_is there any app on linux for watching tv15:42
daftykinscreative0_: you need a hardware card for liveTV15:43
xanguatirengarfio: sound indicator in the top right15:43
creative0_anything without it15:43
OerHekscreative0_, any mediaplayer can watch streaming tv15:43
jattcreative0_: apt-cache search "television viewer"15:43
tirengarfiowell Im using awesome a wm for ubuntu, and there is no sound indicator15:43
tirengarfioi expected to show the window again using a command15:43
xanguathen add a notification area? tirengarfio15:44
tirengarfiothere is no notification area15:44
creative0_can we watch or not15:45
tirengarfioI mean i can not find anything related to sound or rhytmbox in the applet15:45
creative0_jatt any resource to watch tv15:45
creative0_without hardware15:45
k1lcreative0_: watching tv? how do you get the tv  signal to your pc?15:45
jattwithout hardware? difficult15:46
creative0_which hardware do i get it.?15:46
jatttv card15:46
k1lcreative0_: so see if your tv channel streams15:46
k1land provides that for free to users. than you can use any videoplayer that can handle westreams, like vlc15:47
creative0_i cant understand k1l15:47
k1lubuntu got software included that can play webstreams or hardware streams from tv-cards. its not the task of ubuntu to make the webstreams or to include hardware tv cards :)15:49
diegoaguilarHello, would any wifi mouse be compatible with ubuntu 12.0415:49
creative0_can u give a webstream link15:49
k1lcreative0_: ask the tv channel you want to watch if they give you a webstream link15:49
jattbluetooth mouse?15:49
daftykinscreative0_: this is an OS support channel, not "how do i watch my local TV stations" channel15:49
cfhowlettdiegoaguilar, wifi mouse?   kinky!15:49
hominidaedaftykins, here is the output: http://picpaste.com/6f86b9789b5b07ad7dd05f17b04ebc75.png15:50
creative0_is there a solution without contact tv cable15:50
daftykinscreative0_: that is not the purpose of this channel15:51
cfhowlettcreative0_, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XBMC15:51
creative0_xbmc is useless15:51
diegoaguilarcfhowlett, wireless over wifi15:51
daftykinshominidae: check this to make sure you have swap on - http://askubuntu.com/questions/248158/how-do-i-setup-an-encrypted-swap-file15:51
creative0_i cant play tv channels15:51
daftykinsXBMC has nothing to do with live TV15:51
daftykinsit still needs hardware15:51
k1lcreative0_: this is ubuntu support. not "give me the link to a webstream" support15:52
creative0_so anything else15:52
BluesKajxbmc works ok , it just tries to do too much15:52
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out and !UbuntuTV15:52
creative0_but without hardware is it possible to watch tv on linux15:54
EriC^^creative0_: possible yes15:54
cfhowlettcreative0_, repeatedly offtopic.  ask ##linux15:54
k1lcreative0_: if you find a webstream, yes15:54
EriC^^anything's possible15:54
OerHekscreative0_, come on, you know how15:55
k1lcreative0_: and we told you that 10times now.15:55
rprakashare you there narigergupta15:55
creative0_webstream how to find bro :k1l15:55
k1l!ask | rprakash15:55
ubotturprakash: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:55
BluesKajcreative0_, only thru a browser that links to a tv stream from a network15:55
k1lcreative0_: ask the tv channel. its not our task and might be illegal. so ask them.15:56
daftykinshominidae: hilarious you blanked the UUIDs btw, they don't mean anything to anyone else :D15:56
hominidaedaftykins, the post seems to refer to how to create  swap after installation..I couldnt find out about checking whether it already exists15:56
creative0_how can they give the webstreams15:56
MonkeyDustcreative0_  you're not in the right channel15:57
daftykinshominidae: yeah but confirm in /etc/crypttab that it's there, 'cause fstab showed it clearly has cryptswap on sda515:57
kopplehello, do you know of any reason because of which a gigabyte mb GA-H87-HD3 would fail to boot any linux distro, irrespective of the installation media, whether on legacy or uefi mode? I tried all ubuntu based-distros, namely: Zorin, Lubuntu, ElementaryOS, Mint 16 none of them ever made it to the live session while they worked perfectly on all the other computers I had around (laptops). I...15:57
kopple...think it stuck at SCSI (or a similar acronym) when booting eOS, but I have no idea what that means and couldn't figure it out by googling it either15:57
hominidaedaftykins, oh, paranoid of me :)15:58
koppleany help would be much appreciated15:58
k1lcreative0_: you need to search for the webstream on your own. #ubuntu cant help you. come here if you have a issue with a program on ubuntu15:58
daftykinskopple: from flash drive? perhaps you're trying a USB 3 port and it doesn't like that?15:58
OerHekskopple, might be a BIOS setting?15:58
koppledaftykins: very likely15:58
koppleOerHeks: I tweaked a lot..!15:58
koppledaftykins: but it would fail even from DVD15:59
hominidaedaftykins, so I should just get the output of '/etc/crypttab' ?15:59
OerHekskopple, i see it has UEFI15:59
daftykinshominidae: i'm only going by the page i linked :)15:59
koppleOerHeks: I enabled UEFI + Legacy, and Legacy only15:59
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:59
koppledidn't help15:59
daftykinskopple: well, first step download and check the hash on a 14.04.1 64-bit ISO16:00
koppleOerHeks: daftykins: may USB 3 get in the way even when launching the installer from DVD?16:00
daftykins!md5 | kopple16:01
ubottukopple: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:01
koppleall those distros would boot on my laptops..16:01
koppleit's not a download issue16:01
daftykinsfair enough16:01
kopplethey all ran the same images16:01
creative0_but someone one know info about tv online16:01
daftykinsand what are you using to put the ISOs onto a flash drive?16:01
daftykinscreative0_: stop it.16:01
creative0_what else can i do linux16:01
koppledaftykins: I tried YUMI on windows, and tried by formatting the USB key both in MBR and the newer one16:02
MonkeyDustcreative0_  type /j #ubuntu-offtopic and ask there16:02
daftykinscreative0_: same as what you normally do on a computer16:02
daftykinskopple: there wouldn't be a need to pick between either16:02
koppleso I just don't know what may be wrong, I disabled all the Windows 8 options within the BIOS settings and stuff..16:03
daftykinskopple: YUMI is only relevant for other situations, try universal USB installer from pendrivelinux.com16:03
EriC^^kopple: did you disable secure boot?16:03
EriC^^kopple: are you selecting to boot the usb? is the usb in the boot order before the hdd?16:04
koppleEriC^^:  I think I didn't actually, I only tweaked the booting speed settings though16:04
dukedaveDoes anyone know how to configure touchpad gestures in 14.04?16:04
hominidaedaftykins, this terrain can easily garner a nice mess with a wrong action..maybe I should stick with the ram..swap space is shown in disk utility, and I'd allocated it while creating the partitions during ubuntu installation.16:04
daftykinshominidae: yeah whichever you prefer.16:04
koppleEriC^^ did I understand what you meant?16:04
EriC^^kopple: are you pressing a button to get the boot options screen to boot the usb in uefi or legacy mode?16:05
koppledaftykins: thanks for the usb-installer input, I will try different software16:05
EriC^^kopple: if not, is the usb selected to boot before the hdd in the bios boot order?16:05
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hominidaedaftykins, thanks many times for your time and help!16:06
koppleEriC^^: 1- I enter the setup window by pressing F9 -> Enter Setup 2- USB has higher boot priority16:06
daftykinshominidae: no problem :) good luck16:06
hominidaethank you! :)16:07
koppleEriC^^:  I enter GRUB (YUMI), the launch the OS as I normally would but it just doesn't load...16:07
koppleEriC^^ so I actually believe there's nothing wrong with the boot process16:07
EriC^^kopple: ok, what happens after you boot it?16:07
koppleI just don't understand what is not compatible unless USB 3 is to blame as you guys suggested16:07
daftykinswhat graphics are you using, kopple ? the intel on-die?16:07
daftykinswell i'm just telling you to put the flash drive in a 2.0 port and try again ;)16:08
koppledaftykins: a graphics card from NVidia (it must be GTX 750 Ti, it's not my computer and can't remember for sure), never made it to X so I couldn't try drivers. The trouble is I have no USB 2.0 port..!!!16:09
koppleEriC^^ the screen stays black with a blinking cursor, nothing goes on16:09
daftykinskopple: yes you do, beside the PS/2 port-  http://www.gigabyte.com/fileupload/product/2/4516/8052_big.jpg16:09
daftykinskopple: ah the 750 Ti, you need to use nomodeset to boot that sucker16:09
daftykins!nomodeset | kopple16:09
ubottukopple: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:09
koppledaftykins: THANKS16:09
RedheadedCupcakeHey guys I am trying to make a live USB with windows8 on it and I am getting some errors with it. Can anyone help16:09
myrkraverkIs there an apt-somethingorother command that enables or disables apache modules?16:10
daftykinsRedheadedCupcake: sorry that's not an ubuntu support topic.16:10
koppledaftykins: why it doesn't boot from DVD though?16:10
daftykinskopple: same issue, you need to enable nomodeset16:10
kopplemmm... will I be able to do that? I'm going to read your page16:11
koppledo you think compatibility mode would do the trick? I didn't try that!16:11
RedheadedCupcakeHow do I burn an .iso to a DVD?16:12
jattwith brasero16:12
daftykinskopple: compatibility? where are you getting that from?16:12
kopplesome of those distros certainly featured a compatibility live session16:12
koppleit could be elementaryOS16:12
koppleor Lubuntu..?16:12
kopplemaybe Mint too..16:13
daftykinswell we don't support anything besides ubuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu...16:13
needlz_please don't hate me for this, but i have inherited a 12.10 server and should update glibc on the system. is there a recommended way to do so except for upgrading the whole system to 14.xx? We're running some services on the server which we can't move easily to another one (but maybe over a month).16:13
daftykinsso mint and elementary are off topic here16:13
koppleyes sure16:13
daftykinsneedlz_: no your distro is EOL and should be replaced16:13
daftykinsneedlz_: also whoever ran non-LTS on a server in production should be shot :)16:13
jattdon't update glibc on your own. never. only official security updates or upgrade the whole system16:13
needlz_daftykins: he's not working here anymore.. and now it's my server :/16:14
daftykinsfired i hope ;)16:14
needlz_daftykins: kind of, yes :)16:14
daftykinsanyway as above, you should spin up another supported box and migrate the services ASAP16:14
needlz_and i'm a SW dev and stuck with this server, since no one else is here16:14
needlz_but i guess i'll have to do a weekend shift and try to move the services then to a new box16:15
needlz_perfect timing :D16:15
daftykinswhat's it got on it?16:15
soonI'm running server 14.04 .. for some reason my init.d script isn't starting a particular program at startup as expected .. where should I look for log files?16:16
koppleso tomorrow I will try to use USB 2, then try NOMODESET if I understand how to achieve that, then I will try and change the usb-installer, then pray or come here again16:17
koppledo you agree?16:17
needlz_daftykins: we develop python web apps (services).. about 30 of them are still running there16:17
MonkeyDustneedlz_  glibc has been in the news, some vulnarability issue16:17
myrkraverkkind of serious, but sometimes hard to trigger.16:17
needlz_MonkeyDust: yeah that's the reason :)16:17
daftykinskopple: i can 100% guarantee you that system will not boot without nomodeset, *or* you can remove the nvidia card, install with the intel on-die graphics, then put the card in after installing an nvidia driver16:18
needlz_but well, i guess i'll have to bite the bullet16:18
koppledaftykins: thanks, it's all about that damn expensive graphics card16:18
myrkraverkneedlz_, depending on what the server is for, you can reconfigure and/or turn off services.16:18
myrkraverkneedlz_, why don't you just figure out if the bug can be triggered through python, if that's your only concern.16:19
kopplethank you for your help guys, I will get back to you if things don't work!16:19
marcelino671Hello, I have a notebook with 2.2Ghz x3 and 4gb, I have Ubuntu x64 installed, but are using a lot of memory, for my note is better a ubuntu with x64 or x86?16:19
needlz_myrkraverk: since they are mostly web services, we expose the apps via nginx16:20
phoenixzSo I did an apt-get dist-upgrade on a remote server, and I pressed CTRL-C while it was downloading packages, but due to crappy network i guess, the CTRL-C  was not applied until it was installing.. Installing seemed to to okay until it got to "Setting up linux-generic ( ..." then I got "W: Operation was interrupted before it could finish".. How worried should I be? Running apt-get dist-upgrade  did not do anything new, it said all was16:20
phoenixzfine..  Will this server boot up again if I reboot?16:20
daftykinsmyrkraverk: no, you can't give users the impression that staying on an EOL release is acceptable16:20
needlz_myrkraverk: and i think nginx uses glibc16:20
daftykinsphoenixz: run "sudo apt-get -f install"16:20
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myrkraverkneedlz_, *everything* uses glibc.  You can run your own security analysis of nginx and python; and see if they can be used to trigger the bug.  *IFF* you're qualified to do that.16:20
myrkraverkneedlz_, and every other service you need.16:21
narinderguptarprakash: hi16:21
phoenixzdaftykins: Already did that,  "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."... But I'm still not 100% convinced that I'm save.. This is a kernel pacakge and I don't want it half installed.. Can I be sure it is completely installed?16:21
marcelino671Hello, I have a notebook with 2.2Ghz x3 and 4gb, I have Ubuntu x64 installed, but are using a lot of memory, for my note is better a ubuntu with x64 or x86?16:21
RamchandraAptemarcelino671: now (2015) x6416:22
myrkraverkneedlz_, but you need to move to a supported platform, that's true; but it's depending on vulnerabilities (and your know how) it's a question of *right now* or sometime this week.16:22
daftykinsphoenixz: so check for that kernel in /boot and to be extra safe, remove and apt-get clean, then reinstall16:22
myrkraverkdaftykins, point.16:22
RamchandraAptex86 might have been needed some time ago, but now x64 is good enough and adds performance16:22
phoenixzdaftykins: Sounds like a plan.. will do16:22
needlz_myrkraverk: I agree.. and the funny thing is, all our "newer" products are on managed servers + in dockerized environments16:22
needlz_myrkraverk: it's just some old historic stuff someone (=me) has to take care of16:23
RamchandraAptemarcelino671: however x64 uses 5-10% more memory, but with 4 gb of memory I doubt you will have a problem16:23
needlz_anyway, thanks to all for the feedback :)16:23
MonkeyDustneedlz_  that's called "the dirty work"16:23
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phoenixzdaftykins: Just one thing.. The package that got the interruption was being upgraded, linux-image.. I cannot remove that, because that would, from what I can tell, remove the entire current kernel...16:24
daftykinsphoenixz: no you don't remove the metapackage, you remove the actual one. "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" and match the version #'s against the one you referred to earlier from logs. "ii" shows a package is installed16:25
needlz_MonkeyDust: ahaha, thanks now I know how to update the job description next time16:25
anjo-aladiahI lose sound with Lubuntu 14.10 after an update i dont know what to do !16:26
anjo-aladiahi already tryed different sound board in alsa mixers and tunning sound and nothing !16:27
anjo-aladiahdoing lspci to audio i got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9919857/16:30
anjo-aladiahSomeone in internet say to do this sudo apt-get purge sl-modem-daemon16:31
anjo-aladiahits right ?16:31
anjo-aladiahSomeone in internet say to do this sudo apt-get purge sl-modem-daemon.its right ?16:31
compdocIve never used purge16:32
anjo-aladiahbut this sl-modem-daemon could mean something ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/541953/sound-doesnt-work-with-update-14-04-to-14-1016:32
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BluesKajanjo-aladiah, what does aplay -l in the terminal show?16:34
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj could you give me the complete sudo command please ?16:35
iptablesudo complete16:35
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, no need for sudo16:35
anjo-aladiahaplay -l ?16:35
anjo-aladiahin console ?16:35
EriC^^sudo -c 'sudo -c 'sudo -c 'sudo -c 'sudo''''16:36
iptablehello BlueByte_16:36
iptablehell BluesKaj16:36
iptableoh damnit16:36
iptablehello BluesKaj16:36
iptablethird time lucky16:36
BluesKajhey iptable, how's things ?16:36
anjo-aladiahBlueasKaj it gave me this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9919969/16:36
iptableapart from my inability to hit the rigt keys so far, not bad. How's you?16:36
iptableDealing with openstack myself atm ... it's a bit of a nightmare16:37
BluesKajI'm ok, dealing with plasma 5 on he laptop...not exactly impressed yet16:37
anjo-aladiahiam checking here that in this purg situation, the user found a unkonw driver on aditional driver that re-armed automaticly atfer each restart, not my case . http://askubuntu.com/questions/541953/sound-doesnt-work-with-update-14-04-to-14-1016:38
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj what do you think about the aplay -l result?16:39
iptablehah. I moved to Ubuntu Gnome to see what gnome is about nowadays. Not impressed to begin with, but now that I added all the extensions I wanted and used it for a week, I'm starting to like it a lot.16:39
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, ok, is this an older pc ?16:39
anjo-aladiahi bought it last October16:40
anjo-aladiahit works perfectly until an update16:40
iptableanjo-aladiah, you said you lost sound after update. Maybe try reinstalling the AMD drivers(?). Having said that lubuntu is not as good as ubuntu/ubuntu gnome/mint in handling hardware drivers and upgrade. that's why in lubuntu by default your kernel doesn't get upgraded.16:41
iptableI'm guessing you upgraded the driver...16:41
iptableor the kernel...16:41
Funi386.deb       is that package for 64 bit?16:41
MonkeyDustFun  no,16:41
anjo-aladiahiptable, hot to do that ?16:42
anjo-aladiahiptable, how to do that ?16:42
iptableFun, package does not exist in ubuntu/debian repos16:42
OerHeksFun, i386 is 32 bit16:42
jhutchins_wkanjo-aladiah: There are some known issues with pulseaudio on a recent update.  The ideal solution would be to restore the backup you made before you updated.16:42
anjo-aladiahiam on 64 bits16:42
iptableanjo-aladiah, see jhutchins_wk response above16:43
Funiptable: well not al soft is in repo16:43
anjo-aladiahi dont use to do backpus before update unfortunally16:43
anjo-aladiahthe os do it automatcle16:43
anjo-aladiahThe os do it automaticly ?16:43
iptableFun, so you want us to tell you if a package you got from a woodoo site is for 32 or 64 bit machine?16:43
iptableFun, we don't have it, we don't know. naming doesn't mean anything really.16:44
iptableFun, try apt-cache show i386.deb and read the description16:44
ArshiaAghaeiWhere is the channel for Native C++ ????16:44
iptableArshiaAghaei, ##c++16:44
anjo-aladiahDO you think if i wait until next update it will be fixed ?16:44
balancehi I want to run sudo ./flow command, I'm in the same folder as the flow file but I always get command not found. I don't really get what's wrong.16:44
ArshiaAghaeiiptable: It says i'm unregistered , how to register ???16:45
anjo-aladiahjhutchins_wk DO you think if i wait until next update it will be fixed ?16:45
OerHeksbalance make that flow app executable16:45
iptablebalance, sudo chmod 755 flow16:45
klasarthurXEV and SHOWKEY displays different keycodes. they differ by 8. which one is right if i'm gonna remap my keys?16:45
balanceiptable, OerHeks facepalm... thanks16:45
iptableArshiaAghaei, check the benner information for registration details16:45
Funiptable: there are universal rules16:46
Funsay x86 is 64 bit :)16:46
OerHeks!register | ArshiaAghaei16:46
ubottuArshiaAghaei: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:46
iptableFun, let me tape a 32-bit skype package and name it x64.deb and see if it works... oh, it still does16:46
Funiptable: lies16:47
Funpeople are honest16:47
Funand name packages accordingly :D16:47
iptableguntbert, no, there no universal rules. and x86 is not 64 bit. x64 is 64 bit. i386 is 32 bit. x86 too 32bit16:47
FunI read online x86 is clearly only 64 bit16:47
iptableFun, or for example someone wanted to name a 32-bit compatibility package for 64 bit machines i386.deb16:47
iptableFun, in which case it would be a package for 64 bit machines... see?16:47
iptableFun, no, x64 is 64 bit16:48
OerHeksfun wrong. close that page.16:48
ArshiaAghaeiOerHeks: Where should i type /nick <NickName> ?? Terminal ???16:48
Funiptable: and how da heck I know which package I need then?16:48
OerHeksArshiaAghaei, in your irc client16:48
iptableFun, since it's not in the repos we officially support, ask the maintainer16:48
jhutchins_wkx86_64 is 64bit with i86 compatiblity.16:48
RagingBuddhaHey guys'n'girls, any of you in to photography? I just wonder what you use as alternative to Lightroom and which viewer do you use for examining your RAW files in Ubuntu?16:48
EriC^^Fun: dpkg -I <package.deb>16:48
EriC^^it should list the arch16:48
OerHeksRagingBuddha, darktable16:48
Funjhutchins_wk: ty16:49
OerHeks!info darktable16:49
Funthats what I though16:49
ubottudarktable (source: darktable): virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-1build2 (utopic), package size 2002 kB, installed size 9225 kB (Only available for any-i386; any-amd64)16:49
MonkeyDustRagingBuddha  #ubuntustudio would be a better place to ask16:49
iptableFun, so x86_64, not x86. big difference actually.16:49
ArshiaAghaeiOerHeks: Where exactly ???? Witch part of IRC client ???16:49
Funis there WPS office in ubuntu repo?16:49
RagingBuddhaOerHeks: I tried it, had some problems.16:49
Funiptable: well all cpus are 86 apart apple and amd?16:49
iptableFun, no16:50
jhutchins_wkRagingBuddha: Digikam supports raw.16:50
Funits mega mad16:50
RagingBuddhaMonkeyDust: thank you, I'll check it out16:50
FunI am thinking there is intel amd apples 32 and 6416:50
iptableFun, really ... all CPUs nowadays from intel and AMD for computers and laptops are 64 bit.16:50
Funso naming have to indicate clearly type of cpu and bits16:50
Funiptable: true16:50
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, you an intel audio chip, the hdmi is the video card sound for digital output  ... sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, in the console, then reboot16:50
iptableFun, intel's core i3, i5, i7, core2duo, xeon, etc are 64 bit. All AMD are 64bit.16:51
OerHeksArshiaAghaei, it is all answered on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration16:51
jhutchins_wkRagingBuddha: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/4-great-tools-editing-raw-photos-linux/16:51
iptableFun, only old CPUs and certain mobile CPUs are 32 bit. mosst mobile CPUs are ARM though.16:51
iptableFun, cat /proc/cpuinfo to get detail16:52
RagingBuddhajhutchins_wk: thank you mate, I'll check it out16:52
iptableFun, intel's website clearly states what the CPUs are. But core i5 can be 2 core and 4 core for example. Depending on sub-model... welcome to the new world...16:52
jhutchins_wkiptable: What about beagle and arm?16:52
iptablejhutchins_wk, beagle and pi use ARM, yes. what's that got to do with it? ;)16:52
RagingBuddhaOne more unrelated question, how can I make some programs autostart when I boot up Ubuntu? Like for instance Skype and Pidgin.16:52
ArshiaAghaeiOerHeks: Thanks.16:53
EriC^^RagingBuddha: open the dash > startup apps16:53
Ali_OpenSourceHi,Where are "Ubuntu software center"  downloaded files?I want to copy them to USB and install them on another computer.16:53
daftykinsAli_OpenSource: /var/cache/apt/archives/16:53
MonkeyDustRagingBuddha  alt-f2 > startup16:53
jhutchins_wkFun: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CPU_architectures16:53
RagingBuddhaEriC^^: thank you16:53
iptableRagingBuddha, open the unity dash and type in "startup". Choose the startup app and add skype there16:53
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD16:53
* iptable goes to the office. laters16:54
Funwho here used WPS16:55
=== ArshiaAghaei is now known as KingOfCPP
daftykinsFun: ask the actual question in full, you'll get more responses16:55
Ali_OpenSourceThanks!now I see some files that are seem my application name.What file I should copy it?16:55
EriC^^Ali_OpenSource: you need to copy the file and all it's dependencies16:56
EriC^^Ali_OpenSource: do you have internet access on the other pc>16:56
Ali_OpenSourceYes,I can connect to it.16:57
EriC^^Ali_OpenSource: AptonCD will make things a lot easier, but it needs internet access, the files won't be downloaded though.16:57
anjo-aladiahIt did not work for me  even after reboot. Still not sound16:57
KingOfCPPOerHeks: Now , I cannot send a massage when i registered.16:58
OerHeksKingOfCPP, likely you haven't got the email, or didn't reply on it16:58
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, ok open alsamixer in the console and pastebinit please16:58
OerHeksKingOfCPP, join #freenode with registration help16:59
KingOfCPPOerHeks: Which Email ???16:59
ceasarwhere is the equilisers in ubuntu studio??16:59
KingOfCPPOerHeks: Got it , thanks17:00
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj how to in console?17:00
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, use prtscn key, usually it's beside F1217:00
soulissonHi, i'm running openssh is there a command available to check my configuration?17:01
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj what it is the command  to open alsl in console ?17:01
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, type alsamixer in the console17:01
ikoniasoulisson: configuration of what ?17:02
maziarhow can i use unalocated space of my lvm partition to create a new partition ?17:02
MonkeyDust!lvm | maziar17:02
ubottumaziar: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:02
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj http://paste.ubuntu.com/9920488/17:03
Funwps office so awesome17:03
maziarcan any one help me to that, how can i use unalocated space of my lvm partition to create a new partition ?17:04
LeadSwordI have got a problem with my resolution in ubuntu (14.04). The highest resolution availible is 1024x768. I tried to fix this problem through searching on the web, without progress. I did even update to 14.10, and now everything looks even worse!17:04
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EriC^^LeadSword: type lspci | grep VGA17:05
ikoniamaziar: you would need to delete (or resize but that is NOT recommended for LVM PV) and reallocate the then free space to whatever you want17:05
LeadSwordEriC^^: and then?17:06
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, so you are using your hdmi as audio out to your TV for your sound or to a speaker system that converts digital audio to analog ?17:06
EriC^^LeadSword: paste here17:06
maziarikonia, i dont want to delete or resize, i just want to add new partition to my lvm partition17:06
LeadSwordVGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM107 [GeForce GTX 750 Ti] (rev a2)17:06
ikoniamaziar: then just do a vgextend17:07
EriC^^LeadSword: ok, type nvidia-settings17:07
LeadSword"not installed"17:08
LeadSwordBut it tells me how to install it, should I paste that line?17:08
maziarikonia, i dont want to extend it, i want to add new partition like /maziar17:08
EriC^^LeadSword: open the dash and type additional drivers17:08
ikoniamaziar: then you want a new logical volume17:09
ikoniamaziar: so lvcreate17:09
OerHeksYou might need the nvidia 334 driver or up for that 750 Ti17:09
maziarikonia, all of my hard is lvm , i must create new lvm from it ?17:09
LeadSwordno additional drivers found17:09
ikoniamaziar: if your hard disk is under lvm control - you need to make a new logical volume (LV)17:09
EriC^^LeadSword: i dont know much about your issue, somebody will help you shortly hold on17:10
LeadSwordThank you very much17:10
OerHeksLeadSword, no additional drivers? is that machine connected to internet?17:10
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:10
LeadSwordIt is OerHeks17:11
maziarikonia, how should i do that, did you have any tutorial link ?17:13
BluesKajstuff to do for an hr or so...bbl17:13
kr4t0shey guys17:16
kr4t0sis raring ringtail affected by the glibc vulnerability?17:17
RamchandraApte!ask | kr4t0s17:17
ubottukr4t0s: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:17
RamchandraApteubuntu 14.10 is not affected at least with updates17:17
OerHekskr4t0s, no, as it is EOL17:17
kr4t0sRamchandraApte: im talking about 13.0417:17
kr4t0si have one instllation and it seems it is vulnerable17:18
OerHekskr4t0s, i mean yes, but without updates you want the next supported version 14.0417:18
RamchandraAptekr4t0s: so many releases I get confused about the nicknames. At some point in my life I remembered raring ringtail was the "new" version of ubuntu :-)17:18
MonkeyDustkr4t0s  more reason to upgrade, then17:18
kr4t0sso only LTS ones got updates???17:19
MonkeyDustkr4t0s  no, but 13.04 doesnt17:19
OerHekskr4t0s, yes, 12.04 lts gets the fix17:19
OerHeksor got it already17:19
kr4t0syeah i updated a 12.04 some minutes ago17:20
kr4t0si cant upgrade a 13.04, is there a way to do it playing with the source???17:20
OerHekskr4t0s, sure, there is a fix to upgrade17:20
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:20
OerHekssee the part with old-releases17:21
kr4t0ssecond link?17:21
kr4t0sthats only talking about upgrading the whole distro17:22
kr4t0si dont want to do that17:22
RootKiTTTTNo tweaked found on internet worked!  How to tweak system for maximum desktop performance!:(17:22
kr4t0si just want to update glibc from source17:22
OerHekskr4t0s, nope, not available, even with oldreleases trick.17:23
RootKiTTTTHello guyz, my ubuntu desktop becomes dead even under slight load. Anyone know to tweak system for maxxxxxiummm desktop reponsiveness17:26
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MonkeyDustRootKiTTTT  here's a few tips http://paste.ubuntu.com/9920877/17:30
lucasI would be glad to get some help with a grub issue on a usb hard drive version is trusty, ubuntu studio, they could not help17:31
lucasthis is the partition : /dev/sdb1: LABEL="u-studio" UUID="d2eeeea0-3e4d-4599-a68d-45c8a14031b7" TYPE="ext4"17:31
lucasthis is what happens; http://pastebin.fr/3828917:31
MonkeyDustlucas  start by not being logged in as root17:32
lucasI'm not, only in the console -I have quit it17:32
lucasMonkeyDust, else, any hint I cou ld use to fix it?17:33
jhutchins_wklucas: Wrong target, /dev/sdb not /dev/sdb117:33
jenniehello I have downloaded iso from ubuntu, but its saying Amd64, will it install on intel pc?17:33
jennieif no then how to download for intel pc17:33
lucasjhutchins_wk, I tried sdb then sdb1 as per the paste17:34
jennieubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64 is the one i downloaded17:34
jhutchins_wklucas: Ah, I see you did try that.17:34
MonkeyDustlucas  this looks worrysome "this GPT partition label contains no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible."17:34
jennieanyone, please help me17:35
jpds_jennie: It will.17:35
jpds_jennie: It just needs to be a 64-bit PC.17:35
jennieok thank you very much:)17:35
jpds_jennie: If it's not, it'll tell you when it loads.17:35
jhutchins_wkjennie: amd64 is the 32bit compatible architecture that both intel and amd use now.17:35
jhutchins_wkjennie: amd developed it while intel was still bogged down in a 64bit only architecture.17:36
lucasMonkeyDust, I have read thanks, just I don't know why it works not17:36
jpds_jhutchins_wk: wut.17:36
jhutchins_wkjennie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CPU_architectures17:36
jennieoh, didnt know that jhutchins_wk17:36
iptablejennie: you online finally!17:36
jenniehey iptable17:36
jennieits hard to catch you online17:36
iptablenothing much. overworked, tired, busy, standard stuff in a working life17:37
Furailol @ highlights. I have Lucas in my highlights list.17:37
MonkeyDust#ubuntu-offtopic for nice chit chat, please17:38
iptableMongey_: already moved it off17:38
iptableMonkeyDust: ^17:38
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cyberpolicei am trying to install teamviewer 10 x64 deb file from teamviewer.com, when i launch it, ubuntu software center says dependency is not satisfiable: lib32asound2 ??? why is this? i have teamviewre 9.0 working ok18:02
iptablecyberpolice: once that happens, run apt-get -f install18:02
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iptablecyberpolice: that command will install the required dependencies. the reason is that tv10 supports sound now, but it is a 32bit piece of software18:03
cyberpolicedo i need to uninstall teamviewer 9 before installing teamviewer 1018:03
boodllebatI want to split my screen i'm using ubuntu 14.1018:03
Mo_1404_Hey Guys, need help with wlan connection and have a problem with a printserver. somebodys intrereted in helping me? ^^18:03
iptablecyberpolice: no idea. probably not18:03
cyberpoliceso im on 64bit os, 64bit cpu, is this ok to use18:03
iptablecyberpolice: yes. 64 bit is compatible with 32 bit. you just need the required 32bit libraries18:04
boodllebatI wanna Split Screen Not only terminal but Unity Interface too !18:04
iptablecyberpolice: as stated. install teamviewer deb, then run apt-get -f install18:04
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cyberpolicewill sound work on teamviewer 10 if i install it as is18:04
cyberpolicecan i do anything about lib32asound218:04
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cyberpolicealso, how do i uninstall teamviewer 918:05
iptablecyberpolice: as stated (last time repeating) once you get the dependency error, run apt-get -f install18:05
iptablecyberpolice: that command will install the required lib32asound218:05
Shnazhi everyone. im trying to create a file server on my ubuntu desktop. and want to be able to connect to it from windows computers and apple computers. first off is this possible? and also would love some links that could help a complete noob to the command line.18:06
cyberpolicei am getting a dependency error in ubuntu software center, afte ri double clicked the deb file18:06
pragmaticenigma!samba | Shnaz18:06
ubottuShnaz: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html18:06
pragmaticenigma!nfs > pragmaticenigma18:07
ubottupragmaticenigma, please see my private message18:07
Mo_1404_I have cups running on a raspberry. with windows client the printer works very fine but on ubuntu just gives endless empty pages. somebody knows that?18:07
pragmaticenigma!nfs | Shnaz18:07
ubottuShnaz: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.18:07
iptablecyberpolice: dpkg -i your-deb-file-here-for-teamviewer.deb ; apt-get -f install18:07
iptablecyberpolice: not sure how to tell you to do that in another wya. just do it18:07
* iptable goes to get a good coffee18:08
pragmaticenigmaMo_1404_, What OS are you running on your RaspberryPi?18:08
Shnazok thanks guys, i shall read and speak up if i have any issues18:09
Mo_1404_im running raspbian, on my last laptop ther were no problems with the printer also running ubuntu 140418:09
cyberpolicehow do i uninstall teamviewer 918:10
cyberpoliceit was installed with a deb file.... i think18:10
pragmaticenigmacyberpolice, http://askubuntu.com/questions/22200/how-to-uninstall-a-deb-package18:11
BluesKajcyberpolice, sudo dpkg -r nameofpackage18:12
cyberpolicethat link is from 2011 though18:12
pragmaticenigmacyberpolice, it's still relevant18:12
iptablecyberpolice: it's still working18:12
cyberpoliceoh ok18:12
decastGreetings everyone, sometimes i get some ~10s freeze after login so i have been searching my log files. I'm getting some strange lines in /var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log. Could this lines be related to this issue or could they be a bug?18:13
decastQInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /var/lib/lightdm/.config/ibus/bus Bus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address. IBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon18:13
Mo_1404_pragmaticenigma did u received?18:14
KingOfCPPMy software center has a problem , i don't see the Install button.18:14
Mo_1404_kingofcpp so i think there are some sources deacticated18:15
Shnazso are samba and nfs 2 different ways to create a file server? or are both needed to create a file server?18:15
KingOfCPPMo_1404_: How to solve it ??/18:16
Mo_1404_go to system settings and software, and there you can checkbox the sources18:17
putty1KingOfCPP: sudo apt-get install Synaptic18:17
KingOfCPPWhat is Synaptic ?????!!!!18:18
putty1KingOfCPP: Synaptic Is what ubuntu should be using instead of that trash software installer.18:19
putty1KingOfCPP: it's a better software manager and installer18:19
KingOfCPPputty1: I see this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9921651/18:19
putty1KingOfCPP: Try lower case letters synaptic18:20
Mo_1404_kingofcpp: thats your source.list problem ^^18:20
KingOfCPPputty1: Ok.18:20
Mo_1404_ok or that ^^18:20
KingOfCPPputty1: Same...18:21
KingOfCPPMo_1404_: How to solve the sources.list Problem ???18:21
putty1KingOfCPP: first run sudo apt-get update18:21
BluesKajKingOfCPP, make sure your universe repository is enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list18:21
* iptable checks universe is enabled18:22
iptable:P sorry, had to18:22
BluesKajiptable,  :)18:22
putty1KingOfCPP: then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:23
putty1KingOfCPP: don't worry it will only update software18:23
Mo_1404_Maybe someone could help me with my printer problem?18:24
KingOfCPPputty1: I see this ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/9921729/18:24
pragmaticenigmaMo_1404_, this chat really isn't setup to troubleshoot raspian, it's not the same as Ubuntu18:24
KingOfCPPBluesKaj: How ??18:24
Mo_1404_raspbian is working very well, so the problem is ubuntu18:24
Mo_1404_on my last 14.04 laptop everthing worked fine18:24
pragmaticenigmayou can't run ubuntu on rasperry pi18:25
BluesKajKingOfCPP, make sure there are no # in front of the deb line18:25
pragmaticenigmaMo_1404_, are you saying your trying to print from Ubuntu to a printer connected to a RasperryPi?18:25
putty1KingOfCPP: You have chrome installed18:25
iptableMo_1404_: ubuntu is NOT a problem. Ubuntu doesn't support Pi CPU architecture18:26
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iptableMo_1404_: whereas debian still has support for that old ARM18:26
Mo_1404_my raspberry is just running cups on raspbian for network printing, this works very fine on windows AND on my last Ubuntu 14.04 laptop. but on this laptop 14.04 i just get endless empty pages while trying to print18:26
putty1KingOfCPP: run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade anyway18:26
pragmaticenigmaiptable, I think Mo_1404_ isn't explaining his problem fully. We are missing some pieces to how he has this printer setup. Mo_1404_ please explain in detail all the components involved in your printing setup (what's connected to what)?18:28
putty1KingOfCPP: if you know how to edit software source. Disable the Google one and enable universe.18:28
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Mo_1404_ok sry , my printer is connected to my raspberry, which is connected to my router on which is also connected my laptop, i am trying to print wireless over network. that works with windows client and with my old 14.04 laptop. i have a new laptop also running ubuntu 14.04 but when im trying to print there are empty pages coming out until i restart the printer18:30
iptableMo_1404_: you have misconfigured your new laptop then. check the driver, chosen printer module, etc, using your printer setup on that 14.04 or cups web interface18:31
putty1Mo_1404_: put simply. The defaults selected driver might be wrong.18:32
Mo_1404_iptable i checked everything, its the same driver, the same configuration18:32
iptableMo_1404_: well, obviously not. you missed something. you cannot have 2 laptops with 14.04, both installed and configure the same, both using a network printer and one working and one not18:33
ipbmshey guys18:34
pragmaticenigmaMo_1404_, are you 100% certain it is the same driver? My printer (HP P1102w) has several drivers listed with the exact same name (none of which work)18:34
putty1Mo_1404_: sometimes it also firewall issue. Both machines hogging the same router port. Disable all fire walls on router and computers to test.18:35
wishesssI'm running the dd command to wipe (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda) my encrypted ssd that previously had debian on it but it's taking an extremely long time. 20 minutes exactly now. Is this unusual?18:36
ipbmshad a question, on 14.10 i added a custom launcher or .desktop file using desktop-file-install, when i pin it to unity and hold the super key it doesn't receive a 1-9 shortcut, what could be the cause?18:36
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Mo_1404_ ipp:// correct?18:38
putty1Mo_1404_: sometimes it also firewall issue. Both machines hogging the same router port. Disable all fire walls on router and computers to test.18:39
iptablewishesss: 20 minutes is NOT a long time. How big is the drive?18:42
putty1wishesss: it will be done about 2 hours18:43
KingOfCPPputty1: How to disable the Google ???18:43
iptablewishesss: wait until 3 before complaining though18:44
wishesssI thought it'd be done quicker. I swear I ran the dd command a while back and it took like 8 minutes18:44
iptablewishesss: no, you are writing 120gb to that drive. think about it.18:44
wishesssYeah, it makes sense.18:44
KingOfCPPputty1: I see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9922028/18:44
iptablewishesss: also, you should specify bs=8M to make it faster. make a big chunk to write at once.18:44
Mo_1404_it says gestoppt18:45
Mo_1404_"/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf failed"18:45
wishesssToo late now iptable18:45
putty1wishesss: why wipe. You hiding something. If so use this.  http://www.dban.org/18:45
iptableor just report yourself straight away :P18:45
Mo_1404_i get response from cups on raspbery so the printjob is transmited18:45
wishesssNo, just wanting to wipe the drive. Nothing on there I care about really18:46
bkleefAny thoughts on what the best mountpoint would be for a permanent back-up volume?18:46
putty1wishesss: then your just wasting time. Because wiping it any other way just hides data from a casual  user.   http://www.dban.org/ Is military grade wiping18:48
wishesssI don't need dban18:48
Shnazso im trying to uninstall all files of samba to do a fresh start. but i cant. i tried purging. remove. even did it as root. and the files are still there.... and i cannot do it manually from the gui either because it says im not the owner. root is the owner. help please?18:48
bkleefI thought about "/mnt/backup" or "/bkp" or "/backup" but I do not want to create a mess within the linux mountpoint rules...18:48
putty1wishesss: I remember VHS tapes. When you erase them. The video was still there but fainter. To hide stuff you need random multi pass overwriting of random data.18:50
Mo_1404_putty1 no firewalls running problem stays18:50
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putty1Mo_1404_: Try plugging it in the router to narrow it down to the WiFi connection.18:51
Z3Hi, I would like to ask if it's possible to run Eclipse in Nvidia Jetson TK1 board. I would like to use it as a desktop pc, for developing and gaming (open source games, not intel games).18:52
Z3 including developing Android applications with Eclipse18:52
Mo_1404_putty1 i think it is not a problem with the router. maybe im installing the printer the wrong way in ubuntu.18:52
Mo_1404_putty1 like in documentation for cups i add a network printer with the adress ipp://
putty1Mo_1404_: You said the WiFi pc was the problem. To narrow down the problem run all pc to test.18:54
Mo_1404_the other one is also wifi , sry18:54
putty1Mo_1404_: You said the WiFi pc was the problem. To narrow down the problem run all pc connected Ethernet to test.18:54
impihello anyone here using a T650 logitech touchpad?18:55
putty1Mo_1404_: sometimes you have to be like an auto mechanic. Replace expensive parts till the problem goes away. Then you found the problem.18:56
Apachezanyone else noticed that one of the ntp's provided by ubuntu has the wrong time set? it says 31 jan 15:56 while the time is atually 28 jan 19:56 ?18:57
Mo_1404_putty1 problkem stays18:58
Z3or just a more general question. Is possible to run Eclipse on Ubuntu 14.04 on ARM based computers (Tegra K1 SOC) including developing Android apps?18:58
captineApachez, havent noticed.18:58
OerHeksApachez, sound more like your hardwareclock18:58
captineApachez, I will watch my clocks :)18:58
PiciApachez: Do you know which one?18:59
jhutchins_wkApachez: ntp should exclude that server.18:59
Mo_1404_ok i will give 5 bucks over paypal to someone who will fix the problem maybe over teamviewer19:00
novasdreamHello.. I have a issue with sudo apt-get upgrade19:01
novasdreamHow i can get logs from that error ? :: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) ::19:01
iptablenovasdream: look a few lines up. it tells you what the problem was19:03
iptablenovasdream: somewhere inline19:03
novasdreamDont have19:03
novasdream"Pré-configurando pacotes ...[LineBreaker] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)19:04
ApachezPici: no idea19:04
Apachezjust noticed this on my parents box19:04
Apachezwhich uses the same default config as I, ubuntu 14.1019:04
novasdreamHere Data. https://imgur.com/OIm1YjC19:04
Apachezmy clock goes ok19:04
Mo_1404_i will give 5 bucks via paypal to a guy, installing my printer working correctly19:05
iptablenovasdream: 1. did you run with root/sudo? 2. do you have disk space left?19:05
iptablenovasdream: it's not normal for it to fail so early in the process.19:05
iptablenovasdream: also, does ps -ef show an already running dpkg19:05
novasdreamYeap.. run with sudo have alot space left19:05
decastGreetings, my dmesg log file is showing this consequent lines:  Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption ;  Scanning for low memory corruption every 60 seconds. Can it be safely ignored?19:06
novasdreamOnly process with dpkg in grep is :: dnsmasq   4250  1864  0 00:35 ?        00:00:01 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -x /var/run/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.pid -u dnsmasq -r /var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf -7 /etc/dnsmasq.d,.dpkg-dist,.dpkg-old,.dpkg-new ::19:06
iptablenovasdream: df -h19:07
iptablenovasdream: DO check. there are a number of filesystems in RAM which could have run out.19:07
Mo_1404_ok , maybe somebody could help me with another problem. i can only connect wifi with a wifi stick, my internal wifi trys to connect a long time and then gives it up19:08
iptableMo_1404_: new laptop? looks like wifi drivers.19:08
Mo_1404_iptable so how to fix it?19:09
iptableMo_1404_: try 14.10. install it and apt-get dist-upgrade after to upgrade to latest kernel. LOADS of wifi card improvements19:09
novasdreamThis errors get something like first second19:09
biledemonHi! I'm on Uubuntu 14.10 and am gettings the 331 Nvidia driver through the additional drivers module. Does this seem right? Isn't 331 really old now?19:09
iptablebiledemon: no, it isn't. it's fine.19:09
iptablenovasdream: check df -h disk space usage19:10
iptablenovasdream: tried rebooting?19:10
pragmaticenigmaiptable, using 14.10 is a bit overkill, it's likely Mo_1404_ just needs to identify the wifi card they have and get the right driver installed19:10
biledemoniptable: alright. Just seems like i've been using that forever now :)19:10
ipbmshas anyone run dban recently? on a 500G drive it takes days19:10
iptablepragmaticenigma: hah. tried that for 6 months on my new laptop. couldn't get the driver to work and latest kernel is not backported to 14.04. 14.10 latest kernel just worked19:10
iptableMo_1404_: what is the wifi card? atheros/quallcomm?19:11
novasdreamHere my df -h  ::  https://imgur.com/x7OTYWr19:11
hamnstarhey ubuntu pros.. I have a usb device that shows up in dmesg as 'ttyACM0' but does not populate in /dev/ ..... I cant find any mention of failure in dmesg or kern.log or anything like that... I am thorougly baffled19:11
Mo_1404_iptable how do i identify it? ifconfig?19:11
novasdreamiptable,  I try reboot.. and try update..19:11
iptablenovasdream: so what HAVE you been breaking?19:11
iptablenovasdream: run mount. check. looks like /proc is missing long with a few more things19:12
novasdreamiptable, I cant use apt-get anymore..19:12
iptableMo_1404_: lsusb19:12
pragmaticenigmaMo_1404_, execute the following command and paste to pastebin: sudo lshw -C network19:12
novasdreamiptable, mount check ?19:12
pragmaticenigmaiptable, lsusb will only list items connected via usb, not system hardware19:12
iptablenovasdream: just type in mount19:13
iptablepragmaticenigma: haven't seem a single wifi card in laptops in the last 5 years which is not connected via internal usb19:14
Mo_1404_pragmaticenigma http://paste.ubuntu.com/9922430/  -.-719:14
novasdreamiptable,  sorry.. here.. :: https://imgur.com/ejafFNa19:14
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iptablenovasdream: the only thing I can think of is HDD faults. reboot, check if it helps. or try mount -o remount,rw /19:15
iptablenovasdream: HDD faults would cuase remount as read only19:15
iptablenovasdream: or try to save a file in /root/19:15
pragmaticenigmaMo_1404_, did you remember to add "network" to the end of the command? "sudo lshw -C network"19:15
novasdreamiptable,  but where i can see log errors  ?19:15
iptableMo_1404_: just run lsusb and lspci. that's good enough for me.19:16
iptablelsusb will most likely tell us though19:16
Shnazhey guys. im installing ubuntu server 14.04 LTS and every time i try it fails to intall GRUB. im intalling from a USB stick.19:16
iptablenovasdream: try dmesg (command), /var/log/kern.log, /var/log.syslog19:16
Mo_1404_iptable its a ralink RT539019:16
iptableShnaz: how big is the HDD?19:16
Shnaz1 GB19:17
Shnaz1 TB19:17
iptableShnaz: how old is the machine?19:17
Shnazjust bought it brand new. its a lenovo thinkserver 14019:17
novasdreamI really have a IO error..19:17
jhutchins_wkShnaz: New hardware is the most likely to fail.19:18
novasdreamI try again upgrade :: dpkg: erro: a ler o ficheiro de informação do pacote '/var/lib/dpkg/available': Erro de entrada/saída19:18
iptableMo_1404_: ralink ... it's compiled probably without WPA support. common issue with the module. Try latest kernel on 14.10 seriously. easiest option. if still doesn't work, you have to recompile it yourself. that's a bit outside my perimiter of support19:18
Shnazis there anyway to make it work?19:19
iptableShnaz: what is actually failing? what error?19:19
Mo_1404_iptable is there a way to update without media?19:19
iptableShnaz: what partitions did you setup?19:19
ki7rwi'm having trouble installing skype on 64 bit ubuntu 14.04 - when i execute aptitude install skype i get a lot of output including removal of 252 packages that includes xorg-* and unity as well as a bunch of other apps that i don't want to remove19:19
iptableMo_1404_: apparently, but I don't know the process19:19
Shnazthis was a little bit ago so i forget. but i remember creating a boot partiction and all that19:20
iptableki7rw: 1. download skype deb from their website. 2. sudo dpkg -i skype-file.dev, 3. sudo apt-get -f install19:20
iptableShnaz: without that info, this is as far as help goes19:20
iptablenovasdream: your HDD is failing19:21
Shnazim reinstalling right now so i will give you more information in a moment19:21
novasdreamubuntu have any tool to search for errors ?19:21
Mo_1404_iptable so i will update now.19:21
iptablenovasdream: so we have the reason. your root partition probably remounts as read only due to errors. 1. backup, 2. boot form liveCD and install and run smartmontools to do smart test (smartctl -a), 3. buy new drive19:21
ki7rwiptable, skype-file.dev?19:22
iptableki7rw: the file you downloaded in the previous step of my instructions. whatever it is called19:22
novasdream:'( i cant update my SO ? :'(19:22
iptablenovasdream: you cannot upgrade your OS on a broken harddrive, no. you shouldn't be usin it either19:22
iptablenovasdream: and shouldn't have asked that question. your hard drive is breaking. panic! backup! smart-test it!19:23
novasdreamBut is a good drive.. dont have more than 10 years19:23
iptablenovasdream: you got bigger problems than upgrade. dude, most drivers have a warrantly of between 2 and 5 years19:23
iptablenovasdream: 10 years is considered lucky.19:23
ShnazWould using an older version of ubuntu server work with the newer hardware?19:23
iptableShnaz: probably not19:23
novasdreamyou right.. my heart is broken.. but you right..19:24
iptableShnaz: we need exact partition layout try and error to help.19:24
Shnazok i am at the partitioning part. should i use one the the guided partiions?19:24
tewardis there a way to get .jar files to run with java 7 runtime, but .jar8 files to run with java 8 runtime?19:25
iptableShnaz: whichever you want. go for it then. use guided for the test.19:25
tewardif so, how?19:25
iptableteward: /path/to/java8 file.jar8  ; /path/to/java7 file.jar ?19:25
tewardiptable: i mean to set defaults19:26
Herbalisthey guys, anyone knows what's the display manager used in the ubuntu based distro voyager19:26
iptableteward: gui or text mode?19:26
tewardiptable: such that if someone doubleclicked an icon it runs under the respective runtime19:26
iptableteward: so to associate when you click on it?19:26
tewardiptable: but .jar8 is read as a ZIP and not a JAR archive19:26
iptableteward: it's called "file association"19:27
iptableteward: http://askubuntu.com/questions/289337/how-can-i-change-file-association-globally19:27
iptableteward: also: http://www.howtogeek.com/117709/how-to-change-your-default-applications-on-ubuntu-4-ways/19:27
iptableteward: also, if you right click on it and choose properties, you can change association with file type there19:28
tewardiptable: except you missed my point19:28
teward[15/01/28 14:26:57] <teward> iptable: but .jar8 is read as a ZIP and not a JAR archive19:28
tewardit impacts ***ALL*** Zip archive items19:28
tewardwhich of course fubars actual archives19:28
tewardso how do i add a ***BRAND NEW*** association not tied to anything19:28
Shnazso why exactly does newer hardware not work with the server software? wouldnt the new stuff be the most recently suported hardware?19:29
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iptableShnaz: what? newer OS supports newer HW. If HW is newer than OS, not so much19:29
iptableteward: you can do file etension association as opposed to file type. read the links I gave you19:30
iptablefile type = true type + extensions19:30
iptableShnaz: although, if grub fails, that doesn't seem like HW support issue per se.19:35
stryakrI'm trying to get mpd to work properly but when I am in the gnome DE it works fine, but when I am in i3 it doesn't work properly. Is there something that needs to be started with i3 to get pulse audio working properly?19:35
iptableShnaz: could be a BIOS featuer that locks writes to MBR though. a lot of server have that. check your BIOS :D19:35
Shnazyes. im able to install 14.04 desktop version just fine19:37
Term1nalOn Ubuntu 14.04 Unity, tried several workarounds found from google, cannot restore the network manager status icon. Tried reinstalling network-manager/network-manager-gnome, adding nm-applet to startup applications, no success.19:37
Shnazand im able to install debian just fine19:37
Shnazthe issue only comes up with ubuntu server19:38
trismTerm1nal: in dconf-editor, is org/gnome/nm-applet/show-applet checked?19:39
anjo-aladiahi lose sound and i dont know what to do more19:42
finishingmoveI'm using vim-nox on Ubuntu 14.04 and after a recent update it seems to have lost Lua support (as reported by the neocomplete.vim plugin). Has anyone found a solution for this?19:42
dymHey everyone! Im having trouble with a multi-isp/shorewall homenetwork. Too long for one IRC message, so description here: http://pastebin.com/wW3gNXzW Keywords: Shorewall, Providers, Loadbalancing, Speedreduction, Routing19:43
anjo-aladiahi lose sound and i dont know what to do more , after update Lubuntu 14.10 http://paste.ubuntu.com/9920488/19:43
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iptableShnaz: as I said, I need error, what you exactly did and preferably screenshot/picture19:43
anjo-aladiahiptable: could you please continue to help me? I did the command you instruct me this afternon then reboot, but still no sound. DO you suspect why ?19:44
iptableanjo-aladiah: which command was that19:44
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, make sure you sound card is connected correctly first , alsamixer shows you are connecting with you hdmi which is on your graphics card not your soundcard19:44
meejplease someone help me . i dont know what happen .when i try to log in to my ubuntu desktop it keep showing me the login page again and again even though i used the correct password   .help pls ihow to fix it !?19:45
iptableanjo-aladiah: disconnect hdmi cable, use pavucontrol to change output to your normal analog from hdmi19:45
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj i tested my sound card with windows, because i have booth Os in pc. Its functioning right on windows19:45
OerHeksdym, not really an ubuntu support issue, ask in #shorewall ?19:46
iptableanjo-aladiah: BluesKaj simply said: check your configuration! run pavucontrol and check. looks like you are trying to output sound to hdmi.19:46
* iptable needs a break19:46
anjo-aladiahiptable i should put " pavucontrol" on console ?»19:46
iptableanjo-aladiah: run (install if needed) pavucontrol. then run it. it's a GUI tool19:47
anjo-aladiahi oding it19:47
iptableanjo-aladiah: you then select your soundcard and sound output device. read manual for how to do it.19:47
tewardiptable: none of your suggestions helped - not even https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingMimeTypes helped19:47
tewardso bleh19:47
meejSoomeone HELP!19:47
anjo-aladiahiam doing it19:47
dymOerHeks: Sure it's nothing to do with the loadbalancing machine beeing a KVM virtual machine?19:47
Term1naltrism: I'll check later, I have to head out for a bit, thanks for that, I'll mess with it when I get back19:47
iptableteward: did you bleh remember to log out and in again?19:48
dymSchematic and problem description here: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/10OcA3U3GWQF2pqZKPbFe6BVWBDqDWWcagqPB-UecbCw/edit?usp=sharing - maybe someone knows.19:48
meejhelp please19:48
iptableteward: and did you also remember to ensure that it's not associated with anything else somewhere else? log out/in or reboot if you made changes global19:49
iptablemeej: relax19:49
iptablemeej: I can't split19:49
anjo-aladiahok i have pavucontrol opened.19:49
iptablemeej: this IS a free community help channel19:49
finishingmoveI'm using vim-nox on Ubuntu 14.04 and after a recent update it seems to have lost Lua support (as reported by the neocomplete.vim plugin). Has anyone found a solution for this?19:49
iptableanjo-aladiah: so now for output choose your sound output device. I tihnk you need to click o nthe small icon on the right hand side of that card19:50
iptableanjo-aladiah: but refer to manual19:50
iptablemeej: ctrl+alt+f3, login there. does it work? does it show errors on login?19:50
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj with pavucontrol, in output devices stereo,  Porto: i have.. HDMI/displayport unpluged19:51
iptableanjo-aladiah: refer to my last 2 comments to you19:51
iptableanjo-aladiah: unplugged doesn't mean you can't try to send sound to it19:51
iptablemeej: once you login, try this: sudo chown -R USERNAME /home/USERNAME19:52
iptablemeej: replace USERNAME with your username in both locations. It may take a while to finish19:53
* iptable really goes for a break now19:53
meejiptable. No it doesnt show error i can login and see my folders from the console . but i cant login from the graphic interface19:55
DJonesfedoranoob: You need to ask an Ubuntu suppot question for responses here19:56
anjo-aladiahThank you Guys iptable and BluesKaj you guys are GOds of Linux ! lolol19:57
anjo-aladiahIts working now.19:57
anjo-aladiahUnbelieveble,..... thnak you19:57
fedoranoobu noob19:57
OerHeksdym "but the speed reduction when not beeing connected directly to the cable modem is mad" maybe you need a straight cable, instead of twisted.19:58
anjo-aladiahyes  iam19:58
DJonesfedoranoob: Please don't19:58
fedoranoobi need help19:58
DJonesfedoranoob: Well ask?19:58
fedoranoobr u mod here jonny_19:59
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, looks to me like pulseaudio /apavucontrol is defaulting to the hdmi on ubuntu and it should be defaulting to intel hda. Open  /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.config with user permissions, and add this line, options snd-hda-intel index=0,  to the bottom of the file , then save it.19:59
DJonesfedoranoob: We're all volunteers19:59
anjo-aladiahi will do it BluesKaj19:59
fedoranoobim installing ruby for xubuntu20:00
fedoranooband ur supposed to add . .rvm/scripts/rvm20:00
fedoranoobcan put it in randomly or under some category20:01
k1lfedoranoob: depends on how you install what exactly? which howto do you follow there?20:02
fedoranoobsome guide on github20:02
kermithow do i remount root read only?  upstart (pid 1) is holding /var/log/upstart/dbus.log open for writing20:02
EriC^^kermit: sudo mount -o remount,ro /20:03
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj where i should put that line options snd-hda-intel index=0 ?  after install sound-slot-7 /sbin/modprobe snd-card-720:03
kermitEriC^^: that only works if nothing has any files open for writing20:03
k1lfedoranoob: that should be a folder in your users home20:03
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, in  /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.config20:04
k1lfedoranoob: the line above that command explains what to do with that line of code. "put it into the .bashrc in your users home"20:04
anjo-aladiahi entedered direcvtory m the i did sudo su . . pass, then edit alsa-base.config  thi sis BluesKej ?20:04
anjo-aladiahi entedered direcvtory m the i did sudo su . . pass, then edit alsa-base.config  thi sis BluesKaj ?20:04
meej sorry iptable iam using my phone and a slow connection . i entered the command you gave me and i get an error message says chown missing operand ...20:05
Fun1so ubuntu and windows are two leading linux distros?20:05
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anjo-aladiahBluesKaj once in the directory, how to edit the file ? there is a command doesnit ?20:06
meejiptable what do i do now .20:06
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, sorry about the mistake there, just put the line at the bottom of the file , alt +F2 , kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.config20:06
k1lFun1: we have #ubuntu-offtopic for chitchat (and you know that)20:06
Olxd_Linux is the BEST!20:06
DJonesFun: Do have an actual support question20:07
FunDJones: what a rhetorical question :)20:07
OerHeksbug 1 should be extended with android, but lets stay ontopic20:07
ubottubug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120:07
dymOerHeks: im not using UTP20:07
OerHeksdym, wireless??20:08
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj it says Kdesudo file or directory inexistence20:08
fedoranoobi dont have permission to edit the bash.bashrc20:08
Funuse sudo?20:08
meejiptable: sorry. are you there ?20:08
DJonesFun: So you do have have a support question, or have you joined in error20:09
Funlike sudo nano filename20:09
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DJonesok, error20:09
k1lfedoranoob: no. dont use sudo20:09
dymOerHeks: sorry, im stupid. ofc i am20:09
loludo you need reg to talk here?20:09
dymOerHeks: what makes you think straight through could be the answer?20:09
FunDJones: I joined to help fellow users20:09
Picilolu: nope20:09
k1lfedoranoob: what gives you "pwd" ? it will report you the folder you are in20:09
dymOerHeks: And also at what points?20:09
anjo-aladiahFun i did and th box lcose it self and nothing happens20:09
fedoranoobwhat do u mean by pwd20:10
anjo-aladiahcan i edit the file with console doesn it ?20:10
k1lfedoranoob: just type "pwd" in the terminal you are working.20:10
k1lfedoranoob: we need to know what  and where you are at the moment.20:10
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, do you know what the run command/krunner is/  It's opened with alt+F2 type, kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.config, to open the file20:10
OerHeksdym. in the old days it was nessasary to use a straight cable for a server/modem, nowadays interfaces can switch. so i guess it does not switch somewhere, and get these slow connections.20:10
dymOerHeks: but it would still work?20:11
dymOerHeks: this is all current hardware.20:11
dymOerHeks: from the HP switches, to the Virtual Host NIC20:11
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anjo-aladiahBluesKaj can i edit the file in console? that don work20:11
ShnazHAZZAHH!!! somehow grub didnt fail this time!!!20:11
k1lfedoranoob: is this a live system?20:12
fedoranoobim the biggest noob in ubuntu/xubuntu just installed it20:12
fedoranoobyes it is20:12
GradyHello when turning on and signing in my unity does not load, It has a los res screen and after a few seconds this pops up "https://imgur.com/a/XXd99" I cant do anything after either option. I cannot ctrl shift t. i cannot run safe mode (by holding shift during start up), cant do anything except for ctrl alt f1 (tty1), this might be caused by some updates earlier in the day, idk, but what are my next steps in tty120:12
OerHeksplus any cable/modem has a client on it too,so what is causing trafficjams. and you say you run it in kvm, so enough places to keep looking.20:12
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj can i use gedit ?20:12
k1lfedoranoob: your changes might be deleted anyway if its not persistent mode that you are using in that live system20:12
dymOerHeks: might need to de-virtualize the routing machine :/20:13
fedoranoobi have the persistent mode20:13
fedoranoobi followed some guide on ytube20:13
k1lfedoranoob: what gives you "ls -al .bashrc"20:14
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, just copy and paste this into the run command, yes gedit (sorry), gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.config20:15
fedoranoob-rw-r--r-- 1 xubuntu xubuntu 3637 Jan 28  2015 .bashrc20:15
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj look what i have inside this file http://paste.ubuntu.com/9923310/20:16
k1lfedoranoob: "nano .bashrc" should open the texeditor nano, copy and paste the lines mentioned into that file at the end. then press ctrl+x and say yes to save the changes20:16
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, forgot I was in #ubuntu,  not #kubuntu...yes add the line to the bottom of that file a nd save it20:17
fedoranoob. .rvm/scripts/rvm ?20:17
k1lfedoranoob: follow the guide you linked. it tells you what to do.20:18
Shnazok. ive installed ubuntu server. and its on a black screen with a blinking cursor. yet nothing is happening. and i cannot type anything20:19
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj iam in Lubuntu, when i do gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.config , it ask pass, but dont open the appgedit. if i open gedit directly on console it dont allow mw to save20:20
BluesKajyou have to use gksudo20:21
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj now it opens but the file is empty, do you believe?20:21
fedoranoobit says that it doesnt find the rvm install ruby-1.9.3-p392 command in the terminal20:21
BluesKaj'make sure the file is /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.config20:21
ZiberI'm trying to change my root filesystem from /dev/xvda1 (it's in a Xen VM) to an LVM I've created. I've updated /boot/grub/grub.cfg, /boot/grub/menu.lst, and /etc/fstab to reflect the change (using the new UID). When I reboot, it still goes back to /dev/xvda1. Where else do I need to update it?20:22
fedoranoobpretty sure i posted the command wrong20:22
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, ^20:22
BluesKajanjo-aladiah, /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.config20:22
anjo-aladiahits conf20:23
BluesKajno config20:23
anjo-aladiahconf here, not it works20:23
anjo-aladiahñow it works with conf20:23
fedoranoobfuck this im going back to windows20:23
acz32is it true that debian is more secure as a desktop OS than ubuntu?20:23
anjo-aladiahconfig is empty20:23
fedoranoobto complicated20:23
k1lacz32: no.20:23
fedoranoobthanks for the help tho20:24
acz32k1l: can you elaborate? they have a security team, stable packages, etc20:24
k1lacz32: the biggest security issue is the user installing unsecure stuff or making changes.20:24
k1lacz32: same with ubuntu.20:24
BluesKajnok anjo-aladiah you're correct , sorry ...I need to take a break ...too many balls inn the air20:24
anjo-aladiahBluesKaj its done , i will reboot now to test doesn it ?20:25
BluesKajyes , anjo-aladiah20:25
acz32k1l: is there any difference in security due to ubuntu being based on debian testing repo?20:25
ZiberI want to change the root parition of a VM from a parition to an LVM. How can go about this?20:26
k1lacz32: for the security issues see: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/   . for the stable intention: ubuntu got LTS relases (14.04) which get 5 years support including security patches etc.20:27
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* impi is away: Away20:29
k1l!away > impi20:29
ubottuimpi, please see my private message20:29
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kermitEriC^^: ahh, "telinit u" made init close the file, oddly20:32
EriC^^kermit: great20:33
ddoarLomrHi! Anyone know how to do video chat in new skype.20:38
tewardddoarLomr: 'new skype'?20:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:43
sparrI am trying to remount my root filesystem readwrite. I try "mount -o remount,rw /dev/vda1 / -t ext4" and get "mount: / not mounted or bad option" despite / being mounted readonly currently. What is confusing it?20:47
EriC^^sparr: drop the /dev/vda1 and -t ext420:48
compdocsparr, its mounted read-only? thats usually a bad sign20:48
CastanedaHello, can anyone help me with installing ns2 on ubuntu ?20:50
daftykinsthe game? not really no20:51
Castanedalol can you help?20:52
osguycurious when did linux from scratch first come out to the public was it around 2001 or did they have it before maybe in the form of another unix like operating system like netbsd or something20:52
Bashing-omCastaneda: Discrete event simulator ? ns2 is in the repo, in the universe/net section. Do you have the universe repo enabled in software sources ?20:53
GradyHello when turning on and signing in my unity does not load, It has a los res screen and after a few seconds this pops up "https://imgur.com/a/XXd99" I cant do anything after either option. I cannot ctrl shift t. i cannot run safe mode (by holding shift during start up), cant do anything except for ctrl alt f1 (tty1), this might be caused by some updates earlier in the day, idk, but what are my next steps in tty120:54
brunostosguy: linux from scratch?20:54
daftykinsosguy: not relevant here. go ask #linux20:54
Castanedaanybody knows how to install NS2 through gdebi?20:58
kotelHello community.. can somebody help me defining "scheduling classes"20:58
Picikotel: Do you have more context for that question?20:58
EriC^^Grady: try signing in using the guest account20:59
kruxbrunost: distribution you build from source from scratch all the way up..20:59
Gradyeric^^: i did same problem20:59
EriC^^Grady: type lspci | grep VGA in the tty20:59
EriC^^Grady: and lshw -C video | grep driver20:59
sparrEXT4-fs (vda1): Couldn't remount RDWR because of unprocessed orphan inode list.  Please umount/remount instead21:00
sparrI can't umount my root partition :(21:00
sparrcompdoc EriC^^ ^^21:00
Pinkamena_DWhat kind of interface can I use to allow one user to write to a bunch of other user's file (such as group owned files), but for all of the other users to not edit each others files.21:00
kotel@Pici i don't have further info...i study for an exam in operating systems and the question is what is scheduling classes linux + windows operating systems use..from a personal research on internet i have found that they are 3 types of scheduling classes (SCHED_OTHER,SCHED_FIFO,SCHED_RR)21:01
sparrPinkamena_D: make the files user-writable and group-writable, and make them owned by a group that the first user is in but the latter users are not.21:01
compdocsparr, I think it would be best to boot the live cd and check the SMART info for the drive and check things out21:01
sparrPinkamena_D: that solution will work until a user creates a new file not owned by the group21:02
daftykinsvda sounds like a virtual disk :P21:02
sparrcompdoc: it's a VM, so I think I need to fix it on the host21:02
Pinkamena_Dthat is ok, it is only a few specific files21:02
compdocsparr, that makes things complicated21:02
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GradyEric^^: here are the responses https://imgur.com/a/GoClW21:04
Picikotel: I'm afraid I'm not as well versed on linux kernel specifics. Perhaps somewhere like ##kernel or ##linux would be more appropriate for your question.21:05
Bashing-omCastaneda: Is it your prefessor's goal that you learn to build an application, or to get ns2 on your system ? ( maybe he is not aware of ubuntu's package management system ?) .21:05
blibanyone knows how to fix CDC ACM USB issues on ubuntu? I've a board that uses cdc_acm and does not show up on ubuntu at times? (14.04.1)21:07
EriC^^Pinkamena_D: you can control the group of the files they create there by setting the group +s on the directory21:08
EriC^^whatever group the dir has the files they create will have the same group21:08
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EriC^^Grady: type dpkg -l | grep "xorg-video\|nvidia"21:11
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GradyEric^^: https://imgur.com/tUr3ks421:13
Moritz_nicknamenwhat dows dpkg --configure -a ?21:14
EriC^^Grady: is the pc connected to the internet?21:15
jimckyhello #ubuntu, I am looking for a command that copies everything from many sub dirs into one dir, does anyone knows how to do it?21:15
EriC^^jimcky: find . -type f -exec cp '{}' /path/to/destination \;21:16
jimckyEriC^^,  thanks, trying :D21:16
RulerRulereverytime i tried to update my amd gpu driver i had to reinstall ubuntu21:18
GradyEric^^: i cannot connect, even on login screen21:18
mjaykRulerRuler: why21:18
loculinuxque tal soy  nuevo en linux alguien podria ayudarme?21:18
RulerRulerbut now ive worked on this distro for some months and it has a lot of data21:18
RulerRulerbecause i dont get video after rebooting21:19
EriC^^Grady: ping google.com doesn't work?21:19
RulerRuleri dont know what i do wrong21:19
EriC^^Grady: ( from the tty )21:19
RulerRulertried to follow the guides 1:121:19
RulerRuleris the something like a reset point i can set?21:19
mjaykRulerRuler: if you want to save your data easiest way is to boot from a liveusb if you have one or use a different tty to copy your data to a usb stick21:19
loculinuxnecesito ayuda!!21:19
mjaykRulerRuler: next time backup!21:19
k1lloculinux: es or br?21:19
RulerRulerits working right now21:20
Gradyit says unknown host.... i think wifi is disabled cause unity did not load21:20
RulerRuleri just want to make sure i dont fuck it up again21:20
mjaykah ok so you can backup your home partition or make a snapshot if you are using btfs21:20
EriC^^Grady: try ping
k1lRulerRuler: video driver installed from amd website or from the ubuntu repo?21:21
Gradynetwork is unreachable21:21
RulerRuleri wanted to install the omega driver21:21
RulerRulerso from amd website21:22
k1lRulerRuler: that is the problem then. you need to install that every time you get a new kernel again21:22
RulerRuleroh okay21:22
RulerRulerso you would just go with what comes in the repo?21:22
Bashing-omGrady: EriC^^ :: Is this a VM ?21:22
mjaykRulerRuler: would be safer/easier21:23
GradyVM? its a laptop and i dont have an ethernet cord21:23
k1lRulerRuler: yes. that brings you the service autmoated of bug/security updates and when a kernel update comes in you dont need to reinstall the driver all the time21:23
RulerRulersounds good but outdated ;)21:24
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EriC^^Grady: try nmcli d21:24
spidyhi :)21:24
k1lRulerRuler: its a bad windows habbit to think that the most recent one is the best21:24
spidyjust installed ubuntu but grub loader wont show up and goes streight to ubuntu..21:25
spidyhad windows on there before21:25
spidyany ideas?21:25
daftykinshold left shift21:25
daftykinsshould give the menu21:25
Gradyresponse " DEVICE          TYPE            STATE"       ..... thats all21:25
spidylet me try21:26
spidybrb :)21:26
RulerRulerk1l how can i purge all my windows habits?21:26
EriC^^Grady: try nmcli device wifi status21:26
EriC^^Grady: ^^ without status21:26
RulerRuleris there an emacs command for that?21:26
k1lRulerRuler: sadly no21:27
spidysame thing dude21:27
spidyubuntu screen behind. and this black screen covering it right infront..21:27
Grady"SSID           BSSID               MODE             FREQ         RATE        SIGNAL   SECURITY   ACTIVE"21:28
k1lspidy: please put a "sudo fdisk -l" (small L at the end) into a pasteservice21:28
EriC^^Grady: does ifconfig show anything?21:28
blibhow can I tell ubuntu to always mount http://paste.ubuntu.com/9924373/ usb device as cdc_acm and at /dev/ttyACM0?21:28
blibecho 0x03eb 0x2404 > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/cdc_acm/new_id ?21:30
spidythere it is :)21:30
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k1lspidy: now a "sudo update-grub"21:30
EriC^^Grady: try ifconfig -a21:31
Castanedaanyone have any idea why nam is crashing when trying to use NS2?  https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/Tyts8qQuRFS0z4CIvDwu21:31
spidyk1l, reboot? :)21:31
k1lspidy: was there a output?21:31
Gradyeric^^: same response21:32
spidyya. it said " found windows 8 " but got windows 7. win8 is an old installation..21:32
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spidyperhaps its working now? lol21:32
k1lok test it21:32
EriC^^Grady: try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart21:32
EriC^^Grady: Bashing-om any idea why the interfaces aren't showing up?21:32
claudio__ciao a tutti21:33
claudio__hello everybody21:33
blibwhere can I find a better cdc acm driver for ubuntu - and how can I install it?21:34
spidythanks man21:35
spidyit worked! :)21:35
k1lspidy: no problem21:35
Gradyeric^^: nothing changed after the network restart21:37
MikhailSakarovHello, if I add manually one repos to my list, and then for example make a "sudo apt-get install libreoffice", if the "libreoffice" package is available in different repos, how apt-get will act? Install twice? Or ask me from which repos I want it from?21:37
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Castanedaif i try to use Nam, it says "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"21:37
EriC^^Grady: try sudo service network-manager restart , then try ifconfig -a again , if it doesn't work i'm out of ideas, maybe try to restart21:37
GradyEric^^: in my initial question I said I installed some updates, could that be the problem? is there anyway to revert?21:38
xanguaGrady: MikhailSakarov it will install the higher version21:38
xanguaMikhailSakarov: missed21:38
MikhailSakarovxangua: and if both versions are the same?21:38
Bashing-omEriC^^: Grady :: nope, WIFI is not in my experience. Has always worked for me with no problems ; thus I have no experience .21:40
GradyEric^^: yea, nothing changed and ping is still unreachable21:40
EriC^^Grady: try to restart, and maybe choose an older kerne21:40
Gradyhow do i choose an older kernel?21:41
EriC^^Grady: hold shift while the pc boots and choose it in grub21:41
EriC^^under advanced21:41
skinuxI downloaded ruby-install and did 'sudo make install', trying to run it I get Permission Denied not using sudo, and command does not exist when using sudo.21:42
Fuchsskinux: command does not exist: probably because it installed it somewhere in /usr/local/bin  which isn't in $PATH, but you can either adapt that or specific the full path,21:42
Fuchsskinux: running software with sudo and installing stuff without using proper packages is rarely a good way to go, mind.21:43
Gradyeric^^: holding shift does nothing, tried it many times21:43
skinuxIt says command not found when I specify full path as well21:44
EriC^^Grady: do you have a live usb?21:44
Bashing-omGrady: EriC^^ :: UEFI ? then use the escape key to get grub menu ( small window of opportunity ) .21:44
skinuxWhy is /usr/local/bin not in path?21:45
Gradyok, amde it to grub21:45
ActionParsnipskinux: what is the output of : cat /etc/issue21:46
EriC^^uh oh21:46
skinuxUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS21:46
EriC^^Grady: cool, boot the older kernel21:47
Gradyok, i loaded the previous version, there is no more low res screen, but unity still does not load... should I try to do the recovery one intead?21:47
ActionParsnipskinux: and the output of: ech $PATH21:48
skinux /opt/applications/staf/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/home/skinux/.composer/vendor/bin/:/var/www/admintools/composer/21:48
EriC^^Grady: nah, go to the tty and see if you have an internet connection21:49
skinuxOn a completely unrelated note, I'm assuming Ubuntu Apps aren't cross-platform....does anyone know of a good alternative for Windows (not specific to Windows 8 Apps)?21:50
skinuxActually, nevermind....I should be asking in #windows21:50
Gradyok i have an internet connection, pinged getting responses21:50
EriC^^Grady: ok, type dpkg -l | grep "xorg-video\|nvidia" | nc termbin.com 999921:51
Gradydo i have to wait for pings to stop?21:52
EriC^^Grady: the guest account still doesn't work right?21:52
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EriC^^Grady: press ctrl+c21:52
Gradyyes guest account still doesnt work21:52
meteoRhey :)21:52
Guest2538what are u doing?21:54
Guest2538quel est le sujet?21:55
Gradyeric^^: idk if its loading ot something.... it isnt even asking for another command21:55
k1l!fr | Guest253821:55
ubottuGuest2538: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:55
Guest2538so what is the subject?21:56
howyhow can i open a text file that doest finish with .txt using only terminal ?21:56
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mjaykhowy: nano file21:56
k1lGuest2538: technical ubuntu support. if you dont have a question you can join #ubuntu-offtopic fot chating21:56
jhutchins_wkhowy: Open for read or for write?21:56
ActionParsniphowy: file extension doesn't mean anything in Linux21:56
jhutchins_wkhowy: Most of linux doesn't care about the extension.21:57
howyfor read21:57
EriC^^Grady: try one more time21:57
ActionParsniphowy: if you want to use a GUI application : gedit filename21:57
EriC^^Grady: it should return a link, if it doesn't try sudo apt-get install pastebinit21:57
ActionParsniphowy: or: less filename21:58
k1lhowy: for only reading: cat file / less file21:58
jhutchins_wkhowy: less <file>21:58
GradyEric^^: I have class coming up soon and have to leave in 5 min, will be back in about an hour and a half... wil you still be on or could I pm you or something?21:58
jhutchins_wkhowy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_format#Magic_number21:58
ActionParsnipk1l: no need to cat ;)21:58
skinuxWhy do I get Permission Denied for something in /usr/local/bin????21:59
k1lActionParsnip: read / as or :)21:59
mjaykskinux: because root owns /21:59
jhutchins_wkskinux: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?22:00
skinuxWell, I need to run ruby-install, which is located in local/bin. If I use sudo, it says the command doesn't exist -- even specifying full path.22:00
ActionParsnipk1l: gotcha22:00
MarkyCHey, can someone assist me with remapping my side mouse button to work as my middle mouse button22:00
Guest2538try abiword aplli22:00
GradyEriC^^: ok, im out ill come back on later, thanks for the help! hope we can get this fixed22:02
Guest2538see you next time!!!22:04
osguystupid question what is the newest current up to date ubuntu22:06
osguyi have 14 something how close am i do they have 15 yet or 16 yet22:06
jhutchins_wkosguy: 14.1022:06
k1l_osguy: "lsb_release -d" gives you what?22:06
osguyO ok so i am close thanks\22:06
osguyI was being lazy22:07
jhutchins_wkosguy: 15.04 should release near April.22:07
ActionParsniposguy: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue22:08
nf7Is there a command that takes a hostname and returns the IP address?22:09
crapsulhi all , i try to close port on my network , with " iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 21 -j DROP " , but just after use this command , i launch $nmap/zenmap , and i see this port (21) open ...22:09
crapsulnf7 look with $ifconfig22:09
ActionParsnipnf7: dig22:09
Jibbler2on 10.04, i could emulate a middle mouseclick on my wireless keyboard/touchpad by clicking the left+right buttons at the same time. how can i enable this feature on 14.04?22:10
nf7ActionParsnip: Excellent thanks.22:10
ActionParsnipNf7: dig hostname22:10
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crapsulhi all , i close opening port on my network with $iptables , but just after used this command , i launch $nmap/zenmap , and i see this port open, again  ...22:12
crapsulanyone can be help me ?22:12
osguycurious how old or what level of physics  are you guys at highschool , college , grad student , professional in field22:12
osguysorry not physics i mean computer sciences22:12
osguy/ software engineering22:13
crapsuli am nurse ..22:13
nf7osguy: college22:13
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k1l_osguy: varies very much. for smalltalk we do have #ubuntu-offtopic to keep this channel clear for support22:14
mjaykosguy: i just got my phd in physics :( thought someone wanted to know... finally22:14
ActionParsnipUniversity graduate and a senior server engineer22:14
osguyundergraduate or graduate/phd students?22:14
osguyany professionals working in the software engineering, network engineering , os development, database , security engineering fields22:15
NegativeFlare!offtopic | osguy22:16
ubottuosguy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:16
skinofstarshey all. i'm getting kinda tired of unity issues. any recommendations for alternatives?22:16
NegativeFlareskinofstars: Xubuntu xD22:16
MikhailSakarovosguy: I work in all those fields plus in astrophysics, aerodynamics and I'm a musician22:16
skinofstarsNegativeFlare: xfce? old skool ;)22:17
NegativeFlareskinofstars: no, not really. Its still around. And very alive. In fact I'm using it right now.22:17
osguyare you kidding or serious because that would be quite impressive22:17
ActionParsnipskinofstars: if you still want to keep Gnome then install Gnome she'll and use that22:17
osguydo you have a phd ?22:18
howyis there any way i can get the wfi key stored from terminal ?? i cant open the text file wich contains the key .an i am in recovery mode trying to connect to wifi .22:18
MikhailSakarovosguy: I also have a lawyer degree and 2 PhD in philosophy engineering22:18
k1l_skinofstars: ubuntu ships a lot of desktops. just choose one and test it.22:18
k1l_!ot | MikhailSakarov osguy22:18
ubottuMikhailSakarov osguy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:18
skinofstarsi'm really after stability. i think xubuntu is a good call22:18
ActionParsniphowy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104303922:20
NegativeFlarehowy: Why can't you open the text file? You do know theres a command called cat correct?22:22
techsuperfreakAnyone get FreeNX server working with Ubuntu 14.04?22:23
crapsul$cat look.txt / $nano look.txt / less look.txt ActionParsnip22:23
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX22:24
howyACtionpa..: do i have to use the key to join thr AP even though it s saved and stored . sorry for my english22:24
NegativeFlarehowy: What country are you from?22:24
NegativeFlareWe may have a channel that can speak your native language22:24
MikhailSakarov!ot | offtopic22:25
ubottuofftopic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:25
MikhailSakarovworks even with no user name22:25
NegativeFlareMikhailSakarov: of course.22:25
k1l_MikhailSakarov: can we keep this channel now for support only please?22:26
MikhailSakarovyes, so, if I have 2 repos which contains the same program with exact same version, when I "apt-get install" how it chooses the package? Is it asking me from which repos I want it from or does it install twice?22:27
k1l_MikhailSakarov: it chooses the newest package. depending on the name.22:28
NegativeFlareMikhailSakarov: It'll probably choose the one from your custom repo/PPA22:28
NegativeFlareThat is, if the version is EXACTLY the same22:28
k1l_MikhailSakarov: see "apt-cache policy packagename" to know what repo will/is gonna be installed from.22:28
MikhailSakarovalright thanks22:28
MikhailSakarovk1l_: ah cool22:29
MikhailSakarovk1l_: damn that command is kind of good22:32
MikhailSakarovk1l_: do you know how I can switch repos for one program?22:32
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k1l_MikhailSakarov: it will install the higher versionnumber. so you want a older version from another repo? what are we talking about exactly?22:34
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MikhailSakarovk1l_: not really, but just want to know if it's possible22:35
k1l_MikhailSakarov: its not needed in the daily use, imho. you could set a repo for priority but i dont know what happens if its older version than the original one22:36
DominciiHi, my girlfriends laptop is pretty lame so I replaced her HDD with an old SSD of mine and installed Ubuntu from usb, shes given it a try but would prefer to revert to windows - im trying to install it for her with an iso i downloaded but i cant seem to create a new partition to mount it to, any way to do that without wiping the whole disk?22:39
DominciiI dont have a usb big enough to create a bootable image btw, the iso is like 8gb22:40
mjaykDomincii: to install windows try #windows i think the only way is dvd or usb though22:41
theadminDomincii: You'll need a DVD or a USB, there's no other way to instll Windows.22:41
theadminDomincii: However, the Windows images are typically ~4GB in size, not 8.22:42
Domincii mjayk  theadmin  thanks for your help, ill just try to get a larger usb to do it on22:42
Dominciihow can i mount it to usb on ubuntu btw? will i need to use furius or is there something else ill need?22:43
mjaykDomincii: you mean "burn" the iso to the usb stick22:44
Domincii mjayk  thats the one :)22:44
mjaykDomincii: http://askubuntu.com/questions/116885/can-i-use-ubuntu-to-write-a-windows-7-iso-to-usb22:45
mjaykDomincii: have alook at solution #222:45
mjaykthats how i usually do it22:45
Domincii mjayk  tyvm22:45
TooFastNet[Question] Hi, my internet is too fast (im not trolling). I need to revert my speed back to the 80s. I have tried using a program called "Charles Proxy" where you can throttle your speed and increase your latency. Sadly it only seems to work on regular browser (like IE, Firefox and Chrome). I cant use those since they will only timeout. Lynx would22:46
TooFastNetbe ideal for this but sadly it does not seem to work with "Charles Proxy". I have not found any such options in Lynx as well. Do you guys have any idea how i can set it up? I would like the speed to be around 0.0375 kB/s with a latency of 500ms.22:46
mjaykTooFastNet: cant you just limit your link connection ?22:48
Domincii mjayk E: unable to locate package winusb comes up when i try to istall it from terminal, any ideas?22:48
bazhangDomincii, its in a PPA you have to enable22:49
mjaykDomincii: what version of you buntu are you on22:49
elvisPi am doing this $parallel foo.sh ::: parm1 parm222:49
Domincii mjayk  most recent one, 12.04 iirc22:49
elvisPbut it runs them sequential. foo.sh parm1 runs, then when it exits foo.sh parm2 runs.22:49
elvisPis there a way to truly run both cmds in simultanesouly?22:49
bazhangDomincii, its not in the regular repos, PPA are at your own risk (completely unsupported iow)22:50
Domincii mjayk 14.04LTS just checked, dep22:50
Two_DogsGLX Renderer: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.4, 128 bits) GLX Version: 2.1 Mesa 10.1.3 Direct Rendering: Yes <-- does this infer software rendering ? i say that is software rendering regardless of the 'direct rendering : yes' from inxi -Gxx , i assume if i see 'llvmpipe' the rendering is software every time, yes/no? i'll accept votes either way,22:50
Domincii bazhang how do i allow their installation?22:50
mjaykhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/289559/how-can-i-create-a-windows-bootable-usb-stick-with-ubuntu Domincii instructions for 14.04 are in the top answer22:50
bazhanginstructions on the page Domincii22:50
msroth123how can I toggle an environmental boolean variable in a script then use it for example env TOUCHOFF=!TOUCHOFF && xinput set-prop "ELAN Touchscreen" "Device Enabled" $TOUCHOFF22:51
Domincii bazhang  mjayk thanks both22:51
mjaykDomincii: copy and past it line by line and it should be fine22:51
LeBlaaancIs there an acceptable place to put a .sh file you'd like all users to be able to execute?22:52
votlonhey i cant find any documentation for moving my swap to a different harddrive, can someone link me to some? for 14.04 ubuntu :)22:58
msroth123my scanner scans but a blank page is delivered to my computer22:59
k1l_votlon: create a new swap on the other disk, change the fstab to link to the new swap partition.22:59
votlonk1l_: that simple? :D also is it 2g for ever 1g of ram?23:00
k1l_votlon: swap = ram.23:00
votlonk1l_: oh okay thanks :)23:01
k1l_votlon: all that swap myths come back from the days when ram was slow (slower than today) and very expensive and very small. today you dont want your system to use  swap because its dead slow. you only need swap=ram if you do hibernation23:01
MonkeyDustmy swap isnt even enabled, must 've disabled it some time in the past... never noticed23:02
votlonk1l_: i thought hibernation came disabled by default in ubuntu23:02
Bashing-omvolent: This help : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq ?23:02
k1l_votlon: yes, but there are people who want to enable that and need a swap for that then.23:03
votlonah i see, thanks for your help :)23:03
TooFastNet[question] If I change link speed on the NIC, how low can i set it? Perhapas it depends on the NIC itself?  Can I verify it by doing a simple speed test? Witch "Charles Proxy" the broswer behaved as if it was on dialup but when I started a speed test (once the webpage finally loaded) it showed that I had the same speed as before (100mbit). So by li23:03
TooFastNetmiting the link speed everything should be slow like playing games online?23:03
votlonTooFastNet: i love how your username is toofastnet and your making ur nics slower ;)23:05
phre4kTooFastNet: I don't know, but would the burp suite be any help? I think you can define package loss there23:05
TooFastNetaha ok thanks I will check it out23:07
aignacio #esp826623:08
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nonicknamegivennow ralink could s**k my d**k . solved the problem with changing the card :-D23:11
votlonSo ive created the partitions in gparted, how do i do a full formart to the partitions so there is no data to rewrite on them?23:12
Ben64votlon: what do you mean23:12
votlonBen64: like in windows server you get the full format option on a new partition so it writes to the whole disk then a quick format option23:13
votlonIdk if this is acturate i just always thought it was because a disk would run faster if the data was deleted off of it before you used it23:14
Ben64not true23:14
OerHeksvotlon, go back in the installer, and choose 'use entire hdd' would give a fresh mbr, that is safe23:15
votlonaccurate*, and you just blew my mind ben :3, so i can just leave the harddrive the way it is and not get a slower write speed?23:15
k1l_votlon: its not for faster speeds. its for not reading the stuff that was written there23:15
Ben64votlon: correct, hard drives write data, it doesn't matter what it was before23:15
votlonLearn new stuff everyday, thanks for the help guys :)23:16
r_awaitSSDs however write faster when there is no data23:21
daftykinsnot true, only when there is less than x% free space and there are no clean blocks23:22
r_awaitsure and you are not overwriting23:22
meeswhy nano shows files without extention empty .??23:25
NegativeFlaremees: um What? I don't understand23:25
daftykinsmaybe it doesn't exist23:26
OerHekssome files are empty.23:26
maxvihow can I uncheck "Snapping Windows" from console ? http://www.techsupportalert.com/files/images/CCSM-Place-Windows.jpg23:26
NegativeFlaremaxvi: Console? You mean from the terminal?23:27
OerHeksmaxvi, with arrows and spacebar ?23:27
mees<NegativeFlare : when ii try to open a file called" new " in terminal with nano , i find it empty , but it isnt when iopen it with leafpad23:27
OerHeksin that gui*23:27
NegativeFlaremees: Maybe you're not in the correct folder?23:27
maxviNegativeFlare: yeah I mean terminal23:27
NegativeFlaremaxvi: I'm not sure, there's probably a way to edit the settings of ccsm from its files that it uses.23:28
meeswhat do u mean not in the right terminal ?23:28
NegativeFlaremees: Folder, Are you in the correct folder?23:28
k1l_mees: nano /path/to/file/new23:28
meesyes i am23:28
NegativeFlaremees: If you were, nano would pull it up just fine.23:29
k1l_mees: do a "ls -l" do you see the file?23:29
NegativeFlareOtherwise, you're not in the correct folder in the terminal23:29
NegativeFlareIf the file doesn't show up with ls, then you're not in the correct folder23:29
meesyes it s this one :92 janv. 27 23:00 New23:30
NegativeFlaremees: nano New23:30
k1l_mees: "nano New" should open it23:30
NegativeFlareyou have to type in the exact file name23:30
NegativeFlareEven the case has to be correct23:30
NegativeFlareThis isn't windows, Linux is case sensitive23:30
meesbut when i opened this one it worked ,161 janv. 26 22:05 passwordlist.txt23:30
maxviOerHeks: when I am moving some window closest from another it snap to another window border (and to screen edges)23:30
NegativeFlaremees: As I already said, Linux is case sensitive. If you don't type the exact file name, its going to think you're trying to open a new file23:31
mees<NegativeFlare> yeas a I get it sorry to trouble you with stuped question sorry !23:32
NegativeFlaremees: lol, don't worry man. Its not stupid. We all have to figure Linux out. Its an advanced OS for a reason :P23:33
meesright !23:33
MonkeyDustthe difficulty and learning curve depends on how used you are to another OS23:38
NegativeFlareMonkeyDust: Yes, heh. I'm glad I've worked so much with DOS :P23:38
NegativeFlareAnyways, back to on topic stuff23:38
biclyHello, I was looking for help just pointing me in the correct direction. I have a device, somewhere on the internet, I want to point it at my home server, then foward to an outside server, take that information back from outside server, to home server, back to device. this is tcp https traffic. the port can stay the same example 520123:41
Ben64bicly: that makes no sense23:42
daftykins^ +123:42
biclylet me try again lol23:43
daftykinswhat on earth are you up to :P23:43
biclyintercepting https to run a packet capture23:43
bekksbicly: Why dont you just capture traffic on the host of your "device"?23:45
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k1l_sounds like a https man in the middle attack23:45
biclyi cant at my work enviroment23:46
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bekksIf you cant capture traffic, then you cant redirect it either23:46
biclyi can point the terminal to a home server23:47
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daftykinsperhaps you'd be better off in ##networking23:47
daftykinsgiven as this isn't really OS support23:47
bekksWhat does "I can point a terminal to a home server" means?23:47
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votlonoh man i messed up guys :/23:51
votlonso i deleted my boot partition in gparted that was on a different harddrive, how can i install grub into my current harddrive?23:52
votlonor reinstall it onto that original harddrive23:52
votlonnvm didnt know there was a boot-repair tool23:55
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