
MFenathan: just a theory here, but does bin/deconfigured start a daemon process?00:00
athanMFen: Not quite, it does invoke a server though00:00
athanit doesn't fork anything00:00
MFenok, so that process stays running in the foreground00:01
athanIt connects to port 80 & does the http stuff00:01
athanIt does some basic logs - 200 responses etc00:01
athan(it's weird, my tests that caused resets actually logged as 200s)00:01
MFenyou've exhausted my knowledge then sry :)00:02
athanThanks anyway MFen !00:08
athanhmm this is interesting, so the http response doesn't actually go through (even on `lo`)00:15
athanI could show .pcap's if helpful :)00:15
athan6 ACK's from the browser, and nothing back :O00:15
athaner... wait... shouldn't the ACK come _after_ the 200 response? :s00:17
athanor maybe it's just a "resend" signal00:17
JanCathan: when you start it yourself vs. upstart, there might be different users, and/or different environments00:20
athanJanC: There isn't anything particular in the executable, though00:21
athanI have full control over the code - there are only 2 or three things which vary based on the runtime00:21
athanwhich are fully logged and don't matter much in terms of http responses :\00:21
JanCe.g. things started by upstart probably don't have a console available etc.00:22
JanCthat's the sort of thing you might want to look into00:23
* JanC leaves now, have to get up early in the morning :)00:24
athanoop, sorry!00:35
athanwith `console log`, I thought all stdout/stderr got piped to a file? :S00:36
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hitlin37i have one conceptual question13:27
hitlin37if i stop a job based on a false condition of configuration file than it will not respawn. 13:28
hitlin37even if job says respqn.13:28
hitlin37all i have to do is to exit 0 in pre-start.13:29
hitlin37specifically, i'm talking about this : http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#stop-a-job-from-running-if-its-configuration-file-has-not-been-created-modified14:58
hitlin37so,, was interested to know if it will respwan if stopped in pre-start, even if job conf says resqpwan14:59
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