
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
astraljavaThey're all same-same, but different. But still the same!07:32
elfyapart from when different-different - maybe the same different then :p07:33
astraljavaHaha! :D07:34
knomeelfy, so maybe you noticed my comment on -offtopic or not...08:25
knomeelfy, anyway, looks like unattended upgrades *aren't* on by default08:26
knomeelfy, the enabling bit is in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic08:26
elfyI didn't - but I've not been taking too much notice of this discussion anyway tbh08:29
elfyI don't like unattended upgrades 08:30
knomebut they're secure..08:30
elfythat means I've got total trust in someone else :p08:30
knomei don't like them either08:30
jhenke_hi folks!09:39
jhenke_elfy the link to the pad you send around via ML is not accessible09:39
=== jhenke_ is now known as jhenke
jhenkeuser type poll09:39
knomewhich one?09:39
jhenkeaccess denied09:39
knomejhenke, you need to be in the ubuntu-etherpad team09:40
jhenkeis that an open team?09:40
knomeit's moderated, but practically everybody is approved when they ask for approval09:41
jhenkeokay, good to know, I applied now, the error message though is not really helpful to find that out...09:42
jhenkethanks knome 09:42
knomei guess not :)09:42
slickymasterWorkelfy, pleia2, added some possible/eventual additions for both your consideration at the bottom of http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-user-identifies-as10:06
jhenkeby the way, where would you like to have the answer to that pad? in that pad below?10:20
knomejhenke, we're not running the survey, we're building it10:24
knomejhenke, if you want to participate in the survey, wait for some time longer so we get it out10:24
jhenkeknome ahh okay, then I misunderstood the mail10:25
knomeno problem10:25
knomebluesabre, ok, fair enough, just wondering where we are with that (re: mugshot discussion at -ot)11:16
bluesabreso far, basically nowhere (but will be fixed soon)11:18
bluesabrebrainwash: xubuntu-default-settings 14.10.12 pushed... waiting for approval/release into -proposed11:37
bluesabrethe imgur support is niiiice12:15
bluesabrefirefox 36 being unable to open links is duuuumb :P12:16
bluesabreit's hard to be productive in the morning :(12:16
Unit193Imgur won't help there..12:19
brainwashbluesabre: that's great. hopefully it will be accepted without the need to ping someone :)12:23
bluesabreI'll start the pinging when I get home tonight12:24
brainwashbluesabre: ah, don't forget about my xfce4-settings patch for the mime editor12:28
bluesabreoh right12:33
bluesabrecan you link that again?12:33
brainwashbug 139118412:34
ubottubug 1391184 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "MIME type change incorrectly shows as Default" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139118412:34
brainwashapplying the patch upstream is the important part, not sure if you need to package it12:36
brainwashthere are plans to release xfce4-settings 4.11.4 somewhat soon, or?12:38
bluesabreI'd need to see what has landed since the last release, and what open bugs there are.  I can plan to do a new release soon though12:50
bluesabreprobably a lot of cleanup needed there12:55
bluesabrewill work on that this weekend12:55
bluesabreanyhoo, time for work, bbl12:56
knomeelfy, ping me when you're around (cue: wiki css)12:59
elfyknome: ok 13:06
elfythat's not a ping though - just wandered home for a cuppa ...13:07
knomeheh :)13:07
elfyslickymasterWork: thanks - had a quick look, made a quick comment 13:28
elfypleia2: assuming that com32 error doesn't get sorted by next week, http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-usb13:28
slickymasterWorkok elfy, got it14:23
ochosihumm humm, i guess my remote login went down while i was away, so if any of you said something to me during the last few days, you might have to repeat it...15:04
slickymasterWorklol ochosi, feeling like Calimero ;)15:05
ochosislickymasterWork: you mean you're wearing a white egg-shell?15:08
elfyochosi: welcome back :)15:08
elfyluckily all I said is best not read or repeated :p15:09
elfyknome: I can now back back 15:09
ochosielfy: thanks :)15:10
knomeochosi, here neither15:17
slickymasterWorkelfy, regarding your comments on http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-user-identifies-as, please feel free to just use my suggestions if you and pleia2 think they fit the survey purpose 15:17
knome19:41  brainwash: ochosi: bad news, xdg-screensaver is broken in vivid15:17
ochosioh, that doesn't sound good15:17
ochosiwhat's broken exactly?15:18
ochosibrainwash: ^15:18
elfyslickymasterWork: understand that :)15:19
knome19:41  brainwash: ochosi: bad news, xdg-screensaver is broken in vivid15:22
knome19:41  brainwash: not my part, but the DE detection15:22
knome19:47  brainwash: somehow caused by dropping the obsolete upstream patch15:22
knomeochosi, ^ context for you sir15:22
ochosiah context. thanks15:23
knomeelfy, not on my desktop so can't show you what i wanted, but i'll keep pinging you15:23
ochosihmm, lengthy games discussion15:23
elfyknome: ok15:24
ochosido we have some writeup of how costly shipping the games actually is?15:24
knomecomments include "add steam with a few gqmes"15:24
elfyochosi: yea - which so good imo15:24
slickymasterWorkit's our best seller so far, the games thread15:24
knomei think it isn't too costly, but there's the testing burden and stuff15:24
knomeand do people really play those games?15:24
elfywe don't test them knome 15:25
ochosiwell, that is really difficult/impossible to assess15:25
knomeisn't it a bit 90ish to play minesweeper when linux installs? (:15:25
knomeelfy, we *could* :)15:25
elfyright 15:25
ochosiyeah, but the point was we don't15:25
elfyso I'll take that with a pich of salt 15:25
ochosiand isn't stuff that is "a bit 90's" totally in again?15:25
elfyI play sudoko from time to time 15:25
elfyto while away boredom 15:25
knomei'm not really sure if a distro will look "cheap and flimsy" if it doesn't ship games...15:26
elfyit doesn't hurt to have them15:27
ochosiyeah, i'd still try to supply some facts about the costliness of having the games15:27
knomeno, but that argument isn't valid either15:27
ochosijust to get some grounding for why we would want them removed15:27
ochosi(or wouldn't)15:27
elfyochosi: it was just a throw away comment from me15:27
knomeif nobody else does it, i'll do a brief summary of the discussion some time15:27
elfywhich one or two thought was a great idea - notably just knome and slickymasterWork from memory15:28
slickymasterWorkright, I was one15:29
slickymasterWorkand I stand by it15:29
knomei don't think we need the games and are probably the one to suggest removing them first15:29
elfyfrankly I think that giving people abiword and gnumeric is a bigger issue than a couple of small games 15:29
ochosiyeah, those two are mostly crappy15:30
ochosii still agree on that15:30
knomeelfy, that's related, but i don't want to mess up the thread with libreoffice stuff..15:30
elfyknome: good - pleia2 is supposed to be doing a seperate one for that :)15:30
knomeuh oh already :)15:30
ochosiyeah, that thread...15:31
ochosii'm already afraid of it15:31
elfyochosi: lol15:31
elfydon't see why - just do it and get it over with :)15:31
knome"do it", you mean install libreoffice by default?15:32
knomebecause i can't see many opinions against that on the mailing list tbh15:32
knome(that doesn't mean it's the (only) correct solution)15:33
ochosiagain, assessing the facts would be good (how big would the iso become exactly?)15:33
knomemaybe Unit193 can brew one15:34
ochosiyeah, that would be nice15:34
knomethat would give us a real-world number versus some hypothetical one15:34
elfywhen the time comes it depends on what we actually go with - just calc and writer would be the obvious thing as direct replacements rather than the whole thing like ubuntu 15:34
knomeelfy, i'm sure people will vouch for impress too, and if we include LO stuff, i wouldn't have many arguments against throwing it in as well15:35
knomeand at that point, it's probably not a *huge* thing to pull in either15:35
elfyNeed to get 4,754 kB of archives.15:36
elfyAfter this operation, 18.8 MB of additional disk space will be used.15:36
elfyfor installing impress ^^15:36
elfyNeed to get 56.3 MB of archives.15:37
elfyAfter this operation, 119 MB of additional disk space will be used.15:37
elfyfor installing all of the bits of LO I don't have 15:37
knomewe probably don't want base15:38
knomeand i don't know about draw either..15:38
knome(or if we add that, drop GIMP!!)15:38
knome(even if it isn't a replacement...)15:39
knomewow, something weird happened15:39
knomegot analog noise from hdmi15:39
elfyso you scared unit off then 15:43
elfybad knome :p15:43
brainwashochosi: I've already updated the broken patch in xdg-utils and a new version has been uploaded. However, I did not file any SRU yet, because I want to test a patch for proper DE detection first16:27
ochosiah good16:27
ochosithanks for that16:27
* ochosi is still catching up16:28
brainwashochosi: the xdg- apps don't seem to detect Xfce, so xdg-screensaver falls back to "other/none DE"16:28
ochosicould be that that already was the case before16:29
ochosior did you notice some real breakage in the script wrt that?16:29
brainwashit does not break anything in xdg-screensaver, because if no known screensaver is detected, it will control the X11 screensaver in both cases (Xfce or no DE)16:30
brainwashbut still... it should detect Xfce properly16:31
brainwashupstream does16:32
brainwashochosi: oh, you should read the last comment in the xfpm lp report16:33
brainwashwell, basically we are waiting for cavalier to come up with a solution :D16:33
ochosibrainwash: right, that sounds like i actually don't have to read it then16:38
brainwashalways helps to read the details16:39
knomeunless you're the project lead and just want to know the overview and that it's being handled16:42
ochosiyup ^16:50
brainwashbut you are involved with xfpm and light-locker =S16:51
knomewhat in xubuntu isn't he involved with?16:52
brainwashas direct contributor?16:52
knomewell tbh i don't think he would be a direct contributor to the projects you mentioned either if he didn't have to16:53
ochosibrainwash: i still can't look at each bug individually all the time. so when others like you and cavalier are looking into it already, i'm knocking it down on my priority list16:53
knomebrainwash, you know.. he trusts you to handle it, be worthy of the trust :)16:53
knome(and i have no doubts you wouldn't... but take it as a compliment that he's not looking into it)16:54
brainwashI understand, maybe I'm just overhyping this issue16:55
knomeprobably... and if it doesn't work as expected, there's still plenty of time for other people to look at it :)16:58
knomewe haven't even put out a single alpha/beta image16:58
elfytake the trust and use it to you advantage :)17:01
elfyd'oh - said that out loud :p17:02
ochosihm, weather plugin not working for anyone else too?17:04
ochosihm weird, works again after resetting the location17:04
ochosihmpf, that remote login really goes for reboots a lot lately...17:22
ochosianyway, i'm off again for now, hf everyone17:22
elfycya :)17:23
knomepleia2 dropped the bomb! run! evacuate!20:36
pleia2almost waited until right before airplane ;)20:36
pleia2(airplane is my tomorrow morning)20:37
knomethat would have been sneaky.20:37
knomepleia2, reasons like xubuntu will look cheap and flimsy if no games are shipped?20:37
* knome shakes his head20:37
pleia2and newcomers look for something familiar20:38
pleia2I get that, I've seen it20:38
knomeyeah i can agree and empathize with *that*20:38
knomebut not that an OS is cheap or flimsy if it doesn't have a default game...20:38
knomeif we want to ship a game by default, ship openttd >:)20:39
elfyone person's opinion of that doesn't cheapen the whole of the discussion20:39
knomeelfy, no.20:39
Unit193Also, isn't there a mute button for the list?  I think I'm going to need a mute button!20:39
elfywhich isn't about changing what we ship - but whether we do or don't20:39
knomeUnit193, a tetris isn't a bad idea20:39
knomeUnit193, find the unsubscribe button :P20:40
knomewhat about quadrapassel?20:40
knomeUnit193, re: discussion before, do you think you could craft an ISO with abiword an gnumeric dropped and lo-writer and -calc added?20:41
knomeUnit193, just to get a real number for the ISO size20:41
knomeand if it isn't too much, do one more with -impress installed as well20:42
Unit193knome: Thought I did that already once.  I'd suppose so, but it'd be a (close) estimate still since it's removing and adding rather than doing an exact build how they would.20:42
knomeUnit193, close estimate is better than a random guesstimate20:42
knomei got to say, having -core ready for people who want a less complex system makes me less worried about including libreoffice stuff20:43
knomebut i can't help that i'm starting to think a core ISO would be nice too20:43
* Unit193 calls not it.20:45
* elfy calls that's a decision for XPL :p20:45
knomeheyy... i'm not proposing anything20:46
knomeso there is no decision to be made either :)20:46
Unit193knome: And by -calc and -writer only, I presume you mean to include -gtk? :P20:46
knomeUnit193, yes of course.20:46
knomeUnit193, and recommends :P20:47
Unit193Of course!20:47
knome...and if you please would, depends too !20:47
Unit193Dang, cought me.20:47
knomecaught too20:47
Unit193Yes, that.20:47
knomeelfy, let's be *VERY* theoretical now20:49
knomeelfy, if we had the -core iso, wouldn't installation tests done for that be enough?20:49
knomeelfy, the main ISO having installation tests maybe now and then (milestones)20:49
knomeelfy, and package-related testing happening outside that as usual20:50
knomeelfy, and please, take this very theoretically.... :)20:50
knomeelfy, eg. still not proposing anything, or thinkin about proposing, just thinking aloud20:50
knome(aloud, but with a very quiet whisper)20:51
knome(movie reference: gladiator)20:51
Unit193Eh, problem with that is you'd not be checking for missing functionality due to missing packages.20:51
knomeUnit193, but wouldn't that functionality be missing from the packages?20:51
knomei mean, core being the "core xubuntu experience"20:51
knomei guess that IF we ever did that ^, we'd need some changes in a thought level too..20:52
elfywell ... 20:52
elfyon a purely theoretical level 20:53
elfywhy you talk of testing? 20:53
elfyit doesn't get done 20:53
knomesorry for asking then...20:54
elfybut if it DID get done 20:54
Unit193knome: I mean like polkit or something mssing20:54
Unit193messing up*20:54
knomeUnit193, mmh. i guess if something is failing in core, then it's a fail currently, and we should make sure that doesn't happen20:55
elfythen I would say that we'd need it to be set up like everything is currently for not -core20:55
elfyshouldn't - assuming a level playing field - be hard to accomplish20:56
Unit193Or just keep it at milestone, and keep Xubuntu Desktop as the flagship and Core as the redheaded stepchild...20:56
knomeone of the benefits of that would be a smaller ISO to test with20:56
knomeUnit193, sure ;)20:57
elfyUnit193: yea - that's a possibility20:57
elfyon the other hand20:57
Unit193Speaking of which, wanted that new test done about now, elfy?20:57
elfyassuming current interest in testing - which we have to for the time being - that put's a lot of pressure on testing in 2 days20:58
elfyyea - I did make a start on the 64 bit one then I wandered off playing with image testing for pleia2 20:58
elfybad timing :D20:58
elfyknome: I'd rather not have to make that assumption - but it does need to be taken into account :)20:59
Unit193I: Xubuntu LibreOffice20:59
elfytaps desk with fingers waiting for the punchline ... 21:01
Unit193elfy: I was going to try and break something before the next -core install, but not sure how. :P21:03
knomeUnit193, sudo apt-get purge *udev*21:05
Unit193knome: Well it pulls in more than you'd like.21:10
knomeUnit193, of course.21:10
Unit193958M vivid-desktop-i386.iso21:14
Unit1931.1G xubuntu-15.04-lo-i386.iso21:14
knomethat's... huh21:15
knomeover 1G :P21:15
knomeout of curiosity, how much is gimp?21:15
Unit193libreoffice-base-core 1:4.3.3-0ubuntu321:16
Unit193libreoffice-calc 1:4.3.3-0ubuntu321:16
Unit193libreoffice-common 1:4.3.3-0ubuntu321:16
Unit193libreoffice-core 1:4.3.3-0ubuntu321:16
Unit193libreoffice-gtk 1:4.3.3-0ubuntu321:16
Unit193libreoffice-math 1:4.3.3-0ubuntu321:16
Unit193libreoffice-style-galaxy 1:4.3.3-0ubuntu321:16
Unit193libreoffice-style-human 1:4.3.3-0ubuntu321:16
Unit193libreoffice-writer 1:4.3.3-0ubuntu321:16
Unit193Would have to use clever blacklisting to get it right.21:16
Unit193And even then, blacklisting the two would only shave off ~3M.21:18
Unit193But, https://unit193.net/dump/xubuntu-15.04-lo-i386.iso (has md5sum and zsync too)21:19
brainwashbluesabre: trusty package does not include the updated keybind xml from vivid, commit http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/xubuntu-default-settings/trunk/revision/482 is missing21:22
Unit193And talking about impress, that has gstreamer backends to install and generally drags in -draw, pdfimport, and a couple libs, sooo...21:22
elfyknome: is there some actually important reason for being less than 1Gb21:22
Unit193elfy: That's our limit, we set it a few cycles back.21:23
elfywe did other things then too - we used to install xchat because too ;)21:24
Unit193And nothing, that's the current limit.21:24
knomeelfy, it's one of the "magic numbers", if we go over that, we rule out a set of USB sticks21:24
Unit193I'd personally like to keep it small, but.. :/21:24
knomenothing more than that, but it's something to keep in mnid21:24
knome*mind too21:24
knomeat the least, i would i'd want a team vote on crossing over that line21:27
knomeerr, -i'd :)21:27
elfyknome: well yea - but if we went to 2 we'd rule out more - I don't think that should be a particularly important consideration any longer21:29
elfyespecially if the consideration random small USB's that people pick up from here and there for free :)21:30
elfyif it's that important make it small enough for CD's so people that haven't caught up with DVD's are ok again :)21:31
knomei don't think there is any way to make xubuntu fit a CD again21:31
* Unit193 could do it.21:31
knomebut now that i said that, i'm sure Unit193 will prove me wrong21:31
elfycan you even buy 1Gb sticks still - from somewhere other than a dodgy e-bay seller ... 21:33
Unit193Pretty sure.21:33
knomeor existing :)21:33
elfyjust think that worrying about 1Gb or less shouldn't be an over-riding consideration21:34
elfyanymore - it's almost closer to 2020 than 2010 now :)21:35
Unit193Not that I should complain too much, I've got some work to do, getting my respin under 1Gb. :/21:37
elfywandering off now - night all :)21:39
knomenighty elfy!21:43
bluesabrebrainwash: *facepalm*23:59

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