
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Nixushave a strange issue, and I need some help. when I press the power button on my laptop, it does a instant power off, then restarts again. it is very annoying as the only way to shut it down is to hold it for 8 seconds. please, any help is appreciated. thank you.02:38
holsteinNixus: i would be careful about forcing shutdown like that.. i would expect it to break the hard drive at some point.. i would check the hardware.. on cases like, i'll pull the hard drive so i dont break it, and use a live iso via USB or sd card or cd to test03:37
NixusI have an SSD04:00
Nixusdo you have an idea on what to do?04:00
holsteinNixus: again, be careful..04:01
Nixusbut what else to do?04:01
holsteinNixus: i would test, and isolate, and not assume that powering down the SSD is ok, either..04:01
holsteinNixus: test.. isolate04:01
holsteintry with a live iso.. see if the behavior is still the same..04:02
Nixussame issue with both version of xubuntu (14.10 and 14.0404:02
holsteintry with the supported operating system if avialable.. if, for example, windows is officially supported and the issue happens in windows, with all the supported drivers, then, its a hardware issue, likely04:02
holsteincould be something with the hardware specific to linux.. what would i do? just not press the button.. i would workaround as needed04:03
holsteinsince, im not promised linux support04:03
Nixusworked with windows as I recall04:03
holsteinNixus: sure.. it "worked" with windows, but, if you dont have it, to confirm, you cant assume its not a hardware issue04:04
Nixusit worked in windows -_-04:04
Nixustrust me04:04
holsteinNixus: sure.. "worked".. but, if you dont have it to test, you cant assume its still working04:05
holsteincould be not working with windows anymore.. i would search "ubuntu hardware model" and see if i see any other information about ubuntu on that hardware, or linux in general04:05
Nixusit was working in 14.10, but now it's not04:05
NixusTRUST ME04:05
holsteinNixus: ok.. so, why not now?04:05
Nixusif I reinstall, it works for some time04:05
holsteinNixus: it *is* possible, that the hardware broke04:05
holsteinNixus: could be, you update the kernel, and a newer kernel breaks support..04:06
holsteintest and isolate.. i'll use live iso's for that, and not kernel versions and any modules in use04:06
mattwj2002hi all04:07
dman79dont know if this is the right place to ask.. i'm running xubuntu and I can't get parole player to work.. i did google for a solution and tried the "parole --xv false" fix07:57
cfhowlettdman79, more info: turn parole from the terminal and provide error messages07:58
dman79but no luck.. gstreamer0.10-plugin-base is installed dunno what else might be needed07:58
nomicwhy on xubuntu 14.04 does screen saver blanking kick in -- even though xset has it disabled even though light locker is disabled07:58
nomicsince they "fixed" the "screen saver" with "light locker"07:58
nomiceveryone has this problem.07:58
cfhowlettnomic, xscreensaver and lightlocker conflict.  choose one or the other.07:59
nomici have REMOVED light locker07:59
dman79Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory07:59
dman79Cannot connect to server request channel07:59
dman79jack server is not running or cannot be started07:59
nomici have xsxreensvaer siabled07:59
nomicit still blkanks07:59
dman79thats what i got.. when playing the file07:59
cfhowlettdman79, check your power settings08:00
dman79k thanks08:00
=== jhenke_ is now known as jhenke
howdystrangercan anyone explain to me the rationale behind shipping Abiword by default over Libre Office? Is Abi Word better?09:50
knomeit is lighter and it serves the same purpose for a regular user09:51
knomeyou can install libreoffice from the repositories09:51
howdystrangeryeah it's always the first thing I do when I install Xubuntu haha09:51
howdystranger"lighter" is a fair enough rationale I guess :-)09:52
xubuntu13whallo i'm massimo from Italy and i want know to install jdivelog 2.18.jar on Xubuntu or if there're other programm for read my dive computer scubapro Aladin that use Smart trak10:29
knome!it | xubuntu13w10:30
ubottuxubuntu13w: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:30
xubuntu13wok grazie10:31
bluesabre13w might have appreciated http://subsurface-divelog.org/11:41
knomelooked like -it was a good channel for him though11:42
=== mihai is now known as Guest2323
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
KekaiHello, I appear to be having issues with Google chrome as of late.18:27
KekaiI run Xubuntu 14.04 LTS on a Lenovo S10 Netbook.18:28
KekaiOther programs run really smooth18:28
Kekaiits only Google chrome that loads weirdly.18:28
KekaiIt loads the page and broswer but only partially.18:29
KekaiI need to hover over icons to get them to appear18:29
KekaiIts not only at first loading, its also at anytime I switch from applications to the browser or desktop18:30
skinokubuonasera a tutti!18:35
knomeKekai, ask the chrome support channels18:35
knome!it | skinoku18:35
ubottuskinoku: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:35
skinokuok, sorry18:36
sleeziohello, can someone confirm if google earth is acting goofy today? i'm on xubuntu, but today for some reason, when i open google earth, it loads, it starts loading images, then images stop downloading...everything is blurry, if i shut google earth down and try to restart it, it doesn't start and when i try to shutthe pc down(restart) it won't restart, i have to hardboot the box...any ideas?19:04
sleezionm, it was google server acting goofy, everything is running fine now19:09
xubuntu944ciao a tutti21:47
knome!it | xubuntu94421:47
ubottuxubuntu944: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:47
xubuntu944ok sorry21:47
xubuntu80wIs it possible to listen with the jack headphones and a wireless headset ?22:04
xubuntu80w*in the same time have two audio outputs22:05
=== yazdmich is now known as BytesAndCoffee

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