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axw | noodles775: I couldn't say, sorry. I'm not sure who prioritises things like that... maybe check with sinzui? | 00:46 |
noodles775 | axw: yep, will do. Thanks. | 00:49 |
axw | noodles775: probably also a good idea to create a bug in launchpad.net/juju-core, so it's on his radar | 00:49 |
noodles775 | axw: ack, will do too :) | 00:52 |
thumper | jlondon: how are you creating the lxc containers? | 00:55 |
* thumper wanders off for a bit, bbs | 00:55 | |
jlondon | thumper: Just via juju+maas. Juju is spinning up a physical host in maas and then attempting to create them inside that host. | 00:55 |
jlondon | and then the containers just get stuck in the 'pending' state with no network information that I could see. | 00:57 |
thumper | jlondon: hmm... | 01:04 |
thumper | jlondon: using juju to create the containers? or ssh'ing in and doing it by hand? | 01:04 |
jlondon | thumper: juju. I'm trying to avoid doing anything on the server manually :) | 01:05 |
thumper | hmm... | 01:05 |
jlondon | Should I try kvm instead? | 01:06 |
thumper | that probably wouldn't help | 01:08 |
jlondon | k | 01:08 |
thumper | can you ssh into the machine and look at /var/lib/juju/containers/<containername>/lxc.conf? | 01:09 |
thumper | look for network config in there | 01:10 |
jlondon | thumper: K. One second I'm spinning them back up with fresh installs. | 01:11 |
jlondon | thumper: huh, okay, it appears to be setting the network to juju-br0 in the container level config file. | 01:15 |
thumper | jlondon: ok, it is something else then | 01:16 |
thumper | I did see a bug fix land recently that disabled the networking worker because it was screwing up lxc containers | 01:16 |
thumper | jlondon: which version of juju? | 01:16 |
jlondon | thumper: stable: 1.20.14 | 01:18 |
jlondon | seeing this in the console.log file for one of the containers (over and over): lxc_commands - commands.c:lxc_cmd_handler:888 - peer has disconnected | 01:20 |
jlondon | looking at the logs further for one, it doesn't appear to be getting an IP at all. | 01:30 |
jlondon | dhcp is running on the network for sure though (maas provided) | 01:31 |
thumper | hmm... not sure sorry | 01:35 |
jlondon | thumper: No worries. I'll keep playing around with it. | 01:37 |
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lazyPower | seal: o/ | 10:10 |
seal | lazyPower: o/ | 10:11 |
lazyPower | how goes the exploring? | 10:12 |
seal | great work on http://chuckbutler.github.io/flannel-docker-charm/user/getting-started.html | 10:12 |
lazyPower | Thanks :) | 10:12 |
lazyPower | we've actually vendored a bundle to make getting started quickly very easy with our charms. Let me fish up that link fo ryou | 10:13 |
seal | great | 10:13 |
lazyPower | https://github.com/mbruzek/docker-bundle | 10:13 |
lazyPower | best part is, its got a suite of amulet tests with it so if you're interested in how we're running the deployments and validating you can inspect the test(s) in the test directory | 10:15 |
lazyPower | also, the charms + bundle are up for review in the queue so you should see them landing in the store soon'ish | 10:15 |
seal | I need to look into bundles more. I haven't has much joy getting it to work on my machine | 10:18 |
seal | Will be looking out for the bundles release | 10:19 |
lazyPower | seal: oh? anything i can help with on the bundles? | 10:33 |
mwak | hi | 10:33 |
lazyPower | o/ mwak | 10:33 |
mwak | how are you lazyPower | 10:33 |
mwak | ? | 10:33 |
lazyPower | Good, preparing for talks over the next few days | 10:34 |
lazyPower | how about yourself mwak? | 10:34 |
mwak | fosdem? | 10:34 |
mwak | ping jcastro | 10:34 |
lazyPower | mwak: FLOSSCommunity Metrics, FOSDEM, and ConfigurationManagementCamp | 10:35 |
mwak | great! | 10:35 |
seal | lazyPower: yes please! for example I can deploy theis bundle via gui https://demo.jujucharms.com/bundle/web-infrastructure-in-a-box-10/?text=bundles | 10:36 |
* lazyPower nods | 10:36 | |
lazyPower | i'm familiar with this bundle | 10:36 |
mwak | I didn't get time to fix the haddop charm for arm yet, should try to get some time to investigate :/ | 10:37 |
lazyPower | you can also fetch it and deploy from the CLI with juju quicksstart | 10:37 |
seal | however, I get some errors where I attempt to deploy locally. If you have a moment I can clean up my environment and post the exact error | 10:37 |
lazyPower | sure thing seal | 10:37 |
mwak | lazyPower: you personally will be at FOSDEM? | 10:37 |
lazyPower | mwak: indeed. I'm running a talk track there | 10:38 |
mwak | great! | 10:38 |
mwak | topic? | 10:38 |
lazyPower | https://fosdem.org/2015/schedule/event/juju_orchestration/ | 10:38 |
lazyPower | crap i forgot to get in touch with them and let them know i'd be taking marco's place.... so its still got his name on there | 10:39 |
lazyPower | SURPRISE, its lazy :D | 10:39 |
axw | lazyPower: is there a trick to getting the rails charm to work? I've tried a few revs, and they all fail to install with an error about installing the json gem | 11:02 |
lazyPower | axw: i'm working on refactoring that to work with rbenv vs rvm (which is consistently the reason its breaking) | 11:03 |
lazyPower | i have some WIP if ou want to pick up the torch on it and help :) | 11:03 |
lazyPower | i'm nearly complete, refactoring out the rvm localized commands has been the lions share of the work | 11:03 |
axw | lazyPower: I don't think I'd be of much help, I don't know ruby | 11:04 |
lazyPower | axw: however, i am aware of the latest breakage, and unfortunatley haven't had a large swath of time to dedicate to refactoring and fixing :( really sorry to report that. | 11:04 |
axw | I can test if it's usable tho | 11:04 |
axw | lazyPower: okey dokey | 11:04 |
lazyPower | well its close, but not bullet proof yet, i think there are still some cases with localized ruby versions that need addressing | 11:05 |
lazyPower | meaning, your app says "i want ruby 2.2.1" | 11:05 |
lazyPower | and i'm installing 2.0.0 as system ruby | 11:05 |
lazyPower | but other than that, it was working well iirc | 11:05 |
lazyPower | let me get you a link 1 sec | 11:05 |
lazyPower | https://github.com/chuckbutler/rails-charm/tree/rbenv_migration | 11:06 |
axw | lazyPower: thanks | 11:06 |
lazyPower | ymmv - i haven't tested it in ~ a month - so the ground may have shifted again under whats there | 11:06 |
lazyPower | lmk if you get success/failure with that and i'll go from there. issues welcome :) | 11:06 |
axw | lazyPower: will do | 11:07 |
axw | lazyPower: gtg, but it still fails. http://paste.ubuntu.com/9934923/ | 11:17 |
axw | lazyPower: I'm using https://github.com/pavelpachkovskij/sample-rails | 11:17 |
lazyPower | axw: 10-4, i'll circle back as quickly as i can, it may be a little over a week - depending on time with me being booked for conferences this week/next week | 11:19 |
lazyPower | if you need it for a priority deployment i can try and escalate this | 11:19 |
axw | lazyPower: it's cool. was hoping to use it to demo a new storage feature, but we can find something else | 11:20 |
axw | enjoy the conference | 11:20 |
lazyPower | thanks axw, sorry about the inconvenience | 11:21 |
axw | no worries | 11:21 |
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johnny_shieh_ | A question: on the juju master, able to do "sudo sysctl -w fs.file-max=". However, on container created for charm, this same command fails with the message: sysctl: permission denied on key 'fs.file-max' | 14:43 |
johnny_shieh_ | limitation? workaround? | 14:43 |
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marcoceppi | johnny_shieh_: LXC containers created by/with juju have certain apparmor limitations to prevent potentally bad things from occuring | 14:52 |
johnny_shieh_ | sure, but if the charm (app) needs certain values set in order to work....... | 14:53 |
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lazyPower | johnny_shieh_: chicken and egg with that scenario. AppArmor tuning would have to be deployed to the parent machine which may or may not have a representation on the canvas. What I could suggest here is the following | 15:06 |
lazyPower | deploy the ubuntu charm to get a machine representation on the gui, then deploy a subordinate unit that has the app armor tweaks you're looking to make before you deploy the LXC workload | 15:07 |
lazyPower | the downside to this is you have an order-dependency that isn't very apparent to outsiders looking at the bundle - so ensure you have that callout documented somewhere. | 15:07 |
johnny_shieh_ | yeah, hmm, extra effort...and we could always document it...but any other option? Alter file via brute force? | 15:08 |
lazyPower | if your deployment is juju managed, it makes sense to have it represented in juju. | 15:14 |
jrwren | if only there was a way to execute actions with juju. :) | 15:14 |
lazyPower | and the only way presently to do that would be to either make a charm that does it or a subordinate that is co-located with the parent that is getting the deploy --to lxc:# | 15:14 |
lazyPower | jrwren: not sure how your charm would break out of LXC to modify the hosts apparmor profile | 15:15 |
lazyPower | johnny_shieh_: if you dont want to write a charm to do it and just want a one-off you can juju run any sed/echo/etc. commands to make the modifications, but ymmv if the command is not well formed | 15:15 |
jrwren | lazyPower: it wouldn't. Run the action on the host. | 15:16 |
johnny_shieh_ | A bit confused, surely you have had other apps that required changes to default OS (container) settings that needed variables changed. i.e. number of threads, number of files, file sizes. | 15:17 |
johnny_shieh_ | Isn't there a standard way of changing the limitations within the container? Maybe I'm missing the point here. | 15:17 |
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jcastro | alexisb, if someone on your team is looking for something to charm, check this out: http://gogs.io/ | 15:45 |
jcastro | that would be a nice charm, and packages/docker containers are already available, looks pretty straightforward | 15:46 |
arosales | niedbalski: Hello | 16:24 |
arosales | niedbalski: you mentioned that a new jenkins charm is on the way. Is that a complete rewrite or an MP against the existing one. Also any timelines on this? | 16:25 |
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mbruzek | niedbalski: I am going through the unmaintained process an am on rsyslog. | 16:33 |
mbruzek | niedbalski: There has been no comment on the bug in over a month. https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/precise/+source/rsyslog/+bug/1388274 | 16:34 |
mup | Bug #1388274: The rsyslog Makefile test target has errors <audit> <auto-test> <rsyslog (Juju Charms Collection):Triaged by niedbalski> <rsyslog (Charms Precise):Triaged by niedbalski> <rsyslog (Charms Trusty):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1388274> | 16:34 |
mbruzek | niedbalski: you are listed as the maintainer of the rsyslog charms. If there is no comment or merge requests I may have to move rsyslog to unmaintained namespace | 16:35 |
skay | charm writing question. in some charms I see that people access config() once to set config_data and thereafter get info from config_data. when should I choose to do that versus check config each time? | 16:54 |
skay | how expensive is the call, and why wouldn't I always call it versus checking cached data? | 16:54 |
skay | I'd like to change the python-django charm to inject a value in to ALLOWED_HOSTS when I add a reverseproxy relation | 16:58 |
skay | hence I'm learning more about how/whether to pass the information to the website-relation-joined/changed | 16:58 |
skay | config info is mutable so I would want to check it anytime the relation changes, right? | 17:00 |
skay | hmm, maybe it's a bad idea to add support for that | 17:06 |
skay | context: I'm relating apache2:reverseproxy to python-django:website and don't have a domain name at the moment to set for hte python-django django_allowed_hosts config, hence would need to set the public IP of the apache2 unit | 17:09 |
skay | sure, I could set Debug or have allowed hosts be '*' or something | 17:09 |
roadmr | skay: does "*" mean that joe random could access the django server directly, given knowledge of its IP and port? | 17:27 |
skay | roadmr: yes, so you'd only want to do that in a Debugging type of situation on a deserted island | 17:27 |
roadmr | skay: my thought exactly... my concern was one of scalability, it would be easier to DoS the poor gunicorn | 17:28 |
catbus1 | Hi, in several deployments, there are occasional hook failures, which can be resolved by retrying. Sometime if I went in to check the /var/log/juju/unit-UNITNAME.log, it's usually an error on running a command, and if I ran the command manually, it was success. For example, sudo keystone keystone-manage db_sync. Is it because when the hook script was run, perhaps mysql wasn't ready yet? | 17:42 |
coreycb | hey all, for the local provider, can I deploy machines to lxc and kvm containers on the host? I have 'container: kvm' set and I'm under the impression that any lxc containers have to be inside a deployed kvm machine. | 17:43 |
dimitern | coreycb, the container type kvm or lxc defines what containers to use as "machines" in a local environment - either kvm or lxc (not both), however, you can still try to deploy units in lxc or kvm with --to lxc:<machine-id> or --to kvm:<machine-id> (argument to deploy) | 17:58 |
dimitern | coreycb, please note though, lxc-in-lxc or kvm-in-lxc might not work out of the box | 17:58 |
coreycb | dimitern, ok so just to verify, if container type is kvm then any lxc containers have to be nested in kvm? | 17:59 |
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mmcc | hi folks, I'm having issues accessing an environment that was bootstrapped with JUJU_HOME set. is that well tested? details here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9941188/ | 18:28 |
mmcc | this is used in our openstack installer, so if it's not really supported well, we need to pull it out | 18:29 |
marcoceppi | mmcc: it is very well tested | 18:55 |
marcoceppi | mmcc: those errors are from juju version mismatches | 18:56 |
marcoceppi | the environment has 1.21.1 installed | 18:56 |
marcoceppi | which was released earlier today | 18:56 |
marcoceppi | you have 1.20.14 | 18:56 |
marcoceppi | upgrade to 1.21 using ppa:juju/stable and you won't have any issues | 18:56 |
mmcc | marcoceppi: ok, so it sounds like what happened is that I used the 1.20.14 cli to bootstrap, and it installed 1.21.1 and wrote an environment file that the old version can't read? why would it do that? | 19:00 |
marcoceppi | mmcc: it sounds like the cloud installer installed and used the latest version of juju | 19:00 |
marcoceppi | which is different than what you have installed. The client should always bootstrap with the version of juju that is used to bootstrap it | 19:01 |
marcoceppi | either way, that's the issue, you can see that in the tree output of the tools directory | 19:01 |
mmcc | marcoceppi: ah, ok. I do see what's going on here. thanks for your help. | 19:02 |
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mbruzek | Hello jose are you out there? | 19:53 |
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flakrat | Howdy, I'm deploying my first compute node using "openstack-install" and after configuring the MAAS info the script goes into "Bootstrapping Juju...". The compute node boots, goes through a bunch of configuring the compute node, the juju process seems to stop advancing with a single ssh connection open from the controller to the compute node "ssh -i /root/.cloud-install/juju ...." | 20:25 |
flakrat | I've gone through the process of releasing the node and running through the whole process again, same results | 20:26 |
flakrat | where whould I look to find out what's causing the hang up | 20:26 |
flakrat | I think I found the issue. On the compute node in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log indicates that DNS isn't working on the node, can't reach streams.canonical.com | 20:39 |
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arosales_ | tvansteenburgh: does this look like an infrastructure failure to you http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-tests/charm-bundle-test-5021-results/charm/charm-testing-aws/2 | 21:02 |
arosales_ | "Resource Warning" | 21:03 |
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arosales | tvansteenburgh: but consistantly happens across all our clouds | 21:03 |
tvansteenburgh | arosales: that can be ignored for now, it's a warning from a python lib. - no correlation with actual failures | 21:05 |
tvansteenburgh | the actual failure in that case is that the deployment didn't stand up in time | 21:07 |
arosales | ok, seems like the charm is valid and isn't candidate for removal from the store | 21:07 |
arosales | tvansteenburgh: thanks for taking alook | 21:07 |
arosales | mbruzek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/nagios/+bug/1403574 | 21:08 |
mup | Bug #1403574: The nagios charm fails automated testing <audit> <auto-test> <nagios (Juju Charms Collection):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1403574> | 21:08 |
arosales | sounds like we need to fix this in the test | 21:08 |
arosales | tvansteenburgh: while I am bothering you do you know if this charm is an issue with the make testing disscussion http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-tests/charm-bundle-test-838-results/charm/charm-testing-hp/2 | 21:18 |
tvansteenburgh | arosales: the test is trying to use an env var that's not set. it's up to the test to ensure that it is. so, it's a problem with the test | 21:20 |
arosales | tvansteenburgh: ack, and thanks for looking | 21:20 |
tvansteenburgh | arosales: certainly | 21:21 |
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thumper | unit-wordpress-0[5078]: 2015-01-29 22:00:47 INFO unit.wordpress/0.install logger.go:40 W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/charmers/charm-helpers/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages 403 Forbidden | 22:03 |
thumper | lazyPower, marcoceppi: ping | 22:03 |
thumper | trying to install the wordpress trusty charm | 22:03 |
thumper | and getting install hook failed | 22:03 |
thumper | log sias ppa forbidden | 22:03 |
thumper | say what? | 22:03 |
thumper | lazyPower: you really there? | 22:04 |
lazyPower | thumper: marcoceppi is travelling and i managed to part when i was trying to respond | 22:04 |
thumper | kk | 22:04 |
lazyPower | can you re-state the issue for me? | 22:04 |
thumper | wordpress trusty charm install hook fails with apt ppa error | 22:04 |
thumper | unit-wordpress-0[5078]: 2015-01-29 22:00:47 INFO unit.wordpress/0.install logger.go:40 W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/charmers/charm-helpers/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages 403 Forbidden | 22:04 |
thumper | I just want a couple of charms to use in a demo | 22:05 |
thumper | and went for the old standby mysql/wordpress | 22:05 |
thumper | happy to use something else | 22:05 |
lazyPower | thumper: how impressive do you want it to look? | 22:05 |
thumper | doesn't have to be too impressive | 22:05 |
lazyPower | and re: mysql - ty for pointing that out, def worth a bug. seems like a PPA archive went missing on us | 22:05 |
thumper | just showing charms actually working | 22:06 |
lazyPower | http://fosdem.juju.solutions | 22:06 |
thumper | lazyPower: what I'm trying to demo is MESS | 22:07 |
thumper | lazyPower: so two different environments inside one state server | 22:07 |
thumper | each serving different things | 22:07 |
lazyPower | ah ok, so simple it is | 22:11 |
lazyPower | try the Elasticsearch/kibana bundle w/ a mediawiki/mysql bundle | 22:11 |
lazyPower | minimal on machines, and i've deployed both wihtin the last 48 hours with success | 22:12 |
lazyPower | http://imgur.com/CYPpORc | 22:12 |
lazyPower | is what i was about to set you up with | 22:12 |
thumper | lazyPower: that would be way more than I need :) | 22:14 |
thumper | lazyPower: forgive me for being dumb, but how do I deploy the bundles? | 22:14 |
lazyPower | https://jujucharms.com/mediawiki-single/7 | 22:15 |
thumper | lazyPower: not sure that gui is going to work | 22:15 |
lazyPower | juju quickstart should | 22:15 |
lazyPower | right? | 22:15 |
thumper | um... | 22:15 |
thumper | I'm not sure | 22:15 |
* lazyPower rolls the dice | 22:15 | |
lazyPower | lets find out! | 22:15 |
thumper | hmm... I don't have quickstart | 22:16 |
lazyPower | apt-get install juju-quickstart | 22:17 |
lazyPower | thumper: quickstart is just fetching the environment state server from the jenv, as i see it quickstart should give you some results. if quickstart doesnt, go to the next common denominator and try juju-deployer (apt-get install juju-deployer) and give that a run (juju deployer -c bundles.yaml, or pass it the store url and it *should just work*) | 22:21 |
* thumper tries | 22:23 | |
thumper | $ juju switch another | 22:23 |
thumper | $ juju quickstart bundle:mediawiki/single | 22:23 |
thumper | well... it is doing something | 22:23 |
* lazyPower makes overly dramatic music while thumper waits to intensify the feeling of success | 22:24 | |
thumper | retrieving the environment status | 22:24 |
thumper | that is where it is stuck | 22:24 |
thumper | rick_h_: you around? | 22:24 |
lazyPower | thumper: is the env status coming back with different/new keys now? | 22:24 |
thumper | wat? | 22:24 |
lazyPower | afaics thats just the status return. as in the json dump of whats running | 22:25 |
thumper | I can do a status in another shell | 22:25 |
rick_h_ | thumper: yep | 22:25 |
lazyPower | or what the state server knows about - to be more accurate | 22:25 |
thumper | and it return fine | 22:25 |
rick_h_ | thumper: packing time | 22:25 |
thumper | rick_h_: got a few minutes to talk api connections and quickstart? | 22:25 |
thumper | lazyPower: quickstart is just hanging | 22:25 |
rick_h_ | thumper: quick ones sure | 22:25 |
thumper | rick_h_: kk | 22:26 |
thumper | rick_h_: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gtonfe6y7vs6is7p6npawkge3ea?hl=en | 22:26 |
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