=== timrc is now known as timrc-zzz [08:07] blr: Best set the commit message before you lp-land next time, so that the log doesn't look like http://lpqateam.canonical.com/qa-reports/deployment-stable.html :-) [08:08] blr: Yeah, still some way to go but feeling much better now, thanks === anthonyf is now known as Guest44978 === timrc-zzz is now known as timrc [18:12] I'll fix buildbot after dinner === anthonyf is now known as Guest89771 [19:23] morning [19:25] thomi: Morning [19:25] hey cjwatson, it must be late for you? [19:25] Yeah, wife and daughter out at karate, I was just settling down to some correspondence [19:26] thomi: Are you able to handle your QA from http://lpqateam.canonical.com/qa-reports/deployment-stable.html ? You might need https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/OSA/LPHowTo/ConnectToStagingMailbox [19:26] * thomi reads [19:28] cjwatson: the staging mailbox is where the staging deployment sends mail to? That second link doesn't actually say what it's for :D [19:28] Right, https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/Instances mentions this [19:29] under "Outgoing mail" for qastaging/staging [19:29] ahh, nice [19:29] thanks [19:29] yes, I'll get on that now [19:29] So for QA for this kind of thing you'd typically perform some actions on qastaging.launchpad.net that ought to generate the right kinds of notifications, and then check the mailbox [19:30] yup [19:30] I think I have the mailbox password lying around, unless it's been changed in the last couple of years === blr_ is now known as blr [19:31] let me know if you need it [19:31] ok [19:33] cjwatson: ack, thanks, for some reason thought it defaulted to the commit message from the bzr rev. [19:34] Ah, no, that would be too useful [19:35] Happy buildbot again. Excellent. [19:40] cjwatson: I need that password.... [19:50] /msged [19:51] cjwatson: BTW, is there an email I can subscribe to to get alerted when http://lpqateam.canonical.com/qa-reports/deployment-stable.html is blocking on me? [19:52] ...or is it just a case of "check this page every morning"? [19:54] thomi: It'll only be doing that shortly after you've landed a change, which ought to be a thing you're aware of ... [19:55] heh, ok [19:55] I guess I'll be more aware when I'm actually doing lp dev full-time [19:55] Yeah, it becomes routine [19:56] Most people need a reminder for their first few landings [19:58] thomi: https://dev.launchpad.net/QA has a bunch of helpful stuff, aside from talking about the ec2 tool which nobody uses any more [19:58] heh, ok [19:59] (Also, we can afford to be a bit less formal about it with fewer people) [20:00] heh [20:02] I don't seem to have completely exploded project -> project group linkage, anyway. [20:05] well, synchronising all this mail will take a few hours on my crappy NZ internet connection :-/ [20:06] (3571 of 176912) [20:07] cjwatson: wgrant: thinking the turnip service ports should be exported to the host envvars, rather than hardcoded (case, nagios nrpe plugins)... is that sensible? [20:09] wish the juju config supported a dict type :/ [20:12] blr: Which host, sorry? [20:12] blr: We're going to have to hardcode at least some host/ports in lp-production-configs, although the turnip-internal ones probably don't matter for that. [20:12] cjwatson: the host running turnip [20:13] It's been a while since I did any charming, but I would have expected configuration settings like this to be passed in using "juju set", and to have reasonable defaults in the charm [20:13] specifically for nrpe service checks [20:14] And then bits of your environment should be able to pick them up from the juju config [20:14] cjwatson: right, ports are currently a string in the juju environment, I would have to add a juju env var for each one given the lack of dicts, but I suppose that is okay [20:15] Yeah, don't see why not [20:15] We're talking about a fixed set [20:18] cjwatson: the nrpe plugins run outside the juju environment however, so juju will have to make those available from the host environment - should be easy though. [20:22] blr: I admit to not having a clue how subordinate charms work! [20:23] But https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/IS/Policies/Prodstack#Nagios_Checks_for_your_Service seems to imply that the service-specific part goes in the primary charm [20:23] yep, that's the case for the turnip charm