
saltlake2Champs, I am really confused on how to add my VM nodes to the maas controller. Does anyone have a step by step guide on how to create VM using virsh and then provision it in maas controller ?02:40
saltlake2MarkBaker ?02:41
saltlakeanyone up for helping me figure out why a VM does not leave the commisioning state in my maas05:53
p_lhi, I found some information that MaaS supports installing CentOS in version 1.7.0, is there any documentation on how to set it up (or where can I find it?)09:30
kikop_l, blake_r would be the best person to help, but I do believe there is documentation10:40
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saltlakeexperts, am trying to run this command sudo maas-import-pxe-files. It appears a new node tftps to the maas server and looks for files such as pxelinux.0 ..19:39
saltlakeHowver that command needs a sources-file. Can somehelp help me by giving me their sources-file contents19:39
blake_rsaltlake: what version of MAAS?20:10
saltlakeblake_r: I have "  Installed: 1.7.0~beta8+bzr3272-0ubuntu1.2"20:14
saltlakeblake_r: "20:21
saltlakeany ideas ?20:21
blake_rsaltlake: yes so your using a command from an older version20:22
blake_rsaltlake: just visit the WebUI and go to the images page20:22
blake_rsaltlake: you will be able to start the import there20:22
saltlakeI did download a ubutnu image from the ui as well20:22
blake_rsaltlake: then that is all you need20:22
saltlakeHowever when I start a client node .. I see on the client nodes console: tftp:// ... No such file or directory20:23
blake_rsaltlake: did you configure the cluster interface?20:23
saltlakeYes the cluster interface looks connected20:23
blake_rsaltlake: no did you go the cluster page and configure an interface to provide dhcp and dns?20:24
saltlakeDo I have to add the ndoe manually on the UI or does it show up automatically20:24
saltlakeblake_r: yes I did20:24
blake_rsaltlake: okay and is the ip address of the maas server?20:24
saltlakeblake_r: yes that is so and I set the interface to manage DHCP and DNS and gave it a DHCP range from -20020:25
blake_rsaltlake: okay20:25
blake_rsaltlake: check that the import completed successfully20:25
blake_rsaltlake: see if there is any errors in /var/log/maas/pserv.log20:25
saltlakeI just saw an error when I started the client VM20:26
saltlakeblake_r: I started the client VM thus: virt-install --connect qemu:///system -n client1 -r 1024     --arch=x86_64 --pxe     --network=network:default,mac=AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:01     --vnc --accelerate     --disk=/var/lib/libvirt/images/client1,size=3020:26
saltlakeblake_r: I see this: WARNING  The guest's network configuration does not support PXE20:26
blake_rsaltlake: that is fine, its a lie20:26
saltlakeblake_r: :-( oh20:27
blake_rsaltlake: you need to check that pserv.log for me20:27
blake_rsaltlake: you can just paste the whole thing if you want20:27
blake_rsaltlake: pastebinit /var/log/maas/pserv.log20:27
blake_rsaltlake: that is only listening of internal interfaces20:29
blake_rsaltlake: it should show it connected to an external interface20:29
saltlakeis that not enough ?20:29
blake_rsaltlake: does the server have an eth0?20:29
saltlakeHmm.. even if it has an image downloaded to it ?20:29
saltlakeblake_r: the maas server has eth0 which is the cluster interface network
saltlakethe maas server is a VM20:31
blake_rsaltlake: okay lets restart the clsuter service20:31
saltlakeservice maas restart ?20:31
blake_rsaltlake: "sudo service maas-clusterd restart"20:31
blake_rsaltlake: also I would recommend upgrading to the latest version that we have in stable,20:31
blake_rsaltlake: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maas-maintainers/stable20:32
blake_rsaltlake: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y20:32
saltlakeblake_r: thanks for the tip.. will do .. do you recommend aborting this totally ?20:32
blake_rsaltlake: aborting what?20:32
saltlakeblake_r: aborting working with 1.7 and update20:33
blake_rsaltlake: its just going to upgrade to 1.7.0 stable20:33
blake_rsaltlake: the version you have is a beta20:33
blake_rsaltlake: just small fixes no large changes20:33
saltlakeblake_r: ok I want to wait.. this is the most progress I have made so want to make some more before I tear it down and restart20:33
blake_rsaltlake: it can upgrade without a restart20:34
saltlakeblake_r: Do i restart the VM20:34
blake_rsaltlake: it will restart the services for you20:34
blake_rsaltlake: no need to restart anything20:34
saltlakeblake_r: ok I srestarted clusterd.  Now I see one image in the images section of the UI20:35
saltlakeblake_r: the client1 boot window does not progress I think that is given up, do I try to add the node manually ?20:35
saltlakeblake_r: By going on the UI->add node ?20:35
blake_rsaltlake: no you still need the client to boot20:35
saltlakeblake_r: so restart the client VM ?20:36
blake_rsaltlake: yes restart the client vm to see if it pxe boots20:36
saltlakeblake_r: It appears to be installing!!20:37
blake_rsaltlake: awesome20:37
blake_rsaltlake: it will not install yet, it will just enlist the node into maas20:38
saltlakeblake_r: Muah!! Thank you brother!! So after a cluster interface config. . I shoudl restart the service.. !!20:38
blake_rsaltlake: you will need to go to the newly added node in the maas ui and add the power parameters20:38
blake_rsaltlake: no you dont need to do that, it will restart the dhcp service for you on save20:38
blake_rsaltlake: it was just that for tftp service wasnt listing on an outbound interface, for some reason20:39
blake_rsaltlake: could have been that maas-clusterd came online before eth0 was ready20:39
saltlakeblake_r: the client rebooted by itself .. is that normal20:39
blake_rsaltlake: since this is a vm, maas cannot setup the power parameters for you, you need to add that information20:40
blake_rsaltlake: maas did not reboot the machine, virt-install did20:40
blake_rsaltlake: you now should power the machine off20:40
saltlakeblake_r: OK I will try that now and see if the gues will start back up20:40
blake_rsaltlake: add the power parameters on the maas ui and then commission the node20:40
blake_rsaltlake: once the node has commissioned you can then acquire and start the node20:40
blake_rsaltlake: starting the node will install Ubuntu for you20:41
blake_rsaltlake: you will then be able to ssh into your newly installed ubuntu machine20:41
blake_rsaltlake: here is some information about using maas to control virtual machine nodes20:41
blake_rsaltlake: http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/nodes.html#virtual-machine-nodes20:42
saltlakeblake_r: The status changed to commissioning.. any ideas how long this takes ? I have been stuck at this for many days20:43
saltlakeI mean in all the diff install tries i nthe last week20:43
blake_rsaltlake: it should take at most 10 minutes20:43
blake_rsaltlake: if its stuck there then something went wrong20:43
saltlakeblake_r: But should I see something on the console of the client1 vm ?20:44
saltlakeI see it stuck on "No bootable devices!!20:44
blake_rsaltlake: is maas able to power the node on and off?20:44
saltlakeblake_r: It did a power node on for sure20:44
blake_rsaltlake: oh that is virt-install for you! it didnt make the first device pxe20:44
blake_rsaltlake: you need to change the first boot device to be pxe20:44
blake_rsaltlake: i bet its not even set to boot from pxe20:45
saltlakeblake_r: It is actually20:45
blake_rsaltlake: does it get an ip?20:45
saltlakeblake_r: Its got IP but the console window of the client1 vm does not mode. That said.. I just saw the xml file fir the client1 Vm.20:46
saltlakeIt has boot dev='hd'20:46
saltlakeIt should have it pxe as u said right !!20:46
blake_ryeah "--pxe" with virt-install only means for the first boot20:47
blake_rso if you reboot it manually it will then commission20:47
saltlakeblake_r: got it.. let me kill the VM and edit the xml and restart the vm in virsh20:47
saltlakeblake_r: Can I PM u for a minute ?20:48
blake_rsaltlake: sure20:48
saltlakeblake_r: I added the boot order to include nwteork in the client1 virsh file. I restarted the node commissioning This time it does not an IP address and virt-viewer client1 shows "Waiting for guest domain to start"20:58
saltlakeblake_r: Thanks a bunch!! The node finally moved from commissioning to "ready"21:00
blake_rsaltlake: awesome glad to hear it!21:01
blake_rsaltlake: no problem anytime21:01
saltlakeblake_r: Thanks really!! You have no idea how frustrated I have been with the state of commissioning!!!!!21:01
saltlakeThank you!!21:01
blake_rsaltlake: haha, your welcome!21:02
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