
balloonsrpadovani, I don't actually. I've seen him working on branches for autopilot, but nothing for a few days00:14
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nik90Elleo: podbird release looking really good. Looking forward to more cool stuff.02:00
nik90Elleo: I actually started working on the now playing page, but had to pause it for a while until I get back from holiday in india02:01
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dholbachgood morning07:47
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karniHi folks. Question - how does the phone/store figure which click version is "more up to date" - is the package version parsed? If so, would 0.1.12 be smaller or larger than 0.1.2 (what kind of sorting is used?)09:35
karniYou might find it's interesting I'm asking - I have actually not published an app yet, we went through the custom tarball, thus my question.09:35
ogra_karni, it ises the same mechanisms as dpkg --compare-versions afaik09:36
ogra_0.1.12 would be larger09:37
karniogra_: thank you, I'll read up on --compare-versions09:37
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Fun At Work Day! *8OD09:48
Elleonik90: cool, will look forward to seeing that :)10:17
mzanettihey, should it be possible to play .mkv's with the video player on the phone?10:38
karniJamesTait: Hi James, hows it going? :)10:56
JamesTaitHey karni! It's going well, thanks, how about you?10:58
karniJamesTait: super busy, but pulling it off!10:58
karniJamesTait: got a question for you buddy, you might know the answer10:58
karniJamesTait: if there's a click in the custom tarball, and I put up an update to the store10:59
karniJamesTait: what happens if somebody installs the OTA update *after* updating the app from the store (i.e. the custom tarball contains an older app version than is installed on the device from the store)10:59
JamesTaitkarni, I'm not 100% certain (I'm just a server-side guy :-P) but I think the device has the smarts to use the newest version regardless.11:00
karniJamesTait: anyone you could point me to who could possibly have that knowledge? perhaps I should ask in #phablet instead?11:01
JamesTaitkarni, people who might know better: cjwatson, mvo, jdstrand.11:01
karniJamesTait: s/just/*the* awesome server guy :)11:01
karniJamesTait: thanks11:01
JamesTaitI'd be interested to understand how that works, too.11:03
karniJamesTait: noted :)11:05
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davmor2karni: however 0.1.20 would be higher than 0.1.12 :)11:19
karnidavmor2: yes, but far more inteersting is whether 0.1.2 (not 20) is larger than 0.1.12. lexicographically it is not (it's shorter), but numerically it is11:20
karnidavmor2: forcing folks to use 20 just because their previous revision 1x has two digits would be rather poor "UX"11:21
davmor2popey: if you see either of the music guys I love the opening page but that continue button is really hard to hit where it is and how small a target it is :)  But I do love the this is how to get music on your device screens11:22
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sverzegnassiHi all! Need some help with docviewer-app. Could someone please review active MPs? Thanks!13:22
sverzegnassi https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docviewer-app/+activereviews13:22
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rickspencer3does anyone know what version of qtparticles I should install on my desktop for development?14:37
rickspencer3oops, nm, already installed :)14:37
ogra_the installed version then :)14:40
dholbachdpm, so yeah - initially I thought I'd write a small html5 app which loads some json from somewhere, which it interprets as list of categories of questions, where you would drill down and find what you need15:34
dholbachdpm, this proved to be harder (I have little experience with html5 and that kind of stuff) than I expected, not because of the SDK or our toolkit, but because I had little experience with it (getting json from somewhere, finding out about jsonp, finding out that that's a hack, etc.)15:36
dholbachthen I thought that messing around with json data is not going to be very inviting to people who have to edit it15:36
dholbachand that's when a friend in the office mentioned hyde (in a totally different context)15:36
dholbachand it looked to me like that was going to be easier15:36
dholbachso just write all the content in markdown, style it using templates and then ship it as a simple html app15:37
dholbachwhich would also be useful for offline use15:37
dholbachdpm, I'll file a bug about making it easier to edit / work on it in the SDK15:40
dholbachyou're right - at some stage I resorted to using terminal/vi15:40
dpmok, I'll see if I can have a look at it15:41
dholbachI'll write a short blog post inviting others to help out - sounds good?15:41
dpmdholbach, sounds good! It'd be good to get the opinion of daker or alex-abreu15:42
dholbachah yes15:42
dholbachlet's switch to #ubuntu-webapps15:42
dholbachI think they're going to hang out there15:42
bzoltan_dholbach:  this week went with massive testing of the new SDK release from the DevTools PPA. We have captured few small issues and fixed pretty much all the bugs and implemented all the requested features. I decided not to land it on Friday :) But first thing on Monday will be a copy to the SDK PPA15:59
dholbachnice :)16:00
dholbachbzoltan_, http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/post/98456803030/last-commit-on-friday-5pm16:02
dholbachor http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/post/87284390953/friday-deployments-and-leaving-afterwards16:02
dholbachor http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/post/37823969926/a-small-infrastructure-change-4pm-friday16:03
dholbachseems the theme is quite popular :-)16:03
bzoltan_i have only this - http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2014/10/31/a-coder-nightmare/16:03
dholbachnice one :-)16:04
bzoltan_dholbach:  So you agree with the Monday push :D16:05
dholbachI'm not your release manager, but yeah, there's a lot of good to be said about breaking things early in the week :)16:06
dpmdholbach, ok, calling it a day for today, I'll leave you to it with the help app. It seems the experts' help was quite useful :)17:27
dholbachdpm, all right - I note down all the feedback and then call it a day too17:28
dpmtime to go to prepare the swing class to teach at 19:3017:28
dpmhave a nice weekend everyone17:28
dholbachand I'll have to smarten up to go to a birthday party :)17:28
dpmsee you on Monday!17:28
dpmcool :)17:28
dholbachyep, have a good one!17:28
AkivaAvrahamis there an icon for ubuntu touch  in general?19:56
jonahbronHello!  Anyone know why the Ubuntu SDK might throw an OpenGL error on start?19:57
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, never heard of that19:57
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, are you an experienced sdk user?19:57
jonahbronYeah, it's never happened to me before today.19:57
jonahbronI've built one app.19:57
jonahbron(That wasn't a "yeah" to being experienced)19:58
jonahbronI wouldn't say I'm experienced, but I know my way around it.19:58
AkivaAvrahamyou've got it to run before is what I'm asking19:58
AkivaAvrahamto which you have19:58
jonahbronYes, totally.19:58
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, where are you seeing the error? QMessageDialogue, or stderror in the terminal?19:58
jonahbronIt says "Failed to create OpenGL context ...." in a dialog box19:59
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, what version of ubuntu are you using?19:59
jonahbronI did try starting in a terminal, but no fatal errors show there.19:59
AkivaAvrahamokay very strange19:59
jonahbronI tried deleting ~/.config/ubuntu-sdk/20:00
AkivaAvrahamwhat did google tell you?20:00
jonahbronThat didn't help.20:00
jonahbronMuch less than I expected, I couldn't find anyone experiencing the issue.20:00
jonahbronI found one bug in Launchpad from 2012, but that was supposedly fixed.20:00
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, did you try searching qtcreator?20:00
jonahbronI did.20:00
jonahbronAlso tried uninstalling it altogether and re-installing.20:01
AkivaAvrahammmmmm try #qt-creator ; the devs there are really good at answering20:01
jonahbronAnd switched to the Ubuntu SDK PPA.20:02
jonahbronSweet, thank you.20:02
jonahbronI'll try there.20:02
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, have you tried any other qt5 apps?20:02
jonahbronI tried the one I built, it throws the same error.  But in the terminal, instead of in a dialog box.20:02
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, it sounds like an opengl anomaly.20:03
jonahbronAkivaAvraham Okay.20:05
jonahbronAkivaAvraham Fix it.20:15
jonahbronI rebooted and now it's working.20:15
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, that was it?!20:16
jonahbronI guess I hadn't tried turning it off and on again.20:16
jonahbronThe cardinal sin.20:16
AkivaAvrahamyou know; i have errors like that too, and yah20:16
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, guess were just so used to uptime on linux :P20:16
jonahbronAkivaAvraham Yeah, I usually just put it to sleep.20:17
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, btw20:18
AkivaAvrahamwhat app did you write?20:18
jonahbronAkivaAvraham A time tracking app that connects to Freshbooks.20:20
jonahbronCreatively called "FreshbooksTimer".20:20
jonahbronAkivaAvraham Probably a copyright infringement, I can always change it later if they decide to sue me. https://github.com/jonahbron/FreshbooksTimer20:21
jonahbron*trademark infringement20:21
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, do me a favour?20:21
jonahbronAkivaAvraham sure?20:21
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, could you post your app, maybe a demo of it on http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappdev ?20:22
jonahbronAkivaAvraham Totally.20:22
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, oh and what is your favourite programming language?20:22
jonahbronAkivaAvraham I might get shanked for not saying "JavaScript", but my favorite language is Python.20:23
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, okay well to be super cool; you should also switch your reddit flair to python or javascript. Or Opengl... I think its on there too :P20:24
jonahbronAkivaAvraham I actually don't know what that means, or what it would do.20:25
jonahbronAkivaAvraham or what it is now.20:25
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, on reddit, if you go ctrl f, and search for "flair", you can choose a symbol to represent your username20:25
AkivaAvrahamits like an avatar20:25
AkivaAvrahamah we do have opengl :)20:26
jonahbronAkivaAvraham I guess I'm super cool now.20:27
jonahbronAkivaAvraham do you know if there's a way to search the directory of Ubuntu Touch apps?20:27
jonahbronAkivaAvraham so I can link to it.20:28
AkivaAvrahamwhich directory?20:28
jonahbronApps in the Ubuntu Touch software center.20:29
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, Not me personally. I'm sure there is a way to do it.20:29
jonahbronAkivaAvraham Posted. http://www.reddit.com/r/UbuntuAppDev/comments/2u8gqd/ubuntu_touch_app_to_track_time_on_freshbooks/20:37
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, upvoted20:38
AkivaAvrahamthanks a ton20:38
AkivaAvrahamif you subscribe; that helps too :)20:38
AkivaAvrahamyou won't get any mail; don't worry20:38
jonahbronAkivaAvraham No problem.  What is your motivation for me to post it?20:38
AkivaAvrahamit just bookmarks it20:39
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, oh to help the ubuntu-touch developer community grow20:39
AkivaAvrahamto more people, the more that will get involved.20:39
jonahbronAkivaAvraham What is your part in that?20:39
jonahbronIn growing the community.20:39
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, I'm a volunteer, and I like what ubuntu stands for. The community is my favourite among the linux distributions, and I think the project has a great vision behind it.20:40
jonahbronAkivaAvraham very nice.20:40
AkivaAvrahamThanks :)20:41
AkivaAvrahamWhat about you?20:41
jonahbronAkivaAvraham I'm an avid Ubuntu user.  I think Ubuntu Touch is really cool, so a while back I took a few days to build an app that would be useful to me.20:42
jonahbronAkivaAvraham I've done some test installations on my own phone for brief periods, but I don't use it solely on my phone yet.20:42
jonahbronAkivaAvraham Until it's improved, Ubuntu will stay on the desktop and the server for me.20:43
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, i want to get a device, but none work on the bandwidth for wind mobile ;_;20:44
jonahbronAre you talking about cell technology incompatibility?  Or just insufficient speed?20:45
AkivaAvrahamthe bandwidth wind uses isn't compatible with bq or meizu's ubuntu touch phones.20:46
AkivaAvrahamdarn north america20:46
AkivaAvrahamWhat about you?20:46
jonahbronOh, I see.20:47
jonahbronI have a Nexus 4.  I probably wouldn't get an actual Ubuntu Touch phone, I'd just install it on a compatible Android phone.20:48
jonahbronI'll probably install Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 4 the next time I upgrade.20:48
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, well nexus 4 is the official developers platform, it is supported20:48
AkivaAvrahami'm surprised you havn't already.20:48
jonahbronAkivaAvraham yeah, it's worked well in the past when I've tried it.20:49
jonahbronAkivaAvraham I have tried it.20:49
AkivaAvrahamjonahbron, I loved it when I got to try it20:50
jonahbronAkivaAvraham Same.  I found myself wanting to swipe from the right edge after I switched back to Android.  I especially liked the notification menu.20:50
AkivaAvrahamha ha exactly!20:51
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