
dholbachgood morning07:47
dpmgood morning all08:32
dpmhow's everyone?08:32
elfymorning dholbach dpm08:42
dholbachhi elfy, hi dpm08:46
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
silverliongood day everybody10:39
dpmoh, it just started to snow here15:33
dpmballoons, how did you get on with setting up the scrum sprint for the autopilot docs?15:36
balloonsdpm, snow fun :-)15:37
balloonsdpm, I was going to change the dates, but chris was added and mhall119 and I added / tweaked the tasks15:37
dholbachdpm, it snowed LOADS last night in Berlin - I had trouble getting back home with the bicycle :)15:38
dpmoh man...15:38
dpmyeah, I was driving a few hours last night, I like snow but no fun driving with snow.15:38
* balloons changes sprint to end 6 feb15:39
dpmballoons, is chris happy with it?15:40
balloonsyes, he was pleased.. he wanted to make sure I wasn't pulling his leg at first, lol15:41
dpmballoons, what do you mean, he didn't believe we were running the sprint? :)15:43
balloonssomething like that I suppose15:44
mhall119jcastro: do you have access to the Ubuntu Cloud Facebook page?15:45
jcastroI didn't know we had one15:45
jcastrothat's probably james.donner@canonical15:45
jcastrohe's the cloud marketing guy15:45
dpmballoons, also, looking at the board, it seems there are a few unassigned items. Would you mind assigning those tasks?15:46
mhall119jcastro: https://www.facebook.com/ubuntucloud15:47
mhall119whoever it is hasn't touched it in over 2 years :(15:47
jcastrotbh I don't know why the page exists15:47
dpmmy guess is that Ahmed might have created it15:48
mhall119jcastro: at any rate, I've re-posted stuff about the cloud talks we're doign at FOSDEM on the official Ubuntu pages on FB and G+15:48
dpmand after he left it's barely been touched15:48
jcastro<3 thanks15:48
jcastrojames is going to RT a bunch of them this weekend as well15:48
balloonsdpm, sure. Ideally we would be grabbing the tasks as we work them, but we know mhall119 will be doing the others :-15:49
dpmballoons, yeah, but I'm looking at the "In progress" one that's got no assignee. I'm guessing that's Mike15:50
balloonsdpm, yep15:50
balloonshe needs to add a picture, make it easier to see his assignments15:51
dpmI can see a picture15:51
balloonsI really want to rename the lanes in taiga, but can't :-(15:56
dpmwhich lanes balloons?15:56
balloonsready for test for one15:56
dpmah, yeah, couldn't see a way to change that, either :/15:57
balloonsand add/remove them15:57

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