
Kukican i get help with ubuntu mate 14.04 here?05:04
darkxstNoskcaj, can you clean up and submit libinput transition, required patches all cherry-picked from upstream are in my libinput ppa06:20
darkxstthough maybe weston could just be bumped to 1.6.1 (along with wayland of course)06:21
Noskcajdarkxst, 0.8.0 or 0.9.0?06:37
darkxstNoskcaj, 0.8.0 is enough for 3.16 (I think)06:37
darkxstbut if there are no further api changes 0.9 would be fine also (or may require extra patches)06:38
Noskcaj"This release is ABI-compatible with libinput 0.8, but a set of new functions06:38
Noskcajhas been added."06:38
Noskcajmost finger hover support and a new lenovo thing06:38
darkxstyeh that should be fine then, just test build ;)06:38
NoskcajIs there a way to get files of debian NEW? I'd prefer to take debian 0.8.0 package06:40
darkxstdget .dsc link?06:45
NoskcajI'm too stupid to find the .dsc link06:46
darkxstnot sure, but have managed to do it in the past06:50
Noskcajdarkxst, Would it be better to add the earlier patch at https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=342893 for kwin09:33
ubot5KDE bug 342893 in core "Build fails with libinput-0.8.0" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]09:33
NoskcajOr should i be asking the kubuntu guys about that?09:34
darkxstNoskcaj, I took the later patch since that was from the maintainer, however I don't think it really matters much09:44
darkxstsupport in kwin is still very much experimental09:45
darkxstbut go ahead and ask them09:45
darkxstgtg noe09:46
jhenkehi folks!12:02
darkxsthi jhenke12:03
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:04
jhenkedarkxst thanks for the hint, just ideling here since I consider migrating to ubuntu gnome (from xubuntu) due the better hidpi support in gnome3 compared to xfce12:18
jhenkebut a question, in the test vm right now I had the stange behaviour that it was impossible to enter the password on the unlock screen, no matter which key you typed the chracter was removed again from the input box before you could type the complete password, though I am not sure wehter that is a vnc or gnome bug12:20
lindolgood evening14:15
lindol: )14:15
lindolgood night i am going to the bed. :)15:16
lindolsee again15:16
Noskcajdarkxst, Are we planning to have clutter-gst 3.0.4 in vivid?21:09
darkxstNoskcaj, are all rdepends ported?21:13
NoskcajI think it needs a new source package like 1.0 to 2.0 did21:14
darkxstyes it will, however its unlikely they will allow 3.0 and 2.0 to live in main21:14
darkxstso its all or nothing for rdeps in main21:15
darkxstthough they are mostly all gnome things, so hopefully have been ported already21:17
Noskcajdarkxst, What should i rename the gstreamer1.0-clutter binary package to? gstreamer1.0-clutter-3.0?22:44
darkxstNoskcaj, yes that seems reasonable22:50
darkxstbtw is the libgstreamer plugin versioned?22:51
NoskcajI'll push it to my ppa to test build, then gnome3-staging. Hopefully everything in main is already done22:53
darkxstNoskcaj, only totem is building against 3 upstream22:54
Noskcajok, this might take some time then22:54
darkxstyeh, so probably just -staging for the time being, it will be needed there for totem anyway22:57
Noskcajturns out both clutter-gst-1.0 packages can be updated to clutter-gst-2.0, so we can drop that23:12
darkxstNoskcaj, ok23:20

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