
ahoneybunpleia2, I'm going to be working with a local computer store to install Xubuntu or Lubuntu on a few computers and sell them21:41
wxlahoneybun: oooh if you do that with Lubuntu, we (I speak for the whole Lubuntu team) want to know! and want pictures! :)21:41
ahoneybunwxl, depends on the specs of the computer21:42
ahoneybunlubuntu has begin to look really pretty btw21:42
wxlahoneybun: furthermore, if you need help, let me know.21:42
wxlaw thx though that's all rafaellaguna's doing :)21:42
ahoneybunwxl, tbh I was wondering about stickers to let people know they are running it lol21:42
wxlahoneybun: that's not a bad idea. i know unixstickers.com has some. the "powered by lubuntu" ones. we don't have anything else fancier, but i was recently thinking that would be a wise idea to create a sticker pack like xubuntu has.21:43
ahoneybunwxl, the xubuntu ones are pretty slick21:44
ahoneybunI have some old Linux Mint ones from unixstickers21:44
ahoneybunI put them on the pcs i sold with it on it21:44
ahoneybunwxl, http://www.unixstickers.com/stickers/linux_os_distribution_stickers/lubuntu-os-linux-badge-sticker21:45
ahoneybunjose, need help with the newsletter?23:22
joseahoneybun: I will be sending out the summary writers email in a bit23:40
ahoneybunok cool23:40

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