
TJ-axisys: Well, if there are still free blocks (I think I recall seeing the usage was 53%) then it would need just the inode count increasing00:00
axisysthis says still lot of inodes left.. or am I reading it wrong?00:00
axisysyeah 58%00:01
axisys tune2fs -l /dev/mapper/volg0-usr | grep -i inode00:01
axisysInode count:              36648000:01
axisysFree inodes:              10380300:01
TJ-axisys: Huh? I thought that was the free blocks.00:01
TJ-axisys: earlier you wrote: " df -i shows /usr is 100%"00:02
axisysok let me re-report00:02
axisysdf -i /usr/00:02
axisys/dev/mapper/volg0-usr 366480 364992  1488  100% /usr00:02
axisysdf -h /usr00:02
axisys/dev/mapper/volg0-usr  5.5G  3.0G  2.3G  58% /usr00:02
TJ-axisys: OK. You'll need to create a new LV with suitable size and inode count (mke2fs -i ...) and copy the existing /usr/ file-system into it, then switch them00:04
TJ-axisys: It's not possible to dynamically increase the inode count with tune2fs, etc.00:04
axisysor I could remove all linux header files from /usr/src?00:05
axisysaparently that is hurting others too00:05
axisys/dev/mapper/volg0-usr  5.5G  3.0G  2.3G  58% /usr00:05
TJ-axisys: /usr/src/ is lots of small files00:06
TJ-axisys: maybe simply create a LV for /usr/src/ ?00:07
axisysI am no 3.2.0-60 .. I could purge all the older linux header files in this dir00:07
axisysTJ-: probably better idea.00:07
TJ-axisys: It keeps things simpler, and allows you more fine-grained control without disruption00:07
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axisyswhat is the best way move /usr/src from /usr partition to /usr/src partition on live system? I already rsync -av /usr/src/ /mnt/. now ready to umount /mnt and mount the /dev/mapper/volg0-usrsrc /usr/src02:15
axisysshould i just move /usr/src to /usr/oldsrc and then create /usr/src and mount it?02:16
axisysor there is a better way?02:16
axisysfuser /usr/src shows nothing using /usr/src right now02:18
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morenoh149I"m pinging my desktop from my laptop through the lan. what command do I use on the server to see incoming pings?09:17
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lordievaderGood morning.09:48
lordievadermorenoh149: tcpdump?09:49
spicypixelis ubuntu server meant to show a terminal on HDMI on first boot? I had to install openssh to access the box since I couldn't see anything on screen09:51
RoyKspicypixel: should work09:56
morenoh149lordievader: yes tcpdump did the trick :)10:03
lordievadermorenoh149: Of course, tcpdump is awesome :D10:03
morenoh149anyone here manage a home server with ubuntu?10:05
morenoh149you just use ssh for that right?10:05
lordievadermorenoh149: I run a home server. And ssh is not the only thing that manages it. Most is automated through Puppet.10:07
lordievaderAnd various other scripts.10:07
morenoh149lordievader: I was eyeing ansible for that10:07
morenoh149I want to expose a postgres and mongo db for my webapps from my home server. Good/bad idea?10:08
lordievadermorenoh149: As long as only your webserver has access and not the ~world.10:10
morenoh149lordievader: ah so you're suggesting running a webapp and api on my server? because things like heroku postgres and mongolab expose the db to the world10:12
lordievaderThat is one interpretation. Anyhow there usually is no need to expose a SQL sever to the ~world.10:14
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Slingim getting really fed up with the ubuntu installer when trying to do a mdadm raid 1 while installing10:18
Slingis there a way to properly do this?10:18
Slingpartitioning is a hell, it creates random 1MB free space partitions before my own created partition, causing me later on to not being able to install grub10:18
Slingim sure this is related to legacy vs uefi but its not even telling me about this10:20
BukoLayplease help me to irc special setup?12:00
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LeMikehello. I need some help with a RAID. the `cat /proc/mdstat` says nothing so I tried `lspci | grep -i raid` and found a controller. but how do I determine which kind of RAID it is?12:34
SlingLeMike: mdstat is for software raid12:34
SlingLeMike: which controller did you find?12:34
henkjanLeMike: what is the output of the lspci command?12:34
Slingeach controller has its own binary interface12:34
Slingusually with vendor tools to communicate with it12:35
Slingalso - does anybody know what selecting 'expert mode' in the ubuntu installer actually does, does it add a grub parameter to the booting of the installer?12:35
henkjanhttp://hwraid.le-vert.net/ has lots of info12:35
henkjanand .debs for most of the vendor provided tools12:35
LeMikeit is "ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 SATA Controller [Non-RAID5 mode]" . I find it in `lshw` but dunno where to read the raid12:37
LeMikeif it is raid 5, then the 4 time 500 GB drives should end up in 1,5 GB but they actually make 2 GB.12:39
LeMikeforget it. sorry. it is linear NRAID. I should get some coffee ...12:41
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devster31Hi, I'd like some information updating nginx, I originally installed it from the ubuntu packages, but it's 1.4.6 and it's quite an old version, now I'd like to update it without losing my configuration, installing the 1.6.2 stable from the ppa, how can I do that?13:35
=== martins-afk is now known as martinst
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge13:43
patdk-wkit's that simple13:43
patdk-wkyour success depends on the *quality* of the person making the ppa though13:43
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hackeronhey, anyone know a way to get a list of all listening ips? - e.g. like ifconfig shows but just the ips?14:28
patdk-wkip addr show14:37
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hackeronpatdk-wk: thanks, but that shows everything in a very difficult to parse format - how would I get say just the interface and ip?14:53
patdk-wkhow is it difficult?14:53
patdk-wkip addr show | awk '/inet / { print $2; }'14:53
hackeronpatdk-wk: oh, actually, it isn't - much easier than ifconfig :D - thank you!14:53
lordievaderhackeron: ip link?14:53
patdk-wkip addr show | awk '/inet6? / { print $2; }'14:53
lordievaderOh wait, that doesn't show ip.14:54
patdk-wkya, ip's aren't links :)14:54
hackeronthis does what I want :D <  ip addr show | awk '/inet / { print $NF" "$2 }'14:56
hackeronthank you!!14:56
gtrmtxhey guys. so im working inside my apache2.conf file and i have several password protected directories...i have it working requiring user A but i want to add a master pw that works in all sections...how do i iterate require user A or user B?15:02
jpds_gtrmtx: You're using auth basic?15:03
jpds_gtrmtx: Just add another user to htpasswd.15:03
gtrmtxi have all the usernames set up already15:04
gtrmtxdirectory A needs user A pw to get in. a user of directory B doesnt need to be able to get into directory A.15:05
gtrmtxim trying to add a master pw for all directories so i dont have to constantly be typing in different pw's15:05
gtrmtxand i have a username/pw already set up for that purpose15:06
gtrmtxjpds_: http://hastebin.com/zurajesapo.apache15:08
jpds_gtrmtx: (On a side-note: why are you putting that in apache2.conf directly?)15:11
gtrmtxi was having issues getting .htaccess files working15:11
gtrmtxthis at least works15:12
gtrmtxand if its not broke dont fix it know what i mean?15:12
jpds_gtrmtx: It's not really where that config is suppose to go, it's suppose to go with the site configuration.15:21
gtrmtxwhich is where by default?15:22
jpds_ /etc/apache2/sites-available and -enabled15:22
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spicypixelto enable dvb usb sticks on ubuntu server do I need to install any packages?17:24
spicypixeltv tuner17:25
spicypixelworks fine on regular ubuntu so wondering what's missing on ubuntu server by default17:25
spicypixelbut the stick has had drivers in the kernel since 3.017:25
spicypixelBus 003 Device 006: ID 2013:024f PCTV Systems nanoStick T2 290e < lsusb output17:26
jpds_spicypixel: Do you have the linux-image-extra packages installed?17:28
jpds_spicypixel: dpkg -l | grep linux-image-extra17:28
spicypixelii  linux-image-extra-3.16.0-29-generic   3.16.0-29.39                             amd64        Linux kernel extra modules for version 3.16.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP17:28
jpds_What do you do to make it work on regular ubuntu?17:29
spicypixelabsolutely nothing, plug it in and it's working17:29
spicypixeltried hotplugging the usb stick to see if it helped, didn't17:29
jpds_And dmesg sees it?17:30
rbasakspicypixel: you might need linux-firmware installed if you don't have it already. Depends on the exact hardware.17:33
spicypixelnot encouraging17:33
spicypixelbrb changing usb hub it's plugged into17:33
spicypixelsame errors even on the usb3 host ports17:34
spicypixelhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1313279/comments/6 seems related17:36
RoyKspicypixel: does it work without the usb hub?17:36
spicypixeltried native ports, powered hub, usb2 and 317:36
spicypixelpretty interesting though, was running fine on the 3.13.x branch with linux mint as the host OS, switched over to ubuntu server 14.10 for tvheadend headless operation and run into this with 3.16.x17:38
spicypixeldoes seem to be related to xHCI though17:39
spicypixelsame dmesg error in any ports17:41
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spicypixeljust to rule it put, plugged it into my win8 laptop and the stick loads fine and displays a tv picture17:44
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spicypixeljpds_: dist-upgrade and pulling the latest kernel and rebooting seems to have fixed it19:26
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