
sander^homeHow come sailfish os have android bindings?00:00
sander^homeCouldnt ubuntu do the same?00:00
sander^homeThat way we can easily get over all opensource java apps from android into ubuntu.00:01
tmpRAOFI didn't know they had android bindings.00:03
tmpRAOFBut the reason would be: because no-one has written them :)00:04
tmpRAOF(Also, because Android bindings get you less and less benefit over time, as things move into Play services, where Google can actually keep them updated)00:04
sander^hometmpRAOF, is it possible to run android in dual boot mode with eg. sailfish or cyanogenmod?00:13
sander^homeor stock android.00:13
tmpRAOFYes; IIRC there's an app in the (Google) store that does exactly that.00:14
tmpRAOFProbably requiring root :)00:14
sander^hometmpRAOF, sorry. I meant. ubuntu and cyanogenmod at the same time?00:14
tmpRAOFYeah, that's the question I answered :)00:15
sander^homewhat is the app name?00:15
popeysander^home: fyi there is already a java app in the store. the bitcoin app uses (and ships) a full JRE inside the click package00:39
popeythis is why it's the biggest app in the store, last time I checked :)00:39
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jgdxWellark_, putting [1] into a silo. Do you know when it'll be top approved? [1] https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-api-team/indicator-network/lp1411714-14.09/+merge/24740707:52
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silviucan someone help me with a problem I'm having with Ubuntu touch recording, with mirscreencast09:46
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Fun At Work Day! *8OD09:47
cwayneElleo, ping10:51
davmor2cwayne: are you not on a flight11:04
cwaynedavmor2, tomorrow11:04
davmor2cwayne: blame john-mcaleely he said it was today we thought you'd be able to get 14hours of shut eye today ;)11:05
john-mcaleelycwayne, can blame me for most things davmor211:05
davmor2john-mcaleely: don't we all ;)11:06
Elleocwayne: pong?11:08
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cwayneElleo, how are new keyboard layouts installed?  do we plan to have them as click pkgs?11:16
Elleocwayne: thats the eventual plan, currently they're only available as preinstalled debs though11:17
cwayneElleo, when do we plan to fix that?11:17
cwayneat the very least, we'd like to be able to include them in the custom tarball11:18
Elleocwayne: its on the list for this cycle, but not currently high in the schedule (but that might chamge after mondays planning meeting)11:19
Elleocwayne: theres a few things we need to do first like confining maliit and/or simplifying the layout format11:20
cwayneElleo, its something we would definitely want/need for future images11:20
cwayneElleo, yeah, i figured that for clicks11:20
Elleoat the moment each layout is QML + a .so plugin, which isnt great11:21
cwayneElleo, clicks would be ideal, but being able to include them in /custom would  be a big step forward already11:21
Elleocwayne: I can probably adapt maliit to search for plugins there, would anything else be needed for that?11:22
cwayneElleo, not that I would know of, but I could check11:23
Elleocwayne: okay cool, if you can get me any details about the /custom process and the prefered location and file it in a bug report I can see abput getting it scheduled before the .click stuff11:24
cwayneElleo, cool, thanks, I'll get some info and get it over to you ASAP11:25
Elleocwayne: thanks11:25
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mandelpitti, morning! one small question, do you know how I could debug an interaction I have with Udisk. I have an obj path with the FileManager interface and no Mount Points that I want to mount, I call Mount with auth.no_user_interaction=true yet the reply for dbus never reaches me11:44
mandelpitti, all this in golang (so,something in the dbus packaged could be wrong)11:45
mandelpitti, looking at dbus-monitor the properties changed does send an update with the new mount point => http://paste.ubuntu.com/9954928/11:49
Wellark_jgdx: top approved.12:08
Wellark_jgdx: do you have vivid silo as well?12:08
Wellark_jgdx: if you do, it takes me 10 minutes to get you a corresponding vivid MP12:08
danguaferwhat's the general linux API for touch programming?12:30
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Wellark_jgdx: vivid counter part: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-api-team/indicator-network/lp1411714-15.04/+merge/24810412:34
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jgdxWellark_, I was aiming for vivid. Thanks13:17
jgdxseb128, hi, the fix in [1] actually fixes the test and as you can see the test failures in the most recent AP run are new. [1] https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/fix-background-test/+merge/24795513:18
jgdxi.e. the most recent AP run did not fail the test_background tests.13:19
seb128jgdx, great13:21
Wellark_jgdx: so, be careful not to mix up the MP's :)13:22
jgdxWellark_, right!13:22
Wellark_rtm has 14.09 in the name and vivid 15.04 respectly :)13:22
jgdxdanguafer, in #ubuntu-touch that would be Qt13:23
jgdxWellark_, subtle, I like it13:25
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seb128Wellark_, cyphermox, bug #1416424 might be for you, could it be due to the new n-m in vivid?14:21
ubot5bug 1416424 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Wifi list is empty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141642414:21
cyphermoxseb128: could be14:39
davmor2cyphermox: confirmed here on image84, no wifi in welcome wizard, indicator or uss15:18
cyphermoxWellark_: ^15:18
davmor2cyphermox, Wellark_: is there any useful info I can get you? before I start rolling back to see where the issue was introduced?15:30
cyphermoxnot especially. file a bug including /var/log/syslog, make sure 'nmcli dev wifi list' shows the list of networks, and it's pretty much good15:32
davmor2cyphermox: I assume it is the issue that seb128 just pointed you at so I'll add some logs there for you15:33
Wellark_davmor2: O.o15:36
Wellark_cyphermox: any dbus-api changes between NM 0.9.8 and 1.0 ?15:38
cyphermoxyou mean 0.9.1015:39
cyphermoxI don't know, depends what API you use15:40
Wellark_well, if it worked with 0.9.10, then yes15:40
davmor2Wellark_, cyphermox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-network/+bug/1416424  added syslog and output of 'nmcli dev wifi list'15:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 1416424 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Wifi list is empty" [Undecided,New]15:40
davmor2I'm assuming the seg fault bit isn't good :(15:42
sturmflut-workmzanetti: Looks like parts of the internal flash storage in my BayTrail tablet died :/ I'll see what I can do to revive it or circumvent the problem15:42
cyphermoxdavmor2: nmcli dev wifi list wlan015:43
cyphermoxdavmor2: the segfault is not great but you get the wifi list, that's what I wanted to know15:44
davmor2cyphermox: so I get the there is wifi available empty icon on the device but then nothing.15:45
Wellark_cyphermox: did you test i-network and friends before uploading nm 1.0 ?15:46
Wellark_I'm flashing now15:46
cyphermoxof course I did, and as I recall things were working15:46
Wellark_had to check15:46
Wellark_davmor2: please augment the bug description with full system-image-cli version information15:48
davmor2Wellark_: done15:50
Wellark_davmor2: thanks15:50
Wellark_will test krillin now15:50
davmor2Wellark_: anything else you need?15:50
Wellark_davmor2: well, you could check if .cache/upstart/indicator-network.log contains anything15:51
Wellark_or .log.1.gz15:51
davmor2Wellark_: sure give me 515:51
Wellark_davmor2: just slam them in pastebin or something15:51
davmor2Wellark_: lets not waste the pastebin it says this twice :) *** Received Terminated. ***15:52
Wellark_davmor2: ok, so nothing interesting there15:55
Wellark_davmor2: just to double check, mako == n4, right?15:56
Wellark_davmor2: btw, di you do an ordinary flash, or with --wipe or --bootstrap?15:57
davmor2Wellark_: I always bootstrap15:59
davmor2Wellark_: kills any modified config files so tests are fresh15:59
Wellark_davmor2: yep16:00
Wellark_davmor2: I'm just wondering.. in the bug report you say "even when the phone has automatically connected to a saved network"16:00
Wellark_so was the wifi list OK in the wizard?16:01
Wellark_and was it working after the first boot?16:01
davmor2Wellark_: Nope there was no wifi listed anywaere16:01
Wellark_davmor2: how were you able to have a "saved network" then?16:01
davmor2Wellark_: I rebooted the device after first boot + setup and still no wifi16:01
davmor2Wellark_: I didn't someone else reported the bug and I assume they ota'd16:02
davmor2Wellark_: I can soon test that theory though16:02
Wellark_davmor2: oh, right.16:02
Wellark_davmor2: that explains16:02
Wellark_oh, well.. this is one way to spent the Friday evening..16:03
Wellark_cyphermox: is there a doc that explains the D-Bus API changes in NM between 0.9.10 and 1.0 ?16:06
cyphermoxWellark_: it's not the first time I'm trying to tell you there is no 1.0, we're not there yet.16:08
cyphermoxfwiw, I just flashed my krillin with devel-proposed and things came up #1 from the start.16:09
Wellark_cyphermox: so what version did you upload to vivid, and what was the previous version it replaced?16:10
cyphermox0.9.8.8 to 0.9.1016:10
Wellark_so is there a delta doc somewhere on the dbus api changes from to 0.9.10 ?16:10
Wellark_I also finished flashing devel-proposed on krillin and everything seems ok16:12
Wellark_next, mako16:13
kenvandineWellark_, each time i go to Carrier->APN it I see a new "Internet" named APN in the list, without even opening the editor16:18
kenvandinei can back out and go back and the list has one more16:18
kenvandineand... it now never activates the provisioned context16:18
kenvandinemeaning... no mobile data for me16:19
kenvandineWellark_, this is vivid-proposed on mako16:19
Wellark_kenvandine: that's the bug we discussed yesterday16:19
Wellark_jonas should be on it16:19
kenvandineok... surprised it's adding a new context just going to the page16:19
Wellark_basically the values that are stored in apn editor never reach ofono16:19
kenvandinenot even going to the editor16:19
kenvandineor trying to activate one16:20
kenvandinethis is the page that lists the contexts16:20
Wellark_it's weird16:20
kenvandineand... mobile data doesn't work16:20
kenvandineit won't activate the provisioned one16:20
kenvandinei can't see how going to the page could make it try to activate a new context16:20
kenvandineWellark_, note also... i removed all the contexts and rebooted16:21
kenvandineit still happens16:21
kenvandineand... now wifi seems broken... not seeing my network16:21
kenvandinethe list is from earlier, when i wasn't at home16:21
Wellark_kenvandine: yes, as the editor sees an empty context and tries to turn that into a custom context, but as the modifications don't go through16:21
kenvandinebut the provisioned one isn't empty16:21
Wellark_as there is $breakage16:21
kenvandinelist-contexts shows all the info, looks right16:22
kenvandinebut it won't activate it16:22
Wellark_jgdx: have you had a chance to look at the apn editor problem on vivid?16:22
kenvandineWellark_, this is more than just the apn editor16:22
kenvandineif i remove all the contexts and reboot16:22
kenvandinenever open settings at all16:22
kenvandineit won't connect16:22
jgdxWellark_, kenvandine, not yet. It's not targeted for w7 yet, is it?16:22
jgdxprobably should16:23
kenvandineso i don't think this is really a settings issue16:23
kenvandinei can get it back to  a state where there is the single provisioned context16:23
kenvandinethat worked fine until wednesday16:23
Wellark_kenvandine: not connecting after you remove everything and reboot would be ofono/nm problem then16:23
kenvandinereboot the phone and never open settings16:23
Wellark_cyphermox: ^16:24
kenvandineand might be the root cause of why the APN editor is doing what it's doing16:24
Wellark_kenvandine: I'm pretty sure the APN editor is a separate issue16:24
kenvandineWellark_, also note, earlier this morning the indicator showed the 3g icon... but still no data16:24
kenvandineWellark_, rebooting fixed the wifi problem16:27
kenvandinebut it was stuck with a list of access points from where i was this morning16:27
kenvandinenever rescanned16:27
Wellark_kenvandine: mako wifi driver acts weird sometimes16:28
Wellark_I've noticed it missing access points that I know are around16:29
Wellark_and usually my own16:29
Wellark_even if you force an active scan with "sudo iwlist scan"16:29
Wellark_they aren't reported by the drived16:29
kenvandineoh my.. jgdx check this out16:29
kenvandinejgdx, so after removing all my contexts and rebooting16:29
kenvandinei do have working data... and the icon shows 3g16:30
kenvandinebut the tech pref in settings is set to 2g16:30
kenvandinebefore rebooting it was set to 3g16:30
kenvandine        TechnologyPreference = umts16:31
ArucarnHi, I need some help. I installed Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 7 2013. I saw some images of the tablet version of Ubuntu Touch. How do I put it into this mode.?16:31
Wellark_cyphermox: confirmed. no access points shown on mako with devel-proposed, krillin was just fine16:32
cyphermoxexcept there is no reason for this to be any different between mako and krillin16:33
kenvandineok... confirmed it does seem to be the APN page that messes things up... mobile data was actually working (with the tech pref weirdness)16:33
kenvandineuntil i navigated into Carrier->APN16:33
kenvandinenever opened the custom APN editor16:33
kenvandinejust loading the page added a second internet context16:33
kenvandineand i can no longer connect to the internet16:33
kenvandinejgdx, so it gets into this situation from that page in settings16:34
kenvandineand once that bogus context is created, nothing works :/16:35
kenvandinejgdx, i bumped the priority to critical, since this easily gets you into a situation that can't be recovered from.16:40
kenvandinenot without connecting to it with phablet-shell in developer mode16:40
kenvandinehopefully it never affects krillin16:40
jgdxkenvandine, ack. I'm on my way out. I'll take a look this weekend.16:42
kenvandinejgdx, thx16:42
kenvandinejgdx, the tech pref thing is weird to16:42
kenvandineafter removing all the contexts and rebooting16:43
kenvandineit always switches back16:43
kenvandinemaybe that's expected16:43
jgdxkenvandine, could you put that bit in the appropriate apn bug too?16:43
jgdxthat is interesting16:43
Wellark_well, something is different between krillin and mako16:51
Wellark_cyphermox: when was the p2p0 added to mako?16:55
kenvandinei'm going to flash vivid on my krillin and see16:55
Wellark_cyphermox: nm is reporting it as wifi device16:55
Wellark_i-network is not handling multiple wifi devices in the system16:56
cyphermoxWellark_: wasn't added, it was always there16:56
Wellark_cyphermox: reported by NM?16:56
cyphermoxp2p0 is an AP-mode interface for Wifi-Direct16:56
cyphermoxwait, no16:56
cyphermoxbut it shouldn't make a difference16:56
cyphermoxwe'll need it anyway for hotspot16:56
Wellark_it does. right now16:56
Wellark_as i-network just grabs the first wifi device it gets from NM and ignores the rest16:57
cyphermoxawe_: as suggested, it's a matter or multiple devices ^16:57
cyphermoxWellark_: isn't that a very bad assumption?16:57
Wellark_and the one it obviously is grapping on mako is the p2p0 hence no access points visible16:58
cyphermoxWellark_: tbh, I'm happy either way, I could disable them again (that patch must have slipped), but it's something we *will* need16:58
awe_cyphermox, it's mako only, krilling works fine16:58
davmor2Wellark_: I'm flashing 81 so far no networking16:58
cyphermoxawe_: yes, because krillin needs to be poked via hybris to enable p2p016:58
Wellark_cyphermox: not for a phone release...16:58
awe_fresh devel-proposed on both16:58
cyphermoxWellark_: yes.16:58
cyphermoxWellark_: I mentioned this because we'll need it for wifi hotspot16:58
cyphermoxWellark_: now whether it is needed for a release *right now* is a different matter16:59
awe_cyphermox, p2p used to be ignored by NM16:59
cyphermoxawe_: yes16:59
cyphermoxawe_: see above, it will be needed for hotspot. it's possibly just too early to enable it now.16:59
Wellark_sure, understood. but the code in i-network just is not yet capable of handling two wifi interfaces17:00
cyphermoxmaybe it should just be ignored by indicator-network for now17:00
cyphermoxthat would possibly be better because later when you want to enable handling two wifi devices, it will be a centralized change17:00
awe_seems like the easiest patch for now, is have i-network ignore p2p device ( just like NM used to do )17:00
cyphermoxawe_: I can also just have them ignored in NM, but there are further complexities to this that I hadn't thought of initially17:01
awe_that said, not all devices may use the same naming scheme, so we probably need a property that exposes the P2P device name that i-network could query17:01
cyphermoxthere isn't a clear way to identify them17:02
cyphermoxthe P2P device can be a separate device but not necessarily17:02
cyphermoxand the main wifi device can still export having P2P/AP mode capability17:02
cyphermoxregardless, NM should be able to handle the "p#p#" string because that's used elsewhere too -- for instance, when biosdevname is installed17:03
Wellark_cyphermox: what is the NM_802_11_MODE of p2p0 ?17:04
cyphermoxcan you look at it yourself? my mako isn't charged enough to boot yet17:04
cyphermoxprobably very close, but it's not starting just now17:04
Wellark_will try17:04
awe_cyphermox, I agree that we can use a default pattern, however on devices that are shipped with ubuntu, if the p2p devices don't fit the pattern, we can use a property to override the default pattern17:12
cyphermoxhmm, what?17:12
cyphermoxsorry, I'm not following :)17:12
cyphermoxa property where?17:13
Wellark_awe_, cyphermox: could you restore the old behaviour of not exposing p2p0 through NM, please, to quickly restore the wifi functionality on mako17:14
awe_Wellark_, doing so kills WiFi hotspot and we're going to need the fix in indicator-network anyways...17:15
awe_should be a trivial patch, no?17:15
cyphermoxawe_: to be fair, we haven't exactly expose hotspot anywhere.17:15
Wellark_awe_: wifi hotspot is not released yeẗ́17:15
awe_cyphermox, Wellark_, ack17:15
cyphermoxWellark_: so as I was saying above, I sure can, but the question was *should we*17:15
cyphermoxawe_: ^17:15
cyphermoxI think it would be better if ChickenCutlass or somebody else could take a decision17:16
Wellark_well, it's 7pm on a friday night here17:16
awe_cyphermox, do you have an existing patch that could be applied to NM? or is it more complicated than that?17:16
Wellark_and people are being ota'ed in a broken system17:16
awe_this should at minimum warrant an email to the ml17:17
cyphermoxWellark_: it's not going to change that they've OTA'd, and that they will need to get online somehow to get a new image, or apt-get upgrade17:17
awe_to give people a heads-up now17:17
cyphermoxawe_: I do have an existing patch for 0.9.8 that should apply just fine.17:17
davmor2Wellark_: so image 81 works any thing after that doesn't17:17
Wellark_awe_, cyphermox: --^17:17
awe_cyphermox, to be clear... if someone had already connected WiFi17:17
awe_it *should* automatically connect when WiFi is enabled, indicator-network withstanding...17:18
davmor2Wellark_: next I'm trying flo manta and you say that krillin works right?17:18
Wellark_davmor2: krillin works17:18
cyphermoxawe_: yes17:18
awe_davmor2, I just flashed krillin and yes it works17:18
cyphermoxawe_: so a fair point, for OTA things will still work17:18
davmor2so trying manta and flo then17:18
awe_cyphermox, seems like an NM upload is the way to go now17:18
awe_it's the quickest fix17:18
cyphermoxI'm not convinced it's necessary to be *that* quick about it, but whatever17:19
awe_that said, we should open a bug against i-network so that we can revert the change17:19
davmor2cyphermox, awe: I'm just doing an update now from 81 which was the last working to 8417:19
cyphermoxdavmor2: ok17:20
awe_cyphermox, see my comment about ML above.  If we tell people now, it's probably OK to do the upload on Mon17:20
awe_davmor2, do you concur?17:20
cyphermoxawe_: I mean i-n upload, really ;)17:20
cyphermoxbut I'm preparing the patch, checking out what got wrong because I don't think it should have just gone away17:21
davmor2awe_: lets double check with the upgrade first then I can update the bug, then yes I see no reason it can't land Monday, one thing you guys need to be aware of though is from Monday vivid comes under QA scrutiny so at that point it will be a critical flaw, just a heads up on that :)17:22
cyphermoxawe_: p2p patch is still there17:22
cyphermoxit's applied, too17:22
cyphermoxit's just not doing what it should due to changes in the backend17:22
cyphermoxdavmor2: for vivid?17:23
cyphermoxaren't we trying to release RTM?17:23
davmor2cyphermox: last image was passed today for rtm17:23
rsalvetirtm is a thing of the past17:24
cyphermoxso why is vivid becoming super-critical?17:24
awe_cyphermox, so with the patch applied, technically I shouldn't see it exposed when I run 'nmcli d', right?17:24
awe_cause I do...17:24
cyphermoxawe_: right17:24
rsalvetibecause we're trying to stabilize vivid now17:24
davmor2cyphermox: because it is the next target17:24
cyphermoxawe_: the patch needs to be different, that's all17:24
cyphermoxrsalveti: oh, I see, stabilizing vivid to branch again, kind of17:24
awe_mako ( 'nmcli d' )17:24
cyphermoxyes yes17:24
rsalveticyphermox: yeah17:24
cyphermoxawe_: I'm aware of how it looks, I did the dance before for rmnet.17:25
awe_so the patch is applied, but doesn't work with the new version, so needs to be re-worked17:25
awe_cyphermox, can you own sending the email to the list once we get results from davmor2?17:25
charleskenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-power/lp-1416096-publish-primary-device-state-on-bus-15.04/+merge/24814517:26
kenvandinecharles, woot17:26
Wellark_need to go to get some food17:26
Wellark_back soon17:26
kenvandinecharles, is that exposed just for phone?17:27
kenvandineor desktop too?17:27
charleskenvandine, action states aren't tied to a menu profile, so it's exposed for all17:28
davmor2awe_, cyphermox, Wellark_:  http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/wifi-broken-but-connected.png so it works if you are connected to something (So auto connects work) but you are screwed if you move away from it.17:28
charleskenvandine, ie the states are published in /com/canonical/indicator/power, not /com/canonical/indicator/power/phone17:29
davmor2awe_, cyphermox, Wellark_: updated the bug.17:31
cyphermoxhey giffgaff, I remember that!17:33
davmor2cyphermox: :)17:34
cyphermoxawe_: running in sbuild nao.17:34
FishsceneI know it isn't relevant to the conversation and just my opinion, but the picture posted by davmor2 looks quite well-done. GJ art team and dev teams. :)17:35
cyphermoxFishscene: yeah. you should look at the terminal app ;)17:36
FishsceneI can't tell if it looks terrible, or it looks awesome enough to win over GUI enthusiasts. :P17:37
davmor2cyphermox, awe: Flo is broken on 84 checking manta next17:54
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davmor2man I forgot that manta took so long to charge18:04
kenvandinecharles, and my branch that needs your branch https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/lp1329702_battery_charging_status/+merge/24814918:12
tedgI remember that one of the examples for scopes was an Open Clipart scope.18:47
tedgIs there a reason that's not in the store?18:47
charleskenvandine: both of 'em together WfM on mako r8418:49
kenvandinecharles, thanks!18:51
kenvandinecharles, feel free to add a review for my uss branch :)18:52
seb128charles, kenvandine, stupid question, but why don't you just watch the upower property on the bus?19:00
kenvandineseb128, i could add that to our battery backend, wrapping upower's dbus interface19:01
kenvandinebut i'd rather keep it simple, and keep that logic in the indicator19:01
kenvandinewhich watches it anyway19:02
seb128it would be nice if we had a way to create a qml property binded to a dbus property :/19:02
kenvandinewithout a pile of cpp code :)19:02
kenvandinesome qml generator :)19:02
kenvandinesome qml/dbus binding generator :)19:03
tedgI think in this case you want i-power to do the aggregation of multiple batteries for you. That way it's done the same way everywhere.19:04
kenvandineand... we can be sure that things like the upower transition get caught early, you couldn't miss the indicator icon not getting updated19:05
kenvandinebut it's easy to not notice the little sting in system-settings not changing :)19:06
kenvandineso if it breaks again, it'll be quickly obvious19:06
seb128kenvandine, speaking about icon, the new upower has a property with the icon to use for the device19:13
kenvandinethat's cool19:13
seb128we could use that to display the proper icon in the settings grid19:13
kenvandineyeah, but we need to look that up to display it on the grid19:14
kenvandineit would be nice though19:14
kenvandinebut i still want to speed up startup time more19:14
davmor2hey guy on vivid you get the volume osd popup at some random point on boots any idea where I should file it?19:17
tedgdavmor2, Random point on boots?19:18
davmor2tedg: when you flash, or boot the system, mako/flo/manta so far, the volume bar notify-osd just pops up19:19
* tedg reboots19:20
tedgdavmor2, Hmm, I don't see one one boot.19:22
tedgdavmor2, But WRT where to file, it's indicator-sound19:23
davmor2tedg: d'oh it might only be flash,  I forgot it was the reboot where I ota'd so that might of been treated as a flash too right?19:24
tedgdavmor2, Could be, it could happen in the case where AS and Pulse have different saved values.19:25
tedgWe sync them, but it counts as a volume change.19:25
tedgWe should just disable AS reading in the user session.19:26
tedgThat'd make life simpler.19:26
davmor2tedg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/1416520 set it to only after flash for now19:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 1416520 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "vivid: Sound indicator pops up on initial boot after a flash" [Undecided,New]19:29
charleskenvandine, approved19:34
charleskenvandine, I'll put the two branches in the train spreadsheet19:35
davmor2charles: is that like the new Government Approved, If ken likes it, it must be good, this product is kenvandine approved ;)19:35
charlesdavmor2, correct, except "new"... it's always been "if ken likes it"19:36
AkivaAvrahamIs there a general icon or symbol for ubuntu touch?19:57
davmor2AkivaAvraham: the normal Ubuntu logo it's all ubuntu :)20:14
AkivaAvrahamdavmor2, WRONG! http://itsfoss.itsfoss.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Ubuntu-Unity-Logo.png20:14
AkivaAvrahamThumbs down, unsubscribed!20:14
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taiebotmm its weird i cannot reboot my phone.. stuck at the rotating logo... My phone worked ok all day decided to restart as i had no bluetooth and now i am stuck22:23
taiebotreflashing now but wonder what happened could not restart at all. by the way i was on mako vivid 8422:27
sander^homeHow do I create a web shortcut?23:59
sander^homewhen I try to push the star button in the browser.. I can't find that page again. Dont know where I see shortcuts.23:59

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