
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
diddledanjpds_, in what way was I wrong about IL3?02:26
shaunoyou rent?02:30
daftykinsnah, why?02:31
shaunoI've noticed all the rentals here seem to have exactly the same furniture / curtains / etc.02:31
shaunoand I swear I had that exact same chair in my last house02:31
daftykinsah i got that from my parents02:31
daftykinsthose are the shorts that succuumbed to the great gravity fail of August 28th 201402:32
daftykinsso many holes in them XD02:32
shauno(I rent because I refuse to believe I'm not a 12yo, and consider myself ready to move to another country at a moment's notice)02:32
shaunowhich used to make sense, but now I've had the same job for 8 years, I kinda feel like one of them little yellow minion dudes02:33
daftykinscould be worse, you could've done your own thing since Uni and never quite grown up02:34
daftykinsnever quite gone official too, so if i tried to get a job they'd ask what i did with the last 7 years02:34
diddledandaftykins, I managed to find a company that didn't ask :-p02:35
daftykinsno way102:36
daftykinsthe gov don't care?02:36
shaunoI had a weird one with that.  I had a job in the US where they just assumed I was illegal02:37
diddledanheh, the government gave me security clearence02:37
diddledan(hence being allowed to see IL3 documents)02:37
daftykinsshauno: O_O and didn't care?02:38
daftykinsthat's nice of them02:39
daftykinsi got quite insulted at US immigration the way the zombie at the desk went "if you work for money you will be deported"02:39
shaunoapparently not.  I made a comment about my greencard one day, and they decided that meant I had to pay taxes now02:39
shaunoit was quite odd02:39
daftykinsdoh, so if only you'd stayed quiet? :D02:39
shaunoit probably would have been worse, because I filed taxes like a good boy.  I had no idea they though otherwise02:40
diddledandaftykins, as opposed to working for free?02:40
diddledanor working for gifts in kind?02:40
shaunothat is about the only sensible answer to that ;)02:41
daftykinsi better sleep before this nutjob in #ubuntu who runs everything as root, angers me02:43
daftykinsand before i get too existential02:43
shaunoor you could just kill that tab02:43
daftykinswho wants a shingles update? :D02:43
daftykinsnah i'm not too hot with irssi so if i parted that channel, i'd have them all out of order! D:02:43
shaunoI'm still not convinced shingles is a realy thing02:44
shaunoI think if you /part instead of /kill is should leave the window intact?02:44
shaunoor you could just ignore him02:44
daftykinsin that case you'll enjoy pic 402:44
daftykinshigher res edition!02:44
daftykinsthey're kinda going now, but i'm now in regular grimmacy firey burn pain02:44
shaunoI have a friend who suffers from extreme eczema, so ends up with stuff like http://i.imgur.com/OFvLkZp.jpg02:46
daftykinsit's like a little lightning bolt02:47
shaunomakes me feel so normal :)02:47
shauno(I don't really do 'ill'.  I used to suffer from food-poisoning a lot, until the smoke came out my wall and my cooker stopped working)02:48
daftykinsnow it's takeaways? :)02:48
daftykinsi really didn't get ill before this either02:48
daftykinsit's been a pretty gradual descent down since my accident and hospital really02:48
daftykinsplus turning 30 next month02:49
shaunoI remember my 30th :)  I passed out in the funniest position ..02:49
shaunowent on a pub crawl in newcastle.  with what I could only describe as a camra extremist.02:50
daftykinsperhaps we shouldn't ask...02:51
daftykinsnow that is a fine terrorist organisation02:51
shaunowhich all went fine, until someone decided cider would be a good idea.02:51
daftykinsa mate messaged me tonight saying he's at some kinda ale/beer fest up in Scotland02:51
diddledanshauno, my brother got me onto snakebite+black once02:51
daftykinsdiddledan: campaign for real ale02:51
daftykinseh, i was at Portsmouth Uni - snakebite there was already with blackcurrant02:52
shaunoI was doing fine until the cider.  but I woke up in my dad's house, infront of his fireplace, in the position the buddhists call 'prostrate'02:52
diddledanrumour has it that snakebite+black causes weird psychiatric distrubance for a short period02:52
shaunono.  drinking with students causes psychiatric distrubances02:53
shaunouff, I used to drink with a swedish exchange student.  I met him in the pub once, and he was sat all alone with a pitcher of something aweful02:53
shaunohe asked if I'd like one, and I said yes, assuming it'd mean a glass for me too.02:54
daftykinsdoes that mean terrible, or full of awe?02:54
shaunoso they brought me a pitcher too ..02:54
shaunodaftykins: welcome to English.  it's not fun.  horror->horrible->horrific.  terrible->terrible->terrific.  why is terrific a good thing?  the english language hates us :)02:55
shaunoer, terror->terrible02:56
daftykinsg'night gents02:57
shaunothere's a polish chap at work who keeps sending me things to proof before he sends them.  I gave up when it came to explaining why advise is a verb and advice is a noun.02:57
shauno'night daftykins02:57
shaunoooh nice, the devel branch of wireshark for osx actually uses native toolkits instead of x1103:03
shaunoI think I'll sleep too.  I have to visit the humans tomorrow to find a new pump for my heating thingie03:06
diddledanshauno, you're still without heat?03:31
diddledanand does that mean I'm left all on my own.. :-(03:31
diddledanzmoylan-pi, surely your alternative nick should be zmoylan-3-14!03:37
zmoylan-pi*I AM NOT A NUMBER* ::cue prisoner music::03:42
zmoylan-pirelease the giant baloon :-)03:42
shaunolol don't you start03:44
shaunoI'm trying to explain to a yank that the song they play at graduation is "land of hope and glory"03:44
diddledanshauno, lol, so the dudes who battled to not be british celebrate acheivement by playing a british patriotic tune?!03:50
shaunoyou didn't know this?!03:50
zmoylan-pia lot of tunes were repurposed for new lyrics03:51
diddledanI can't sing the song without going into hitler has only got one ball03:51
shaunolike the 'stars and stripes"?  which started off as a british drinking tune?03:52
shaunoElgar was asked to dress this one up for edward8's coronation.  it wasn't written for this purpose, but it was the original author who added the lyrics03:52
mapitohey all04:02
shaunooh dear04:02
shaunoallo mapps, but I think your appearance means it's bedtime04:02
mapitowhat ye all upto04:06
mapitoim home early than normal04:06
shaunoI are be up to bugger all, really04:07
shaunoI tried blocking my chimney to see if it'd make my living room warmer.  my living room now smells fantastic04:07
* diddledan is watching an oldie classic - outbreak04:42
diddledangood ol' dustbin hoffman04:43
shaunoI'm shopping for flats, and trying to decide if I can really tolerate living with random humans04:45
shaunothis house is miserable04:48
shaunoI don't have heating, I don't have hot water.  there's more, but that's the crux of the issue04:49
zmoylan-picold showers are character forming :-)04:51
shaunoI would answer that, but the family-friendly rules forbid my answer :)04:53
mapitowho do you live with atm04:53
shaunoI do have an electric shower.  so that's not actually an issue.  but the taps are ...04:53
shaunoright now, I live with me, myself and irene.  it's not the cheapest method, but it'd good for my brain04:54
zmoylan-piah then you don't have cold showers, i had cold showers while immersion was been replaced.  middle of summer and i thought for a week i was going to die of hypothermia.  mind you ireland, so...04:54
diddledanshauno, you wash?04:55
diddledanzmoylan-pi, you do, too?04:55
diddledanyou really are strange basement-dwellers04:55
diddledanshauno, irene?04:57
diddledanshauno, does she stay on the proviso that you offer sexual favours?04:57
shaunoit's a film04:57
shaunoalthough, I did see a flat advert that basically stated thus04:58
diddledanwell that fell on deaf ears04:58
shaunoI saw a flat ad for dublin where you could share a bed for x price, with all kinds of .. erm .. well I can't find a polite way to state what he meant by this04:59
shaunoor a room in the same flat for 2*x04:59
diddledandid he mind what gender?05:00
mapitolol really05:00
mapitohahaha post link05:00
diddledanalthough I'm not sure you're allowed to discriminate05:00
shaunooh you are.  the last one that caught my eye had 'females only'05:01
diddledanI'm in a one-bedroom. I wonder if I should advertise for a female room-mate05:01
shaunowhich I kinda understand, and kinda don't.  I can see that if you have 3 ladies in a place, a 4th is much easier than "one of us"05:02
shaunoon the other hand, my ex-wife potty-trained me, and I'd much rather be rejected on my merits05:02
diddledanno wonder you split up if she was constantly trying to change you :-p05:04
shaunoI'd explain why we split up, but again, family-friendly05:04
shaunolets just say she had some hobbies which weren't family-friendly05:04
diddledanI'm not sure if that's intriguing or scary05:05
diddledanthe monkey in outbreak is adorable05:08
shaunomost monkeys are adorable05:08
shaunoexcept bonobos05:08
diddledanwhich are the ones with the huge bum?05:09
shaunogo wiki bonobo monkeys.  you'll get a fair idea of why I'm divorced05:09
shaunono, that's baboon05:09
mapitosuits is back on05:14
shaunoto the torrentmobile, batman!05:15
shaunoI mean.  I shall have to watch out for that.  I assume it's on ch4 or somesuch05:15
diddledanshauno, there's a large array of sexual behaviour on that wiki page - I'm wondering which of them your ex was prone towards - certainly the lack of monogomy might be an issue05:22
shaunolet's just say "yes"05:22
shaunookay, this isn't quite family-friendly, but it's not also not-family-friendly, so I feel I can share05:23
shaunomy strangest experience with my ex, was after I'd moved into my 'office' so we were sleeping in seperate rooms05:24
shaunoand her "guy in dublin" came to visit, so was upstairs in her room05:24
shaunoand said "guy in dublin" found out about "guy in galway".  and was on the phone to her05:24
shaunoso I was sitting, in my house, listening to some guy freaking out on the phone with my wife, because he'd just found out he wasn't my wife's only boyfriend05:25
shaunoit was, to say the least, a little awkward05:26
diddledanmethinks you being married to her should have trumped his being a boyfriend05:27
diddledanunless she was also married to other folks05:27
shaunooh it was done and dusted by then05:27
shaunoshe was only back because her last 'guy' turned out to be ... err .. well he was from new jersey.05:28
shaunoand I offered that I still had her room basically untouched, and it made more sense for her to crash there than deal with a monkey05:28
shaunoshe's still there and I moved out, but it seemed like the right think to do at the time05:29
mapitosucks having no desk you know05:57
mapitono desk here..no offie chair05:57
mapitoso i sit on the bed and its uncomfortable so i endup crossing my legs05:57
mapitoafter 30mins..get up yep leg aches05:57
mapitoanyone read about microsoft cantor or whatever it is? basicallu MS answer to siri..predicted like 15-1 in the world cup05:59
diddledanlol @ quote from outbreak - lady says "I got a friend in the coast guard" dustbin hoffman asks "how close a friend" she replies "closer than his wife would like"05:59
mapitoyou off woek today?:D06:01
diddledannope :-p06:01
mapitowhat time you work from and till06:04
diddledan9 till 5:3006:04
mapitowhat do you do then sleep when you finish for like 20hrs?06:10
mapitoid feel awful doing what you do diddledan :)07:13
mapitowhen ive not had enough sleep i get irritable..agitated..hot and bothered07:13
mapitoand hate it:D07:13
mapitosuits is so good07:17
mapitoand one of the girls in it is crazy hot07:17
knightwi1emorning everyone08:09
diddledantime for work08:58
davmor2Morning all09:10
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
diddledanand that's my hours submitted for payday today09:23
diddledanannoying that it includes xmas which means days not working, so no money :-p09:24
diddledanallo davmor209:24
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
MooDoomorning all09:41
diddledanI wonder if any banks do "incoming payment" alerts such as for payday deposits09:45
diddledanI wanna know what time my wages hit my bank account09:45
* diddledan rubs his hands in glee09:46
diddledanI missed a week in december due to bank holidays being on fridays so I get an extra week this month \o/09:46
MooDoomine normally hit at 12 midnight :D09:46
MooDooooo i've been paid09:47
diddledanmine is manually done09:47
diddledanif I were on a salery it would be auto I guess, but I need to file a timesheet and get the wages calculated off that09:47
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Fun At Work Day! *8OD09:47
diddledanJamesTait, it's only fun today because it's payday09:48
JamesTaitdiddledan, *every* day is fun at work day!09:48
JamesTait(For certain definitions of fun)09:48
bashrchappy fun payday09:48
diddledanand tomorrow we're celebrating my nephew's december birthday09:49
diddledanhis DOB is actually 22nd December so my sister decided it was too close to xmas for a party09:49
diddledanI lost track of how old he is already09:50
diddledanhe's either 3 or 409:50
diddledanI really suck as an uncle :-p09:50
diddledanor maybe I'm just being true to uncledom?09:51
diddledanI need to consider pinching his cheeks and saying "look how big you've got"09:51
diddledanthough I believe that's usually left up to the aunties09:52
awilkinsUncles are traditionally the more subversive and evil one that shows their nephews and nieces evil tricks that will plague their parents for months09:56
diddledanthat sounds fun10:00
diddledanI like that we can fill their heads with nonsense and then hand them back10:00
davmor2JamesTait: How's that different from any other work day?10:02
JamesTaitdavmor2, that's what I said, isn't it? ;)10:02
davmor2JamesTait: was in meetings still playing catch up :)10:02
JamesTaitdavmor2, that doesn't sound like fun at work. ;)10:04
davmor2JamesTait: the outcome of the meetings was fun though10:06
diddledandavmor2, more holiday?10:06
JamesTaitCompany trip to Disneyland?10:06
diddledanfree transport to FOSDEM?10:07
davmor2JamesTait: no more testing :D10:07
diddledanwait, doesn't that mean you ship dodgy code?10:07
* JamesTait bites his tongue.10:08
diddledanI was just about to say that10:08
JamesTaitdavmor2, 2fa gets everywhere these days. :-P10:09
davmor2diddledan: I'm testing JamesTait code it's bound to be broken10:09
diddledandavmor2, I thought you weren't testing anymore10:09
davmor2diddledan: no, more testing10:10
diddledanoooooh, a comma.10:10
davmor2it made sense in my head :)10:10
diddledanproblem with the internet, that.10:10
diddledanapparently they haven't invented neural linkage capability10:11
davmor2muppets what are they playing about at10:12
diddledanI know, right. If I were in charge it would be the first thing I'd make them invent10:13
davmor2diddledan: I wouldn't, I'm not sure I want to know what goes on in your head ;)10:14
diddledandavmor2, I do my best to keep you lot informed. problem is it gets me the wrong side of family friendly and I start getting moaned at10:14
diddledanshauno keeps telling me off for, you know, thinking.10:15
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brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:42
brobostigonmorning bashrc11:02
davmor2can't you tell popey isn't hear I mean it silent on here really today :D11:02
MartijnVdSyeah, he's.. training 8-)11:04
MartijnVdSApparently, I have 500/500 now.. or soon-ish11:04
MooDooliterally train-ing.11:06
bashrctraining on a train11:09
diddledansure he's not on a sales campaign?11:09
diddledantrain must have wifi11:15
* popey_ pokes davmor211:15
popey_That is all.11:16
davmor2popey: How's the training?11:17
MartijnVdSdiddledan: the train had 4G, even underwater, 2 weeks ago :)11:17
davmor2popey: where you at now?11:17
popey_St pancras11:17
diddledanI heard you can get cancer there11:18
diddledanin your st pancreus11:18
Myrttipopey: https://plus.google.com/111101795166699165422/posts/a3XiqxXZ7s712:08
davmor2popey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/141637312:12
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1416373 in Ubuntu Music App "Minor issue on the initial start up screen" [Undecided,New]12:12
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MartijnVdS:') 1,073,741,824 57.8MB/s   in 18s15:20
diddledanyou got your upgrade?15:20
diddledanI'm on 152Mbit/12Mbit15:20
diddledanor there abouts for the upstream - they don't actually advertise what the up is15:21
daftykinsbit weird :(15:21
MartijnVdSdiddledan: yeah, got the upgrade today15:21
diddledanor at least they don't make it easy to find15:21
* diddledan googlies15:21
diddledanyeah, thinkbroadbent agrees with 12Mbit15:22
MartijnVdSI need to test my upload.. how can I do that easily?15:23
daftykinshost a file and ask us to download it :D15:23
daftykinsthat's the only real world way imo15:23
jpds_MartijnVdS: speedtest-cli.15:23
MartijnVdSjpds_: I don't trust that -- download speed is lower than what I get with wget :)15:24
daftykinshah yeah a service like that testing his connection XD i don't think so15:24
MartijnVdSjpds_: and upload is only 200 and not the 500 I've been promised15:24
daftykinsMartijnVdS: i wonder if VPSs are fast enough for you to throw a file up to, to test?15:25
MartijnVdSdaftykins: I think there's a bandwidth test thing on my ISPs network.. iperf?15:26
jpds_I probably have a faster link than the test server: http://pastebin.com/JsM7t7N915:26
daftykinsMartijnVdS: ah yeah, i've used that for LAN testing15:27
awilkinsspeedtest-cli reports much lower speed than the web app15:34
awilkinsI'm getting 90 / 6  according to the webapp15:34
awilkinsOr somewhere around 55 - 65 / 6 according to the CLI15:35
awilkinsUsing multiple HTTP downloads of an ubuntu ISO from three mirrors at once I'm getting around 75Mbit/s15:35
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=== marcus is now known as Guest61420
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=== bashrc__ is now known as bashrc
daftykinscrikey, MS Outlook is so terrible. tell it to download a mail store from scratch and it still writes in loads of junk space ballooning the cache file larger than it needs to be17:24
zmoylan-pithere is no redeeming value to ms outlook other than 'it's what everyone else uses'17:25
daftykinsyeah, people that use it are married to it17:25
daftykinsi tried to save some people some money once, by suggesting they try google apps' web interface first17:26
daftykinsnope, they like having the same familiar UI - so hundreds of pounds it was17:26
zmoylan-piand then they complain when you can't get the same version next upgrade17:26
daftykinsaaaaah, Blade Runner soundtrack17:27
daftykinsso good17:27
zmoylan-pican't go wrong with vangelis17:27
daftykinsindeed :D17:27
zmoylan-piall those spaghetti westerns can't be wrong :-)17:27
diddledanvangelis is teh bomb17:28
zmoylan-pithough i do like penguin cafe orchestra too17:28
diddledanthe score for blade runner still haunts me17:28
daftykinsi got given a lot of that once17:28
daftykinsdiddledan: how-so?17:28
diddledanin a good way17:28
daftykinsit's very touching to me17:29
daftykinsRachel's Song and Love Theme, ooh my17:29
diddledanit's very atmospheric and immersive17:29
daftykinsja :D17:29
daftykinsi wonder if i should try headphones for a change17:29
diddledanI've not actually tried listening to it on headphones17:29
diddledanthat could be even more awesomer17:29
daftykinsooh mine are right beside me17:30
zmoylan-pisee the watercolour animation of blade runner someone started?17:30
daftykinsno sir?17:30
awilkinsOutlook now available on Android17:30
awilkinsClassic MS chess move17:30
zmoylan-pihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLwmlMezS3U blade runner.  looks wonderful17:30
awilkinsGetting ansty because things are integrating with Exchange too well17:30
awilkinsNow they can break the Exchange protocols and when people go "You broke my client!" they can just say "But you can get Outlook on Android!!!"17:31
daftykinshere's hoping they don't :(17:32
davmor2awilkins: no I think it is more if you can't beat them join them, and most companies still use outlook so being able to use it on your android phone is important17:32
daftykinsi know the corporate email client on Samsung android handsets at least is an app17:32
zmoylan-pimoving to a rental model.  ick17:32
awilkinsdavmor2, Yeah, but my Android phone already integrates nicely with Exchange out of the box17:32
awilkinsIt even imposes all those important features like corporate ICT being able to nuke my phone from orbit17:33
daftykins^ i do enjoy that :D17:33
davmor2awilkins: but it isn't outlook, outlook is more about calendaring than email17:33
daftykinscome to think of it, i think i have some old handsets to clear out for someone soon17:33
awilkinsThe calendar works!17:33
awilkinsALso works on the EWS plugin for Thunderbird / Lightning17:34
awilkinsBut... if you understand the protocols, you might implement a replacement server!17:34
awilkinsSo they have to start changing them17:34
awilkinsBefore someone realises that the big expense of running Outlook is the server CALs17:35
awilkinsAnd goes "by cracky, these chaps really understand the protocols, perhaps we can get them to make an Exchange-compatible server that doesn't cost us $N a user a year!"17:35
awilkinsHaving Outlook on more platforms softens the blow of changing those protocols17:37
awilkinsBecause they can just go "Use Outlook, we don't recommend those filthy hippy products"17:37
zmoylan-pii have never seen outlook exchange run without giving grief randomly and regularly17:38
diddledanit also provides a platform for microsoft to do an open source-style attack - i.e. get people used to MS and encourage them to find out more17:38
daftykinsi have hosted Exchange setups for some, tends to work great :D17:38
awilkinsI hear the sysadmin is rather arcane17:39
daftykinsi've got some with simplymailsolutions.com based in the UK17:39
awilkinsBut you always hear the bad stuff17:39
zmoylan-piif you like job security and need to poke it with stick once a week :-)17:39
awilkinsYou don't hear about EXIM being a total PITA much, do you17:39
daftykinsthere are users at the end of it, you are always needed ;)17:39
diddledanzmoylan-pi, I have been working hard at making our systems resiliant to the point of non-interferance which means I've basically made myself redundant :-p17:40
davmor2awilkins: also microsoft is learning what it is like to not be number 1, so if it gets it's products on other platforms it is likely to help them rather than hinder them as they used to think, I think it is the giant trying to play catch up.17:40
zmoylan-piwe replaced a mdaemon with exchange and moved from once year having to type in credit card number to get one year more updates to having to reboot the exchange once a week as it was so terrible17:40
diddledanzmoylan-pi, I'm sure things have improved since then. I hope.17:41
zmoylan-pii'm not sure they did17:41
diddledanI wonder if office 365 runs a stock exchange system or if it's a completely new piece of software that just happens to use the same protocols?17:42
awilkinsdiddledan, Doubt it's stock exchange17:42
diddledanawilkins, yeah, that's my thinking too17:42
awilkinsThe NHS email system runs on stock exchange and we have silly low quotas17:42
awilkinsNo longer work for them17:43
awilkinsIt was Samsung Contact but they changed17:43
awilkinsNow they are tendering for a new one17:43
daftykinsheh a client was doing some board work for a Guernsey gov. department, they had a 100MB quota17:43
daftykinson her mailbox17:43
diddledanthat's teeny17:43
daftykinsi called in to laugh at it, since they were dealing with attachments a lot17:43
awilkinsI think we had some users with 80MB quotas17:43
zmoylan-piwell once you completely ban attachments... :-)17:44
daftykinsgot it all fixed up ready for her to resign and have to give back the supplied iPad >_<17:44
awilkinsMine was 400MB17:44
awilkinsThunderbird has that thing where it offers to shove attachments into a file management system17:44
daftykinszmoylan-pi: hehe, if only - i'm remoted into a guys desktop atm looking at emails with 7 attachments, each individually zipped17:44
awilkinsLike it will upload it to Dropbox and mail links17:44
daftykinsinteresting 0o17:45
awilkinsYou can plug in different things to it17:45
daftykinshave you guys notice that nobody seems to know how to use Dropbox? i keep finding people have signed up because someone's linked them to a file and made out like you have to sign up to get it17:45
daftykinsit's either that or they're sneakily looking for free storage credit via referrals17:45
awilkinsSo you could easily make one for your corporate CMS and do that17:45
awilkinsHow hard is it to use Dropbox?!?!?17:46
awilkins"Install it. Put files here. Files here will appear on other machines. Also, they're backed up for at least 30 days."17:46
awilkinsThe MS equivalents suck so hard17:47
awilkinsWe've apparently been waiting 2 years for people to sort out SharePoint shared folders for us all17:47
zmoylan-pipeople don't know about it, or are using google drive or one drive and don't want a new account17:47
daftykinsthey seem to link people to a page to sign up to dropbox, instead of to the actual file17:47
zmoylan-pisharepoint... ::me casts ward evil::17:47
awilkinsI've got a Copy.com account17:47
awilkinsNot sorted it out properly yet17:47
awilkinsBut I got one so Mum would get more free storage17:47
awilkinsHer backups go to Copy.com17:47
awilkinsTried to make a loop filesystem for it so they wouldn't exceed the quota but Duplicity has a mental if you try and back up to a drive that's as small as 20GB for some reason17:48
=== mike is now known as Guest63142
=== Guest63142 is now known as Miker__
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
mapitothis duolingo app for ios/droid is cool22:40
* daftykins ponders a quick pub trip22:40
mapitoclose at 12?22:44
daftykinsnot even sure :S22:45
daftykinsmight be last orders in 1522:45
daftykinsseems to be 11:45pm23:01
mapitodid you go daftykins ?23:20
mapitoif he replies guess not23:20
mapitoguess he did23:30
daftykinsand back23:33
daftykinsjust had the one23:33
mapitodone my spanish for today23:34
mapitousing it on my ipad air at home and on my phone when i do cardio on the nbike at gym23:34
daftykinsneat :D23:35
daftykinslearning some is it?23:36
mapitoLa gatos bebes la aqua23:36
mapitothe cats drink the water23:36
mapitoHablas tu ingles ?:D il just say that to spanish23:37
mapitospeak eng;p23:37
daftykinsit was interesting learning that cerveza is pronounced differently between north and south Spain23:45

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