
spy_what's the meaning of childsession?i don't understand it. session1 has a non-sessionleader process1 to create session2,could we call session2 as a childsession of seesion1?01:20
Cimipete-woods, pstolowski ping09:36
pstolowskiCimi, pong09:37
Cimipstolowski, do you guys have time to chat (even in irc) about this scopes thing?09:37
pstolowskiCimi, yes, i think hangout will be better09:38
Cimipstolowski, I have no camera though on pc :)09:38
* Cimi grabs headphones09:38
Cimipstolowski, pete-woods https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gqwvalt6ei2xt63jbtdaeh33vqa?authuser=1&hl=en09:45
Cimipstolowski, lp:~cimi/unity8/fix-open-new-scope-from-tmp10:34
Cimipstolowski, if you go in app scope, open store, scroll down to the travel apps, nearby articles scope10:34
Cimiand install/search10:34
Cimiafter 1 seconds it loads, it will close10:35
pstolowskiCimi, awesome, thanks!10:36
Cimiactually, pushed now pstolowski10:36
Cimipstolowski, there is a timer that starts when new scope opens from temporary scope10:37
Cimithen the app scope tries to close the store10:38
Cimiand you see the nearby scope dying10:38
Cimipstolowski, you don't need to cross build in theory if you have vivid10:41
Cimipstolowski, just overwrite /usr/share/unity8/Dash/Dash.qml10:41
pstolowskiCimi, ok, cool10:41
Cimipstolowski, with the one from that branch, qml/Dash/Dash.qml10:41
Cimipstolowski, and restart unity8-dash10:41
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seb128I can't unlock my krillin rtm 224 phone12:51
seb128the greeter doesn't react to the swipe12:52
seb128the time keeps being updated and notifcations work (got one for low battery and I got the sound ones when using the keys)12:52
seb128what sort of debug info would be useful?12:52
* seb128 tries to get a bt12:52
seb128bah, can't adb to a lock phone of course12:57
rsalvetiseb128: maybe ssh if you did phablet-shell before?13:22
rsalvetiseb128: if you know the ip, of course13:22
seb128rsalveti, I though about that, but no, ssh not installed13:22
seb128I guess I'm good to force reboot the device :p13:22
seb128:-( rather13:23
seb128keeping the buttons pressed display the dialog13:23
seb128so unity8 is not totally stucked13:23
seb128I just can't unlock13:23
seb128tapping on the flower doesn't switch stats either13:24
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mterrymzanetti, hello!13:52
mterry mzanetti, so I'm nearing done-ish on a refactor of the greeter code to be more isolatable13:52
mterry mzanetti, I figured you might be a good person to review, if you have time?13:52
pstolowskiCimi, hey, so I've a fix/workaround, it works with your nearby scope scenario14:08
pstolowskiCimi, but it's a bit confusing especially with manage dash:14:09
pstolowskiCimi, 1. unfavorite Music14:09
pstolowski2. go to Music (which is now a temp page)14:09
pstolowski3. From Music tap My Music category header - this takes you to My Music scope14:10
pstolowski4. Hit back -> opens Apps (1st favorited scope)14:11
pstolowskiCimi, ah, I just checked... without the fix it's not much better, i.e. going from My Music takes me back to some other favorited scope14:12
ChrisTownsendHey folks!  I have a test PPA where I add proper session management in Unity 8 such as Lock, Log Out, Reboot, and Shut Down.  It behaves the same way that Unity 7 does now, ie, choosing "Log Out" in indicator-session brings up a dialog w/ "Lock", "Log Out", and "Cancel".  Well, Unity 7 doesn't have Cancel, but you get the point.15:04
ChrisTownsendThe PPA can be found here: ppa:townsend/unity8-session-mgmt15:04
ChrisTownsendThis is obviously for the desktop.15:05
ChrisTownsendseb128: willcooke: You might be interested ^^^^^15:05
* willcooke reads15:07
kgunn@unity ^15:19
Cimipstolowski, ok15:20
pstolowskiCimi, lp:~stolowski/unity-scopes-shell/fix-temp-scopes15:22
seb128ChrisTownsend, nice! I'm going to try that in a bit15:29
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
EncryptHello there o/20:32
EncryptHi tedg o/20:32
Encrypttedg, Fine, and you? :)20:32
tedgEh, okay.20:33
Encrypttedg, I managed to have something working20:34
Encrypttedg, https://github.com/notsecure/uTox/issues/758#issuecomment-7133721020:34
Encrypttedg, However20:37
EncryptI don't really understand the aim of the GMainLoop20:37
Encrypttedg, Actually, I'm running the main loop in a thread20:37
EncryptWhen I have to add a messaging menu source, I stop the loop, then create the source, and then start again the loop20:38
EncryptI'm using a mutex20:38
Encrypttedg, My problem is when I try to remove an entry20:38
EncryptShould I also stop the loop?20:38
tedgYou shouldn't have to stop the loop as much as you should always issue all the function on the same thread as the loop.20:39
tedgYou can move function calls onto the loop by using idle sources.20:39
Encrypt"issue all the functions"?20:39
tedgThey'll just add what ever you want to do into the event queue.20:39
EncryptBecause I noticed that the loop is a blocking event20:39
EncryptSo, if I don't stop it, I can't add any other source20:40
tedgIt's not blocking, it's polling.20:40
tedgEncrypt, https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-The-Main-Event-Loop.html#glib-The-Main-Event-Loop.description20:41
Encrypttedg, I know that doc :p20:42
EncryptToo many functions :x20:42
Encrypttedg, So, I'm doing it wrong actually?20:45
EncryptI should create functions in the GMailLoop thread to add sources20:45
tedgEncrypt, Yes, you should do it all on that thread, so that the callbacks come back to that thread as well.20:54
tedgGLib tracks the thread context and ensures that things stay there. For instance with all the dbus callbacks.20:54
Encrypttedg, Ok :]20:57
josharensonmardy: ping?23:58

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