
cmaloneyjcastro: Just bought tickets for Rush15:03
cmaloney(for JoDee and I)15:03
jcastrogoing to buy them when I get off the plane15:03
jcastrothanks for the reminder15:04
jcastro(slammed today trying to get on a plane in a few hours)15:04
cmaloneyI twas pretty painless actually15:04
jcastroyeah but I am mid-basement installation15:05
jcastromoney is like, disappearing15:05
cmaloneyOh, lovely15:05
brouschcmaloney: Will you go in the mosh pit?15:05
cmaloneybrousch: You've obviously never been toa Rush show15:06
cmaloneyit's more like everyone either on their feet or relaxed like the guy in the Memorex commercials.15:06
brouschA concert without a mosh pit? What is this, elevator music?15:07
cmaloneyWould have picked floor but JoDee couldn't see over most of the folks there15:07
cmaloneyavg. height is 6"15:07
cmaloneyEr, 6'15:07
cmaloneyWe're not smurf15:07
cmaloneySheehs, VIP Silver is $304 each.15:10
cmaloneyIs there some big Football contest this weekend?15:27

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