
Kiloshi AndChat|99281  and all others04:52
Kilosthats better05:51
Kiloshi mazal  05:55
bduk1More almal05:58
Kilosbduk1  ek het jou klaar gegroet05:58
Kilos hi AndChat|99281  and all others05:59
Kilosjy met jou andchat ding05:59
Kilos2015 06:5205:59
Kilos[30/01/2015 06:52]06:00
bduk1Ok ek check net bietjie.06:00
bduk1Ag to is dit nog nie Maandag nie???06:00
Kilosnee man eers n hele vrydag dan die naweek06:01
Kiloshi Zarw  wheres warz06:01
Kilosoh he here too06:01
mazalMorning everyone06:03
Kilossjoe ek sukkel met julle vandag06:04
Kilos[30/01/2015 07:55] <Kilos> hi mazal  06:04
bduk1Nou hoekom wil jy nou met ons sukkel vandag ou Kilos 06:12
bduk1As dit nou Maandag was was Vrydag en die naweek weer lekker ver voor06:14
Kiloskop seer na moet julle ook swaar kry06:17
Kilosjulle wat so baie geld kry vir so min werk06:18
Trixar_zaI woudln't mind a job like that06:21
Kiloshehe hi Trixar_za  06:21
Trixar_zaHey Kilos, how's it going? :P06:21
Kiloscan you point me to where my bot is on your server please06:21
Kilosit died and ive lost the link06:22
Kiloshead sore today but im fine otherwise ty and you06:22
Kilosai! 06:32
Kilosmorning superfly  06:32
KilosTrixar_za  did they upgrade the ubuntu on the server?06:32
Trixar_zaNo and it uses Debian06:33
Trixar_zaLet me guess - GHOST?06:33
Kilosit just disappeared06:33
Kiloshi that06:34
KilosThatGraemeGuy  too06:34
superflyhi Kilos06:34
Trixar_zaKilos: They changed the package around a few weeks ago06:35
Trixar_zaSo it's a different VPN, but with the same data06:35
Kiloswb inetpro  pluswat breek julle06:36
Kilosoh then i need to just go start it again06:36
Trixar_zaSon of a B - stupid GHOST. I may have to restart this server.06:36
Kiloswb Mzolisto  plustwo  06:38
Trixar_zaOh - do you mean my minetest server? It's still down since I'm trying to add mobs and guns. The guns keep killing the server :P06:41
Kilosno man the one where my bot is06:41
Trixar_zaThat's still up. I'm updating it now06:41
Kiloscan you just start the bot for me too please06:42
ThatGraemeGuyyou're still busy with ghost? :-o06:42
ThatGraemeGuyhow many times have you been pwned already? ;-p06:42
Trixar_zaNot once, but it's better to be safe than sorry06:43
Trixar_zaAlthough we all can agree these names are getting pretty stupid :P06:43
ThatGraemeGuyyeah thats why we were finished on wednesday already06:43
Kilosai! the pro is struggling as well06:44
Kilosmaybe power outs and genny not working good06:45
Kilossomeone forgot to fill the diesel06:45
Kilosplustwo  wat breek julle06:45
Kiloswb inetpro  06:46
Kiloshi SDCDev  06:51
* Kilos watches the govt yoyo07:26
inetprogood mornings07:52
Kiloshi inetpro  whats breaking07:53
inetproKilos: not sure but looks like I need a large pickaxe handle this morning08:19
Kiloshi TechDad  08:25
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za08:25
Kiloswb captine  09:12
Kilosohi drussell  you been scarce hey09:14
Kiloshows davey09:14
KilosTechDad  tell us about yourself. where you are , what you do etc09:15
Kiloswhat OS you use and if you need help or not09:16
drussellKilos: yo! Happy Friday ;o)09:16
Kilosthat kind of nick suggests no help needed09:17
Kiloshey drussell  you coming to our membership meeting?09:17
Kilosmidnight our time on the 5th09:17
drussellKilos: unfortunately I'll be just getting off a plane to Madrid iirc, but have a good one, and an extra round of virtual beers on me :oD09:18
Kiloshaha the fly and i are applying for ubuntu membership09:19
Kilosand to me beer is good for braaing with09:19
Kilosyucky to drink without lots of lemonade in09:20
Kilosai! and virtual beers arent even any good to braai with09:24
Kilosdrussell  why so much globe trotting09:25
drussellKilos: got to pay the bills ;o)09:25
Kilosya that comes first09:26
Kiloshi magespawn  12:20
magespawngood afternoon12:20
magespawnright back again12:23
Kiloshe didnt say much12:28
Kiloschannel dead today magespawn  12:29
mazalHave a nice weekend everyone12:42
mazalCheers. God bless12:43
Kiloswb magespawn  13:39
* magespawn looks at his nick13:40
magespawnnot too sure what is going on there13:40
Kilosonly 1 paw13:40
Kilosnew nick lonepaw13:41
inetpromagespawn: kill it!13:43
inetpromagespawn: maybe you connected twice?13:47
magespawninetpro maybe, but i only see one connection here14:39
magespawnah there we go, how do i close one?14:40
Kilosyou ghosted14:40
Kilosthey both still show14:40
magespawni am using irssi, so i just need to close that screen14:40
* magespawn goes to google14:40
Kilosjust close whatever is bringing it herew14:40
inetpromagespawn: why google? Just check your processes locally14:42
inetprops -ef | grep irssi14:42
magespawni just want to close the irssi window that is using the magespaw1 nick14:44
Kilos(synaptic:24745): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_child_watch_add_full: assertion 'pid > 0' failed14:45
Kiloswhat does that mean inetpro  14:46
Kilosno man or google answer will be appreciated14:46
magespawnthe command to use from inside irssi and on the window you want to close /window close14:48
Kilosok the paw is gone14:48
magespawnfrom here http://irssi.org/beginner/14:48
Kilosmagespawn  whats your reason for using irssi?14:49
magespawnjust heard the others talking about it, thought i would give it a try, learn new skills14:50
magespawnalso i can install a version of it on my n90014:53
Kilosoh you dont use quassel anymore14:53
magespawnnot since i did not have a core set up and running14:54
Kilosi was actually thinking of trying it to see if the xperia will work14:54
magespawnwhere would you install the core?14:56
inetproKilos: "GLib-CRITICAL **:..." 15:03
inetpronot a serious issue, just ignore it15:03
inetpromagespawn: you install the core on a server that stays connected 24 hours a day15:06
inetprobut you can do the same with irssi15:06
magespawnindeed, i was asking Kilos where he would in stall his core15:06
magespawninstall too15:07
Kilossorry was outside lemme catch up15:22
Kilosoh i see. 15:23
Kilosi was going to install the core here15:23
Kilosty inetpro  so critical isnt really critical15:24
inetproKilos: no point in doing it locally unless you just want to learn how before you do it on a remote server15:33
inetprobut even then I would not recommend doing it locally15:34
Kilosok ty15:34
inetproyou need to first install a proper database like postgres 15:34
inetproor mysql15:34
Kilosna too much hassles15:34
magespawnnot that difficult, just follow the instructions15:41
Kiloswas just messing around magespawn  , hardly ever away from here far enough to need irc on cell as well15:42
Kiloscan always just install some irc client on the cell if need be15:43
magespawnthis would not be bad experience though15:43
Kiloslooking at quassel to see why i didnt use it, apart from bloep didnt work15:43
Kiloszymo  hi15:44
Kilosya still dont bloep15:44
Kiloskonversation more my cuppa tea15:44
Kilosmaybe i was a bit bored too15:46
Kiloswhen everything works you are inclined to mess with other things'15:46
magespawnsometimes, also when you get recommendations from other people or hear what other people are using15:47
Kilosonly thing about konversation is it grays out old logs so scroll back is difficult15:49
Kilosyou guys must help me identify that kulule88, hes one of us but i cant place him15:50
magespawnnot sure how we are going to do that15:57
Kilosnor me thats why i asked for help. somewhere he will say something thats not a common saying15:59
magespawnany way. home time for me, chat later all16:00
Kiloslike you have one word you like using but that also slips me now16:00
Kilosgo safe lad16:00
captineeve all16:18
Kiloshi captine  16:18
captinekilos, trying to catchup.  what you installing that need mysql?16:20
Kilosquassel core16:20
captineah.  i tried playing with that, but didnt finish.. distracted16:20
Kilosi gave up too16:21
captinei hate updates that require a restart...16:21
captinejust got a message to restart for updates... 16:22
Kilosi go eat16:59
KilosMaaz  watch them16:59
MaazOK Kilos I'll keep an eye on them for you16:59
Kilosevening superfly  and other geeks types17:54
superflyHi kilos 17:54
Kiloshi kulelu88  19:20
kulelu88Hi oom19:20
superflyhi kulelu8819:25
kulelu88howzit? guys19:25
superflyjust kinda chilling... actually more like doing a bit more of the project *management* part of my open source project19:31
Kiloskulelu88  are you still studying?19:33
kulelu88nope oom Kilos 19:34
kulelu88whats your project? superfly 19:34
Kilosai! so you arent gremble19:34
kulelu88gremble is the tukkie19:34
Kilosi was hoping you were him man19:34
Kiloshe wanted to know my opinion of geeks so i found my blog after 3 days sukkeling and posted it now he is missing19:35
superflykulelu88: OpenLP, it's a program for churches to project the words of their songs, bible verses, etc.19:35
kulelu88oom Kilos he must be getting drunk in Hatfield square19:36
kulelu88Never knew we had many religious folks on here19:37
superflyI'm not religious19:37
superflyI'm a Christian.19:37
kulelu88A religious Christian19:38
superflyNo, religion implies the person trying to use their own steam to get into heaven. A Christian does not. A Christian is given passage to heaven by Jesus.19:39
Kilosah kulelu88  you are in pta19:39
superfly(a true Christian)19:40
kulelu88oom I'd be chilling on the beach typing code if I could, but I am stuck in sleepytoria19:40
superflyI live "next to" the beach, I'd rather not be on the beach19:41
superflytoo much sand getting in everywhere -_-19:41
Kilosits way too cold there superfly  19:41
kulelu88CT isn't the same. Cold water is no fun19:43
Kilosi go see ian off19:44
Kilosthat was lekker seeing ian for a night19:58
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:42
superflykulelu88: yeah, I don't swim in anything colder tab21:13
superfly*than bath water 21:13
kulelu88indian ocean? superfly 21:32

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