
=== Lambodie_Dance is now known as CD_QUEEN_IN_SF
aeon-ltdlubuntu is supported here, but does lubuntu development run perfectly in sync with ubuntu? so when core changes are made to ubuntu, the changes are then applied to lubuntu?00:04
Bambi24 Never Pay for Porn ever again. Click Here! http://bit.ly/1y2SGSo00:05
k1l_aeon-ltd: tehy share the same package base.00:05
aeon-ltdk1l_: ok so the base, all updates are pulled from the same servers as ubuntu stock?00:06
k1l_aeon-ltd: yes. its just that the lubuntu team cares about the lubunut related packages. but they are on the ubuntu servers, too00:06
k1l_aeon-ltd: install lubuntu-desktop on a ubuntu and you get a lubuntu00:07
=== CD_QUEEN_IN_SF is now known as Leelahs_Corpse
aeon-ltdk1l_: thank you for answering, it has been very helpful00:07
jshanab_I just installed lubuntu on a Zotac zbox 1750 but I am having boot issues. I have to go into the bios and set to UEFI, let it fail then set back to legacy then save and reboot to get it to start up. Really crazy. It comes up to a black screen with flashing underscore. Are there some drivers I need? It is the zotac, a samsung SSD and it has an Intel iris pro 520000:11
ingsantiagoany tips on a good irc client for ubuntu?00:16
k1l_or the classic: irssi for cli00:17
jshanab_Funny. I always come back to chatzilla00:17
C0n510u5n355I find xchat is good.00:18
k1l_hexchat is the new xchat00:18
Bashing-omingsantiago: irssi : http://www.andrews-corner.org/ubuntu/irssi.html <- getting started .00:18
jshanab_xchat looks just like chatzilla, except it locks the input window to exactly 1 line.00:19
C0n510u5n355Has anyone here found a way to get iTunes working on Wine? Last time I checked ( I admit it has been awhile) the iTunes that could be used was version 7. Are any of the newer versions supported?00:20
cromagithis is really starting to tick me off will someone give me a solution PLEASEE00:24
j_thttps://gist.github.com/anonymous/b5c6aabab819b66d5e96 .. any reason when I try to apt-get remove a few kernels, that it asks me to _install_ a new kernel?00:25
cromagibye bye ubuntu00:26
cromagiCant even use wireless adapters on desktops00:27
cromagiTsk Tsk Tsk00:27
j_tcromagi: bye!00:27
k1l_j_t: because you marked the quantal backports kernel to be installed somewhere00:27
Jordan_Ucromagi: You have to explain your problem before anyone can give you a solution, and also remember three things: 1: It's possible that nobody in the channel knows how to help you and 2: You are not entitled to free support, we are volunteers. 3: We don't care if you decide not to use Ubuntu. Use what makes you happy.00:27
cromagii explained it two hours ago and have been waiting ever since00:28
cromagiAnd cant find anything on google00:28
k1l_j_t: The following extra packages will be installed: linux-image-3.5.0-54-generic linux-image-generic-lts-quantal      << that00:28
k1l_j_t: remove that lts quantal backports meta package you installed. that carries the 3.5 kernels00:29
Jordan_Ucromagi: Many people that are currently in the channel weren't here two hours ago. Please try explaining your problem in detail again.00:30
FuriousFredAnyone is tired and want a stream to watch in the background? Please follow if you enojy watching: http://hitbox.tv )00:37
j_tk1l_: Thanks for the help!00:40
EriC^holy bots00:40
maximedevHi guys00:42
maximedevI'm using a proxy with apt00:42
maximedevAcquire::http::Proxy "http://apt.mycompany.com:3142";00:42
maximedevthis is what I have in my apt.conf00:42
EriC^!ops | Leelahs_Corpse keeps asking me to do his mom in PM00:42
ubottuLeelahs_Corpse keeps asking me to do his mom in PM: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang00:42
maximedevthe thing is that I can't apt-get https apt sources00:43
maximedevI get a 403 forbidden00:43
maximedevif I remove my proxy, it works great00:43
TJ-maximedev: You possibly need "Acquire::https::Proxy" too00:44
TJ-maximedev: see "man apt.conf" and the "http/https" sub-sections00:45
maximedevAcquire::https::Proxy "http://apt.mycompany.com:3142"; ?00:45
maximedevI did check before coming here :)00:45
k1l_EriC^: if it doesnt stop you might want to report to #freenode staff, too.00:45
EriC^k1l_: ty :)00:46
maximedevI just tried Acquire::https::Proxy "http://apt.mycompany.com:3142";  and it doesn't work either00:46
VicKellerHey I fucked up my operating system really badly and am at the mercy of anyone who can help00:46
TJ-maximedev: So the proxy doesn't support HTTPS00:46
maximedevI'm using apt-cacher00:47
maximedevfor caching apt packages00:47
TJ-maximedev: Are you trying to install a paid-for ubuntu 'app' ?00:47
maximedevI'm trying to install docker :)00:47
TJ-maximedev: I use apt-cacher-ng without issues for https. You need to check on where the 403 originates - the proxy requiring authentication, or pass-through from the destination00:48
maximedevI'll check that00:48
Jordan_UVicKeller: Please explain your exact situation in detail, and without swearing.00:48
maximedevthanks :)00:48
=== dtscode is now known as PresidentTriscui
CorvetteUsing lm-sensors, what is the risk of writing to I2C/SMBus?00:50
=== PresidentTriscui is now known as dtscode
CorvetteWhat can break as a result?00:50
TJ-Corvette: You could confuse some device on a bus, but it's very rare00:51
CorvetteTJ would it be permanent damage?00:51
TJ-Corvette: I'd very much doubt it!00:56
CorvetteTJ it found some kind of IO chip sensor but I have to add it to /etc/modules myself and I'm not really sure for what benefit. Probably nothing that I need to monitor00:59
daftykinsVicKeller: are you actually going to explain your problem, then? :)01:05
pantatodoes anybody offhand have a complete list of the cards supported by atis proprietary drivers?01:06
daftykinswell, what is your card?01:06
pantatorv730 hd 465001:06
daftykinsi can tell you that the HD 4000 generation and below are unsupported01:07
daftykinsyeah, so you can't use it01:07
daftykinsbest to stay on radeon01:07
pantatois there software i can get to atleast fix the overscan on my tv? xrandr isnt working01:07
VicKellerMy exact situation: Installed synaptic process manager which caused some sort of update error. Against my better judgement given my concern over the update error i proceeded to delete cached package files and residual config uninstalled packages. I then typed " rm -f ~/.cache/thumbnails/normal/*" into the command promt terminal which i was led to believe would clear the thumbnail cache. l then installed dcomf-tools and opened d01:07
daftykinspantato: if you look really carefully it's likely a TV settings option01:08
VicKellerNow other than the grub and the ubuntu safe mode menu nothing will work01:08
pantatook ill try that. tv is pretty old though01:08
daftykinsVicKeller: you were cut off at "dconf-tools and opened d..."01:08
VicKellerDarn it01:09
daftykinsso basically you're saying the GUI doesn't work?01:09
VicKellerI installed dcomf tools01:09
VicKellerOpened dcomf-editor01:09
VicKellerTried to use dcomf-editor to edit thumbnail cache settings01:10
VicKellerSorry dconf i am typing on my phone01:10
daftykinsso you can't log into a working GUI, is that it?01:10
daftykinsstandard ubuntu with unity?01:11
LoshkiCorvette: fwiw, I've run lm-sensors on every mobo I've ever owned, and never had a problem. The chip sensor presumably supplies one or more of the readings to the "sensor" command, so at worst you'll miss some readings.01:11
daftykinsVicKeller: does a guest session work?01:11
VicKellerNot sure im just stuck in a grub menu01:12
celexivickeller have you tried booting in text mode, adding a user or enabling guest mode ?01:12
daftykinsVicKeller: can you not boot normally, then hit ctrl+alt+F1 to get a console session?01:12
celexior that if it works01:13
daftykinsVicKeller: a pic of what happens when you boot up normally would be good01:13
VicKellerDaftykins hold up a second01:14
sireebobI think I need a fresh perspective on where to start in figuring this out. Ubuntu 14.04: mysql has been crashing about once a day. I have no idea how to even figure out *why*...01:14
TJ-sireebob: You've looked at the logs in "/var/log/mysql/" ?01:15
jshanabsireebob. Start with the logs. Then try vmstat to a file or munin to make sure you are not runing out of memory or hitting the Offending app killer???01:16
=== Vulcanical_ is now known as Vulcanical
sireebobty, ty... okay, so there are /var/log/mysql/error.log files but i am not seeing anything around the time of crash *except* when the service first re-starts01:19
daftykins/var/log/messages or dmesg for kernel stuff, for if it's killing it due to memory usage etc01:19
sireebobthat's odd... messages is empty and syslog is almost empty... i wonder if i broke rsyslog01:20
heipahey people who here managed to install QQ on ubuntu?01:21
heipait gives some error and thats it01:21
daftykinsnever heard of it01:21
celexiheipa qq the messenger?01:22
sireebob r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st01:22
sireebob 3  0      0   1034    326   2175    0    0   744   167   59   23  3  2 92  3  001:22
heipacelexi: yes01:22
heipatheir beta version01:22
celexiif so i guess you are trying to install it via wine heipa, use the qq plugin for pidgin01:23
heipacelexi: they got direct beta for linux01:23
heipa0 wine01:23
heipaooo they got qq in pidgin01:23
spy_what's the meaning of childsession?i don't understand it. session1 has a non-sessionleader process1 to create session2,could we call session2 as a childsession of seesion101:25
ZDM-I'm installing ubuntu right now (Minimal 14.10) - the installer is asking me to choose my primary network interface and giving me the option to choose my gigabit ethernet or wireless. Does it really matter which one I choose? If I go with ethernet I can still use wireless later if I choose to do so right?01:25
sireebobmy /var/log/syslog has only *two* entries in the past 11 hours. i don't know what to think of that. i *did* isolate cron messages to /var/log/cron.log though.01:26
sireeboband messages is empty, so there's nothing about low-memory killing of mysql there.01:26
TJ-sireebob: But what about the mysql logs themselves?01:26
sireebobTJ-: nothing. their only entries are when mysql starts.01:27
somsipsireebob: just an idea - /var/log isn't full is it?01:27
sireebobi think that's a var-y good idea (sorry, kill me), but no01:27
daftykinsZDM-: i wouldn't worry01:27
somsipsireebob: k - just came in halfway through the conversation so worth a try :)01:27
sireebobi do appreciate it01:27
sireebobTJ-: i did turn on the 'regular' mysql log yesterday... and it's got a ton of stuff in it. i did a timestamp grep with no results but let me look more carefully01:28
mulgawould someone take a look of thus cli dump and help me with this duplicate packages warning in getting after editing /etc/apt/sources.list - i only added a single extra source, so i puzzled why dupes would appear all of a sudden. paste   vv01:28
sireeboblooking more closely, even the events leading *up* to mysql's crash are ~9 minutes before it happened.01:29
qwe123eeHey, I'm having issues with my video card and I could use any help I can get. It's a Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller, and I've installed the latest intel driver. The color is messed up unless I  use nomodeset to boot, which disables the driver.01:30
sireebobmy cron script checks every minute. and yeah, upstart is configured to respawn it, but that's not good enough apparently.01:30
daftykinsqwe123ee: were you in here recently with this?01:30
qwe123eeno this is my first time on here, I'm new to linux01:30
mulgaactually its giving me :~$ W: GPG error: http://deb.torproject.org trusty InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 74A941BA219EC810 and then spitting out duplicate entries01:31
daftykinsqwe123ee: ok, ubuntu version?01:31
TJ-mulga: show the file you edited01:32
sireebobnothing is truly random, but based on log entries, it *appears* to be a spontaneous death of mysql. and i just discovered it happened to postgresql too.01:32
daftykinsqwe123ee: and what happened with this setup prior to you 'installing an intel driver' (which was a bad move)01:32
qwe123eeeverything seems to work fine, installation went well, but the color has been off the whole time01:32
sireeboboh... well... the postgres log actually gives an error. "No space left on device." okay, fiiine. it looks like i have space but apparently not enough.01:33
jshanabBoth depend on shared memory. Check the setup AND run a boot level memchecker that excersizes memory01:33
TJ-sireebob: what host is it on? bare-metal, VM, how much dedicated RAM, etc.01:33
daftykinsqwe123ee: what kind of computer is it? branded? laptop/desktop ?01:33
daftykinsjshanab: best to include the nick of who you're talking to01:33
sireebobbare-shoebox, 6GB01:33
qwe123eedaftykins: it's a dell inspiron 17r 573701:34
TJ-sireebob: So, just a file-system out-of-space issue then? use "df" to check01:34
daftykinsqwe123ee: latest BIOS?01:34
qwe123eedaftykins: that I'm not sure of01:34
sireebobyeah, i've been using that. there is one drive that is critically low and others that are VERY low. but none looked low enough to be causing this. it appears i was wrong.01:35
sireebobvar      10G  6.9G  717M  91% /var01:35
heipacelexi: I got error dpkg: error processing archive /home/alex/Downloads/linuxqq_v1.0.2-beta1_i386.deb (--install):  parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/control' near line 7 package 'linuxqq':  error in 'Version' field string 'v1.0.2-beta1': version number does not start with digit01:35
sireebobit's btrfs so the readings are inherently confusing...01:35
TJ-sireebob: 5% is reserved for root (uid=0). so in practice everyone else gets "out of space" when there's 5% remaining01:35
daftykinsqwe123ee: well, throw your service tag into their website :>01:35
heipaso do I unpack deb and then fix file and make?01:35
sireebobper partition?01:36
TJ-sireebob: If the database daemons are writing log files they'll go to "/var/lib/..." which would push that 91% to 95% quite easily, unless /var/ is a very large file-system01:37
sireebobthat makes a lot of sense. sigh... i'm running out of room everywhere...01:37
sireebobthank you [all] for the help and insight.01:37
TJ-sireebob: "log files" as in data yet to be commited to the main db file, *not* logs as in  "/var/log/*" :p01:37
sireebobyay for credit card debt.01:38
TJ-sireebob: I usually have separate file-system mounts for /var/cache/ and /var/log/, and any other directories under /var/ that grow uncontrolled01:38
qwe123eedaftykins: ok, it says the latest bios is a08 and I'm running a0701:40
Josh1503Can anyone help me change screen resolution? Stuck at 800x600 on a 48" Monitor haha01:40
cromagiI have a wireless wifi adapter in my other pc running ubuntu 14.04. But i cannot use it.01:40
daftykinsqwe123ee: does it give a list of changes?01:40
cromagiI went to additional drivers and have run updates and everything01:40
daftykinsJosh1503: graphics card + driver? ubuntu version?01:41
TJ-Josh1503: In a terminal, try "xrandr -q"01:41
qwe123eedaftykins: it lists no fixes, and under enhancements it says -Disable MrcFastBoot when enter Diagnostic Mode. -Set RTC data mode to BCD at POST.01:41
daftykinsqwe123ee: what processor is in this?01:42
daftykinsexact model.01:42
Josh1503Dafty I honestly dont know my graphics card xD Ubuntu version 14.04.1. TJ-: I thought you were off to sleep ;) and I've already tried xrandr, only available resolution was 800x60001:42
daftykinsJosh1503: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "lspci | pastebinit" and link us01:43
Josh1503daftykins: Ok 2 secs01:43
daftykinscromagi: USB thing?01:43
TJ-Josh1503: I was, but 2 huskies kept me up! OK, so its using the VESA driver for now I'd guess. So next you need to identify and install/enable the correct driver. Use "lspci -nnv | gep VGA" to try identifying the GPU01:43
TJ-Josh1503: typo "gep" > "grep"01:44
Josh1503daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9946741/01:45
daftykinsaaaah the classic 750 Ti01:45
Josh1503TJ- : Lol fair enough, my lspci is in the pastebin above01:45
daftykinsJosh1503: easiest option, add the xorg-edgers PPA and install the nvidia 34x driver version01:45
qwe123eeIntel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz01:45
n3tfry3ranyone have hair left to offer? as i've removed all of mine trying to get sudo to authenticate to AD01:46
daftykinsJosh1503: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa01:47
=== kahrl_ is now known as kahrl
TJ-n3tfry3r: have you seen this? http://serverfault.com/questions/570806/include-ad-domain-admins-group-in-linux-sudoers01:48
n3tfry3rTJ-: thx for responding... i'll check that out quick01:49
=== blubberbop is now known as phoenixz
qwe123eedaftykins: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz01:49
n3tfry3ri've added myself to the linux admin group for sudo access01:49
cromagiNo the wireless router that is inside of my computer01:50
n3tfry3rbut when i attempt to sudo, it doesnt seem to be auth'ing to AD, and just keeps giving incorrect password errors01:50
TJ-n3tfry3r: Have you already configured authentication to the AD for regular log-ins?01:52
jamesdi wonder if anyone besides a walmart or kmart computer buyer would purposely purchase an i5 at 1.6ghz?01:52
zeleno_okiAny techies here that can assist me in making a decision about an old netbook (Toshiba Satellite A200-AH6) I just got? :) (Is there a way to install a SSD because SD card reader is busted)01:54
n3tfry3rTJ-: yes, i can ssh using AD creds01:54
daftykinszeleno_oki: netbook? bury it01:54
bazhang##hardware zeleno_oki01:54
n3tfry3rTJ-: just seems to be looking locally for sudo password, rather than authing against AD01:55
TJ-n3tfry3r: So,in "/etc/sudoers", you have something like "%DOMAIN\\Domain_Admin ALL=(ALL)ALL" ?01:56
compdoczeleno_oki, does the laptop support ahci in the bios01:56
TJ-n3tfry3r: where "Domain_Admin' is the AD's domain administrators group01:57
zeleno_okicompdoc this is all I found out about it http://goo.gl/TuZ2zD01:57
n3tfry3rTJ-: no, because i dont want to control sudo access through Domain_admin group membership01:58
n3tfry3rTJ-: i granted my own account sudoers access locally on the linux box01:58
zeleno_okidaftykins even though you're right that little piece of crap will be set up for my parents to browse/use mail/watch a movie01:59
n3tfry3rTJ-: and pam.d/sudo is configured per the recommended settings01:59
TJ-n3tfry3r: So something like "DOMAIN\\username ALL=(ALL)ALL" ?01:59
=== gerald is now known as Guest98176
n3tfry3rTJ-: i'll try that, sec01:59
daftykinszeleno_oki: i wouldn't give a netbook to my arch nemesis02:00
TJ-n3tfry3r: Also, watch "/var/log/auth.log" for clues02:00
compdoczeleno_oki, Intel says the chipset supports ahci. but you have to reboot and enter the bios to see if the option is there02:00
compdoczeleno_oki, without ahci, the drive wont be as fast and might not last as many years as one that does have ahci02:01
zeleno_okicompdoc I'll check it now, brb (Thanks for your time btw)02:01
TJ-zeleno_oki: Try "grep -i ahci /var/log/dmesg"02:01
compdocmost ssds are 7mm, should should fit anything that has a 2.5" sata hard drive installed02:01
n3tfry3rTJ-: no bueno, im tailing the auth.log02:02
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html02:02
n3tfry3rTJ-: it's just saying "incorrect password" for those sudo attempts02:02
TJ-n3tfry3r: Is there any network comms going on? You could monitor with tcpdump02:03
n3tfry3rTJ-: it's not even trying to hit AD, its looking at the local creds02:03
qwe123eedaftykins: Any thoughts?02:03
n3tfry3rTJ-: i'm watching netstat to see if any connections establish to the AD server02:03
n3tfry3rTJ-: it definitely connects out @ SSH auth, just not sudo auth02:04
TJ-n3tfry3r: OK, so something in the pam config then02:04
daftykinsqwe123ee: no, but i would definitely not have installed anything from intel, what's in ubuntu as default is all that should be used. checked out a live session of 14.10 to see if the colours are odd there too?02:05
qwe123eedaftykins: that's a good idea, I'll try it. Thanks for your help!02:06
Danielc1234How can I setup a user to have access to only one folder and it's subdirectories?02:07
daftykinsthat's as default, it's calle their /home ;)02:07
daftykins*called too02:07
Danielc1234yes, but I don't want to them to have access to that folder but another one.02:08
Danielc1234they are doing work on our websites and did not want them snooping around.02:08
daftykinscreate the user on the command line specifying an alternate /home02:08
Danielc1234is there any docs on that? I've looked, but it does not show how to alter the directories.02:08
dupingpinghi arges02:09
daftykinsman adduser02:09
daftykinsdupingping: no root ubuntu today, please02:09
dupingpingdaftykins, yes02:09
daftykinsplease don't ask about that again :)02:10
dupingpingdaftykins, yes, i understand it. And i already solved that problem.02:10
zeleno_okicompdoc it seems that option isn't shown in this BIOS02:10
dupingpingI decided to use dm-tool --lock command instead of gnome-screensaver-command --lock02:10
dupingpingdaftykins, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule02:11
compdoczeleno_oki:   <TJ-> zeleno_oki: Try "grep -i ahci /var/log/dmesg"02:11
dupingpingwhy there is no 12.04.6?02:11
dupingpingwhen will 12.04.6 be released?02:11
zeleno_okicompdoc nothing happens ,not even error msg02:12
daftykinsdupingping: no point when 14.04 is LTS02:12
Xenosone quick question about firebird02:12
daftykinsdupingping: you should consider stopping using ubuntu wrong, if you can't get things working with 14.04 :)02:12
Xenosto label something junk, you press the flame symbol so the ones without the flame symbol ARE junk and the ones without, aren't?02:13
ZDM-I'm partitioning /boot using ext4. Theres mount options. Should I use any of these options? Heres a list of the options: http://pastebin.com/xgz1323Z02:13
compdoczeleno_oki, in the specs for the computer, it shows the sata version is too old to support the nicer features of sata02:14
zeleno_okicompdoc ehh problem is I'm stuck with an old and dying 5400 RPM HDD that is killing any OS install02:15
compdoc zeleno_oki, its the slowest kind of sata port, so if you buy an sdd, it doesnt need to be the fastest, most expensive version02:15
compdoc128G ssds are selling for about $60 now days02:16
zeleno_okicompdoc but I can install it on this old netbook? I wasn't planning to buy something extreme. 32-60 GB SDD max.02:16
Jordan_UZDM-: Why do you want separate /boot/ partition?02:16
ZDM-No Reason, just following this http://askubuntu.com/questions/343268/how-to-use-manual-partitioning-during-installation02:17
jamesdzeleno_oki: does it have a sata port, and not an IDE02:17
jamesdif its sata you can probably install just about any sata ssd you can afford...  since most are less than 2TB.02:18
ZDM-Oh and right now compdoc you can get a 120gb ssd from kingston for $52 on amazon.02:18
Jordan_UZDM-: Don't bother with a separate /boot/ partition.02:19
compdoczeleno_oki, the specs you gave doesnt show which hard drive is installed. got a model number?02:19
ZDM-Why Jordan_U02:19
jamesdjust upgraded my bedroom machine for a 160GB laptop drive to a 128G ssd, deffinely worth the cost.. and gotta love gparted live disk02:19
zeleno_okicompdoc yes ,sec02:19
zeleno_okijamesd I'll do post output of hdparm -I /dev/sda02:20
Jordan_UZDM-: Because it's not needed, and it means that you have to worry about it filling up and needing to repartition (or you have to worry about filling up your root fs when you could have been making use of the space you allocated only to /boot/). The same argument goes for a separate /home/ partition.02:21
zeleno_okicompdoc http://paste.ubuntu.com/9947269/02:21
zeleno_okijamesd http://paste.ubuntu.com/9947269/02:21
Danielc1234daftykins hey, I was able to create a user and set their directory to where I want them to be, however when I try to edit files using their SSH login, I am getting permissions denied. What else do I need to do?02:21
jamesdzeleno_oki: since its  /dev/sda and not  /dev/hda  its most likely a sata disk02:21
ZDM-So should I also not bother with /var and /tmp?02:22
jamesdits a sata disk... it will run any sata ssd you buy.02:22
compdoczeleno_oki, any ssd should work fine02:22
bynarieeverytime i download a file with firefox, no matter what type of file, and i try to open it from the firefox download window, it always opens with sqlite browser.. any ideas02:22
Jordan_UZDM-: Correct, you should keep everything except maybe swap as part of one partition. (Swap can be stored on a file within your root partition instead of on a separate partition).02:22
zeleno_okijamesd I sure hope so. Thanks for your time :)02:23
Mr_SheeshSure a lot of _3o3_'s about >.>02:23
theadminbynarie, tell Firefox to open the file with /usr/bin/xdg-open02:23
theadminFirefox can't tell filetypes apart so best leave it up to the system itself02:23
zeleno_okicompdoc and yours too. Really helpful ! :)02:23
compdocthis is what you have now:   http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682211602502:23
bynariemight u advise me on how to do that please theadmin ?02:23
ZDM-thanks Jordan_U02:23
jamesdzeleno_oki: the hard part will be backing up the laptop, and then restoring the data unless you have  a second machine02:24
theadminbynarie: Ehhh... It's been years since I used Firefox... oof. It's somewhere under Settings -> Content if I remember correctly02:24
bynarieok ill find it02:24
bynariethank you02:24
zeleno_okijamesd what to backup? This is currently running crunchbang until I fly back to home then I'll install fresh OS (most likely Ubuntu with LXDE)02:25
Jordan_UZDM-: You're welcome.02:25
LurkAshFlakeI have a file name examples.desktop in $HOME may i delete it?02:25
bynarietheadmin, nope its not anywhere in settings02:26
theadminLurkAshFlake: Sure, it links to the "Examples" directory02:26
theadminbynarie: Well they might have changed stuff around. Sorry, I dunno02:26
dupingpingdaftykins, then there is no 12.04.6 lts forever?02:26
theadminLurkAshFlake: That contains some weird music/movie files02:26
theadminLurkAshFlake: I honestly don't know what that is02:26
bynariethats ok.. i appreciate the help02:26
dupingpingi must use 14.04 lts for HWE since now?02:26
daftykinsdupingping: all the .x releases are, are updated ISOs. there's not even any reason to wait for a new one, just keep all packages up to date. as far as i understand it, using a 12.04.4+ gives you the 14.04 HWE by default02:27
LurkAshFlake/usr/share/example-content/ weird gonna check that02:27
daftykinsno you can run a 3.2.0 kernel still02:27
dupingpingdaftykins, probably, 12.04 lts pointrelease have stopped at 12.04.5?02:30
daftykinsi don't know.02:30
daftykinsi just told you it doesn't matter either way :)02:30
dupingpingdaftykins, i meant that02:31
daftykinsi don't understand you02:31
dupingpingthe url shows me the schedule for 12.04.5 and
dupingpingdont show me anymore.02:32
dupingpingdaftykins, do you know canonical's plan for 12.04 and 14.04?02:32
daftykinsyou do realise we're volunteers and not staff, right?02:32
dupingpingsure. i understand.02:33
dupingpingbut if 12.04 stopped to release pointrelease, i must use 14.04 since now.02:34
dupingpinghow do you think about pointrelease?02:34
dupingpingi think that pointrelease's main goal is HWE.02:34
dupingpingif there is no HWE, it's not pointrelease.02:35
daftykinsif installing today, i would install 14.04.1 anyway.02:36
dupingpingdaftykins, if 12.04.6 is exist, i'll use 12.04.6 instead of 14.04.102:37
dupingpingbecause i more like 12.04 than 14.0402:37
dupingpingand i have more experiences about 12.04 than 14.0402:37
daftykinsyeah well you can't keep living in the past02:38
daftykinsprecise will die in 2017, then it's game over02:38
dupingpingof course, 14.04 have better points than 12.0402:38
daftykinsperhaps if you used ubuntu like it's meant to be used you wouldn't have any issues02:38
dupingpingi guessed that 12.04.6 will be released Feb this year,02:39
ObrienDavethen there would be no need for us ;P02:40
daftykinsObrienDave: heh, well this is the one that enjoys running X as root02:40
dupingping12.04.6 is not released.02:40
daftykinsi would only ever run HWEs of a newer LTS release, not HWEs of normal releases02:40
Bashing-omdupingping: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule?action=show&redirect=PreciseReleaseSchedule .02:46
dupingpingHWE life time is not same as LTS life cycle?02:49
Bashing-omdupingping: HWE expires same time as the supported kernel expires .02:52
donpibe2Hi. Does Anyone know a guide to implement SEcure Neighbor Discovery protocol in ubuntu? Thanks02:55
ZDM-Okay so I just got done installing ubuntu but I ran into a problem with grub. It wouldn't install to my ssd, gave me the "Failed to install to /dev/sda" error. I continued without and restarted my laptop. From my understanding I have ubuntu installed just not grub, right? Is my install okay?03:01
Bashing-omZDM-: Fropm the liveDVD (installer) look at the hard drive -> sudo parted -l , df -h . Then yeay maybe just a case of installing grub .03:04
JHOSMANHi, can someone tell me how to renew my membership as Ubuntu member? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership03:05
ZDM-I don't have the live option because im using minimal install. Can I go into Command-Line expert install to do that Bashing-om ?03:06
ZDM-or maybe rescue mode or something?03:06
Bashing-omZDM-: Not if grub is not installed . Will have to have that liveDVD to install grub .03:07
ZDM-well shit, i only have one usb on me :\03:07
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Bashing-omZDM-: Try'n to recall what options are on the minimal install disk . Honestly, I do not remember . What options do you see -> boot the liveUSB abd as soon as bios scren clears depress and hold the right shift key -> language screen, escape key to accept the defaults -> boot options screen .03:10
rnairhey guys had a quick question03:12
ZDM-I see install, command line install, advanced options  and Help Bashing-om03:12
rnairdoes ubuntu 14.04   use *systemd*03:12
ZDM-In the advanced options there is Expert install, command line expert install, and rescue mode.03:12
Bashing-omZDM-: What result with key combo ctl+alt+F4 ? terminal ?03:13
overriderI am accessing a Windows file share and it takes FOREVER to list the folder contents (a fair amount of images). Can i make it somehow so it simply lists the file names without trying to read any metadata or create thumbnails etc? I really only care about listing the files, no need to calculate any directory sizes or anything.03:13
overriderAccessing via smb03:14
Bashing-omrnair: 14.04 uses upstart, systemD skeduled for 16.04 .03:14
ZDM-That does nothing Bashing-om03:16
rnairBashing-om: ok cool :)03:16
divBy0hey i have a wine question hopefully someone here can help me out #winehq is kinda dead...03:16
divBy0i'm trying to install dotnet40 in wine and it keeps failing with Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x8007064F) i set the prefix to 32-bit03:17
divBy0in terminal it outputs dotnet40 install completed, but installed file /home/camilo/.mynewwine32prefix//dosdevices/c:/windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/ngen.exe not found03:17
divBy0 Error: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value03:17
divBy0Executing rm -f /home/camilo/.mynewwine32prefix//dosdevices/c:/windows/system32/mscoree.dll03:17
Bashing-omZDM-: Sorry, I am out of ideas, short of burning a liveDVD(USB) . Maybe others have an idea of what you can do from the minimal install disk to 'see' the install .03:18
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divBy0i would like to backup my packages before doing a apt-get autoremove, what do i need to backup?03:25
donpibe2Hi. Does Anyone know a guide to implement SEcure Neighbor Discovery protocol in ubuntu? Thanks03:33
apb1963Anyone else see the security bulletin for linux?  glibc upgrade?03:40
somsipapb1963: many people will have done, but what's your question?03:41
apb1963somsip: how to upgrade glibc, since it's unclear exactly what file name one must reference from the repos.03:41
qubicubuntu-tweak keeps crashing when it scans .cache thumbnails folder..the folder is protected. how can i unprotect it to delete contents?03:42
somsipapb1963: ajust update and upgrade, or is that not an option for you?03:42
somsipqubic: I delete mine regularly in a cronjob, so yes. What permissions is on it now?03:42
apb1963somsip: I'm thinking it's not, since "glibc" wasn't found03:43
qubici am logged in as root but it says i do not have permission03:43
qubiccan i just delete the who .cache folder?03:43
apb1963somsip: I'm guessing it's called something else.  What did you do to patch your system?03:44
somsipapb1963: this is fairly comprehensive if you want to have a read and see what you can do http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/cve-2015-0235-patch-ghost-on-debian-ubuntu-fedora-centos-rhel-linux/03:44
ubottuHeap-based buffer overflow in the __nss_hostname_digits_dots function in glibc 2.2, and other 2.x versions before 2.18, allows context-dependent attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to the (1) gethostbyname or (2) gethostbyname2 function, aka "GHOST." (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-0235)03:44
somsipapb1963: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade, then reboot. But this might always be suitable like, on a server.03:44
apb1963I did apt-get upgrade glibc03:45
somsipqubic: don't delete folders if you dont know what they are for. Best to use sudo and not login as root, and what are the permissions?03:45
somsipapb1963: try doing it right then...that is not valid for apt-get. If you want to upgrade one package, apt-get install {packagename}03:45
somsipapb1963: but update first03:46
qubicsomsip: it says create and delete, but the option is not highlighted so i can't select anything.."you are not the owner blah blah"03:46
somsipqubic: can you do a ls -la from the terminal to get the real permissions? I could tell you to juch chmod -R {your user}:{your user} ~/.cache but I want to be sure that is the best thing to do03:47
qubicdrwx------  41 qq   qq       12288 Jan 25 00:02 .cache03:48
MisamisakaHow do I disable the "Contains digital photos" bar when I use an SD card?03:48
somsipqubic: so if your user is qq, that looks fine. What about the contents? Check the perms on those03:49
qubicsomsip: drwx------  3 root root    4096 Nov 13 03:19 fail03:49
qubicthis is the folder that is protected03:49
somsipqubic: do a sudo ls -ls inside that folder to make sure nothing is important before deleting it03:50
somsipqubic: like sudo ls -la .cache/fail03:50
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qubicbash: cd: fail: Permission denied03:52
somsipqubic: yes, do a 'sudo ls' from outside the directory03:52
apb1963somsip: thank you... what's the ubuntu name of the glibc package that needs to be upgraded?03:53
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qubicls: cannot access /.cache/thumbnails/fail: No such file or directory03:53
qubicwhen i type this : sudo ls -la /.cache/thumbnails/fail03:54
void321hello im having the same problem as this guy: http://askubuntu.com/questions/458611/blacklisting-nouveau-not-working-on-ubuntu-14-0403:54
somsipapb1963: not sure to be honest. one of the libc* I would guess03:54
void321blacklisting nouveau isnt working, it still gets loaded03:55
void321ubuntu 14.04.1 lts03:55
qubicsomsip: why would i have "contents unreadable" on a folder03:56
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somsipqubic: because the path you typed is wrong03:56
exactingpenguinHey does anyone have any advice for a video card issue? I just installed 14.04 on a Dell Inspiron 17R 5737 with an Intel HD Haswell 4400 Integrated graphics card, and the colors are completely off on my screen. (pics: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5JVeramRd-zU1lQeGt6YXJCajQ&usp=sharing) HDMI output is fine, and if I boot with nomodeset then it works fine, but this disables hardware acceleration.03:56
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somsipqubic: if you are not logged in as root, sudo -i then cd /home/qq/.cache/thumbnails/fail, then do an ls -la03:57
qubicsudo ls -la .cache/thumbnails/fail total 12 drwx------ 3 root root 4096 Nov 13 03:1903:57
qubicok i went back to home and then did it03:57
somsipqubic: I'm just trying to make sure there is nothing important in there. Do you just want to delete it all or check first?03:58
qubici'd like to know what is in it03:58
somsipqubic: sudo ls -la /home/qq/.cache/thumbnails/fail03:58
qubictotal 12 drwx------ 3 root root 4096 Nov 13 03:19 . drwx------ 5 qq   qq   4096 Nov 19 12:54 .. drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Nov 13 03:19 gnome-thumbnail-factory03:59
qubicjust this03:59
qubicthere is something in the folders but i can't read03:59
somsipqubic: so extend the ls to show the contents of that directory - sudo -i ls -la /home/qq/.cache/thumbnails/fail/gnome-thumbnail-factory04:00
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qubicsomsip: i have deleted the contents of the other folders04:02
void321where can i read ubuntu documentation about blacklisting nouveau kernel driver?04:02
qubicsomsip: now it says 0 files in "fail" folder04:02
void321obviously blacklisting stuff in /etc/modprobe.d/ isnt working04:02
somsipqubic: so delete the fail folder with sudo rmdir if you are happy it is empty04:03
void321./etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf is just there as interior decorating or something because system doesnt care about it04:03
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snappyq: trying to backport/build a package for trusty using pbuilder, here is a log of output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9948765/ -- the packages that it cannot meet depedencies for: libevtlog-dev libivykis-dev libmongo-client-dev libhiredis-dev exist in trusty apt sources, but when i login to the build env, they can't be found (with apt-get)04:09
snappyi'm not sure how to proceed in this case04:10
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exactingpenguinHey does anyone have any advice for a video card issue? I just installed 14.04 on a Dell Inspiron 17R 5737 with an Intel HD Haswell 4400 Integrated graphics card, and the colors are completely off on my screen. (pics: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5JVeramRd-zU1lQeGt6YXJCajQ&usp=sharing) HDMI output is fine, and if I boot with nomodeset then it works fine, but this disables hardware acceleration.04:10
qubicsomsip: i had to hard reboot becos system stopped responding04:12
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snappyah n/m was meant to use pbuilder-dist.04:14
void321if anyone knows how to blacklist nouveau kernel driver i will give them bitcoin04:15
qubicsomsip: thank you. i've deleted some of the contents04:16
somsipqubic: k04:17
joshumaxSomething strange is going on with my ubuntu install, when I try to update my sources cache, it doesn't seem to work:04:23
ObrienDaveexactingpenguin, have you tried the latest Intel graphics stack?04:24
mustard -#ubuntukylin-devel04:24
ObrienDaveexactingpenguin, https://01.org/linuxgraphics/04:25
gr33n7007hvoid321, try: `echo options nouveau modeset=0 | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau-kms.conf && update-initramfs -u`04:26
void321yeah that did the trick,  a bit too late...04:27
exactingpenguinObrienDave: thanks, but yeah I tried it, the utility recognized my hardware and installed the latest driver, but it didn't fix the problem04:27
joshumaxanyone have an idea?04:28
somsip!info sl | joshumax04:29
joshumaxah, apt moved my repo sources.list during an upgrade04:30
ubottujoshumax: sl (source: sl): Correct you if you type `sl' by mistake. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03-17 (utopic), package size 25 kB, installed size 114 kB04:30
joshumaxsomsip: How is that related to my question at all?04:30
somsipjoshumax: I was checking if sl was a valid package, as I didn't recognise the name04:32
joshumaxwell now I'm curious as to why apt would move my sources.list for no good reason04:32
ICantLinuxIn light of the new KDE plasma release, is there any way to install Plasma 5.2 alongside Unity as an alternate DE (not using Kubuntu atm)? The current universe package still appears to be v404:53
Ben64ICantLinux: not without a PPA or something, and thus unsupported, it will be 5.2 in Vivid, but that doesn't come out until April04:55
researcher123does anyone here know how to install Epson Aculaser ML1200 model on Ubuntu? WHich Ubuntu version is good for its installation?04:56
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researcher123does anyone here know how to install Epson Aculaser ML1200 model on Ubuntu? WHich Ubuntu version is good for its installation?04:59
Kukihi can i get help with ubuntu mate 14.04 here?05:02
somsip!mate | Kuki05:03
Kukiwhere can i go , gnome?05:03
somsipKuki: I think it is supported, so ask and see if anyone can help05:04
ICantLinuxBen64: Is is sufficient to use the kubuntu-next backports ppa?05:06
Ben64ICantLinux: i wouldn't05:08
Thrzsh_How does Ubuntu put their name in the kernel version string?05:08
ICantLinuxBen64: Because it's unstable? Or are there dependancy issues as well?05:09
Ben64ICantLinux: because ppas aren't supported05:10
researcher123how to know list of channels available for support?05:10
cfhowlett!alis | researcher12305:11
ubotturesearcher123: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:11
ICantLinuxBen64: Ah, I see. Guess I'll just brave any issues with the ppa then (not running anything mission critical, after all). Thanks.05:11
setuidI"m sure it's been asked a thousand times, but any ETA on GHOST patches for 13, 12 and 10?05:15
Ben64setuid: what is ghost05:16
Ben64setuid: and what is 13, 12 and 1005:16
cfhowlettsetuid, both 2013 ubuntu releases are long end of life.05:17
Ben64ok, did some googling and it has already been fixed for all supported ubuntu versions05:18
setuid..except the last 405:19
Ben64which "last 4"05:19
setuidLooks like 10.10 LTS has been updated though05:19
Ben6410.10 is not LTS and not updated to fix that, since it is no longer supported05:20
setuidI'm working my way through the versions to see which have fixes, which don't, and which versions we need to build ourselves05:20
setuidSorry, 10.04, not 10.1005:20
setuidand 10.04 has the libc fixes, so we're good there05:20
Ben64look at the topic for the supported versions... all of those are not vulnerable05:20
Ben64if you're running any other version, you shouldn't be05:21
setuidRight, but in the real world, we don't just run only the supported versions05:21
setuid"Shouldn't be" and reality are not the same05:21
Ben64in the real world, you should care enough about security to run versions that are supported, not doing so is just crazy05:21
cfhowlettsetuid, I think the rule for running unsupported  version is "YOU break it, YOU fix it."05:22
setuidIt takes many months to get new versions testeed, validated, built, patched, deployed and then get Change Advisory Board approval, schedule RFCs for change windows, get BTG signoff for service outages, etc.05:22
setuidThese things do not turn on a dime05:22
Ben64or just run LTS versions...05:22
setuidcfhowlett, that's exactly my point (see above), we're identifying where the deltas are05:23
Ben64there is no excuse for running a system without support05:23
cfhowlettsetuid, LTS for the win!?05:23
setuidBen64, Again, that's not how it works05:23
Ben64it really is05:23
setuidAnyway, I've got a path to identifying the deltas, so I'm good for now, we'll build out the missing versions ourselves in our own repo05:23
cfhowlettsetuid, best of luck to you.05:23
Ben64this is hardly the only bug that will be affecting old systems05:24
setuidcfhowlett, been doing it for 15+ years, we're all good :)05:24
setuidBen64, It's a Sev 1, it takes priority05:24
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pradeephello i am using ubuntu 14.04 and m not able to connect on one wpa2 wireless network please help me05:48
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RahulANpradeep, are you getting any error?06:00
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Fiskyobuongiorno vorrei sapere come ripristinare il mio samsung galaxy s3 con ubuntu che per errore ho cancellato la rom ufficiale del telefono06:04
Melba24 There is no such thing as Free Porn http://bitly.com/1nx3K4c06:05
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kungrAnyone want to field a few quick questions related to raid 106:29
lotuspsychje!raid | kungr06:30
ubottukungr: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto06:30
lotuspsychjekungr: best is to ask your question to chat mate06:30
kungrlotuspsychje, ?06:31
lotuspsychjekungr: we can only help you if you give us details right?06:31
kungrI just wanted to know if anyone wanted to answer06:31
kungrsoi set up a hardware raid(1) on my mobo but it shows up as two disks in my disk utility06:32
lotuspsychjekungr: maybe the ##hardware guys can help you with this06:33
kungrlotuspsychje, on my way thanks06:34
i0d9i20there was a bug in Ubuntu where somehow could take control of you computer via web browser; is it possible for someone to take control of your computer via IRC??06:37
hateballi0d9i20: Anything is possible06:37
lotuspsychje!update | i0d9i2006:39
ubottui0d9i20: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:39
zefieHi, i try to install Ubuntu on a 32bit(less 2gb ram) using wubi.exe, but it automaticly downloading ubuntu64. shouldnt it be impossible to install?06:43
lotuspsychjezefie: make your usb with universal usb installer from the website06:45
xanguazefie: wubi is not recommended neither maintained06:45
zefieisnt there other ways to install without usb?06:45
nathanbzanyone know why my ssh terminates really fast06:46
lotuspsychjezefie: yes dvd06:46
zefieno dvd drive...06:47
nathanbzI keep getting  " Write failed: Broken pipe"06:47
somsipnathanbz: connection problems06:47
lotuspsychjezefie: this universal usb installer from website is the most easy tool ever to create usb06:47
somsipnathanbz: low timeout on remote...06:47
dnl_tphi, i want to configure ssh to use no PasswordAuthentication (done already) but for one user group (one group of sftp users should be able to login via username+password) any suggestions?06:47
lotuspsychjezefie: choose your usb iso, choose usb stick, write and done06:48
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nathanbzsomsip should i be able to update that with /etc/ssh/sshd_config ?06:48
zefiei wont to format my usb drive, got only one. but if there is no other way...06:48
somsipnathanbz: it would be where i would look for low timeout if you think it is that06:49
zefienathanbz why you dont take a look for that06:49
nathanbzzefie sorry ?06:49
zefienano /etc/ssh/sshd_config06:50
zefiethen ctrl+w06:50
zefiesearch for timeout06:50
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nathanbzthere is no timeout :/06:51
zefieare you sure?06:52
somsipnathanbz: one of these setting might be the one you need http://serverfault.com/questions/451241/how-to-change-ssh-timeout-on-server-side06:52
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nathanbzok I added some settings giving it another go06:57
divBy0hey if i want to do a apt-get autoremove what should i backup first to be safe07:00
somsipdivBy0: I've never had it fail in about 5 years.07:01
VaibhavRajputhow to handle "stop: Unknown instance:" on sudo stop <service> command?07:02
somsipVaibhavRajput: stop a service that is running07:02
divBy0somsip, k i'll hold you to it :)07:03
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divBy0somsip, should i do anything after running the audoremove?07:04
somsipdivBy0: other than retype it spelt correctly? ;)07:04
VaibhavRajputsomsip, Yes I know that it checks weather the service is running or not, if it is running then it will stop it otherwise it will just through error "stop: Unknown instance:" and I wanted to check it service is not running then display message that it is not running.07:04
somsipdivBy0: no - you can apt-clean if you really want to tidy up07:04
nathanbzdoesn't seem to work :/07:04
somsipVaibhavRajput: then you probably want sudo service {service} status as a condition07:05
VaibhavRajputCan I check whether the service is running or not in <service>.conf file?07:06
linuxer I have 2 processes writing parallel on 2 physical drives mounted on /mnt/a and /mnt/b. Will this is faster than if it were 1 physical drive and writing on 2 different directories in parallel?07:07
VaibhavRajputsomsip, Can I check whether the service is running or not in <service>.conf file?07:07
linuxerI other words, sharing parallel writes on different physical drives are faster right?07:07
somsipVaibhavRajput: It would surprise me if you could.07:10
divBy0any recommendations mono vs. wine?07:10
divBy0i mean mono vs dotnet07:10
somsipdivBy0: best to ask in a programming channel.07:11
VaibhavRajputsomsip, I tried with sudo service <service> stop it is giving me the same error.07:11
somsipVaibhavRajput: it'll do that if the service is not running.07:11
divBy0hey what's the best way to completely remove and reinstall wine for starting over fresh07:15
VaibhavRajputsomsip, that is what I want to catch it. Is it possible to catch that somewhere some how? I am using capistrano. and it has one task. and because of this it is failing.07:15
Ben64divBy0: what are you trying to accomplish07:15
divBy0trying to install .net07:15
divBy0keep getting HRESULT errors and output in terminal about missing file names07:16
Ben64make a new prefix and/or rename your current .wine folder07:16
divBy0what about also removing purging and reinstalling wine07:17
divBy0does it need to be a 32-bit prefix for dotnet to work07:18
Ben64you should check the appdb or something for that07:18
divBy0what's the appdb07:19
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:19
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help07:19
hateballdivBy0: You can use winetricks to install all such things07:20
hateballIt'll create proper prefixes etc07:20
divBy0that's what i've been trying, winetricks dotnet07:20
divBy0winetricks dotnet4007:20
hateballdivBy0: just running winetricks should give you a GUI to pick what you want... to eliminate any typos07:21
lolmausPlease recommend an audio player that displays CUE as separate tracks.07:24
divBy0hateball, theres a gui but nothing about dotnet4007:26
Ben64what application are you trying to run, have you checked the appdb yet07:27
divBy0$ winetricks dotnet4007:27
divBy0You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.07:27
divBy0Executing w_do_call dotnet4007:27
divBy0Executing load_dotnet4007:27
divByz0dotnet40 install completed, but installed file /home/camilo/.wine32//dosdevices/c:/windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/ngen.exe not found07:39
=== King is now known as KingOfOOP
KingOfOOPDoes anyone remembers my problem ???07:54
xanguayou were even given a default source list file07:55
KingOfOOPYeah , wait. looks like it's solved.07:57
liveidonemoin moin07:59
liveidoneich würde mir gerne ubuntu auf nem usb stick installieren - ich befürchte aber, dass wenn ich den stick auf verschiedenen computern booten will wird es probleme mit den treibern geben (nur auf dem gerät wo ich den usb stick installiere wird alles wunderbar klappen) ist das richtig ?08:00
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!08:01
liveidonei'm switching channel :P08:01
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seth-666the ubuntu ro canal ? what is the adress .. ?08:09
cfhowlettseth-666, ummmm --- what?08:11
thighsofwisdommornin squires08:19
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KingOfOOPSolved , thanks everyone.08:37
kat_MKHello. I am a new user to Ubuntu and installed it replacing windows 2 days ago. I have not been able to install anything to my computer. If I attempt to install something from the internet, it says NOT FOUND through the software center. If I try to install anything directly from software center it says BAD REQUEST.08:44
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ePierreHi everyone!08:46
tony_Ciao a tutti!08:47
ePierreI have a question related to the laptop lids in Ubuntu 14.*08:48
kat_MKHello. Can anyone help me? I am a new user to Ubuntu and installed it replacing windows 2 days ago. I have not been able to install anything to my computer since then. If I attempt to install something from the internet, it says NOT FOUND through the software center. If I try to install anything directly from software center it says BAD REQUEST.08:48
ePierreOn my laptop (Acer Aspire VN7-591G), when I close the lid, the laptop goes into suspend mode (OK), but when I open it I have to manually press the power button to resume. I tested on a HP laptop I have here with Ubuntu 12.04 and opening the lid resumes, just like it would do on a Macbook pro/air. Do you know why it doesn't work on my Acer and what I could do to enable it?08:50
breadmonsterHey guys, I have a slight problem with GRUB.08:50
breadmonsterI'm running Ubuntu 14.04 with Win8.108:50
ePierrekat_MK, when you say "anything from the Internet" you mean when you click on a "apt://" link, or when you download a .deb? or something else?08:51
breadmonsterMy fan died, so I gave it to the HP Service Center.08:51
breadmonsterNow GRUB doesn't load on boot, Windows does.08:51
breadmonsterShould I just boot to a LiveCD and run boot-repair?08:51
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Hardcore7Hello people08:52
ePierrebreadmonster, you can try this... I'm not too familiar with Grub issues though.08:52
ikoniabreadmonster: I would use live media to check if your actual OS is there first08:52
ikoniabreadmonster: if you run grub and they have deleted the ubuntu partitions, you will be in a mess08:52
breadmonsterikonia: No, so when they opened my laptop to take my fan out, they removed the HDD.08:53
hateballChances are they will have re-imaged the machine if you sent it to service08:53
breadmonsterikonia: Which was with me the whole time.08:53
breadmonsterSo it's kinda strange that things aren't as usual...08:53
ikoniabreadmonster: then won't have deleted grub so your machine should boot as normal08:53
breadmonsterdo you think disconnecting the motherboard would have set the BIOS to it's old values?08:53
kat_MKWell for example, I can't watch videos because I don't have the flash for them, so I try to download it, it directs me to choose an application for it, and the recommended app is software center, but then it immediately says "NOT FOUND"08:53
hateballIf you're using UEFI they could have removed the ubuntu partition there08:53
ikoniabreadmonster: it's nothing to do with bios08:54
ikoniabreadmonster: grub is not on the bios08:54
breadmonsterikonia: So what do I do now?08:54
breadmonsterhateball: Well, where is the UEFI storage located?08:54
breadmonsterhateball: Because they didn't touch my HDD.08:54
MattiasWhen I try to install virtualbox-dkms I get the following: virtualbox-dkms : Depends: virtualbox (>= 4.3.10-dfsg-1ubuntu1)    and when I start virtualbox it shows version 4.3.20.  Why will it not install? the dependency requirement is met...08:55
TheNumbMattias: did you download virtualbox from virtualbox.org?08:56
hateballbreadmonster: right, I didnt quite get that part08:56
MattiasTheNumb: yeah, through a ppa basically08:56
TheNumbMattias: which ppa?08:57
* Mattias checks08:57
breadmonsterhateball: Okay, so they couldn't have run a system restore because they removed the HDD and gave it to me.08:57
breadmonsterhateball: which means that nothing should have changed, except GRUB refuses to load.08:57
MattiasTheNumb: Oh, apparently I did not use a ppa, the guide I followed was this: http://www.itworld.com/article/2696611/open-source-tools/install-virtualbox-4-3-14-in-ubuntu-14-04.html08:57
TheNumbMattias: there's your problem.08:58
TheNumbfollow the steps here08:58
MattiasThanks, will uninstall this thing I have now08:58
hateballbreadmonster: Yeah sorry I don't know much about dualbooting, and what could go wrong. Arent there any options in uefi/bios for what it loads?08:59
zer0_iiIs there an Ubuntu channel on a different network with more activity than this?09:01
Hardcore7zer0_ii: I don't think so..09:01
zer0_iiI suppose I had higher expectations. Doesn't look like much is going on here other than a bunch of people quitting. This is the first time I've used IRC in years though.09:02
Hardcore7zer0_ii: do you need help with a problem?09:03
MattiasTheNumb: I just read through the instructions and they are exactly the same.09:03
zer0_iiI never imagined that the next time I would connect to IRC that it would be via the command line09:03
MattiasThe other article just copied from there I guess...09:03
DJoneszer0_ii: Its normally quiet at this time of the day, europe is only just waking up and the US will be mostly asleep, it does get busier starting around now that09:03
zer0_iiHardcore7: No, I don't need help with a problem. I basically just came here to view others problems, and their possible resolutions, for the sake of learning.09:04
Hardcore7zer0_ii: DJones is right, I'm living in holland and I just arived my work. lol09:04
MattiasTheNumb: only diffrence is it installs dkms instead of virtualbox-dkms09:04
Hardcore7zer0_ii: you should visit this irc later this day too, just to see that there will be more people online; may I ask you where you come form?09:05
MattiasTheNumb: Maybe I don't need it, looked like the virtualbox-4.3 install actually does install virtualbox-dkms too09:05
Mattiasnot just from a separate package but from the same package09:05
zer0_iiAnyone here ever install giFT and/or giFTcurs? I've been running into an assortment of problems trying to get those two packages installed. It's the first time I've ever actually ran into a problem trying to manually configure a package09:07
zer0_iiGuess not :/09:10
xanguazer0_ii: when you ask for help here, you mention the actual problem/error mesage you are having09:11
Hardcore7what are you guys doing right now?09:15
MrVampsdoes any one know of a web editor like kompozer and bluegriffon. some thing WYSIWYG style, that edits multiple page types(php, html, css, and all)09:18
Hardcore7soppman: for what? lol09:19
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soppmanHardcore7, response from a job interview.. :)09:20
MrVampssoppman, best of luck with it..hope things turn out good.09:21
jattMrVamps: emacs, but is not wysiwyg09:21
Hardcore7soppman: nice, wish you the best luck :p09:21
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soppmanthanks guys09:21
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Hardcore7soppman: what kind of job if I may ask? just instested now ;)09:21
DJonesMrVamps: Thats doesn't seem to be something that there are many of, I'd have said nvu/kompozer, looking at nvu sounds like thats been replaced by blue griffon.  You could look at amaya http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/gutsy/man1/amaya.1.html09:22
soppmanHardcore7, sysadmin job09:22
Hardcore7soppman: cool, linux based I guess?09:23
soppmanHardcore7, mostly bsd but same same09:23
Hardcore7soppman: I know bsd, that sounds like a nice job09:23
MrVampsDJones, installed as amaya thru apt?09:23
DJonesMrVamps: From what I can see, it doesn't look likes its available through apt, might only be 3rd party software now09:24
MrVampssounds good, i'll look for a download of that.. thanks09:25
EriC^KingOfOOP: you there dude?09:26
MrVampsDJones, thanks again. the w3c website has deb packages to download. i'll give that one a shot and see how it works.09:29
Hardcore7what is a ping timeout, lost connecting for too long?09:35
KingOfOOPEriC^: YES09:35
Hardcore7does that mean I won't get kicked of inactivity?09:35
EriC^KingOfOOP: dont uncheck it, it wont update it anymore09:36
EriC^KingOfOOP: hold on09:36
breadmonsterikonia: I'm on the live CD now.09:38
breadmonsterGRUB doesn't work, so I had to boot into the BIOS and tweak some settings.09:38
ikoniabreadmonster: don't understand what you are saying09:39
Hardcore7breadmonster: Is it possible that you are using GPT?09:39
breadmonsterhateball: Is there a way to test if they've changed UEFI?09:39
breadmonsterHardcore7: what's GPT?09:40
Hardcore7breadmonster: I have had issues with GRUB in GPT with UEFI too09:40
ikoniabreadmonster: if you have taken the disk out, grub is untocched so will work fine09:40
Hardcore7breadmonster: its an partitioning style09:40
breadmonsterHardcore7: Nope, I was running Ubuntu 14.04 and Win 8.1 perfectly well.09:40
Hardcore7breadmonster: Have you used windows before installing ubuntu?09:40
breadmonsterThen the fan died, and I gave it for servicing.09:40
breadmonsterNow GRUB doesn't load.09:40
breadmonsterThough my Ubuntu partition is untouched.09:40
breadmonsterBecause I can access all my files over the Live CD.09:41
Hardcore7breadmonster: Have you tried ubuntu live cd and then use boot-repair?09:41
ikoniado not run boot-repair blindly09:41
ikoniayou need to understand the problem first09:41
breadmonsterHardcore7: That's what I was going to do but ikonia said otherwise.09:41
ikoniaand as you've said you took the hard disk out, there is nothing wrong with grub09:42
ikoniaso it must be either a.) you are mistaken b.) the pre-boot enviornment09:42
Hardcore7breadmonster: Do you have more than 1 disk?09:42
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breadmonsterikonia: Well, GRUB doesn't boot that's for certain.09:42
breadmonsterSo it's the pre-boot environment.09:42
EriC^KingOfOOP: try sudo bash -c "http_proxy= apt-get update"09:43
KingOfOOPEriC^: It's solved dude.09:43
Hardcore7breadmonster: If I where you I should backup the data, followed by the boot-repair. I've never had issues with it so far and it always solved my problems no matter what09:43
EriC^KingOfOOP: it's not solved man i told you first off you could uncheck it but it wouldn't update google chrome and google talk-plugins anymore09:43
breadmonsterikonia: So what should I do?09:44
EriC^KingOfOOP: you're like saying my windshield wipers are noisy, and i solved it, i removed them09:44
KingOfOOPEriC^: Can't i update them manually ??09:44
Hardcore7breadmonster: did you run the dualboot both on uefi or only W8.1 UEFI and ubuntu on Legancy?09:45
EriC^KingOfOOP: try the proxy09:45
breadmonsterHardcore7: if I recall correctly, I turned Secure Boot off.09:46
breadmonsterHow do I diagnose the problem?09:46
breadmonsterBut I think I had both on UEFI.09:46
k1l_breadmonster: one disk only?09:46
breadmonsterActually, no, Secure Boot is off.09:46
Hardcore7breadmonster: can you still boot in W8.1?09:46
breadmonsterkll_: Yup, one HDD.09:46
breadmonsterHardcore7: Win8.1 is the only thing I can boot into off my HDD.09:46
EriC^KingOfOOP: i think google adds the ppa to install the talk plugins, i dont know if it lets you download a deb09:46
k1l_did you run something like boot repair from windows?09:47
EriC^KingOfOOP: how would you download anyway? your pc cant connect to it directly09:47
Hardcore7breadmonster: I would recommend boot-repair with a live cd, but you can also use easyBCD to add an ubuntu entry from windows09:47
KingOfOOPEriC^: By a .deb file form the Google site.09:47
KingOfOOPNot the search engine.09:48
breadmonsterHardcore7: Also, yeah, I recall I was running Ubuntu on UEFI.09:48
KingOfOOPI see some 404 errors09:48
EriC^KingOfOOP: i'm not sure how legal it is for you to do this, but if i were you and nobody will chop my head off, i would use a proxy and i guess you should find a good proxy and use it always09:48
EriC^i'm finding proxies online but they aren't lasting, there should be a good proxy or maybe vpn service or something, it would be great i guess09:49
breadmonsterikonia: Can I run boot-repair?09:50
ikoniabreadmonster: it's up to you - I advise you not to blindly run it09:50
breadmonsterikonia: Do you have any alternative?09:50
Hardcore7ikonia: then what is your recomendation..?09:51
ikoniabreadmonster: work the problem through, understand where the failure is09:51
breadmonsterI'm a total PC n00b, so I don't know.09:51
ikoniayou already have a strong pointer that it's the pre-boot enviornment09:51
MACscri must be missing something, what else do i need to do when changing the /root/.foward email address to get the change to apply?09:51
ikoniaMACscr: shouldn't be using /root09:51
ikoniaMACscr: the root user is locked - so you shouldn't be using anything in /root09:52
breadmonsterikonia: Okay, so what do I do next?09:52
MACscrlol, huh? this is pretty common09:52
ikoniaMACscr: no it's not09:52
ikoniabreadmonster: work through the problem with someone09:53
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breadmonsterWill someone help me out with a slight problem?09:59
KingOfOOPEriC^: This is the pastebin result :http://paste.ubuntu.com/9953556/10:00
KingOfOOPNote : I didn't enable dl.google.com10:00
hateballbreadmonster: if it's UEFI related they might know in somewhere like ##hardware10:01
srh45hhwhat font is the most readable? just wondering10:03
hateballhow long is a string10:04
KingOfOOPEriC^: What is this ??? It's On my ubuntu. http://imgur.com/KEFcYgp10:05
k1l_KingOfOOP: click on it. it might be a crash report10:05
KingOfOOPk1l_: It disappeared after a few minutes.10:08
EriC^KingOfOOP: does this site work for you? https://www.kproxy.com/10:11
jnhghyI have no sound on an ubuntu14.04 box I'm looking at the fallowing message I thinking I have no sound card, can anybody confirm here is the message: http://pastebin.com/0bdex3dS10:11
vltHello. I created an SVG (and exported PDF) from inkscape but I need a CMYK file now. Any idea what I could use on the latest Ubuntu to convert it?10:11
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cfhowlettvlt, inkscape has cmyk printing support10:14
RedRatgi guys,10:33
RedRatMy ubuntu is disabling usb ports during boot10:33
RedRatanyone knows this problem?10:33
cfhowlettRedRat, before or after POST?10:33
horrowhey guys I would like help to create a bootable win7 flash drive from ubuntu ? I've tryed unetbootin and winusb without success10:33
RedRatcfhowlett, after10:33
EriC^KingOfOOP: i'm searching for proxies10:33
RedRaton bios check, works normally10:33
cfhowletthorrow, nope.  use windows tools to create windows meida10:33
RedRatwhen go to ubuntu logo, disable10:33
EriC^KingOfOOP: go to google and type free proxy list, as i can't know which sites you can access10:34
RedRatI need to try 5, 7 times restart to work10:34
EriC^KingOfOOP: tell me if any sites that show a proxy list work for you10:34
RedRatbut on liveCD works fine every time10:34
andersVardhi folks. Anyone able to redirect me to a channel with preseed/unattended install experts?10:36
KingOfOOPEriC^: It didn't show me.10:36
EriC^KingOfOOP: keep trying10:37
cfhowlettRedRat, yep.  somewhere in ubuntu, you disabled usb support10:38
RedRatcfhowlett, but this is strange, I not disabled usb support10:39
RedRatnow as example is working10:39
epinkyI want to completely uninstall freeradius package, at first I have used apt-get remove freeradius,but when issuing dpkg -l | grep freeradius I still see it, using apt-get remove again tells that no freeradius is installed, checking the file system, the config files of freeradius are thee. What could be done, please help10:39
RedRatdoesn't happen every time10:39
Ben64epinky: use purge10:39
EriC^epinky: does it say ii before it? or rc .. ?10:39
RedRattoday happened, yesterday not10:39
cfhowlettRedRat, sadly, yes you did.  if it boots into livecd with usb, usb = working.  if it won't bot into installed system, installed system has disabled USB10:40
RedRatcfhowlett, how to I check this?10:40
epinkyEriC^: rc10:40
cfhowlettRedRat, I've not dealt with this issuue, but start here ....10:41
EriC^epinky: ok it means it's uninstalled but the config files are still there10:41
EriC^epinky: try sudo apt-get purge freeradius , if that doesn't work try sudo apt-get install --reinstall freeradius , then sudo apt-get purge freeradius10:42
KingOfOOPEriC^: This is the result :http://imgur.com/64exkSm10:42
EriC^KingOfOOP: in google if you type free proxy list you get that?10:43
epinkyEriC^: Ben64 cool, thanks , now they're gone10:43
RickyB98my servers says in 'free -hm' that used ram memory is 0B.. how can i reset that?10:44
KingOfOOPEriC^: I can access this : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/apps10:44
Ben64RickyB98: pastebin the output of that command10:45
RickyB98it's one line, i'll paste it here..10:45
Ben64RickyB98: should be 4 lines...10:45
RickyB98-/+ buffers/cache:         0B       384M           < 0B corresponds to used memory10:45
RickyB98yeah but this is the interesting line :P10:45
RickyB98okay.. i'll pastebin it10:46
KingOfOOPEriC^: When i search proxy list , i see it.10:46
RickyB98Ben64, not actually a pastebin... but you can see the result http://puu.sh/fedhJ/a3bfe8a1e2.png10:47
EriC^KingOfOOP: 1 sec10:48
Ben64RickyB98: what system is that10:48
RickyB98ubuntu, ofc10:48
RickyB9864 bit 14.0410:48
Ben64RickyB98: why so little ram, what cpu, that doesn't look normal10:49
RickyB98it's a 380 MB RAM and 0.5 ghz CPU.. free vps10:49
RickyB98but hey.. it used to work10:49
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Ben64then its some weird vps stuff going on10:50
Blinky_Hi all, could someone please help I am pulling my hair out.  I have a 32gb usb stick that I use to transfer files between my Mint laptop and a Windows PC.  I have it formatted to NTFS for the win PC.  I transfer files onto it and when I unmount it from the Mint laptop it fails and corrupts the stick.  I have tried unmounting using the file manager and have also tried using  the command line.  Has anyone got any ideas how to unmount th10:50
Ben64!mint | Blinky_10:50
ubottuBlinky_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:50
Blinky_sorry, cheers10:51
jattyou mount it as cifs?10:53
RagingBuddhaI need a suggestion on how to do dual boot and divide the disks. I have 128 GB SSD and a 500 GB HDD. What I need Windows for is purely to run a few graphic softwares. Is is stupid to put Win on to SSD and Linux on HDD and thus slow my "every day" OS for the sake of speed when doing graphic stuff? I'm new to Ubuntu and it seems much quicker on regular HDD than Windows.10:54
cfhowlettRagingBuddha, OS's on the SSD, /home and data storage on the HDD10:54
RagingBuddhaHow much do I need to leave for Ubuntu on SSD? I think Windows 7 takes up about 30 GB if I remember correctly.10:56
EriC^RagingBuddha: 20gb would be good10:56
RagingBuddhaIf I split it in half, should be okey. Half for Win and graphics stuff and half for Ubuntu?10:58
EriC^RagingBuddha: yeah 60gb would be more than enough for ubuntu10:58
EriC^30gb would be pretty great10:59
RagingBuddhaOkay, thank you very much10:59
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EriC^RagingBuddha: there's also swap if you want hibernation, it should be a bit more than your ram size11:01
hjyanyone know how to set up android studio in ubuntu 64 bit version?11:01
hjylibstdc++.so.6 => not found11:02
hjywhen I try to install libstdc++611:02
hjyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:02
hjy lib32stdc++6 : Depends: lib32gcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1) but it is not going to be installed11:02
Ben64hjy: what are you trying to do11:02
hjyanyone can handle that?11:02
jattsudo apt-get -f install11:03
hjybecause abd cant work for the 64bit version11:03
telx85G'day guys. Need help figuring out why my system is showing / directory as full11:03
telx85"/dev/mapper/tc--srv--02--vg-root   47G   47G     0 100% /"11:03
Ben64hjy: that is not true11:03
jattis fulul11:04
telx85tru :p11:04
moldyubuntu 12.04.5. network-manager shows me my ethernet connections, but it does not let me configure them (i need to configure static ip addresses). why? what is required to be able to configure the network?11:04
jattinstall ncdu and clean-upu11:04
moldyin /etc/network/interfaces, i don't have entries for the interfaces in question11:04
ikoniamoldy: you shouldn't be looking in /etc/network/interfaces11:04
ikoniamoldy: network manager is controlling your devices11:05
moldyikonia: did you read my question?11:05
ikoniamoldy: yes11:05
moldyikonia: then you know that i only looked at that file to check if it is blocking nm11:05
hjywhen I start android studio ,it says error while loading shared libraries:libstdc++.so.611:05
ikoniamoldy: so re-read what I said11:05
telx85but this command " du -ah / --exclude='/mnt/*' " shows that I only have 3.9GB used11:05
moldyikonia: the question is: how can i do what you suggest?11:05
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hjyso I try to install libstdc++611:06
moldyikonia: nm does not let me configure the interfaces.11:06
EriC^telx85: type sudo du -shx /11:06
ikoniamoldy: not really a description "does not let me"11:06
Ben64hjy: where did you get it, how did you install it, what version of ubuntu are you on, what have you tried to install to make this work, where did you get the things you tried to install to make this work11:06
moldyikonia: the "configure" button is disabled11:06
moldyikonia: i can add new connections, but i cannot configure the existing ones.11:06
telx85@EriC^ = 3.8G /11:06
ikoniamoldy: I normally see that with polkit problems11:06
EriC^telx85: type sudo du -shx /*11:07
moldyikonia: this is a fresh installation, any idea where to look for polkit problems?11:07
hjyBen64: I install android studio 1.1 on ubuntu14.04 64 bit version11:07
Ben64hjy: ok that was an answer to 1 of my 5 questions11:08
ikoniamoldy: is it an eithernet or wireless card you are trying to configure ?11:08
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ikoniamoldy: here is a good example of what I'm talking about - however you'll need to apply this to your own situation http://askubuntu.com/questions/135787/gray-button-for-saving-editing-vpn-connection-in-ubuntu-12-0411:09
ikoniamoldy: that does not mean it is the same problem as yours but policy kit is the most common cause of the situation you describe11:10
moldyikonia: ethernet11:10
hjyI googled the error message,which it seems that on 64version, the adb needs 32 bit library,so I try to install libstdc++611:10
prashupis any body using gnome with 13.0411:10
moldyikonia: thanks. i will take a look.11:10
prashupmine always crashes while it starts..11:10
prashupany clues ??11:10
hjywhen I try to start adb it shows that libstdc++.so.6 is missing11:11
cfhowlettprashup, 13.04 is dead, end of life and not supported.  NOT supported.11:11
KingOfOOPhjy: try sudo apt-cahe search android, if there was a result, type the sudo apt-get install11:11
prashupi tweaked it for gnome..11:11
telx85Eric^ http://pastebin.com/dBKss33s11:11
EriC^telx85: ok, type df -h11:11
prashupso updation to further versions seems hard11:11
Ben64hjy: you've got to answer all the questions11:11
prashupand cant even fresh install. got lots of data.. and configurations11:11
KingOfOOPsorry, apt-cache...11:12
cfhowlettprashup, it's easy ... OR you can continue to operate with no security updates or support.  choose wisely.11:12
telx85Eric^: http://pastebin.com/rRqX2He011:12
Ben64prashup: would you rather remain vulnerable to a bunch of bugs?11:13
prashupthanks for suggestion will see if i can update to further versions11:13
KingOfOOPEric^: You forgot to answer me11:13
cfhowlettprashup, .torrent 14.04.1, make an ubuntu USB, clean install.11:13
prashupi dont want a clean install..11:14
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | prashup11:14
ubottuprashup: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:14
hjyAlso, I follow the instructions at the websit http://paolorotolo.github.io/android-studio/11:14
hjybut kind of same error message11:14
prashupyeah seems fresh install is the option.11:14
prashupfeel so lazy to even think about it11:14
EriC^KingOfOOP: i made it clear what you have to do, find a proxy list you can access, i can't do that for you11:15
hjysudo sudo apt-get install android-studio11:15
hjyReading package lists... Done11:15
hjyBuilding dependency tree11:15
hjyReading state information... Done11:15
hjySome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have11:15
hjyrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable11:15
KingOfOOPEriC^: Ok, but can i update the google products manually ?11:15
EriC^i dont know11:15
KingOfOOPEriC^: Ok,Thanks.11:16
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ikoniatelx85: why are you excluding /mnt11:18
ikonia /mnt is hanging off /11:18
jattrun ncdu on / and delete big unused files11:18
telx85I only exclude it because I know that it is huge11:19
ikoniatelx85: don't excluse it11:19
ikoniayou're trying to evaluate with false data11:19
telx85the reason I exclude it is because it is an ISCSI initiator, so really it is just mounted to /mnt/backup11:20
ikoniatelx85: there is still /mnt11:20
ikoniatelx85: that hangs off your system11:20
telx85I can't run ncdu because I need to install it but I dont' have room :)11:20
ikoniatelx85: have you expended this logical volume by any chance ?11:20
telx85no I haven't11:20
ikoniatelx85: can you pastebin the output of "vgdisplay" please11:21
telx85yep no drama, give me a tikc please11:21
EriC^KingOfOOP: you probably can download them manually11:22
KingOfOOPADT bundle for ubuntu. Does any one know where to find it ???11:22
ubotturaf97: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:22
KingOfOOPEriC^: With the software center or terminal.11:23
ikoniatelx85: if you cd / and do "du -hs" what do you get ?11:23
EriC^KingOfOOP: why wont you type your non-insulting PM's here11:23
EriC^KingOfOOP: dont PM me anymore, please.11:23
ikoniaEriC^: unacceptable11:24
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:24
KingOfOOPEriC^: ??????!!!!!11:24
EriC^KingOfOOP> What a quick answer ! I didn't even typed the problem !!! nice11:24
ikoniaEriC^: if you have a problem with a user please talk to #ubuntu-ops11:24
ikoniaEriC^: not interest in pasting pm's in here - talk to the ops team in #ubuntu-ops11:24
KingOfOOPEriC^: Please don't be rude...11:24
EriC^KingOfOOP: i'm rude? or you?11:25
EriC^ikonia: ok.11:25
EriC^ikonia: it's not the first he's sent11:25
ikoniaEriC^: #ubuntu-ops11:25
telx85ikonia: http://pastebin.com/3JqzYFZx11:25
KingOfOOPEriC^: Ok , Stop. I wanted to say sorry... So i'm not rude. And this conversation is Over !!!!11:26
ikoniatelx85: so the summary matches up which is good to some extent11:26
telx85haha sweet :)11:26
telx85how come du can't access somethings?11:26
KingOfOOPDoes anyone knows how to get ADT bundle with terminal or software center ??11:27
ikoniatelx85: it's proc - not a real file system11:27
telx85ah ok11:27
KingOfOOPknows ---> know11:27
ikoniatelx85: du -hsx from / please11:27
peter100my ubuntu os crashes as soon as i connect a pendrive11:28
amethe following link is having my file system..."http://paste.ubuntu.com/9954703/"..Can anyone please tell me if reinstall ubuntu will the partition BACKOFFICE also will get problem??11:28
telx85ikonia: 47G11:28
ikoniatelx85: great, so thats showing 47gb in use on just / volume group, so it really does tie in11:28
peter100ikonia my ubuntu crashes as soon as i connect any pendrive11:29
ikoniapeter100: ask the channel, not me11:29
frexhow can i shutdown my computer or other people's computers within the same network using terminal11:29
peter100nobody is replying11:30
ikoniapeter100: wait longer than 20 seconds11:30
cfhowlett!patience | peter10011:30
ubottupeter100: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:30
srh45hhis there a an adobe flash plugin update for linux??11:30
cfhowlettsrh45hh, adobe has ended linux support11:30
peter100ikonia  anyways i am sorry11:30
cfhowlettfor flash11:30
ikoniapeter100: it's fine11:30
cfhowlett!flash | srh45hh11:30
ubottusrh45hh: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash11:30
telx85I'm trying to find out how to order du by size, let me google :)11:31
Hardcore7Hi guys im back11:31
ikoniatelx85: sort can do it11:31
ikoniapipe it into sort11:31
jshanabEnded support AND broke it by changing the server side.11:31
telx85ah I think I found the issue.11:32
telx85I had a power out the other day11:32
telx85the synology nas must have gone down (it is the ISCSI maker thingy - don't konw the term)11:32
telx85I'm guessing that when I did a file transfer it just pushed it into the local file system rather then the mounted one?11:33
telx85does that make sense?11:33
ikoniatelx85: it does11:33
ikoniatelx85: good test is to unmount /mnt/backup11:33
ikoniatelx85: and see if there is anything hidden under the mount point11:33
peter100the crash appears as some kind of kernel panic11:33
telx85ikonia: thanks mate, found it. With the target mounted I didn't realize, but with it unmounted it still was there.11:34
peter100even alt+ctrl+backspace doesnt kills xwindow after that11:34
telx85thank you11:34
ikoniatelx85: perfect11:34
victorHello everyone!11:37
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Hardcore7victor: hello :)11:44
victorhello Hardcore11:44
ubottuultimo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:47
KingOfOOPWhen i want to install GNU GCC 4.9 form the software center , i see this : http://imgur.com/bJBGEgS Why ????11:48
aeon-ltdKingOfOOP: well i think the message is pretty clear11:48
KingOfOOPaeon-ltd: How to solve it ?? (I know what it wants.)11:48
KingOfOOPaeon-ltd: Can you tell me ?11:49
aeon-ltdKingOfOOP: well, are you ok with installing packages from untrusted sources?11:50
KingOfOOPaeon-ltd: Yeah , not a big problem.11:50
Hardcore7then you need a key11:51
Hardcore7a key to verify their signature11:51
Hardcore7did you add the GPG public key properly?11:51
KingOfOOPHardcore7: Are you talking about my problem ??11:51
Hardcore7KingOfOOP: sorry for not using your name11:52
KingOfOOPHardcore7: Not a problem.11:52
KingOfOOPHardcore7: What should i do now ??11:52
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Hardcore7KingOfOOP: can you tell me what you are trying to install? and where you got it form?11:53
KingOfOOPHardcore7: GNU GCC 4.9 and GNU g++ 4.9 From the software center.11:54
=== hypermist is now known as `hypermist`
Hardcore7KingOfOOP: does this help you? https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2013-05/msg00086.html11:55
ubottugcc bug 2013 in c++ "g++ 2.96: typedefs + namespaces + inheritance == problem" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:55
KingOfOOPHardcore7: GNU GCC is the GNU C compiler and the GNU g++ is the GNU c++ compiler.11:56
Hardcore7KingOfOOP: the third ftp link will lead to the gpg key11:56
KingOfOOPHardcore7: What does the gpg do ?11:57
KingOfOOPHardcore7: What should i do with the gpg file ??11:58
Hardcore7KingOfOOP: I think it is the check to verify that the package was not modified11:59
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts11:59
KingOfOOPHardcore7: Should i open it , or what ??11:59
Hardcore7KingOfOOP: after downloading you will need to go to the file with terminal amd execute: gpg --verify --keyring ./gnu-keyring.gpg12:01
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:01
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KingOfOOPHardcore7: What should i type exactly ???12:03
wildSalarianHi guys. Do someone know why my update manager and synaptic package manager only give me firefox 30.0 and an older flash-plugin ? It says its the newest one, but I know that there is firefox 35 and a newer flash plugin.12:04
Hardcore7KingOfOOP: I don't really know.. I can't help you I think12:05
Hardcore7KingOfOOP: did you do some research for the package you are trying to install?12:05
wildSalarianI did an apt-get update12:05
KingOfOOPHardcore7: What kind of research ???12:06
Hardcore7KingOfOOP: the error you got12:06
bazhang!info firefox | wildSalarian12:06
ubottuwildSalarian: firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 35.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.14.10.1 (utopic), package size 39603 kB, installed size 94168 kB12:06
Hardcore7KingOfOOP: do more people report that error?12:06
bazhangwhat version of ubuntu wildSalarian12:06
KingOfOOPHardcore7: No. I didn't12:06
wildSalarianum an older one12:07
bazhangwhat version12:07
Hardcore7KingOfOOP: I think you should try that.. I'm a bit busy so..12:07
theadminwildSalarian: Is ded12:07
Hardcore7KingOfOOP: sorry12:07
theadminwildSalarian: This version is no longer supported and won't recieve any updates.12:07
bazhang!eolupgrades | wildSalarian12:07
ubottuwildSalarian: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:07
wildSalarianoh, ok12:07
bazhangsee the last link there wildSalarian12:07
wildSalariancan I update to the newest one without reinstalling the whole system?12:08
Hardcore7wildSalarian:  yes12:08
bazhangwildSalarian, yes of course12:08
Hardcore7wildSalarian: but make sure you are making an backup lol12:08
theadminwildSalarian: Well you can upgrade to 12.04 and then to 14.0412:08
theadminwildSalarian: 14.04 is an LTS release so stop after that.12:08
bazhang13.10 theadmin12:08
theadminLTS = longer support (5 years?)12:08
wildSalarianI am at a 13.1012:08
theadminThen never mind, my bad12:09
theadminwildSalarian: Just upgrade to 14.0412:09
wildSalarianwhich tool should I use? update manager?12:09
theadminwildSalarian: And stay on that. LTS versions are supported longer (5 years instead of 9 months) and are generally more stable, from my experience anyways12:09
theadminwildSalarian: Yes, the Update Manager should have a banner on the top saying that a new Ubuntu version is available12:09
wildSalarianOk, thanks. Will try this.12:10
martisjupon logging in with ssh on my ubuntu box I see this message  "19 packages can be updated" do I need to update? Secondly should I do dist-upgrade or regular upgrade?12:10
Hardcore7martisj: for those you should use regular update12:11
martisjHardcore7: even on a production system?12:11
Hardcore7martisj: dist-upgrade is mostlikely when upgrading kernel or to a newer version of ubuntu12:11
KingOfOOPHardcore7: No problem.12:11
DaekdroomHardcore7, martisj, some kernel upgrades require a dist-upgrade.12:11
martisjHardcore7: aha thanks :)12:11
Hardcore7martisj: you can run them both without problems12:11
DaekdroomAnd it NEVER upgrades to a newer version of Ubuntu, unless it's a point release (12.04.3, 12.04.4, etc)12:12
martisjHardcore7: thanks12:12
martisjapt-get upgrade right?12:12
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martisjand secondly how can I see what will get upgraded?12:12
theadminmartisj: It will ask you to confirm before updating.12:13
DaekdroomIt should show you and ask to confirm before proceeding, martisj12:13
Hardcore7martisj: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:13
theadminmartisj: And list the packages.12:13
martisjtheadmin: sweet!12:13
Hardcore7martisj: you will need to press Y before it starts upgrading, please notice that some updates may require to resolve dependencies and may sometimes ask to remove another package, be very careful with that situation12:14
prashuphi can anybody help me with12:14
prashupfinding an aws channel ?12:14
Hardcore7prashup: sup?12:14
Hardcore7prashup: what do you mean by aws?12:15
bazhang!alis | prashup12:15
ubottuprashup: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*12:15
martisjHardcore7: Right, how would I handle a situation where a package will be removed?12:15
martisjAnd what could be a worstcase scenario when updating?12:15
prashup!alis | aws12:15
ubottuaws: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*12:15
Hardcore7martisj: look carefully at which packages will be removed, you will never want to remove something like xorg or nvidia / amd, those stuff12:15
bazhang /msg alis list aws   <----- prashup12:15
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Hardcore7martisj: but I don't think you will get anything like that in your case - worstcase scenario is booting in a TTY12:16
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Hardcore7martisj: meaning that a graphic driver is not correctly configured anymore because of the removal for example12:16
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martisjI see this is not ubuntu server12:19
martisjmy bad12:19
Hardcore7martisj: ?12:19
bazhang /join #ubuntu-server martisj12:19
martisjHardcore7: my questions earlier referred to an ubuntu server12:20
martisjbazhang: thanks12:20
Hardcore7martisj: hmm, doesn't really make a difference at your answer :)12:20
martisjHardcore7: graphic drivers and such aren't really an issue on my server as SSH is the only way I interact with it12:21
Hardcore7martisj: I see, then you are safe to update & dist-upgrade12:21
martisjI did an update upgrade12:22
cfhowlettmartisj, dis upgrade and upgrade are not the same12:25
bazhang!dist-upgrade | martisj12:26
ubottumartisj: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.12:26
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HaffeHi. I'm following the official ubuntu server guide to get openLDAP up and running.12:42
HaffeThe first example "sudo ldapsearch -Q -LLL -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -b cn=config dn" just gives me an error ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Can't contact LDAP server (-1) What is up here?12:43
wildSalarianHi again. I'm on 13.10 and my update-manager ist not giving me the option to upgrade to a new version. Is there a way to force the upgrade check or something?12:44
bazhangwildSalarian, did you check the eolupgrades link?12:45
Bundestrojanerhello, I've blocked an URL by writing <url> in /etc/hosts. How can i apply the chance?12:45
Bundestrojanernslookup <url> still returns the correct url instead of
EriC^^ /j #archlinux12:45
Hardcore7Bundestrojaner: did you reopen the browser?12:46
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades  wildSalarian this link12:46
Hardcore7Bundestrojaner: newver mind, I see what you did there - tried restarting?12:46
hateballBundestrojaner: it's likely cached in dnsmasq so you'll need to restart networking12:46
BundestrojanerHardcore7, hateball: it works. nslookup ignores hosts and asks the nameserver anyway it seems12:47
Bundestrojanerthe blocked url is no longer accesable12:47
Bundestrojanerthx and sry12:47
Dr-007hello there, is there a way to test which files get executed by cron under a specific user account?12:47
Hardcore7Bundestrojaner: good job ;)12:48
Dr-007(crontab config files) it seems me /etc/crontab isnt getting launced12:48
Hardcore7Dr-007: I tought It should be possible to force run a cronjob to test if it works correctly12:48
Hardcore7!cronjob | Dr-00712:48
hateballBundestrojaner: yeah, but on ubuntu now the default nameserver is dnsmasq on localhost, which is why I suggested it could have been cached there. anyhow, good it works12:49
Hardcore7!cron | Dr-00712:49
ubottuDr-007: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto12:49
EriC^^Dr-007: type crontab -u <user> -l12:49
EriC^^Dr-007: /var/log/syslog should list what's being executed12:49
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Bundestrojanerhateball: i use kubuntu 14.04 lts, dnsmasq seems not to be installed12:51
Dr-007EriC^^: the crontab is empty tho. my contents of /etc/crontab isn't inthere. is there an option to print out the location of the saved crontab -e / -l file?12:53
hateballBundestrojaner: not using NetworkManager?12:53
EriC^^Dr-007: user cron's aren't saved in /etc/crontab those run the cron.daily cron.weekly etc. tabs12:54
EriC^^Dr-007: user cron's are in /var/spool/cron12:54
Bundestrojanerhateball: apt-get didn't told me it would be already installed12:54
hateballBundestrojaner: is this a new install or upgraded?12:55
hateballBundestrojaner: I personally don't think you're missing out on not having it anyhow :p12:55
Dr-007EriC^^: thank you good sir12:56
EriC^^Dr-007: no problem12:56
deejay-bertixQui s'y connais en android ??12:58
EriC^^!fr | deejay-bertix12:59
ubottudeejay-bertix: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:59
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deejay-bertixsalut a tous13:10
BluesKajHi folks13:19
MonkeyDusthi BluesKaj13:24
BluesKajhey MonkeyDust13:25
=== `hypermist` is now known as pcupgrades
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leeyaahow to print number of security updates. /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check --human-readable doesnt seem to work everywhere13:44
leeyaai need to print only number of security updates13:45
=== pcupgrades is now known as `hypermist`
maxviwhere I can find "Snapping Windows" in dconf editor? http://www.linuxnov.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/CCSM-Compiz-config-settings-manager-precise-screenshot.png13:54
Hobbitfrofohi guys i have this problem .. any help ?  http://postimg.org/image/5vpvasxml/13:56
leeyaais it normal ubuntu server default install, fresh, not to have dbus installed ?13:56
k1lleeyaa: dbus is dekstop related13:57
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leeyaak1l: well i needed it for /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check13:57
leeyaais there other way to check number of security updates available ?13:58
k1lisnt that the gui update checker for unity?13:58
leeyaai have no idea. i have it in most 14.04 LTS servers13:58
leeyaawell all except one13:58
k1l!cn | yuhang13:59
ubottuyuhang: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:59
leeyaak1l: any alternative for console ?13:59
k1lor script the output from apt-get update etc etc etc. there might be tons of ways14:00
leeyaacat /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available gives nothing14:01
leeyaai need only security updates14:01
k1lit does on my ubuntu server14:01
leeyaadoesnt work nowhere here ;p14:02
k1lso what systems are they exactly?14:02
yuhangwhere is here?14:03
leeyaasome dont even have that directory14:03
leeyaak1l: all are 14.04 LTS14:03
k1lleeyaa: my too14:04
k1lleeyaa: that should work since its used by the motd to display that stuff when logging in per ssh14:04
leeyaasome servers dont have mptd enabled14:04
k1lso that is not installed or removed then14:05
leeyaaprobably not installed, its minimal xen domU14:05
leeyaabut why the heck apt-check works14:05
yuhangdon't understand14:07
k1l!info update-notifier-common trusty14:07
ubottuupdate-notifier-common (source: update-notifier): Files shared between update-notifier and other packages. In component main, is optional. Version 0.154.1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 157 kB, installed size 2087 kB14:07
k1lleeyaa: install that14:07
Caleb--hi, my home directory is a symbolic link, and when i launch the terminal, it shows the absolute path to the home dir instead of showing just the tilde "~". when i do "cd" then it shows the tilde. any idea why?14:07
Caleb--or "cd $HOME"14:08
leeyaathanks k1l14:08
ovrflw0xhello, why do the fonts in "Files" browser become "thin" sometimes and become "OK" sometimes on random "boots"!14:09
EriC^^Caleb--: why is your home a symbolic link? why aren't you mounting it?14:09
Caleb--EriC^^, it's a folder in another partition. i used to bind mount it, but that gave me some other problems.14:10
jostHi! Can someone tell me, how  the command "mt" behaves, if something goes wrong? For example, if there is no tape in the device, or the tape produces "bandsalat"? I don't have a tape device here to test it14:11
ovrflw0xhello, why do the fonts in "Files" browser become "thin" sometimes and become "OK" sometimes on random "boots"! anybody?14:11
`hypermist`what is an ISO. burning tool for ubuntu ?14:12
k1l`hypermist`: its a file.14:13
`hypermist`k1l, what ?14:13
k1l`hypermist`: its an image taken from a cd. or an image build to be burned onto a cd (or a usb drive)14:14
`hypermist`But got a tool that i can burn it to the USB with14:14
Pici`hypermist`: I think your period in the middle of the sentence is confusing us.14:15
`hypermist`but what *14:15
`hypermist`Pici, that mabye the case14:15
k1l`hypermist`: what iso?14:15
`hypermist`SteamOS iso file. i need a .ISO burner for ubuntu so i can burn it to a USB14:15
k1l`hypermist`: ubuntu got the usb-creator for that. or unetbootin. for ubuntu .isos you can use "dd"14:16
Pici`hypermist`: unetbootin may be able to handle it.14:16
MonkeyDust`hypermist`  startup disk creator, or14:16
MonkeyDustor unetbootin14:16
`hypermist`ty Mongey_14:17
`hypermist`MonkeyDust,  *14:17
RaMcHiPGood morning!14:20
Dr-007its afternoon. gosh14:20
Hardcore7RaMcHiP: good morning? it's 15:20 here lol14:20
Hardcore7yllas:  hi14:20
Hardcore7yllas: all14:20
`hypermist`Its morning yes RaMcHiP14:20
`hypermist`its only 3:20am...14:20
`hypermist`On saturday...14:21
Dr-007whaaaaat, we've got a timetraveller inhere14:21
Hardcore7it's still friday here o_o14:21
* `hypermist` im in newzealand bruH ;314:21
Hardcore7you life in the future14:21
`hypermist`People seem so amazed when people live in a ahead timezone14:21
Dr-007stupid question14:22
EriC^^Caleb--: type echo $HOME14:22
Dr-007your name is Hardcore714:22
=== norm is now known as Guest87035
Dr-007Evil activities jonguh!14:22
Hardcore7whahah xD Masters of hardcore :D14:22
Caleb--EriC^^, $HOME is set to /home/caleb14:23
`hypermist`Could say something nasty to your name Hardcore7 but Thats no good when this is about OS'S and i don't need a ban14:23
EriC^^Caleb--: ok, and when you start a shell, type echo $PWD14:23
dmtarmeycan anyone point me in the correct chat room to get advice on how to get linux to run on accer aspire with nivia optumus14:23
Dr-007last good hardcore "song" i found is: under your skin album edit - endymion, pandorum, frankie14:23
Hardcore7Dr-007: had al verwacht dat er zoiets zou aankomen hehe14:23
MonkeyDustguys, please stick to ubuntu support questions14:23
Dr-007jij nog tips?14:23
Caleb--EriC^^, that gives me /data/home/ubuntu/caleb14:23
MonkeyDustDr-007  use english please14:23
Hardcore7tips voor wat?14:24
PiciFeel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support chat :)14:24
Dr-007a good hardcore track14:24
Hardcore7hypermist I think I know what you want to say xD14:24
dmtarmeyPici ?14:25
Hardcore7Dr-007: can't really research a good track because I'm at work xD14:25
`hypermist`Hardcore7, :D14:25
Picidmtarmey: That wasn't for you, just for general knowledge.  If #ubuntu can't help you ##linux may be able to14:25
pragmaticenigmadmtarmey, There are many different types of distrobutions of Linux. Can you be more specific on the distro you are trying to install14:26
pragmaticenigma!offtopic | `hypermist`, Hardcore7, Dr-00714:26
ubottu`hypermist`, Hardcore7, Dr-007: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:26
EriC^^Caleb--: open ~/.bashrc and add at the bottom if [ $PWD = "/data/home/ubuntu/caleb" ]; then cd $HOME; fi14:26
`hypermist`tyvm for that ping xD14:26
dmtarmeylatest ubuntu but got real issues with running it through my 40" samsung tv14:26
pragmaticenigmadmtarmey, you're in the right place then. can you describe the issue you having with connecting your computer to the TV?14:27
MonkeyDustdmtarmey  "latest"... 14.10 or 15.04 ?14:27
leeyaak1l: any other method to check packages? update-notifier requires way too much crap14:27
leeyaaactually wait14:27
leeyaai lied, i should install common14:28
dmtarmey14.04 MonkeyDust14:28
king313Hi. I am trying to install Ubuntu with the next configuration, but I am a little lost about how to do it14:28
Caleb--EriC^^, that did the trick, thanks! :D14:29
king313I have a SSD drive, one normal drive of 1Tb (for /home) and other of 2Tb (for /home/user/data). I am in the installing screen but I do not know how to setup this14:29
Caleb--EriC^^, i wonder what's causing the expansion of the symlink...14:29
dmtarmeyMonkeyDustb 14.1014:29
EriC^^Caleb--: must be how bash handles setting PS1 in .bashrc14:30
dmtarmeyMonkeyDust ?14:30
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dmtarmeypragmaticenigma ?14:31
MonkeyDustdmtarmey  what happens when you try14:32
EriC^^Caleb--: i guess it's cause it thinks your home is /home/caleb, but when it gets the PWD it's getting the long one so it doesn't know it's your home and set ~14:32
EriC^^Caleb--: if i type HOME=bla it changes my ~ to /home/e14:32
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Hardcore7is there a command to see how long you have been in the chat?14:33
EriC^^Caleb--: if you set your $HOME to the long one i guess it could also work, but i dont know which would be better and less error prone14:33
dmtarmeyfirst of all my son broke my laptop, i pulled it appart and reapired the break, but in doing so i may have broke the Window 8 and the screen, so i connected it to my 40" samsung tv and installed ubuntu but it doisnt like the nvidea graphics card14:33
k1lHardcore7: /msg nickserv info Hardcore714:34
pragmaticenigmathere is not, Hardcore7, ubottu is a macro bot for support topics only14:34
Caleb--EriC^^, yeah it does seem to work. but i'd rather leave HOME as is14:34
EriC^^Caleb--: yeah i think so too14:34
Caleb--thanks for the help :)14:35
Hardcore7k1l: it doesn't work :/14:35
EriC^^Caleb--: no problem :)14:35
k1lHardcore7: ah well, you are not a registered user14:35
dmtarmeyMonkey Dust when i install ubuntu i first have to re size the scrren to fit, then when i re start the machine it dosnt load properly keeps goinf big and all sort of wear stuff14:35
Hardcore7k1l: ah, ok thanks ;)14:36
k1lHardcore7: else, look when the timestamps started.14:36
pragmaticenigmaHardcore7, you have been signed in since Fri Jan 30 02:51:4414:37
Hardcore7pragmaticenigma: how do you know that?14:37
pragmaticenigmaI have no idea if that is my localtime, yours or UTC14:38
MonkeyDustdmtarmey  ok, but i'm not familiar with nvidia, maybe someone esle can help14:38
dmtarmeyMonkey Dust i tried saarching and finding fixes for the nvida drive but when i did it it got worse14:38
Hardcore7pragmaticenigma: I think it's the server localtime14:38
dmtarmeyanyone familier with nvidia graphics card problems on ubuntu ??????????????????14:38
k1ldmtarmey: what ubuntu? what nvidia card? what driver? answer as exact as possible14:39
Caleb--EriC^^, there is one issue on my TODO list since i moved to Ubuntu from Windows, maybe you know something about collations?14:39
pragmaticenigma!patience | dmtarmey14:39
ubottudmtarmey: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:39
dmtarmeycheers will try to learn the fruits of the spirit Patients14:40
pragmaticenigmadmtarmey, you may need to come back later when someone knows more about installing nvidia drivers and troubleshooting them14:40
Caleb--EriC^^, you see, when you sort files in windows, files that start with an underscore appear before other files. i used to start dir names with _ so that they appear on top of the list. but linux uses different collations, and none of them behave this way14:40
dmtarmeywhen would you suggest14:41
k1ldmtarmey: see my last message please14:41
dmtarmeyok GT540M14:42
EriC^^Caleb--: you mean in ls ?14:42
k1ldmtarmey: ok, 1 ou of 3 very important answers. so i cant help :(14:42
Hardcore7im off, cya guys14:43
jxshxxA few weeks back I lost the icon to minimize windows.  Now I've lost the icons for minimized windows in the tool bar.  Both problems occurred after boot.  Need some direction to resolve, please.14:43
dmtarmeykll how do i get the driver number pls ?14:43
EriC^^Caleb--: ah i see, it doesn't take _ into consideration14:44
k1ldmtarmey: did you install one?14:44
Caleb--EriC^^, yes, i found some guy on archforums that asked about similar issues: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=7735814:44
pragmaticenigmak1l, you may have to help dmtarmey find that information. it is likely he only installed ubuntu and hasn't done any customizations. likely they're running the default FOSS version14:45
dmtarmeykll just checking what one i installed be back in min14:45
k1lpragmaticenigma: yes, that is what i try to find out. if he did not install a driver its using the open source14:45
dmtarmeyi have got into terminal so can check if you know what i need to write14:46
Caleb--EriC^^, that guy was talking about brackets though [], and not the underscore, but the issue is similar14:46
Caleb--EriC^^, from what I understand I'll have to create a custom collation and re-arrange it the way i want to14:46
k1ldmtarmey: "lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'"14:47
dmtarmeykll i have a messed up version running on my system at moment and i tried to install the linux verion for nvidia but now my hole screen is messed up14:48
EriC^^Caleb--: i see14:48
Dr-007sometimes i hate myself for not looking good enough in the logfiles...  cron[31627]: (root) ERROR (Missing newline before EOF, this crontab file will be ignored)14:48
k1ldmtarmey: ok, so can you please tell the real story?  not just one bit every time i ask?14:48
BluesKajdmtarmey, open additional drivers in the run command , look for the recommended driver14:48
jattDr-007: try to edit crontabs with crontab -e14:49
BluesKajdmtarmey, or in the terminal/TTY, software-properties-gtk --open-tab=414:50
k1ldmtarmey: we cant know what you are running, what you did and what you see as errormessages. so the more and detailed you explain the better we can help you14:50
Dr-007jatt: it gets generated via a script14:50
Dr-007jatt: but when debugging, i only focussed on the tail section of the logfiles14:50
Dr-007works now, i'm happy14:51
dmtarmeykll im going to re install ubuntu into live os as i cant see anythink on this screen as it is massive and off the screeen ill be back soon lol daz14:52
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gtrmtxhey guys. so im working inside my apache2.conf file and i have several password protected directories...i have it working requiring user A but i want to add a master pw that works in all sections...how do i iterate require user A or user B?15:00
MonkeyDustgtrmtx  is that a server? if yes, there's also #ubuntu-server15:01
gtrmtxyes thank you15:01
MortezaEHello, Were is ~/.gnome2/gedit in Ubuntu 14.04 ? I want to install some plugins15:03
=== `hypermist` is now known as pcupgrades
MonkeyDustMortezaE  it's in ~/.gnome2/gedit/15:06
MortezaEOK, Google in nice :) /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gedit/plugins/ for package-installed plugins, and ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins/ for manually installed.15:06
pragmaticenigmagtrmtx, there is also an #apache help room too15:06
MortezaEMonkeyDust, I didn't find such a folder. so i should create it?15:06
MarsuazHello, I've a problem with "scp", I don't which channel to use, but since I'm using Ubuntu, I'm asking here... Here's my problem: http://pastebin.com/2WpnzSzx15:06
exactingpenguinHey, does anyone have any suggestions regarding a video card issue I'm having? I just installed 14.04 next to Windows on a Dell Inspiron 17r 5737, and the colors on my screen look bad and low depth (Pic: https://drive.google.com/folder/d/0B5JVeramRd-zU1lQeGt6YXJCajQ/edit). It works fine in Windows, and HDMI output looks fine too. Booting without kernel-mode-setting fixes the colors, but then I lose hardware acceleration.15:08
Artemis3Marsuaz, did you try escaping with " instead?15:09
pragmaticenigmaMarsuaz, you may have better results using SFTP instead of SCP. With SFTP you can log into the remote system and navigate to the file you wish to download. Once you find the file you can use the GET command to download15:09
MonkeyDustMarsuaz  try /\IS15:09
MonkeyDustMarsuaz  try /\Is15:10
lotuspsychjeexactingpenguin: what driver loaded plz?15:10
MarsuazArtemis3: yes, only on the folder with spaces15:10
Artemis3Marsuaz, no the whole path15:10
MarsuazArtemis3: I'm trying15:11
lotuspsychjeexactingpenguin: and wich graphics card chipset?15:11
MonkeyDustMarsuaz  do you use [tab] to complete the path? it should add the required back/slaches15:11
Artemis3Marsuaz, also lose the ~ just in case15:11
exactingpenguinLotuspsychje: its the Intel i915 driver15:12
exactingpenguinLotuspsychje: the card is an Intel HD 440015:12
lotuspsychjeexactingpenguin: did you install 14.04 with internet/updates enabled during setup?15:12
Artemis3else just go with ftp or a file manager15:12
MarsuazArtemis3: it's working. thank you.15:12
MarsuazMonkeyDust: no I don't15:13
exactingpenguinLotuspsychje: yes, and I installed the Intel driver installer15:13
Marsuazpragmaticenigma: I might try that, but isnt it less straight forward than scp?15:13
Artemis3MonkeyDust, can't auto complete remote paths15:13
lotuspsychjeexactingpenguin: hmm, maybe check logs for any weird screen errors?15:14
MonkeyDustMarsuaz  create a similar folder locally, use [tab] to complete the path to it, then learn how to type it15:14
exactingpenguinLotuspsychje: thanks, I'll check them out, where are they? I'm totally new to Linux15:14
lotuspsychjeexactingpenguin: you can find interesting logs at /var/log/syslog and dmesg in terminal15:15
lotuspsychjeexactingpenguin: or the log viewer icon from your programs15:15
exactingpenguinLotuspsychje: thanks!15:17
daftykinsexactingpenguin: fwiw, running the intel driver installer is a mistake15:17
exactingpenguinDaftykins: should I uninstall it?15:18
daftykinsyou were here last night right?15:19
daftykinswe've been over this15:19
daftykinsthose pics are too low quality to tell what's up, too15:19
exactingpenguindaftykins: yeah that was me, this will be my permanent name15:20
OerHeksdriver from that 01.org site?15:20
exactingpenguinDaftykins: I tested the 14.1 version of Ubuntu and had the same problem btw15:21
kaikasHi. My X is loading GLX and NV-GLX but my freeglut program tells me Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0" and freeglut (./main): OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display ':0'. Any ideas?15:21
daftykins14.10 - it's important to include 0's in ubuntu versions15:21
OerHekskaikas, do those messages appear when you start from comandline?15:22
kaikasOerHeks: Yes.15:22
exactingpenguindaftykins: whoops haha, still learning15:23
OerHekskaikas, then they are just messages, not errors.15:23
OerHekslinux spawns a lot of messages, confusing i know.15:23
king313hi guys, how I am supposed to reenable control+alt+f1 (for example) login screens?15:24
king313I need to install something with X closed and I am unable to do it without them15:24
kaikasOerHeks: Sadly the program never reaches my printf, so i assume that something is wrong.15:24
ppfking313: how did you disable that in the firtst place15:25
king313I did not disabled it15:25
king313it's not enabled by default in my ubuntu 14.04 fresh installation15:25
daftykinsking313: let me guess, nvidia drivers?15:25
king313and that's what I am trying to install :)15:26
daftykinsyou shouldn't really use manually downloaded ones15:26
daftykinsyou've tried F2 through F6 i take it?15:26
ppfwhy shouldn't you?15:26
king313Yes, I've tried from F1 to F6, and from F8 to F1215:26
daftykinsbecause over the years they've had habits of failing to rebuild modules on kernel upgrades15:26
king313daftykins, what alternative do you recommend? xorg-edgers?15:26
OerHeksdaftykins +115:27
daftykinsyes, that's one idea15:27
daftykinsthey have a ~346 driver15:27
kaikasOerHeks: Am running a Tesla K40C and need to pass something through OpenGL to OpenCL. Therefore i need OpenGL, but freeglut fails.15:27
king313I am a little bit scared of the chance of introducing some instability in my computer15:28
daftykinsking313: welcome to proprietary drivers15:28
king313I would love something like ubuntu-x-swat but they seems a little bit outdated15:28
daftykinsking313: the other option is boot with nomodeset as a one time thing, then you can drop to TTY to install... then reboot manually15:29
king313So, your opinion: could xorg-edgers make my computer flaky?15:29
daftykinsthat's a decision for you. it's not like they can't be reversed15:30
k1lking313: do you want a working driver or a maybe unstable but latest video driver?15:30
kaikasDo i still need to install nvidia-glx or do the nvidia drivers ship that all nowadays? Information in the web seems to be pretty old considering GLX and freeglut.15:31
king313I just want other opinions since mine is not expert enought. I am not going to blame you whatever the result :)15:31
king313k1l, the current driver only allows me to use one screen15:31
daftykinsking313: what card is this for anyway?15:31
king313MSI 750Ti OC15:31
daftykinsok, so you can't use official ubuntu repo drivers anyway15:31
k1lkaikas: what video card?15:31
daftykinsthe 750 Ti doesn't work with <340 afaik15:32
kaikask1l: Tesla K40C15:32
king313Nvidia lastest official drivers release is 340.7615:32
king313Do not know which one I have installed15:32
daftykinsso check15:32
daftykinsdpkg -l | grep nvidia15:32
k1lkaikas: i would have said: nvidia-current or nvidia-$drivernumber ships all you need. but i am not sure for special cards15:33
daftykinsi don't even think a Tesla is supported by desktop drivers 0o15:34
king313Oh. Nothings appears. lspci does recognize it as NVIDIA Corporation GM107 [GeForce GTX 750Ti] rev a215:34
kaikask1l: Maybe they excluded it, since there is no physical connection on thos cards? But normally GLX is just in the driver package, right?15:35
king313It's weird that the installation does not downloaded nvidia by default. I enabled propietary drivers download.15:35
k1lkaikas: yes. like i said it ships all a regular video card from nvidia needs15:35
king313Should I try installing nvidia-current?15:36
kaikask1l: Okay, thanks. Just wanted to make sure.15:36
daftykinsking313: no, it won't work15:36
daftykins-current is rubbish as it just installs 30415:36
king313Thanks for saving me time. Going for edgers then.15:36
k1lking313: what ubuntu?15:37
dmtarmeyhi i have lost my wifi connection on a advent when installing ubuntu 140;10 any ideas ?15:37
king313ubuntu 14.0415:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 140 in Baz (deprecated) "description in "baz switch -H" is split " [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14015:37
k1lking313: nvidia-331 is the latest in the 14.04 repos15:38
daftykinsi don't think the -331 supports king313's 750 Ti15:38
king313Im talking from my ignorance, but didn't nvidia needed 340?15:38
king313s/nvidia/nvidia gtx 750 ti15:38
k1lyes, that is what i am saying. you need some PPA because you card is to new for 14.0415:39
daftykinsking313: go and install it already, jeez15:39
daftykinswell that's great and all k1l -but we've been over all that already :)15:39
OerHeksnvidia 334 and up for that TI 75015:39
k1lyes, didnt mean to confuse. more like acknowledge15:40
* daftykins gently pushes king313 out the door, instructions in hand15:40
king313Im going xorg-edgers way. nvidia-current package or 340 one?15:42
daftykinsthey don't have a package called nvidia-current15:42
daftykinsread their package list :P15:42
king313sorry for the big stupid question.15:42
king313Going for nvidia-graphics-drivers-340  as it's the same main version that the one downloadable from nvidia website15:44
OerHeksking313, really, what do you want to prove with that 340 question, as you card is supported by 334 and up?15:45
daftykinssaid user is imagining it will be more stable for matching the website's official latest15:46
daftykinsor potentially non-beta15:46
BluesKajking313, yes but downloading the 340 from nvidia doesn't provide updates/upgrades from the repos, your website downloaded driver will break the next time there's driver upgrade from the repos15:46
king313OerHeks, just docummenting my steps in case im going to do something blantantly wrong15:46
king313OerHeks, and my mental process was the one that daftykins described15:47
daftykinsi'm in your head.15:47
* king313 becomes a little scared15:48
king313Lastest version for the device, more bugfixes for it15:48
BluesKajking313, have you seen this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225290815:51
rootthat's one hell of a users list right there15:56
=== root is now known as Guest77337
daftykinsyou shouldn't really be running IRC as root, Guest7733715:56
Guest77337just noticed that15:56
miphix_i was like, wait a second. i'm still in root15:57
miphix_thanks for the friendly nic change btw15:58
daftykinsmiphix_: that's freenode, you can thank them in #freenode15:58
miphix_*highfives #freenode*15:59
miphix_you guys familiar with a way to black list upnp rather than blocking OUTPUT -s -j DROP?16:00
cromagiCan someone help me please?16:00
king313BluesKaj, I didn't saw it. I am opting for installing drivers from xorg-edgers16:00
miphix_sup cromagi16:00
cfhowlett!ask | cromagi16:01
ubottucromagi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:01
daftykinscromagi: not until you ask a question16:01
miphix_what do you have brewing overe there16:01
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:01
miphix_just checking if it was a script16:01
daftykinsmiphix_: stop abusing the bot please.16:01
cromagiI have ubuntu 14.04 lts and its a desktop NOT A LAPTOP. I have a wireless wifi chip put into the pc. Windows uses it just fine but for some reason it wont work in ubuntu16:01
BluesKajking313, well, good luck , edgers aren't known for stable support16:01
miphix_just checking16:01
cromagiSo how do you get a wireless router working in ubuntu?16:02
miphix_oh i see how it all started16:02
miphix_still kinda new to irc16:02
king313BluesKaj, that was I was afraid of, but it seems that installing the binary ones can give me conflicts at upgrading16:02
king313(im not an expert, so maybe im wrong)16:02
jhutchinscromagi: You just want to connect, or you want to set it up as a router/ap?16:03
king313daftykins, just installed the drivers and rebooted. both screens work now flawless. Thanks!16:03
cromagiI want wifi to work on it :P16:03
daftykinsking313: yay, however in that time i could've installed 100 ubuntu PCs ;)16:03
miphix_can't you search for the chipset and google it?16:04
miphix_like typing in lspci and taking the chipset id16:04
cromagime? miphix_16:04
king313daftykins, I also received a salsa dancer friend and have a small talk meanwhile16:04
miphix_i was asking in addition to your question16:04
miphix_i havae the same issue with mine16:04
cromagiThat was my first step16:05
miphix_the manufacturer created a driver for linux for mine, but, they gave up after kernel 2.2 or something16:05
jhutchinscromagi: dmesg | less, look for relevant messages.16:05
cromagiput that in my terminal?16:05
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jhutchinscromagi: Yes.16:05
miphix_more or less16:05
miphix_such a bad joke in a serious room, i know16:06
cromagiok , what now? jhutchins16:06
jhutchinsmiphix_: It's pretty common for multiple conversation threads to happen here, using the nic helps keep them clearer.  Tab completion of nicks is helpful.16:06
miphix_cromagi: look for relevent information involving your wifi card16:07
jhutchinscromagi: dmesg dumps the kernel message ring buffer - dmesg | less, look for messages related to your chipset.16:07
miphix_Does any one have any suggestions on reading material/manuals on reading the output of dmesg?16:10
pivwhat is the best way to change the dns server being used? this is a server, so no network manager16:10
miphix_or how to fathom the logs16:10
miphix_they look about the same16:10
cromagii found intel network driver in the list jhutchins16:11
cromagiwhat do i do?16:12
miphix_what does it say?16:12
cromaginothing i ust have a list of drivers16:13
RagingBuddhaCan I somehow remove sidebar in Ubuntu and use Docky as program launcher?16:13
miphix_RagingBuddha: is it linux?16:13
RagingBuddhaIt's ... Ubuntu, so yes.16:14
miphix_that's your answer16:14
miphix_the how part16:14
miphix_i don't know16:14
miphix_yeah cromagi16:14
destro-hi everyone, i was curious if anyone knows if a backported natty patch is out there for libc6?16:14
cromagiIs ubuntu ever going to read my network thing? lol16:14
miphix_unless it's really old16:15
cromagi10 years old16:15
cromagimaybe more16:15
miphix_ok one sec16:15
miphix_i'm on the same issue with my tower16:15
cromagiwant the name?16:15
cromagiof my adapter?16:15
miphix_can any one in the room give me a URL to a website that hosts a database on chipset information and related16:16
miphix_no no16:16
miphix_i'll help you learn to fish16:16
miphix_just toss you a fish and starve tomarrow?16:16
jhutchinscromagi: WE were hoping to see if there were messages about your adapter in the dmesg buffer.  They might say what it's looking for like firmware or driver or something.16:16
jhutchinscromagi: If lspci -nn describes it correctly the kernel at least knows what it is and probably has the right driver.16:17
miphix_jhutchins: i have the same issue as he does. however, lspci recognizes and doesn ot handle the device16:17
miphix_-nn you say?16:17
miphix_or just n?16:18
Laurenceb___where are audio setting on 14.04?16:18
Laurenceb___im running xfce16:18
miphix_i am going to learn alot sitting here16:18
Laurenceb___i seem to have no audio16:19
cromagijhutchins , lspci -nn shows my adapter at the bottom of the list16:19
cfhowlettdestro-, unlikely as natty is LONG past end of life and completely unsupported in any way, shape or form16:19
miphix_LTS ftw16:20
destro-cfhowlett im fairly aware it's eol16:20
cromagimiphix_: run lspci -nn and see if your device is in the list16:20
Laurenceb___so how can i troubleshoot my audio?16:20
cromagiIf it is then the kernel can read it and your in bidness16:20
destro-i am simply seeing if one exists for the legacy user, im between upgrades if you will16:20
Laurenceb___can anyone help?16:20
cfhowlett!sound | Laurenceb16:20
ubottuLaurenceb: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:20
cromagiLaurenceb_: What's your problem?16:21
Laurenceb___I have no audio output16:21
miphix_ok, since i'm not near the machine at the time being. lets say it is and isn;t16:21
Laurenceb___where is the volume applet?16:21
jhutchinsdestro-: If you choose for whatever reason to run a distro beyond EOL you commit to having to build/apply patches yourself.16:21
cromagiGo to system settings>sound16:21
jhutchinsdestro-: It's a perfectly viable strategy, but you do have to keep it up to date if it's on the 'net.16:21
destro-yeah i am willing to build the deb16:21
cromagiAnd play around until you get what you want16:22
destro-just curious if someone has done the work or published a guide16:22
cromagijhutchins: you there?16:22
k1lcromagi: you are asking since days now and i still didnt see a output from "lsusb" or "lspci" in a pastebin to get to know what wifi chip that is at all16:22
miphix_Laurenceb___: you still ther?16:22
jhutchinsmiphix_: The -nn switch causes the pciid to be included; there are databases where you can search for the associated driver.16:22
miphix_what is your sound card doing?16:22
miphix_jhutchins: where can I find the database16:22
Laurenceb___audio mixer says @HDA Intel@16:23
miphix_after that, i'm set16:23
destro-jhutchins: for the most part mitigation via network firewall is the best till my EOL OS servers go to their final resting place16:23
Laurenceb___keyboard is screwed too16:23
cromagimy chip is a "Broadcom corporation: Wmp54GS v1.1 802.llg wireless -G PCI adapter16:23
ppfLaurenceb___: run pavucontrol16:23
miphix_that's crazy16:23
destro-Laurenceb___ your shit sounds really fucked up16:23
miphix_so, what do you mean it's intel16:23
miphix_is it something else/16:23
destro-is this a laptop?16:23
Laurenceb___yes, laptop16:23
Laurenceb___Latitude D820, fresh 14.04 lts16:24
destro-what brand/model?16:24
destro-did you see if anyone has done a guide to installing and using for that model already16:24
cromagikil ^^^^^16:24
Laurenceb___ok ill google16:24
destro-if there are changes one needs to make for the specific components?16:24
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:24
destro-in all honesty most of the information you require for a laptop that isnt "certified" for an OS comes from searching from others experiences or by writing up something yourself as you learn16:25
miphix_!wifi chipset16:25
destro-that was the bonus of running linux on a laptop pre-ubuntu, you had to figure this shit out yourself16:25
destro-so a lot of the questions took work16:25
daftykinsmiphix_: please play with the bot in a private message if you're in a spammy mood16:25
jhutchinscromagi: 14.04, right?16:26
daftykinsit's very irritating to the rest of us16:26
miphix_not spamming16:26
miphix_i'm actually trying to use it16:26
cromagiyees, jhutchins16:26
daftykinsyeah, so do so in a PM please.16:26
ubotturaf97: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:26
miphix_yes sir16:26
cfhowlettmiphix_, like this:  /msg ubottu !triggergoeshere16:26
ubottucromagi: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:26
miphix_what's the bots nic?16:26
jhutchinscromagi miphix_ This might be helpful: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:26
cromagiwhat ubottu?16:26
destro-i do miss the days of linux being an educational tool for the desktop/laptop user16:27
MonkeyDustdestro-  linux is no "tool"16:27
miphix_interesting thank you cfhowlett16:27
cfhowlettmiphix_, happy2help!16:28
destro-MonkeyDust of you dont understand the use of the word tool16:28
destro-im uncertain if you get my point16:28
miphix_oh man, i smell a flame16:28
miphix_linux isn't a tool?16:28
destro-tool = something to help you build16:28
miphix_or destroy16:29
miphix_seriously, i've seen linux do some crazy stuff16:29
destro-linux itself is a tool to help you build upon computing knowledge, i had to LEARN linux when i picked it up in 9516:29
destro-96 or so16:29
destro-now a days, it's far more simple to get running, at least in the server sense16:30
miphix_i discovered linux in 200816:30
destro-im probably a bit older16:30
miphix_my world, it was only windows and mac16:30
miphix_31 yo16:30
destro-just a bit16:30
miphix_i lived under a rock16:30
miphix_that doesn't help either16:30
destro-i was a college dropout sysadmin16:30
destro-still am16:30
destro-work at a big nyc media company16:31
miphix_it's just a number16:31
cfhowlett!ot | please16:31
ubottuplease: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:31
destro-all the experience has made up for the lack of giving a shit about student loans16:31
destro-ubottu fair enough16:31
destro-cfhowlett sorry16:31
miphix_oh don't tell me about student loans16:31
cromagii dont know if mine is b4316:31
miphix_i'm in for 20 grand for a network systems engineering course and I'm getting screwed16:32
miphix_my teacher is a tool16:32
destro-anyhow, anyone spent time compiling something to mitigate GHOST over 11.04?  or am i SOL?16:32
cfhowlettmiphix_, PM or #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat.16:32
gitextAfter Ubuntu has crashed (again) my Bash history is corrupted. Just hieroglyphs in it. How can I fix it?16:33
cfhowlettcromagi, refresh hour memory ... looks like you're working on wifi??16:34
cfhowlettcromagi, is it a broadcom by chance??16:35
TheNumbdestro-: which version of glibc?16:36
k1ldestro-: not from official side. 11.04 is EOL anyways and should not be used16:37
TheNumbhmm, eglibc 2.1316:38
TheNumbpatch yo shizz16:38
TheNumbdestro-: you could probably fetch the patch from debian and apply it yourself.16:39
destro-TheNumb oooh good call16:39
pratik_Hi can you give me link of Off Topic chat room ?16:39
k1l!ot | pratik_16:39
ubottupratik_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:39
skapismHi, I'm running ubuntu server 14.04 in an openvz environment (kernel 2.6.32-042stab094.8). I'm running a lighttpd/sql/php configuration. I have 2GiB of memory according to free -m. Even though lighttpd/mariadb/php don't consume a lot of memory, I only have about 100 MiB free.16:43
skapismIs there a way to find out what's consuming the rest of the memory? (If I turn off all those services, there's around 300 MiB free.)16:43
daftykinsnull___: failed16:43
null___Fuck yeah, it works.16:43
cfhowlett!language | null___,16:44
ubottunull___,: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:44
daftykinsnull___: don't use that language and don't use this channel for your testing. #test16:44
skapismdaftykins: that would be fine, but when I just tried to install git via apt-get, it failed, saying it cannot fork.16:45
k1lskapism: open htop and sort for ram usage16:45
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skapismk1l: I've got mysql at around 5%, then 10 php-cgi process each at ~1.5%, and those are the major culprits.16:46
skapismThat hardly amounts to 20% of the ram16:46
daftykinsskapism: such an ancient kernel, who is your provider?16:46
k1lskapism: are you sure it guaranteed 2 gb ram? sometimes the only got 1 gb and 1 gb is shared of all vhosts.16:48
skapismk1l: yup, it's 2048 MB guaranteed.16:49
skapismWell it does say 1702 at buffers/cache under free, so that should be fine.16:50
skapismI just wonder why dpkg couldn't fork...16:50
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rockstar_Is it possible to do remote dual boot Ubuntu Installation, if so how? At the other end I have a small sister and I'm trying to help her to install it.16:51
saltlakeChamps, I find this is a common problem but have not found a resolution to it "gdk_mir_display_open16:51
saltlakeFailed to connect to Mir: Failed to connect to server socket: No such file or directory16:51
saltlakeCannot open display:"16:51
=== Guest6994 is now known as amcsi_work
saltlakewhere gdk display is an issue on ubuntu server 14.116:51
saltlakeis there a fix/hack that could be used16:52
cromagiyes it is cfhowlett16:53
k1lsaltlake: what ubunut is that exactly?16:53
cfhowlett!broadcom | cromagi16:53
ubottucromagi: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:53
cfhowlettcromagi, do you have an ubuntu USB?16:53
k1lsaltlake: and what did produce that error? is there more than this words?16:53
saltlakek11: this is ubuntu server 14.116:53
cromagiwhat do u mean16:53
k1lsaltlake: "lsb_release -d" gives you what?16:53
k1lsaltlake: and what did produce that error? and why does it want to open a window on a server?16:54
saltlakek11: http://pastebin.com/S9Uhh4YY16:54
k1lsaltlake: and mir should not be used so far at all16:54
saltlakek1l: Ok so I unistall mir components.16:55
=== BlackVenom|Away is now known as BlackVenom
bu5hm4nhello, can someone tell me if I can uninstall linux-server on a server ?16:55
k1lsaltlake: mir ist still "in the making". the target for MIR as the new x11 is 16.04. its side by side with wayland development.16:55
saltlakek1l: Oh wow.. I did not explicit to install it actually16:56
saltlakeI installed gnome-shell. I should remove it. Can you recommend a way to get a display lib for allow a window to open ?16:56
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k1lsaltlake: ssh -X works16:57
saltlakeI will try that.. thank you16:57
skapismk1l: any idea what could be the cause? for comparison, I had an older archlinux installation running on this vps until a while ago that consumed on average 1.2GB RAM. I'm seeing these values since having reinstalled.16:58
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k1lsaltlake: you dont need a desktop running for that. you can just open that window on you local machine with ssh -X16:58
k1lskapism: what gives you free -m?16:58
saltlakeBasically the ssh connection to the server needs to have the -X option..16:59
k1l!paste | skapism16:59
ubottuskapism: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:59
jpds_!ram | skapism16:59
ubottuskapism: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/16:59
cromagiis there a teamviewer for ubuntu16:59
daftykinsi already linked that16:59
daftykinscromagi: yes, on their website16:59
skapismk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9959474/16:59
cromagiso somebody on windows can use it to connect to my ubuntu?17:00
jhutchinscromagi: What are you really trying to do?17:00
jpds_skapism: Plenty of cache free.17:00
bu5hm4ncromagi: if I remember correct it is running on linux ...17:00
k1lskapism: see the 2. line17:00
k1lskapism: linuxatemyram.com explains the lines very good17:01
skapismk1l: yep, I've read linuxatemyram.com17:01
cromagiim on a dev team and we could really use it]17:01
cromagiHow to install a .deb file?17:01
skapismbut why would an apt-get install git fail then?17:01
k1lskapism: so you got a ram usage of 354 mb.17:01
k1lskapism: that depends on the exact error message17:01
cfhowlettcromagi, sudo dpkg -i foo.deb17:01
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jpds_skapism: Try it again.17:01
bu5hm4ncromagi: do you know collabedit ?17:02
skapismjpds_: oh well, it worked. I wonder what that fork error was...17:04
cromagisudo dpkg -i foo.deb didnt work to install it17:04
cromagiany other way?17:04
jpds_skapism: Cosmic ray.17:04
cfhowlettcromagi, "it" ??   what "it"?17:04
squintycromagi:  the software manager or install gdebi.   both will check for dependancy issues too17:05
skapismjpds_: well, thank you.17:05
EriC^^cromagi: what's the package/filename?17:05
skapismk1l: thank you, too.17:05
EriC^^cromagi: what was the error?17:07
EriC^^!info teamviewer17:07
ubottuPackage teamviewer does not exist in utopic17:07
skapismk1l: apparently the kernel openvz uses is based on an older rhel6 kernel...17:07
pratik_I can use a Windows machine for 10 hours straight without the slightest problem, but after around 15-30 minutes of using ubuntu my eyes become sore and dried out.I currently have 14.04 installed with a dual-boot Windows XP. Same hardware, eyestrain only with ubuntu.17:07
cromagihow do i install it?17:08
EriC^^cromagi: what is the error it's giving?17:08
k1lskapism: yes, that is very old. imho they should offer newer kernels. maybe you can ask and get migrated to a more recent host17:08
squintycromagi:  try clicking on it in your file manager.  Software center will handle debs too17:09
squintycromagi:  if it still barfs using gdebi or software center then you may have a corrupt deb17:10
skapismk1l: yeah, so far as I've read now, openvz cannot work yet with 3.x kernels with a full feature set17:10
cromagidpkg: error processing archive foo.deb (--install):17:10
cromagi cannot access archive: No such file or directory17:10
cromagiErrors were encountered while processing:17:10
cromagi foo.deb17:10
pratik_I can use a Windows machine for 10 hours straight without the slightest problem, but after around 15-30 minutes of using ubuntu my eyes become sore and dried out.I currently have 14.04 installed with a dual-boot Windows XP. Same hardware, eyestrain only with ubuntu17:10
cfhowlettcromagi, foo.deb the name of your file?17:11
k1lskapism: hmm, i am not sure. i saw a lot of openvz with 3.xx kernels17:11
cromagino lol17:11
cromagidpkg: error processing archive teamviewer_10.0.37742_amd64.deb (--install):17:12
cromagi cannot access archive: No such file or directory17:12
cromagiErrors were encountered while processing:17:12
cromagi teamviewer_10.0.37742_amd64.deb17:12
cromagisorry about that ^^ theres the error17:12
skapismk1l: https://openvz.org/Vzctl_for_upstream_kernel17:12
cfhowlettcromagi, in linux-speak "foo" = Placeholder of actual file name17:12
cromagii know17:12
skapismk1l: it claims that just basic functionality is supported17:12
jpds_skapism: Hasn't openvz been killed by lxc?17:12
skapismjpds_: maybe I should start looking for another vps hoster, then.17:12
skapismpity, I've been really content with this one over the years, never had any problems17:13
daftykinsbut a 2.16 kernel in 2015? madness17:13
skapism2.6.32, daftykins17:13
k1lskapism: the wiki page is from january 2014. i dont know if that is still true then. but maybe there is a openvz channel that can make a good answer17:13
daftykinssorry, brain fail.17:13
=== BlackVenom is now known as BlackVenom|Away
skapismk1l: yeah, I'd better ask my host directly what their plans are17:14
cromagiwhat do i do??17:14
daftykinscromagi: don't use 64-bit17:14
skapismhave you got any recommendations for a good no-frills vps provider?17:14
cromagii have 64bit17:15
daftykinsnope that's pretty off topic for this channel17:15
daftykinscromagi: i know - and i'm saying try 32-bit teamviewer :)17:15
cromagiokay ;)17:15
k1lskapism: #ubuntu-offtopic might be better for that experience exchange :)17:15
skapismk1l: that sounds good!17:15
cromagidpkg: error processing archive teamviewer_10.0.37742_i386.deb (--install):17:18
cromagi cannot access archive: No such file or directory17:18
cromagiErrors were encountered while processing:17:18
cromagi teamviewer_10.0.37742_i386.deb17:18
EriC^^cromagi: supply the full path to the command17:18
cromagiidk how to "write paths"17:19
EriC^^cromagi: if it's in your Downloads dir type ~/Downloads/teamviewer.....deb17:19
cromagisudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/teamviewer_10.0.37742_i386.deb17:20
EriC^^cromagi: yes17:20
cromagiworked :) thanks17:22
cromagidpkg: error processing package teamviewer (--install):17:22
cromagi dependency problems - leaving unconfigured17:22
cromagiErrors were encountered while processing:17:22
cromagi teamviewer17:22
cromagidang was almost therer17:22
EriC^^cromagi: type dpkg -I ~/Downloads/teamviewer.... | grep Depends17:22
EriC^^install the dependencies then try again17:23
squintycromagi:   <squinty> cromagi:  the software manager or install gdebi.   both will check for dependancy issues too17:23
mustmodifyI'm experiencing an odd, intermitent issue with a server that seems to revolve around files. For instance, tailing a relatively small file just now took several seconds to come up. Same thing happens with vim. Usually things are fast, but occasionally there's a several-second delay. Any thoughts on how I can diagnose this kind of issue?17:23
EriC^^that too ^17:23
daftykinsmustmodify: what kind of server?17:25
cromaginone of those worked17:25
mustmodifydaftykins: ubuntu ... I'll have to look up the version number.17:25
mustmodifyI'm accessing it via ssh17:26
cn28h_mustmodify: local files or are they mounted over nfs/cifs/etc?17:26
mustmodifycn28h_: local17:26
daftykinsmustmodify: i mean physical box vs. VM, running at home or what17:26
mustmodifydaftykins: ah, thanks. Let's see... vm at rackspace17:27
mustmodifyload and memory look good17:27
daftykinsdisk usage?17:28
daftykinsi think you should give them a shout in the first isntance17:28
daftykinsinstance too17:28
mustmodifyI'm not sure how to look at that.17:28
null___The BELL (\a) is off by default at ubuntu, right? How to turn it on?17:29
daftykinsmustmodify: 'df -h'17:29
cromagiwhat do i do?17:33
cromagiIt wont install17:33
daftykinscromagi: i thought you were working on wifi trouble to start with?17:34
pratik_Hi , could you please solve my issue ? Please I beg you!17:34
daftykinswhat's more important here?17:34
pratik_Hi , could you please solve my issue ? Please I beg you!17:34
daftykinspratik_: please don't repeat yourself, it's very irritating17:35
cromagii took a break from it17:35
bkleefDid anybody use mdadm to create RAID sets like ZFS with for example two RAID 6 setups and on top of that RAID 0?17:35
cromagiHow do i fix unmet dependencies?17:35
squintycromagi:  just installed that file using, the software center and my file manager without any problems.  using dpkg is not the recommended method.  as stated before use either the software center or install gdebi.17:35
pratik_I didnt get ANY answer from ANY1.What is this then ?17:35
daftykinspratik_: go look up ways to change your subpixel rendering and ensure you're using the correct resolution for your display17:35
daftykinspratik_: this is a volunteer channel, you are not *owed* help17:35
pratik_its proper resolution17:35
cromagii cant install gdebi either17:36
cromagiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:17:36
cromagi gdebi : Depends: gdebi-core (= but it is not going to be installed17:36
cromagi         Depends: gksu but it is not going to be installed17:36
cromagi         Recommends: libgtk2-perl but it is not going to be installed17:36
cromagi teamviewer : Depends: libc6-i386 (>= 2.4) but it is not going to be installed17:36
cromagi              Depends: lib32asound2 but it is not installable17:36
pratik_subpixel rendering ? how to change it?17:36
daftykinspratik_: that's what you need to look up.17:37
pratik_I thought you guys here are talented and willing to help17:37
nielso is there a way to install the drivers from nvidia and not have it screw the entire DE?17:37
squintycromagi:  and how are you trying to install gdebi?17:38
nielI need the absolute latest drivers from there site17:38
ScuniziI'm trying to find a package that will help me pic complementary colors for a print application.  Any suggestions?17:38
EriC^^cromagi: try the 64bit version17:38
EriC^^( if you're using a 64bit machine )17:38
squintymultiarch version installs without any problems on 14.0417:39
nieleven nvidia-current is super outdated17:39
squintythat package he is trying to install is multiarch17:39
EriC^^squinty: ok17:39
cromagisudo apt-get install gdebi17:40
cromagii tried both versions17:40
=== naw4 is now known as traicovn
daftykinspratik_: i would recommend you don't act entitled in here, i gave you a pointer of what to look up - now you may help yourself :)17:40
cromagiohhh daftykins just burned you lol17:41
daftykinscromagi: please don't comment on other discourse17:41
cromagianyone using the samsung galaxy s3 on straight talk (SCH-S968C) ?17:41
cromagiand does anyone have a fix to my problem? :P17:42
squintycromagi:  all your updates done?17:42
daftykinscromagi: this is not phone support.17:42
null___All you need is love.17:42
cromagii installed updates earlioer17:43
cromagiI just remembered i have to restart my pc17:43
molgrumdoes wine1.6 not come with gnutls? in that case, why not?17:43
naw4join #bullylug17:44
fonsorhi does anyone know if there's a way to start nautilus without the side panel?17:45
MonkeyDustmolgrum  better ask in the wine channel17:45
molgrumMonkeyDust: i did, they told me to speka to the packager :|17:46
MonkeyDustmolgrum  and what did the packager say?17:46
molgrumMonkeyDust: haven't contacted the packager17:46
arcskyanyonw got tightvncserver to work?17:46
MonkeyDustmolgrum  in a terminal type this to find his name    apt-cache show wine17:47
squintyfonsor:  try View -> show side panel  (that option is in Files.. not sure about Nautilus)17:48
trismmolgrum: it is a dep of the package (well recommend), is something not working?17:48
molgrumtrism: yeah, http://pastebin.com/6LAy0z8P17:49
molgrumtrying to launch quake live17:49
trismmolgrum: do you have libgnutls26:i386 installed?17:50
molgrumtrism: yes17:50
=== carlgo11_away is now known as carlgo11
RagingBuddhaHey guys, where do I find programs in Ubuntu? I would like to add a few to Startup Applications, but no clue where they are located (Skype, Pidgin etc.)17:52
cromagiok i finished installing my updates and i still get the same errors17:52
queyi hava javafx compilation problem . http://pastebin.com/eNrdGnr017:53
queyCan anyone help?17:53
cromagiwhat do i do?17:53
daftykinsquey: you probably want a java development channel17:54
daftykinsdevelopment is off topic here17:54
queyi have write there but no answer17:54
daftykinsquey: then you must be patient there, whether it's #java or ##java or what17:54
cgtAnyone got experience (good/bad) with Asus Z97-AR under Linux?17:55
cromagihow do i install gdebi?17:55
cgtcromagi: sudo apt-get install gdebi17:55
daftykinscgt: very unlikely to find someone with the same hardware, standard sense applies - try to get a board with intel NICs and not realtek ones17:56
daftykins(or those silly 'killer NICs'17:56
cgtYeah it's got an Intel NIC. It does say "turboLAN" though... sounds suspicious. I'll look it up.17:57
daftykinsprobably some silly Asus tech claiming speed improvements :)17:57
cgtYeah, I know some of their ROG boards have silly stuff like that17:57
cromagii get errors with that17:59
smurfyhow do you configure lynx as to where it saves files to?17:59
cgtcromagi: what errors?18:00
Radihi guys18:00
Radii need some help installing wine properly18:00
cromagiunmet dependencies wherever i go!18:00
Semiautomatici never had a problem installing wine18:01
Semiautomaticjust apt-get18:01
null___apt-get moo18:03
=== Artpicre is now known as Guest354
cgtcromagi: It would help if you pasted the exact error you get on paste.ubuntu.com18:05
OerHekscromagi, so you are installing on a samsung galaxy s3?18:05
cromagion ubuntu18:05
OerHekscromagi, oke, normally an unmet dependencie error says "sudo apt-get install -f"18:06
=== Guest39108 is now known as Damier
=== Damier is now known as Guest4278
arcskywith this i get only grey color when i connect: tightvncserver :0  -geometry 1920x1080 -depth 24 -dpi 9618:08
OerHeksarcsky, try without -depth 24 ?18:08
=== Ben65 is now known as Guest37963
quey_ /msg nickserv help register18:10
quey_how to conect ##java?18:10
cromagii installed gdebi18:11
cromaginow what18:11
arcskyOerHeks: ok now i got it to work. next question, why do i only see a terminal and a window manger? also why cant it be so nice screen quality since its only on my LAN?18:12
=== Mish|Basenflavor is now known as Mish|BRB
cromagiwhen installing teamviewer with gdebi18:16
cromagiThis package is uninstallable18:16
cromagiDependency is not satisfiable: lib32asound218:16
beasthi fader, still at hosp ?18:17
quey_how to join #java?18:17
null___ /join #java18:17
beastactually not in town.18:18
quey_i need invited18:18
daftykinsquey_: it's probably ##java18:18
quey_doesnt exist18:19
ppfit's ##java18:19
daftykinsquey_: any network problems, please ask for support in #freenode18:19
LurkAshFlakehow do i access the content of my cd-drive in a terminal?18:19
quey_ ##java :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services18:20
squintyquey_:  joining #java here automatically sends me to join ##java18:20
=== swordsmanz is now known as hugbot
Pici!register | quey_18:20
ubottuquey_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:20
LurkAshFlakesquinty same channel18:20
=== Locke2002 is now known as Guest16641
squintyLurkAshFlake:  that is exactly my point. :P18:20
daftykinsLurkAshFlake: you should see a mounted disc path from "df -h" then you can change to its' path18:20
daftykins(assuming it's desktop that auto mounted the disc)18:21
=== quey_ is now known as quey
LurkAshFlakeis there a tool to get a .iso file out of a CD?18:24
LurkAshFlakewell yes there is but.. anyway18:25
null___Hm. How to trick firefox to open irc:// links with irssi? Any idea?18:25
=== quey is now known as s
=== s is now known as quey
tewardnull___: you'd need a GUI hook that executes irssi in certain parameters - irssi is CLI so i don't think by default there's any kind of application integration there18:27
=== quey is now known as quey94
=== Garmageddon is now known as Nubville
kbrosnannull___: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Register_protocol18:28
null___Thought about to automatic run urxvt with irssi. I'll check mighty google.18:28
null___Oh, thanks.18:28
squintynull___:  there is also a firefox channel here on freenode    #firefox18:30
RaptureI'm trying to figure out why my logrotate isn't kicking in for a set of logs. I have it set to daily and when I do a dry run it says "log does not need rotating" when I check the status the date of the logs it well over a day old (2014-12-16-6:0:0). Any help on why it's not working?18:30
=== Mr-Potter is now known as Guest64771
Rapturewhy I run it with -f I get error: error creating output file /var/log/mylog/mylog.log-20150125.gz: File exists18:32
=== Guest64771 is now known as Mark-Potter
breadmonsterOkay, so I have a slight problem booting.18:33
=== quey is now known as grisza
breadmonsterI gave my laptop to the HP service center, and they opened it up and booted it with a spare HDD, which completely changed my motherboard values, I think.18:34
breadmonsterSo I ran boot repair on a live CD.18:34
daftykinsthat doesn't seem a wise move18:35
breadmonsterthis is the log file: paste.ubuntu.com/996064618:35
breadmonsterdaftykins: I had Ubuntu installed before.18:35
maelztromSo, I bumpbed my 12.04.? to HWE to get the 3.8 kernel (docker installation instrutions for precise).  I'd like to back out of this. hwe-support-status command  told me -- check out the wiki at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/1204_HWE_EOL18:35
maelztromthe wiki told me:  "the hwe-support-status tool will tell you what you need to do"18:35
daftykinsmaelztrom: yeah you can't install 3.8 on precise, that's an old EOL kernel :)18:36
maelztromhow the heck do I get my kernel back to 3.2 series...?18:36
daftykinsmaelztrom: ls /boot, confirm you still have 3.2 kernels, then just purge the 3.8 ones18:36
breadmonsterdaftykins: now I'm back on Windows. GRUB just doesn't show up.18:36
breadmonsterCan anyone give me a hand?18:37
daftykinsbreadmonster: looks like you just need to reinstall GRUB18:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:37
maelztromthat simple daftykins?  heck... thought it was like switching me up to some pseudo distro.  Thanks18:37
breadmonsterdaftykins: I already ran boot-repair once...18:37
breadmonsterLike five minutes ago.18:37
daftykinsmaelztrom: nah, just kernel packages and some xorg packages - but that only matters if it's a desktop18:38
maelztromdaftykins: standard dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?18:40
daftykinswat, so it is a desktop?18:40
maelztrom(of course)18:40
daftykinsthere's no of course about that :>18:40
daftykinswhat did you initially run to install the raring HWE?18:41
maelztrom sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-raring linux-headers-generic-lts-raring18:41
daftykinsoh and no depends?18:41
maelztromsudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-raring xserver-xorg-lts-raring libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-raring18:41
daftykinsah :P18:41
daftykinsoh dear oh dear oh dear18:42
maelztromdid the reboot, looked at the new shiny, saw a million other things break, got the HWE warning and said "wow, I think I should have made a fresh backup"18:42
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.18:47
* Mark-Potter tests it18:49
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.18:49
breadmonsterdaftykins: Did you have a look at the boot-repair logs?18:50
daftykinsyes but i'm not that hot with them18:50
breadmonsterDo you know who I can ask/18:51
beastwas wondering about it, still wating...18:51
daftykinsbeast: about what?18:51
daftykinsbreadmonster: actually... go into your system's EFI (the BIOS setup) and make sure the boot device is set to the hard disk instead of 'Windows Boot Manager' or whatever the exact name is18:52
breadmonsterHow do I do that?18:52
daftykinswhat brand did you say it is?18:52
daftykinshmm, something like F12 on boot at the logo to enter setup, it should say on-screen18:53
breadmonsterdaftykins: Yup.18:53
daftykinsbeast: do you have a support question or not?18:54
maelztrommany thanks daftykins, lurking in hopes of pay-it-forward18:54
nafacUbuntu eat my socks, I can do anything three keypresses with my brand new debian openbox development ide.19:02
kristoffelloosDoes anyone have a solution, I'm trying to stream Linux games from my one Ubuntu pc to another one, who does this, and what app are you using for this?19:02
__raven_14.04.1 servr with encrypted home: some things and the ssh key auth fail often. how to solve that properly - timeout of ecryptfs access?19:04
murdravicnafac: Ubuntu thinks my usb wired game controller is wireless. Anyone out there can help me fix this, it'd be much appreciated. I'm going slightly mad.19:04
pragmaticenigmamurdravic, does the controller work?19:05
pbxkristoffelloos, it's possible i'm just ignorant, but i have no idea what you mean by "stream" a game.  are you trying to do screen capture?  file transfer? the answer may not be game-specific. spell it out a little more, including saying what you tried and specificlally how it didn't meet your needs19:06
murdravicpragmaticenigma:  Should.  I just bought it. I got it t configure in debian, but I don't think it saved. And wouldn't work in mupen.19:07
nafacbuy XBOX hoh19:07
Mark-Potternafac: STFU19:07
kristoffelloospbx my one pc has a good video card  etc, the other one in my living room is a older one, can't handle modern games, Steam inhouse gaming stream only works from Windows to Linux. I want a solution so I can game on my older pc true the stronger one ;-)19:08
pbxkristoffelloos, good clarification, thanks.  sounds like maybe steam support would be worth hitting up as well19:09
murdravicCorrect if wrong-- xbox one has regular console connecter?  xbox 360 is usb?19:09
nafachack the controller19:09
nafacflash bash boom19:10
daftykinsmurdravic: xbox360 controllers are wired and wireless. the wireless one is USB connectable but does not send data over USB, therefore can't be used without a wireless dongle. the wired one is USB, yes. the xbox one controller is microUSB connectable and works wired (not sure about with Linux)19:11
OerHeksi read that xbox360 controller is supported in 3.18 kernel, without vibro http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/12/linux-kernel-3-18-released-whats-new19:11
daftykinsnafac: since you do not use ubuntu and are not here for a support question, please remain silent otherwise you can talk in #ubuntu-offtopic19:11
kristoffelloos@pbx Steam isn't there yet, I'm looking for another solution like a kind of rdp, vnc or x11 solution on high framerate and sound support19:12
pragmaticenigmamurdravic, If the controller is working, even though it thinks it is wireless, that is okay. Sometimes the driver will claim it's wireless when it really isn't.19:12
murdravicdaftykins: So xB1 micro, xB360 reb19:12
daftykins'reb' ?19:12
murdravicer,,, reg-ular19:13
=== BlackVenom|Away is now known as BlackVenom
crazyhead42I'm trying to figure out how to open the filecabnet to specific pages using the shell (so that I can see what type of files are in the directory I am viewing. ps ux gives me waaaayy too much information and I can't Identify the the program. How should I go about identifying it?19:14
murdravicSo two people responded. Who is primary?19:14
daftykinsprimary? explain19:15
daftykinscrazyhead42: as in you're trying to find out which program is the file browser? nautilus if this is unity19:15
daftykinsso perhaps "nautilus ." for current working directory19:16
crazyhead42... umm... how do I identify if I'm using unity?19:16
daftykinsyou see all the icons on the left of the screen in a vertical toolbar19:16
RussianAggi use windows XP19:16
murdravicdaftykins:  Neh Mine I'll just broadcast. Is it established I have xbox 360 controller> Would It matter?19:16
MonkeyDustcrazyhead42  taksbar to the  left?19:16
RussianAggpirate version19:16
RussianAggi dont pay for soft19:16
daftykinsmurdravic: i can't understand you :)19:16
rwwRussianAgg: My condolences. Is there an Ubuntu technical support question we can help you with?19:17
DJonesRussianAgg: ok, but how is that relevant to Ubuntu19:17
crazyhead42Yes. I believe so.19:17
MonkeyDustcrazyhead42  what do you see?19:17
RussianAggubunti is it sex form ? like 69 ?19:17
RussianAggWHAT THE FUKC19:18
MonkeyDustRussianAgg  please leave19:18
murdravicJudging by the connecter type, do I have xbox 360 controller?? Does it even matter??19:18
DJonesRussianAgg: This is an ubuntu support channel, please stay on topic19:18
RussianAggagainst russia?19:18
DJones!guidelines | RussianAgg19:18
ubottuRussianAgg: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:18
RussianAggwhy do you use it shiit?19:19
OerHeksRussianAgg, join #ubuntu-ru for more fun.19:19
crazyhead42Umm, well it's got the search thing on top, the terminal button, the files button, then a bunch of other squares19:19
daftykinsmurdravic: you can tell the controller version from pictures online. only the wired xbox 360 controller works without a wireless dongle (the USB cable cannot be removed from the controller end)19:19
MonkeyDustcrazyhead42  which of these is it? http://imgur.com/a/9iaLJ#cMfLqdM19:19
MonkeyDustok, that's unity, the default19:20
crazyhead42but how do I find that stuff out?19:21
murdravicThen, since my usb cable removes from both ends, it must be xbox 1?19:21
daftykinscrazyhead42: you saw me say it's nautilus right?19:21
MonkeyDustcrazyhead42  by getting used to it, by using it, like you got used to windows or mac19:21
crazyhead42Yes, but what I want is not the fish, but rather how to fish (pardon the poorly used metaphor)19:22
daftykinsmurdravic: does it look like this? maybe in white? http://www.gamerzicon.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Xbox-360-Play-and-charge-Kit.png19:22
__raven_14.04.1 servr with encrypted home: some things and the ssh key auth fail often. how to solve that properly - timeout of ecryptfs access?19:23
daftykinsmurdravic: this is an xbox 360 controller above an xbox one controller: http://gameswallpaperhd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/xbox-one-controller-colorsxbox-one--xbox-360-controller-comparison-e4qyagwz.jpg19:23
MonkeyDust!manual | crazyhead42 start here19:23
ubottucrazyhead42 start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:23
Bashing-om!manual | crazyhead4219:24
ubottucrazyhead42: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:24
murdravicdaftykins:  It does not. The cable is standard, with regular usb connector on one end, and micro-usb on the other. And the controller has one micro-usb port, and one (I think mini?) usb port.19:25
murdravicAnd cable and controller are both black19:25
crazyhead42ah, yes. That thing. I'm still learning how to navigate it. And generally failing.19:25
daftykinsmurdravic: so which pic?19:25
daftykinsbottom one, xbox one controller, presumably19:25
kirkland__raven_: disable automatic unmounting19:26
murdravicdaftykins:  Your web link showed only one pic...19:26
daftykinsmurdravic: yeah i meant which one in the pic :)19:26
Bashing-omcrazyhead42: Another guide I like: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Trusty .19:27
__raven_kirkland: how to do that?19:28
murdravicdaftykins: er... and there's... only one cable? Looks like some kindof cap, aswell... I dunno...19:28
crazyhead42So there aren't commands to see what was activated by the GUI?19:28
daftykinsmurdravic: *facepalm* are you unable to compare what you have in front of you with a picture online?19:28
daftykinsmurdravic: anyway it sounds like you have an xbox one controller. see the picture for proof19:29
michaelaguiarCan someone give me a quick hand on a software raid?19:29
daftykins!details | michaelaguiar19:29
ubottumichaelaguiar: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)19:29
michaelaguiarI have a 24 disk raid array.  2 of them had some superblock issue, and now I have some corrupt files.  I was able to mark those 2 drives as spares, and mount the drive to log back into it19:29
michaelaguiarBut now, I need to move the two spares back onto the array, with hopes that it will fix my corrupt files19:29
murdravicdaftykins:  That is the definitive difference? The cable in the pic is xbox360?19:30
=== BlackVenom is now known as BlackVenom|Away
kirkland__raven_: rm -f $HOME/.ecryptfs/auto-umount19:30
murdravicThen yes, mine is xbox 119:30
=== arun_ is now known as arunpyasi
divBy0hey, im trying to access a camera feed at mydlink.com and on firefox and chrome it's saying jre is not installed and java is not showing up in either browser's about:plugins. from terminal java -version says java is up to date19:31
murdravicdoes xboxdrv or ubuntu-xboxdrv work in xbox 1?19:32
daftykinsmurdravic: look at the guide button on each, they're pretty hugely different19:33
__raven_kirkland: ok tnx19:36
=== Fusl_ is now known as Fusl
kbrosnandivBy0: you will need to install the java plugin. it is a separate package. note java is a npapi plugin it will only work in Firefox these days19:36
murdravicdoes xboxdrv or ubuntu-xboxdrv work in xbox 1?19:36
divBy0kbrosnan, what is npapi?19:36
daftykinsdivBy0: mozilla plugin system19:37
daftykins(technically netscape)19:37
divBy0kbrosnan, daftykins thx && cheers19:37
murdravicdaftykins:  At least I've completely identified it. Finally. It's an xbox 360.19:42
daftykinsmurdravic: yay :)19:43
murdravicdaftykins:  Can you help me set it up as xbox 1?19:43
daftykinsno, you can't make a controller into another model19:43
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
murdravicdaftykins:  Dafty... the cable in your web link pic looks nothing like mine. I was testing. I have the xbox 1 controller. Could you help me to set it up?19:45
daftykinsmurdravic: deliberate attempts to mislead me don't really put me in a charitable mood. goodbye now19:46
murdravicWell... (CENSORED)19:47
murdravic(Really Long Rant... Self-Censored)19:49
michaelaguiarI had 2 drives on a 24 drive array suddently return a no superblock error.  I moved these drives to SPARES, and was able to mount my raid again, but I have a ton of corrupt files.  Any ideas how to get my files back?19:49
daftykinsmichaelaguiar: did you look at their SMART data to see if they had failed?19:50
michaelaguiardaftykins: How can I check that?19:50
daftykinsmichaelaguiar: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools" then "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX | pastebinit"19:50
daftykinswhere sdX is the chosen disk19:50
daftykins(they'll need to be attached to a controller that allows direct querying)19:51
michaelaguiardaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9962090/19:51
michaelaguiarther eis one of them19:51
WR-StoneI have an issue with PBIS Open and a Windows domain in Azure.  Anyone have any experience?  And yes, I'm aware that Azure sucks.  ;)19:52
murdravicdaftykins:  You know... I thought we,d established it to be Not xbox 360. You took so long getting back, I just thought I'd playfully nudge...19:52
michaelaguiardaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9962122/  there is the other19:53
daftykinsmurdravic: no, you weren't clear. now excuse me, i'm helping people who make sense19:53
murdravicthen you must not be reading fast enough. Thanks for anotherfailure.19:54
michaelaguiardaftykins: Here is one more, that I was suspicious about, but it mounted with the rest of the array fine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9962129/19:54
daftykinsmichaelaguiar: the first two show some errors at the bottom, but the SMART data tables are clean. the last one you link, has 1483 reallocated sectors on line 64 and is definitely 100% faulty, you should RMA that drive if you're in warranty19:56
AkivaAvrahamis there an icon for Ubuntu Touch?19:56
michaelaguiardaftykins: Ok so the first two are fine, it’s the last one that is my problem19:56
daftykinsmichaelaguiar: no, the first two show errors that i have not seen before, so they require more testing19:57
michaelaguiardaftykins: Oh ok19:57
daftykinsmichaelaguiar: how did you determine you have corrupt data? did you fsck the volume after mounting with 2 missing disks?19:58
michaelaguiardaftykins: I mounted the full array, then try to open my files, and they are corrupt19:58
daftykinsah, what RAID mode does it use?19:58
michaelaguiarRAID 1019:58
daftykinshmm 1TB disks are tiny for using 24 with :D19:59
michaelaguiardaftykins: Yea, I didn’t set this raid up, and it’s a mess right now.20:00
michaelaguiardaftykins: Any idea if I can fix my corrupt files, or are they pretty much lost?20:00
daftykinsmichaelaguiar: your #1 priority is restoring the array, worry about the data after that :) the first two suspect drives i would zero fill then check their SMART data again... ("dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=2M" on another system preferably) then if they are clean, try returning them to the array and rebuilding it. replace the definitely faulty one and rebuild it too20:01
=== dtscode is now known as notdtscode
=== notdtscode is now known as dtscode
amalThank you20:07
amalI was wondering about the backdoors in ubunty20:07
amalcan someone help me out with that20:07
freerouteamal: sure, I'll contact the NSA so they can get in touch with you20:10
freeroutedon't worry, they already have your contact details20:10
LurkAshFlakeWhat do i use to open .pdf20:11
LurkAshFlakeokular didn't work20:11
michaelaguiarI am trying to run “sudo mke2fs -n /dev/sdy1” — but it keeps telling me this drive is in use.  How do I force it to stop?20:13
michaelaguiarmadadm —stop /dev/md0 doesn’t work either, says busy20:13
tflgen2Hi, I'm trying to boot ubuntu with an NFS root. My initrd seems to not like that and keeps bailing out with a unknown block error. Anyone willing to help guide me?20:21
steven__Question! Why can I not do a dual boot with Windows? Ubuntu already installed on system. I want to install Windows now and then Ubuntu over this one. My Win CD will not boot.20:25
=== marcus_ is now known as Guest82027
k1lsteven__: choose the cd in boot menu order20:26
steven__That does not seem to work20:26
steven__I hit F12 and choose CD20:26
tflgen2steven__: disconnect the hard drive and try again. Make sure your windows install is bootable20:27
k1lsteven__: maybe the cd is corrupted. if you choose the cd and it doesnt work its more a windows issue since in bios state ubuntu doesnt touch anything20:27
steven__When I disconnect the hard drive do you mean to unplug the SATA cable from the motherboard?20:28
BluesKaj_steven__, is thei s a laptop? if so try Fn+F220:28
tflgen2steven__: either from the mobo or the hdd, doesn't matter which end20:28
steven__Shutdown. Unplug. Unplug SATA cable. Replug cable. Plug and power up. Nothing else to it?20:28
steven__I just want to make sure I have it clear20:29
tflgen2steven__: shutdown, unplug power cable, unplug sata cable, replug power, boot20:29
BluesKaj_tflgen2, that never worked for me20:29
tflgen2BluesKaj_: what didn't nfs root?20:29
steven__Why must I disconnect the hard drive though? Why will that work?20:29
tflgen2steven__: this is just to test if your disc is good20:30
k1lsteven__: honestly: you dont need to. if you choose the "cd" in the boot menu and it doesnt work the cd is wrong.20:30
k1lsteven__: so make sure the cd works20:30
tflgen2looks like he (steven) has one box20:31
=== _morsnowski is now known as morsnowski
bweHi, lightdm on my Ubuntu 14.10 (upgraded to Xubuntu) fails to start: http://sprunge.us/hGLI Where can I search for the root of this undesired behavior?20:35
stryngsWould upgrading dpkg break a system?20:36
stryngson an old ubuntu for instance20:36
stryngsto a newer dpkg than what apt wants?20:36
Darknetwhy would you not upgrate your ubuntu20:36
Darknetupgrade *20:36
stryngsjust a random question =)20:36
stryngsIt's moreso for the maemo system on my n90020:36
stryngsjust curious if its as intrical as libc6 for instance20:36
bweI've went through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM#Help.2C_I_can.27t_see_my_Desktop.21 w/out any success.20:38
=== AlexStraunoff is now known as Nikolai
xaris virt-manager and KVM are better than Virtualbox, please?20:40
tflgen2xar: depends on what you want to do20:40
=== Nikolai is now known as StephanWalker
xartflgen2, would you please detail your answer?20:41
k1lxar: virtualbox is very userfriendly for the regular user20:42
xark1l, I don't think that it's that userfriendly, look at this post of mine http://askubuntu.com/questions/578546/how-to-fix-virtualbox?noredirect=1#comment799171_57854620:43
tflgen2xar: if you are looking to virtualize many headless boxes and utilize primarily linux guests, my vote is for KVM. Windows guests and the occasional VM, I vot vbox20:43
xark1l, this error remains unresolved20:43
daftykinsthat looks like you just don't have the product installed, nor the kernel module loaded20:44
k1lxar: how did you install virtualbox?20:44
bweOkay, I have it: Failed to load modue "nvidia" (module does not exist). How can I switch to nouveau?20:44
=== Smrtz|Lab is now known as UASLab
k1lyes, i think there is the kernel module missing. like missing kernel headers or a wrong install20:45
daftykinsbwe: it would have automatically were it installed. read the whole of /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:45
xark1l, using ubuntu's app manager20:45
k1lxar: "dpkg -l | grep virtualbox"20:46
bwedaftykins: Thanks :)20:46
xark1l, I didn't download it, I've just installed it from the app manager20:46
vassagusIs there any open source software free to use for bandwidth shaping?. I'm using shorewall as firewall and squid as proxy. Not sure if I can do that with squid.20:46
vassagus*easy to use, not free to use.20:47
ubottutony_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:48
bwedaftykins: However, xserver-xorg-video-nouveau is installed: http://sprunge.us/KABK20:49
daftykinsbwe: why have you added roughly one million kernel parmeters to your boot line?20:50
daftykinsbwe: there's nothing wrong with nouvea, it's being used :)20:51
bwedaftykins: What's my problem?20:51
daftykinsbwe: not X as far as i can tell. it's whatever is up with your lightdm / user config. check ~/ for any files not owned by your user20:52
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bwedaftykins: chowning the content of ~ to the $user did not solve the issue, hrmpf.20:54
daftykinsbwe: oh dear, the shotgun approach. very unwise20:54
xarcan someone help me on this please http://askubuntu.com/questions/578546/how-to-fix-virtualbox?noredirect=1#comment799171_578546?20:55
daftykinsxar: k1l asked you to run a command. you cannot progress until you do that20:55
xardaftykins, I did that20:56
daftykinswhere's the pastebin'd result?20:56
bwedaftykins: .Xauthority is owned by the user and is set to 177. Is that correct?20:56
daftykinsbwe: pass.20:56
xark1l, here is the result http://pastebin.com/8GP9q2Rc20:56
daftykins'1' sounds wrong20:56
daftykinsthat would be execute 0o20:56
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beasthi all !20:58
bwedaftykins: Seems to me https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/87166720:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 871667 in Light Display Manager ".Xauthority sometimes owned by root, which blocks login" [Undecided,New]20:59
beasthi fader20:59
xardaftykins, so? any suggestion, please?20:59
daftykinsbwe: that's not a bug, that's usually a case of users running startx as root or with sudo, which is unwise. have you done that?20:59
daftykinsxar: no20:59
bwedaftykins: no20:59
michaelaguiarI am trying to mdadm —stop /dev/md0 — but it keeps telling me cannot get exclusive access20:59
michaelaguiarhow can I get past this and stop it?20:59
bwedaftykins: How can I remove all user settings and get a clean, fresh setup for Xubuntu with lightdm on my system without re-installing the complete system?21:00
daftykinsbwe: create a new user and test it21:00
bwedaftykins: Fine. I start lightdm with   sudo start lightdm    correct?21:02
beasti was wandering, still wating21:02
daftykinsbwe: or sudo service lightdm start21:02
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daftykinsor restart21:02
bwedaftykins: I get Failed to apply ACL on /dev/dri/card1: No such file or directory21:02
OerHeksxar, when vbox complaints about 'WORLD_WRITABLE' that is bad, seems like vbox, or its vm is writable 77721:04
bwedaftykins: (having added a user before)21:04
daftykinsbwe: sorry, not familiar with that21:04
OerHeksmaybe a backup vm restored with wrong permissions, from ntfs to ext421:04
xarOerHeks, so how do I to fix that? I've tried to reinstall it, but, nothing has changed.21:05
xarOerHeks, I think that I need to delete some config files which vbox doesn't remove on its uninstall, but i can't find them21:05
k1lxar: do you have the kernel headers installed for your kernel?21:07
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k1lxar: "uname -a" brings you what?21:07
xark1l, http://pastebin.com/7DsJ3TJ721:08
bwedaftykins: It's .Xauthority file permissions. As unwise as you know me, I have deleted it without knowing what I am doing. How can I create it?21:08
daftykinsbwe: what is?21:08
OerHeksthat .Xauthority will be re-created when you reboot,21:08
k1lxar: "dpkg -l | grep linux-headers"21:09
michaelaguiarcan anyone tell me how to mdadm stop /dev/md0 ???  It keeps telling me it cant get exclusive access21:10
nicholasserraHello. Not sure where to ask this. Are there release notes for new ubuntu AMIs released for EC2? I see they release them often, but I can't find any changelog. I assume they're security releases. Thanks!21:10
xark1l, http://pastebin.com/AZuWaU3p21:10
michaelaguiarits not mounted21:10
DiyarSpac F U :) You will get the reslt based what you did :) and let her s you d everytime :)21:11
HoenheimWould anyone know if I can install Ubuntu on a 1st gen x1 carbon and use some of the 2nd generations drivers on Ubuntu's website?21:11
k1lxar: ok, so the right linux headers are installed. did you receive an error when installing vbox? and did you restart after the install?21:11
daftykinsHoenheim: just keep the OS up to date, no need to pick and choose drivers. this isn't windows21:11
OerHeksmichaelaguiar, mdadm --stop /dev/md0 # maybe?21:12
Diyaremma spac :) it's was taste Opertoin System?21:12
xark1l, I didn't got any error on the installation, it occurs when I try to launch start one vm21:12
Hoenheimalrighty, thanks ^_^21:12
bweOerHeks: Thanks. So who the heck changes the permissions of .Xauthority if not me?21:12
michaelaguiarOerHeks: Oh I know the command, it keeps telling me it cant get exclusive access21:12
michaelaguiarmdadm: Cannot get exclusive access to /dev/md0:Perhaps a running process, mounted filesystem or active volume group?21:12
Diyarspac emma .. I think you are need connecting between the wireless with different band I mean spac you use /b and let emma use /n because emma doing for everyone sharing connection wihtout drivers21:14
OerHeksbwe that error is a known bug, from an update/upgrade.21:14
k1lxar: did you mess with the file permissions anywhere in the system?21:14
xark1l, nope21:14
michaelaguiarOerHeks: any idea how I can stop this damn thing?21:14
k1lxar: what is the output of "groups" in terminal?21:14
bweOerHeks: How old is that bug?21:14
xark1l, http://pastebin.com/m2NyP96N21:15
bwe(There should be some automatic cross-checking of my logfiles against known bug reports, the syslog should print: YOU HAVE BUG #XXXX.)21:15
OerHeksmichaelaguiar, dunno, do you think the disc went bad?21:15
k1lxar: vboxusers  missing as group21:15
Diyarspac even you have been protect but you need warry from your security system maybe something wrong with is reason some spam/ troll through it :)21:16
xark1l, how may I fix that? would that be the cause of the error?21:16
Diyarworry * spac21:16
k1lDiyar: please stop that in here21:17
Diyark1l, it's not technical support for ubuntu?21:17
k1lxar: your user seems not to have the rights to run vbox since its not member of the group21:17
Diyark1l, I help them with networking21:17
Diyarthey have issue with ping between two IPs k1l21:17
xark1l, but I'm the only root21:18
k1lDiyar: there are no messages from them in here. so please stop that.21:18
k1lxar: what? you are using root?21:18
Diyark1l, they left to me before and now I am reply.. sorry for late21:18
xark1l, i used to launch vms using the same user before until that error begins to occur21:19
k1lxar: put your user into the vboxusers group. then relogin to make sure the group is loaded. then try again21:19
michaelaguiarI get this error21:20
xark1l, okay21:20
michaelaguiarmdadm: /dev/md0 has failed so using --add cannot work and might destroy21:20
michaelaguiarmdadm: data on /dev/sdb1.  You should stop the array and re-assemble it.21:20
OerHeksthat would explain why, k1l +121:20
michaelaguiarBut it wont let me stop it!!!   How can I fix?21:20
Diyar:) brb .. take off from technology enjoy really life21:20
k1lxar: "sudo adduser $USER vboxusers "21:21
RagingBuddhaIs it possible to "fill up" Linux' copy-paste ability? I wanna move 7 GB worth of photos from external disk to HHD and it's just doing nothing :/21:21
OerHeksk1l, just beiing user should solve it i guess :-D21:21
daftykinsRagingBuddha: no, it might just be thinking21:21
xark1l, (y)21:21
daftykinsxar: you were root the whole time? oh dear :(21:22
xardaftykins, nope21:22
michaelaguiarmdadm wont stop my array, and im losing my mind21:22
RagingBuddhadaftykins: I was renaming bounch of folders and then ctrl+c and ctrl+v stopped working and I had to do it only by mouse (c/p). And now when I closed "Files" and reopened folders it's copying. Is it normal to be this buggy or am I to blame?21:23
daftykinsRagingBuddha: pass.21:24
daftykinsgameshow pass, i don't know21:24
xark1l, it still the same :p21:25
=== BlackVenom|Away is now known as BlackVenom
pragmaticenigmaRagingBuddha, it's not buggy. You are trying to transfer several gigs of data. moving that volume of data takes a few moments for the system to analyse before it will actually move anything. It would have been wise to start with a couple files first, then start moving more of them21:26
k1lxar: ok, does vboxusers appear in "groups"?21:26
xark1l, yes http://pastebin.com/BKzB5cTN21:26
k1lxar: then please make a right click on the VM you want to start and then choose "show log" please show the log21:27
pragmaticenigmaRagingBuddha, leave it be for a while, if you have something like nmon installed you can see if there is any disk activity21:27
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xark1l, http://pastebin.com/UsGN42cL21:27
RagingBuddhapragmaticenigma: it copied em once I closed and opened Files. But now I can't rename folder in my "Pictures". It's not saying I don't have permission, it's just ignoring my keyboard.21:28
michaelaguiarAnyone here know how to stop an mdadm array?21:28
michaelaguiarI know the command - but it keeps telling me I don’t have exclusive access21:28
k1lxar: "World writable: '/usr'"21:29
=== BlackVenom is now known as BlackVenom|Away
pragmaticenigmaRagingBuddha, if the system isn't doing anything, you might want to try rebooting...21:29
k1lxar: you seem to have messed with your file permissions :/ ?21:29
Josh1503Can anyone help me with sudo wget? Trying to use it to create a file but it's incorrectly naming the file21:29
pragmaticenigmaJosh1503, please show us the command you are using21:29
xark1l, i don't remember doing that21:29
Josh1503pragmaticenigma: sudo wget -0 /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-rat5.conf https://iam.tj/projects/misc/rat5.conf21:30
k1lxar: "ls -al /"21:30
Josh1503It's for problems I've been having with my mouse not targetting the top window21:31
xark1l, http://pastebin.com/Ni0T7UQa21:31
k1lxar: yes, too much folders have write acces. the permissions are a mess.21:31
k1lxar: seems like you did a chmod 777 on several folders21:32
pragmaticenigmaJosh1503,  change the zero into the capital letter 'O'21:32
k1lxar: sudo chmod o-w /usr21:32
Josh1503Aaaaah ok, thanks. Will try it21:32
Josh1503If I can get into terminal -_-21:32
k1lxar: that will fix that vbox issue. but i would consider a reinstall of the system since a lot permissions are wrong and that is not fixable.21:32
xark1l, it WORKS !!!21:33
pragmaticenigmaJosh1503, if your terminal window is open, you can use Alt + Tab to switch to that window21:33
xark1l, I haven't understood why the error triggers when the write permission is enabled21:33
xark1l, thank you so much!21:33
Josh1503Yeah I know :P Used windows key & searched for it21:33
k1lxar: that is the error. your file-permissions give all access to any program. your system is very vulnerable21:34
pragmaticenigmaWhat's a windows key? :-P21:34
Josh1503Ok I think I just need to delete the other duplicates, how would I do that in Terminal? :321:35
schoppenhauerhello. how can I configure kde to do pm-suspend-hybrid instead of pm-suspend and pm-hibernate? (or at least give me an option to do so?)21:35
pragmaticenigmaJosh1503, I'm not sure if you posted more details about the situation than I saw. Could you explain about the duplicate files?21:37
Josh1503I'll pm you :P21:37
daftykins!ask | cromagi21:43
ubottucromagi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:43
=== imbezol_ is now known as imbezol
cromagihaha i just do it to annoy :P21:43
cromagiHow to get better quality on web players?21:43
minas114where are .tff fonts stored?21:44
imbezollocate ttf21:44
minas114is that a command?21:44
MonkeyDustminas114  yes21:44
OerHeksminas114, depends, for user or systemwide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts21:44
minas114thanks :)21:46
bellowI am trying to reprint a couple of picture and the print photo on my printer makes them too small so I was going to scan them but my scan menu has no scan to computer. I press scan menu and get the following can and reprint, Scan to memory card, HP Photosmart Share(which is grayed out) and scan to computer I press down to the scan to computer and i21:47
bellowt says No scan options Refer to device documentation to troubleshoot Press ok to continue. Now I have scanned from this printer before. Is there anyway to get it to scan again. I have the software installed21:47
imbezolbellow: can you print to the printer from your computer?21:49
imbezolbellow: there are a variety of ways to connect to a printer.. wifi.. network.. usb...21:49
bellowCan print to it21:49
imbezolbellow: myself i have mine connected with usb and i can scan simply by running Simple Scan, and hitting the Scan button21:49
OerHekssimplescan is standard installed21:50
imbezoli don't have to touch the printer / scanner to do it21:50
imbezol(other than to put the document on the screen :) )21:50
OerHeksoh, so your issue is the function that sends a scan to the computer21:50
pilsner_I have a disk that i only have a uuid on and no dev on can yoou help me?21:57
MonkeyDustpilsner_  what's the output of   sudo blkid|pastebinit21:58
bellowOerHeks:scan to computer21:59
pilsner_i see the uuid in fstab but not in lshw or blkid22:00
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lotuspsychje!blkid | pilsner_22:02
ubottupilsner_: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)22:02
lotuspsychjepilsner_: maybe check also syslog or dmesg log for HD errors?22:02
pilsner_there was some problem at boot but i dont know the /dev disk only the uuid22:04
lotuspsychjepilsner_: what is an error like press c to continue?22:05
pilsner_BIG S22:05
bweThanks for help, folks.22:05
lotuspsychjepilsner_: sounds like a hd error, check your logs22:06
pilsner_I have the uuid but cant translate to a /dev22:06
lotuspsychjepilsner_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/120/how-do-i-avoid-the-s-to-skip-message-on-boot22:07
MonkeyDustpilsner_  does gparted see the /dev ?22:07
maxadeis there any easy way to oinstall openssl for C programming on Ubuntu?22:08
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maxadei have openssl itself but i want to program with it22:08
pilsner_back soon, have to pee22:09
MonkeyDustpilsner_  too much information22:09
lotuspsychjemaxade: maybe the ##programming guys know this?22:09
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: lol :p22:09
maxadelotuspsychje, everyone throws m,e around22:09
lotuspsychjemaxade: just trying to help your odds22:10
lotuspsychjemaxade: did you check software centre or apt-cache for openssl relevant stuff?22:10
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maxadelotuspsychje, yes22:11
bellowI am trying to reconnect my Magnavox MBP 5120 blu-ray player to my Linksys routers wifi (which I have done before without trouble) and I am getting DHCP cannot be acquired. I have change the IP Address to manual on the blu-ray player without changing the IP address itself and no error. I have checked the routers settings and DHCP is enabled. Is the22:11
maxadei have openssl installed22:11
bellowre a way to fix this?22:11
maxadebut not for programming22:11
lotuspsychjemaxade: not sure wich package you need for that, apt-cache show a whole list22:12
lotuspsychjebellow: check the ##networking channel22:12
bellowlotuspsychje: They will not lt me talk22:13
bellowor help me22:13
ablest1980any programs better then wine for running window programs on ubuntu?22:13
lotuspsychje!info playonlinux | ablest198022:14
ubottuablest1980: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.3-1 (utopic), package size 1103 kB, installed size 4227 kB22:14
lotuspsychjeagent_white: hello mate22:14
schoppenhauer*push* how can I configure kde to do pm-suspend-hybrid instead of pm-suspend and pm-hibernate? (or at least give me an option to do so?)22:14
ablest1980!info playonlinux22:14
ubottuplayonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.3-1 (utopic), package size 1103 kB, installed size 4227 kB22:14
maxadelotuspsychje, building from source, hopefully that works22:15
lotuspsychjemaxade: good luck :p22:15
ablest1980lotuspsychje is playonlinux available at ubuntu software center?22:15
pilsner_bellow ifup ifdown?22:15
lotuspsychjeablest1980: you can sudo apt-get install playonlinux (from terminal)22:15
lotuspsychjeablest1980: wich software are you trying to run on ubuntu?22:16
ablest1980ubuntu software center says playonlinux is a game22:16
lotuspsychjeablest1980: you can install windows software on it also22:17
ablest1980kindle for pc,britannica and esword bible software22:17
lotuspsychjeablest1980: you can check their database online22:17
ablest1980do i need wine then playonliunx?22:18
lotuspsychjeablest1980: if you install it, it will install all depending packages also22:20
pilsner_How do i see a disk not mounted?22:20
ablest1980ok lotus ty22:20
budgwhat the hell, I installed ubuntu, and it has amazon software on it22:21
pilsner_more hell than amazon on it...you have to learn stuff about how computer works22:22
budglike how to uninstall amazon?22:24
k1lbudg: see privacy settings in system settings22:24
pilsner_Nope learn about computers the world will be a better place22:25
k1land fyi, the backing servers are shut down. so its not sending to amazon22:25
Aquaif I do ¨cat /dev/block/mmblck0p25 > mmblck0p25.raw¨, does that clone the partition bit for bit into a raw file?22:25
RagingBuddhaAny photographer?22:25
bellowI am trying to reprint a couple of picture and the print photo on my printer makes them too small so I was going to scan them but my scan menu has no scan to computer. I press scan menu and get the following can and reprint, Scan to memory card, HP Photosmart Share(which is grayed out) and scan to computer I press down to the scan to computer and i22:28
bellowt says No scan options Refer to device documentation to troubleshoot Press ok to continue. Now I have scanned from this printer before. Is there anyway to get it to scan again. I have the software installed22:28
pilsner_Shit im drunk and Swedish22:30
budgubuntu keeps crashing22:30
Aquaif I do ¨cat /dev/block/mmblck0p25 > mmblck0p25.raw¨, does that clone the partition bit for bit into a raw file?22:31
imbezolAqua: use dd22:31
Helperxi have a question would it be bad to use reiserfs for boot partiton for faster boot or ext2?22:31
Aquadd does the same but slower right imbezol ?22:31
Helperxalso is it wrong to use reisefs being that he killed someone idk moral issue22:32
imbezolAqua: i've never seen someone try to copy a partition with cat22:33
daftykinsHelperx: separate /boot is about as much of a waste of time as using reiserfs :)22:33
imbezolAqua: i know that dd was pretty much meant for that22:33
imbezolAqua: it allows you to set your block size, see progress, etc22:33
Waleximbezol: it is just probably a bit slower than 'dd'22:33
Stary2001well now you have22:33
pilsner_ reiserfs for boot partiton for faster boot or ext2.... ill go for ext3.....22:33
Helperxso using a different filsystem for boot wont make it fster?22:33
Helperxalso for root partiton im not sure if i shuld use xfs or jfs?22:34
Aquaah, alright imbezol. well, im using cat atm along with pv for the progress22:34
Helperxwhats faster?22:34
irreveranti have an a ssd driver hooked up through a usb connection22:34
irreverantand i'm running ubuntu in a vmware player22:35
irreveranton my windows box22:35
pilsner_go for ext3 easier to rebuild.......22:35
irreverantis what i'm trying to accomplish22:35
irreveranthow can i navigate in a terminal window to the mounted windows drive?22:35
Aquaimbezol, i need to get a partition of my android phone which wiped itself for some reason. so i can later get the lost files out of the raw file22:35
irreverantit wants me to use nautilus but i don't see it22:35
Helperxaqua are you trying to recover it from the actual internal storage of the android22:36
imbezolAqua: gotcha. ddrescue is also great for backing up partitions with errors22:36
Helperxit can be done i have done it but its a long procedure22:36
bellowI am trying to reconnect my Magnavox MBP 5120 blu-ray player to my Linksys routers wifi (which I have done before without trouble) and I am getting DHCP cannot be acquired. I have change the IP Address to manual on the blu-ray player without changing the IP address itself and no error. I have checked the routers settings and DHCP is enabled. Is the22:36
bellowre a way to fix this?22:36
imbezolAqua: it can be told to skip bad / unreadable blocks etc22:36
daftykinsirreverant: pretty terrible method, there are far easier ways22:36
imbezolAqua: something like cat or regular dd would choke at those spots22:36
agent_whitebellow: Hop into your router and add a DHCP reservation for your bluray player to the IP you gave it.22:37
OerHeksirreverant, changing passwords, tru ubuntu in a VM, on the windows box you want to edit?22:37
irreverantits running windows 822:37
AquaI´m not yet advanced enough to understand all of it. So I´m hoping this just works imbezol....22:37
agent_whiteAqua: Excuses to learn are the best excuses!22:38
imbezolirreverant: it's probably a lot easier to just download a bootable iso made explicitly to do what you're attempting to do22:38
OerHeksthat guide says boot a live iso, not a vm. escaping from a vm is difficult.22:38
pilsner_test freenas22:38
irreveranti tried everything before this method22:39
daftykinsirreverant: that doesn't seem likely given there are easier ways :)22:39
imbezoleverything hey? :)22:39
AquaYeah agent_white. I´ll probably take away the write permissions of the /data/media partition so that I can use my phone safely without destroying bits of leftover data.22:39
irreverantdaftykins, i think i did it successfully22:39
bellowagent_white: Trried that22:39
daftykinsirreverant: why are you here then? if you've done it...22:40
pilsner_Linnnux is the future, but you nead to know what yoour doing....22:40
compdocI am the future22:40
pilsner_im the past and drunk..........22:41
agent_whiteAqua: Sounds like the best option is to just dd the device, then hope for the best :)22:41
daftykins!ot | pilsner_22:41
ubottupilsner_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:41
ablest1980youre past and youre out22:41
irreverantdaftykins, cause i was impatient and wasn't sure, didn't trust myself22:41
irreverantYes I did get it22:41
pilsner_and drunk...22:41
ablest1980drunk as a shunk?22:41
irreverantI was able to unlock the the Local Administrator account for windows 8 and reset the password to blank22:41
agent_whitebellow: Remove the dhcp reservation, remove the ip you assigned to the bluray player, and let dhcp do the work.   Are you familiar with packet capture methods? (tcpdump, wireshark... etc.) It would be very helpful to see what's on the wire.22:42
daftykinsirreverant: then you don't need to be here anymore, Windows talk is off topic here.22:42
bellowagent_white:I have22:42
bellowdoes not help22:42
agent_whitebellow: Have you done a packet capture?22:42
pilsner_ill still tranlata from Swdish to what ewrver this is22:42
agent_whitebellow: You will literally see what the issue is, I guarantee it.22:42
bellowagent_white: I do not know how22:42
Aquaagent_white, are you sure dd does something different than im doing with cat right now? i looked up some differences but it seems to be doing the same, just dd has some extra special options that are rarely used on modern hardware22:43
agent_whitebellow: Are you familiar with wireshark?22:43
daftykinsbellow: you should probably ask this in ##networking since it doesn't have anything to do with ubuntu22:43
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bellowdaftykins: I cannaot ask there22:43
bellow== Cannot send message to channel, you are not voiced22:44
daftykins!register | bellow22:44
ubottubellow: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:44
daftykinsbellow: not registering on freenode does not make all of your questions ubuntu support ones, i'm afraid22:44
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pilsner_uuid to /dev????22:44
agent_whiteAqua: Not sure what `cat` command you're doing... but dd copies blocks, which is (I believe) the 'closest to the metal' copy available on linux.22:44
bellowdaftykins:I am22:44
agent_whiteAqua: So... I would recommend doing both! Your `cat` and `dd` :)22:44
agent_whiteWhy not, eh?22:44
=== StephanWalker is now known as NikkiBenz
sdikaanybody here good with the linux terminal command that can help me?22:45
daftykins!ask | sdika22:45
ubottusdika: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:45
agent_whitesdika: Ask, don't ask to ask!22:45
Aquaalright agent_white. ill lock the /data/media after the cat finished, and then ill do the dd later :). after that ill just unlock it again and use it again because ive made exact copies of them22:46
maxvihow can I disable snapping window in cinnamon DE ? is cinnamon not use compiz ?22:46
Helperxthis channel is ubuntu not linux mint22:47
Aquaagent_white, any recomendations to recover files from the raw file? testdisk maybe?22:47
agent_whiteAqua: Sounds like a plan!  May even be able to skip on the dd once you see how successful the cat worked22:47
daftykinsbellow: anyway, 100% likely is you should reboot that router or re-enter the wireless password as it could be wrong22:47
bellowPassword is right22:47
Aquaagent_white, how do i check how succesful the cat was? by trying to recover files from it?22:48
daftykinsHelperx: who was that comment aimed at? you should use nicknames so everyone knows22:48
maxviHelperx: I am not using mint, I use  cinnamon de but nobody knows nothing about that setting in archlinux, linuxmint, linux channels :(22:48
daftykinsbellow: re-enter it anyway :)22:48
bellowUI HAVE22:48
daftykinsbellow: using caps won't get you anywhere22:48
Helperxi know alot aobut arch linux22:48
agent_whiteAqua: What command are you doing exactly? -- But yup, that's the best way!22:48
sdikatheres a website that has albanian music i want to download, each folder on the website has the songs listed and i have to manually right click save target as to download.... my question is there a easier way to download all the songs in each folder into my music folder using linux terminal??22:49
Helperxi can answer your question maxvi22:49
Aquaagent_white: adb shell su -c "cat /dev/block/mmcblk0p25" | pv > mmcblk0p25.raw22:49
sdikaor better yet download all the songs on the server website onto my harddrive?22:50
maxviHelperx: I saw dconf editor and found nothing about that , I know how I can do it in ccsm (window -> snapping window) but seems like cinnamon don't use it22:50
Helperxwhat are you trying to actually do maxvi22:50
bellowI have to enter the passkey everytime22:51
bellowstill get the error22:51
agent_whiteAqua: Oh! Already dumping blocks there so you'll be fine without dd.  Once it's finished just mount it and check to see if all your files are there :)22:51
daftykinsbellow: that's probably your player's way of saying "no, this is wrong" else it would store it. anyway, off topic here.22:52
bellowIt is not wronf22:52
AquaI did one cat of the full device before this agent_white22:52
maxviHelperx: I try to disable "snapping window" in cinnamon like that checkbox in ubuntu (unity). see "Snapping Window" checkbox https://manijshrestha.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/compiz-win.png22:52
Aquabut testdisk didnt find partitions22:52
Aquaso now i do this one22:52
Aquaall the data got wiped of it after an usb error agent_white22:52
Helperxwhat distro are you using maxvi22:53
Aquahope to find that back22:53
maxviHelperx: arch with cinnamon DE22:53
EriC^^^^^ ???22:53
daftykinsmaxvi: you should not be in here.22:53
maxviHelperx: it depends on distro ? I thought it depends only on DE.22:54
daftykinsdamn, no factoid22:54
agent_whiteAqua: Hm... what about the `mount` route instead? -- use `fdisk -l` to find the startblock/offset of the partition you want to mount, then just mount through `mount`22:54
maxvidaftykins: I was there and #linuxmint and #linux and and and :)22:54
agent_whiteAqua: This better explains it -- http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/how-to-mount-img-file-882386/22:54
daftykinsmaxvi: yep, not getting a reply doesn't make your problem an ubuntu one22:54
daftykinsi don't take my car to the plumber to get fixed, just because the mechanic is busy22:55
Helperxfirst of all i suggest you acutally use linux mint if your preferred desktop environment is cinnanon22:55
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Aquaagent_white, does that work for raw files too?22:56
Helperxusing arch and then using cinannon is counter initituative22:56
vachocan someone help me investigate if my machine is being used for botnet?22:56
Helperxits like installing unity on arch22:56
ruskiesggmaxvi: it may be a compiz setting22:56
agent_whiteAqua: Yessir!22:57
pilsner_fucked up ifconfig....22:57
Helperxi strongly recommend using kde in arch22:57
cyberpolicehow can i login to welcome screen without physical keyboard? is there touch/virtual keyboard i can use22:57
Aquathank you so much agent_white , i really apreciate it22:58
Helperxand if your not using an amd computer than use gnome22:58
Aquaagent_white, would deleted files also show up with the mount? or do i need to do something extra for that?22:58
agent_whiteAqua: No worries! Hope it all goes well!22:58
ruskiesggHelperx: what's AMD have to do with gnome22:58
Helperxproprietry driver wont allow gnome22:58
agent_whiteAqua: Ahhh hrm... I'm not sure what exactly happens to deleted files in Android? Not quite sure about that.22:59
AquaProbably the same as in linux22:59
ruskiesggHelperx: bull.22:59
Aquait does use ext4 agent_white22:59
ruskiesggHelperx: I done it22:59
Helperxusing arch?22:59
Aquaand someone used this method with testdisk22:59
ruskiesggHelperx: no with ubuntu. Why pull my hair out with arch when ubuntu just works in most cases,23:01
Helperxlol im talking about arch and gnome23:01
Helperxand or feodra23:01
Helperxwith ubuntu yea its easy lol23:02
Helperxi have done it so many times lol23:02
freeroutehi, I'm trying to find the resize2fs program for 14.04 without any luck. I'm trying to resize my LVM LV as per this document - http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/40702/how-to-manage-and-use-lvm-logical-volume-management-in-ubuntu/?PageSpeed=noscript23:02
agent_whiteAqua: Hm... I'm not familiar with undeleting to be honest!  Though after some searching, the `extundelete` tool looks promising.23:02
agent_whiteHelperx: KDE on Arch? Why ruin it with bloat? i3 or awesome ftw :)23:03
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EriC^^freeroute: type echo $PATH23:03
Helperxwell cuz i have amd lol23:03
Helperxand using propierty drivers dont work well on other enviroments23:04
PeQuEnO_TuXwhats up all23:04
agent_whiteHeh... I think you may be missing a step somewhere ;)23:04
agent_whiteThat is certainly not true.23:04
agent_whitePeQuEnO_TuX: \o23:04
AquaThanks agent_white, I´ll give those things a try, most important is I´ve got an exact copy so I can safely use my phone again and so I can keep on trying! I´ll be going soon, have a nice evening.23:04
PeQuEnO_TuXdoes any1 have experience with ubuntu and ppc computs23:05
agent_whiteAqua: Exactly! And know you know how to clone any block device in the future! :D Cheers!23:05
agent_white!ask | PeQuEnO_TuX23:05
ubottuPeQuEnO_TuX: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:05
=== aarobc is now known as aa40bc
Marasgeoncan I make backspace to send me to the previous folder and not in the parent folder in nautilus?23:06
wavisI get a blinking cursor on a black low res screen when booting from the latest live usb image 14.10 desktop. what's the issue?23:08
EriC^^!nomodeset | wavis try this23:09
ubottuwavis try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:09
EriC^^Marasgeon: i found something cool, press alt+left arrow23:10
freerouteEriC^^: sorry I have to resort to a screenshot but I have no space left on there to add a pastebin alias to .bashrc - http://i.imgur.com/f4PPQ5I.png23:10
freeroutehence the need to resize :p23:11
budgthoughts on best browser for ubuntu?23:11
freeroutebudg: w3m hands down the best23:11
EriC^^!find resize2fs23:12
ubottuFile resize2fs found in e2fsprogs, e2fsprogs-dbg, manpages-fr-extra, manpages-ja23:12
freerouteah cool lemme see23:12
MarasgeonEriC^^: can i set this function with backspace?23:12
freerouteI hope I can install that lol23:12
EriC^^Marasgeon: i don't know23:12
Marasgeonok man thanks anyway23:13
EriC^^freeroute: you need to install e2fsprogs23:13
freerouteapparently I already have e2fsprogs23:14
freeroutethis is not a good sign :(23:14
EriC^^freeroute: that's odd23:14
Exploithapple should've never release 4gb ram mac minis. its impossible to do anything on it. trying to get my boss to get me more ram is hard hell23:14
EriC^^type ls -ld /sbin/resize2fs23:14
budgis it ok that there are a lot of y's being typed automatically in bash while I bashed' an sh file?23:16
EriC^^freeroute: ^23:16
ruskiesggExploith: What do u expect from a company that brainwashed its users into thinking a one button mouse was better than two buttons for years.23:16
budgi'm getting worried that i should have just used the gui23:17
freerouteEriC^^: this is very strange, it found it... but I think the situation got worse - http://imgur.com/c0Fc0kP23:18
freeroutethis could mean that it can't resize because there is no space23:18
freeroutewait, perhaps I should unmount it first?23:19
EriC^^yeah, try that23:20
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PeQuEnO_TuXok ubottu ill try do right my next questions but i already find the problem23:25
michaelaguiarI have a software raid, using mdadm I do assemble —scan and it says assembled from 22 drives and 2 spares, not enough to start the array23:32
michaelaguiarmdstat says inactive, and has all the drives marked spare (S)23:32
michaelaguiarcan someone give me a hand getting this back up?23:33
freerouteman this LVM...23:38
compdocI hate lvm23:39
daftykinsyeah, i never use it.23:40
daftykins'tis black magic to me23:40
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
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michaelaguiarok I got my array up, but still 2 drives are marked as spare.  How can I get those activated?  Anyone know?  mdadm23:51
daftykinspretty sure i said they were damaged earlier23:52
daftykinsso i would work on them first.23:52
michaelaguiarWell I think I got it all figured out, just trying to get the spares back in now23:52
daftykinsbut they're reporting errors?23:52
daftykins= they're unhappy23:52
supayhey, i can install any gui environment for ubuntu, and that wont affect anything else, right?23:55
EriC^^supay: not really23:55
supayEriC^^: what would you suggest for a virtual machine? i'd like to keep it light..23:55
supaygnome makes it way too slow, and i dont really need it23:55
EriC^^xubuntu or lxde23:56
EriC^^lxde would be pretty quicker, i find xubuntu with arch even slow in a vm23:56
supayEriC^^: ah, perfect! is there something like sudo apt-get install lxde or something?23:56
raven_is there a way I can just "upgrade" to ubuntu or another os? I23:57
supayah, ok23:57
EriC^^supay: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop23:57
daftykinsraven_: from what?23:57
raven_Im sick of moving my files back and forth23:57
supayraven_: dist-upgrade23:57
raven_lunix mint. rebecca. cinnamin23:57
supayEriC^^: but i thought you said xfce? :O23:57
EriC^^supay: do you want lxde or xfce?23:58
freerouteok... change of strategy. Is the ~/.Skype dir enough to give me logs of all messages which have been for that user or do I have to get more stuff from the filesystem?23:58
supayEriC^^: whichever is faster23:58
raven_how do i do that?23:58
EriC^^lxde is23:58
daftykinsraven_: if you partitioned it with a separate /home, you could keep formatting / and installing whichever distro there, almost.23:58
supayEriC^^: ah, awesome! thanks :)23:58
EriC^^supay: no problem :)23:58
freerouteEriC^^: LXDE is no longer maintained right? All devs went to LXQT IIRC.23:59
wavisEriC^^: nomodeset and and acpi option didn't work. still black23:59

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