
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
brainwashbluesabre: thunar 1.6.4 installs a pkexec policy file, so we could drop the one from xubuntu-default-settings00:29
brainwashdropping it requires some manually changes to the po folder, or?00:30
Unit193bluesabre: Can you look into maybe getting rid of yelp?  It looks like that'd get rid of gnome-user-guide too.01:15
bluesabrebrainwash, ochosi: first I've heard of light-locker killing downloads/network conenction02:22
bluesabrebrainwash: thats interesting... guessing you have telepathy installed (empathy maybe?)02:22
bluesabrebrainwash: yes, we can drop it now02:22
brainwashbluesabre: empathy is installed, well, almost every DE is installed now + tons of extra apps02:23
bluesabreUnit193: that would probably be a good effort, I'll also try to look at that this weekend02:23
brainwashbluesabre: is dropping the policy file enough? what about the po folder?02:24
Unit193bluesabre: A few things recommend it, don't *think* it's needed, and pulls in -guide which is larger.02:24
bluesabrebrainwash: I'll take a look and determine whats no longer needed, unless you want to and provide a patch/merge02:25
brainwashbluesabre: I'm not familiar with the po stuff02:25
bluesabrebrainwash: ok, I'll get it this weekend then02:25
bluesabrewas only here briefly, gotta run02:25
brainwashso, not sure if things are handles automatically02:25
brainwashok, thanks and bye02:26
knomebluesabre, probably not, especially if the file is changing package that is from another source02:26
brainwashdon't our gnome apps need yelp to display the help content?02:28
brainwashlike... gnome-mines02:28
Unit193Ah, that's what it's needed for...02:29
Unit193elfy: In case you didn't see it and even wanted to, difference between my install and yours: http://paste.openstack.org/show/DmgdgNNyDPCEDi6VUDhU/02:31
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/OObJ2KnBXP3LAvS1WJbR/ looks good, but we're not smaller, we're larger.. (utopic to vivid manifest.)03:41
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/Zw5aVA0nxOwfyWzwsyXb/ trusty to utopic, fwiw.03:43
Unit193So in precise, xfsettingsd still goes zombie, but /usr/bin/xfconfd and /usr/bin/xfsettingsd end up running.04:23
Unit193Err, first is /usr/lib/xfcexfconf/xfconfd04:24
Unit193http://paste.ubuntu.com/9949033/ see?04:27
Unit193No such key 'show-notify-osd-on-scroll' in schema 'com.canonical.indicator.sound' as specified in override file '/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/20_xubuntu-default-settings.gschema.override'; ignoring override for this key.06:55
ochosimorning everyone07:30
elfymorning ochosi 07:31
ochosielfy: what would be your take on my suggestion to hide the launcher? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/139680407:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1396804 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Name For Thunar Settings Launcher Is Unclear (thunar-settings.desktop)" [Low,Confirmed]07:33
ochosithink people would actually end up missing it?07:34
elfywas just reading that :)07:34
elfymakes sense to me 07:34
ochosiat least that was the only option i could come up with that sorta made sense to me...07:34
elfyseems like an aberration - nothing else has it's settings populating menu07:34
Unit193ochosi: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-sound/trunk.15.04/revision/462.4.2 !07:35
elfydoes that stop the notification of volume change ?07:36
ochosilooks like it07:36
Unit193elfy: Notice on upgrades the message I pasted?07:36
ochosior at least it makes it non-optional07:36
ochosii presume that that was changed due to phone stuff07:37
ochosiwe can ask around though07:37
elfyochosi: left comment in the bug ftr 07:38
ochosicommits like these are why i would've wanted to replace the indicators by panel plugins as much as possible07:39
ochosii mean indicator-application usually is just fine, but the dedicated ones like sound or messages07:39
ochosithanks elfy 07:39
Unit193!info volumeicon07:41
ubottuPackage volumeicon does not exist in utopic07:42
Unit193!info volumeicon-alsa07:42
elfywell - if that's what the update to ind-sound was for just now - no change apparent07:42
ubottuvolumeicon-alsa (source: volumeicon): systray volume icon for alsa. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.6-2.1 (utopic), package size 31 kB, installed size 181 kB (Only available for linux-any)07:42
elfyshame 'info doesn't grab vivid in here07:42
ochosiUnit193: i'd rather use something like the xfce4-soundmenu-plugin (if it were improved)07:44
Unit193ochosi: (mostly) kidding.07:44
Unit193Annnd, yeah.  That'd not be a good replacement, volumeicon would be better even. :P07:46
Unit193This'll fix x-d-s: https://paste.unit193.net/?39c42359910c28d4#b5Y7B2+ydhOXrA+HyBSlXHeHCL8I/f+ElxDSvrm3hBA=07:47
ochosiright, remember to file the MR then07:58
Unit193Any reason not to just push?08:01
ochosioh right, i forgot you have push-rights :D08:04
ochosinah, just go ahead08:04
elfyand I'll blame you if the currently working indicator stops :D08:06
Unit193Push under ochosi's name, got it.08:07
elfyI see you got that right then 08:15
ochosihey Noskcaj 09:35
ochosihow's it going?09:35
Noskcajpretty good. Just getting used to having internet again. Working on a libinput transition09:35
ochosigood good :) since you seem to be back from your break, i wanted to follow up on the workitem in the features-blueprint "Evaluate exactly what changes we need for bluez5"09:36
NoskcajI'll check tomorrow, but i think that's "leave it to the bluetooth guys, nothing major breaks for us"09:37
ochosiany progress or eta on that one?09:37
ochosiwe still seem to have bluez4 though09:37
ochosiin vivid, that is09:37
ochosiit seems that the transition is still quite far away, several related workitems are still TODO09:39
ochosiso i wonder whether we really have to worry about it too muhc09:39
ochosianyhow, please update the status of that workitem as you go09:39
ochosiright now it seems to be INPROGRESS already09:39
Unit193If we're set, likely can just ignore it, no?09:39
ochosii'd guess so09:40
ochosii very quickly tested the bluez5 PPA at some point09:41
ochosieverything still worked09:42
ochosialso, we don't have much bt-specific code in our packages from what i know09:42
Noskcajochosi, If you have time, could you please look at upstreaming lp:~noskcaj/ubuntu/vivid/xfce4-xkb-plugin/lp-733563 ?09:52
ochosiNoskcaj: i presume you have tested the patch?09:53
ochosialso, if you want "someone from the xubuntu team" to review, you better subscribe us to MRs ;)09:54
ochosiand anyway, seb128 is right, a patch of this type and size should really go upstream09:54
ochosifrankly, before asking me to look into upstreaming something, could you please check whether the patch still applies on top of git master?09:58
ochosi(full disclosure: it doesn't.)09:58
Unit193Xfce Bug 8446 already has you as a sub, but that's it. :P10:02
ubottuxfce bug 8446 in General "Allow font selection" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=844610:02
ochosiwell yeah, i reassigned it to the current maintainer of xkb plugin10:03
ochosithat patch can't even be applied anymore by hand10:06
ochosisome parts of the plugin have obviously changed10:06
ochosibluesabre: ping10:43
bluesabreochosi: pong11:00
ochosihey there11:01
bluesabrewhats up?11:01
ochosisorry for the lengthy PM11:02
ochosiyou can actually forget about that11:02
ochosimost of it11:02
ochosii found a fix for https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1142511:02
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11425 in General "Subtitle fonts aren't previewed" [Normal,New]11:02
ochosiit turned out to be rather trivial, but i'm not sure i'm entirely happy with it11:02
slickymasterWorkhey bluesabre11:04
slickymasterWorkUnit193, if you want any specific feedback/output from the installed box please let me know11:04
bluesabreochosi: just caught up... that seems pretty minor tbh11:08
ochosii know it is11:08
ochosithe fix is just as minor11:08
ochosii've attached the patch to the bugreport meanwhile11:08
ochosithere is also an alternative by the way, we can hide the preview-text11:08
ochosiyou can try that easily with gtk-inspector if you wanna see how it looks11:09
ochosiimo it's not as nice11:09
bluesabreno preview text is displayed for me11:09
bluesabreor in his screenshot11:09
ochosiso yeah, what i dislike about the patch: it covers up a bug in gtk3(?)11:10
ochosiand it's work for translators11:10
bluesabrewith gtk3, everything is a "feature" - in this case, "minimalism"11:10
ochosialthough i guess i could look for where the translations for that default value are in gtk3...11:10
ochosianyway, this is why i think it's a bug in gtk3: https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/GtkFontChooser.html#GtkFontChooser--preview-text11:11
ochosi(or we implemented the button incorrectly)11:11
ochosion second thought i wonder whether it even makes sense to make it translateable, after all, the main point is it being a pangram11:13
bluesabreif we use inspector to set this to true, what happens? https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/GtkFontChooser.html#GtkFontChooser--show-preview-entry11:16
ochosithat ^11:18
ochosithis is with my patch btw: http://i.imgur.com/LiDGc8Y.png11:19
ochosi(and how it is supposed to be)11:19
bluesabreoh right11:20
bluesabrewhat happens when you set https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/GtkFontChooser.html#GtkFontChooser--preview-text to NULL in the code?11:21
ochosiempty string11:23
ochosiso that doesn't work11:23
bluesabreit might be a gtk bug, gedit also does not show the preview text11:26
ochosior ubuntu-gtk bug?11:26
bluesabrewe could ping satya and see if it happens in fedora11:27
ochosior ask the OP what distro he's on11:27
bluesabrehes on xubuntu11:27
bluesabrehe has indicators11:27
ochosior arch :)11:28
ochosibut yeah, you're right, most likely xubuntu11:28
bluesabrenumix + elementary-xfce + our panel layout lightly tweaked11:29
ochosiso yeah, dunno, should we patch it up?11:31
bluesabrewe have a few things we can do11:33
ochosiwe can also just patch it in ubuntu11:33
bluesabremight be able to grab gtk source and translations, and pump them into our existing translations to save our trnaslators the trouble and make it work everywhere11:33
ochosiyeah, also thought about that11:34
bluesabrenew network-manager11:37
bluesabreafraid to reboot11:37
bluesabreochosi: will you be around for the meeting today11:38
bluesabreI'm going to try to be... will be at work and all that, but I'm going to try to get my talking points down now in case I can't11:40
brainwashparole does not call gdk_notify_startup_complete when it's already running11:48
brainwasheasy fix for the stuck busy cursor11:49
bluesabreyup, we either need to do that or set the StartupWMClass11:51
bluesabre"If true, it is KNOWN that the application will send a "remove" message when started with the DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID environment variable set. If false, it is KNOWN that the application does not work with startup notification at all (does not shown any window, breaks even when using StartupWMClass, etc.). If absent, a reasonable handling is up to implementations (assuming false, using StartupWMClass, etc.). (See the Startup Notification 11:51
bluesabreProtocol Specification for more details)."11:51
brainwashwall of text11:51
* bluesabre uses Ctrl-P. It's super effective!11:51
* elfy will try using Ctrl+P next time he's painting a wall :D11:52
brainwashso, you gonna fix that?11:52
brainwashI mean, do I have to share a 1-line patch which just adds the gdk_notify_startup_complete call?11:53
brainwashbut maybe you prefer the 2nd solution:)11:54
ochosiwhat's the argument against attaching it to the bugreport?11:54
bluesabrebrainwash: I probably will fix it this weekend... the reason I ask for patches isn't because I'm lazy, but rather the list of things to do just keeps growing, a patch or MR lets me easily get around to it and not forget about it11:54
brainwashok, so I will have to git clone it :D11:55
bluesabreor just add a comment on the bug11:55
brainwashright, I'll do that11:55
ochosibluesabre: hum, i'm wondering whether we shouldn't head for a new parole stable release soonish, i don't see us getting around to implementing any of the features we thought about any time in the near future11:55
bluesabreochosi: yeah, that's probably right11:56
ochosibrainwash: so wait, how do you test your patch when you haven't cloned git?11:56
brainwashit's a trivial fix11:56
ochosibluesabre: and after all, we have enough new features to warrant a new release anyway11:56
ochosibrainwash: so you haven't tested it?11:56
bluesabreanything with the window manager can go from trivial to headache, as I've learned11:57
brainwashI will11:57
bluesabreknome: +1 on the default image editor conversation. If our needs are to be able to do at least some light editing, but there is not a sufficient (and equally or moreso heavy) alternative, I'd be in favor of keeping gimp11:58
bluesabre(though for image viewers, I still like viewnior)11:58
ochosii'm expecting a new ristretto release soonish btw, which means bugfixes12:03
ochosibrainwash: have you made any progress on the xdg-screensaver DE detection problem?12:10
ochosimight be best to propose another MR with all upstream changes12:13
bluesabreWas going to write on the ML for office applications, but my opinion is not strong enough. I use Google Drive regularly for personal, LO for work. Abiword is unacceptable is you need to open something you didn't write.13:29
elfythat one's likely to drag on for ages till just before April 2016 I'd guess :D13:30
elfyI'm going to be +1 anything that gets tested somewhere else :p13:31
bluesabreGood point13:47
elfyI'll certainly not be bringing it up in meeting other than to DONE it :p13:47
baffledbearhaha. Yea. I also use Google for basically everything. I'm just a fan of not replacing anything with something 10 times the size unless it's absolutely needed.13:49
elfybaffledbear: yes 13:50
elfybut what we're aiming at doing is setting a sensible default - which is likely to last for a while, so it's not really about personal preferences13:51
elfyif it was I'd be voting for all sorts of things13:51
elfyI'd want qt so we could have clementine 13:51
elfyimagine THAT mailing list thread :D13:51
elfyyou'd need an index ... 13:52
GridCubeP: i was thinking, if we cant justify adding a new runtime for a single app. why dont we ship lots of apps in mono and then we can ship pinta P: but at the same time i though, "dont be silly"13:55
elfy!team | 10 minuteish to meeting14:49
ubottu10 minuteish to meeting: bluesabre, elfy, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19314:49
elfyanyone else seeing bug 1414443 ?14:52
ubottubug 1414443 in mugshot (Ubuntu) "Camera doesn't initialise" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141444314:52
brainwashochosi: there is progress, https://launchpad.net/~thad-fisch/+archive/ubuntu/test14:54
ochosibrainwash: bzr branch too?14:56
brainwashochosi: I'll take the debdiff and find someone to sponsor it14:57
brainwashochosi: then I'll try to SRU the whole thing14:57
elfy#startmeeting 15:00
meetingologyMeeting started Fri Jan 30 15:00:04 2015 UTC.  The chair is elfy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:00
elfy!team | so who's about?15:00
ubottuso who's about?: bluesabre, elfy, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19315:00
ganglereNot a team member, but I'm happy to sit in15:02
elfywelcome - it is a community meeting :)15:02
elfy#topic Open action items15:02
ochosiwelcome ganglere 15:03
baffledbearI'll also be sitting in, except for that bit where I'm at a standup15:03
* knome lies15:03
ochosiwelcome baffledbear too15:03
knomefigure out what that implies15:03
elfyI think pleia2 is away - but I know she did what she was listed as having to do15:03
slickymasterWorkpants on fire knome?15:03
elfyand I did the ones I was going to do 15:04
ochosigood good, #done them then15:04
elfy#done pleia2 to mail list to kick off discussion about default office applications 15:04
elfy#done elfy to mail list about removing games from default install 15:04
elfy#done elfy to mail list re user poll 15:04
elfyyea - was looking to see if I needed to ochosi :)15:05
elfy#topic Team Updates15:05
knome#done knome updated the Processes page with up-to-date QA process descriptions15:05
knome#done knome designed certificates for the QA incentive programme (and more)15:05
knome#info knome worked on the website refresh15:05
elfy#info QA has seen a new name floating about on tracker post- QA incentive blog15:05
elfy#info not a great deal od testing reported though15:06
knomei did one15:06
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: INFO15:06
elfy#info not a great deal of testing reported though15:06
elfyknome: I know :)15:06
knomeand about to do more15:06
slickymasterWork#info knome and slickymaster started working on the installer slideshow update15:06
knomei have a laptop for testing available now15:06
knome^ that's the drafting pad15:06
slickymasterWorkknome beat me15:07
knomei've also done some PoC things, the branch is at lp:~knome/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/1504-changes15:07
* ochosi looks at pad15:07
knomethese include: a "searchable" whiskermenu15:07
knomeinside the slideshow, that is, with predefined application targets15:07
slickymasterWorkand some unbelievable features yet to came ;)15:07
knomea slide that cycles through wallpapers15:08
knomeand showing application paths on hover only (to save space)15:08
ochosimhm, sounds nice15:08
knomei'll have to update the branch, i've a local copy of the whiskermenu slide done where i've laid out the menu on top of a screenshot15:09
knomeso it looks better15:09
knomeand non-case-sensitive search too15:09
knomeand with icons...15:09
elfythat does all sound rather good :)15:10
knomepushed that right now, so if you branch/pull again, you'll see that too15:10
ochosiyeah, i'm looking forward to having both an updated website and an updated slideshow15:10
slickymasterWorkour idea is to somoe how port this interactivity concept also for some other slides15:10
slickymasterWorkat least Make the desktop your own and Personalize your computer15:11
knomeyep, i think the slideshow has served its purpose well, but otoh, it has been quite boring15:11
knomeor become that15:11
ochosiwould you go for a bigger default window size then?15:11
slickymasterWorkand perhaps join those two making just one out of them15:11
knomeprobably not...15:11
knomei'm even thinking smaller to fit all netbook monitors better and such15:11
ochosii'm wondering whether it would be possible (i mean it should be, inside ubiquity's code) to query the size of the screen and just always use 3/4 of it15:11
ochosiand then make the slides responsive15:12
knomeconsidering the slideshow width is defined in the static CSS file... i really aren't sure of that15:12
knomeand in a configuration file too, now that i think of it15:13
knomeno units15:13
knome(not even 193)15:13
knomeochosi, you might want to change that color that hurts my eyes on the pad15:14
ochosiyeah, i think we'd need some internal changes in ubiquity to make that possible15:14
ochosii might mention it to xnox though15:14
knomei'd be up for making our slideshow responsive at least15:15
knomeit doesn't really need much though15:15
bluesabreThat'd be cool15:15
bluesabreHi all, around very briefly15:16
ochosibtw, that isn't really a team update, but since that was brought up today (and i followed up on it), there are no plans to remove the notification shown on the scroll-even of indicator-sound (despite that one commit suggesting it). just the configuration option for it will be dropped15:16
elfyif you make it smaller to fit netbook monitors isn't it going to end up looking swamped on bigger ones15:16
elfybluesabre: hi - and sorry - I did mean to do this when you're about :( you're up next time though \o/15:16
knomeelfy, depends if it looks swamped on netbooks :)15:16
knomei'm not proposing to do the same amount of information on a smaller size15:17
knomejust adjust all that and make the slideshow work with less15:17
knome(and show more of the information on interaction, if useful)15:17
slickymasterWorkjust one thing re the use of wallpapers knome mentioned15:17
elfyochosi: I got that I think a short while ago btw15:17
slickymasterWorkochosi, do you think it's possible to coordinate the wallpaper contest calendar deadline with the Documentation String Freeze so the winning wallpapers could be added to the slideshow?15:18
knomeif we organize a contest, that is15:18
slickymasterWorkbesides serving our purpose it would also serve as a extra reward for the applicants15:19
slickymasterWorkexactly knome 15:19
elfybit late for this cycle isn't it? 15:19
knome^ and a great way to liven up and make the slideshow look fresh15:19
knomeelfy, for LTS15:19
knomeprobably not going to do a contest on regular releases anyway15:19
ochositoo much work tbh15:19
slickymasterWorkyes, with LTS in mind15:20
ochosii mean if somebody else wants to organise it, i won't object15:20
knomei might, just for the laughs.15:20
elfyanymore updates from anyone? 15:20
knomei don't think so15:20
knomelet's move forward so we can get stuff discussed today :P15:20
elfymoving on then 15:20
slickymasterWorknothing from me15:20
elfy#topic announcements15:20
elfyI've got nothing 15:21
=== ochosi is now known as ochsoi
slickymasterWorkme neither15:21
=== ochsoi is now known as ochosi
elfyanyone ?15:21
ochosione more thing15:21
ochosiknome: since we're talking team updates, how's it going with the wallpaper? any ETA on that?15:21
knomehr hrr15:21
ochosii just noticed that because i was looking at our overall progress and there are some blueprints that are lagging behind15:22
ochosiartwork being one of them15:22
ochosiwell, and website and marketing15:22
knomedev wallpaper you'll get before beta 1, final before ui freeze15:22
knomebefore meaning i will consider that it will take time to land15:23
knomeand upload and such15:23
ochosii mean tbh it's a bit late already this cycle for it, i also considered postponing it15:23
knomedev wall? works for me15:23
ochosibut then again, since you've already worked on it and we only need to upload it once...15:23
knomei'll let you decide once it's ready15:23
elfyb1 is about 2 weeks away15:23
ochosii mean i'd personally install it in a new folder somewhere so we only have to flip a config-switch as soon as we're post-release again15:24
knomeand re: website/marketing blueprints, there are many things that are almost ready, and that most of those are not related to the release cycle15:24
knomemeaning it'll be easier to catch up with those once we start hitting freezes that slow down other progress15:24
knomeit's impossible to estimate it, but it isn't many things i need to do before we can ask IS to push the first take on the new website live15:25
ochosiyeah, i appreciate that those aren't release-critical15:25
knome*estimate the time to get the tasks done15:26
ochosilet's move on then...15:26
knomebesides, there are things like "enable translations"15:26
elfy#topic Discussion 15:26
knome(^ a bug, so can't mark postponed without dropping the bug from the blueprint)15:26
elfy#subtopic Discuss participating in the weekly Community Q&A sessions 15:26
elfyknome: this was your baby afaik 15:27
knomeso basically, we have an invitation from daniel holbach... is anybody interested to join some of those?15:27
elfyfor when these things are - which appears to be 1600 UTC Tuesdays15:27
* elfy is generally driving at that time 15:27
knomeif we schedule three sessions per cycle, that means once every two months - and can be different person participating15:27
knometechnically, it's a google hangout, so you'll have to release your or your cats face15:28
slickymasterWorkthat's on hangouts right?15:28
knomegoogle hangout... didn't i say that?15:28
elfyyou said technically so someone might think not :p15:28
slickymasterWorkyeah knome, but I'm Alt_tab'ing15:28
knomeslickymasterWork, ;)15:29
knomeelfy, heh, i meant "the technical context is..."15:29
slickymasterWorkso, that's a no go for me, don't have the required, and needed hardware to be able to attend 15:29
knomeeg. it's not organized in knome's moms tearoom with limited access to elderly people only15:29
knomeslickymasterWork, if hardware is the issue, we can organize funding from the canonical community fund, or our fund if they think it's stupid.15:30
knomeslickymasterWork, but if you just rather would not do that, it's ok as well15:30
knomeslickymasterWork, that being participating, not applying for funds, i can do that ;)15:30
slickymasterWorklol, this is a government agency, theoretically I can't bring outside equipment  15:30
elfyI'd be in that category if I wasn't driving ... 15:30
knomeslickymasterWork, aha, so the time is also a problem15:31
slickymasterWorknot as much15:31
knomeslickymasterWork, as...?15:31
knomeit's weekly, so we might be able to ask people to organize one of the hangouts on a weekend as well15:32
knomeor some other time that would work for anybody participating15:32
slickymasterWork... as being able to get a camera and a microphone and use them here15:32
elfyafaik they do them during their working day 15:32
elfyknome: ^^15:32
ochosii generally think this is a good initiative/idea, but then again i'm already quite swamped with many other things and don't feel like taking on another responsibility15:32
knomewell yeah, that's really it15:32
knomeif nobody can/wants to do it, then let it be so15:32
knomeelfy, yep...15:33
ochosiwe could also take that to the ML15:33
knomeelfy, so the community means the community that can contribute when the canonical employees are at work :P15:33
ochosialthough i guess having someone from -team do it would be good15:33
slickymasterWorklol knome 15:33
knomeyes, i would say it would have to be a team member that participated for xubuntu15:33
knomeand i believe that's their thought as well, it's not a users hangout15:34
elfyyea 15:34
knome(users can participate by asking)15:34
knomehangouters should be participating by answering...15:34
knome#action knome to send an email about community Q&A participation15:34
meetingologyACTION: knome to send an email about community Q&A participation15:34
elfythanks knome 15:35
knomethat way it'll be archived sensbily15:35
knomeeven if nobody wanted to do it now15:35
knomesensibly too15:35
knomemove o15:35
elfy#subtopic Finalise User identifies as poll options15:35
elfyso there's this poll which Marketing want to run15:36
knomei think we should set up a team that goes through this, creates a poll, and then can run it through the team15:36
elfyI took the original pad contents and cleaned them up a bit15:36
knomedid we ask for feedback on this already?15:36
elfyfrom the list - via the pad15:36
knome(we did...)15:37
elfyslickymasterWork and you did :)15:37
knomeso here's my feedback (having been working on the original pad)15:37
elfysetting up a team makes sense 15:37
knomethe first question seems good to me15:37
knomethough i'm not really sure what we are trying to gain with that question15:37
slickymasterWorkwhat did I do enterprisedc ?15:38
slickymasterWorksorry, this thing TTL'd on me15:38
knomethe second question is questionable (no pun intended) in my opinion, do we really want to ask/know the *profession* of people?15:38
ochosithe main issue i see with the questionnaire is some duplication, like "how do you use xubuntu" is asked in several ways15:39
elfyI'd not want to know 15:39
knomeand/or is that important when wanting to identify people15:39
slickymasterWorkah ok, the users poll15:39
knomethe last question is in my opinion the best one15:39
knomethat's not as quantitive as the others, but i think it gets us the best bang for the buck, so to speak...15:39
ochosiyou mean what ppl use the internet for?15:40
ochosior whether ppl customize15:40
knomedo you strongly agree/strongly disagree with the following statements? (cut or reword some of these)15:40
knomethe whole list after that15:40
elfyso we could cut the middle bit out 15:40
ochosiyeah, i think that list is ok15:40
knomei think that answer the question of "how do you identify" the best15:41
ochosibut there is some duplication going on there15:41
knomebut that's okay15:41
knomethey aren't an either/or question15:41
ochosiyeah, i know15:41
knomeand it doesn't matter if there is overlap15:41
knomeeach answer can be handled individually15:41
ochosithose questions also implicitely identify "personas" or "usage profiles", and probably more clearly than by just asking for it directly15:41
knomeif 80% of the survey takers identify with any answer, that's a good sign15:41
knomeyes, so with that list..15:42
knomei'm not sure if the first one is needed either15:42
ochosii'd rather make that an optional question15:42
knomeor maybe the other "where and how" could be moved under that15:42
knomethe first?15:42
ochosiafter the others15:42
knomeor the second?15:42
knomei numbered the questions15:43
knomeso i would propose 2 comes first, and 1 then, and can be optional15:43
elfyworks for me 15:43
ochosiage bracket should be optional, but is interesting15:44
knomeochosi, what kind of bracket?15:44
knome0-18, 18-29, 30-39, ... ?15:44
ochosibtw, we might weave in a question about office tasks in 1)15:44
knomei think that might be manageable to squeeze in15:44
elfyif you end with 49 - infinity then I will refuse :p15:45
ochosithat might help us with the whole LO/abiword discussion15:45
knomeochosi, you mean... in 2) ? :P15:45
knomeelfy, slickymasterWork: let's schedule some time to go through the 1) list15:45
knomeand finalize that15:45
ochosilike: Xubuntu's default software selection satisfies my office needs15:45
slickymasterWorkI'll answer that after reading the backlog knome 15:45
slickymasterWorkI lost the all discussion :P15:45
knome#action knome to schedule a meeting for poll improving15:46
meetingologyACTION: knome to schedule a meeting for poll improving15:46
knomeochosi, that sounds a bit off from the general "policy", but we'll see15:46
ochosijust felt we might throw something like that in the mix15:46
ochosiit's up to you whether you wanna keep it15:47
elfyunless we killed off #2 completely 15:47
ochosii mean with 2) i'm really not sure what we wanna know15:47
elfythen we could have things like Xubuntu default software satisfies my entertainment needs15:47
knomeochosi, yes.15:47
ochosiif we wanna know whether our default apps are fine for most users, we should expressedly ask for that15:47
knomeochosi, it's a great quantitative question though15:47
knomejust remember15:48
knomethis poll is supposed to figure out how our users identify15:48
ochosiyeah, but what conclusions do you draw from that question (ideally)?15:48
knomethere are more polls to follow which can address other questions better15:48
ochosiah, alrighty15:48
elfyafaik this is just #1 in a series 15:49
knomei don't "want" to draw any conclusions15:49
knomei want data that enables us to figure out something15:49
elfyso - get some idea of where people are first - then craft polls more specifically - I thought that was pleia2's idea/plan 15:49
knomeif you understand the difference..15:49
knomeelfy, absolutely and exactly that15:49
ochosiyeah, i had forgotten there would be more of them15:49
knomelet's move on15:49
slickymasterWorkyeah, I agree with the idea of one step at a time15:50
elfynothing else on the agenda, but I guess we could deal with games and that discussion15:50
knomeyep, throw a subtopic in and let's briefly discuss the games thread15:50
ochosiwe could at least continue it a bit15:50
elfy#subtopic Discuss games in default install following m/l thread15:51
elfyso we have a summary https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PasiLallinaho/XubuntuGamesDiscussion15:51
elfywhich seems to me to be 15:51
slickymasterWorkand just ftr: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2015-January/thread.html#1053015:51
elfy14 to keep games15:52
elfy4 to lose games completely15:52
elfy1 sitting on the fence and nothing from me :)15:52
knomeyes... the list url will be available forever, the wiki page will be dropped15:52
ochosihmyeah, i'm sorta on the majority's side if i have to weigh in15:52
slickymasterWorkthe numbers are pretty clear15:52
elfywhich ignores whether to change the current games or not15:52
knomeyes, there are good arguments for keeping15:52
ochosii don't *really* care too much, but then again, the games aren't heavy15:52
knome"Games make Xubuntu look friendly and less nerdy."15:52
elfyand I'm +1 to keeping games15:53
ochosiyeah, makes sense15:53
knome"They are something familiar for new users and helps them connect and feel comfortable with Xubuntu and learn about it."15:53
vforbergerI vote for 2-4 generic games. those switching from windows will miss solitaire.15:53
knomewe don't ship solitaire currently though...15:53
knomeand we aren't discussing which games to ship... yet15:53
ochosiwe had aisleriot at some point15:53
knomeyes, was dropped to help with the fit-on-a-CD mission15:54
elfyknome: yea - but I think we should discuss that - just not now 15:54
knomeelfy, yep15:54
knomeand to be complete...15:54
elfyas I said in -offtopic - I think the best plan would be draw up a list of simple games - then poll users and team 15:54
knomei think also seans comments were good:15:54
knome"Games makes Xubuntu feel more human-oriented."15:54
knome"Users can install games if they want, but small games are supposed to be quick diversions." <- meaning, it isnt't a quick diversion if you have to isntall a game first15:55
knomeelfy, works for me15:55
ochosiok, i guess there are no strong voices here for *dropping* the games so let's move along then :)15:55
elfyI'll mail Team re getting a list of simple games 15:56
ochosiand just fyi aisleriot: installed: 14,8MB, download: 2.8MB15:56
knomeochosi, not so simple and small :)15:56
knomei'd actually want to discuss one more thing15:56
ochosiyeah, it's >1 card game15:56
knomewe'll have to take this on the mailing list...15:56
elfy#action elfy to mail list (TEAM) for suggestions on new games for the default15:56
meetingologyACTION: elfy to mail list (TEAM) for suggestions on new games for the default15:56
knomeare we going to target a 1Gb image?15:56
knomeor will we move our "maximum size" target to 2Gb?15:57
slickymasterWorkI think we should, at least until next LTS15:57
knometbh, i think the target should be "as close as or under 1Gb"15:57
elfymmm 15:58
knomeif it seems obvious that we will go over 1Gb with the potential app changes15:58
knomeor even better,15:58
knome"under, or as close as possible to 1Gb"15:58
knomeunder being the first target/goal15:58
elfybut surely that doesn't work ?15:58
knomeprobably not.15:58
slickymasterWorkwe're not that far from that, presently 15:58
ochosiyeah, would be nice15:59
knomeespecially if we end up replacing abiword and gnumeric with LO components15:59
elfy1.1Gb might be as close as possible - then if the decision is about hardware - how many 1.1Gb usb sticks have you seen? 15:59
elfyat that point if it's just that consideration - 2Gb is fine 15:59
knomeelfy, what my intention is that even if we go over 1Gb, we shouldn't fill up to 2Gb just because; the download size still matters15:59
elfyof course not - that's not really what I'm saying :)16:00
ochosii think it's more about DL size than installation medium16:00
knomeelfy, i understand, but it's important to mention imo16:00
slickymasterWorkthe media is not the only issue here elfy, there's also bandwidth considertaions16:00
elfyafaik none of the other *buntu's are anywhere close to 2 16:00
knomeelfy, i mean, the "as close to 1Gb as possible" goal16:00
slickymasterWorkconsidertaions even16:00
ochosithings have changed a little though since we have -core16:00
* slickymasterWork sighs16:00
elfyochosi: true enough16:00
knomeochosi, we don't test the core image *very much*16:00
ochosiyeah, not yet16:01
knomeelfy, no comments about not testing the main images :P16:01
knomebut yeah...16:01
elfyha ha 16:01
ochosibut i dunno if it really needs special testing as soon as it's established that the approach works16:01
ochosimost of what's there is the same as in the main image16:01
knomeas i very theoretically asked elfy one day:16:01
elfylol 16:01
knomeif we tested the core image with installations, would we really need to test the main image?16:01
elfyI gave a theoretical answer based on experience :p16:02
knomebecause the core is the same, main image just brings applications, which are tested separately anyway..16:02
slickymasterWorknot all of them knome 16:02
knomeslickymasterWork, then we should reconsider what core is16:02
knomebut that was just theoretical16:02
slickymasterWorkpoint taken16:02
knomehaving a smaller image to download for the ISO test might mean more people would be enabled to test16:02
knomebut that's the discussion16:03
knomeand we definitely should get this on the list for broader discussion within the team16:03
knome#action knome to send an email about ISO size target(s)16:03
meetingologyACTION: knome to send an email about ISO size target(s)16:03
ochosisounds good16:04
ochosilet's do those ML threads after each other though16:04
ochosiand not all at the same time16:04
ochosi(just saying)16:04
knomebtw, i don't know if we've the limit to 1Gb in the automatic prober16:04
slickymasterWorkknome ^^^:P16:04
knomei mean, the download pages notify when images are too large16:04
knomeochosi, what! :P16:04
elfyochosi: which mails - ALL of them ?16:04
elfyI'd say crack the game one out of the way first 16:05
elfythen do ISO size - then push the LO one again16:05
knomeochosi, mister mail scheduler, will you tell me when it's ok to send mail to the list then :P16:05
slickymasterWorkand we're still two more to deal with16:05
elfyha ha ha 16:05
ochosijust saying, maybe leave a few days between them is all16:05
elfythe iso size and LO thing can easily move onto 15.10 cycle imho16:06
slickymasterWorkand the GIMP one also, IMO16:06
elfyespecially given than beta starts soon and I'll be mailing left right and centre :D16:07
knomelet's postpone $everything to march 201616:07
knomeelfy, spammer!16:07
elfyok - so anything else? 16:07
ochosipostpone all the things!16:07
knomeelfy, yes...16:08
knometime for coffee :P16:08
knomeend the meeting!16:08
elfy#action ochosi to postpone all things16:08
meetingologyACTION: ochosi to postpone all things16:08
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: ACTION16:08
knomewhat a loved leader is he16:08
elfy#action bluesabre to set up next meeting 16:08
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre to set up next meeting16:08
meetingologyMeeting ended Fri Jan 30 16:08:35 2015 UTC.  16:08
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2015/xubuntu-devel.2015-01-30-15.00.moin.txt16:08
knomethanks elfy and others16:08
elfythanks everyone :)16:08
slickymasterWorkthanks all16:08
ochosithanks elfy!16:09
ochosiand everyone else16:09
elfyI'll get on with scratching my head about getting logs done and meeting page tidied up 16:09
* genii hears something about coffee, investigates, then wanders out again16:09
ochosimmm, coffee!16:10
ochosigood idea16:10
elfylogs are up 16:17
elfythough #done appears to show up as #action - that's a vicious circle ...16:18
knomepoke lderan 16:22
elfylderan: poke16:22
elfydude - #done shows up as #action again - that's nasty - I'll action you next time :p16:22
elfythen you'll have to sort out #done 16:23
elfylike that? 16:23
elfygood - I'd hate to have to poke lderan again 16:24
knomeelfy, what about the minutes? :P16:25
elfythey're there aren't they? 16:25
knomeelfy, you linked to the log on the mailing list: P16:31
knomethe minutes have a link to the log16:31
elfyoh well 16:31
knomehe :)16:31
elfypeople mostly ignore my mails anyway :p16:31
knomei don't at least, i just don't always reply ;)16:32
elfyand ummm17:13
elfyso next Thursday 14.04.2 which I've not even thought about - there might be some milestone testing next week17:13
Noskcajbluesabre, Does parole work with clutter-gst-3.0?22:43
bluesabreNoskcaj: it works with the clutter backend in vivid, if that answers the question23:28
Noskcajbluesabre, There is now a new clutter release which will probably be in vivid as well as 2.0, so could you please add porting that to your TODO list?23:30
Noskcajppa:noskcaj/clutter for binaries23:30
bluesabreNoskcaj: thanks, I'll see if any changes are needed on parole, that should be the only clutter-based thing we have23:54

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