
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
eagles0513875_hey guys is anyone in here?08:56
eagles0513875_hey guys i need some help im trying to provision charms through the manual provider and for some reason I am not able to as i am getting some errors when i do juju bootstrap09:31
eagles0513875_im doing this on a windows machine09:31
heartoneshello charmers any one feels like troubleshooting juju new installation with me10:17
heartonesAttempting to connect to 38wpm.maas:2210:17
heartonesAttempting to connect to 38wpm.maas:2210:18
heartonesAttempting to connect to
heartonespermission denied public key10:18
eagles0513875_i need some help as well with manual provider anyone around that could provide some insight into some issues im having11:18
eagles0513875_hey dimitern11:32
dimiterneagles0513875_, hey11:33
heartonessure can you ask me since no one is around11:41
heartonescan you tell me what's your setup11:41
heartonesI have two hp proliant servers connected to unmanaged switched that is integrated into my Kable router and playing with maas/juju/openstack11:43
heartonesI am going to do manual provisioning now I'll let you know if go pass it11:45
eagles0513875_heartones: what version of juju do you have11:46
eagles0513875_im using juju on windows with 1.20.1311:46
eagles0513875_and it seems like there is a bug11:46
eagles0513875_ERROR initializing ubuntu user: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authentica te, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain ERROR there was an issue examining the environment: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods  remain11:46
eagles0513875_and the server isnt using ssh keys as its a clean installation of ubuntu11:47
eagles0513875_all i did was setup a user for me and disabled root11:47
eagles0513875_user has root access through sudo and is in the sudoers file11:47
eagles0513875_heartones: are you on linux?11:47
heartonessorry I was away12:51
heartonescan you tell me what is your goal first are you trying to install what combination of juju/maas/openstack12:54
heartonesand I need to know your network topology as well how many NIC cards are connected to what switch and router this will make life easy to know this in advance12:55
heartonescause juju and maas are a little bit picky :)12:56
heartonesI can also log in remotely if needed to help you with things using putty ssh tunneling12:56
heartonesand don't forget the parsing of python is really picky too :) in your yaml file12:58
heartonesI can help with openstack and maas, but still playing with juju to get it to bootstrap my other node13:04
lazyPowereagles0513875_: what command did you use to attempt to bootstrap the node? just juju bootstrap with your manual provider configured in environments.yaml?13:55
lazyPowereagles0513875_: as i undertand it (i haven't run the windows juju agent in quite some time - i'll have to circle back with a vm image at some point in the near future and re-familiiarize myself) - even if it doesn't support key based auth, it should still prompt you for the password if password login is still enabled13:58
lazyPowereagles0513875_: also, if you pingme back ad 'm unresponsive, i'm attendin FOSDEM - so i might be a bit to reply, apologies in advance13:58
heartones'juju bootstrap --debug14:42
heartonesno proplem get your time I am working here on my servers14:43
eagles0513875hey all15:46
bloodicewhy did they remove the maas-name constraint???????16:07
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob

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