
macstarguys is it normal that when i am using the kubuntu vivid plasma 5.2 live image and try to start the installation that nothing happens?09:18
macstaroops it has started now never mind 09:19
macstarbut now the installer crashes ... shame09:31
macstaranyone knows how to fix it?09:33
valoriehmmm, first time I've heard about the installer crashing09:38
valoriemacstar: did you verify the iso?09:38
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:39
macstari thought about this and therefore downloading the iso now again09:39
macstarstill sceptical that this is the problem09:39
macstarrunning it in virtualbox btw.09:39
valorieeasier to just follow those links and verify09:39
macstar860mb ram, 8gb disk space09:39
valoriethis is why I torrent all the isos - ktorrent verifies them09:39
macstari never had a checksum problem with any iso .. never09:40
valorieI also seed them all 09:40
valorieI did on 14.10, first time09:40
valoriedownloaded with wget09:40
PaulW2Umacstar: bug #1411801 ?09:42
ubottubug 1411801 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu installer crashed on start-up" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141180109:42
macstarchecking the md5sum in windows is no option for me btw09:42
macstarso it's confirmed?09:42
PaulW2Udepends on what you're seeing...09:43
macstari tried to start it via konosle, crashes as well09:43
macstarwell let's try it again09:44
macstarlooks better now09:47
macstardo the checkboxes (3rd party software and updates) yet work?09:48
macstarlast time i tried it did crash the installer09:48
valoriesomeone else mentioned that - is it mentioned in the bug report?09:49
macstarworking :)09:49
valoriemost of the devels are at fosdem this weekend09:49
macstari came till to the disk partition thing09:49
valorieso things here will be really slow09:49
valorieour kubuntu guys are staffing the KDE booth09:50
macstarok another try09:53
macstarnow another error09:56
macstarthis is very bad09:56
macstarubi-console setup failed with exit code 14109:56
macstari could click on retry (did not work) i clicked on ignore setup continues09:57
macstarthis has traces of - dare i say? - windows in it :P09:57
lordievaderRiddell, ovidiu-florin: In which room are you guys?10:00
valoriemacstar: be sure to add your input on that bug report10:03
macstarvalorie i might have installer just crashed again with absolutely no info in it :(10:03
macstarsetup was pretty much at the end.... 16% when it was initialising the keyboard10:03
valorieI feel your pain10:04
macstari will try if it still boots :P10:04
valoriehonestly, all the times I've installed from an ISO, I've never had the installer crash10:04
valorieand only once during an upgrade10:04
valorie`sudo apt install -f` was my friend, fortunately10:05
macstari ran so many different distros in VM everyone went well, except i think 14.10 beta was crashy too and now this :(10:05
macstar:( thing won't boot... i will give it another try 10:06
macstarnow it can't create the swap partition10:10
macstarexit code 141 again10:11
macstardoes the installer write an error log somewhere?10:11
valoriemaybe, but I don't know where10:21
macstaranyway last try...10:21
macstari can't even add a bug report because when i open a browser and after the installer crashed the whole virtual box hangs :(10:22
macstarsuch a shame because plasma 5.2 looks very nice and feels fine as well10:23
valorieuse `ubuntu-bug ubiquity` from the cli?10:23
valoriethat's better anyway - automatically reports more info10:24
valoriemacstar: I'm off to bed; please use ubuntu-bug as I said above if possible10:46
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
macstarvalorie i am trying what i can do .... chose english as installer language now and it seems less crash prone10:46
macstarand there we go... when chosen english language in the installer, not a single error message or crash11:01
soeemacstar: it is known that isntaller crashes with notenglish locale11:05
macstarsoee it's know for me now too :)11:05
soeemacstar: always worth heking known issues https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/Alpha2/Kubuntu11:08
BluesKajHiyas all11:55
yofel     4:14.12.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa2 012:20
yofel        500 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ vivid/universe amd64 Packages12:20
yofelwait what?12:20
yofeland that's not marked released in git either, wft?12:23
yofelsgclark: are you possibly working on a machine that has the wrong default upload archive set?12:25
yofel[ubuntu] libkdegames_14.12.0-0ubuntu1_source.changes rejected12:43
yofelThe signer of this package is lacking the upload rights for the source package, component or package set in question.12:43
yofelI wonder what the best way to sync our packageset is, because lately it feels like the kubuntu packageset contains almost no kde packages12:43
sgclarkyofel: ? I don't know what you mean. context?14:50
yofelsgclark: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libkdegames/4:14.12.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa2 that version looks very wrong15:17
yofelgreat, even with all error logging off kwin still spams my x error log :S15:21
* yofel checks both "disable all error output" boxes15:21
yofellets hope that helps15:21
sgclarkyofel: ahh yes I remember, that was right after I got dev status and I was trying to push to ppa for testing but it all went to archive.. I had to change my dput.cf to not have archive as default, however Riddell said he would upload all that properly after we tested it.15:27
yofelyeah, it seems like that kind of never happened15:27
* yofel didn't check the upload date -.-15:27
ScottKFWIW, I don't think there's a developer who hasn't done a PPA upload to the archive be mistake.15:34
soeesomeone can confirm: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=343630 ?19:12
ubottuKDE bug 343630 in Activity Switcher "Black screen after activity switch" [Major,Unconfirmed]19:12
BluesKajhey soee 20:28
soee_:) connection lost20:31
=== soee_ is now known as soee
live-blizzzhey. just on yesterdays vivid daily live session from usb stick. is it normal that in this case half of the settings do not work? (e.g. keyboard, power management, desktop theme, screen edges)?22:20
live-blizzz(non-persistant mode)22:23
shadeslayerlive-blizzz: no23:01
shadeslayerI think that's not really expected23:01
shadeslayerdefine not working23:01
live-blizzzshadeslayer: settings do not apply. when i close and reopen settings, the state from before the changes is there again. 23:03
shadeslayer*shrug* not a clue23:03
shadeslayerI'll check on Monday23:03
live-blizzzok. also get hot new stuff does not show anything, it just says loading from providers file failed23:04
soeelive-blizzz: im on Vivid daily but not usb iso just plain installation23:04
soeeand all works fine here23:04
soeebut i remember bluskay said earlier that he had some problems with ssytem settings not sure what exactly thugh23:05
live-blizzzsoee: could you try and add another screen edge functionality? does this work?23:06
soeeone second23:06
soeelive-blizzz: iv added on the bottom center to show desktop and it works23:07
soeelive-blizzz: are you sure you are not using iso from kubuntu-ci ?23:08
live-blizzzsoee: ok, this is one thing that does not work for me. glad it does there, too. 23:08
live-blizzzsoee: yes23:08
live-blizzzi have it from here> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ 23:09
soeelive-blizzz: ok cant help much here, i do not use them, but if they are teh same as normal installation with current updates, so all works ine for me23:11
live-blizzzsoee: they are. well,  i nevertheless updated and first i used persistant mode, but than performance went really really bad (lot of writing to a compressed file system?!), also the stick i use is not that big (4gig). maybe i should try again. although, some things did not work back then either (ghns). hm.23:14
soeewell its USB23:14
soeeso im not sure where it stores all the loaded data ? ram or usb ?23:15
soeeso performance might not be that good23:15
live-blizzznow the performance is great23:15
live-blizzzi am not 100% sure where it goes. might be ram, but there is not much use actually23:16
live-blizzzjust a bit more than 1gb (of 8) is in use23:16
live-blizzzit might well go on usb, but an overlay file system is used. no idea how it works technically. written to some free space temporarily_23:17
soeedont know :)23:19
live-blizzzwhen i download stuff now it is slow again. sounds like it is written to usb indeed. this cannot go well :D23:19
live-blizzzthat`s a pity actually. i could try it in virtualbox, too, though i don`t like it much (for anything with a gui)23:22
soeeso install it :)23:23
live-blizzznot so sure it`s a good idea yet an my money-making-machine ;)23:24

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