
=== paolo_ is now known as faLUCE
=== Yukkino is now known as Yukkii
=== LB is now known as Guest89234
Guest89234has anyone figured out how to get fingerprint login working with fingerprint gui?  I don't care about the security risk with fingerprint readers right now02:16
valorieGuest89234: I have a fingerprint thingie on my laptop but have never tried to get it to work02:21
valorieI'm very much doubting anyone will work on it until the security issues are fixed02:22
Guest89234figured as much.  Just wanted to know if any one tried it for fun02:23
valoriewell, that is always a possibility02:24
valorieI would check the kernel ML for info02:25
=== roger__ is now known as Rogerio
floownWhen I try to do an update, I have this message : http://pastebin.com/ff7gJwq103:11
valoriefloown: http://askubuntu.com/questions/41605/trouble-downloading-packages-list-due-to-a-hash-sum-mismatch-error might help03:14
valoriebe sure to read all the approaches before taking action though03:14
valorieI just googled ubuntu updates Hash Sum mismatch failed to fetch03:15
valorieplenty of matches to that03:15
floownsudo rm -R /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/* does not resolve the problem03:18
valoriethere are various other suggestions, floown03:19
valorieon that link and others03:20
floownOk I have change the sources.list03:32
floownit works now03:32
valorieglad you found the problem, floown03:34
floownthx ^^03:34
=== Bart is now known as Guest12134
krisehelp please, can i connect my phone with laptop when im useing my phone as a wifi hotspot08:46
krisewith Kde connect08:46
zeon98? krise09:03
zeon98im confused, what are you trying to do?09:03
zeon98Ah i think im with you09:04
zeon98Why dont you just connect your laptop with a cable instead of wifi.09:05
=== gil is now known as Guest93902
kriseim trying to use my android phone as a laptop mousepad zeon9809:39
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* alvin suddenly craves lasagna10:32
=== Yukkii is now known as Yukkiino
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BluesKajHiyas all11:55
Hv0kplasma 5: 1 hr after installation - flight is normal. Custom installation dev tools - all runing and work fine)12:54
Hv0khw: travelmare 5742g12:54
=== paolo_ is now known as faLUCE
netstarhello am running 15.04 and konqueror - it keeps crashing all the time. Any ideas how to fix this?13:58
BluesKajuse dolphin13:59
netstaras a Web browser?14:00
BluesKajnetstar, why konqueror ...it's probly not even supported altho it's suppoded to be, and maybe i's just an after thought by now14:04
BluesKajchrome works well on 15.0414:05
=== shashank is now known as shashank19gaurav
=== shashank19gaurav is now known as shashank
=== shashank is now known as shashank19gaurav
netstarAlso, with Kubuntu 15.04 there is no printer settings etc...14:21
=== shashank is now known as shashank19gaurav
netstarHello, sorry to be a parrot: I'm running 15.04 and there are no print settings to configure a printer. Am I missing a package or two?15:08
BluesKajnetstar, you should be asking 15.04 questions in #ubuntu_1 btw15:22
BluesKajbut there's no print config in syatem settings on plasma 5 yet15:23
BluesKajsystem settings15:23
netstarBluesKaj: thanks15:26
BluesKajnetstar, actually it's #ubuntu+115:26
bu1j6hdvfmake[2]: mipsel-linux-gcc: Command not found15:46
bu1j6hdvffrom you have idea, how found or make mipsel-linux-gcc in kubuntu?15:46
BluesKajbu1j6hdvf, install build-essential15:48
bu1j6hdvfinstalled build-essential.15:51
bu1j6hdvfmake[2]: mipsel-linux-gcc: Command not found15:51
BluesKajbu1j6hdvf, reboot ?15:55
BluesKajbu1j6hdvf, no need to pm please15:57
=== shashank is now known as shashank19gaurav
sacardeis this channer for support on kubuntu15.4 alpha?16:19
netstarUptime: 1 hours and 52 minutes16:32
blackdoctorпривет народ16:39
blackdoctorрусскоговорящие есть?16:39
blackdoctorнужна помощьб по vnc16:39
Fafhrdименно vnc?16:40
Fafhrdв чем проблема?16:40
blackdoctorпроблема в том, что при подключении у меня показывается серый экран и галочки. типа буфер обмена разрешить и тд... более ни каких кнопок16:41
blackdoctorпризнаюсь, я начинающий убунтолог))) я тупой 1снег, но на кубунте автоматизирую магазины)))16:41
blackdoctorа сейчас и сервера 1с хочу перевести на 1с))) вот и занялся вопросом16:42
blackdoctornot Eng, sor16:42
blackdoctorтфу, сервера на кубунту хочу перевести))) глюки винды достали))) а опыт использования домашнего компа на кубунте радует стабильностью16:43
=== julian is now known as Guest91726
blackdoctorнароду много, а русскоязычных и свободных маловато)))16:48
BluesKaj!ru | blackdoctor16:51
ubottublackdoctor: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:51
=== shashank is now known as shashank19gaurav
ubottugiovanni89: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:53
giovanni89ciao a tutti16:53
giovanni89come si utulizza il programma?16:53
BluesKaj!it | giovanni8916:53
ubottugiovanni89: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:53
SeanFromQueensfrom within Dolphin, afp://goflexhome.local:548 cannot be accessed, it is a NAS that can be accessed from my Windows partition and my Mac but not Kubuntu17:38
SeanFromQueensAnyone have any idea what is the problem?  https://imgur.com/iUfvf0Z screenshot of Dolphin and the GoFlexHome Folder defaults to "Open with GwenView" as if it weren't a folder but a pic17:42
SeanFromQueensGoing through Samba almost always times out17:43
SeanFromQueens238 people in this chat room, and it is quiet like a morgue17:48
Mamarokpatience is a virtue...17:57
alvinSome of us are probably at Fosdem18:02
JunkHunkhello please a tip: I want a text file always ready when openning kate text editor how do I stock it?19:27
kriseim getting this error message when im trying to access my external hard drive. can anybody tell me what is this means19:30
JunkHunksessions will do19:30
kriseAn error occurred while accessing 'Viirus', the system responded: The requested operation has failed: Error mounting /dev/sdc1 at /media/krise/Viirus: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sdc1" "/media/krise/Viirus"' exited with non-zero exit status 13: $MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0). Failed to mount '/dev/sdc1': Input/output error NTFS is either19:30
kriseinconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g. /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation for more details.19:30
kriseviirus is my hard drive name19:30
BluesKajkrise, not exactly an appropriate handle19:43
parsnip`no ideas on how to use .Xresources in kubuntu?19:53
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parsnip`no ideas on how to use .Xresources in kubuntu?20:36
netstarMan am loving KDE 5.221:43
netstarIt's like 4.x didn't happen21:43
netstarWell done to all involved!21:44
=== Yukkiino is now known as Yukkii
=== kyle is now known as kyle_balkissoon
kyle_balkissoonhey, I am trying to configure xorg.conf to work with 4 monitors and 2 graphics cards22:08
kyle_balkissoonIs there a way to make 1 x-screen with 2 gpus22:09
netstarI think if they are the same card it's ok?22:11
kyle_balkissoontwo different cards22:13
kyle_balkissoonsadly bill gates winblows works perfectly fine22:13
kyle_balkissoonbut developing on windoze isn't fun22:13
netstarThat is a true statement22:14
netstarIt's also expensive22:14
kyle_balkissoonI'm here on my real name and I am a proud software pirate ;)22:14
kyle_balkissoon(in Canada for personal use piracy isn't enforceable)22:14
kyle_balkissoonWell as long as you downloaded it before january 122:14
netstarYou don't need to pirate anything22:15
kyle_balkissoonbut back to kubuntu22:15
kyle_balkissoonis there a way to pass two device arguments in the "Screen" section of a xorg.conf22:15
netstarman xorg.conf?22:16
netstarI imagine it's driver specific?22:16
netstartwo GPUs!22:16
kyle_balkissoonI have the open source nvidia drivers22:16
kyle_balkissoontwo graphics card22:17
netstarkyle_balkissoon: use the Nvidia binary and their setup tool22:17
kyle_balkissoonI tried that, it wants me to make a second x-screen for the second card22:17
kyle_balkissoonwhich doesn't allow me to drag a window from monitor set 1 to monitor set 222:17
kyle_balkissoonthere really needs to be a make your own xorg.conf for dummies tutorial22:21
=== parsnip` is now known as parsnip
martasbncz.brej večír22:47
martasbnczhledal bych utilitku,co mi na trase vypíše pingy22:48
martasbnczví někdo jak na to ?22:48
soee!sl martasbncz22:49
ubottuŽiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.22:50
parsnipdoes kubuntu use lightdm?23:15
soeeparsnip: 14.10 yes, in 15.04 sddm will be used23:16
parsnipis there some file like /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup ?23:17
parsnipI'm trying to get .Xresources to work, but doesn't seem to.23:18
parsnipNot sure where to ask.23:18
soeeparsnip: sorry i dont know this23:19
parsnipand 14.04 too?23:19
parsnipThank you.23:19
soeeparsnip: what about it ?23:19
parsnipalso uses lightdm?23:19
soeeparsnip: tbh i dont remmber, but if you need it you can install it23:20
soeeboth kdm and lightdm should work just fone23:20
parsnipsure. kubuntu 14.04 works fine as is. but i have trouble with .Xresources. Thanks though.23:20

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