
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
BluesKajHiyas all11:56
captainfantastichey guys! what's kernel version of ubuntu alpha 2?14:02
BluesKaj3.18.0-12 afaik , captainfantastic do a uname -a to find yours14:09
knittlmy display manager stopped starting up14:18
knittlthe nvidia-logo shows, but then the screen goes blank714:18
knittlanyone having similar problems?14:19
knittl(gdm goes blank screen, lightdm shows the login-screen but crashes/restarts after entering my password)14:20
knittlI tried cinnamon-nightly, so it might be related to that14:21
captainfantasticBlueKaj: I don't have the iso, so I thought someone may know.14:39
BluesKajcaptainfantastic, I just checked the kernel definitely is 3.18.0-1214:40
captainfantasticBluesKaj: thanks buddy14:41
BluesKajI'm running alpha 2 on my laptop, and it runs ok , still missing some of my favourite desktop options tho14:43
captainfantasticyeah, I would like to try some xubuntu. but kubuntu was great.14:46
knittlhow/where can I troubleshoot gnome-shell not starting problems?14:56
sacardeI try kubuntu15.04alpha2 in a vm16:20
sacardebut when I start ubiquity I have an error16:20
sacardermdir: failed to remove ‘/run/udisks2/inhibit-polkit’: Device or resource busy16:23
sacardein df I view16:25
sacardetmpfs                          445000       0    445000   0% /run/udisks2/inhibit-polkit16:25
* penguin42 hasn't had much luck with 15.04 in a VM, I must try it again16:35
netstarI'm liking it16:39
netstarKubuntu anyway16:40
netstara lovely visual change16:41
knittlgnome3-staging seems to be broken?17:09
knittlgdm will not start when the PPA is in use. after ppa-purge I can login again17:09
=== soee_ is now known as soee

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