
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
willtorBug 1293252 is "Fix Released" and I'm running 14.10, but my version of libwnck-3-0 is 3.4.7-3.  The report says the fix is in libwnck3 3.14.0-1.  My system is updated.  Does "Fix Released" mean it's in the testing phase?01:48
ubot5bug 1293252 in libwnck3 (Ubuntu) "gnome-panel crashed with signal 5 in _XReply()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129325201:48
Noskcajwilltor, Fix Released means it's fixed in the most current ubuntu release, 15.04 (the developement release)01:55
willtorGotcha.  It was reported in 14.04 -- is it going to be backported to older systems?01:55
NoskcajI'll nominate it for 14.04 and 14.10 now,01:56
willtorThanks Noskcaj!01:56
NoskcajSRUing it shouldn't be too hard, i just need to find time to make up the paperwork01:57
ubot5Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates01:57
Noskcaj^ if you want to try01:57
willtorI see.  Yeah, I think I'll do that.  The bug is triggered by my precious KSP.  ;)01:59
willtorNoskcaj, I've updated the description in bug 1293252.  Can you verify that I've posted enough info?02:39
ubot5bug 1293252 in libwnck3 (Ubuntu) "gnome-panel crashed with signal 5 in _XReply()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129325202:39
NoskcajI just moved the original part to the bottom of the bug for you, look good though02:41
NoskcajDoes that second git patch remove the icon colour issues?02:42
willtorOh, snap!  I hope I didn't clobber your change.02:43
willtorI haven't experienced any icon color changes.  I downloaded the .deb package from 15.04 and installed it.02:43
willtorI shifted "libwnck3 (3.14.0-1) allows gnome-panel to continue running in 14.10." into the "[Other Info]" section.02:45
Noskcajbug all fixed02:45
willtorI _think_ the 3.14.0-1 version includes both git changes.02:46
Noskcaj*bug report02:46
Noskcajit does02:46
willtorGreat!  Thanks, Noskcaj!02:46
NoskcajI'll make a PPA with both git patches for testing now, and attach a debdiff to the bug.02:46
Noskcajwilltor, ppa has both utopic and trusty fixes. debdiffs attached to the bug. you should be able to do the rest.03:03
willtorGreat!  Thanks, cheers.03:04
area404if you host a contest, can you switch leaderboards from ACM-style to non-ACM during the contest?16:15

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