
Noskcajcurrently totem, pinpoint, and cheese have patches00:47
Noskcajdarkxst, I've rebased your totem work on debian and upstream stable (ppa:noskcaj/gnome3-staging), i'll hopefully be able to get the unstable version done and in ppa:noskcaj/clutter soon01:01
NoskcajI'm getting the same ftbfs on both 3.14.2 and 3.15.4. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/196218619/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-amd64.totem_3.15.4-0ubuntu1~vivid1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz01:17
darkxstNoskcaj, can you paste your rules01:22
darkxstI might try get the totem menu patch sorted this weekend, then we can get it into vivid01:22
darkxstNoskcaj, oh, there seems to be a broken Makefile01:24
darkxstMakefile:559: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?).  Stop.01:24
darkxstdo any of the debian patches touch debian/appdata?01:25
Noskcajnot data/appdata, but a few of them affect data/*01:31
darkxstNoskcaj, probably a bad rebase on a  Makefile.am somewhere ?01:37
darkxstNoskcaj, use debian paste or something!01:40
NoskcajIs it really that bad?01:40
darkxstits annoying to have to login to get raw text01:40
darkxstubuntu is that only paste service that does that!01:41
darkxstthough that patch seems ok01:41
darkxstI probably should change the topic for that!01:43
darkxstNoskcaj, this looks suspect, http://pastebin.com/bDw23iEB01:55
darkxstthough don't know if that is causing build failure01:55
darkxstquilt refresh is sometimes dodgy with xml files01:57
darkxstNoskcaj, maybe try http://pastebin.com/fqKx1ZEf02:06
Noskcajdarkxst, libinput is done in PPA, just waiting for kubuntu's approval for the kwin change02:24
darkxstNoskcaj, ok thanks02:25
Noskcajtotem is still ftbfs with your new patch02:26
darkxstNoskcaj, not sure then, but doesnt seem to be upstream issue though gstreamer seems broken in my jhbuild ;(02:42
darkxstNoskcaj, I'll take a look03:08
darkxstNoskcaj, https://git.gnome.org/browse/totem/commit/?id=cfd1b748e47cf66b7d7921fe9eeae743b9ab8f8403:14
darkxstyou probably need s/appdata-tools/appstream-glib/ in control.in03:15
darkxstthat should fix it03:17
darkxst-dev also03:24
darkxstNoskcaj, may also need a newer appstream-glib though, 0.3.2 looks to old03:36
darkxstand that is going to a MIR03:37
Noskcajdarkxst, i'll ask the debian maintainer for it to release a version that we can actually MIR05:00
darkxstNoskcaj, check first, that is required, I was only guessing based on commit logs05:01
Noskcajyeah, 3.14.1 changelog says it switched05:02
darkxstI'm mean appstream-glib05:02
darkxstNoskcaj, and actually I don't imagine a "Maintained by debian but with a small upstream bump for totem 3.14.2" would really block an MIR05:05
Noskcajdarkxst, The fact it can't co-install with appdata-tools will05:06
darkxstNoskcaj, no, it will replace appdata-tools, that is deprecated05:07
darkxstso that not a blocker either, just might mean a mini transition to backport a few patches05:08
darkxstNoskcaj, pretty sure hughsie has a pretty hold on things upstream, that would be much more preferred in main, than some deprecated package...05:14
darkxst^good hold05:17
* darkxst is trying to do too many things at once!05:17
Noskcajdarkxst, Will ubuntu-gnome maintain appstream-glib in ubuntu or should that be pointed to the desktop team>05:30
darkxstwho maintains appdata-tools? perhaps it could be co-maintained, its used by a bunch of their core packages05:32
Noskcajdesktop team05:33
darkxstso I think they would be happy to take it05:36
darkxstjust check05:36
darkxstI'll probably end up in the -desktop team soonish, but not to take the burden of these things05:36
darkxstin fact I wonder why we even have to maintain packages that are not in our packageset, something is broken there ;)05:38
darkxstalthough with me -desktop and you at some point motu, should cover everything except core05:38
Noskcajdarkxst, bug +Z on Noskcaj06:00
Noskcajbug 141661706:01
ubot5bug 1416617 in appstream-glib (Ubuntu) "[MIR] appstream-glib" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141661706:01
darkxstNoskcaj, lgtm, I am happy for us to co-maintain it necessary also06:03
Noskcajappstream did fix the totem ftbfs, i've now copied totem 3.14.2 to gnome3-staging06:04
Noskcajnever mind, still ftbfs06:11
darkxstNoskcaj, that is a different failure though08:09
darkxst/usr/include/libxml2/libxml/encoding.h:31:26: fatal error: unicode/ucnv.h: No such file or directory08:09
darkxst #include <unicode/ucnv.h>08:09
Noskcajdarkxst, Fixed that with a build-dep on libicu-dev08:41
darkxstNoskcaj, just guessing again, but shouldn't the build-dep come from libxml2?08:50
Noskcajstuck in -proposed IIRC08:53
darkxstNoskcaj, -staging builds against proposed08:54
NoskcajI think the dep is still missing for some reason08:55
Noskcajdoesn't dep on the -dev version, only icu5208:57
darkxstNoskcaj, + zlib1g-dev | libz-dev, liblzma-dev, libicu-dev08:57
darkxstthat probably needs a hard-dep on libicu I suspect08:57
darkxstalthough I don't know what zlib1g-dev actually is08:58
Noskcaji mean no icu-dev dep for libxml2-dev08:58
darkxstNoskcaj, that was from libxml2 debdiff in proposed08:59
darkxstand that is a build-dep09:00
darkxstone, that is formatted silly09:01
darkxstNoskcaj, btw you really should mention these things in the changelog something like " Add build-dep on libicu-dev because libxml2 deps are broken currently" would be much better ;)09:05
darkxstand file a bug and link it for bonus points ;)09:06
darkxstuntil we get git branches setup, the changelog is the only documentation trail we have, so if something is intended as temporary, it needs to be noted09:08
NoskcajI'm meant to be off the computer at 8, so i'll get to that tomorrow09:08
darkxstNoskcaj, thats fine, and upload 3.15 if its working09:09
darkxst3.14 should really go into gnome309:10
Noskcajok, i'll upload them both with fixed changelogs09:10
darkxstanyway just keep that in mind and feel to add TODO/FIXME or whatever for temporary things09:11
Noskcajwill do09:11
darkxstNoskcaj, thanks09:11
darkxstNoskcaj, and learn git ;) will start pushing branches there pretty soon09:11
darkxst(will be hosted on alioth)09:12
Noskcajalthough i have stuff like homework now i've started year 1109:12
darkxstthey used to start homework *much* earlier than year 11 ;)09:15
darkxstNoskcaj, I'll run you through git-buildpackage sometime when your free09:20
l3ongnome3-staging/vivid  --> are you able to do a "suspend" ?.. here does not work via gnome-shell, neither via keyboard .... I'm forced to use "sudo pm-suspend"11:53
abaddon_anyone able to help me to share a wifi connection through ethernet?  I am losing my mind here11:59
Noskcajdarkxst, appstream-glib maintainer says he should have a main-worthy upload tomorrow19:29
darkxstNoskcaj, great21:25
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