
Kilosmorning everyone04:57
captinewow, u guys were up till late06:07
Kiloshi captine  06:07
Kilosno me06:07
Kilosbunch of night owls they are06:08
captineyip.  doing a quick reboot for updates.  brb06:12
captinei may run out of data today... eish06:25
Kiloseish that was a fat upgrade 111m here06:27
Kilosi gotta reboot too06:28
Kiloslots kernel stuffs and stupid google chrome06:31
Kilosoh captine  tomorrow is new month so you wont be offline for long06:38
Kiloshi Tonberry_  07:23
Kilosand SDCDev  07:23
Kiloswbb need modem to go update 12.04.508:46
Kilosmaybe i must make a pc repair stick with kde09:17
charlgood morning10:18
charlMaaz: coffee on10:18
* Maaz puts the kettle on10:18
charlhi Kilos 10:18
Kiloshi charl  10:18
KilosMaaz  coffee please10:18
MaazKilos: Okay10:18
charlhow are you Kilos 10:18
Kilosgood ty and you10:19
Kilosbeen a good day, woke at 4 am for some strange reason and head lekker today10:19
charlgood, good10:19
Kilosill put it down to eating half a bucket of kentucky last night and some for breakfast10:20
charlwell, if it works, it works right10:21
Kilosyeah but expensive, luckily ian brought it on his way past here10:21
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!10:22
KilosMaaz  ty10:22
MaazYou are welcome Kilos10:22
charlMaaz: danke10:26
Kiloshi mazal  10:33
Kilosvreemd om jou saterdae hier te sien10:33
mazalMore oom , ja het Kubuntu op my laptop gesit en toets gou of als werk10:36
mazalLyk of als werk10:38
Kiloskde gee min probleme10:38
inetprogood afternoon10:59
* inetpro keeps running into the end of the month data limitations :-(11:00
inetprofacebook and many other sites becoming way too hungry these days11:02
Kilosafternoon inetpro  haha11:48
Kilosonly 10 hours to go11:48
Kiloshi octoquad  11:50
octoquadhi Kilos 12:05
captineinetpro, i agree.  especially heavy are the mobile apps... kills the phones data12:30
Kilosinetpro  methinks something coming from the south east13:58
Kilosmore than just wind i hope13:58
inetpro@climagic I couldn't figure out how to quit vi so I rebooted the system. --[name censored to protect the innocent]15:09
Kilosthats what i do15:10
Kilosai! the clouds went straight past15:43
* Kilos making a remastersys iso of a working kde 14.04 updated as of now15:52
Kilosthe 5th would have been even better because it will be 14.04.2 then but thursday is an important day with other priorities15:53
captine14.04.2 on the 5th feb?16:12
captineloging off.  going to try pidgin for all coms, incl irc... never used it but heard someone say it is good for simple chat etc16:13
Kilosinetpro  ydiw?16:16
inetproMaaz: ydiw16:16
MaazYou're Doing It Wrong16:16
Kilosdoing what wrong?16:16
inetproKilos: what is your intended use of the remastersys ISO?16:17
Kilosto resize my 1TB drive and do a clean install16:17
Kilosi wanted to do 12.04.5 but that still has nm issues16:18
Kiloslol wat ai! jy nou weer16:18
Kilosty i needed that16:18
inetprohow often do you still want to resize and re-install?16:18
Kiloswb captine  16:18
captinenot chatting for long... got a baby sitter so going to watch a movie16:19
Kilosinetpro  also i want to make my pc repair stick a kde stick16:19
Kilosok can16:19
Kilosai! captine  16:19
inetprowhy not simply make a backup and learn to restore from backup?16:19
captinei used the built in ubuntu backup tool and restored from that a couple time when doing a nuke and pave...16:20
captineworked really well16:20
Kilosbecause when installing from the remastersys iso everything is there. no need to install anything extra or update/upgrade16:20
Kiloscaptine  i just found there was too much on pidgin16:21
inetproif you restore from backup evrything will be there as well, no need to even go through the motions of any install16:21
captinei agree.  it is pretty bloated16:21
Kilosinetpro  also you can boot from it and its the same as running your sytem from hdd16:22
captinekilos, can you use the image for a pxe boot... i guess you could...16:22
captineone can then do a private company "distro" for mass installs16:22
Kilosremastersys also gives that option, you can make either a working iso of your system or an installable iso for other pcs16:23
inetprothat's why I ask the question, what is your intended use16:24
Kilosthe working one is as if you are booting from your drive16:24
Kilosfirst the pc repair stick inetpro  then a clean install here16:24
Kilosthe stick can be plugged in anywhere and be used to repair other pcs/drives16:25
Kilosall tools already installed16:25
Kilosboot-repair included and the data recovery tools16:26
inetprojaja, just do it your way16:26
Kilosyou so stubborn16:26
Kilosai! ek sukkel darem16:26
inetprodon't complain when you loose data again16:26
Kilosthe lamb went out with the grown sheep today, but came to the fence a few times for mulberry leaves16:27
Kiloshows everything there inetpro ? all well?16:28
inetproall fine ty16:29
superflyinetpro: lightweight Qt based browser?16:32
inetprosuperfly: ?16:32
superflymy netbook with 2 gigs of RAM (should be enough, right?) CRAWLS with Firefox and/or Chrome16:32
Kilosis opera-developer a qt based browser?16:33
Kilosi know its faster than the fox16:34
inetprolow amount of RAM is a real challenge these days16:41
inetprowebsites out there don't care about your low RAM16:41
inetpropages in general are simply overloaded with massive amounts of images and data16:42
inetproFirefox uses too much memory (RAM) - How to fix https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-uses-too-much-memory-ram16:44
superflyI've loaded Arora16:52
superflyinetpro: 2 gigs is not low16:53
superflyinetpro: ever heard if Trello.com ?17:42
inetprosuperfly: rings a bell17:42
superflyproject management app, Freemium model17:42
superflygives a LOT of features in the Free segment17:43
inetprosuperfly: I've seen you using it with openlp17:43
superflyit's nice because it doesn't dictate a workflow17:43
superflyby defualt it gives you "to do", "doing" and "done" columns17:44
inetprosounds like something that I should look into17:44
inetprosuperfly: does it have a nice android app as well?17:45
inetprosuperfly: ok, what username do you use?17:54
inetprorsnyman, raoulsnyman or raoulsnyman1?17:55
inetprohmm... where did he go now?18:15
inetproanyone else using trello yet?18:15
inetprolooks cool actually18:15
inetproI created a ubuntu-za organisation, maybe we can use this?18:16
inetprohmm... everyone so quiet18:25
Kilospatience old man, family time first18:32
Kilostheblazehen  are you here?18:33
superflySorry inetpro 18:46
inetproMaaz: seen theblazehen18:46
Maazinetpro: theblazehen was last seen 14 days, 3 hours, 11 minutes and 40 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-01-17 07:35:18 PST], and has been online on freenode since 2015-01-26 04:52:59 PST18:47
inetprosuperfly: no problem18:47
superflyWatching a movie and my netbook doesn't want to reconnect 18:47
inetprolooks very interesting... just need to figure how to use it properly though18:47
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  19:00
Kilosso inetpro  explain what it does 19:01
inetproKilos: you start by signing up19:03
inetprosee: https://trello.com/inetpro/recommend19:03
Kiloshehe whats with the recomend thing19:03
inetprohi ThatGraemeGuy19:04
Kilosi dont want to sign up if its another thing im too dom to use man19:04
superflyinetpro: it's for project management, managing tasks and things. 19:04
inetproKilos: I get a big bonus when you sign up :-)19:04
Kilosok here goes19:04
inetpronot sure what it means but they say, "Share Trello and Earn Trello Gold"19:05
inetproyay! 19:07
* inetpro earned Trello Gold!19:07
Kilosits battling to verify my email?19:07
inetproKilos: just check your mail19:08
Kiloshaha spend it wisely and not all in one place19:08
Kilosits ok done19:09
inetproKilos: you're also a member of the ubuntu-za organisation now19:09
inetprocheck the Welcome Board Basics to start with19:11
Kilosdid you drag me to your board?19:12
Kilosis it like a dropbox kinda thing where you can share files etc19:13
inetproKilos: it's for sharing tasks and projects19:14
inetproto help you in tracking what you still need to do, what you're busy with or what is done19:15
inetprobecomes very handy when you need to track tasks amongst a team19:17
inetprodon't worry, am also still trying to figure it out19:17
Kilostheres no apps for linux19:18
inetproit's web based19:19
inetproand doesn't use a lot of bang width19:20
inetprooops I mean bandwidth19:20
Kilosdont share anything with me till i got my membership19:23
Kilosdo they give you a sjambok with membership?19:24
inetprowhat you mean "don't share anything"?19:26
Kilosnothing thats gonna make me have to think more man19:26
inetproyou're not going anywhere19:27
inetprohey, we're trying to get here man19:27
inetproget organised here man*19:27
Kilosbut everything adds more headache man, get easy stuffs19:27
Kilosdrag and drop is ok19:28
Kilosactuallt trello looks good in that way19:28
* inetpro already likes it19:29
Kilosdid you make the ubuntu-za on a new board?19:30
Kilosi dont see organisation19:30
Kilosoh found it19:31
Kilosah found you19:32
Kilosadd the fly also as well too19:32
inetprofly added already19:34
Kiloshaha twice19:35
Kilosok add me face19:39
Kiloscan you see it? or is it in a wrong place19:39
inetproI moved it into a new list19:41
Kilosgood man19:42
Kilosno man it must show like you guys there by the members button19:43
Kilosai! must i do everything19:43
inetproclick on your profile and change it there19:43
inetprotop right hand corner19:43
inetproKilos: are you getting there?19:47
Kilossigh 19:47
Kilosdont you see19:47
inetproahh, now I do19:47
Kiloseish monthly meetings there too19:51
inetprothat's all part of our activities :-)19:53
Kilosso how do we delete that photo now. its not needed there anymore19:59
Kilosadd a right click delete function19:59
inetprofigure it out20:03
Kilosit got smaller somehow20:03
Kilosi go sleep now20:04
Kilossleep tight all20:04
inetprook, good night20:04
inetprogood night22:11

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