
raven_daftykins: i dont get it. doing it like its just a differnet account?00:00
EriC^^freeroute: yeah i think so00:00
daftykinsraven_: ? no you just keep your user data in the /home partition so you don't have to keep backing up before reinstalls00:00
daftykinsraven_: although perhaps you should share why you keep wanting to distro hop? if that's what you mean :)00:01
supayEriC^^: shit, so i should have gotten LXQT? :/00:01
EriC^^supay: it's ok i guess00:01
supayEriC^^: good.. i just went into panic-mode00:02
raven_daftykins: i was just checking some out before putting a new os on my work computer. now im fine with this one, but i dont want it on my personal laptop00:02
Exploithruskiesgg: its been 2 buttons for years now00:02
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
* Exploith slaps ruskiesgg with his un showered penis around a few times00:03
Wombelis an amd athlon x2 to slow for ubuntu?00:03
raven_i have alot of video/audio and it just takes a long time. I lost a bunch of music last time00:03
daftykinsraven_: 'this one' ? but you keep backups anyway, right? so reinstalls don't lose anything...00:04
Wombelis an amd athlon x2 to slow for ubuntu?00:05
daftykinsRAM + disk will be bigger factors of performance00:05
Wombelhow much ram you need00:05
daftykinsit won't be great by any means, i'd pick xubuntu over ubuntu00:05
daftykins2GB minimum for xubuntu00:05
Rachael24 There is no such thing as Free Porn http://s0o.de/f4t4dss00:05
raven_daftykins: uhhh not really. i tried to do an online storage once but it was more hassle than it was worth, and its why i lost my music00:05
daftykinswell, to be comfy.00:05
Wombelit has 8gb00:05
Wombeli brought this pc for $800:06
daftykinsWombel: that's nice00:06
daftykinsraven_: i see. but anyway, nope - clean install to get from Mint -> ubuntu00:06
raven_I dont want to take up a bunch of space on the work computer for my own stuff00:06
raven_that sucks...00:06
daftykinssuch is ones penance for running Mint.00:07
freeroute!find megatools00:07
ubottuPackage/file megatools does not exist in utopic00:08
freerouteMegatools now play well with major linux distros, Ubuntu 12.04+, Fedora 17+, Arch Linux, Suse,... Mega library for building your own tools is now available!00:08
daftykinsdoesn't mean they're included in ubuntu00:08
daftykinsjust means they're available00:08
freerouteI thought find also searched in PPAs00:10
freeroutein any case PPAs only have versions for 12.x00:10
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freerouteany recommendations how I can upload a <10 MB file to a hosting service?00:11
freeroutepeyam: hi00:11
peyamI wonder if there is any plugins for xffe that shows all the open aplication windows like in Gnome when you hover the mouse to the top left corner00:11
=== aa40bc is now known as aarobc
supayEriC^^: would i use 'startx' to start lubuntu? or is it another command?00:21
daftykinssudo service lightdm start00:21
EriC^^supay: ^00:21
supaydaftykins: and that would start the lubuntu desktop environment by default everytime i boot?00:22
daftykinsthat's a one-time logged in at a TTY kind of start00:22
EriC^^supay: it should start automatically i think00:22
supayEriC^^: it did! nice!00:23
supayi hope i can install the virtualbox addons now..00:24
supayotherwise it's stuck as a small window00:24
EriC^^you can always use grub to set a bigger resolution if it doesn't work out00:25
supayoh, okay00:26
=== _X_C_V_B_ is now known as XCVB
=== Leelahs_Corpse is now known as Frank_Lester
jshanabIs there any way to boot into a command line without starting all or a particular service? I added a piece of software that runs as a service and cuases a kernel panic00:43
EriC^^jshanab: add init=/bin/bash to your kernel line in grub00:44
LtEddiehi guys. I was curious if you can help me with something because htese others aint helping me :P. im trying to portforward to a vm thats in my dedi server and it isnt working00:44
aeorilI am wanting to start developing for Ubuntu.  I am interested in low level development (like kernel, drivers, modules, etc) but have not developed on Linux in a while.  I am trying to pick an appropriate image to start developing on from cdimage.ubuntu.com.  I found the images for Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty Tahr).  Would that be a good choice?00:44
NegativeFlarejshanab: recovery mode00:44
LtEddieI typed this in: iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d --dport 28015 -j ACCEPT00:44
jshanabEriC^^ thanks00:45
jshanabrecovry mode still starts it and crashes.00:45
EriC^^jshanab: run mount -o remount,rw /00:45
EriC^^jshanab: after you get the shell00:45
LtEddieI get an error from the game when I join the server and its Failed to establish connection to server - no response from remote host. the vm has Microsoft Server 2012 R200:45
jshanabI get to a shell but the keyboard does not work LOL00:47
aeorilWhen I looked at later builds, they only had source images, except the daily build, but I am not sure I need to use the daily build image just starting out00:47
=== Yukkino is now known as Yukkii
daftykinsLtEddie: sorry, Windows issue00:47
LtEddieno no but I am doing this with ubuntu00:48
LtEddiebecause as I said this has a kvm00:48
LtEddieam I doing something wrong?00:48
daftykinsstill a Windows product :)00:48
LtEddieI did this fine with Debian but im struggling with this now00:48
LtEddiewell I didnt do this fine with debian so im trying with ubuntu now lol00:48
NegativeFlareLtEddie: That's still a windows issue. Its probably not the VM software. Its probably windows, being windows.00:48
LtEddieoh I see.00:49
daftykinsrunning minecraft from a windows server OS is pants on head laughable :)00:49
daftykinser, although having said that i don't know where i got minecraft from00:49
daftykinsperhaps it's friday night00:49
* daftykins strolls off00:49
LtEddieI see. is there a way to launch an exe file in linux then?00:50
LtEddiebecause thats why I have microsoft server as a VM >.>00:50
LtEddiewine doesn't work00:50
NononHey guys, I'm running Ubuntu 14.10 on an ASUS X551CA with a Ralink RT5390 WiFi adapter.00:50
geektech713or playonlinux00:50
LtEddiethe things I need are garbage00:50
NononI'm getting "WiFi disabled by hardware switch"00:50
NononDespite not having one of those00:50
daftykinsNonon: it will do, it'll be like Fn+<function key>00:50
NononAnt ideas?00:50
LtEddiegeektech713: ddoes playonlinux allow me to run a server for Rust?00:50
daftykinsor, power off, pull the mains and battery, then power back on after a few mins00:51
OerHeksNonon, FN key + top row?00:51
geektech713i dont think so00:51
NegativeFlarewait, isn't Rust for linux as well?00:51
morgan_Any other artists on linux here?00:51
Nonondaftykins: F2 has the WiFi logo but Fn+F2 doesn't enable WiFi00:51
NononFor whatever reason00:51
daftykinsNonon: "rfkill --list all" show anything?00:51
daftykinsmight be without the --00:52
geektech713try the wifi key on the laptop00:52
daftykinsyeah, we said that00:52
Nonondaftykins: asus-wlan isn't soft or hard blocked00:53
Nononphy0 is hard blocked00:53
daftykinsAsus laptops mostly use Windows software to turn on/off the wifi though00:53
daftykinsNonon: sudo service network-manager restart ?00:53
Nonondaftykins: done, got the same thing00:54
daftykinslogout + in00:54
NononSame thing, but a toast with "Disconnected - you are now offline" showed for a few seconds00:55
daftykinsah well, i still like my mains + battery idea00:56
NegativeFlareNonon: ifconfig shows that you don't have an IP correct?00:56
NononNegativeFlare: I think?00:58
EriC^^Nonon: has it ever worked before?00:59
NononEriC^^: no, this is a brand new install00:59
EriC^^Nonon: on the pc i mean00:59
NegativeFlareNonon: What do you mean you think? o_O00:59
NononYeah, works great in Windows 8.1 and 1000:59
NegativeFlareNonon: it doesn't show something like this:           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
EriC^^Nonon: ok01:00
EriC^^Nonon: type ifconfig01:00
daftykinsNonon: hang on, so you still have any Windows installed?01:01
Nonondaftykins: I do01:01
daftykinswhy don't you boot in and check the asus wifi utility doesn't have it turned off?01:01
Nonondaftykins: I managed to fix it by messing with wmi, thanks01:05
daftykinshow-so exactly?01:05
Nononecho "options asus_nb_wmi wapf=4" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/asus_nb_wmi.conf01:05
cyberpolicehello. i want to reinstall all my programs. i only have access to /etc /var and /home. can i generate a list of packages there were installed on the system from those log files/config files so i can feed it to sudo apt-get install blablabla, where blablabla is the packages it found in those dirs?01:07
cyberpolicei dont have access to my machine anymore01:07
cyberpolicebesides the backup01:07
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daftykinscyberpolice: what do you mean reinstall a system you 'don't have access to' ?01:08
daftykinswhy don't you have access to it?01:08
bekksAnd how would you install a system you 'dont have access to'? :)01:09
daftykinsall this and more, stay tuned to #ubuntu01:09
cyberpolicethe machnes filesystem was too corrupt. i formatted it. and i only have backup of the /home /var and /etc dirs in a zip file i saved myself at one point. i want to reinstall all the packages onto the same machine now01:09
cyberpolicei meant i dont have access to the old machine to run dpkg -l anymore01:10
daftykinsoh well then you're hosed01:10
daftykinssurely you can remember what software you use01:10
cyberpoliceyea but... its gonna take a long time01:10
cyberpoliceto figure out as needs arise01:10
daftykinsc'est la vie?01:11
daftykinsi can think of far worse situations01:11
goodluckhi,budy,how to access python idle in ubuntu01:11
cyberpolicearent those dir backups useful though01:11
cyberpoliceits got /var/apt /var/dpkg stuff and maybe even stuff in /etc ?01:11
=== Mr_Sheesh is now known as Mr_Sheesh_
jshanabI cannot get the keybaord to work when I use init=/bin/bash in grub to fix a service that crashes on start01:12
Jordan_Ugoodluck: Have you installed one of the idle-python packages yet?01:12
daftykinsjshanab: use recovery mode instead01:13
Jordan_Ujshanab: Have you tried single user mode rather than init=/bin/bash ?01:13
EriC^^cyberpolice: the list of installed packages are in /var/lib/dpkg/status01:13
cyberpoliceEriC^^: i didnt backup /var/lib/* for some reason. any other ideas01:14
jshanabsingle is recovery, recover still starts the service that crashes the box. I have tried editing a few of the grub screens01:14
daftykinsjshanab: live session and chroot then?01:14
EriC^^cyberpolice: what did you back up in /var ?01:14
goodluckJordan_U:no,thanks for hitting me01:14
jshanabI can get to a bash prompt but the keyboard is dead01:14
Jordan_Ujshanab: What service?01:14
jshanabOnce installed, ubuntu no longer sees the USB as bootable.01:14
cyberpoliceEriC^^: log/  mail/ swap  www/01:15
cyberpolicestupid... me01:15
EriC^^log is good01:15
EriC^^all of log is there?01:15
cyberpoliceEriC^^: it looks like it01:15
cyberpolicedecent amount of logs there01:15
Jordan_Ugoodluck: I don't know what you mean by "hitting". Do you know how to install software in Ubuntu in general?01:15
jshanabIt is software I work on that installs as a service. I have actually pleaded for them to change the way they do this so that customers in the field do not have to send boxes back ...01:15
Jordan_Ujshanab: Can you boot from a LiveCD/USB and disable the service?01:16
goodluck<Jordan_U>:it menas give me a hint,can i do sudo install idle01:17
cyberpolicetheres a lot of /var/log/apt/history.log and /var/log/apt/term.log and /var/log/dpkg.log01:17
jshanabI used a liveUSB to install, but now it boots of the HD and will not boot the liveUSB. THe bios is not seeing it to let me set the order, but .... let me try someting. If the darn keyboard would work after grub, id be fine01:17
jshanabJordan_U this thing boots so darn fast, it is hard to catch it to fix it01:18
=== XCVB is now known as _X_C_V_B_
EriC^^cyberpolice: if you want a list of the stuff you installed manually, check /var/log/apt/history.log and ..log.1.gz etc.01:19
Jordan_Ugoodluck: Open Ubuntu Software Center and search for "python idle". You'll see that there is a 2.x version and a 3.x version available to install. I don't know which of the two you want.01:19
jshanabIT sees the USB but when it sees the HD, it takes over and goes to the drive? WTH?01:19
cyberpoliceEriC^^: yeah i just began to read it. its all there. i need to grep it some how01:20
=== Mr_Sheesh_ is now known as Mr_Sheesh
Jordan_U!software | goodluck01:22
ubottugoodluck: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents01:22
ubuntujoin #ubuntu-es01:23
LurkAshF1akeany good screen recorder?01:23
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest54138
EriC^^cyberpolice: cat history.log | grep "apt-get.*install" | cut -d" " -f4-01:25
EriC^^cyberpolice: also use zcat for the other history.log.1.gz ones01:25
cyberpoliceEriC^^: nice01:25
cyberpolicethat is working01:25
kahrlLurkAshF1ake: ffmpeg01:26
cyberpoliceEriC^^: a pipe to sort and uniq. and im done01:28
cyberpoliceEriC^^: amazing. thanks so much!!!01:28
EriC^^cyberpolice: you might need to pipe it through sed 's/--reinstall//g' to remove the --reinstall in some lines01:28
EriC^^or just grep -v "\-\-reinstall" cause they should be already there01:29
EriC^^cyberpolice: cool, no problem01:30
budgI'm trying to create an alias for sublime in ubuntu, but can't figure out what to set it to... "home/nickname/Sublime/sublime_text is just a binary file01:39
budgwhat type of file do you have to set it to01:39
EriC^^budg: what's the command you want to run?01:39
budgso it bashes' the program01:39
EriC^^what do you usually type to get it to work?01:39
budgi dunno, i am just setting up bash on ubuntu for the first time01:40
budgit should be alias subl = "....."01:40
EriC^^type whereis sublime01:40
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budg(was the answer)01:41
EriC^^budg: ok, go to /home/nickname/Sublime and search for a bin01:41
st3v3ni just ran find /01:41
Jordan_Ubudg: Have you ever run sublime on this machine before? If so, how did you start it?01:42
budgjordan: no01:42
budgjordan: I am just setting up ubuntu for the first time, winblows was the worst01:42
budgdon't see any bins01:43
EriC^^budg: type find /home/nickname/Sublime -exec file '{}' \; | grep ELF01:43
budgoh i do, but it just says "cannot execute binary file" when I try to bash it01:43
EriC^^!info sublime01:43
ubottuPackage sublime does not exist in utopic01:44
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alezhow to make sshd service start on boot?01:44
budgit points me to a binary file sublime_text, but i can't bash it01:45
budgit says "cannot execute binary file"01:45
budgalthough I can double click it to open01:45
bekksHow do you "bash it"?01:46
NegativeFlarewait, what? budg, Are you saying you do this: bash <filename>?01:46
budgbash /home/nickname/Sublime/sublime_text01:46
budgoh sweet01:47
budggot it to work01:47
budgi assume I was using bash wrong =[[[01:47
Jordan_Ubudg: Drop the "bash", just run "/home/nickname/Sublime/sublime_text".01:47
=== Guest93037 is now known as Zachary_DuBois
budgi had an old windows machine that was dying and ubuntu has made it a great computer01:48
ax562does it matter if I choose to not have swap space in 12.04.5 lts 64bit.  I have 16 GB of ram?01:57
EriC^^ax562: do you need hibernation?01:57
ax562Eric^^ do I? lol02:01
ax562Right now my settings are set as default.  So the laptop hibernates every 10 min if not active or so.02:02
EriC^^ax562: in windows?02:02
EriC^^ax562: i think that02:03
EriC^^'s the suspend02:03
budgare there spyware hazards on ubuntu?02:04
NegativeFlare!virus | budg02:04
ubottubudg: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus02:04
=== agent_wh1te is now known as agent_white
jshanabI have remade my liveUSB a second time and got the bios to boot it but when it boots it says" error: No such device:  {guid} Entering rescue mode.02:05
Jordan_Ujshanab: How did you prepare the USB drive?02:06
jshanabOnce from a win7 machine and once from a OSX. same result02:06
ax562Eric^^ ubuntu of course02:06
Jordan_Ujshanab: Did you check the md5sum of the iso before loading it onto the USB drive? Did you try the self check in the boot menu?02:07
ax562dual boot02:07
Jordan_Ujshanab: Also note that, while it's a pain, it's possible to mount filesystems and edit files (I *think* vi is available) via the initramfs shell.02:07
ax562does it matter if I choose to not have swap space in 12.04.5 lts 64bit.  I have 16 GB of ram?02:08
EriC^^ax562: you dont have swap right now?02:08
ax562my flash video is supper choppy in firefox02:08
jshanabunetbootin pulls it down and checks it as part of it's process. repeated twice from two differnt networks, two differnt machines and two differnt choices.02:08
EriC^^!swap | ax56202:08
ubottuax562: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info02:08
=== nipnop is now known as snappy
ax562EriC^^ no.  I chose not to make swap because I have 16GB of ram02:08
EriC^^ax562: ok, depending on what you're using the pc for, swap wont matter unless you want to use hibernation ( which is saving the ram to disk and turning the pc off to resume later )02:09
ax562how can I turn hibernate off Eric^^02:09
jshanabIs the 14.04 lubuntu upstream image damaged?02:10
EriC^^ax562: what you're having is suspend, it turns most stuff off and keeps enough power to keep the programs in ram02:10
LtEddieare you guys sure its a problem with me?02:11
LtEddieim not even sure I did the port forwarding right either lol02:11
LtEddieand when I mean me, I mean microsoft server >.>02:11
EriC^^ax562: it uses very little power and can go on for a long period, eventually it will drain the battery02:11
Xenosyou know what life needs more of? graphs.02:12
Xenoseverything needs to be graphed02:12
user2_how do i rest my computer02:14
Xenostop right corner, press the crank, press suspend02:15
Jordan_Uuser2_: Reset in what sense?02:15
budgare there good laptop manufacturer's for ubuntu machines?02:15
Xenosbudg, ibm02:15
Xenosdell i mean02:15
user2_reset it to what it was befor02:16
budgrepublicans :(02:16
Xenoshey a little bit of conservatism is ok02:16
Jordan_Uuser2_: What it was before what?02:16
Jordan_UXenos: budg: This channel is for productive Ubuntu support discussion only. Please move other comments elsewhere.02:17
user2_yes what it was befor02:17
LtEddieiptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d --dport 28015 -j ACCEPT < is this right cmd to port forward? :P02:17
budgare there other non-dell ubuntu laptops?02:18
xanguahttp://system76.com/ http://thinkpenguin.com/ budg02:18
NegativeFlareLtEddie: http://serverfault.com/questions/140622/how-can-i-port-forward-with-iptables02:18
user2__i my compuer02:19
ax562how can I turn hibernate off Eric^^02:20
EriC^^user2__: be more specific02:20
Jordan_Ubudg: Also http://zareason.com/ , http://www.gluglug.org.uk/ .02:20
xanguaax562: hibernate is not enabled by default02:20
EriC^^ax562: it's already off i guess02:20
ax562well why the hell does my laptop hibernate then02:20
ax562where can i find settings for hibernate?02:21
xanguain energy settings02:21
EriC^^ax562: that's suspend, not hibernate02:21
EriC^^ax562: does it turn off completely? as in you have to press the power button to start it?02:21
ax562no just click something02:22
Jordan_Uax562: That may not even be suspend then, it may just be turning off the monitor.02:23
ax562well yes.  It turns screen off and I have to enter password to log back in02:23
ax562how can i disable that?02:23
EriC^^settings > brightness & lock02:24
ax562ok thanks02:24
basedbluelittle project02:25
ax562will suspend cause problems if I do not have swap space?02:25
ax562ok thanks02:26
ax562well what about choppyness02:26
* EriC^^ wonders what happens if swap is full and somebody suspends02:26
ax562how can I figure out if I have all my proper drivers installed?02:26
basedbluehttp://rap.hah.pw/notebooks/rapbot.ipynb is this any good02:28
asarchMy laptop turn off at the middle of apt-get -y upgrade, who can I know if everything went fine? :'-(02:28
d001fdknHello, I was doing an assignment on Unix adminstration and which included writing scripts to back up home directory using tar applications as well and using crontab to back up, writing scripts to  boot machine to text mode and to configure box so that user should change password every 30 days with a warning given 7 days before password change. When I restarted my box, I get a message saying my system is running low on in graphics mode and screen, graphic02:28
d001fdkns card and device settings could not be detected correctly.  It also says I have to configure these myself.  Any help with this please?02:28
EriC^^asarch: cat /var/log/apt/term.log02:28
michael_jI uninstalled ubuntu one from my 12.04 system - there isn't any reason to keep it is there since the cloud is not there anymore02:30
daftykinsd001fdkn: 'unix' and you used ubuntu? :)02:30
d001fdkndaftykins, yes ubuntu 12.1002:30
redlama42No one is chilling on ##ubuntu-unity :(02:30
xanguad001fdkn: please upgrade to a supported ubuntu release02:31
xanguaplease as in now please now02:31
d001fdknxangua, but how can i configure my graphics card to be able to do that02:31
xanguad001fdkn: you have greater issues than your graphic card, please use a supproted ubuntu release02:32
Jordan_Ud001fdkn: You most likely will not have this problem with Ubuntu 14.04, which is probably the version you should use. You definitely should *not* use Ubuntu 12.10. Other reasonable choices include Ubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 14.10.02:33
d001fdknxangua, Jordan_U  ok but how can i do that with the message on my screen now?02:33
daftykinsd001fdkn: 12.10 as mentioned is dead and unsupported. put something new on then we can help (:02:34
redlama42Plus, pretty sure 12.10 has stopped getting security updates. That's dangerous.02:34
daftykinsyes, ages ago02:34
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/quantal02:34
EriC^^ctrl+alt+f1 the upgrade02:34
daftykinsnearly a year02:34
Jordan_Ud001fdkn: The simplest solution would be to boot from an Ubuntu 14.04 LiveDVD or LiveUSB and install Ubuntu 14.04.02:34
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:34
d001fdknJordan_U, I need to back up02:35
EriC^^fresh install would be best as Jordan_U suggests02:35
Jordan_Ud001fdkn: OK. You should be able to backup your files in "low graphics mode".02:35
d001fdkn<EriC^^> yes I agree, but I need to back up02:36
EriC^^back up then02:36
EriC^^you can do it ;)02:36
ceobbcade as bucetas?02:37
ax562how can I figure out if I have all my proper drivers installed?02:37
Jordan_Ud001fdkn: And if your instructor recommended that you install Ubuntu 12.10, please tell them that we recommend that in the future they at least suggest that students use a long term support release of Ubuntu, and to never suggest that students run an EOL release.02:37
d001fdknJordan_U, EriC^^, thanks02:37
d001fdknJordan_U, haha ok02:38
Jordan_Ud001fdkn: You're welcome :)02:38
asarchEriC^^, I guess that if see the "Log ended: 2015-01-30  20:13:48" everything was fine, right?02:39
ablest1980axr62 go to ubuntu software and the moniter icon the says install underneath it02:40
ablest1980ubuntu software center02:40
ablest1980ax562 go to ubuntu software center click the moniter icon the says (installed) underneath it02:42
EriC^^asarch: if it ends with Setting up it's probably ok02:43
asarchTHANK YOU02:43
asarchThank you very much02:43
EriC^^you're welcome02:43
asarchI owe you a couple of beers :-)02:43
ax562ablest1980 I don;t see drivers tab/option02:44
ablest1980ax562 sorry02:45
ablest1980i dont know02:45
=== budd is now known as buddd
sheena1I'm trying to figure out how to connect two computers together via a usb cable. I can get them to ping each other and even get the ssh connectio up successfuly, but only for a minute or two before it "disconnects" via the network manager (I think). does anyone know how I can control the timeout on the network manager, or some other work around?02:50
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Jordan_Usheena1: Why not use an ethernet cable?02:57
sheena1i dont have a crossover cable or access to a router02:59
sheena1and this is working, if i could gt it to stop disconnecting...02:59
Jordan_Usheena1: Do you have a straight through cable? For modern hardware you rarely need a crossover cable?02:59
sheena1everything i've read says i need a cross over cable.. i have one still in a packae that i can try, but was hoping to return it since this usb one works03:00
Jordan_Usheena1: Ethernet over USB is a little obscue. Connecting two USB peripherals together is more obscure. Connecting two USB hosts together is even more obscue. Doing USB over ethernet between two hosts is pretty darn obscure, which means that bugs should be expected as it's rarely tested. So please file a bug report as this bug isn't likely to be hit through normal testing, but if you want a reliable working system then ...03:03
Jordan_U... just use an ethernet cable.03:03
Jordan_U!bug | sheena103:03
ubottusheena1: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:03
nylon100My friend told me he got "nazim" for his keyboard, or PC. But, WTF is nazim ? :-)03:03
Jordan_Unylon100: How does that relate to Ubuntu?03:04
cenobite_Hi, This is probably a silly question, but has anyone got xpenguins too work in 14.04?03:05
agent_whitecenobite_: What's silly is not asking what issue you're having! ;)03:05
nylon100Jordan_U: We talked about something related to Ubuntu and then he said "Oh, and I got some nazim for my keyboard" and I continued with "Aha" like a jerk, without understanding what nazim means. Maybe I mistakenly heard something else. But it is very close to how you pronounce "nazim". No idea?03:06
cenobite_I had installed it, but the lil fellers aren't showing up03:06
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sheena1Jordan_U:  you think this is a bug? and don't know how to change the reset/disconnect timeout on the network manager?03:06
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Jordan_Usheena1: The connection should not be constantly resetting, so the fact that it is implies that there is either a hardware problem or a software bug. I'm guessing it's a software bug.03:07
sheena1its never connecting03:08
geektech713new router?03:08
sheena1its trying to connect, but never succeedig, so it stops trying after a bit of time03:08
sheena1maybe... 2 mintes?03:08
agent_whitecenobite_: Maybe try stopping the daemon, `tail -f /var/log/kern.log`, and starting up the daemon to see what's happening?03:08
cenobite_ok thank-you angent_white :)03:09
Jordan_Usheena1: "and this is working, if i could gt it to stop disconnecting". So, in what way is this setup "working"?03:09
sheena1i can ping03:09
sheena1i can transfer files03:09
sheena1but after about 2 minutes03:10
sheena1i have to redo some commands03:10
sheena1to get it to work again03:10
sheena1shoul i paste them here?03:10
sheena1in computer A: sudo ifconfig usb0 netmask up;   sudo route add -host usb003:10
sheena1In computer B: sudo ifconfig usb0 netmask up;  sudo route add -host usb003:10
sheena1ometimes i only have to redo computer A03:11
Jordan_Usheena1: "its never connecting" How can that be true if you're able to ping? Is it that network manager is never detecting that it has successfully connected even though it has?03:11
sheena1i guess so. if you define "able to ping" as successfully connected03:11
Jordan_Usheena1: What definition of "not connected" allows for files to be transferred over the "not connected" link?03:12
skweekwhy isn't my webcam working in flash?03:13
sheena1um... the gui thingy says "You are disconnected" .. :)03:13
skweekNo Camera Selected03:14
Jordan_Usheena1: OK.03:18
agent_whitesheena1: You may need to get some packet traces to see what all is going on :)03:18
sheena1Jordan_U: but you're right, obviously it IS connected03:18
sheena1agent_white: I'm not sure how to do that, but I'm interested03:18
agent_whitesheena1: Definitely the best time to learn it!03:18
Jordan_Usheena1: You're not using network manager to create this connection, so I'm not surprised that it doesn't show it.03:18
agent_whitesheena1: I would recommend wireshark to start off. Then you'll be able to select that interface and capture all traffic on it.03:19
Jordan_Usheena1: Please pastebin the output of "nm-tool".03:19
sheena1installing wireshark now03:20
Jordan_Usheena1: OK, I would recommend simply setting up the connection in network manager rather than using ifconfig and route.03:22
sheena1i tried... i had zero success. ideas?03:23
Jordan_Usheena1: What exactly did you try?03:23
sheena1clicking "Connect" ?03:23
agent_whitesheena1: I think that using `ip` would be the best (basically the same as you were doing before).03:23
sheena1changing the values in the GUI of network manager to various ip things03:23
agent_whiteMuch better to use the CLI instead of a GUI to get into the nitty of things.03:23
ax562how can I figure out if I have all my proper drivers installed?03:24
sheena1nmcli? i've never used it, but i could try.. i guess i didnt realize that nmcli and the stuff i'm doing now arent thes ame03:24
agent_whiteI doubt those settings are off, rather it being a setting on the interface that needs to be adjusted (I _THINK_).03:24
CodmadnessproHow would I allow only RSA login though ssh?03:25
Jordan_Usheena1: Use nm-connection-editor to add a manual connection, using the same ip address and mask you specified with ifconfig.03:26
agent_whiteCodmadnesspro: Inside /etc/ssh/sshd_config, there's a line "RSAAuthentication", uncomment it and make sure it says "RSAAuthentication yes" and that "PubkeyAuthentication" is commented out.03:26
sheena1i'll have to look up the syntax. is there anythingi should do to reset/undo what i've done so far?03:27
sheena1and i'll do this on both machines i assume?03:27
Jordan_Usheena1: Yes, with different ip addresses of course.03:28
agent_whitesheena1: I recommend that you peek at wireshark first before doing anything more :)03:28
Jordan_Usheena1: And actually your subnet mask should be , since there are two ip addresses on this network.03:28
agent_whiteCan't fix an issue without seeing what's causing it!03:28
sheena1different from the ones i've already used, you mean? just pick some? like, ?03:29
Jordan_Usheena1: No, I mean different from each other.03:29
sheena1oh sorry. yes03:29
sheena1i was just changing the last digit.. 1 and 203:29
sheena1that is ok, right?03:29
Jordan_Usheena1: Yes.03:29
sheena1i just read that in a tutorial online..03:30
ax562how can I figure out if I have all my proper drivers installed?03:31
sheena1so im trying to find nm-connection-editor syntax and it tells me its the GUI interface.. ? is that correct, Jordan_U?03:32
Jordan_Usheena1: Yes.03:32
sheena1i will try it again, but i've done that already and it did not work. you want me to CREATE a wired connection? not edit the existing one?03:33
Jordan_Usheena1: Just run "nm-connection-editor". You can also get to the same thing from the network manager applet, but I don't have nm-applet in front of me at the moment to say how.03:33
agent_whiteax562: More importantly, what makes you think they aren't?03:33
Jordan_Usheena1: Yes, create a wired network.03:33
CodmadnessproI restarted the whole vps and i can still login with password03:33
CodmadnessproI only want ssh keys03:34
sheena1Jordan_U: Method: Manual ? Automatic (DHCP) i the default03:34
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agent_whiteCodmadnesspro: No need to restart the vps, only the sshd daemon.03:34
sheena1thats where i was putting the IP before..03:34
Jordan_Usheena1: Manual.03:34
sn33zyokay in the past the cursor was never a problem.  now i see the cursor at the login screen but i cant move it and when i login it disappears.03:34
sheena1under IPv4 settings03:34
sn33zyi installed ubuntu 14.04 lts 64 bit03:35
Jordan_Usheena1: When you're done configuring it please post a screenshot of each machine's configuration.03:35
sheena1no gateway?03:35
Codmadnessproagent_white, it shouldve worked though even if i restarted the whole thing or not, I can still login with password03:35
Jordan_Usheena1: Are you trying to access the internet connection available to one machine from the other, or are you only trying to communicate between the two machines?03:35
agent_whiteCodmadnesspro: Have you already generated your ssh keys, and copied them to the remote box?03:36
sheena1im trying to communicate between them, but the first option would be better.. i assume the second is easier, since oyu said 'only'03:36
sheena1if the other machine could use internet, this would be a non issue, obviouly :)03:36
Codmadnessproagent_white, yes I can use my ssh keys to login03:37
agent_whiteCodmadnesspro: Is "PasswordAuthentication no" in your sshd_config?03:37
agent_whiteAs well as "ChallengeResponseAuthentication no" ?03:37
Jordan_Usheena1: If you want to share an internet connection, then on the machine connected to the interent set the connection to "Shared to other computers", then simply connect the other machine (the first machine will start a DHCP server, so no manual configuration of the second is needed).03:37
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agent_whiteCodmadnesspro: Is the password for the user on the box being asked, or did you set a passphrase on your id_rsa file?03:38
Jordan_Usheena1: That will allow you to transfer files between the two machines, as well as allowing the second machine to use the first's internet connection.03:39
Codmadnessproagent_white, no password was set in the keys, I can just goto the user and login with normal password03:39
sheena1https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-gz0iz47Lgdk/VMxN9V5ZWfI/AAAAAAAAb9s/_V5trPiPLxo/w743-h557-no/IMG_20150130_193714.jpg computer 2 (the one without internet) ipv4 configuration. this is what you mean?03:39
agent_whiteCodmadnesspro: Mind tossing your sshd_config inside a pastie or gist?03:39
ax562agent_white because my flash video in fire fox gets choppy sometimes03:40
agent_whiteax562: What do you mean "choppy" ?03:41
Jordan_Usheena1: If you want to go the shared internet approach then just remove all network-manager connections relating to usb0. Once computer one is configured properly, computer 2 will Just Work™.03:42
sheena1http://imgur.com/0SHjZvy computer 1 (laptop wtih internet, the one i'm using daily)03:42
ax562it studders sometime03:42
Codmadnessproagent_white, ok03:43
sheena1both show connected now, but ping doesn't work..03:43
ax562I'm just trying to optimize my new ubuntu setup03:43
agent_whiteax562: On specific sites/content/etc?  Is it choppy or internet lag?03:44
sheena1home@home:~$ ping      PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.      From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable03:44
Jordan_Usheena1: You don't seem to be following the directions I gave for internet sharing (which is actually slightly easier to setup with network-manager). Do you want internet sharing or not?03:44
agent_whiteax562: Aye, just gotta narrow down your issue a bit more to figure out what's going on :)03:44
netlarIs there going to be a contact app as part of the core apps when Unity 8 comes out?03:44
sheena1ok sorry. i was in the middle of that process and missed the instructions03:45
sheena1remove all network manager connections relating to usb003:45
Codmadnessproagent_white, http://pastebin.com/88ysDLcP03:45
sheena1on both computers?03:45
agent_whitesheena1: I'll stay out of this one, but again... your original setup with ipconfig was fine. Grab wireshark, look at data on the wire, and then you'll know what to do next :)03:45
agent_whiteIf it wasn't,  you wouldn't be able to even ping in the first place.03:46
Jordan_Usheena1: Remove all connections on computer 2. On computer 1, set "Method" in ipv4 settins to "Shared to other computers".03:46
sheena1Jordan_U: i am going to remove all connections in nm-connection-editor on computer 2 now03:46
sheena1ive set Jordan on computer 1 to "shared o other computers" and did not make any other changes03:47
Jordan_Usheena1: Great.03:47
sheena1should i click "auto ethernet" in the GUI menu on computer 2's taskbar?03:47
Jordan_Usheena1: No. You should, if anything, click the name of the connection you just made (presumably "Jordan", since that's what you were naming the network in your last screenshot).03:48
Jordan_Usheena1: Sorry, I mean yes though it should automatically connect :)03:49
sheena1on computer 2? i just deleted it03:49
Jordan_Usheena1: I misread the "computer 2" the first time :)03:49
sheena1i've enabled jordan on computer 103:49
sheena1ive clicked auto thernet on computer 203:49
ax562agent_white I checked the drivers option in settings and I don't have any proprietary drivers available :(03:50
sheena1i have pings to google.com in command line03:50
agent_whiteCodmadnesspro: Here... move your current config into a backup file.03:50
agent_whiteCodmadnesspro: And use this instead. http://pastebin.com/c3wY54C703:50
sheena1Jordan_U: i just used the web browser to get to a website!! Internet achieved!!!03:50
Jordan_Usheena1: :)03:50
sheena1you mentioned there was an easy way to share files, also? aside from using the internet, i mean?03:51
agent_whiteCodmadnesspro: Before doing so, stop the sshd service, of course.03:51
sheena1Jordan_U: if i should just use the internet, that's fine..03:52
Jordan_Usheena1: You can now use scp/sshfs/samba/... between the two machines. "ifconfig" will tell you the ip address network-manager automatically setup.03:52
sheena1and that stuff doesn't go through the router/"outside internet" but directly between computers?03:52
Codmadnessprook one second03:52
Jordan_Usheena1: Correct.03:53
sheena1thank you!!!03:53
Jordan_Usheena1: You're welcome :)03:53
sheena1let me know if i can send you a tip or advertise something for you. i REALLY appreciate your help!03:53
daftykinsin future when it breaks, buy a switch ;)03:54
Jordan_UIndeed. I really am surprised at how well this ended up working, given that it's over USB :)03:55
sheena1off to eat some supper. pm me if i can do anything for you Jordan_U,, i'd like to!03:55
daftykinswait, USB?03:55
daftykinswifi adapters, or?03:55
sn33zyokay... i got disconnected.  now can someone point me somewhere to get my mouse back.  like i said, i see the mouse at the login screen but it wont move and when i login there is no mouse03:57
daftykinsis it USB?03:57
daftykinsor a laptop03:57
sn33zylaptop mouse03:57
daftykinsso, touchpad?03:57
sn33zybut it doesnt matter, i tried the usb mouse and that didnt do anything03:57
daftykinsnevermind then03:57
Jordan_Udaftykins: If I understood correctly, just a USB A to USB A cable between the two computers.03:58
daftykinswow and networking over that? interesting03:58
sn33zyUSB 4 now? ... dang.03:58
daftykinsno 4 no, i've seen 3.1c03:59
jamie_hey, I went to use ubuntu 14.04.1 to flash a new hard drive and pops up with com32 error, I think its a problem with the iso i have but am not sure04:02
ronaldking12_Nothing much, just me correcting my 1331 speak04:12
Finetundrahello folks, I'm having issues installing amarok. i've already tried to install it several times, some throught the terminal and others the software centre and I've tried to run it with sudo. does anyone have any ideas?04:15
bazhangFinetundra, using what exact command04:16
divBy0Finetundra, what errors/output are you getting04:17
Finetundrabazhang, sudo apt-get nstall amarok04:17
bazhang!info amarok04:17
ubottuamarok (source: amarok): easy to use media player based on the KDE Platform. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.8.0-0ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 5995 kB, installed size 25570 kB04:17
bazhangFinetundra, does apt-cache search amarok show it or not04:18
FinetundradivBy0, give me a bit04:18
Finetundrahold on04:19
K`zanHi Folks, just updated and got this:04:20
K`zanError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.13.0-45-generic (x86_64)04:20
K`zanConsult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-331-uvm/331.113/build/make.log for more information.04:20
K`zanthat log does not exist, help?04:20
jamie_I cant seem to install ubuntu kylin.....04:20
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divBy0jamie_, what happens when you try04:21
Finetundrabazhang, http://pastebin.com/cNh7HREj04:21
jamie_com32 error... I think it may be from the iso04:21
VergilPrimeHello, this is my first install of Ubuntu outside of class. I am getting permission denied on everything. Currently I am trying to create a directory in my own home folder.04:21
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VergilPrimeI could use sudo -every- time but that's a bit tedious.04:21
divBy0jamie_, com32? anything else?04:22
jamie_i think it was no ui something... i dont remember sorry, but i have tried several flash drives, and sdcards04:22
divBy0jamie_, can you try an optical disc?04:23
RahulANhii all04:23
RahulANi am trying to remove mysql from ubuntu04:23
jamie_I dont have one.... but I have done it many times before... and this is the first time I have run into this error04:23
Finetundrabazhang, I think I've got it working now after updates were installed. However any input you have would be nice to know for future issues04:24
RahulANi am getting this http://imgur.com/R9DuRvm04:24
divBy0jamie_, same hardware? its difficult to diagnose with no output/error information04:24
RahulANi tried pressing all of the option many times it do not disappears04:24
jamie_... I have tried more than one computer to04:24
jamie_I think it may be the iso04:24
jamie_the actual .iso filew04:25
divBy0jamie_, can you redownload the iso and then before making the boot disk verify checksums04:25
K`zanWell, apparently I'm the only one with the error, I expect X to fail when I reboot, but I can reinstall and just not update anymore.  Thanks folks!04:26
jamie_okay, one sec, I literally just finished downloading the the iso again04:26
jamie_how do i run a check sum, I dont know where to get the check sum data for the iso04:26
divBy0jamie_, where are you downloading it from04:27
divBy0what os are you on right now04:27
jamie_base of ubuntu 14.1004:28
jamie_sorry... that wast to me....04:28
t4nk645I have been using remmina RDC to view remote gui interfaces by setting up ssh tunneling the vnc data but it gives me error protocol mismatch 003.00704:29
t4nk645what could be the eror?04:29
divBy0jamie_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes04:29
divBy0jamie_, what is the filename of the iso you download04:30
t4nk645I am using CentOS and ubuntu 12.04 in VMware04:30
jamie_divBy0: ubuntukylin-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso04:30
mobyduckI'm trying to download the new flash version from adobe. I pick "APT for Ubuntu" in the list of versions and hit "Download", and am then prompted to choose a program to open the file with. Naturally I choose Software Center, but then Software Center starts and says "There isn’t a software package called “adobe-flashplugin” in your current software sources."04:31
divBy0jamie_, the md5 sum for that file from the page i sent you is  0dcd597118420a1547ae6d76c0425b7004:31
mobyduckand the download never starts04:32
divBy0jamie_, copy the checksum from the website i sent you, not from the irc window, and put it into a text file04:32
jamie_wait... I think i may have the wrong iso..... I have a Intel processor04:32
divBy0no as long as its 64 bit04:32
mobyduckI don't seem to be able to just get the d**n APT-file downloaded and install it later, either. What do I do?04:32
divBy0jamie_, its fine as long as your architecture is 64 bit04:32
jamie_okay... wasnt sure... usually im used to haveing to match the exact matching for mozilla04:33
divBy0jamie_, then from a terminal in the same directory run $ md5sum filename.iso04:33
divBy0jamie_, then compare that with what you copied from the website into the text file04:33
jamie_okay, one sev04:35
VergilPrimeSooo... about my permission problem...04:36
jamie_divBy0: matches exactly04:37
jamie_I guess ill try again04:38
VergilPrimePlease? D:04:38
ax562does anyone know if intel has support for linux video drivers?04:39
ax562does that even exist?04:40
jamie_divBy0: Im gonna try again... and write down what happens04:40
jamie_divBy0: so i have to pop off for a second04:41
squintyax562:  afaik, intel video drivers are supported in the kernel04:41
divByz0jamie_, ok04:42
ax562OK thanks squinty04:42
ax562my other system has nvidia video card04:42
ax562I've never run linux with intel video driver04:42
budddgod programming is so much more fun on ubuntu than winblows04:50
robinbudd : It's real true04:52
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linelevelHi, is it possible to connect to a VPN (OpenVPN) but contain the tunnel to a single terminal window? i.e. I want all my applications except for one terminal window to access the internet directly, but I want this one bash shell to go through the tunnel.05:00
K`zanError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.13.0-45-generic (x86_64)05:03
sheena1daftykins: its not 'just' usb a to usb a.. there's a dongle bit in the middle of the cable that contains.. something...05:03
K`zanDuring todays update:  Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.13.0-45-generic (x86_64)05:05
=== Ben64 is now known as Guest33966
K`zanConsult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-331-uvm/331.113/build/make.log for more information.05:05
K`zan^^^ does not exist.05:05
Hongocan someone help me?05:09
agent_white!ask | Hongo05:09
ubottuHongo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:09
Hongoi ve a problem with reading a microsd memory05:09
K`zanDuring todays update:  Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.13.0-45-generic (x86_64)05:13
K`zanConsult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-331-uvm/331.113/build/make.log for more information.05:13
K`zan^^^ does not exist.05:13
jamie_okay, I went though it again.... its popping of   Failed to Load COM32 file menu.c3205:19
jamie_I have never ran into this problem before....05:20
jamie_Any ideas05:22
student_tuna fish05:24
jamie_lol I dont think that will help... I am hungry though05:25
student_same here05:25
jamie_I could tell.....05:25
jamie_I just really need this install... I need to compile a os... and i Need to use my new hdd... I dont have enough room on my current hdd05:26
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jamie_i think i might try another flavour.. that might work05:28
jamie_student_: I just really need to compile this... this is not fun trying to work with a 80gb hdd05:30
Blue1what are you trying to do @jamie_05:30
jamie_trying to install a os on a new hdd05:31
Blue1well the first thing is to set up the partitions05:31
jamie_that is not my problem.. this is not my first rodeo05:31
Blue1are you using msdos schema or uefi?05:31
jamie_its popping of   Failed to Load COM32 file menu.c3205:31
Blue1okay didn't know your experience level05:32
studentvich one ayu usin..??05:32
jamie_I take ubuntu and just build my own most of the time base around it so that I dont have to update to the new linux kernal when it comes out05:32
jamie_Blue1: I have never ran into this problem before05:33
Blue1what flavour are you using?  straight ubuntu?  gnome?  kubuntu?05:33
jamie_ubuntu currently05:34
jamie_I am using 14.1005:34
student14.1 here too05:34
Blue1I am using 14.04 lts05:34
jamie_oh... 14.04.105:35
jamie_well in trying to install 14.10... my current one im on right now.... is not05:35
jamie_its not really anything05:35
Blue1I have not heard any issues with 14.10 -- i05:36
jamie_Mine is based around 14.10... not 14.10 anymore05:36
Blue1is there a reason (hardware perhaps) that makes you want 14.10?05:36
student14.04 ..?? any good bro..???05:36
jamie_Blue1: 14.10 is the beta technically05:37
Blue1@student I have been running 14.04 with no problems -- xubuntu and kubuntu05:37
john_doe_jr1I need to set up a cron job on an ubuntu box that logs into a windows machine through cygwin through ssh and backs up a database ….how would I being to write the script in bash?05:37
Blue1@jamie_ betas are known to break -- I think your best bet would be to try 14.0405:38
jamie_Blue1: like i said... its not exactaly 14.10 anymore.....05:38
studentgotta update05:38
jamie_i have tried 14.04.1 and came up with this same error and also 14.1005:38
jamie_im trying to install....05:38
Blue1what hardware do you have?05:38
jamie_on which computer....05:38
Blue1like dell, gateway, toshiba...05:39
jamie_i have tried on two05:39
Blue1the one you are having issues with05:39
jamie_i dont know why....05:39
Blue1okay do you know the name and model number?05:39
jamie_one is a custom  build using the motherboard of a hp elitebook 844005:40
Blue1have you installed the operating system to a hard drive then, or are you trying to install it to a hard drive?05:40
jamie_the other is a dell latitude d62005:40
jamie_Blue1:  am on the custom build right now05:41
Blue1help me out -- are you trying to install it, or has it already been installed?05:42
jamie_one is already installed and the other has a messed up partitioning05:43
hanumanHi, I am new to take backup of windows sytem, what is the way take backup of windows system from ubuntu server.05:43
cfhowletthanuman, from command line: dd05:44
Blue1the specs on the dell only show 1G of ram05:45
jamie_I know05:45
jamie_i am just using it to install the os05:45
jamie_to the hdd05:45
Blue1I had problems running ubuntu in 1G -- you might look at xubuntu05:45
hanumancfhowlett: what is dd05:45
K`zanDuring todays update:  Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.13.0-45-generic (x86_64)05:45
K`zanConsult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-331-uvm/331.113/build/make.log for more information.05:46
K`zan^^^ does not exist.05:46
cfhowletthanuman, !   it's a command.  open a terminal: man dd05:46
jamie_Blue1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unetbootin/+bug/119025605:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1190256 in UNetbootin "USB drive is created successfully, but fails to boot" [Undecided,New]05:46
K`zan???  TMI05:46
Blue1jamie_: okay let me take a look at that05:46
jamie_nvidia 331 had a problem05:46
K`zanTMIA :-)05:46
Blue1jamie_: okay you are trying to boot off of a usb drive to install?05:47
jamie_Blue1: yes05:47
jamie_i dont have a disk05:47
Blue1jamie_: how did you create the usb stick?05:47
jamie_using unetbootin and also startup disk creator05:48
Blue1jamie_: it is saying there might be problems with unetbootin05:48
jamie_i have also tried startup disk creator05:49
Blue1jamie_: have you tried dd?05:49
skweekI wish that I could get better intigration from virtualbox to ubuntu05:50
skweeklike directly accessing the bluetooth or wireless card05:50
Blue1jamie_: dd will copy an iso file to another device.05:50
cfhowlettskweek, ask #vbox05:50
skweekor when I run a webserver on in a virtualbox being able to access it from ubuntu05:50
skweekoh :)05:50
jamie_Blue1:  as bootable05:51
Blue1jamie_: it will make an exact image of the iso whereever you put it -- if it's bootable the destination should also be bootable05:51
Blue1something like dd if=filename.iso of=/dev/whatever device05:52
jamie_Blue1: one sec, im trying startup disk creator again.... last time it was on a sdcard and got a boot error and that is all it said... lol05:52
hanumanHi, I am new to take backup of windows sytem, what is the way take backup of windows system from ubuntu server.05:53
cfhowlettjamie_, hmm.  never heard of anyone using sdcard as a bootable ...05:53
Blue1jamie_: I have had problems in the past with unetbootin -- I usually make a dd copy and that has worked for me.  I will tell you copying an image to a usb drive can take hours05:53
jamie_cfhowlett: I have before... some bios can do it05:54
friendfield_Aaaand friendfield is in.05:54
jamie_mostly you have to setup the computer to allow it05:54
Blue1jamie_: on a system with that amount of ram, xubuntu may be your best bet05:55
friendfield_Hello ladies and gentlemen. I'll take questions in four, whatever you want to prepare. Public liscense friendfield, guaranteed by ip, you can check em.05:55
friendfield_Hilikus. Good of you to join us.05:55
jamie_Blue1: that is not the system that is going to be running it05:56
jamie_I wish it were possible to compile on that crappy of a system....05:56
jamie_that thing would catch fire05:56
Blue1jamie_: okay you are just using that system to build the usb drive then?  dd is still probably your best option, imho.05:56
jamie_Blue1: no... lol i am just using it to install the os to the hdd, that is it.. then it will be moved to my build and then Im going to remake my os after i compile the other os i need05:57
jamie_I would do it on my current hdd.... but i dont have the room on my my stupid 80gb one.... it was a temp that lasted longer than i wanted05:58
Blue1jamie_: okay gotcha -- dd should do the trick - then boot the usb drive and install -- you might want the alternate (text) install05:59
jamie_got it06:00
jamie_Blue1: I used startup disk creator from gnome06:00
jamie_my only other option was to do a grub recovery... I do not exactly know how to do that06:01
Blue1jamie_: startup creator should work - but to be honest I've not tried that in quite a while06:02
studentwc f306:02
jamie_Blue1: like i said... i dont have standard ubuntu anymore... lol06:02
Blue1jamie_: what did you add/delete/modify?06:04
hanumanHi, I am new to take backup of windows sytem, what is the way take backup of windows system from ubuntu server.06:04
Blue1hanuman: I would try using samba then you can mount it in linux and go from there.06:05
cfhowlett!backup | hanuman06:05
ubottuhanuman: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:05
jamie_Blue1: most of the stuff to do with the dm and des also change a few of the repos, kept the update channel for the most part, also added a touch interface and separate bluetooth support due to what i need it for06:06
jamie_and a lot of stuff i need for mozilla06:06
jamie_Blue1: and its funny because i needed the more hdd space for the os i need to compile for mozilla related stuff.... lol06:07
Blue1jamie_: I know what you are doing but I only have familiarity with creating standard boot material06:08
jamie_Blue1: I like to make stuff to suit my specific use06:09
Blue1jamie_: wha mozilla stuff are you compiling?06:09
jamie_Blue1: firefox06:09
Blue1jamie_: well that's available out of the box from the standard repos.  personally I don't have a need to compile that.06:09
jamie_I need to flash the updated 2.2 base image06:10
jamie_Blue1: its not for my browser06:10
Blue1jamie_: way beyond my experience level06:11
jamie_Blue1: its for my phone06:11
jamie_firefox has a mobile os06:12
Blue1jamie_: i did some customs to mythtv awhile back - then removed them when it went wonky.06:12
Blue1jamie_: ahh so you are trying to develop stuff for a phone then....?06:12
jamie_Blue1: that happens sometimes when it comes to updates06:12
jamie_Blue1: I do testing and development for the firefox flame device. firefox is actually coming out with a os for phones soon,06:13
Blue1jamie_: it was unhappy with mysql 5.5 but works fine with 5.0 -- okay I just needed it to work06:13
jamie_Blue1: I am stupid and always thinking how this or that part or componet could work better06:14
jamie_or be easier or more versatile or user friendly06:14
Blue1jamie_: great learning experience I'll bet -- privite channel ok?06:14
PrometheianI'm using Sublime Text to edit some files that are in my /var/www folder. However I can't save anything. How can I allow saving without opening sublime using sudo?06:19
=== pcupgrades is now known as hypermist
Prometheiannvm sudo chmod -Rv 777 .06:24
=== Console` is now known as Console
cromagiis there any other way to make a bootable windows usb than unetbootin06:31
nessessary129how to change the dns server in wvdial?06:31
nessessary129how to change the dns server in wvdial?06:31
K`zanDuring todays update:  Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.13.0-45-generic (x86_64)06:31
K`zanConsult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-331-uvm/331.113/build/make.log for more information.06:31
K`zan^^^ does not exist.06:31
K`zanTMIA :-)06:31
nessessary129how to change the dns server in wvdial?06:32
nessessary129how to change the dns server in wvdial?06:32
cromagiis there any other way to make a bootable windows usb than unetbootin06:33
divBy0anyone use the global config file in scite? i'm trying to change the transparency of scite06:35
=== guinsly is now known as guinslym
suhg  how can i learn english06:47
chick_how can I make the sed command edit the content of a file,  im using command and changes only appear in output06:47
cfhowlettsuhg, wrong channel.06:47
ablest1980suhg go to www.duolingo.com06:48
suhglemme check that website06:48
siddhism /join #gcompris06:49
BlackDalekHow do I changed the login screen background image? Mine is stuck on xfce image (blue with the hamster or gerbil or whatever it is). How do I change it back to normal ubuntu image?06:49
suhg  by the way that website doesnt teaches english06:49
cfhowlettsuhg, this is not the learn english channel. ask google.06:50
siddhismBlackDalek right click the desktop06:50
siddhismyou will get options to set background image06:50
ablest1980suhg yes it does06:50
BlackDaleksiddhism, I do not want to change the desktop background image. I want to change the login screen image.06:51
siddhismsudo -i06:53
siddhismxhost +SI:localuser:lightdm06:53
siddhismsu lightdm -s /bin/bash06:53
siddhismgsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter draw-user-backgrounds 'true'06:53
siddhismgsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter background 'path-to-image'06:53
BlackDaleksiddhism, thanks ;)06:53
BinaryFallenDudes I fucked up bad and am hoping someone can help.07:09
divBy0what happened07:09
cfhowlettBinaryFallen, drop the profanity.  immediately.07:09
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList07:09
divBy0cfhowlett are you a bot07:09
BinaryFallenI had 2 partitions. One was a 100 gig win7 partition and the other was the rest of a tb that was a data parition that had my data on it. I overwrote the data one by accident. I used test disk to recover the 100 gig but I can't figure out how to recover my data drive07:10
BinaryFallenI basically have 900 gigs of free space and I'm trying to figure out how to change it so I can't make a new parition or bring back my old one on the 900 gigs to see if I can recover data07:11
BinaryFallenany ideas?07:11
divBy0if it shows as free i seriously doubt you are going to be able to get much off of it. you can try some of the forensic tools in a kali-linux live distro07:12
BinaryFallenhttp://pastebin.com/fNbpDaiF current disk structure07:13
divBy0maybe some of the windows recovery tools as a miracle but again i highly doubt it if windows is reporting that space as free07:13
BinaryFallenI mean if I can just recover the pictures I would be happy any ideas on specific software for that?07:13
divBy0theres a few. you'll probably get very little but hold on i'll look for what i've used in the past07:14
BinaryFallenthanks I appreciate that07:14
divBy0when you formatted was it in windows07:15
BinaryFallenyes, specifically and I will just get this out there I will be upfront about what happened.07:15
BinaryFallenI installed a shady version of win8 or was trying to07:15
fnordismi got a problem07:15
BinaryFallenthis version was unattended I guess and auto wiped my paritions07:15
fnordismi can't see the fnord07:15
BinaryFallenI immediatly shut off the pc when I saw this07:15
BinaryFallenso I think it just took away the partition table for it07:16
BinaryFallenor so I hope07:16
divBy0BinaryFallen, well in a way that might be better for you because it probably did a quick format -- did it seem to take a while to format?07:16
BinaryFallenit was rapid07:16
BinaryFallenand I turned it off asap07:16
divBy0BinaryFallen, i dont see any info about disk usage in that pastebin07:16
divBy0BinaryFallen, well theres hope07:16
BinaryFallenI mean I can see this as karma for trying to install a shady version of an OS so if thats what happens thats what happens I just hope I didn't cost myself 5 years of photos07:17
divBy0BinaryFallen, i dont know about that i only install shady windows07:18
BinaryFallenwell I don't want to sound like sombody whos going to make up an excuse about what happened ya know?07:19
BinaryFallenBetter to just be forth coming07:19
divBy0BinaryFallen, while i'm looking, can you download a kali-linux live iso07:19
BinaryFallenalready have one07:19
divBy0BinaryFallen, https://www.google.com/search?q=kali%20linux%20data%20recovery&gws_rd=ssl07:19
BinaryFallenthanks I will look into this07:20
BinaryFallenAppreciate the help07:20
divBy0BinaryFallen, first thing i would do if i were you though because thats going to take a lot of trial and error is try and get more info on drive partitioning07:20
divBy0BinaryFallen, specifically free space, that pastebin was vague07:20
divBy0BinaryFallen, if you find that we can help you more07:20
K`zanDuring todays update:  Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.13.0-45-generic (x86_64)07:22
K`zanConsult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-331-uvm/331.113/build/make.log for more information.07:22
K`zan^^^ does not exist.07:22
K`zanTMIA :-)07:22
mimarcuhello all07:24
divByz0anybody have any input on whats more secure -- web-based mail or email client? im not looking for alternative cloud-based or pgp solutions... just one or the other07:24
frexhie y'all07:25
divByz0ahoy all07:25
mimarcui have a question does anyone know how i can fix a missing classification.config file from my snort installation?07:25
mimarcui accidentialy deleted it when i was reloading some rules07:26
divByz0mimarcu, where is it located? i could send you mine07:27
=== sUbMuNdO is now known as Guest2923
genesis__any idea abt truecaller07:31
BinaryFallen@divByz0 ok so what I'm doing right now is I figured out the start and end sector for the remianing space using test disk and gparted to confirm. I then when and made the parition logical set type to ntfs and am atempting to search the MFT to rebuild the boot sector07:32
BinaryFallendear god I hope this works if not I will attempt the kali method\07:32
divByz0BinaryFallen, ok. so did you get any info on actual disk usage07:33
genesis__help me out guys07:34
BinaryFallen@divByz0 well I checked and I couldn't see anything for the empty space. It just showed up for my current live boot session and my 100 gig partition as well as my external07:34
BinaryFallencouldn't find anything on the free space07:34
divByz0it didnt say unallocated or free?07:34
BinaryFallenI'm feeling that way as well07:35
BinaryFallenthis is kind of a latch ditch effort07:35
divByz0when you boot kali make sure to do it in forensic mode07:35
BinaryFallenif it goes south I will just dd the thing and start my life over :/07:35
divByz0don't access that drive with anything that might write to it07:35
BinaryFallenOh I will man for sure07:36
Grant_PI've used the Intel raid manager to create a raid. At first the dmraid was automatically detecting the raid but at the incorrect size. I used mdadm --assemble --scan but not sure if this is creating a software raid or using my hardware raid, how do you tell?07:36
BinaryFallenWell I'm gonna go play some games while this attempts to rebuild I'll let you guys know if I make it or fail07:38
BinaryFallenthanks for the advice divByz007:38
divByz0good luck!07:38
=== misa_ is now known as Guest52772
Guest52772there is someone here?07:40
CaptDaagshowdy misa_07:40
Guest52772do you use ubunt?07:41
CaptDaagshave 10 and 12.04LTS running here on various crappy lappies07:42
zeon98Hi all07:43
zeon98hope everyone is okay.07:43
divBy0anybody have any input on whats more secure -- web-based mail or email client? im not looking for alternative cloud-based or pgp solutions... just one or the other07:43
=== tresk is now known as tresk_
Grant_PAnyone able to help with fakeraid on ubuntu 14.04?07:46
tresk_I'm installing ubuntu with encrypted storage. Is it normal for it to look like the installation has stalled and the HD light sit on for ages?07:47
K`zanDuring todays update:  Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.13.0-45-generic (x86_64)07:48
K`zanConsult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-331-uvm/331.113/build/make.log for more information.07:48
K`zan^^^ does not exist.07:48
K`zanTMIA :-)07:48
tresk_K`zan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates/+bug/126825707:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1268257 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates (Ubuntu) "nvidia-331-updates 331.38-0ubuntu3: nvidia-331-updates kernel module failed to build, with only error: "objdump: '... .tmp_nv.o': No such file"" [High,Triaged]07:49
K`zantresk_: Thank you!07:50
tresk_K`zan: Not a full solution, unfortunately. It's affecting a lot of people, so it should be high priority though07:51
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest49717
K`zantresk_: Looks like I need to remove the nvidia prop driver and reboot and install it, kinda confused, yes :-).07:54
tresk_K`zan: I'm not too sure what the workaround is. I got the error on a machine that used to have an NVidia card and doesn't now, so I just removed the NVidia driver that I wasn't using.07:56
K`zantresk_: Uh, where is the what that removes the nvidia driver.07:56
K`zantresk_: Problem is that I tend to flightsim with X-Plane :-).07:57
tresk_K`zan: I'm pretty sure you can remove it from the "software centre" app. Flight sim might be affected while you don't have the NVidia proprietary driver07:57
tresk_You can keep an eye on the bug though, and reinstall the proprietary driver when it's resolved.07:59
K`zantresk_:  Thanks, looking for it now.08:01
K`zantresk_: Funny, this is the first kernel update where it was a problem, just interesting for a problem that has apparently been around for a while.08:01
tresk_K`zan: You might also be able to manually install the NV drivers from http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us08:02
tresk_At least until ubuntu's packaged ones work08:02
avishow does ubuntu 14.04 work with touchpads08:04
avisoops touchpad screens08:04
=== stefy is now known as alfatau
alfatauhello all. i'm running xubuntu and after resume from hibernation i can't detect any wifi network. networking is actually handled by NetworkManager, so my /etc/network/interfaces has only the "lo" entry. How can i restart the manager or debug what happened? thank you in advance08:14
divBy0alfatau, Try08:16
divBy0sudo service network-manager restart08:16
divByz0alfatau, for debuging check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2555708:19
zeon98Hi all08:19
Grant_PAnyone able to help with fakeraid on ubuntu 14.04?08:23
CaptDaagshi zeon9808:23
zeon98hi CaptDaags08:23
=== hypermist is now known as pcupgrades
alfataudivByz0: network-manager service does not exists.08:26
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
liamneesonWhere's my daughter?!08:34
liamneesonTell me where my daughter is.08:34
liamneesonI love her very much08:34
K`zanRemoved the 3.14? nvidia driver and apparently installed 3.04 and things seem to be OK, will see when I try X-Plane though :-).  THANKS VERY MUCH FOR THE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:35
=== memand is now known as Guest1400
tresk_K`zan: No probs08:37
divBy0 can anyone recommend the most secure mail client for linux?08:39
PCPinjecti0nSo guys, i'm trying to ssh into a server. i put my .pub key into authorized_keys in the server. its telling me "Permission denied (publickey)"08:41
PCPinjecti0nwhen i attempt to ssh. anyone want to try to take a crack at this?08:41
PCPinjecti0nthank you in advance :)08:41
PCPinjecti0nanyone active?08:42
Ben65restart ssh08:42
=== Ben65 is now known as Ben64
=== Guest37963 is now known as Ben65
PCPinjecti0ni've rebooted the server though08:43
PCPinjecti0nwould it make a difference?08:43
Ben64maybe you didn't put the key in properly08:43
PCPinjecti0ni used scp08:44
PCPinjecti0nto move it08:44
Ben64try ssh-copy-id instead08:44
divBy0Ben64: hey youve been real helpful before, can you recommend in your opinion what would be the most secure email cient for ubuntu?08:44
PCPinjecti0ni've read that ssh-copy-id is the one that gives errors08:44
Ben64PCPinjecti0n: nah, works great08:44
Ben64divBy0: thunderbird?08:45
FuchsPCPinjecti0n: could you check the rights of the public key (both machines) and private key (your machine),08:46
FuchsPCPinjecti0n: plus, as said, run ssh with the verbose (-v) flag?08:46
PCPinjecti0nFuchs: will do08:47
divBy0Ben64: you dont seem too convinced :-/08:47
Ben64i haven't used one in ages, but mozilla has a great team i'm sure it works great08:49
Ben64all gmail now08:49
PCPinjecti0nFuchs: this is my .pub on my machine -rw-r--r--08:51
FuchsPCPinjecti0n: already wrong, should be -rw-------  on your machine08:51
PCPinjecti0nFuchs: and authorized_keys in the server is -rw---------08:51
Fuchs(as all files inside your ~/.ssh/08:52
Fuchsand they also have to belong to your user)08:52
Ben64-rw-r--r-- 1 ben64 ben64   733 Sep 15 23:40 id_rsa.pub08:52
Ben64644 here08:52
zeon98Hi all08:52
PCPinjecti0nlet me change it quick08:53
=== Mish|BRB is now known as Mish|Fruehstueck
zeon98Anyone have any knowleage on linux hacking that would be happy to give me a few basic pointers.08:53
FuchsPCPinjecti0n: and then again, a full verbose ssh log (feel free to blank out the host, do let the rest (name etc.) in though08:54
Ben64zeon98: not the channel for that08:54
PCPinjecti0nFuchs: so i've changed the permissions08:54
PCPinjecti0nwhat does it have to be on the system?08:54
PCPinjecti0nill do the -v right now08:54
FuchsPCPinjecti0n: mine is -rw-r--r-- on the server   (again, should belong to the user)08:55
zeon98Sorry Ben64, poor phasing. I have a ubuntu box that has been hacked from what i have been told and want to protect myself for futher attacks.08:55
Fuchsalso make sure the user names either match or specify the user while connecting  (either via the -l  (as in login, not upper case i) option or via the user@host syntax)08:55
Ben64zeon98: do updates often, for everything. be aware of what services are running, make backups, stay vigilant08:56
divBy0zeon98: hey that file transfer errored out but can you confirm it went to your email? i sent another book 2015 linux hackers manual08:57
divBy0zeon98: well its sending right now night quite done with the second book08:57
detlyI'm on 14.04.1, and I'm trying to diagnose why I can't authenticate via smbclient to a NAS (the smb server) — I can log in anonymously (eg. with smbclient -L -UGuest and no password), but if I try with a user with a password (eg. smbclient -L -Ujason) I get session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE09:02
detlybut I'm kinda stuck here - I don't know what else to run for diagnostics, and I can't do much with the server09:02
divBy0"gmail says thunderbird is insecure"09:03
Ben64divBy0: are you trying to use it with gmail09:04
PCPinjecti0nFuchs: sent you a msg. it -v was very long09:04
FuchsPCPinjecti0n: yeah, I'd prefer a pastebin next time, then other people can help, too. Anyway :p09:05
divBy0yes, and outlook and occasionally yahoo09:05
Ben64use a browser for gmail then09:06
detlydivByz0: wait, are you using thunderbird with an exchange server too?09:08
divByz0detly: im not using anything but webmail right now. im trying to find a secure client on ubuntu for just daily school and work email. gmail, outlook (live.com), and office365.com09:11
divByz0leaning towards claws since thats what comes with tails...09:14
ahmadsprhello, i have strange behavior on dropdown list in any application. The application closed when I click on dropdown list to change it's value.09:16
ahmadsprlike this: http://imgur.com/BLSvcg909:17
root_debianfrench ?09:17
ahmadspranyone please help?09:19
detlyahmadspr: maybe look in ~/.xsession-errors ? (reproduce the bug, open a terminal and do "tail ~/.xsession-errors" and look for anything error-like)09:25
detlyahmadspr: are you using a non-default theme? (doesn't look like it, but you might be)09:25
ahmadsprdetly: from .xsession-errors http://pastebin.com/LqFBi3wW09:29
detlyhmm, doesn't look too helpful09:30
detlywhat about your video card/drivers?09:30
ahmadsprdetly: its default theme, it happened after apt-get dist-upgrade09:31
ovrflw0xcan anyone tell why does ubuntu 14.10 start like this? http://picpaste.com/ubuntuprob-Lq4nQUId.png i have to manually change background image to fix it...09:31
ovrflw0xwhat kind of resolution problem is it09:31
=== gjcross is now known as ssor
=== ssor is now known as gjcross
ovrflw0xcan anyone tell why does ubuntu 14.10 start like this? http://picpaste.com/ubuntuprob-Lq4nQUId.png i have to manually change background image to fix it...09:33
ovrflw0xwhat kind of resolution problem is it09:33
detlyahmadspr: sorry, I have to go make dinner. I can't think of anything else though :/09:33
keigensore all09:36
keigennumpang nanya dong09:36
ahmadsprdetly: thanks anyway09:37
ahmadsprkeigen: nanya apaan bro?09:38
pilikeitsHello all :) Im asking if there is easy way to see (timestamp) time when my linux will lose ip-address = wan connection ends. I think i could make that kind of script with bash, but if i can see it already somewhow it would be super! :)09:38
keigenane gan bikin partisi "/" sama "/home" .... ane install ubuntu di partisi "/" nah kalo ane instal ulang partisi "/" di format itu data yg di "/home" ilang ga ?09:39
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia09:40
bazhangkeigen, ^09:40
keigenilang pasti ya ?09:40
bazhangenglish here keigen09:41
ovrflw0xcan anyone tell why does ubuntu 14.10 start like this? http://picpaste.com/ubuntuprob-Lq4nQUId.png i have to manually change background image to fix it... what kind of resolution problem is it09:41
keigenow sorry09:42
=== PaulCapestany is now known as PaulCape_
ovrflw0xcan anyone tell why does ubuntu 14.10 start like this? http://picpaste.com/ubuntuprob-Lq4nQUId.png i have to manually change background image to fix it... what kind of resolution problem is it??09:47
keigenhey all09:49
ovrflw0xhey keigen zup bud09:50
keigeni have 2 partition in my ubuntu ,, it's "/" and "/home" ,, i install my ubuntu in partition "/" .. if i format partition "/" what will happen with my "/home" partition ?09:51
ovrflw0xkeigen, it should say as it is keigen09:52
ovrflw0xi guess09:52
ovrflw0xkeigen, it should stay as it is keigen09:52
ovrflw0xcan anyone tell why does ubuntu 14.10 start like this? http://picpaste.com/ubuntuprob-Lq4nQUId.png i have to manually change background image to fix it... what kind of resolution problem is it??09:53
keigenare u sure ?09:53
ovrflw0xkeigen, i dunno man i juz guess dawg09:53
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keigeni think it will delete too because partition "/" it's the top partition on linux ?09:54
ovrflw0xkeigen, if root (/) is no /dev/sda1 and (/home) is on /dev/sda2 then if you format /dev/sda1 then home will stay as it is09:55
keigentq ovrflwox09:57
keigenit"s so helpful09:57
keigencause i'm newbie for this os hehe09:57
ovrflw0xya hehe09:57
ovrflw0xkeigen, where you from?09:58
keigenyou  now ?09:58
ovrflw0xkeigen, thailand?09:58
keigennot thailand09:58
keigenindonesia it's a country09:58
ovrflw0xok gud09:59
ovrflw0xbye keg09:59
keigenand you ?09:59
ovrflw0xbye keigen09:59
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CodmadnessproIs there something I can run to keep ubuntu up to date everyday?10:06
CodmadnessproSay it sends sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade every day10:06
flux242'it' sends? what's 'it'?10:07
flux242ah, it is what you wan't, i see. don't worry update check cron jobs are preinstalled10:08
flux242just run it everyday10:09
Adele23 Watch Me Suck Real Big Dick On My Site http://bitly.com/1nx3K4c10:10
flux242is that ubuntu channel?10:10
nessessary129 can anyone suggest an IRC client that supports SASL in the lucid version??10:20
Darknetnessessary129, in my timezone its 5:25am, hang tight, someone might be here to help you out10:25
Darknetif not come back a little later10:25
Darknet:p *10:25
pilikeitshmm i will try to use process id to track down the timestamp of connection.10:26
pilikeitsmaybe i can get it work with that :)10:26
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jozefkanybody know if lastpass can work with Midori browser?10:38
brahmanaHi all10:39
brahmanaI had a Ubuntu trust server on AWS (t2.micro instance). Today morning I found that it is not responding to n/w. I am unable to SSH at all.10:39
brahmanaStopping the instance and restarting it doesn't help10:39
brahmanaNow I stopped it altogether and attached the root volume of that to another server10:40
brahmanaIn syslog I am seeing out of memory errors, several of them10:40
svetlanajozefk: not to my knowledge - ask the lastpass folks to write such support10:40
brahmanaNow is there any other log file or place where I can find what process consumed so much memory that it caused this out of memory problem?10:41
brahmanaAlso why was I not able to connect to this even after rebooting? Rebooting should have solved the OOO problem right?10:41
jozefksvetlana, jel ima neka zamena za to ili sta da koristim umesto lastpass?10:41
svetlanabrahmana: would post these errors to pastebin10:41
brahmanasvetlana: What errors do you want to see?10:42
svetlanajozefk: probably alternatives of lastpass for midori exist, but I do not know them.10:42
svetlanajozefk: there is #midori :)10:42
aaleri just installed ubuntu 14.04 , seems unstable , after i will update can work etter ?10:42
svetlanabrahmana: everything you have10:42
svetlanaaaler: 14.04 is a stable release. make sure you upgrade. if you still face issues, describe them - without knowing them there is no way they may be fixed in 14.10.10:43
brahmanasvetlana: I don't understand. I do not know what the problem was. That is what I am trying to diagnose. I do not know where all to look.10:43
svetlanabrahmana: showing the logs you have should be a good start.10:44
brahmanasvetlana: Which log do you want? syslog kern.log dmesg ?10:44
svetlanaall of them. and please talk to the channel not just me; I'm about to reboot a few times, so while I may ask for more details, I'm unlikely to be the one who would analyze them.10:45
Exagone313hello, i'm trying to install mongodb on ubuntu server 14.04 using http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/ but when i try to add the gpg key (first command), it is ignored11:17
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Exagone313finally, i use the official repo11:21
Changizhi, i'm using xubuntu 14.04.1 LTS11:30
Changizi suddenly hit ctrl+alt+f2 key (instead of alt+f2 to do something else), then a CLI poped out... i do login with my user, and to get back the GUI, used the comman "startx"11:30
Changizbut now i think the graphics and theme has changed, no animations my "Dockey" app has, and i think my animation also disabled! and windows' top bar changed to bluew (while it was silver before this problem)11:30
Changizcan anyone help me to get back my previous display graphics (i have no low resolution problem btw)11:30
jattrun startxfce4 instead of startx11:31
Changizthanks! can you tell me the differences?! is startxfce4 another version of startx ?11:32
jattno, they come from different packages startx from xinit and startxfce4 from xfce4-session11:33
Changizow... really really thanks ;) i go to test it and hope it works... bye ;)11:34
detlyChangiz: you switched to a virtual tty by mistake11:35
detlyjust hit ctrl+alt+f8 to get back11:35
detlyif you run startx or somesuch... that might not be good11:35
Changizno i tried them... and logged out from all of ttys to make sure not in wrong tty... i think startxfce4 would work instead of startx11:36
jattcrtl+alt+f7 should return to your X session11:37
detlyah, yes, f7 not f811:37
ubuntu946how does this show list of channels11:38
Changizyeah i tried it... but after issuing "startx" in tty2... but then i logged out and used ctrl+alt+f7 , but then i realized it didn't help11:38
EriC^^ubuntu946: /msg alis list *channel*11:38
jattctrl+alt+f2 and ctrl+alt+f7 should switch to your X session without issuing any startx* command11:39
|Max|Hello. I have problem with remote desktop control of my Ubuntu 14.10. I see my desktop but its freezing and i can move mouse only. I was trying use TeamViewer and standard VNC protocol but effect is the same. My Ubuntu is running on Toshiba sattelite L series 2 x 1,6 GHz and integrated Intel HD Card.11:39
EriC^^Changiz: don't use startx, use sudo service lightdm restart11:39
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mfooduring a do-release-upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 (server) I dropped into a shell to make a backup of a config file that was going to be replaced. I hit control-c and then got a python uncaught interrupt. The screen session is no longer running. Can I resume the process? I assume there are other config files that have not been updated11:54
mfoo. /etc/lsb-release shows 14.04.1 LTS but I do not know what state the packages are in11:55
BluesKajHiyas all11:56
jattmfoo: what does11:58
jattdpkg -l | grep -v ^ii11:58
mfoojatt, mostly "=", three "-", and three "+". Is this telling me there's still packages to be removed and added?12:00
Giwrgarashi! can i delete windows on a dual boot pc and leave only ubuntu in it?12:01
Giwrgaraswith the ubuntu installer?12:01
jattmfoo: can you pastebin what you see?12:01
Ben64Giwrgaras: you can just delete the windows partition12:01
EriC^^Giwrgaras: yeah12:01
jattmfoo: in any case it should be possible to resume the installation without problems12:02
Giwrgaraswill this affect my ubuntu or its irrelevant? cause i dont want to have to install once again12:02
Ben64Giwrgaras: won't change ubuntu at all12:02
mfoojatt, sorry, was being dumb. there's 141 lines of packages in "iU", a few in "it", "rc" and "iW" states12:02
Ben64Giwrgaras: make sure you choose the right partition though :) and make sure you're not running WUBI or something like that12:02
Giwrgarasand the starting dual boot purple screen will be lost? you know the starting screen that prompts you which os to choose12:03
EriC^^Giwrgaras: no12:03
Ben64Giwrgaras: that will still be there until you update grub12:03
EriC^^Giwrgaras: i mean yes12:03
jattmfoo: when you system is clean you have only "ii" so the command I told you shows no lines. can you try to resume the installation?12:03
nessessary129Giwrgaras:delete the partition in advanced mode and add a new one12:03
jattmfoo: I mean the upgrade12:03
mfoojatt, by re-running do-release-upgrade?12:03
Giwrgarasgr8 then12:03
nessessary129Giwrgaras:update the grub12:04
Giwrgarasnessessary129: i dont know what you mean :(12:04
jattmfoo: yes12:04
Giwrgarasim a novice but ive changed my hd size from the live dvd once again in the past12:04
mfoojatt, it tells me there's no new release found12:05
jattmfoo: try sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:05
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Aleksahello guys! I've tried every tutorial or post that I've found on internet. I cannot change the color of scrollbar in terminal. I've managed to change it's color for all other programs (firefox, hexchat, etc.)12:06
AleksaHow to change the scrollbar's color in terminal?12:06
mfoojatt, actually dpkg is still running and still has the lock on /var/lib/dpkg/lock. Should I kill it and remove the lock file?12:06
jattmfoo: yes that should be ok12:07
mfoojatt, dpkg --configure -a seems to bring me back to where I left off, thanks :)12:09
jattmfoo: great12:09
MrokiiHello. Is there any way to make an opening application not pop to front/gaining focus automatically (stealing focus from another already opened app)?12:18
EriC^^Mrokii: start it minimized?12:19
MrokiiEriC^^: How would I do that automatically?12:20
EriC^^Mrokii: make a custom .desktop12:20
azizLIGHTdoes anyone use workrave (repititve strain injury)?12:21
MrokiiEriC^^: Hm, I'll need to investigate that further. Would be great if it would be possible. Thanks for the tip.12:21
azizLIGHThow can i see the applet in the panel12:21
azizLIGHTaka indicator12:21
EriC^^Mrokii: which program are you trying to start minimized? or all?12:21
MrokiiEriC^^: Yes, all.12:22
EriC^^Mrokii: the .desktop files are in /usr/share/applications , you'll need to modify the Exec= line , make a backup copy and test it12:22
EriC^^Mrokii: maybe devilspie can help or compiz12:23
MrokiiEriC^^: I'll check these out too, thanks.12:23
EriC^^no problem12:23
MrokiiEriC^^: I didn't think about the minimized state, but there's an answer on askubuntu that suggests devilspie, so this may be the way to go.12:25
EriC^^Mrokii: yeah it's pretty powerful12:27
azizLIGHTim on 14.04 and im getting a message: "not all updates can be installed" run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible. this can be caused by: * a previous upgrade which didn't complete * problems with some of the installed software * unofficial software packages not provided by ubuntu * normal changes of a pre-release version of ubuntu12:27
azizLIGHTbuttons are: settings... / partial upgrade / continue12:27
azizLIGHTwhat is this about and how do i fix it?12:28
MrokiiazizLIGHT: I think it's caused by third party repositories usually, when certain dependencies can't be satisfied.12:30
azizLIGHTand where can i find such details and solve the issue?12:30
azizLIGHTill just remove that repo12:31
MrokiiI guess you'd have to check which packages/apps can't be installed and check which repo they are from.12:31
azizLIGHTi dont get any warnings when i do sudo apt-get update and upgrade12:31
azizLIGHTso whats the issue... and where is it12:32
MrokiiUpdate-Manger should show you which items can and which can't be installed. After using "continue" I think it should show that list, but I'm not quite sure.12:33
alexbligh1how does one resize the size of the console *while running* (not with grub), now resizecons (formally resize) has disappeared?12:34
alexbligh1ah, bizarre, it's just missing from kbd in amd64 in 12.04. How odd.12:36
MrokiiazizLIGHT: I think "sudo apt-get update" only updates the list of packages found in the repos. I don't think it checks any dependencies of installed (or to be updated) packages.12:38
no_bill_gatezwhen booting 2 instances of cairo-dock open. is there a way I can stop one from opening?12:40
EriC^no_bill_gatez: why are you booting 2?12:40
no_bill_gatez2 open up on boot up. I am not restarting it or starting an instance of it12:41
EriC^no_bill_gatez: open the dash > startup , check that only one is there12:41
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MrokiiI've seen this effect in KDE. Not sure why it happens though. It never happened on regular Ubuntu/Unity to me.12:42
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no_bill_gatezhow do you open dash?12:46
EriC^^it's the first icon at the top in the launcher12:47
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no_bill_gatezgot it thanks12:53
kanthalaraghuanyone using backbox ?12:56
c_nickhow to get chromium to work with Flash - I copied the libflashplayer.so in the /user/lib/chromium-browser/plugin directory but the plugin does not take effect i installed udo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras and pepperflashplugin no relief i am on x6413:06
azizLIGHThow do i copy the crash report dialog box contents? ctrl-c doesnt work and you cannot resize the window to see anymore than what it is: http://i.imgur.com/gXld2wy.png13:06
c_nicki am on Ubuntu Unicorn13:06
jattazizLIGHT: the crash report is in /var/crash/13:06
MonkeyDustc_nick  try pepperflash13:07
c_nickMonkeyDust, I installed pepperflashplayer it says Flash Player version installed on this system  :
Apachezc_nick: unless you are really the GNU militant then grab the commercial google chrome who includes pepparflash13:08
c_nickbut how can i get chromium to work without it .. it used to work when i was last on Ubuntu 10.1013:08
cfhowlettc_nick, there is no ubuntu unicorn.13:08
azizLIGHTthanks jatt13:09
jattutopic unicorn13:09
MonkeyDustwhat version is unicorn?13:09
cfhowlettdoh!  right right right.  I was wrong.13:10
Giwrgarashi .im on the live session and trying to expand my hd using gparted13:10
Giwrgarashow to do it?! ive deleted windows the space is unallocated but i cant expand the ext4 main partition of mine13:11
IdleOneGiwrgaras: First you need to format the unallocated space to ext4 and then you expand13:11
Giwrgarasbasically by accident i created another main ext4 partition and the free space goes there instead of my main ext4 partition where i have my stuff13:12
MonkeyDustGiwrgaras  and backup first, before you start modifying partitions13:12
Giwrgarasi want to change the main ext4 partition to go to my old ext4 partition and expand this one13:12
Giwrgarasif you understand what im saying13:13
MonkeyDustGiwrgaras  you want to merge/combine two partitons?13:13
c_nickcfhowlett, lsb_release -a does not work anymore?13:13
azizLIGHTso any idea why upgradeing linux-headers package causes an issue for nvidia package? i get error: http://sprunge.us/HRfM13:14
Giwrgarasmy old ext4 partition is inside another that i created by accident13:14
Giwrgarasso i cant extend my normal partition with all the free space from the deleted windows13:14
cfhowlettc_nick, ?  eh?13:14
Giwrgarasinstead i can expand the newwly created empty ext4 partition in which i have no option to delete13:15
c_nickhehe i was doing - instead of _13:15
Giwrgarasit is my primary now i guess13:15
cfhowlettGiwrgaras, so delete the partition you created by accident13:15
c_nickUbuntu 14.10 Codename:utopic thats Unicorn!13:15
c_nicknow how to get flash working with chromium13:15
Giwrgarasno opiton to do that its set as primary13:15
MonkeyDustGiwrgaras  backup your data, then delete and re-create partitions, is the easiest, i guess13:16
BluesKajazizLIGHT, because yoiu're using xedgers ppa, not the best support for nvidia drivers unfortunately13:16
Giwrgarasyes but then i have to reinstall :/13:16
Giwrgarasi just want to swap positions primary/secondary ext413:16
jattc_nick: install chrome it has flash already included13:16
c_nicki hate this compromise #I-Love-Blue!13:17
MonkeyDustGiwrgaras  not sure if that is possible, think not13:17
Giwrgarasgod damn it13:17
MonkeyDustand no profanities13:17
azizLIGHTsudo add-apt-repository --remove13:18
Giwrgarassooo what do i do now?  reinstall?13:18
MonkeyDustGiwrgaras  backup your data, then delete and re-create partitions, is the easiest, i guess13:18
c_nicki will install the stable one :(13:18
Grant_PAnyone know anything about dmraid and it's 2tb limitation?13:22
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Guest22917Wy doesn't the ubuntu softwarecentre show when a piece of software was last updated. And details about the updates?13:26
FinetundraGuest22917, what do you mean?13:27
Guest22917Theres no date of when the software was last updated13:28
Guest22917in the ubuntu software centre13:28
cfhowlettGuest22917, such information is available on the program's support website --- which IS provided13:28
Guest22917not updated on my pc, but updated by the creator13:28
Guest22917its so unhandy to go search on some website of them13:28
Guest22917maybe im just too used to how android works with their play store13:29
Guest22917I do like my first ubuntu experience though13:29
eraggoGuest22917: there is change package is not upgraded by ubuntu/canonical to the repo13:29
Guest22917just some things i miss13:29
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MonkeyDustGuest22917  in a terminal, type   apt-cache show [package] ... it shows the webpage ... find a changelog on that page13:30
Guest22917Does anyone know if theres software to throw in a tar.gz file or .deb file so it helps me install it without using the terminal? Like a dumb windows .exe user?13:30
MonkeyDustGuest22917  please calm down13:31
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Guest22917I am calm. Im just dumb and like easy stuff13:31
jattfor debs13:31
Guest22917thanks jatt ill try that13:31
Guest22917that seems very handy! just what i was looking for13:32
Giwrgarasgreat i did it, i didnt have to reinstall or anything13:33
Giwrgarascan i update grub now ? i can still see windows as an option13:33
Giwrgarasand i only have ubuntu13:33
goodluckhi,guys ,when i use a terminal ,i cant press the character f,and it will send out a "pong" voice ,what s wrong13:34
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boodllebatwhere is my php.ini located ?13:35
Giwrgarasgreat!!! thnks13:35
jattlocate php.ini13:35
boodllebatjatt: should i type this in terminal ?13:36
Finetundradoes anyone know how to change the splash screen?13:37
boodllebatjatt: thanks13:38
jattFinetundra: install a different plymouth theme13:38
MonkeyDustFinetundra  set to default?13:38
xarIs there any good free VPN , please ? I wasn't able to find one?13:39
MonkeyDustxar  define "good"13:39
Finetundrajatt, how would I do that.13:39
FinetundraMonkeyDust, what?13:39
MonkeyDustFinetundra  this sets the screen to default:    sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth;sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm13:39
c_nickchrome installed and we have flash in it.! thanks guys13:40
xarMonkeyDust, I need to use it once per month. I just need a free one which doesn't block after one month of use13:40
FinetundraMonkeyDust, ok, but what do i use that for?13:41
MonkeyDustxar  is this useful http://techpp.com/2009/07/09/top-5-free-vpn-clients/13:41
MonkeyDustxar  i was too fast, never mind the link13:42
xarMonkeyDust, isn't better to find a password/username instead of the installation of a whole VPN solution?13:43
bhaveshWhat's the most popular way to collaboratively program on Linux? Like real time sharing of the file.13:44
jatttext files + version control (git)13:44
bhaveshjatt: but the other person does not see the changes live until it is uploaded again?13:45
bhaveshlike Google Drive sharing?13:45
jattyes but why do you want to see every letter the person is typing?13:45
bhaveshjatt: well, it would be a plus.13:45
jattthe best way to collaborate is through version control but maybe I'm just out-to-date :-)13:46
bhaveshjatt: okay, thanks.13:46
xarMonkeyDust, thank you so much13:50
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herrkinhello comunity13:53
herrkinI have an urgent problem related to hp laptop\13:54
MonkeyDustxar-  yw13:54
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herrkinit was hard at first to get ubuntu in it because it has some new booloader I dint see before uefi or something like that13:55
herrkinbut I got it to work13:55
herrkinafter some time it was ok13:55
herrkinI was using the machine and suddenly it crashed (froze) I turned it off and it never came back13:55
herrkinso I have the hard drive, put it in another computer, it starts windows fine but it wont start ubuntu13:56
EriC^^herrkin: you can get it working on the hp laptop13:56
herrkinanybody know what I have to do to get it back?13:56
EriC^^herrkin: you had to press f9 to get it to boot? or esc then boot options?13:56
herrkinyes I see the ubuntu entry but it still loads windows13:57
EriC^^herrkin: yes it's because the bios is hard wired to boot the windows efi file13:57
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EriC^^herrkin: which hp model is it?13:57
herrkinwhen I pluged the hard drive to the new computer it made some recovery13:57
herrkinmaybe it also deleted the boot part of ubuntu this new computer is.. wait a sec13:58
EriC^^herrkin: the boot part is in the bios not the hd i think13:58
EriC^^the efi partition is in the hd, but the entry is listed in the bios13:59
herrkinyes but I see it when I do f913:59
herrkinstill it boots windows when I hit it13:59
herrkinits an hp pavilion 14 sleekbook13:59
EriC^^on the new pc or the old one?14:00
EriC^^ok did you install ubuntu again when you put it in the new one?14:00
EriC^^or did you reinstall grub14:01
EriC^^if not that's pretty normal14:01
herrkinno I just tried to boot it with the hard drive of the other computer as it was\14:01
hexafractionHi, is there a way I can make a pty that will not perform any buffering?14:01
EriC^^herrkin: ok boot a live usb14:01
captainfantasticwhat's kernel version of ubuntu alpha 2?14:01
hexafraction(as in, any attempt to write will block until the other side reads it).14:01
MonkeyDustcaptainfantastic  better ask in #ubuntu+114:02
herrkinthen what EriC^^ ?14:02
EriC^^herrkin: type sudo parted -l && sudo efibootmgr -v14:02
EriC^^and paste in paste.ubuntu.com14:02
herrkinright now I dont have a usb stick14:03
EriC^^ok press F9 in the pc14:03
herrkinand this new machine doesnt have dvd unit14:03
EriC^^when it boots, then select From EFI file instead of Ubuntu14:03
EriC^^then look for EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi14:03
EriC^^and boot that14:03
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EriC^^it might work unless grub is screwed, then you might be able to manually boot using grub14:04
herrkinok I am from that computer, so please give me step by step because I will not be able to ask you something if I need something14:04
EriC^^i just did14:04
herrkinok good14:04
EriC^^about booting manually from grub try to see if it will work from the file first14:05
EriC^^if you get a grub> prompt then come back here14:05
herrkinok I will try14:05
Finetundraanyone know a good audio extractor?14:07
MonkeyDustFinetundra  cd ripper?14:09
FinetundraMonkeyDust, no, something to pull audio from videos14:09
MonkeyDustFinetundra  youtube videos?14:10
FinetundraMonkeyDust, videos on my computer14:10
herrkin_EriC^^, thanks a lot I got it now I am from ubuntu14:10
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pagioswhat runs before rc.local or conrtab @reboot14:16
ikoniaor crontab ?14:16
ikoniapagios: whats the actual problem ?14:16
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pagiosikonia i have a wpa_supplicant command that needs to connect to a network, ONLY after that connects to a network i want to fire up a command, an exception to fire that command is also when the network is unreachable14:18
ikoniawpa_supplicat shouldn't be needed after you've connected to a network14:19
ikoniaso I'm not really understanding what/why you 're trying to do it14:19
pagiosikonia: the wpa_supplicant is the one allowing me to connect to a network14:19
ikoniapagios: are you using network manage r?14:19
pagios/sbin/wpa_supplicant -iwificlient0 -Dnl80211 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf14:19
pagiosso i am running this command at @reboot cron14:19
ikoniawould it not make sense to use network manager14:19
pagiosno its not appropriate14:20
ikoniain what way is it not ?14:20
ikoniait was designed to manage networks including wireless14:20
ikoniaand has triggers for things like network drop14:20
pagiosidea is i am creating VIF interfaces and assigning dynamic/static ips via /etc/network/interfaces, network-manager was conflicting with that14:21
pagiosikonia: ^14:21
suoreHey guys i've send phisical hdd, what FS for him is the best?  - simlar to NTFS (to create and remove diirs and files in main folder)14:21
ikoniapagios: network manage can manage that14:21
ikoniaso rather than conflicting, use it to manage it14:21
ikoniasuore: depends on what Os he's using14:21
hexafractionfor an internal ubuntu only disk use ext414:21
pagiosikonia: can it run headless?14:22
ikoniapagios: yes14:22
MACscrany time i ssh into my ubuntu trusty desktop, im getting the following in my syslog: console-kit-daemon[5463]: GLib-CRITICAL: Source ID 155 was not found when attempting to remove it14:22
MACscrany ideas why?14:22
hexafractionfor sharing with other OSs, ntfs is usually a decent choice14:22
pagiosikonia: can i pm you instead of flooding here?14:22
ikoniapagios: pm me what ?14:22
ikoniause a pastebin if you have big output14:22
ikoniaNTFS is not a decent choice14:23
pagiosthe access point is changing channels as it is autotuned, so i need hostapd to read the channel that interface is using and use the same channel14:23
suorei've ubuntu, i have / ext4 and /home ext4 and newone hdd is for /media/Name/Data Storage #1 i want to menage here files line in ntfs at win  :P.14:23
pagiosthats the goal14:23
pagiosso i need to run hostapd after i get the channel using iwlist or something and then call the hotapd deamon14:24
ikoniapagios: I have no idea how to approach that, I'd have to look at that with real thought, but off the top of my head the network manager trigger or a dropped network could work14:24
ikoniasuore: whats the actual problem ?14:24
suoreat ext4 cannot create files and dir... i need to make 1st folder by superuser14:25
ikoniasuore: ext4 can mange files and directories just fine14:25
suoreand add chmod 777 and now ican create files14:25
MACscrpagios: have you had decent reliability with hostapd? I just recently made my ubuntu box an AP and its been pretty unreliable, though it almost more seems that the issue is related to DHCP from my router not always getting to the devices in order to complete the connection14:25
QuinnlanHow can I configure dual monitor with my GeForce GTX 750 (Nvidia driver 340.76), Ubuntu 14.10. It's displaying fine on the VGA out but I can't detect anything on the dvi out. Any help appreciated14:28
dufferzafarI've converted my capslock key to backspace using setxkbmap, now i want to set Ctrl + Capslock to Ctrl + Backspace, but can't figure out how...14:31
EriC^herrkin_: you there sory i was away14:46
EriC^herrkin_: after you have ubuntu booted you can do something to let it boot grub every time14:46
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herrkin_I mean do what?\14:53
EriC^herrkin_: you want to leave the hd on this pc?14:53
herrkin_no it is just while the other laptop is repaired14:54
EriC^oh ok14:55
EriC^nevermind then14:55
EriC^( you can do something so that it boots grub without pressing f9 or esc ) anyways nevermind14:55
cromagiDoes anyone know how I can make a bootable windows usb?14:56
cromagiUnetbooting wont work14:57
MonkeyDustcromagi  i'm sure the people in ##windows know how windows works14:57
BluesKajcromagi, dd the windows image to the usb14:58
mchelenanyone know which music manager can automatically transcode music when copying to an mp3 player?14:58
BluesKaj!dd | cromagi14:59
BluesKajhmm , no bot info14:59
cromagihow to dd?15:00
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cromagiHow do i dd BluesKaj?15:02
lantiziaCan anyone explain (RE: xorg ) what occurs when you 'switch users'?15:03
cromagiOh come onnn15:04
jhwhiteIf I install Ubuntu on my entire SSD on my rMBP, won't that write over the recovery partition? And if so how do I reinstall OS X later?15:05
cfhowlett!mac | jhwhite, yes it would.  and if you want OSX, DO NOT use the entire SSD.  I don't know how difficult a Linux >>> OSX install would be, but knowing how unfriendly OSX is, I'd consider carefully.15:07
cromagiyour wasting your time15:07
cromagihow to i write to usb with dd15:08
ActionParsnipcromagi: what is the name of the USB device?15:08
jhwhiteWell, something happened last night and OS X won't recognize the partition that has the OS installed. It will only boot into recovery mode, so I was going to install LInux then hopefully write over that with Yosemite later.15:08
cfhowlettcromagi, http://askubuntu.com/questions/372607/how-to-create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-from-terminal15:08
cfhowlettjhwhite, I'd say NO.  Fix OSX first.  Then do your ubuntu.15:09
jhwhiteOK thanks15:09
BluesKajcromagi, http://www.computerhope.com/unix/dd.htm15:10
ActionParsnipcromagi: then run: sudo dd if=~/something.iso of=/dev/sdz bs=102415:10
cfhowlettcromagi, http://askubuntu.com/questions/372607/how-to-create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-from-terminal15:10
BluesKajok  stuff to do BBl15:10
linuxthefishhi, is ubuntu good on 4k displays?15:11
linuxthefisheverything is so small!15:11
ActionParsnipcromagi: obviously change /dev/sdz to your USB device and change the input filename15:11
TJ-linuxthefish: Isn't that the point of 4K!?15:11
ActionParsniplinuxthefish: make things bigger then...15:11
linuxthefishfirefox still small :(15:12
ActionParsnipTJ-: I thought the same15:12
linuxthefishlike windows has DPI scaling15:12
cromagiits confusing me15:12
cromagiso f it15:12
ActionParsniplinuxthefish: you can make things like icons and screen  fonts be larger15:12
ActionParsnipcromagi: really? It's simple if you actually read the command15:13
TJ-linuxthefish: You'll need to change the Dots Per Inch (DPI) setting to match the display to have windows rendered to the same physical dimesions - but then, you've just wasted all those extra pixels15:13
cromagiits telling me to put it all in different partitions and everything15:13
MalsasaHello. I want t hide my IP via VPN. But my OpenVPN can not hide my IP if I use ppp0. My complete question was in http://askubuntu.com/questions/580014/how-to-bind-openvpn-to-ppp0-from-mobile-broadband. Thank you.15:13
xangualinuxthefish: what ubuntu release are you using? Latest has a little better support for hdpi displays15:13
ActionParsnipcromagi: you don't do that with the USB.  It goes at the start of the USB...15:13
_raven_is rc.local batch or all commands at the same time? id like to add a "apt-get update && apat-get upgrade && apt-get autoremove" into. should run after another ;)15:14
cromagiso what do i do then15:14
ActionParsnipcromagi: or use Unetbootin15:14
cromagii did that last night but i got an error when booting from usb15:14
ActionParsnipcromagi: I asked you a question....  You never replied15:14
ActionParsnipcromagi: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?15:14
cromagino idk how15:15
cfhowlett!md5sum | cromagi, READ15:15
ubottucromagi, READ: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:15
ActionParsnipcromagi: then how do you know that the file is complete and consistent?15:15
jatt_raven_: do that in a cronjob and not with rc.local15:15
_raven_jatt: what would that look like in cron? with && or time offset with start+xminutes?15:16
MonkeyDust_raven_  what jatt  says: add   @reboot in a conjob15:17
MonkeyDust_raven_  start with sudo crontab -e and read the basic instructions15:17
cromagibecause i tried two different iso last night with unetbootin and i got the same error15:17
_raven_MonkeyDust: will that be batch using && or do i need to do something like @reboot+x minutes?15:17
ActionParsnipcromagi: statistically you could download an infinite number of files and never get a good one.  Get it checked15:18
MonkeyDust_raven_  the instructions tell you just that15:18
jatt_raven_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto15:18
cromagi60062de2415d7b24b053005f14ccedd9  X17-58997.iso15:18
cfhowlettcromagi, 1. ALWAYS verify your downloaded .iso    2. ALWAYS verify the USB you made from the .iso        Takes only a few minutes15:18
cromagitheres my output of md5sum15:18
ActionParsnip_raven_: if you make a bash script you can cron that15:18
k1l_cromagi: what is that iso of?15:19
cfhowlettcromagi, so NO you go to the download page and compare it against the hashsum given.  DON'T put it here.  (and please don't be lazy)15:19
_raven_ok ill try to find that15:19
ActionParsnipcromagi: that's a Windows ISO?15:19
ActionParsnipk1l_: seems to be some windows thing15:19
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  he wants to make a windows iso bootbale15:19
k1l_ActionParsnip: yes15:20
cfhowlettcromagi, wait, windows?!  ignore my advice.15:20
k1l_well, is is stubborn and doesnt read the answers anyway. so gl with that15:20
ActionParsnipcromagi: you need to format the drive to NTFS then unetbootin should work15:20
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cromagiok ill try15:20
cromagiis the md5 good?15:21
ActionParsnipcromagi: you may want to ask in ##windows to see if anyone knows of a method15:21
ActionParsnipcromagi: no idea,  ##windows will know15:21
MonkeyDustcromagi  type /j ##windows and ask there15:21
ActionParsnipcromagi: check the Microsoft site, they should have the hashes15:21
cromagii converted it to ntfs and unetbootin wond read it15:23
cromagithis is so gay15:23
cromagion windows this would be so easy15:23
cromagibut no, this is ubuntu15:23
ActionParsnipcromagi: wow...  It's 2015 dude15:23
cfhowlettcromagi, I told you repeatedly "use windows tools to make windows media".  And drop the anti-gay commentary15:24
ActionParsnipcromagi: using  'gay'  as a term for  'bad' ...  Are you 12?15:24
=== icecream is now known as MatthewM
ActionParsnipcromagi: grow up15:24
cromagishut up15:24
ActionParsnipcromagi: fine by me.15:25
ActionParsnipHi prottasa15:25
prottasado you know about lowlatency linux karnel15:26
cfhowlettprottasa, a bit.15:26
prottasapls tell me15:26
cfhowlettprottasa, are you editing music???15:26
cfhowlettprottasa, detailed explanation can be found at #opensourcemusicians15:27
=== MatthewM is now known as icecream
QuinnlanHow can I configure dual monitor with my GeForce GTX 750 (Nvidia driver 340.76), Ubuntu 14.10. It's displaying fine on the VGA out but I can't detect anything on the dvi out. Any help appreciated15:28
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BluesKajQuinnlan, dvi to hdmi ?15:29
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TJ-Quinnlan: Are you sing the Nouveau or Nvidia drivers?15:30
jhutchinsQuinnlan: I believe nvidia supplies docs on how to use/configure their driver.15:30
BluesKajQuinnlan, you may have to set the graphics card as default in the bios15:30
QuinnlanNvidia drivers15:30
Jamira40Hello is there way to change grub-install -V to -v15:30
Quinnlandvi to VGA15:31
Quinnlanthe graphics card seems to work fine on VGA out, just when I open up nvidia-settings it only detects the one screen15:31
TJ-Quinnlan: what does "xrandr -q" report?15:31
QuinnlanAs I understand it, this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaMultiMonitors?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=nvidia-settings.png should show both but only shows one.15:32
ActionParsnipQuinnlan: does the system have a make and model15:32
TJ-Quinnlan: I don't think the DVI output on the GPU card carries analogue signal, only digital15:32
ActionParsnipJamira40: do you mean make  -v and -V do the same?15:33
QuinnlanTJ- http://pastebin.com/T7Y72Qt115:33
Jamira40ActionParsnip Yes15:33
Jamira40Before you ask me why. vmWare Converter do not support Ubuntu 14.04 and only problem is because its trying to execute -v but on 14.04 works only -V15:34
ActionParsnipJamira40: the guys in #bash may be able to advise an alias-like function for it.15:34
Jamira40i tried to write alias function but i dont know how :-/15:34
TJ-Quinnlan: That output confirms there's only one analogue output - the "VGA-0" - the others are digital15:34
Jamira40how to specify -v15:34
Jamira40i know how to make alias like mynewfunction but without -v15:34
ActionParsnipJamira40: again. Ask in #bash15:35
Jamira40Thank you15:35
ActionParsnipQuinnlan: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga15:35
QuinnlanTJ-: so what do I need to do to get a second screen working? I had hoped a DVI to VGA adapter would be enough15:35
TJ-Quinnlan: You need to use a digital input on the monitor. If it doesn't have one, you'll need to replace the monitor15:36
TJ-Quinnlan: From the Nvidia specs. page: "One Dual Link DVI-I, One Dual Link DVI-D, One mini-HDMI "   http://www.geforce.co.uk/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-750/specifications15:36
QuinnlanActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/C7i1rdkh15:37
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Quinnlanso if I got a DVI cable instead of using a VGA cable and adapter it would probably work ?15:38
TJ-Quinnlan: If the monitor has a digital input, yes15:38
Quinnlanyeah theres a DVI in as well as a VGA in15:39
QuinnlanThanks TJ-, I'll pick up a cable off ebay15:39
TJ-Quinnlan: So you just need a DVI-D dual-link cable15:39
QuinnlanAh yes, I forgot about the different flavours of DVI cables15:40
BluesKajodd most monitors come with dvi or hdmi cables nowadays15:40
Quinnlanit's an old monitor that was used with the box downstairs which had to be replaced, so i was trying to make use of it in my study :)15:41
opalHi everybody: If I am surfing with my system on a public wifi. How can I maximum secure my connections and my system?15:42
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QuinnlanTJ-, one last question, does it matter if its single or dual link ?15:43
daltonfuryUse vpn?15:43
ActionParsnipopal: use an SSH tunnel to another system15:43
cfhowlettopal, boot an ubuntu usb not your installed system.  stay off flakey sites.  don't sign in to anything or pass through personal info ... but I'm paranod15:43
MonkeyDustopal  be careful with passwords, they can be easily hacked on a public wifi15:44
ActionParsnipopal: configure your firewall too15:44
opalMonkeyDust: Also if I use a HTTPS-connection?15:44
ActionParsnipopal: if it's https then you are ok15:44
TJ-Quinnlan: Yes... it determines bandwidth15:45
daltonfuryActionParsnip, what would the other system be?15:45
opalActionParsnip: Are the standard Ubuntu settings not ok? Thought there aren't open ports?15:45
ActionParsnipdaltonfury: somewhere else. I have an SSH server I use at work because the proxy is managed by idiots15:45
ActionParsnipopal: the default is allow all traffic15:45
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QuinnlanCoool, thanks for the help TJ- , ActionParsnip15:46
Jamira40ActionParsnip thank you they gave me an solution :-)15:46
ActionParsnip!Away > zz_saschpe15:46
ubottuzz_saschpe, please see my private message15:46
ActionParsnipJamira40: sweet :-)15:46
opalActionParsnip: Well, I don't see a security problem. Could you tell me some?15:46
ActionParsnipopal: look into iptables or gufw15:47
opalActionParsnip: But if I don't have open ports. Is there also a security problem?15:47
ActionParsnipopal: you do. You have many15:48
opalActionParsnip: Mh, what could an attacker do?15:49
ActionParsnipopal: what is the output of : netstat -ltnp | wc -l15:49
OerHeks"what could an attacker do not?"15:49
OerHeksopal, use your browser in private mode, don't check email nor buy stuff, you'll be fine15:51
cfhowlettopal, think about it this way: you're on a public network and every communication is broadcast in the clear and your entire online session is transparent ...15:51
MonkeyDustopal  don't use passwords on when you're on a public wifi15:51
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OerHekstoo late to setup your email with 2 factor auth.15:51
ActionParsnipcfhowlett: not with https15:52
cfhowlettActionParsnip, :)15:52
opalOf course I only use HTTPS-connection on public wifi15:52
daltonfuryActionParsnip, so i need to run a firewall? Or ubuntu has some inbuilt protection?15:54
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo15:54
cfhowlett!firewall | daltonfury15:54
ubottudaltonfury: please see above15:54
ActionParsnipdaltonfury: on home Ltd it's not really needed. Out and about you should configure your firewall to block incoming connections15:55
daltonfuryUbottu, sorry for asking again, i had a connection loss....15:56
ubottudaltonfury: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:56
opalActionParsnip: But if I don't have an open port the incoming connections are not important. Or do I have a wrong thinking?15:57
backboxYou have wrong thinking buddy :P15:57
daltonfuryUbottu, wtf?15:57
ubottudaltonfury: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:57
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo15:57
Earlodaltonfury, ^15:57
daltonfuryJust started using irc, hope the same happened to u guys too at first...15:58
opalbackbox: OK, it's an interesting topic. Could you tell me some attacks?15:58
cfhowlettopal, this is getting off-topic, but I bet ##linux would have a wider range of answers15:59
MonkeyDustopal  there are plenty sites, warning for and informing about the dangers of public wifi16:03
daltonfurySomeone could do a MITM on you, even if u have closed all unnecessary ports16:05
opaldaltonfury: How would this work?16:07
ZerockIs there a way to apt-get download a package and all its dependencies for a given architecture?16:07
daltonfuryOpal, Maybe thats off topic?16:08
Seth-666hello , can somebody tell me, can i make my system linux mint cinnmone , repair all the erros that i have in logs ? some say that is impossible16:08
MonkeyDustSeth-666  ask in the mant channel16:09
xangua!mint | Seth-66616:09
ubottuSeth-666: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:09
daltonfuryZerock, you mean download only? And not install? I am a noob, but forced to work on different architectures...16:10
Seth-666no i don t want suport just a simple question16:11
Seth-666of linux16:11
ovrflw0xcan anyone tell why does ubuntu 14.10 start like this? http://picpaste.com/ubuntuprob-Lq4nQUId.png i have to manually change background image to fix it... what kind of resolution problem is it??16:11
Seth-666is it possible?16:11
Seth-666for what did i asked16:11
Zerockdaltonfury: Yes. Just download. I know how to do that, but I don't know how to make it gets the deps as well without just following the tree.16:11
daltonfuryZerock, i dont know if i am correct, but you need to compile whatever u want using a cross platform compiler?16:12
MonkeyDustSeth-666  this is a dedicated ubuntu channel, please ask in a mint channel, there's no reason for you to come here, with that question16:12
daltonfuryZerock, how about bitbake?16:13
Seth-666u are right ... but its a general question ....16:13
MonkeyDustSeth-666  ask your "general question" in a mint channel, as that is your distro16:13
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Seth-666:| ok sorry16:14
ActionParsnip ovrflw0x if you restart nautilus,  is it ok16:14
ovrflw0xActionParsnip, how to do that?16:14
daltonfuryZerock, what architecture are u talking about?16:14
ZerockArbitrary. I want to be able to do this for any system.16:14
ActionParsnipovrflw0x: press Alt + F2 and run: nautilus  -q16:15
daltonfuryZerock, checkout bitbake...?16:15
ZerockNot in the repos. Meh.16:16
daltonfuryNah, its part of a build system16:16
ActionParsnipZerock: if you have a system which has the package installed you can tell apt-get to pull down  All debs and you can then move them to the offline system16:16
ActionParsnipZerock: is that what you mean?16:17
ovrflw0xActionParsnip, doing 'nautilus -q' **fixed** the problem but will i have to do this every time i boot into ubuntu?16:17
daltonfuryActionParsnip, but it is different architecture,.16:17
daltonfuryZerock, google yocto project16:18
ActionParsnipovrflw0x: yes, but you can add the command to the startup of the desktop16:18
ovrflw0xActionParsnip, why do i need to run this command everytime?16:18
ActionParsnipdaltonfury: could use a live CD of the other arch16:19
ovrflw0xis it a bug?16:19
ActionParsnipovrflw0x: possibly. Nautilus draws the wallpaper in a default Ubuntu install16:19
ActionParsnipovrflw0x: you have a very simple workaround though16:20
ovrflw0xActionParsnip, but running that command messes up display config16:20
ActionParsnipovrflw0x: I see. Not sure then. Could report a bug16:20
ovrflw0xActionParsnip, fonts in Files browser also look thin before running command you gave16:21
Xenos1Does Ubuntu detect things like PSP's?16:21
daltonfuryActionParsnip, what do you mean? The other system could be a embedded system... Like Raspberry or Pandaboard16:21
Xenos1I tried to plug in a PSP, it's not getting auto mounted does Ubuntu have trouble connecting with devices like PSP's?16:22
recursion-ninjahey people I have an anoying problem with Ubuntu and I'm at my breaking point. Sometimes I get windos created that are too large for my tiny screen and I can't see the bottom of the window nor can I resize them. The bottom of the window is usually where important buttons like "Okay" or "Save" are. How do I see the bottom of these windows? gnome3 desktop environment, 1024X600 resolution...16:22
Xenos1recursion-ninja, did you try system settings?16:22
ActionParsnipdaltonfury: if it's that small why not move it where it can get a wired connection?16:22
recursion-ninjaXenos1: What system settings?16:23
Xenos1system settings > displays16:23
ovrflw0xActionParsnip, how to run nautilus -q command at startup?16:23
Xenos1it's the crank with the wrench on the left hand side16:23
recursion-ninjaXenos1: I can't increase the resolution16:23
ActionParsniprecursion-ninja: hold Alt and you can drag the window from any point in the window16:23
ActionParsnipovrflw0x: there is a startup application in Dash.....16:23
ActionParsnipovrflw0x: you could have used the Web to find out for yourself16:24
recursion-ninjaActionParsnip: That might be what I needed thank you, I was going crazy16:24
HaaPuthey there used to be a channel called defocus.. does it still exist16:24
zambaudev is not used anymore in 14.04?16:24
ActionParsnipzamba: udev is in 14.0416:25
daltonfuryActionParsnip, but will the deb you transfer work on the given architecture?16:25
ActionParsnipdaltonfury: as long as the arch matches then yes16:26
=== `Yoda is now known as Yoder
williamrockeranybody here?16:28
cfhowlett!ask | williamrocker16:28
ubottuwilliamrocker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:28
williamrockerMartiini can u help me?16:28
Martiiniwith what16:29
jrtappersSSH searches the search domains, but is there a way to make it use those domains for DNS key checking?16:29
MartiiniI'm only testing weechat irc program16:29
cfhowlett!test | Martiini16:29
ubottuMartiini: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )16:29
williamrockerwell i've made mods to my laptop. i've installed a 240Gb kingston ssd and installed win8 in it and i want to install ubuntu. make a dual boot. Can someone help me?16:30
Martiiniha ha .. funny16:30
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Sure16:30
cfhowlett!dualboot | williamrocker16:30
ubottuwilliamrocker: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot16:30
williamrockerthat won't help me. i have a x64 win8 with intel i716:31
williamrockerI've already tried a tutorial of dualboot16:31
williamrockercan someone please help me?16:31
jrtapperswilliamrocker, What's your current state?16:31
williamrockerWhat do u mean?16:31
Martiiniwilliamrocker, yes, those links he posted, those should describe .. Basically, you squeeze windows partition into half of it's size and install linux on the rest of your harddrive16:31
williamrockermy current state is alive xD16:31
jrtappersWhat have you already done :P16:31
williamrockeryeah right. I've left 40gb for ubuntu and divided the remaining 40gb: 15GB for root, 4gb for swap, 20gb for home and 500mb for boot. but when i try to boot my laptop it goes straight to win816:32
jrtapperswilliamrocker, 1 moment, its the quick boot problem16:33
williamrockersorry quick boot problem?16:33
williamrockercan u elaborate?16:33
jrtapperswilliamrocker, I'm just getting the link16:34
williamrockeroh ok16:34
Martiiniwilliamrocker, use ubuntu install cd, it should have gparted program for creating partitions. Make only ONE linux partition and 1 small swap partition, trust me, make it simple16:34
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jrtapperswilliamrocker, Boot windows a moment16:34
williamrockerboot to windows?16:34
jrtappersMartiini, It sounds like they hybrid boot problem , do you agree?16:35
Martiiniwindows :)16:35
bekks"the hybrid boot problem"? :)16:35
Martiiniwindows, osx linux .. la la la16:35
williamrockerokay booted to windows16:35
williamrockernow what should i do?16:35
cfhowlett!behelpful | Martiini,16:35
ubottuMartiini,: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.16:35
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Yeah, windows 8 by default does a shutdown that is really a hibernate16:35
zambaActionParsnip: but no persistent-net*?16:35
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Go to control panel16:35
williamrockerby the way, secureboot is off. should it be on?16:36
jrtapperswilliamrocker, "Change what the power buttons do"16:36
ActionParsnipzamba: what do you mean?16:36
zambaActionParsnip: there's no file for it16:36
zambarules.d er tom16:36
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Leave secure boot off, it sometimes works, but if it is off leave it off16:36
zambais empty*16:36
williamrockerwell it was on but i need to boot win8 from usb drive and turned it off.16:37
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Just leave it off then16:37
williamrockerwhat should i choose in power button action?16:37
jrtapperswilliamrocker, "Change settings that are currently unavailable"16:37
Martiiniare ya'll merricans16:37
Martiiniwhat the hell are you doing16:38
williamrockerim sorry change settings that are currently unavailable? what is that?16:38
jrtapperswilliamrocker, and remove the checkbox from "Turn on fast startup"16:38
cfhowlett!ot | Martiini, this is the support channel.16:38
ubottuMartiini, this is the support channel.: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:38
williamrockeroh got it16:38
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Have you unticked it?16:39
williamrockeroh ok i now understand the change settings that are unavailable16:39
williamrockerdoing it16:39
williamrockerso turn off the fast boot right'16:39
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Martiinipure comedy16:39
williamrockerisnt that going to turn my pc slow?16:39
bekkswilliamrocker: No?16:39
bekkswilliamrocker: Why would it? :D16:40
jrtappersIt saves about 1 second on boot,  but can mess with booting other OSs16:40
williamrockeroh ok xD16:40
williamrockerso now restart and try again?16:40
jrtappersYes, lets see if that was the only problem16:40
MartiiniWilliam Rocker ... is real name?16:40
cfhowlettMartiini, please stay on topic or find a different channel.16:40
Martiinicfhowlett, stop mentioning me, who are you16:41
gbear14275Anyone know if the Intel Graphics installer v1.0.7 will install the 2014Q4 graphics update packages?16:41
cfhowlett!guidelines | Martiini16:41
ubottuMartiini: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:41
gbear14275on a 14.04 system?16:41
Martiini!guidelines | cfhowlett16:41
ubottucfhowlett: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:41
cfhowlettgbear14275, there was a q4 update so I'd guess yes ...16:41
Martiinicfhowlett, get off, jerkoff16:42
williamrockerit's restarting16:42
williamrockerjrtappers it's goes straight to win816:42
Martiinicfhowlett, you fuck around in here again, I'll find you and fuck you up16:42
Martiiniget off16:42
xangua!ops | Martiini16:43
ubottuMartiini: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang16:43
williamrockerMartiini go get laid16:43
cfhowlett!ops | Martiini threats, profanity16:43
ubottuMartiini threats, profanity: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang16:43
xanguawilliamrocker: don't do that too please16:43
cfhowlettwilliamrocker, not helpful at all.  stop16:43
Martiini!ops | cfhowlett threats, profanity16:43
ubottucfhowlett threats, profanity: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang16:43
williamrockersorry. i'm trying to solve a problem by getting help from people here and he's just screwing around -.-16:43
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Ok, what model computer is it?16:44
cfhowlettwilliamrocker, pro-tip; don't feed the trolls.16:44
williamrockerjrtappers are you still there?16:44
Xenos1Ubuntu 14.04 only detects certain USB devices if they're plugged in at start up how do I fix this?16:44
williamrockerits an asus K450JN16:44
jrtappersXenos1, try running lsusb, see if they are detected16:44
Xenos1I'm not looking for a permanent fix as I think it might partially be hardware related, just a way to fix it temporarily.16:44
jrtapperswilliamrocker, try pressing esc as the laptop boots up16:44
williamrockeryes sir16:44
williamrockeru wanna try by skype?16:45
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Better to stay here, A it helps others and B it can show on google, to help people who search for problems16:45
williamrockerokay jrtappers. so now i've got the boot window before win816:45
williamrockerit only shows WIndows Boot Manager16:46
EriC^uh oh16:46
williamrockerand enter setup16:46
williamrockerhow do i install grub?16:46
jrtappersOk, what ubuntu ISO did you use?16:46
EriC^boot a live usb16:46
williamrockershouldn't grub solve the problem jrtappers16:46
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Yes, that would probably do it, install to the disk so it adds to windows EFI partition16:47
jrtappersOr install refind16:47
williamrockerso how do i do it?16:47
Martiiniubuntu installs grub itself during installation16:47
williamrockeri mean i've tried to follow a tutorial but i dont understand any of it16:47
bekksjrtappers: refind isnt necessary at all on non-Apple hardware.16:47
jrtappersbekks, But it looks nice :D16:47
bekksjrtappers: It is totally useless :P16:48
jrtappersbekks, The macs or refind16:48
bekksjrtappers: refind.16:48
James_EppI've been working on a simple startup application and it isn't working. Am I retarded? "sleep 8; firefox"  Why is this such a challenge?16:48
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Yes, installing grub from a live usb should fix it, do you want instructions for that?16:48
Martiinijeezus, I'll die of boredom16:48
williamrockeryeah sure. that would be really helpful16:49
ActionParsnipzamba: try: sudo find / | grep -i udev16:49
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Boot the live USB and then http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd16:50
bekkswilliamrocker: You can take a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#Reinstalling_GRUB_216:50
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jrtappersJames_Epp, Is your display variable set?16:52
James_Eppdisplay variable?16:52
James_Eppjrtappers: What is display variable? Is that to do with X or something?16:52
williamrockeranother thing my good sirs: how can i enable wifi in ubuntu? i guess i wont detect my wifi drive16:52
jrtappersTry running  echo $DISPLAY16:52
mtienhello, i have a laptop running ubuntu and the down arrow key is broken. what is the easiest way to keymap it another key?16:53
ActionParsnipwilliamrocker: what WiFi chip do you use?16:53
James_Eppjrtappers: Yeah, then what will I do with that variable?16:53
jrtappersJames_Epp, Is it set?16:53
James_Eppyes it is16:53
James_Eppjrtappers: to :016:53
jrtappersOk, try running the script in sh16:54
James_Eppjrtappers: It works perfectly.16:54
mtienbasically need an easy to use keymapping software.16:54
jrtappersJames_Epp, when are you starting it?16:54
williamrockerActionParsnip: just a second. going to check it16:54
James_Eppjrtappers: In startup applications. Whenever that happens. I'm assuming at user login.16:54
ActionParsnipwilliamrocker: sudo lshw -C network16:54
ActionParsnipwilliamrocker: will tell you16:54
James_Eppjrtappers: The sleep 8 is to ensure networking has time so the race condition is settled.16:55
jrtappersJames_Epp, Try piping display to a file at the start of your script, see if it is unset when startup runs16:55
williamrockerActionParsnip: okay i'll let i know in a moment. my usb pen isnt working properly. going to make a boot usb again.16:56
jrtappersAnyone got any ideas about the DNS key check search path problem?16:57
ActionParsnipmtien: https://radu.cotescu.com/remapping-keys-in-ubuntu-14.04/16:57
ActionParsnipjrtappers: never heard of it16:57
jrtappersActionParsnip, Basicly, SSH adds the search domain to servers, but ignores it when checking DNS keys... Or at least it looks that way16:58
mib_mib /usr/bin/env [ -L /home/deploy/projects/testproject1/releases/20150131165741/public/assets ] <---- what does this line do ?16:59
James_Eppjrtappers: I honestly don't know how to do that. I tried echo $DISPLAY > ~/output.txt and bash $DISPLAY > ~/output.txt but no results. How should I set that up?16:59
williamrockerjrtappers: can you help me with the GRUB? im afraid that I'm going to "destroy" my win8. I don't quite get the tutorial, I mean I get it but just to be sure.16:59
jrtappersSSH to VPS.blarg = Host key in DNS, ssh to VPS with blarg in search domain = No key in DNS       {blarg is to hide my server :D}16:59
James_Eppjrtappers: As well as bash echo $DISPLAY > ~/output.txt16:59
ActionParsnipjrtappers: weird.  I use search domains in my system and use SSH without issue16:59
jrtappersActionParsnip, DNS host keys aswell?17:00
cfhowlettwilliamrocker, your windows will not go away due to grub.  at worst, you'll need to run windows repair to reestablish the bootloader17:00
jrtappersJames_Epp, That should work, does the file exist after reboot17:00
James_Eppjrtappers: BUT to skip all that, firefox alone works. sleep 8; firefox doesn't work.17:00
ActionParsnipjrtappers: no. We don't use them. Don't see much point17:00
ActionParsnipjrtappers: we use SFP for email.17:01
jrtappersJames_Epp, Try running a script and having that in the script17:01
ActionParsnipSPF sorry17:01
James_EppJames_Epp: I'm paranoid and *need* that sleep. I tried doing 'gnome-terminal -x bash ~/script.sh' where script.sh had executable bit and was carriage-return delimited sleep 8\nfirefox and it didn't work17:01
TJ-jrtappers: Do you mean, resolving hostnames, as in a hostname given to the ssh program will use the system's resolver which might tack on a domain part to make a FQDN - but doesn't do the same for SSHFP (fingerprint) record in DNS ?17:01
James_Eppjrtappers: I'm paranoid and *need* that sleep. I tried doing 'gnome-terminal -x bash ~/script.sh' where script.sh had executable bit and was carriage-return delimited sleep 8\nfirefox and it didn't work17:01
gbear14275is there a kernel update schedule for 14.04?  Just realized i'm still running 3.1317:01
dididodohi .... i listen to a audio book which is a single .mp3 file. is there a .mp3 player that allows to set position tags, so when i start listening the next time, i can easily move to te last position?17:01
jrtappersTJ-, yes17:02
mtienactionparsnip, are you there?17:02
ActionParsnipmtien: yes....17:02
williamrockercfhowlett: then answer me this. What partition should i install grub?17:02
jrtappersJames_Epp, That is odd, try adding a symlink to the script in rc.517:02
mtieni want to make page up and page down key to be arrow up and arrow down key.17:02
bekksgbear14275: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Kernel.2BAC8-Support.A14.04.x_Ubuntu_Kernel_Support17:02
mtieni'm still reading the link...17:02
williamrockercfhowlett: I've left 500mb partition just for the grub boot but is that really necessary?17:02
jrtapperswilliamrocker, is there an EFI partition?17:03
James_Eppjrtappers: Oh my god dude. No. This functionality of ubuntu should just work. I'm not going that deep.17:03
williamrockerjrtappers: okay what does that mean? xD17:03
jrtapperswilliamrocker, what partitions are there?17:03
ActionParsnipwilliamrocker: sounds fine17:03
jrtappersJames_Epp, have you seen http://askubuntu.com/questions/34520/sleep-command-not-working-with-start-up-applications17:04
mtieni've open the file, but can you give me a pointer on how to make page up to be arrow up key?17:04
bekksjrtappers: Why dont you just put firefox into Autostart?17:04
williamrockerLet me write it in a second extensible17:04
TJ-jrtappers: Well, RFC 4255 leave it to the implementor's policy, so I guess any clues to how to control it will be in the ssh source or docs17:04
jrtappersbekks, <James_Epp> James_Epp: I'm paranoid and *need* that sleep. I tried doing 'gnome-terminal -x bash ~/script.sh' where script.sh had executable bit and was carriage-return delimited sleep 8\nfirefox and it didn't work17:04
James_Eppbekks: Because I want to give it time to make sure networking is fully up. This is wireless connection. Needs to be perfect17:04
James_Eppjrtappers: Great link. Will try next.17:04
jrtapperswilliamrocker, so which partitions do you have?17:05
gbear14275thank you bekks, that was perfect17:05
williamrockerjrtappers: opening gparted one moment17:05
williamrockerjrtappers: are u ready?17:06
jrtapperswilliamrocker, If it is long pastebin it17:06
=== Resbaloso is now known as TheOneWhoHelps
TJ-jrtappers: The ssh docs say the policy is to implicitly trust keys, but no mention of secure path, so I'd guess that means first come, first served17:07
James_Eppjrtappers: Oh my god. Thank you. Excuse my language, but that was way to fucking backwards. If it works as a direct bash command, it should have worked from a script. FML. WAY too much BS.17:07
James_EppThis needs proper documentation. Where do I request that?17:07
bekksJames_Epp: It is an open community, you can participate :)17:07
James_Eppbekks: Yeah. But I'm not official support. If this were arch I would have done so already.17:08
jrtapperswilliamrocker, parted -l | pastebinit17:08
TJ-jrtappers: I suppose the correct answer is: give ssh FQDNs17:08
williamrockerjrtappers: partition/file system/size /dev/sdb1 ntfs 300mb /dev/sdb2 fat32 99mb /dev/sdb3 unknown /dev/sdb4 ntfs 185gb(win8) /dev/sdb5 ext4 14.65gb(root) /dev/sdb5 linux-swap 3.91gb /dev/sdb7 18.98gb(home) /dev/sdb8 ext4 499mb17:08
ActionParsnipmtien: what?17:08
James_EppUbuntu is way too many n00bs like me. I'm not ruining other people's days.17:08
bekksjrtappers: We arent "official" support in here, since no one in here gets paid for it.17:08
TheOneWhoHelps /join #supremos17:08
williamrockerubuntu is in a laptop not in this pc im writing you17:08
mtiencould you help me with keymapping pageup key to arrow up key?17:09
jrtappersbekks, Community support is usually a lot more helpful17:09
williamrockerjrtappers: so what's now?17:10
bekksjrtappers: Yeah, and since this is community support, everyone can participate.17:10
ActionParsnipmtien: all I did was search the Web and found that link. It's not something I have ever done17:10
mtienactionparsnip, that's fine. thanks for the effort.17:11
jrtappersbekks, I agree that anyone can participate, if I have ever said otherwise then I retract those comments, but I cannot think of any time I have17:11
williamrockerjrtappers: so where should i install GRUB?17:11
ActionParsnipmtien: have you looked online for guides?  Or tried YouTube....?17:11
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Could you run the pastebin command on the laptop, it might make it a bit easier to see what is going on17:12
bekksjrtappers: It wasnt targetted against you :) I just wanted to point out for James_Epp that everyone is invited to participate.17:12
williamrockerjrtappers: well i've tried but it isnt installed -.-17:12
jrtappersbekks, Few :S, I thought it might be but wasn't sure what I did :S17:12
williamrockerhow can i install it?17:12
mtiento be honest with you, i'm not very comfortable mucking around in terminal. yes i have looked. i'm always afraid of typing in terminal and missing a space or adding a space where i shouldn't have.17:12
jrtapperswilliamrocker, do you have a wired network connection to it?17:12
James_Eppbekks: In a message at 11:08 you referrenced jrtappers instead of myself.17:13
bekksJames_Epp: Yeah, that may happened due to a tab fail :)17:13
williamrockerjrtappers: not working. i mean my laptop was it, runs smoothly in win8 but ubuntu can't detect it -.-17:13
jrtapperswilliamrocker, But does it have a non wifi connection to download stuff?17:14
williamrockerjrtappers: i'm a new user to ubuntu and i want to install it in my pc to learn how to use it17:14
williamrockeri only have a wifi router in here :/17:14
jrtappersOk, can you run the command parted -l17:15
williamrockerjrtappers: i only have a wifi router in here :/17:15
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Ok, can you run parted -l17:15
williamrockerjrtappers: okay17:15
williamrockerit doesnt react17:15
Don_NachoHello everyome :)17:15
williamrockerit just goes to the next command ready17:16
jrtapperswilliamrocker, you need to sudo it if you are in a normal shell17:16
Don_NachoI am new to this program17:16
foxnethi All,17:16
williamrockerjrtappers: im using ubuntu in a USB17:16
Don_NachoI need help with my twitch server17:16
jrtapperswilliamrocker, "sudo parted -l"17:16
williamrockerjrtappers: how can i sudo it if i have no connection to the internet in ubuntu17:17
Don_Nachoit keeps saying invalid NICK17:17
foxnetHow to make ubuntu to show all the apps on all workspaces while task switching with Alt+ Tab17:17
williamrockerjrtappers:  wait17:17
williamrockerjrtappers: okay now it reacted17:17
williamrockermodel disk sector size partition table:gpt is this it?17:17
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Yes17:18
williamrockerjrtappers:  so now what?17:18
jrtapperswilliamrocker, It should have an EFI partition, does it?17:18
williamrockerjrtappers:  yes EFI system partition Fla boo17:18
williamrockerjrtappers: size104 mb17:18
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Thats where to install grub17:18
jrtapperswilliamrocker, The disk is better, but if it needs a partition that one17:19
williamrockerjrtappers: what do you mean?17:19
williamrockerjrtappers: the disk is better?17:20
jrtapperswilliamrocker, If it asks for a partition its that one {/dev/sd??} otherwise use the disk {/dev/sd?}17:20
williamrockerjrtappers:  so i install grub in /dev/sdb2 fat32 boot? right?17:21
williamrockerjrtappers: so creating that partition with 500mb was a waste of space?17:22
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Which ubuntu ISO are you using?17:22
williamrockerjrtappers: 14.04.117:22
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Ok, the installer should have done the install, do you want to rerun it, that may be easier and quicker17:23
TJ-williamrocker: Make sure you're using the "grub-efi" package, not "grub-pc". else it won't install it correctly17:23
williamrockerso what should i write grub-install?17:24
williamrockergrub-install /dev/sdX ?17:24
jrtappersMake sure you have run the chroot commands first17:25
jrtapperswilliamrocker, Make sure you have run the chroot commands first17:25
r0073r_jrtappers GPT???17:27
quillfordhow can I get rid of esudo popping up?17:27
jrtappersr0073r_, Yes17:29
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r0073r_oh, you use gdisk17:29
jrtappersr0073r_, parted works with GPT too, I tested on my machine :D17:30
r0073r_jrtappers, #gdisk list /dev/sd?17:30
jrtappersr0073r_, I used parted to list disks, but I have forgotten what I was doing, could you remind me17:31
jrtappersI may have got mixed up, 3 chat windows :S17:31
pentarexhey guys i made an encryption of my partition where the linux is installed and now everytime i boot it asks me for passphrase. Can I remove that or make it automatically17:32
pentarexits a server editon and i dont have GUI17:32
pentarexi dont want to install17:32
jrtapperspentarex, why is it encrypted?17:32
pentarexwell i dont know i guess it was cool to try17:33
pentarexno not so much17:33
jrtapperspentarex, because if the password is on the disk in plaintext it might aswell be unencrypted17:33
pentarexwell i dont care i even want to remove the password17:33
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pentarexis this possible17:33
r0073r_jrtappers, you install gdisk17:34
pentarexits me17:34
pentarexi think17:34
r0073r_hi, pentarex17:36
pentarexr0073r_ hi mate17:36
r0073r_you can edit /etc/crypttab17:36
r0073r_3rd is you password17:37
pentarexsda1_crypt UUID=ca5979e6-9708-4a89-8ece-xxxxxxxxxxxx none luks,discard17:38
quillfordhow can I get rid of esudo popping up?17:38
pentarexr0073r_ none luks?17:38
pentarexwhat should i do now?17:39
r0073r_none write you password17:39
pentarexplain text?17:39
pentarexr0073r_ ok and now?17:40
r0073r_pentarex, reboot is ok17:40
pentarexok thanks let me check17:40
pentarexr0073r_ its not working. its asking again17:41
r0073r_pentarex, wait17:41
pentarexwell how much usually? ive waited like 20 seconds17:42
r0073r_pentarex, i test is ok???17:44
zambai have no /etc/udev/rules.d/*persistent*-net*17:48
zambawhat do i do?17:48
r0073r_pentarex, you must be in recovery mode to change it17:49
r0073r_pentarex, no X session17:49
SeanFromQueensWhen downloading from Chrome, I can't download directly to a Samba share17:51
SeanFromQueensI get an error message that I have to chose a local file17:52
TJ-zamba: Is the system a server? Can you show us "cat /proc/cmdline" too?17:52
jrtappersSeanFromQueens, Similar to http://askubuntu.com/questions/342919/samba-share-as-download-location-for-firefox-12-04 ?17:53
zambaTJ-: it's ubuntu server, yeah.. BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.13.0-44-generic root=dev/mapper/ids--outside--vg-root ro17:53
jrtappersHas anyone got any advice for asus touchpads?17:53
jrtappersI can get it working with proto=bare, but it doesn't work otherwise17:54
TJ-zamba: I suspect it is using predictable interface names, possibly via biosdevnames package. In which case, udev won't write system-specific rules17:54
gpietrohi guys17:54
gpietroi need to recompile glibc in order to set a constant (in the headers) to adifferent value17:55
zambaTJ-: so how do i fix? because what's now eth0 should be eth1, and the other way around17:55
gpietrocan anyone tell me how i can get the source code and do this?17:55
gpietro(I need to do that because of some problems with matlab)17:55
SeanFromQueensjrtappers: "Ok, 14.04 should sort it for you then. For info, I've just updated from 12.04 to 13.10 and the issue is fixed. – ChrisAnstey Nov 20 '13 at 11:41"17:55
zambaTJ-: this is vmware, so i guess there will be new mac addresses every time the system is rebooted?17:55
SuperLagAny cool tweaks you guys do when you install an Ubuntu box? I have a list of things I do for the VMs I make for work, and I'm curious to know if there are any other helpful things you do, that I could add to the list. http://lvb.link/UbuntuVM17:55
reisiogpietro: http://www.google.com/search?q=help+ubuntu+compile+glibc17:55
reisioSuperLag: hah, #1 is good17:56
jrtappersSeanFromQueens, Is it a similar issue, just so I know what we are working on17:56
SeanFromQueensShould sort it out* not particularly confidence inspiring17:56
TJ-zamba: The script responsible for writing the persistent net names rules, is "/lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules" - if you read that you may see why the persistent net names file isn't being created17:56
gpietrothanks reisio...i didn't think of google.17:56
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SeanFromQueensjrtappers: oh I get it, thanks for working on it17:56
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jrtappersSuperLag, SSH keys, for remote login17:57
quillfordI keep getting a dialog box titled E Sudo popping up when I login and various other times. how do I get rid of it?17:57
zambaTJ-: so it recognizes that this is vmware?17:57
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SuperLagjrtappers: I do that. I just didn't add it to the list. :)17:57
SuperLagreisio: Do you do that, as well?17:58
jrtappersSuperLag, screen?17:58
SuperLagjrtappers: I prefer tmux over screen17:58
zambaTJ-: and ignores them?17:58
SuperLagjrtappers: by a very wide margin17:58
TJ-zamba: I don't see anything specific to VMware in that file17:58
zambaTJ-: i do17:58
reisioSuperLag: when I'm stuck on Ubuntu, usually, yeah17:59
reisiotry to jump through sudo hoops is not my idea of fun17:59
TJ-zamba: On 14.04 ?17:59
jrtappersSeanFromQueens, So is it a similar issue?17:59
reisioit also doesn't make your system any more secure :p17:59
zambaTJ-: yeah17:59
reisionot the way Ubuntu uses it, anyways17:59
TJ-zamba: haha! I forgot to scroll down :)17:59
zambaTJ-: hehehe17:59
TJ-zamba: I thought the file had got a bit short recently :)18:00
stryakrAnyone know how/why mpd won't create the database on start?18:00
stryakrI had to delete it because it was corrupted18:00
murdravicis there a #game-console-emulation-for-ubuntu?18:01
stefgstryakr: a shot in the dark... write permissions ?18:02
stryakrstefg: i'll check, it's in the /var/lib/mpd so I assumed it had it already.18:02
stryakrstefg: mpd:audio is the owner and it has the correct mod settings18:03
hdonhi all :) anyone have checksum for ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso ?18:04
murdravicIs there a #how-to-set-up-your-overly-specialized-microsoft-pos-game-controller-in-ubuntu?18:05
stefgstryakr: sounds right, if the mpd daemon is running as user mpd. If the file system is writable ingeneral you can rule that out then18:05
stryakrstefg: it was working and I just had to delete the db cause of corruption, It was working fine before.18:05
gpietrois there a way with "apt&company" to install a package from the source directory?18:05
jrtappershdon, What algorithm?18:05
gpietrolike compiling it...and then installing it18:05
stryakrstefg: Thats why I am kind of lost for the time being18:06
ianorlinhdon ^^18:06
hdonjrtappers, any you have, i just want to check mine and make sure it's right18:06
hdonbecause i THOUGHT i turned off my computer mid-download18:06
hdonbut i'm not sure18:06
* hdon clicks18:06
hdonthanks ianorlin18:07
hdonmine isn't listed here18:07
stefgstryakr: standard procedure: 1. check logs, 2. stop mpd service and run binary from cli to get some useful messages18:07
hdonmine is just amd64 not amd64+mac18:07
hdonunless they're the same18:07
* hdon calcs md5 for his image18:07
murdravicShort sentences, short, posts, quick read.18:07
murdravicSome one to help with joypad?18:08
jrtappershdon, sha256 347232658fb14a7ff473ae8854b588da3df70e36b97e4f70e00f18c7b64e4b31  ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso18:08
stryakrstefg: I'll check the logs18:09
hdonthanks jrtappers :) my image is good!18:09
SuperLagreisio: anything cool to add to the list? :)18:10
stryakrstefg: could there be an issue with creating the db maybe because I am see update: added for files18:12
stryakrstefg: with the appropriate time stamps18:12
murdravicSome one to help with joypad?18:13
bekksmurdravic: Just ask a specific question :)18:13
murdravicTrouble Is, I need all.18:14
murdravicjoypad is usb, but config says it's wireless.18:14
IdleOneso use qjoypad to configure18:14
stefgstryakr: i'm not a mpd expert... i'm just going through the troubleshooting checklist. usually a service will tell why it can't start, either in the syslog or by issuing a message on the command line18:14
OerHeksmurdravic, xbox 360 ?18:15
flux242what font is used in terminal in ubuntu by default?18:15
murdravicOerHeks:  According to convers yesterday, I've xbox118:15
stryakrstefg: well this is progress, cause it looks like it is TRYING to create the DB but is crashing18:15
murdravicOerHeks:  Need to verify...18:16
stefgstryakr: so next step: find out if  it segfaults or just quits because there is no db18:16
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Guest39140alguem br?18:17
stryakrstefg: I think it might be a charset issue or permissions for the actual files it's trying to read.18:17
stryakrstefg: thanks for your help, i'll keep looking18:17
murdravicIdleOne:  qjoypad is only joy btn to kb key18:17
flux242Guest39140: Br alguem!18:18
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stefgstryakr: i'd run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' in one terminal while running 'service mpd restart' in another18:18
Guest39140alguem br18:19
=== Doctor is now known as TheDoctor
stryakrstefg: do you have mpd installed?18:19
murdravicOerHeks:  need to varify... ?18:19
Bashing-om!br | Guest39140 ??18:19
ubottuGuest39140 ??: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:19
stefgstryakr: no.... i have a banana pi running vlc-nox as a service :-)18:19
stryakrstefg: Ok. I am seeing something strange is syslog though.18:20
stryakrstefg: ovpn is trying to run by itself I think. every thirty seconds.18:21
OerHeksmurdravic, oh that wireless issue with/without usb cord.18:21
OerHeksmurdravic, is it a genuine controller or 3th party ? the guys yesterday tried a lot with you18:22
murdravicOerHeks:  Wait, what? Tried A lot?18:22
murdravicGo scant assistance.18:23
OerHeksmurdravic, so what you want to verify?18:23
murdravicOerHeks:  Madol of uit.18:24
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murdravicOerHeks:  Unit is 2, 2 months old, bought in bestbuy. It's new.18:25
murdravicCord is different from the pic I saw yesrday.18:25
murdravicwired usb18:26
murdravicThere go be difinitive difference...18:29
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OerHeksmurdravic, technicaly, when connected. what does lsusb say in terminal18:30
uflaighello everyone, for some reason guake is sizing itself every time in100% height18:31
murdravicOerHeks:  Give me time to check?18:31
uflaigcan anyone help me out18:31
reisiobecause a pop-out terminal that also occupies only a tiny bit of space is useful? :)18:32
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diego_Boa tarde18:33
john_doe_jr1Can you put notes in a ~/.ssh/config file?18:33
uflaigreisio: it bothers me a lot18:33
jrtappersuflaig, try https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/guake/+bug/793405 #318:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 793405 in guake (Ubuntu) "guake is not restored to its original size after fullscreen" [Low,Fix released]18:33
jooowHi. Is it possible if I want to go to a website that there is no DNS request because I have saved the correct IP address locally?18:33
jrtappersjohn_doe_jr1, Empty lines and lines starting with '#' are comments.  http://linux.die.net/man/5/ssh_config18:34
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Bashing-omjohn_doe_jr1: Sure; If it is a bash config file, any line starting with '#' is seen as a comment and will not be parsed .18:34
reisiojooow: you can go to the IP18:34
murdravicOerHeks:  You want the whole return? I got a unID device for MS, one from intel, and chicony, the rest are linux18:34
stefgjooow: /etc/hosts is for that18:34
murdravicOerHeks:  Chicony may be HPAccelerometer?18:35
=== Pulpin is now known as Resbaloso
apb1963The following packages have been kept back:18:35
uflaigjrtappers: oh, that helpes, thanks a lot jrtappers!18:35
apb1963  linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic18:35
jrtappersuflaig, That's ok18:36
apb1963ubuntu 14.0418:36
Bashing-omapb1963: => sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get dist-upgrade <- .18:36
apb1963oh dist-upgrade18:36
apb1963thank you18:36
Bashing-omapb1963: :)18:37
stryakrcould a segfault for libc happen if a folder depth is too long?18:37
apb1963i'll get it right someday :)18:37
Bashing-omapb1963: Takes time -: , one never know all or about all .. Great community .18:38
jrtappersapb1963, Aliases can help memory :D18:38
jrtappersUntil you use a new machine, then you have to remember properly :S18:39
murdravicOerHeks:  Still there?18:39
parsnipany ideas on .Xresources not being used by an app?18:42
murdravicI have no mouth. And I must scream my rage to the heavens.18:43
_X_C_V_B_https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgA10wXkxbM <-- how do have this as my desktop18:43
reisiomurdravic: :)18:44
murdravicHow to sa Momma's Boy in Czech?18:44
xangua_X_C_V_B_: you can try xscreensaver and try to find something similar18:44
reisiothere are a few apps that'll put video on your root window18:44
reisiothose're your terms: linux video root window18:45
_X_C_V_B_I'm using xfce418:45
murdravicreisio:  Maybe I should just go back to Windows 10.18:45
EpistolHi, I have a big problem. I have to flash my phone with flashtool … but with ubuntu. I've found the « flashtool » program and i'm stuck at 0 % with « flashing data » Does anyone know how to not beeing this stuck ?18:46
Sixxenhey guys18:46
xanguaEpistol: what phone? flash what?18:46
reisiomurdravic: maybe you should18:46
reisioSixxen: heya18:46
EpistolXperia M (i know)18:46
Epistoland flash the ftf18:46
SixxenDoes somebody know how to auto delete FB post?18:46
Sixxenor the whole wall18:47
reisioif you thought I'd be disappointed to lose one person who can't help themselves at all "to windows", think again :D18:47
murdravicreisio:  You violate the very purpose of community tech assistance.18:47
reisioSixxen: try #facebook18:47
EpistolWell, it's an hard reset ^^'18:47
reisiomurdravic: nah18:47
Sixxeni used Greasemonkey before but it wont work anymore18:47
reisiothe purpose of community tech assistance is not to do everyone's work for them if they threaten to use another OS18:47
murdravicreisio:  And how do I tryto getyou generic to Do All My Work?18:48
EpistolWith tiny hope, i've removed the sd card and try again the operation ... without success.18:48
reisioand what now?18:48
NikkiBenzmurdravic: Have you considered a Mac?18:48
NikkiBenzI love my Macbook personally18:48
murdravicdodge the question, like those shits on dalnet18:49
Epistol"31/017/2015 19:17:09 - INFO  -     Flashing data" half an hour i've waited, still 0%18:49
Sixxenreisio: No answer there (#facebook)18:50
jrtappersSixxen, do you want to permanently delete it?18:51
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EpistolOh and my config can't hold an emulated windows.18:51
Sixxenjrtappers: no only the wall and posts18:52
murdraviclike a simple yes/no why does ubuntu-xboxdrv think my controller is wireless.18:52
jrtappersCan you set it to "only you"?18:52
reisioSixxen: sounds about right18:53
reisiomurdravic: what makes you think it thinks that18:53
xanguaEpistol: is this an android phone? what is ftf?18:53
EpistolIt's an android phone18:53
murdravicreisio:  Answering straight? Not half-conky elitist?18:54
Epistoland ftf is the firmware file18:54
Epistolxangua .18:54
reisiomurdravic: hrmm?18:54
xanguaEpistol: you mean a rom? a stock rom, a custom rom?18:54
parsnip`any ideas on Emacs getting loaded without .Xresources18:54
Epistolstock, the original one.18:54
murdravicreisio:  you read? you heard18:55
ikoniamurdravic: it's a reasonable question18:55
xanguammm I always remove the stock rom, you could try #android or #android-root Epistol18:55
ikoniamurdravic: it's actually useful to respond to useful questions to try to get info to people18:55
ikoniait would certainly be something I'd ask you to understand your situation better18:55
Epistolokay thanks (but i'm still on a ubuntu computer, if i have a windows one, it sure work)18:55
reisiomurdravic: well I read18:56
OerHeksmurdravic, please full paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com18:56
xanguaEpistol: also you mentioned a "flashtool" you found and downloaded, in ubuntu you just need to install android-tools-adb && android-tools-fastboot18:56
=== corey84-- is now known as Corey84
murdravicSysten Config, input devices, game controllerconfig... says my game controller is wireless when it's wired usb, lsusb doesn't fully ID it. Any more doubts on my competence?18:58
OerHeksmurdravic, good luck.18:58
ikoniamurdravic: no-one is saying you are not competent18:59
ikoniamurdravic: however the xbox-drv and usb link up is quite basic (I was the one who patched it for RHEL) hence why it's a reasonable question to ask18:59
Resbalosoxangua is a troll18:59
ikoniaeg: is it just the wording from the logs, or is it actually trying to communicate over wireless18:59
Resbalosojust see #supremos18:59
murdravicikonia:  My appologies. My irk was not on your behald.19:01
Epistolxangua : OUH ! Maybe because adb is not installed, it cant see my phone19:01
Epistoland so, can't install some files.19:01
ikoniamurdravic: yeah, but your attitude in the channel isn't really inspiring me/others to help19:01
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murdravicOerHeks:  What you need to find it?19:02
TJ-murdravic: One had to ask, but does the controller work correctly, or is the 'wireless' instead of 'wired' description simply a cosmetic annoyance?19:04
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murdravicikonia:  Maybe my experiences in #freebsd and dalnet, et al, including to an extent freenet, create sits easy to get ticked off on stonewalling and elitism. Maybe I've been doing it all wrong. All I seem to do is get angrythen apologize.19:05
murdravicImean... It's not like I don't research it, but the more I work on it, the odder it gets.19:07
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murdravicHere comes that anger management again. When I ask specific questions, ya'll ask me to clarify or ignore me. When I try to clarify you say do more research or ignore me19:12
nonconvergentHi.  How is resolv.conf configured? I've got a couple of webservers what we just physically moved and need to update their nameserver ip, but the file warns againts modifying directly.19:12
TJ-nonconvergent: see "man resolvconf"19:13
murdravicOerHeks:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9981211/19:13
SomeDamnBodyI am having a lot of problems with connecteding to the internet with my ubuntu 14.04 laptop. everything was fine, and usually I connected through network-manager and it worked elegantly. then I changed some setting. now, when I restart, network-manager does not show up in the top right, and by default the only interface shown by "ifconfig" is lo, I have to use -a to show eth0 and wlan019:14
SomeDamnBodyI don't know how to get network-manager to see the interface again.19:15
ppfSomeDamnBody: well, what was the setting you changed?19:15
TJ-murdravic: Have you seen http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.drivers.xboxdrv/19819:16
SomeDamnBodywhen I go to settings -> network it says "the system network services are not compatible with this version"19:16
MonkeyDustSomeDamnBody  is that wifi?19:16
TJ-SomeDamnBody: Did you install some updated packages from a PPA?19:17
murdravicikonia:  I ask a simple question and y'all take me on a tangent. SDB places a coplex dilema and y'all help. How does that affect my attitdute.19:17
somedamnbody_hey, I lost connection temporarily19:18
somedamnbody_did I miss anything?19:18
padearest, how do i clear the alt-f2 history (history-gnome-run) for gnome-flashback on latest ubuntus?19:18
ppfSomeDamnBody: well, what was the setting you changed?19:18
pathe old way just doesnt work anymore19:18
MonkeyDustSomeDamnBody  is that awifi connection?19:18
somedamnbody_ppf: I don't k ow the setting19:18
OliPicardhas anyone got a link to the ubuntu server irc?19:18
paold way that would be gconftool-2 --set /apps/gnome-settings/gnome-panel/history-gnome-run --type list --list-type string "[]"19:18
TJ-OliPicard: /join #ubuntu-server19:19
ppfsomedamnbody_: it's a bit hard to guess what happened if you cannot tell us anything ;)19:19
MonkeyDustOliPicard  type /j #ubuntu-server19:19
MonkeyDustTJ-  was faster19:19
TJ-MonkeyDust: depends on your lag :)19:19
Ozymandias42Hi, I have a very specific question. When booting the LiveCD (from USB) on my HP Stream 7 (Tablet) I manage to get to the initramfs (casperfs doesn’t boot automatically. IRQ Bug) from where I further manage to mount the USB Stick und loop-mount the squashfs File, problem now is, that further automated mounts don’t seem to work which is why authentifications fail and I end up at a login prompt which doesn’t accept any19:20
Ozymandias42credentials. Question now is: What do I need to manually mount to make the LiveCD work as it should?19:20
murdravicikonia:  You wrked on xboxdrv redhat?19:20
SomeDamnBodyppf are you there?19:21
SomeDamnBodyok, I got dropped twice19:21
TJ-SomeDamnBody: Did you install some updated neteork packages from a PPA?19:21
SomeDamnBodyanyway, I was trying to use arping and I was likely using ifconfig to change things manually19:21
SomeDamnBodybecause I was trying to configure a rouer19:21
vimal    i had win8 earlier than i installed ubuntu in a new partition ... but now i am not able to boot any OS .... how to fix this..19:21
SomeDamnBodyrouter*. It wsa like last week. I don't know the exact command that caused it19:21
SomeDamnBodybut I do know that I took my interfaces down with ifconfig19:22
SomeDamnBodybut now the interfaces aren't being managed intelligently by the nice network-manager19:22
SomeDamnBodyand I want that19:22
ppfvimal: how are you trying to boot?19:22
ppfusing grub?19:22
ppfor the windows boot manager?19:22
vimalcurrently i m running kali live CD... plzz help..19:22
trijntje!kali | vimal19:22
kokotakusvimal: reinstall grub19:22
ubottuvimal: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:22
TJ-SomeDamnBody: OK... check "/etc/network/interfaces" - any 'iface' defined in there will be ignored by Network Manager since it believes you have taken over management of that interface. See "/var/log/syslog"  for NM messages that will confirm that. The solution is to remove/comment-out the iface definition statements in 'interfaces' file19:22
konraddowell jesli mówicie że to jakieś guwniane mocno jest, to odpuszcze i sobie wymyślę coś innego, ale yeah, zapytalem sie tylko o zdanie :v19:23
konraddosorry wrong window19:23
gr33n7007hvimal, try #kali-linux19:23
SomeDamnBodyTJ-: I saw that on forums and I did check it19:23
ppfstart nm-applet and see if that brings your network manager icon back19:23
SomeDamnBodyit only contains the loopback interface19:23
SomeDamnBodyppf: I can't tab complete nm-applet...19:23
SomeDamnBodybut I never removed it either19:23
_root_I need a livecd iso with all the restricted packages installed in it by default. Any one know one?19:23
SomeDamnBodyI'm using (I think) the gnome 3 interface19:24
SomeDamnBodyubuntu 14.0419:24
ppfdid you by chance uninstall network manager?19:24
murdravicikonia:  Maybe I should start a vpn network. Highjack all the other connections. Maybe I'll get better response than simple localhost config. With my luck, my competency, I'll do more damage to inet than ms.19:24
TJ-SomeDamnBody: OK ... check if network-manager is starting... again, look in "/var/log/syslog" in case it reports some configuration error and has quit. In which case the nm-applet GUI will not show itself19:25
SomeDamnBodyTJ-: the service starts19:25
SomeDamnBodyI tried restarting i19:25
ppfsudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome19:26
murdravicikonia:  And you wonder why I got a bad attitude? I earned it.19:26
SomeDamnBodyTJ-: syslog is empty, save for 3 lines about sendmail19:26
SomeDamnBodyentirely unrelated19:26
SomeDamnBodyppf: it was already installed19:26
TJ-SomeDamnBody: Does it continue running though - that was my point. In a terminal try "nmcli nm" to get its status19:26
ppfnetwork-manager-gnome should bring /usr/bin/nm-applet with it19:27
SomeDamnBodyTJ-: nmcli command not found19:27
vimal_SDB : will installing grub from live cd solve this..19:27
ppfls  /usr/bin/nm-applet19:27
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ppfvimal_: probably19:29
Ozymandias42simple question here: What do I need to mount manually (besides the casperfs file) to successfully mount the livecd from initrd if it doesn’t get mounted automatically?19:30
SomeDamnBodyppf: not there19:30
ppfthen reinstall network-manager-gnome19:30
bekksOzymandias42: Are you trying to boot the Livecd from Grub?19:31
Ozymandias42yes I do.19:31
Ozymandias42on 32bit UEFI to be exact19:31
SomeDamnBodyppf: well right now I have no network access o hat machine19:31
tontohow to dodge launcher when maximize window on ubuntu 14.0419:32
SomeDamnBodywill I be able to from what is on the machine locally19:32
murdravicWhy does ubuntu-xboxdrv think my game controller is wireless and it's really wired usb?19:32
ppfthen bring up your connection manually19:32
ppfis it wired or wifi?19:32
TJ-SomeDamnBody: If network-manager is installed, "/usr/bin/nmcli" is in the package19:32
murdravicppf:  (12:32:23 PM) ppf: is it wired or wifi? me?19:32
SomeDamnBodyppf: I can get a wifi connection19:33
ppfTJ-: i think he somehow scrapped his nm installation19:33
SomeDamnBodybut I don't know how to connect via wifi manually19:33
TJ-SomeDamnBody: maybe you've changed the environment path so the tool can't be found - does "/usr/bin/nmcli nm" work?19:33
ppfmurdravic: sorry, no, that was directed at SomeDamnBody19:33
SomeDamnBodyTJ-: I haven't changd the environment PATH variable19:33
SomeDamnBodynmcli is not there19:33
TJ-ppf: I'm tending to agree; I suspect NM has been removed/replaced by a non-archive version19:33
jrtappersWifi manually, I did that a while back, let me check19:33
murdravicppf as I say, I realized. neh mine19:33
SomeDamnBodyhow can network-manager be installed so that the service is there yet not the nmcli tools or anything?19:33
vimal_ppf : but on verifying if grub installed or not i doesnt show that grub intalled.. [using -> sudo files -s /dev/sda ]19:33
tontohow to dodge launcher when maximize window on ubuntu 14.0419:34
ppfSomeDamnBody: is wpa_supplicant installed19:34
TJ-SomeDamnBody: "dpkg -l 'network-manager*'19:34
tontohow to dodge launcher when maximize window on ubuntu 14.0419:34
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jrtappersWifi from command line http://www.howtogeek.com/167425/how-to-setup-wi-fi-on-your-raspberry-pi-via-the-command-line/19:34
murdravicWhy does ubuntu-xboxdrv think my game controller is wireless and it's really wired usb?19:35
SomeDamnBodyTJ-: ah ok. I thought it was installed because the service was supposedly running19:35
SomeDamnBodyI can see that it's not installed now19:35
SomeDamnBodydpgk --get-selections shows it's marked as deinstall19:35
xanguatonto: you can set the launcher to autohide19:35
ppfSomeDamnBody: do you have a working wpa_supplicant installation? then follow what's behind jrtappers' link19:35
TJ-SomeDamnBody: problem solved19:36
SomeDamnBodyppf: TJ-  is there any way that I can just re-enable/re-install from what I have locally, without having to go throuh the pain of manually connecting wifi19:36
TJ-SomeDamnBody: try "sudo apt-get install network-manager"19:36
SomeDamnBodyyes I have wpa supplicant insalled19:36
SomeDamnBodyok... I'll try to follow the directions at the link the best that I can19:37
ppfSomeDamnBody: then i suggest to do what jrtappers' link tells you to, or get a wire :)19:37
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murdravicAnyonehere know the xbocdrv code?19:37
TJ-SomeDamnBody: If network-manager packages are still in apt's cache it'll install without needing a network connection19:37
ppfvimal_: run update-grub or update-grub219:37
ppfsee what happens19:38
SomeDamnBodyTJ-: it must have cleansed them automatically or something because I haven't19:38
SomeDamnBodyand it tries to hit the internet for it19:38
parsnip`any ideas on using xrdb in kubuntu?19:38
SomeDamnBodyso I'll have to follow the directions in the link :/19:38
SomeDamnBodybut thanks, that will likely fix it19:38
vimal_ppf : yeah, it found it. Does that mean it'll show grub when i power on my machine?19:39
TJ-SomeDamnBody: One trick, if you have an installer ISO/CD, is to use that to install from19:39
ppfwhat partition are you installing grub on?19:39
ppfyou still need to direct your bios to boot from that partition19:39
vimal_ppf : /boot/grub19:40
ppfthat's a file system node, i'm talking about a hard drive partition19:40
murdravicanyone here know how xboxdrv works?19:41
vimal_ppf : i installed it from live CD [kali linux]19:41
ppfwell, actually support for other distributions is kind of frowned upon here19:42
reisiomurdravic: why, got a problem with it?19:42
ppfi guess #kali-linux would be of more help in your case19:42
murdravicreisio:  Not you. you already know my problem and refused to help.19:43
murdravicdon't wanna put anyone on the ignore list...19:44
vimal_ppf : last time i used win8 i checked msconfig boot tab and i saw that there was no OS specified..19:47
vimal_ppf : doea that mean now i have no os that a bootloader can detect ?19:47
ppfmsconfig is windows-only, that doesn't help with booting linux19:48
ppfuse grub-install to install grub to a given device19:48
ppfgoogle has a ton of how-tos, explaining how to boot win8 with grub19:48
ppfgrub-install will overwrite any existing boot record!19:49
ppfso you won't be able to boot win8 the way you used to19:49
vimal_ppf : yeah, when i had windows i installed ubuntu, creating a new partition.19:49
vimal_ppf : yeah trying to install grub19:50
ppfare you running ubuntu or kali now?19:50
vimal_ppf : kali . I used EasyBCD on windows to boot dual boot windows and ubuntu, but now i have none. :D19:52
vimal_ppf : when i had insalled ubuntu on a new partition it was not able to dual boot.. so i used EasyBCD to  do so.19:54
SomeDamnBodyso I tried to follow the directions an they didn't work19:54
ppfSomeDamnBody: i'm gonne need a bit more information than that19:55
murdravicCould some one help me set up an xbox-I-dunno game controller?19:55
ppfmurdravic: what's wrong with xboxdrv19:55
SomeDamnBodywell, the directions and my scenario deviated a bit19:55
ppfhow so19:55
SomeDamnBodybasically, the wifi I want to connect to is unsecure19:55
SomeDamnBodyand I'm fine with that I just want to download network-manager19:56
kokotakusI connected my xbox controller via usb, and it works out of the box19:56
SomeDamnBodyan the directions are set up to connect to a WPA service...19:56
murdravicppf:  ubuntu-xboxdrv sees my wired usb unit as wireless. Otherwise, Sys Cfg is copletely unresposive.19:57
ppfSomeDamnBody: in that case, iwconfig wlan0 essid my_network should suffice19:57
ppfmurdravic: ok, so? is that a problem?19:57
murdravicppf It is.19:58
kokotakusgreat discussion19:58
SomeDamnBodyppf: I tried that, it's not working...19:59
ppfin what way is it not working?19:59
SomeDamnBodybut one thing is different that got me excited...19:59
murdravicSys Cfg jscal or watsitcalled is unresponsive under ubuntu-xboxdrv. I'd call that a problem19:59
SomeDamnBodythe wifi light blinks, but it's not like real fast and indicative of reflecting transmission. it's very periodic...20:00
SomeDamnBodyanyway, I can't ping anything20:00
SomeDamnBodyI had to put the interface up20:00
SomeDamnBodyso I did20:00
SomeDamnBodysudo ifconfig wlan0 up20:00
SomeDamnBodyand then20:00
SomeDamnBodysudo iwconfig wlan0 essid network_name20:00
ppfdhclient wlan0?20:00
SomeDamnBodylater ifconfig commands show that I still don't have an...20:01
SomeDamnBodyppf: that got it going!!!20:01
SomeDamnBodythanks so much20:01
SomeDamnBodyok now network manager is installed...20:02
SomeDamnBodyshould I install network-manager-gnome?20:02
ppfyes, i think so20:02
SomeDamnBodyppf I think that worked...20:02
SomeDamnBodyso I'll try and restart he computer20:02
ppfgood luck20:02
SomeDamnBodyalright i works20:03
murdravicppf: Isthere A cheklist I should go thru?20:03
ppfwhat's sys cfg?20:04
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murdravicppf:  me?20:05
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murdravicppf:  I dunno... system configuration?20:06
murdravicppf:  Please don't tangent. Just stick with the issue?20:08
ppfthe issue appears to be some tool freezing20:09
ppfwhat kind of tool is that?20:09
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murdravicppf:  In KDE it's under the Kshield button. The start menu...20:10
ppfwhat does it do?20:11
ppfis it really important that this particular tool works?20:12
ppfif so, did you start it from terminal to see what kind of a problem it has?20:12
murdravicppf:  fuck off...  you talked sdb thru something in the manual and you give me incompetence??? Yeah. I've earned my bad attitude.20:14
ppfyou did, did you20:15
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jhutchinsThat one has quite an attitude.20:20
BluesKajplenty of that nowadays... they think we're getting paid for dispensing advice20:22
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ki7rwit's amazing all the opinions about how much swap to use20:25
RainbowbashHardy Heron20:25
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BluesKajki7rw, depends how much Ram20:26
ki7rwBluesKaj, i have 16 GB on my lappy20:29
dmtarmeyhi iv put abuntu 14;10 on my old advent 7113 but for some reason its cant see my wifi and only works on cable20:30
ki7rwsome say to setup up swap x2 the ram20:30
BluesKajki7rw, well, unless you run a whole of data and streams etc , swap isn't needed with 16G RAM , IMO20:30
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BluesKaj2xRAM is for systems with less then 4 G RAM20:31
ki7rwBluesKaj, some say it depends on if you hibernate also20:31
BluesKajyes of cours, but 16G RAM is plenty for most hibernations20:32
* ki7rw will reinstall with no swap20:32
DJ_UnibobWhat about if you have 4 GB of ram?20:33
ki7rwmaybe that's why my fresh install didn't force setting up swap partition?20:33
BluesKajI have 8G RAM and ran without a swap for a long time without any problems20:33
ki7rwoh well20:34
BluesKajki7rw, it asked though , right ?20:34
* ki7rw has nothing better to do20:34
ki7rwBluesKaj, nope - itdidn't ask20:34
DJ_UnibobI have 4, ubuntu set up a 4 GB swap.  In Windoze, I have a 4 GB pagefile on each of my 2 drives.20:34
jhutchinsBluesKaj: This channel has some problems with inexperienced helpers making assumptions and going off on tangents that have nothing to do with the problem at hand.  Still.20:35
Bashing-omDJ_Unibob: I run 4 Gigs ram .. and a very small swap, Swap also deepnds on what application you run . Heavy duty number crunching, yeah, lots of swap space needed .20:35
BluesKajjhutchins, point taken20:36
Apachezgreat fun, latest kernel update for 14.10 (3.16.0-30) made my parents laptop to not want to boot ubuntu anymore20:36
DJ_UnibobI don't run any intensive apps and also don't hibernate, so I think mine might be set up fine, though I'm debating on tweaking.20:36
Apachezjust those 4 red/white dots who changes colors and nothing happens20:36
Apachezamd as gpu20:36
Apachezso I guess something borked there..20:36
orbotcould someone tell me what this user entered to get the following?20:36
Apachezany hints on how to fix this remote?20:37
ki7rwwith an ssd and 16 gb of ram i guess i shouldn't have too many performance issues20:37
BluesKajki7rw, exactly20:37
DJ_UnibobI think there is a way to edit grub while in it to disable Quiet / Splash (not sure which one), which would then give a detailed boot.20:38
dmtarmeyhi iv put abuntu 14;10 on my old advent 7113 but for some reason its cant see my wifi and only works on cable20:38
DJ_UnibobThat might give you an idea as to where it's hanging at.20:38
DJ_Unibobdmtarmey you may have to download additional drivers while connected via ethernet, since most wi-fi drivers are proprietary.20:39
Bashing-omdmtarmey: Have you fully updated/upgraded and then check and see what 'Additional Drivers' offers ?20:39
Bashing-omorbot: Rephrase your question. please .20:40
delinquentmeim having issues saving an arduino file in a directory other than the default dir ... what do I need to do to allow the IDE to save to this non-standard location ?20:40
orboti was having a external hard drive problem20:41
orbotfound the link20:41
orbotjust wanted to know what this person entered into the terminal to get that output20:42
Bashing-omorbot: Show us what is -> sudo fdisk -lu , sudo parted -l <- in a pastebin . So we know what we are working with .20:43
orbothang on20:43
orboti found the answer to my problem here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/183970/mount-exited-with-exit-code-1320:43
orbotmy question is in the top part of the page the user entered a command in the terminal to get an output20:44
orboti just wanted to know what they entered20:44
Bashing-omorbot: :) but with 7 responses to the question, we are to guess which command is in relation to what, where and how ?20:45
orbotare you at the link?20:46
Bashing-omorbot: Yes I have it pulled up .20:46
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orbotok top of the page it starts off with 'error mounting'20:47
orbotin the terminal there is an output20:47
dmtarmeyits says its using smartlink soatware, iv done apt-get update no change20:47
orboti just wanted to know what was entered to get the output20:47
orbothe entered in something to display his error20:48
dmtarmeyDK_Unibob its says its using smartlink soaftware, iv done apt-get update no change20:49
Bashing-omorbot: Not necessarily entered anything .. that is an advisory of an error condition. Maybe the result of a failed attempt to mount a partition (??) .20:49
orbotok so what would i enter into the terminal to display this error condition?20:50
Bashing-omorbot: If you do not have this particular fault, you will not see any reported error condition. So let us cut to the heart of this, are you having a problem accessing files on some external drive ? And IF so what file system format is on that external medium ?20:52
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orbotthe problem is already solved. i just needed to know what to enter into the terminal so that that particular error can be displayed.20:53
Bashing-omorbot: That outpur is an error advisory. If your system is not suffering the same same same condition you can not get an erorr . If there is a fault, you can get some indication of where your particular fault lies - depending on the nature of the fault .20:55
rosco_yI'm running Windows 8.1.  How do I install Ubuntu so that Dual-boot works?20:56
orbotcan this error advisory be displayed in the terminal?20:57
rosco_yI've installed Ubuntu after Windows in the past, and I've had to go into the boot menu and select the drive I want to boot after I install Ubuntu.20:57
orbotor to put it differently is there something I can enter to display problems with mounting an external hard drive?20:58
rosco_ywhich isn't the worst thing, but it'd be nice if grub did the job for me20:58
Bashing-omorbot: No, not unless your system has that exact same fault (what ever that might be - there mounting some partition) .20:59
rosco_ybut anyhoo, I guess we'll just trudge on.....20:59
rosco_yhave a good one, friends and neighbors....:)20:59
orbotso this output isn't from the terminal?21:00
Bashing-omorbot: Well, It could well be displayed - and probably is . It is the output from a failed operation .21:02
orbotok so is it possible to enter a command to display a failed operation?21:03
Bashing-omorbot: sure, IF there is a operation that is failing, repeat the command to start that operation. The result of the failed operation will be the same as the last time one tries to execute it .21:04
dmtarmeyhi iv managed to get my computer to recognise my wifi now, but when i try and set up wifi i dont what what info to put in the boxes can anyone help pls ?21:05
gamablei need help with something21:05
Bashing-om!ask | gamable21:05
ubottugamable: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:05
gamablei need help making my font look like this in libre office21:05
gamablecould anyone help?21:06
orbotmy problem was the exact same as his. did he not enter a terminal command to display the problem. that's what I want to know,... is there a terminal command I can enter so that this problem/error can be displayed?21:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:07
TJ-orbot: I'd guess that error is generated by something like: "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb2 /media/ntfs"21:07
stevenjchey so im compling an application where is the best place to put an application21:08
Bashing-omorbot: Maybe from the liveDVD try and mount partitions and see if there are reported errors ? Then go looking at why/where/how .21:08
TJ-stevenjc: For user-specific executables $HOME/bin ... for system-local, "/usr/local/bin/"21:09
orbotthe issue is that i connected the external drive and then a graphical error like the one in the link was displayed. but it's only for a short second. i wanted to see the error in the terminal.21:09
dmtarmeyis there anywere in ubuntu were people are able to help a new convert21:09
stevenjctj: whats the difference ?21:10
orbotBashing-om, there was no need for a cd i just used ntfsfix and the problem was resolved, again i just needed to know what terminal command can be entered to display the error.21:10
TJ-stevenjc: "/usr/local/bin/" is for packages built locally - not maintained by the system's package management system - but available to all users. $HOME/bin is per-user stuff21:10
orbotso what TJ wrote would more than likely be the command i need to display the error.21:11
Bashing-omorbot: A good possibility is as TJ- ^^ indicated . Depends on what hard drive, what partition, what file system . (sudo fdisk -lu )21:12
TJ-Bashing-om: orbot is asking specifically about the askubuntu question, where everything but the mount-point are given.21:13
Bashing-omdmtarmey: Here is a great place to get help, there are other places also .21:13
orbotlook at it this way,... you try to mount a drive and the gui gives an error but it's displayed for a short second. one would have to open up a terminal and enter in a command to redisplay the error21:14
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Bashing-omTJ-: :-) .21:14
Ben64orbot: ok, you got your answer... now what21:14
jattif is a mount error it will be logged to syslog21:14
orbotgoing to try and recreate the problem21:14
orbotjatt, yes exactly21:15
dmtarmeyBashing-om hi can you help with connection to my router as i last the wifi got it back but need help setting up the connection pls?21:15
orbotis there something in the log file i can look at?21:15
Bashing-omdmtarmey: Nope, not me, others - I have never had a problem with WIFI to gain the experience .21:16
TJ-orbot: "/var/log/kern.log" and/or "/var/log/syslog"21:16
dmtarmeyok cheers21:16
orbotTJ-, yes that's the answer I was looking for21:16
orbotthank you21:16
dmtarmeywere else can i try as no one else is speaking to me ??21:16
TJ-orbot: But usually you'll only see hardware-level errors reported there, not the finer detail of a mount command message21:16
TJ-dmtarmey: Explain your issue in more exact and detailed terms and someone may well be able to help21:17
Bashing-om!patience | dmt21:17
ubottudmt: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:17
jattorbot: grep -i mount /var/log/syslog21:18
TJ-dmtarmey: If there is a lot of detail, summarise it here and give us a link to a pastebin with the greater detail, output of commands, etc.21:18
orbotwhat about dmraid?21:18
dmtarmeyTJ - ok when i installed ubuntu lost wifi connection, ive used some code ont he web and now can set up wifi connection manualy but not sure what to do21:18
orbotjatt, thank you,.. will look at that as well21:18
dmtarmeyTJ - ok21:19
TJ-dmtarmey: Did the PC have wifi connectivity whilst Ubuntu was being installed from the installer?21:19
dmtarmeyTJ - Yes21:19
dmtarmeyit was lost during an update afater insatllation21:20
TJ-dmtarmey: Did the PC ever have connectivity after you booted the installed system?21:20
TJ-dmtarmey: That's good news.. means we should be able to fix it :)21:20
TJ-dmtarmey: Which ubuntu release is it?21:20
dmtarmeyTJ - 14;1021:21
TJ-dmtarmey: So, before it failed, the system was using Network Manager and the taskbar icon to view/manage the WiFi ?21:21
TJ-dmtarmey: OK, lets check the current state of Network Manager. Start a terminal please21:22
dmtarmeyTJ _ done21:22
backboxhow are u ?21:22
backboxfine ?21:22
TJ-dmtarmey: When you have the terminal, issue the command "nmcli nm" and tell me what the 2nd line says about the state of the WIFI-HARDWARE and WIFI columns21:22
TJ-dmtarmey: If its good I'd expect that 2nd line to start off like this: "running         connected       enabled         enabled   ...."21:23
TJ-dmtarmey: although "connected" might be different :)21:23
dmtarmeyRUNNING         STATE           WIFI-HARDWARE   WIFI       WWAN-HARDWARE   WWAN21:24
dmtarmeyrunning         connected       disabled        disabled   enabled         disabled21:24
TJ-dmtarmey: WIFI-HARDWARE is disabled.21:24
dmtarmeyTJ - ?21:25
TJ-dmtarmey: Do "nmcli nm wifi on"21:25
TJ-dmtarmey: Then do "nmcli nm" again - check if the WIFI_HARDWARE status has changed to enabled21:25
jattor turn the wifi switch on :)21:25
TJ-jatt: WiFi can be enabled even if RF-Kill is hard/soft on21:26
dmtarmeyTJ- No change21:27
TJ-dmtarmey: The status of WIFI-HARDWARE still shows "disabled" ?21:27
dmtarmeyTJ _ yes21:27
TJ-dmtarmey: OK, do "rfkill list" and check the Soft/Hard states of Wireless LAN. This tells you if the WiFi radio hardware is disabled or not21:29
dmtarmeyroot@dmtarmey-DIXONSXP:/home/dmtarmey# rfkill list21:29
dmtarmey0: phy0: Wireless LAN21:29
dmtarmeySoft blocked: no21:29
dmtarmeyHard blocked: yes21:29
TJ-dmtarmey: If you see "Hard blocked yes" that means the physical wifi radio switch on the PC is active, and you need to change it to the off (radio enabled) position21:29
dmtarmeyTKJ- How ?21:30
TJ-dmtarmey: Find the physical switch on the PC and press/move it!21:30
dmtarmeyTJ im sorry iv found it21:30
dmtarmeyits was verry well hidden but iv found it sorry for wasting youre time21:31
TJ-dmtarmey: It's relatively common for the switch to get accidentally moved and causing this kind of issue21:31
dmtarmeyTJ- hats of to you were ever u r in the planet21:33
TJ-dmtarmey: probably the same place as you :)21:33
plasmasnakedoes anybody know which package in ubuntu is responsible for stretching the desktop background across 2 monitors? there's a bug that i'm trying to isolate... i have a background that stretches correctly on the lock screen, and also stretches correctly the first time when you set the background, but then after rebooting the proportions get messed on the desktop (but still fine on the lock screen)21:34
plasmasnakei have one monitor in portrait and the other in landscape, so that likely has something to do with it21:35
TJ-plasmasnake: Is that with Unity?21:37
plasmasnakeTJ-: yeah21:38
plasmasnakei could take a pic if you're interested21:38
TJ-plasmasnake: I'd suspect it'd be in one of the Unity components, or else Compiz (the compositor).21:39
TJ-plasmasnake: I run 6 screens but Unity can't cope so I use KDE21:39
plasmasnakei just pulled up ccsm, and there is a Wallpaper plugin but it's not enabled21:40
plasmasnakeso i wonder if that means it's another unity component?21:41
plasmasnakeactually the plugin is just to define individual desktop wallpapers for each viewport21:42
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plasmasnakehmm.. well i'll try to dig a bit deeper i guess, but clearly there's something different between the lock screen and actual desktop21:43
Guest49886i now my question isnt relevant but how much is € 1.550.00  in us $21:43
Ben64Guest49886: if you know it isn't relevant, don't ask it here21:44
tewardGuest49886: google.  they ahve a conversion calculator.  (Don't ask offtopic here)21:45
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fry_I am trying to connect to my ubuntu server via ssh. However I am facing some kind of issue. Is there a command I can use to try to connect in debug mode?21:48
Guest49886teward: actually it says it s 1.75 US Dollar , but i cant read with the point is it 1750 $ or 175 $ ? , sorry21:49
bekksfry_: Which kind of "issue"?21:49
fry_bekks: That's what I'm hoping to figure out.21:49
fry_bekks: right now, simply cannot connect. "connection reset by peer"21:49
bekksfry_: So you cant even describe whats happening?21:49
tewardGuest49886: offtopic here, don't use here as a discussion medium.21:49
fry_bekks: any debug command from command line?21:49
bekksfry_: Just try ssh -v21:50
fry_bekks: thanks for your help21:52
oli_Can someone help me with my bootsplah?21:56
oli_I only can see a purple screen but no bootsplash.21:56
daftykinsdoes your desktop come up?21:56
daftykinsas in, does the rest function normally?21:56
daftykinsso what's the point other than aesthetics?21:56
oli_I have fglrx driver.21:57
oli_it is very slow boot up21:57
oli_before the fglrx driver i used the normal drivers and there was the bootsplash and it was really fast.21:57
oli_But after installing the AMD drivers its really slow.21:58
daftykinsoli_: yeah, welcome to using AMD with Ubuntu21:58
daftykinsthe fancy bootsplash is typically the first thing to go with nvidia too21:58
oli_but my graphic card was expensive :(21:59
oli_i wont buy  a new one :(22:00
daftykinsyep and you made a bad choice for Linux22:00
daftykinsoli_: which driver? manual download?22:01
oli_from the Ubuntu software center22:01
oli_The drivers from the AMD website didnt worked.22:01
daftykinsfglrx or fglrx updates?22:02
oli_wait i look for it.22:02
oli_Im using fglrx-updates22:03
daftykinswhich card?22:03
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oli_AMD Radeon 7790 Bonaire XT Black Edition 2GB22:04
daftykinsyou might want to remove that driver and find yourself a guide on how to install the AMD one properly then22:04
daftykinsmaybe it works out better22:04
oli_how to install it properly? Is the one more way to install it?22:05
daftykinsoli_: there are tonnes of guides online22:05
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:06
daftykinsread there too.22:06
bekksoli_: Out of curiousity, how long is "booting takes long now"?22:06
oli_estimated 100 seconds22:06
oli_before it was 30 seconds22:07
oli_when i looked at the clock the boot time now was nearly 2 minutes so i estimate 100 seconds.22:07
sabotenderokay so I am trying to figure out why my hdmi is not working when I connect my computer to my display22:08
sabotenderI have a copy of my kern.log if anyone is interested in seeing it22:08
divBy0j #vmware22:10
daftykinssabotender: what about being connected before power on?22:10
oli_i think i found the error.22:10
oli_I reboot now. See you later :D22:10
sabotenderdaftykins: eh? I don't understand...what about it?22:10
divBy0anybody know how to fix vmware errors no 3d support and no video hardware acceleration? the vm is windows 822:10
bekksdivBy0: Install the vmware tools in your guest.22:11
divBy0i did22:11
daftykinssabotender: does it provide a different result...22:11
bekksdivBy0: Then why do you think it is an Ubuntu issue? :)22:11
FuchsdivBy0: what driver on the host?22:11
divBy0bekks: guest is the vm and my current os thats running vmware is the host?22:11
bekksdivBy0: Correct.22:12
daftykinssabotender: i'm guessing it's a second display on a laptop, if not give some more detail :)22:12
divBy0Fuchs: vmware driver22:12
bekksdivBy0: vmeare driver on the _host_?22:12
Fuchshost, not gues22:12
divBy0bekks: i dont know about host, whatever is default with ubuntu utopic22:13
divBy0how do i find the exact driver name22:13
FuchsdivBy0: ATI card, by chance?22:13
Fuchsif yes: yeah, no chance without fglrx22:13
mr_boohope someone here knows some stuff about grub. the windows 7 partition isn't listed after a boot-repair http://paste.ubuntu.com/9983887/22:13
Fuchsso hope that your card is supported by that and install it22:13
divBy0Fuchs: ok what is fglrx22:13
FuchsdivBy0: proprietary driver for AMD / Ati GPUS22:13
Fuchsterrible driver, but unfortunately the only sane way with VMWare and Ati22:13
Kornossabotender:you plug hdmi cable in laptop?22:14
divBy0Fuchs & bekks : much thanks22:14
Kornossabotender: or PC?22:15
sabotenderno this is not a laptop. its an odroid. its only display connector is micro hdmi.22:15
daftykinssabotender: a what? some kind of ARM toy?22:15
divBy0hey so does flgrx replace my current video drivers?22:15
sabotenderthats my kern.log22:15
divBy0or is it just a modification22:15
* sabotender frowns at the use of the word 'toy'22:16
rechargehi.. i seem to have this problem with my printer hp laserjet 1018 on ubuntu 14.10  http://askubuntu.com/questions/579006/problem-with-hplip-3-14-10-install    Can anyone help me copy the plugin to the right folder..? i dont know how to do it.. thank you22:16
daftykinssabotender: #ubuntu-arm then - that's not supported here22:16
daftykinssabotender: frown all you like :)22:16
sabotenderhow insulting. I hope you don't treat everyone who comes in here for help like that.22:17
Kornossabotender: intel X drivers are buggy wrt hdmi.i reported this problem on tjeir mailing list22:17
rechargei mean.. where is ~/.hplip  ?22:18
daftykins~/ = /home/username22:18
daftykinsso it's /home/username/.hplip/22:18
divBy0Fuchs: so youre saying fglrx is worse than what i have? i dont really need better video on my windows guest i just use it for small tasks22:19
FuchsdivBy0: no, I'd say it's better, but then I am heavily biased against AMD/Ati. Do give it a go, assuming it is supported,22:21
Fuchsthat should work with  VMWare. Did at my work computer (which unfortunately has AMD/Ati)22:21
divBy0Fuchs: how can i backup and restore my current drivers so i dont end up stuck at a garbled screen22:21
daftykinsyou don't (:22:22
FuchsdivBy0: shouldn't happen, worst case you can always switch to a virtual terminal (CTRL+ALT+F1), log in and remove the drivers again22:23
divBy0Fuchs: thats what i mean, how do i do that and then put the old ones back22:23
FuchsdivBy0: by removing the fglrx package with apt-get remove22:24
TheMissingBitanyone know how to make a bootable windows usb22:24
TheMissingBitfrom debian/ubuntu22:24
maestrobonesI have Ubuntu server, and I installed LXDE on it- how do I remove it? Whenever I start it up now I get a gui22:24
oli_Hello guys!22:24
divBy0Fuchs: ok wait, now im not sure if i have an ati card22:25
maestrobonesI want it to boot to the command line like it did before I installed lXDE22:25
crazyhead42Hey, how can I see the number of pages in a subsection of the manual? Usually this wouldn't seem to helpful, but it's one of the questions in my Linux class.22:25
divBy0$ lspci | grep VGA22:25
divBy000:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Atom Processor Z36xxx/Z37xxx Series Graphics & Display (rev 0e)22:25
Fuchsoh, Intel22:25
TheMissingBitanyone know of a tool for linux to make a bootable usb for windows?22:25
daftykinsintel broadwell atom, too22:25
regnartimTheMissingBit: I think winusb can do that, or unetbootin.  i forget22:25
Fuchsthis will make life a bit harder, I don't know how to get acceleration on vmware for these, sorry22:25
oli_I fixed my AMD problem with the boot screen.22:25
daftykinsTheMissingBit: i think unetbootin can be used with some trickery, but it's easier to just get access to a Windows machine22:25
oli_I needed to active the graphic acceleration.22:25
TheMissingBitdaftykins, my only windows machien has 822:26
TheMissingBitwont let me do anything but eufi22:26
divBy0Fuchs: ok well thanks for the help, now i know where to start...  i should be looking to do something with the host video drivers and not the guest?22:26
oli_thanks ubottu22:26
daftykinsTheMissingBit: but you're only trying to make a flash drive up, what's the relevance to that?22:26
maestrobonesany ideas?22:26
TheMissingBitdaftykins, windows 8 is a horrid os that only lets you make eufi usbs22:26
FuchsdivBy0: that's what I know from my work machine, yes. Both the host and guest have to support it22:26
oli_How to chage the color?22:26
daftykinsTheMissingBit: that is 100% rubbish22:26
TheMissingBitdaftykins, tell ms22:27
daftykinsTheMissingBit: no i'm telling you, you are wrong22:27
divBy0Fuchs: and the guest should as long as its windows 8 with latest vmware tools?22:27
TheMissingBitdaftykins, I am not.22:27
FuchsdivBy0: yes22:27
TheMissingBitdaftykins, and that is a fact.22:27
daftykinsTheMissingBit: download universal USB installer from pendrivelinux.com - that'll load up windows 7 and 8 onto flash drives bootable as both legacy and EFI, if you have a proper ISO to make it from22:27
divBy0Fuchs: k thanks again and cheers22:27
daftykinsTheMissingBit: no you are wrong, i work in IT and boot windows 7 and 8 as legacy AND EFI all the time.22:27
TheMissingBitdaftykins, you are wrong.22:28
TheMissingBitdaftykins, go to a secureboot enabled windows 8 install and use bootsect.exe to make a non eufi bootable usb22:28
daftykinsTheMissingBit: so i suppose you don't want help if you think you're right? :) i do this regularly, so the facts speak for themselves :)22:28
TheMissingBitdaftykins, clearly you've never used bootsect.exe22:28
TheMissingBitI do this all the time aswell22:28
daftykinsTheMissingBit: i have, but you don't need to run that manually to create bootable media :)22:29
daftykinsTheMissingBit: also you're in a Linux channel arguing Windows issues, not very wise.22:29
daftykinsthere is always more than one way to skin the cat you know22:29
TheMissingBitdaftykins, you're arguing against facts ;)22:29
tinkacan i configure wired network static in /etc/network/interfaces and have networkmanager only handle wireless. ethernet is intended to be fallback if my mum has trouble and can't even log into ui.22:29
daftykinsno, i'm telling you it can be done and has been done22:30
=== stickman is now known as stixman
daftykinsso you can either complain about not being able to do something, or you can go try something else22:30
TarovenSo I'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 (x64), single booting, and the EFI loader doesn't seem to be recognized by the system. Secure boot is off and same results in EFI or CSM mode. Any ideas where to go from here?22:32
crazyhead42Hey, how can I see the number of pages in a subsection of the manual? Usually this wouldn't seem to helpful, but it's one of the questions in my Linux class.22:32
stixmanhi is it ok to install ubuntu on this http://i.imgur.com/6Jf7vLk.jpg22:33
daftykinscrazyhead42: man man22:33
stixmanand how22:33
crazyhead42I've tried. It doesn't seem to have anything which can help me.22:34
daftykins!ops | stixman troll22:34
divBy0Fuchs: is there a performance/speed difference between vmware player and workstation22:34
ubottustixman troll: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang22:34
daftykinsstixman: don't waste our time with juvenile trolling22:34
stixmandaftykins: i meant rather22:34
stixmani have an old pentium II with that card in it22:34
* phunyguy looks up22:34
stixmanhow do i install?22:34
TheMissingBitstixman, please learn to troll22:35
ianorlinwait install the os on the soundcard?22:35
TheMissingBituntil you learn to troll please /part this channel22:35
stixmanmine has ram slots for that purpose22:35
TheMissingBitat least try.22:35
phunyguyTheMissingBit: enough please22:35
stixmanTheMissingBit: wanna see my "missing" bits22:35
stixmani used a knife to cut them off22:35
phunyguystixman: you too.22:35
TheMissingBit!ops stixman troll22:35
ubottuTheMissingBit: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:35
TheMissingBit!ops | stixman troll22:36
ubottustixman troll: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang22:36
TheMissingBitForgot the pipe22:36
phunyguyTheMissingBit: YES HELLO22:36
stixman3==mm==D ~ ~ ~22:36
oli_how to get Teamspeak on ubuntu?22:36
TheMissingBitphunyguy, I haven't been in here for ages22:36
TheMissingBitphunyguy, don't judge me for not knowing the new ops :)22:36
IdleOneTheMissingBit: We are here. Stop now.22:36
TheMissingBitor old ones22:36
TheMissingBitIdleOne, I did stop.22:36
divBy0please forgive the ignorance but what is trolling?22:36
daftykinsdivBy0: not a valid question for this channel22:36
TheMissingBitdivBy0, pm me if you would like an answer22:37
TarovenHoping for a sidetrack: So I'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 (x64), single booting, and the EFI loader doesn't seem to be recognized by the system. Secure boot is off and same results in EFI or CSM mode. Any ideas where to go from here?22:37
=== parsnip` is now known as parsnip
TheMissingBitAre there any virtualbox images of Ubuntu?22:37
daftykinsTaroven: what kind of system?22:38
divBy0 is there a performance/speed difference between vmware player and workstation?22:39
TheMissingBitdivBy0, no22:39
ianorlinThemissingbit yes you can make them yourself by installing the iso22:39
TheMissingBitianorlin, no premades?22:39
oli_Does anyone know how to get Teamspeak on Ubuntu?22:39
hdonhi all :) i want to install the latest LTS, 14.04.1 i believe. i'm using debootstrap. which "suite" do i choose?22:39
Tarovendaftykins: Toshiba C55D, pretty standard laptop.22:39
ianorlinI haven't used virtualbox in a while but ususally22:39
daftykinsTaroven: check the BIOS is the latest, EFI implementations are so buggy it's worth giving that a go22:40
TarovenThink I'm gonna give it another whack with CSM through and through, I really don't want to reformat again for a bios update :(22:40
TheMissingBitoli_, wine is an option22:41
oli_TheMissingBit, but i heared you can install it on Ubuntu without wine.22:41
daftykinsTaroven: what do you mean format? just boot a DOS bootable with a BIOS utility perhaps. Toshiba may even give ISOs, who knows22:41
TheMissingBitoli_, http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads22:42
TheMissingBitDownload the one relvant to your archetecture22:42
Tarovenoli_: There's a Linux version of Teamspeak. IMO, switch to Mumble for your voice needs. =P22:42
oli_ok thanks22:43
TheMissingBitoli_, After downloaded, open a terminal and do this cd Downloads && dpkg -i *.deb22:43
TarovenArgh. CSM mode fails to start the pendrive. -.-22:43
TheMissingBitoli_, first have you checked the ubuntu software ccenter22:43
daftykinsnow he asks :P22:43
daftykinsTaroven: how did you make up this drive?22:43
Tarovendaftykins: Universal USB installer via this comp. Gonna try it once more using a different tool.22:45
daftykinswhat OS?22:45
daftykins'dd' would be great, after hashing the download to confirm it was good22:45
xhoch3any maintainers of Qt libs around?22:45
TarovenWindows 8.1, sadly.22:46
TarovenI'd love to just dd it, but no dual boot on this one.22:46
daftykinsTaroven: ah, UUI is fine - definitely worth hashing that download though22:46
TarovenAlready did. :(22:46
daftykinsupdate that BIOS then \o/22:47
TarovenAnd unetbootin fails to find the pendrive, of course. -.-22:47
daftykinsi would not use that22:47
TarovenYeah, it's a last resort tool for me. I prefer UUI or dd whenever possible.22:47
JokesOnYou77How can I stope Gnome 3 from turning off the screen immediately after it's locked?22:48
Corki have a remote machine (only access over ssh) and it has bad sectors on the root partition22:57
daftykinsCork: ok...22:57
Corktouch /forcefsck doesn't seam to mark the bad sectors, any suggestions how to solve this22:57
daftykinsit's dead, you can't work around it - you need to replace it22:58
daftykinsbad sectors can spread and get worse22:58
Corkuh, i know22:58
Corkbut i need to mark the sectors as bad22:58
rechargecan anyone please help me with this problem..   http://askubuntu.com/questions/579006/problem-with-hplip-3-14-10-install22:58
Corkcause the computer basically hangs every time it touches the sectors22:58
daftykinsright because you're still trying to use it :)22:59
crazyhead42Hey, how can I see the number of pages in a subsection of the manual? I've used "man man", had my dad try to help me, and all the other standard strategies, but have not found the answer, and I need it for my homework.22:59
daftykinsplayed with badblocks? i think whatever you're trying to do here is going to be a big waste of time22:59
daftykinscrazyhead42: try #linux since this isn't a homework channel22:59
Corkdaftykins: i didn't ask for help on replacing the drive...22:59
daftykinsyeah, that was your mistake really23:00
Corki asked for how to do a badblocks mark on the root system23:00
rechargeplease help me get my printer to work..!23:00
Corkanyone that's willing to try to help with this?, instead of being a smart ass?23:00
daftykinsit's a mistake to do anything than replace it that's all, no need to act all offended23:00
h00kCork: the drive itself will re-map around bad blocks as it comes across them23:01
Corkh00k: this drive doesn't have smart23:01
Corkso i don't think so23:01
h00kCork: I don't think there's a way to manually do that23:02
plasmasnakeTJ-: turns out it's nautilus that handles the desktop wallpaper23:02
Corkh00k: you can with badblocks, but i can't find a way to run it, as this is the root system23:02
Corki've ran it on other systems from init 1, but as i only have ssh... that isn't really an option23:03
h00kCork: I was going to suggest booting a live disk and doing it from there, sounds like you can't23:03
TJ-plasmasnake: Ahhh, now you mention it, I seem to recall hacking the code for it many years ago23:04
h00kCork: sounds like daftykins had it right, sounds like a good time for a replacement, or livedisk/fsck/badblocks23:05
daftykinsi tell no lies :(23:05
Corkreplacement isn't an option in this case23:05
daftykinsa disk without SMART is a very dubious claim too23:05
daftykinsdoes "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX" really not report anything on it?23:06
Corkdaftykins: the drive is an ide drive from ~ 9723:06
Corkso no, no smart23:06
h00kEspecially that old, replacement sounds like the thing you'll want to do. Something like badblocks might kick it to the curb if it's dying already23:07
daftykinsbeing PATA doesn't rule out SMART23:07
daftykinsh00k: +123:07
h00kCork: I've seen a simple format or diagnostics finally kick dying drives to the curb23:08
h00kbootup is especially hard23:08
pozanyone ever have a bad magic number in the superblock?23:09
bekkspoz: What if? :)23:10
pozever fix it on a ntfs?23:11
bekkspoz: What if?23:11
bekkspoz: Whats the actual issue behind that?23:11
pozhard drive issues23:12
bekkspoz: Can you form a specific question out of that? :)23:12
pozit would not boot. so I went and got a 4tb hard drive to clone to with clonezilla. a line said somthing about bad magic number in the superblock23:12
bekkspoz: What did it tell you exactly?23:13
h00kpoz: let windows chkdsk it, maybe use something like HBCD or something23:13
pozso I was googleing around and tryed a few things, but nothing that has solved the problem23:13
pozwindows wont boot up23:13
pozubuntu, becuase it is awesome. has no problem and can partially see the disk23:14
bekkspoz: What did it tell you about the magic number, exactly?23:14
bekkspoz: Can you please be more specific, what do you mean by "can partially see the disk"?23:14
pozthats all it told me. that it had a bad magic number in the super block. then it went onto cloning. I cancelled it because it was going to take days when it might be a more simple fix23:14
pozit goes very slow, and many files do not appear - that is what I mean by partially23:15
bekkspoz: So the message was: "Something about a magic number."? I do not believe in that.23:15
pozwell it flashed by very quicky.. I would provide all the info if I had it :(23:16
pozI ran this: sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb223:17
pozand it seems to have made it more stable. In gpart, it does not show a red exclamation mark beside sdb2, but it still has one aside of sdb1, (a small 128 mb partition) but sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb1 does not work with it23:18
TJ-poz: probably the file-system in sdb1 isn't NTFS23:19
TJ-poz: Likely it's an EFI FAT16/32 partition23:19
pozthat is true, it actually does not say what file system it is23:19
pozit says unknow for the file system. maybe it is not even formated...23:20
TJ-poz: "sudo blkid /dev/sdb1" may help23:21
pozTJ, that does nothing23:22
TJ-poz: likely no file-system in that partition then23:23
TJ-poz: or, a corrupted FS. testdisk might recover it if there is one, or photorec might see wreckage inside it23:23
euphoria64Hey guys, I have a question regarding dual boot23:26
pozhumm, I will try teskdisk23:26
daftykinseuphoria64: ok, waiting for it23:27
euphoria64Actually, it's not really about dual boot but rather driver problems23:27
daftykinsthe plot thickens..23:27
euphoria64So I can install ubuntu pretty easily via the usb live media23:27
euphoria64But I can't find a way to install the network driver during the installation23:27
euphoria64I did find a file online that holds the driver, but I'm not sure whether to put it in a folder in the live media or something else23:28
euphoria64Yeah, I remember it was the iwlwifi module23:29
daftykinsdoes this system - laptop? have wired networking?23:30
euphoria64Mmm... yeah, I can connect the laptop to a router...23:32
euphoria64Oh, you're asking me to download the module via wired connection.23:32
daftykinsso install, do a fill update over wired, then run "sudo modprobe iwlwifi" then reboot23:32
kruxtrying to set up a cronjob.. @reboot /path/to/comand -m simple.conf << does not seem to be working anybody knows if i am doing something wrong ? or missing something ?23:32
daftykinsmight get working wireless after that, depends what the device is23:32
daftykinseuphoria64: you need to share that with us really ;)23:32
euphoria64All right, I'll do it and see what happens. Thanks. :)23:33
=== moppy is now known as moppy_
moppy_Hi. Can I please ask how to identify a motherboard from within Ubuntu?23:36
moppy_I need to help someone with a bios upgrade, so I need to know what motherboard it is, and we don't have physical access to the machine.23:37
euphoria64moppy_, try "sudo dmidecode -t 2"23:38
OerHeksmoppy_, lshw shows your hardware23:38
OerHekseuphoria64 +123:39
Nick_____Hello, all.23:39
euphoria64Hi, Nick______.23:39
moppy_euphoria64: OerHeks Thank you both. Tells me it's a gigabyte Z87-D3HP-CF. Thanks.23:40
Nick_____I installed the newest Ubuntu on my computer, but after I logon, it freezes.23:40
daftykinsmoppy_: if there's any sign of multiple revisions for that board, don't take any risks :)23:40
Nick_____It's a HP Pavilion dv2000, and it previously ran Windows 7 64-bit, so I used the 64-bit installer.23:41
daftykinsNick_____: what kind of system?23:41
daftykinscan you give any details of the spec of the system? is it known stable?23:41
Nick_____No problems on Win. 7 before hand.23:41
daftykinsdoes a live session lock up?23:41
daftykinsleave it idle in 'try' for a bit and see if it dies23:41
=== icetea is now known as Guest5417
moppy_daftykins: Thanks. Seems to be 1.x only. Looking at bios now.23:42
Nick_____Welp, Imma go eat in the meantime.23:42
moppy_there's no way to tell bios version is there? :-)23:42
regnartimhey anyone notice that Chrome window resizing is slow/choppy?  any fixes for this, or does it sound like something w/ my graphics setup?23:42
moppy_Ah hyes there is. I dumped dmidecode to a file and i see it23:43
daftykinsregnartim: sounds like graphics yes23:43
gr33n7007hmoppy_, dmidecode -t bios23:43
moppy_gr33n7007h: Ya, i see it, thanks.23:43
gr33n7007hah, ok23:44
regnartimdaftykins: k thx... damnti nvidia23:44
daftykinsregnartim: well chrome is no saint either23:44
moppy_Thanks for help all. We have the new bios. Its up the onsite guys to flash it now (should be funny, its an .exe file + the image) :-)23:46
GladiaTeurinstalled vsftp and added ftpuser and i gived hem root permission directory to /var/www/html "sudo chown wordpress:wordpress -R /var/www/html" and "sudo usermod -a -G sudo wordpress" but when i am browsing on ftp port 21 i can't create directory23:49
GladiaTeurMKD /var/www/html/test23:50
GladiaTeur550 access denied thats what i get23:50
Nick_____Okay, after 15 minutes, the OS is still frozen.23:55
reisioNick_____: :)23:55
Nick_____Actually, it's a combination of extreme lag and freezes.23:56
Nick_____Can anyone help me?23:56
Nick_____I've rebooted it a couple of times, tried Ubuntu (through the installer) with the same output.23:56
doctarican anyone help with a question about menueditor on edubuntu?23:57
Nick_____Is anybody active/on?23:58
TJ-Nick_____: Does it do the same in the installer, or only after being installed to the HDD/SSD ?23:59
GladiaTeurwhy can't normal user create directory on /var/www/html23:59
GladiaTeurand how to give hem persmission to that23:59

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