
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
GeekDudeI'm running a liveusb01:31
GeekDudeHow do I check the architecture of the liveusb, and compare it to the architecture of the computer it's in?01:31
GeekDudelcpu tells me it supports 32 and 64 bit op-modes, but I'm not sure where to check to see what architecture of xubuntu the liveusb is01:32
knomeGeekDude, uname -i01:32
GeekDude`uname -a` says "Linux xubuntu 3.13.0-32-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 03:31:08 UT...01:32
GeekDudeuname -i says x86_6401:33
GeekDudethat'd be 64 bit, then?01:33
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knomeactually, uname -a should print the arch too01:34
knomeuname -i says "hardware platform" and it's not obvious to me if it's the kernel hw platform01:34
GeekDudeit says x86_64 three times01:34
knomeyep, it's 64-bit01:34
Unit193`arch` also works. :P01:38
GeekDudegood to know01:41
xubuntu67w "Is HP Officejet Pro 8610 e-All-in-One Printer compatible with Xubuntu 14.04"01:42
knomexubuntu67w, most hp printers work with xubuntu01:43
knomexubuntu67w, http://www.openprinting.org/printer/HP/HP-OfficeJet_Pro_K8600 - this is the closest i can find, and it says "works perfectly"01:44
xubuntu67wBefore I purchase the printer, I would like to know for sure. HP was no help on this issue.01:44
knomethis tells full support too. http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/officejet/hp_officejet_pro_8610.html01:45
xubuntu67wThx - I'll check it out.01:46
GeekDudelooks nearly done installing01:54
GeekDudewoo, post install updates02:01
GeekDude1600x1200 monitor ftw02:04
GeekDudelooks extra great with the blues of xubuntu02:05
ochosiknome: i guess "blues of xubuntu" is a compliment in your direction02:08
GeekDudeI love blue02:19
GeekDudeEggplant... Not so much02:19
Nixus 02:36
knomeNixus, any specific reason you sent that line?02:37
Nixussorry, mistake02:39
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=== Guest6149 is now known as GreekDude
alfatauhello all. i'm running xubuntu and after resume from hibernation i can't detect any wifi network. networking is actually handled by NetworkManager, so my /etc/network/interfaces has only the "lo" entry. How can i restart the manager or debug what happened? thank you in advance08:14
gabkdllyDid you try right-clicking on the system tray icon, and then deactivating wireless, and then reactivate it again ?08:15
alfataugabkdlly: obviously08:18
gabkdllyalfatau: Here is something I found on the internet, maybe it addresses you problem ?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2218043&p=13000035#post1300003508:29
gabkdllyBut I guess it might still be worthwhile to file a bug on launchpad.08:30
gabkdllyAnd beforehand, of course, search whether there is already a bug there.08:31
alfataugabkdlly: i found the solution: using nmcli i found network-manager was asleep after hibernation. this can be a bug.08:51
gabkdllyalfatau: I am glad you found a solution.  It does sound like something that is worth a bug report.08:54
alfataugabkdlly: found the known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/123446908:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1184262 in systemd-shim (Ubuntu Trusty) "duplicate for #1234469 times out too early, stuck in PrepareForSleep, causing network and other services to not resume" [High,Fix released]08:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1252121 in systemd-shim (Ubuntu Trusty) "missing PrepareForSleep signal after resuming, causing networking to stay disabled" [High,Confirmed]09:00
MeerkatI've had some hang issues with thunar for a while. I haven't been able to figure out the cause so I reported it on launchpad. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/+bug/141664511:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1416645 in thunar (Ubuntu) "thunar sometimes hang when going to parent directory" [Undecided,New]11:15
MeerkatI was hoping someone here could reproduce the issue based on my description. :)11:15
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rosaecaeruleaei need a video editor, cinelerra is buggy13:43
knomethere are options in the repositories, pick one13:47
not_dammitany idea how to get 256 color terminals working?16:45
slickymasternot_dammit -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/147462/how-can-i-change-the-tty-colors#15349316:50
knomeslickymaster, that ain't it :)16:51
slickymasterhmm, are you talking about ncurses knome?16:53
knomeslickymaster, no, i thin they'd like to enable more colors in the terminal, not change the preset colors16:54
knomethough i'm not sure which applications would benefit from that, because many only use the preset colors16:55
slickymasterok, I misread it then16:55
GeekDudeI've installed vino, but it uses this crazy encryption nothing else supports. Is there a simple way to disable that?17:06
GeekDude`gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false`?17:06
GeekDude:o it worked, never mind the questions17:07
GeekDudeBah, I switched to x11vnc17:31
holsteini forget why x11vnc met my needs better for the last setup.. i think it was a client side deal..17:32
koegsx11vnc is so easy to setup http://seb.so/vnc-from-boot-without-logging-in-ubuntu-lubuntu-xubuntu-and-mint-lmde/17:32
GeekDudeholstein: vino has issues with the lock screen17:33
GeekDudeI remember now why I used x11vnc last time I set this up17:33
GeekDudeit also appears to be working much faster than vino17:41
holsteinprobably setup differently17:41
GeekDudeNow I just need to bind super to the xfce menu17:43
GeekDudeI honestly can't tell if my new desktop has broken fans, or is just really quiet17:59
GeekDudeHow do I monitor my temps so I can be sure I'm not frying eggs/transistors in there17:59
holsteinshould have lots of safe-guards there.. like, if its new, a warranty.. also, most hardware will shutoff, at a bios level, if too hot.. i will typically look there, in the bios, when possible..18:00
holsteini will also try and stress something out.. starting simple with something like glxgears.. or a live iso that has a handy, relevant tool.. try and kick the fans up..18:01
GeekDudeIt's not new, if there was a warranty I probably voided it already, I know the hardware should shutoff18:01
GeekDudeI'm running minecraft at 40fps atm18:01
GeekDudefigure that should at least warm it up some18:01
holsteinthere are lots of temp monitors.. but, the hardware may not support them well.. you just have to start trying them.. then, you cann ask the additional questions of "are the temp monitors actually working?" and stress about that.. ;)18:02
GeekDudeYou're right18:02
holsteinsure, you said "new", which is why i was thinking it may have a warranty..18:02
GeekDudenew to me18:02
holsteinbut, if its a desktop, you might be able to simple look inside, and make out what is going on..18:02
GeekDudeProbably, I'm just lazy18:03
holsteinwith care, of course... running some hardware with the case open can mess up the air flow.. or be just plain dangerous..18:03
GeekDudeAlso, they could just be not spinning enough18:03
holsteincould also be "just fine" :)18:03
GeekDudeAs long as I don't jab my finger into the components I should be fine18:03
holsteinthat, or, if you were to pull something loose, and break the motherboard.. etc18:04
* GeekDude hot-swaps the drive 18:05
GeekDude the boot drive18:06
holsteinhehe.. yeah, thats a good way to break something while you are trying to make sure you are not breaking something ;)18:06
holsteinat least its a desktop.. sometimes, just taking a physical peak at laptop hardware can break something else loose while trying to open it up..18:07
uflaighello everyone, for some reason guake is sizing itself every time in100% height18:30
uflaigidk what to do18:30
uflaigcan anyone help me out18:30
pr0thello, I want to install qimo on xubuntu, which repository should I use for that?21:33

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